Safeguarding Booklet 2025

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At Green Valley, we take safeguarding and the protection of children exceptionally seriously. As far as possible, we aim to create a holistic environment where children feel, and are, safe.

Recent inspection of the school by the Education Development Trust has reported an excellent level of care for students. Feedback has included:

“The school has an exceptionally strong culture of care. The school’s work to keep students safe and secure is outstanding.”

However, safeguarding improvements should always be continual, with improvements persistently sought. As such, the school works closely with independent safeguarding consultants from the UK on annual inspections and recommendations. Our most recent feedback from January 2024 supported the school’s approach to health and safety, including our constant focus upon increasing capacity for training and raising the profile of safeguarding.

This setting of culture continues apace, and is one of our main aims for the next year. This document aims to outline for the community what safeguarding means, and how Green Valley practices it. This document will adapt and evolve, but with everyone’s help and understanding, the school will continue to deliver outstanding practice.

Our work begins even before a member of staff arrives.

Safer Recruitment means ensuring our staff and volunteers are suitable and well prepared to work with children. Our rigorous hiring process includes background checks, thorough references and police checks. Our staff team are then trained to an international standard regarding safeguarding and child protection, with additional inschool training regarding our systems, protocols and high expectations. All staff and volunteers sign a Code of Conduct that upholds our professional values and culture of care.

However, if you have a concern about an adult at Green Valley, you should always talk to the DSL or Head of School. Your concern will be listened to and dealt with professionally.

Our work at the school is comprehensive.

Safeguarding refers to community efforts to keep children's safety and wellbeing at the heart of everything we do, which includes:

• Operating a safe and secure site

• Enacting policies and procedures on the safety and wellbeing of students

• Having appropriately checked and trained teachers

• Monitoring and checking of attendance

• Maintaining excellent student and staff relationships

• Knowing and sharing important information about students with those that need to know

• Setting clear reporting systems

• Devising a modern and age appropriate PSHE curriculum, which includes wellbeing, digital safety, mental health, and appropriate Comprehensive Sexuality Education

• Creating open, direct and non- judgmental work with parents

• Linking with local services for additional support

• Applying international standards through our Safeguarding Self Review

• Undertaking annual independent safeguarding reviews from UK inspectors

• Deploying specialist staff in caring roles, for example the Nurse, Designated Safeguarding Lead, Registered Counselor, Pastoral Leaders, SENCO etc.

Green Valley has worked hard on expanding capacity within our team and has many staff in roles who take responsibility for the safety and wellbeing of our school community. We are here to help with any concerns you may have about your own or another child. Please do get in touch.

Our duties also involve working closely with parents.

Behaviour management at home is a sensitive and personal issue, and there are a wide range of viewpoints and beliefs. Whilst nearly 70 countries have banned or made smacking illegal, in Thailand it is still common and if reasonable force is used, it is legal. However, there is growing research and evidence that links smacking with negative outcomes later in life, as well as being ineffective in correcting the behaviour, whilst actually often making behaviour worse.

Alternatives, depending on the child’s age, include removal of privileges, time out or a home/school contract.

Smacking becomes physical abuse if unreasonable force is used, marks are left, or the purpose is to degrade or humiliate the child. At this point, school processes may be triggered to safeguard the child.

At Green Valley, we understand that children and families face all kinds of challenges, and would like to work with families to reduce stress and find alternative methods for managing behaviour at home. Please get in touch with a pastoral lead, counselor or DSL for support.

15 Discipline Alternatives to Smacking

Increasingly, our school also focuses upon helping students with all aspects of their wellbeing.

Students’ wellbeing and academic performance are closely related and we strive to develop students who are happy, well balanced and resilient by:

• Offering a holistic, broad and balanced curriculum

• Participation in our diverse CCA program

• Participation in our Outdoor Education Program, and opportunities such as the Duke of Edinburgh and Youth Explorer

• Developing student leadership and confidence through opportunities within Eco Council, Student Council, Prefects and Head Students, for example

• Encouraging a balanced lifestyle outside of school, which includes relaxation, physical activity, connecting with others socially, hobbies, giving to others and studying.

• Promoting and understanding the Cognita Be Well Charter

1 in 4 of us will experience mental health challenges in our life and signs often appear in childhood or teenage years, and can include:

• Excessive worrying or stress

• Being less interested in activities that usually motivate

• Becoming less active or engaging less with others

• A change in habits or behaviours

If you are concerned about the wellbeing of a child in your care, speak to your child’s teacher, pastoral leader, counselor or DSL.

Our support looks to ensure that all our children have access to professional help.

Our full time, UK qualified counsellor works with a range of students from 3-18. In primary, our policy is to first discuss provision with parents, whilst secondary students have the

opportunity to attend independently. However, parents are always informed if we have concerns about the wellbeing of the child in their care. Older students can sign up for

It is quite normal that students will experience periods of ill health as children. We can minimise the impact by ensuring students don’t miss days unnecessarily, for example for family holidays.

Our target for student attendance is 96% across the school. There is a link between student attendance and their academic performance as outlined in the poster below. Low attendance can also affect students' wellbeing as they can fall behind in learning, and miss important relationship building opportunities.

Please call in the morning to inform us of your child’s absence. If your child is absent from school without a reason, we will call within 2 hours to check on your child’s welfare.

Our school also seeks to ensure that we promote digital safety.

All parents are asked on admission and annually, if they consent to photos of their child being taken for publication on school social media, Seesaw or for other purposes. In addition, we follow international safeguarding best practice and require that visitors and parents are considerate when taking photos of students at school, and unless they have the consent of other childrens’ parents, to only take and publish photographs of their own child on social media. We endeavor to film and publish photos and videos of key events, which meets Data Protection requirements and can be reshared by families.

In order to comply with both UK and Thailand Data Protection Regulation, we only collect personal and sensitive information from families which is important for the students' education. We are committed to storing, using and sharing it safely.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I am concerned about an adult working with children?

You should speak to the designated safeguarding lead (DSL) or Head of School.

What if I am concerned about the wellbeing or safety of my child, or any other child?

You may speak to a teacher, tutor, pastoral lead, nurse, counselor, DSL or SENCO. It is vital that you report to us as soon as possible in case we need to intervene in a child at risk of harm.

I have changed my mind and no longer wish to give consent to my child’s picture being used on social media, and the school year book for example?

This is fine. You can talk to a member of staff or email the school reception at any time.

My child has been prescribed medication they need to take in the day. Can they keep it in their bag?

No, medication must be booked in with the nurse and taken to the medical room.

Our family is having a difficult time, but I don’t want to bother the school. What should I do?

Please reach out. We are here to help.

At St. Andrews Green Valley, we take care to provide a safe environment for learning. This is not just for our physical site but also includes any place where learning experiences for our students take place. We are independently audited yearly and look to improve our practice in partnership with advice from Cognita Health and Safety leadership. We maintain a set of Health and Safety policies and regular meetings are scheduled to discuss and action issues which arise.

Preventing accidents

We maintain a thorough suite of risk assessments for activities on and off site. These are reviewed biannually or when new activities or risks are identified. Every school trip has its own bespoke risk assessment which is written by the trip leader and approved by the Educational Visits Coordinator, Outdoor Education Coordinator and Senior Management. Our trip planning process is also monitored by Cognita consultants. Serious incidents and near miss incidents are reported to the senior leadership team and the Health and Safety Manager of Cognita Asia. We are constantly learning from incidents across the group and respond to information on potential risks.

Medical Practices at Green Valley

The school nurse is on duty in the medical centre from 8:00am - 5:00pm each day (lunch breaks taken in the canteen - note left for contact). In case of a sports fixture, the School Nurse will extend her working day until the match is finished.

Students should report to the school nurse if they are ill or injured.

The school nurse will contact parents in the case of injuries/illness requiring further treatment (example fever), when follow-up care or observation is required (example a head injury note is sent home), and when there is a visible mark from injury or a large wound.

If medicine is required to be administered in school time (trips and visits included) a ‘request to administer medication’ form should be filled out by the parent. This should be accompanied by the medication and prescription from the doctor/pharmacist. The medicine must be delivered to the nurse by a responsible adult (parent/bus monitor preferred). Medicine for school trips should be arranged by the parent at least 2 days before the trip departure.


All staff take yearly basic Health and Safety training to perform their roles. A significant number of our staff are also qualified first aiders. In addition to this, some of our school staff hold Austere First Aid certificates, Lifeguard qualifications, food handling qualifications and qualifications in leading activities, for example rock climbing. These enhanced qualifications not only improve the safety of students but they also allow us to assess the suitability of third parties we use for trips and activities.

School Roles

Health and Safety Lead and Educational Visits Coordinator - Ben Shield - responsible for managing the health and safety of the site and ensuring trips and visits are planned and run safely. Please direct enquiries/concerns regarding any Health and Safety or Visit to

Site Security and Access

What are the gate opening times?

7:30 - No children should be on the main school site, as gates remain closed until 0800, but supervised spaces are available. These include:

• Breakfast Club for registered students, run by our designated team

• Coffee shop area supervised by security teams and staff

Gates into the school grounds open at 8:00am to begin the school day. Gates close at 8:30am. After this time, all students and parents should access the school via reception.

Afternoon gate opening time is 16:10 – 16:30.

At all other collection times parents should report to the reception area at the front of school. Early years parents will be allowed to walk to the EY area from here to collect their children at 12:00am and 3:10pm.


Friday afternoon gates will open at 15:10 and close at 15:40 to reflect the early finish time.

• Early morning swimming on Wednesday and Friday. Parents can drop their children at the pool using the school’s side entrance but are asked to then park at the front of school. Parents can then walk to the pool around the back of the PE office through the sliding gate at the coffee shop.

• United Football Friday - please use the sliding gate at the coffee shop to access the school field (open 15:10 – 16:45). Please wear your parent lanyard.

• Fixtures – Football field/basketball/swimming - please use the sliding gate at the coffee shop to access the school field/basketball court/swimming pool. Opening times are dependent on the timings of the sporting fixture.

When can parents see learning?

Parents are welcome to attend a whole host of events, from primary assemblies, learning journeys and open days, for example. These will be communicated in advance for parents to join. Parents can also initiate a visit and simply request the school as to who they would like to see, or if a tour of the school is requested. We will happily welcome you and attend to your inquiry.

Why do I need to be met in the reception area?

We expect parents to use the reception area when visiting school outside of normal drop off and collection times. This is so we can have an accurate register of visitors on our school site and appropriately meet and greet. Parents are very welcome to use the coffee shop area at all times of the school day.

Why have we made changes to security?

We have reviewed security measures to better control who has access to the school site to increase the safety and well-being of students and staff. All staff will remain welcoming to visitors but we expect visitors to wear a lanyard and sign in at the reception desk. Please make an appointment if you wish to meet school staff during the school day.

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