Table Summer 2020

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we’re in this together


The church doors have never been more open.


Dear St. Andrew’s family,

“St. Andrew’s is not only a place, we are a community.”

We are not alone. For years, St. Andrew’s has produced Table Magazine, a publication filled with stories from our church community. This season, we’ve put together a digital version, with the theme “we’re in this together,” because, well, it’s easy during this unprecedented pandemic to feel extremely isolated. But our church family continues to step up and make a significant and meaningful impact in each other’s lives, and in the lives of our community, especially in this challenging time. We are here for one another, and as you read through this latest version of Table Magazine, I pray that you are encouraged by all the personal stories and experiences shared, by people of all ages. Finally, I invite you to continue to pray for one another, for our church family, for our community, and for our world. As we are all trying to figure out how to create and live in a new rhythm, our prayer is that we are all able to stay safe and healthy and that this season will ultimately make us stronger as we learn to “live our lives worthy of the calling we have received” (Ephesians 4:1). I am so grateful for you, how you’ve stayed faithfully together as a community in following what God has for us and our church family at this time, and have passed on to others what God is doing in and through St. Andrew’s. We are a family. So go forward today knowing that you are not alone, and that you are loved. TABLE MAGAZINE // 2020


St. Andrew’s is not only a place, we are a community.









Just before Memorial Day weekend, St. Andrew’s

chocolate candies, and a beautiful red rose with a

received 80 large boxes of fresh produce to share

note attached (in case no one was home) explaining

with those in need in our community. Julie Wood

our intent to bless and encourage the receivers and

offered 20 of these boxes to the Deacon ministry,

remind them of our love and God’s love for them.

which we decided to distribute among our own

I was thrilled to help and be a part of a fun surprise

church members as a reminder of our love for them.

and my joy was doubled in the delivering of these

On Memorial Day morning, many Deacons appeared

bags as well. It was a pleasure to deliver five bags

— our masks on and our temperatures taken —

and I knew three of the people! The recipients were

ready to build “Blessing Bags” to deliver that day

so surprised and felt loved and cared for! One friend

to bless some members of our church family. Some

told me that the Blessing Bag showed her that the

came to help sort food into bags and others arrived

church really loved her, and this touched her heart!

later to deliver the goodies. We missed each other,

It was a privilege to witness God’s love poured out

so it was just a treat to be together! We worked in

to those 80 lucky individuals; I was blessed too,

pairs using gloves to fill mid-sized tote bags with

especially in knowing that God has not forgotten

potatoes, carrots, onions, apples, melons, oranges,

his beloved ones even during the quarantine. This was a beautiful picture of God’s grace & kindness in action.


“One friend told me that the Blessing Bag showed her that the church really loved her...”



“I just had tears streaming down my face as it really sunk in how much St. Andrew’s means to our family...” Michelle Schrock PRESCHOOL STORY

ago. The void of not being able to interact with

know how important you guys are to the

you and his classmates has been huge. We

students, and specifically to Harry and our

are so thankful for the Zoom calls! It’s part of

family. I have been in survival mode these past

our nightly conversation, discussing if he gets

6 weeks; trying to keep our house running,

to see his teachers and classmates. He always

working from home, and being Harry’s playmate

wants to know what Miss Andie’s email says the

and mom at the same time. We were excited

night before and he glows when Miss Tiffany

to drive by the school and see the teachers

Facetimes us. I know it isn’t the same for you

and I was just focusing on getting there to

guys, you don’t get the affirmation each day

check it off my to-do list for the morning.

of those sweet conversations with the kids or

The most unexpected thing happened as we

watching them slowly grow over time. But you

were driving home from the drive-by... I just

guys still carry just as much weight even if it’s

had tears streaming down my face as it really

behind the computer screen. Thank you for

sunk in how much St. Andrew’s means to our

continuing to show up, for asking thoughtful

family and how much we’ve missed it. You guys

questions through the screen, and for thinking

provide such an important space in Harry’s

of creative ways to make the Zoom calls

life and in our family routine. At school he is

interactive. Two years ago when I was scouting

learning about Jesus, major social skills that will

preschools, I fell in love with St. Andrew’s,

carry him throughout life, the foundations of

the style of education, school philosophy and

reading and math, learning how to make good

the warmth from the teachers. Thank you for

choices, what to do in conflict, and gaining

continuing that presence through this insane

self-confidence... and as we drove away it just

season of life.

hit me that all of that was taken away 6 weeks TABLE MAGAZINE // 2020


I just wanted to let the St. Andrew’s Preschool


“...our requests to pray for these dear people have turned into “church...”


In the midst of complaints of pain, fear and the broken place the motel dwellers have come to, there is of course mourning and grumbling. However, in these same people, I have witnessed great faith, and reliance on our good God. Some are thrust into these temporary motel stays due to the financial impact of COVID-19. Others live on the brink of homelessness, not able to find consistent work and live in motels for months or even years. “Candace” has lived alone in the same motel for a year. Her father could not accept some of her life choices and rejected her. He excluded her from his life until, on his deathbed, God’s mercy filled him with love for his child and they were reconciled. Even through this terribly lonely existence, Candace wants to share the love and gratitude she has for God for walking beside her and bringing restoration to this relationship. On a number of occasions, our requests to pray for these dear people have turned into “church” as we circle together and petition for one another, and praise his holy name. These friends are in my heart and prayers throughout the weeks as I ponder what they share with me, and how God is using this in


their lives, and mine. Even as I am so awed by the


desperation, seeing God with these people, in the midst of these troubling circumstances, gives me the TABLE MAGAZINE // 2020

courage to go back to them with joy.

WE’RE IN THIS TOGETHER. I’M IN NEED I WANT TO HELP LATEST UPDATES Visit if you are in need of pastoral care, prayer, food, or to learn about opportunities to serve during this time.


“I wasn’t expecting such generosity and it was such a relief, an answer to prayer.”



Righ t afte I was r sta wear y-aty du paid hom e leave to th e ord e . ers f I’m a fact rent, rom that sing car p COV I l e mo was aym team ID-1 n e m o n t allo t, etc 9 we and and wed re pu I did . I re took with ceive n’t k t t into o the i an a w n o d n o n rk an plac itiati w wh swer an a in ta e, d v l l a e t -chu wasn o my tIw king to as r a c ’ t t c s h k he ti r g g i a sev e f s e o o m i tting s. I w r hel ing t me t ail fr ere s p on o do ant t any om t o de horta not o o t h l t h i o v e s e e a pay ge in St. A web y tha r the nly f my site. ndre ed u nk yo the m muc gene I got w’s S s, bu h-ne u St. arke rosit e e t a r t d A a ve , and follo lso h ed g ndre y an cam w-up roce elpe w’s f I was d it w e thr r o d c i e r f a a o a s l s y ough l cing ffset our k to m such an a a fin . I ha my fi y ho indn a rel dult. a m n v e n i e e a s c e s n f ial cr been . The , an St. A cial b appr answ isis. ndre re w atten urde eciat Your as er to w’s h n d e all . i n I was dona g St. as al pray the c n w t e A ’ ions t exp r. I tr ays b ndre alls t to m uste ectin w’s s o ch een ake d g e i a n t c c s h l k o uch e Jr. sure e Lo ving on m rd an High that plac e to I’m a d e a s n h e w d e e if I ith lo lrigh retur need ving t. Th ned ank p a a e n s ople ythin you , and g-p agai raye n so I r and , so muc just h!

ique and emic is un id p e is th f o aters, ial impact financial w y rk u m The financ h g ation throu d has illful navig y. The worl a w e th e requires sk e guid the courag of hope to nd sustain a and a light t p a d a st in y to otionally, re d our abilit m n e a d d n e a g n y a ll ch es you th financia the groceri survive, bo d to re d a e sh d I e . e n le like you ruggling. ss of peop o is also st h w rs o b the kindne h my neig ith one of k you. gave me w u and than o y ss le b God










Wednesday night Small Group “the Huddle” at his home for several years. Jim would always provide “high-quality” snacks, such as Skittles, Peanut M&M’s, gummy bears, peanuts, potato chips, Cheetos ... well, you get the idea. Ever since the COVID-19 restrictions started, we all missed the camaraderie that comes with eating (snacking) together while doing our bible study. St Andrew’s quickly set us up to meet virtually, but the virtual snacks just were not the same. We all, as a group, lamented our loss. I decided to do something about it. I




Twinkies—and put them in Ziploc bags. In the bags, I added a message with a picture of a huddling football team and a note giving the video link and the time of our meeting. I dropped the treats off on the front porch of each house a couple of hours before our group was to connect. I had a great time working on this little surprise, and the snacks made our meeting so much


more memorable.

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// 2020

each sumed n o c o be d me easy t helpe o s a o t h r p p a f u a grou n, it is all Gro e w m o m S d d k y n c ding wife a day. M s of lo elf rea n my s e day of the e s y s e iv m h g w t d e s , g t. I fin bad n mons nd ha Durin tive a y the uppor ay ser c s b d e n d g p u n s in r S a h morn n the bout, s. Eac s in pe pray a ctive o e new eeting , e h t t m p u t s r o u m e o ab rew’s to p gain p think . And our Zo t o o t S g t e e in r r le h u t u p of the script , and epth d of peo news ading s in-d ks and e d r e o a s r, o s b e b u ay he ward isc more e on t t of pr ok for oup d k r is a lo s g t I n r . n o u c o drew’s t, I the son. s now which St. An in per ith tha , r w orning u e o m d h y t e y e thank t. Arm ip tog day, m omen p, and worsh u M d o r g n a G in mall meet Morn you, S again k e n c a n h o t ro m day. T e can B e rg s time w r e e t h t e P to

It was a disappo intment meeting when w in perso e had to n. But w avoid rescue, it h Zoom I was ple coming a s a n tl to the could sh y surpris ed with are, disc h u o s s, and p w well w friendly ray toge e faces an ther. Jus d th t seeing eir supp made th ortive co is time s mments pecial. G has od alwa ys provid for his p es a way lan to un fold.

Bill Mc

D o we l l

e, I just wanted to take a As the school year is coming to a clos St. Andrew’s Preschool moment to send a note of gratitude for Miss Tiffany. and specifically praise Miss Andie and


so unprecedented that I’m in The events of the last few months were Tiffany have stayed engaged awe of the ways Miss Andie and Miss ldn’t have blamed them for and connected with their students. I wou their own needs during this just wanting to be done and attend to much time and effort. time, but instead they have put in so keep you in our prayers as Thank you to you and your staff. We will next. We know for sure you this year wraps up and you plan for the creativity. have no shortage of love, effort, and

Carrie Anderson TABLE MAGAZINE // 2020



“Our attendance has risen from 22 to 33 at our last meeting!” At first we were a bit hesitant as to how successful an online session would work, especially with the age of the group and the technology involved! As it has turned out, after a few problems got cleaned up, it has worked very smoothly. Our attendance has risen from 22 to 33 at our last meeting! Many new faces have appeared and joined in with several from out of the area like Texas and Mexico. We have been blessed with having Randy Steele, a retired pastor, leading the Bible Study from the Book of Philippians over the last 8 weeks. He sends his notes out prior to each session so we can review his presentation. I have been overjoyed by the turnout and the depth of the materials. The small groups that break up after the presentation have allowed for a much closer interaction of the men involved which is really good. We do miss our weekly breakfasts and personal interaction, but 3 weeks ago decided to meet at Mariners Park and bringing our own chairs. It may have


been a bit noisy and misting, but it was a lot better in getting together!

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Life is meant to be lived in community. Due to COVID-19, we encourage you to follow the guidelines regarding social distancing. You'll be able to join your Small Group online using video or just through a phone call. Either way, you’ll be able to join in the fun. Discussion content for your Small Group is also available


“I would never have known what they were missing most or what they were most grateful for had that Zoom not taken place!”


Staying home and staying connected as a church family has been our biggest goal. We knew we had to be incredibly cautious but somehow continue in community. The truth is, we need each other, but more importantly, it’s clearer than ever that as a church body, we truly love each other. So, we started with videos, trying to stay connected through Instagram challenges, crafts, and messages that kept our focus on Jesus. We are called to do two things. To love God, and to love people. See how IN THIS TOGETHER

these families in our congregation did just that:



During quarantine, one father realized through 3D printers that

Bronwen Newcott started doing Zoom art classes on Saturday

he could produce masks that

Mornings. It was such an amazing experience that I asked her

front line care workers needed.

if she would lead the children of our church in the same type of

Hospitals were thrilled and he got

Zoom. I wish everyone could have seen it. The children made

together with the St. Andrew’s

buckets and then she asked them about what loss they were

Serve team and they purchased

feeling. Children began to pour their hearts out about how

enough printers to produce up to

they missed their friends and their teachers. They spoke of a

80 masks a day! His kids jumped

sense of defeat because they couldn’t finish preparing for team

in and helped. Andy Wolf and

championships, dance recitals and other activities. After they

his wife Amberly made it a family

spoke, she asked them what they still DID have. Then, the tide

project and their girls spent hours

changed. They all “refilled” their own art buckets with what they

helping to keep others safe!

did have. Some said more time with dads, some said their family was cooking together more, some said they were playing games and doing puzzles more than ever. But to hear the parents calling afterward to say, “I would never have known what they were missing most or what they were most grateful for had that Zoom not taken place!” Thank you Bronwen and her precious daughter Maeve who helped guide the night!

The minute it was announced that it wasn’t safe to meet at churches, Mark and Melissa Markos opened their home to eight families. They played the service on the television over their fireplace and had the adults in one area and the kids at a giant table. These two, like the others mentioned, will not let anything stop their joy! They have seen God do big things and they delight in gathering with friends to live our state shouldn’t gather in homes, they followed the guidelines and stopped - but the minute they were lifted, they called their friends to be one of our first home churches! TABLE MAGAZINE // 2020


out loving God and truly loving people! When it was announced that


ce 2011. ndrew’s sin A t. S t a rs e e orders. een memb ay-at-hom d I have b st n a e d th n h a it sb w ted bout My hu r do just a ng so isola li o e p fe o n sh e e s, run errand We have b isability e house to d was on d th n f a o t sb u u o h g y M Venturin ere piling allenging. ical bills w en very ch d e e b m s r a u h o g -19, eries, anythin e to COVID r two surg u e d ft a r, e d v n e a w s; Ho ng the for 7 month k to work. to navigati finally bac in is d e e h p y, m ll ju only did up. Thankfu st of that I dren. Not in the mid il h d c n a o b tw r jo u o I lost my food, and arning for ch-needed distance le u f m o r, s e ie y it ra x nity, with p comple of commu our family se n e se id v g ro in p rt ’s d a comfo and me a St. Andrew they offere my family s, g e in li iv p g p r su fo household Andrew’s, grateful! nk you, St. a h T . e We are so c a y. e it p n u d n m a m e o c lov pport and sense of su


St. An drew’s has be first st en a m arted ecca o attend f safet Christ in g in 2 y on S -filled 012. T aturda in the h my bib e y nigh m ir e c mbers ommu le stud ts sinc nicatio are alw y lead eI violen n. I re a er and y s ce sur warm memb t h v e iv a n s e o a d r the k r. As a fety o job in indne f St. A result San B s n s e o drew’s rnardin f COV of I also ID-19, as a d o and had to omest I lost 2 my se pay fo ic cond jobs, m r inter (a luxu job in y prim net fo ry I co s o u a t r ry h Ora uld no home financ nge C schoo t affor ial ass ounty. li d n is ) . g t S a f t n o . Andr and p ce wh r my 3 revent ew’s p ich ma childre ed ho rovide d e n it meles possib d f o od an sness le for d for my me to family pay m gratef . God y rent ul for is goo your h d and elp! I am





“... they offered a comforting sense of community, love and peace.”


“I have had a lot of extra time on my hands since everything is canceled which has allowed me to spend more time with the Lord.” Frankie Paalman FAMILY MINISTRIES STORY

Most of us would say that quarantine has been

friends as much as usual, I have acknowledged the

a horrible, boring, unfortunate event that has

fact that my friends are so important to me and that

suddenly fallen into our laps. Although that may be

they help me grow as a person. I’ve also learned

true, there are a few of us that would disagree and

that no matter what, the Lord has everything

look at the positive sides like allowing us to learn

under control and there is always a positive side to

and grow through our experiences and connecting

things. Although times might be hectic right now,

with the Holy Spirit and the community around us. In

everything will soon settle down and God will lead

fact, I am one of those people.

our community in a better direction. As people say,

Throughout this crazy time, I’ve taken a step back

everything happens for a reason, and if we took

and latched onto the positive opportunities that have come out of this pandemic and it has been beneficial in so many ways. I have had a lot of extra time on my hands since everything is canceled which


has allowed me to spend more time with the Lord.

the time to think about it, we would be able to find multiple ways that quarantine has been positive or beneficial. We’ve been able to grow as a community, connect with the Lord, and even grow as people and focus on ourselves now that we have so much time

Reading my bible, mainly the book of Proverbs,

on our hands.

has been eating up some of my time because I

As this pandemic continues and we are still trying

can’t seem to get enough of the wisdom that I gain

to stay socially distanced, try to think of all the

when reading. I’ve had more reasons to pray which

good things that have happened in the past couple

is a great motivation for me and gives me comfort

of months, maybe even get creative and make a

through these hard times.

journal out of it, but whatever you do, stay positive,

While connecting with the Lord and having so much

stay safe, and stay healthy. My prayers go out to you

time on my hands, I have been able to learn so much through quarantine. Without being with my

20 T A B L E M A G A Z I N E

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all, and continue to think positive!

“One thing is certain, God never abandons his people.”

Carol Collins + Julie Sullivan WOMEN’S MINISTRY STORY

Thanks to technology and our virtual leader, Kim

sure to carve out time for praise reports and

Johnson, our “Devoted” Bible Study is Zooming

prayer requests. We feel it’s doubly important

along. We aren’t missing a beat and all of our

to lift each other and our families in prayer

sweet sisters in Christ are participating. It’s very

during this time of turmoil in our country. We

evident, we are keeping peace, love and joy

also are diligent about praying for our church

alive during this time of sheltering in place.

and our nation.

In many ways, we feel our sharing is actually

We feel blessed to be a close-knit band of

richer and more insightful. Perhaps it is because

believers who cherish each other’s presence.

we are sheltered at home and have the gift of

While looking forward to the time we can be

time to pray and dive deeper into God’s Word.

together in person, we are beyond grateful to

One thing is certain – God never abandons

meet on Zoom each week and share the good medicine of joy filled hearts.

working in our group. We feel connected, we

Thank you St. Andrew’s for being our guiding

feel God’s presence and we feel the support of

light during this time. And, a special thank you

one another.

to Timberly Eckelmann. We love you and are

In addition to our lesson and sharing our

very grateful for your virtual teaching each week.

golden nugget verses each week, we make TABLE MAGAZINE // 2020


his people and that is evident in how he is


“...I’ve learned how much to appreciate every single thing in my life.” Kali Lukei FAMILY MINISTRIES STORY

Three months ago, I never would have imagined

else. Most of all, what I’m thankful for is how even in

being so thankful for spending time after school

this strange time, I’ve been able to strengthen and

on my last “normal day” (March 13th) in the Corner

take refuge in my relationship with Jesus. Even in

Café at St. Andrew’s. But like everything else, I now

my weakest moments (and there were definitely a

realize how special that time was. I miss the church

few), I always come out stronger after praying, being

more than I can express, but at least I got that one

able to remember how God is in control, and trust

last day in (and one last Iced Chai Latte which I also

everything that comes my way is part of his plan for

miss dearly). Despite the craziness and discomfort

me. Another thing I’ve learned is how to enjoy the

Covid-19 has brought upon all of us, like any

smallest moments. Every sunset I see, every chance

situation there’s always something to be learned.

to see a friend, even simple bike rides, is so special

Whether it be the small things like Chai Lattes or

and should never be taken for granted. Overall,

big things like my friends and family, I’ve learned

even though this experience hasn’t exactly been

how much to appreciate every single thing in my

perfect, I’ve grown so much as a person and in my

life. Especially hugs. Let me tell you, every hug I’ve

relationship with God.

been able to get I’ve enjoyed more than anything

Bob Berger




During the quarantine, our Wednesday Men’s Fellowship has continued to meet using Zoom, with close to 30 men who join. We start with individuals from the group sharing about whatever topics or prayer requests come to mind, including reminders to pray for anyone not able to attend for health or other reasons. We also talk about the local and global ministries our group has financially supported throughout this crisis. Randy Steele then spends about 20 minutes giving his thoughts on the section of Philippians he is teaching that week, TABLE MAGAZINE // 2020

accept the Word. We ’s d o G n o ng often ears focusi ch. We’ve y u f o m r e so b h m it u w minded met for a n re blessed Andrew’s re group has lly as we a t. ll ia a S c e s, sm u sp r e n u y o O . up the need ry shelters pandemic to give to in tempora . With the g rs in e v th li o instruction d e n ,a h to serv ed ss, jobless out our wis d and agre re homele a o h w prayed ab st e discusse w id , m d r e u e o n in asked living in feed those as up, we w lp e e h m us of those ti to t y a th unit need eks. When ific opport t a tangible ested 6 we e saw a spec g e e g m w su n to e e y h th W milies for lly nice opportunit food for fa as especia gave us an w is h h ic T h s. w k e se to provide o ge er 6 we n a challen mmon purp e for anoth us, it’s bee ity for a co f n o u to continu e m m m o so c ver, we For r in g togethe -19. Howe fractured. l in ID e in V fe jo O n C e a il c h to y w communit stores due o burden time when s – really n going into d f is n o th ie ry g fr e n d le ri n u d ya as we were from famil r the food s with help e ri e c ro to shop fo g givers! uire ed. erhood of way to acq st a si d e n richly bless th u r so fo n e e each b at all fo e v od. rs as we ha ibute the fo bless othe tr is to d y d it n n a u rt po coordinate for the op g willing to in st grateful e o b m r re fo a t n e W strom, departme the Serve , Jan Landt d o o tw A Thanks to y u to lle

he hS own, Lea ngmire, S Nancy Lo y St. Sure, Joan Br Jud

supplemented by his incredibly well-prepared written summary. It is literally like having a great sermon every week! After that, we break into separate virtual “table” groups, where each group is free to talk about what Randy had to say, or whatever else is on their minds.



Most of the men who attend have not been able to go out of their homes to any extent at all, and it is clear that having this virtual capability to meet has been so important in keeping our particular part of the body of Christ together in fellowship, if not in person. And in renewing all of our minds in the growing knowledge of the Bible and Jesus Christ.


we’re in this together

stay connected // SAPRES.ORG



600 St. Andrews Rd. @SAPRES


Newport Beach, CA 92663 949.631.2880 |

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