get connected! New to St. Andrew’s? We would love to help you get connected! After each worship service on Sundays, various staff and elders can be found at the Connect Center across the Plaza from the Sanctuary. Have some coffee with us and ask us questions. It’s a casual time to for us to get to know each other. We would also love to help you find a “next step” at St. Andrew’s.
The small groups at St. Andrew’s are designed to help you form an authentic connection with a smaller circle of believers where you can be known, encourage each other in faith, and grow together in your discipleship walk. Groups typically meet in homes or at the church at various times and days. Many groups include a meal and a Bible or sermon study.
new to st. andrew’s?
fall sermon series welcome 1O – OCTOBER 2 God is at work, even when we don’t see it. Join us for our fall sermon series, The Power of Re, where we will discover how God Re-builds, Re-news, and Re-stores the world around us.
STARTING POINT This is a class that will help you learn about our church history, beliefs, structure, and ministries. You will get to meet church staff and have time to fellowship with others in the class. At the end of the series of classes, participants will have the option to become members of St. Andrew’s.

You and your family won’t want to miss the most magical concert of the year. Join us for our Christmas Concert as we worship and praise His name during this joyful season. Tickets go on sale at on October 4. Visit our website for details, and contact Gina Pierce at for questions. Tickets Go on Sale in October events
Thanksgiving is a day for family. After you put the turkey in the oven, come join your St. Andrew’s family for the Thanksgiving worship service.
Contact J oe Cristina, for more information.
October 30 / 4:00 p.m. / Sanctuary
Join Dr. Jung-A Lee and fellow Vanguard University Instrumental Director, Dr. Kenneth Foerch and his saxophone quartet for some beautiful music. $20 Suggestion Donation.
SING Come join Lori Loftus and friends for a Reformation Celebration Hymn Sing!
The Hootenanny is a great time of fellowship through playing and singing beloved hymns and folk songs. We will meet in the Corner Café on Wednesday, September 14 and September 28. More dates to follow. datethesave
September 14 + 28 / 4:00 p.m. / Corner Café
December 24 + 25 / Times Vary / Sanctuary
One of the most exciting areas to get involved in the church is on our St. Andrew’s weekend production team. There are so many great opportunities for the tech-minded to serve and be creative!
You are invited! Explore the joy of singing at St. Andrew’s by joining the Sanctuary Choir this fall under the direction of Michael Busch. All new prospective members are encouraged to meet with our director before attending their first rehearsal. Contact Becca Bishop, to make an appointment.
December 11 Christmas Concerts / 4:00 + 7:00 p.m. / Sanctuary Family Christmas Celebration / 5:30 p.m. / The Well
WORSHIP TEAM Have you ever considered joining our worship team for our Modern Worship services? You should! Anyone interested must audition with our Minster of Worship, Brandon Muchow. Contact Gina Pierce, to make an appointment.
October 2 / 3:00 p.m. / Sanctuary
Join us on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day at St. Andrew’s! There is nothing like celebrating the birth of our Lord as a church family. Service times TBA.
worship get involved
November 24 / 10:00 a.m. / Sanctuary

Each Wednesday we meet for fellowship, breakfast, and teaching. Dr. Randy Steele will focus on “Christianity for Skeptics.” Zoom meetings are available to those who cannot join us in person. Wednesdays / 7:30 - 8:30 a.m. / Dierenfi eld Hall AStarts September 13 For more information for these events, email or visit
TRIBE MORNINGS Moms of infants to preschoolers: Let’s learn together from mentor moms, pastors, and speakers on personal wellness, family, and marriage matters. Wednesdays / 9:15 - 11:00 a.m.
Youth Center Patio TRIBE NIGHTS Moms of toddlers to teens: Join us for a no-homework Bible study. Childcare available with advance registration. Wednesdays / 6:15 - 7:30 p.m. Youth Center Patio CHECK OUT UPCOMING EVENTS Stay up to date with our events at
Men of St. Andrew’s, join us for this monthly gathering. Start your Saturday morning with a hot breakfast, authentic conversation, and fellowship. Join us for a hot breakfast in the Family Center, where just $10 will get you a delicious breakfast. Contributions go towards providing for the food and Men’s Ministry. Learn more at
This fall we will be completing our chronological Bible study. Newcomers are welcome as we continue through the Old Testament with teacher Timberly Eckelmann. Pre-registration is not required.
This fall we will begin a study on the letters to Timothy and Titus. Join Elder Greg Chao, Pastor Bryan Eckelmann, and other various teachers as we explore Scripture and have lively discussions. There are small groups meeting in person and virtually via Zoom. Tuesdays / 6:50 - 8:00 a.m. / Dierenfield Hall A MEN’S BREAKFAST + BIBLE STUDY
Join us this fall as we connect with each other over coffee and tea, and hear a discussion led by Pastor Shannon Coon. This is a great opportunity to meet with other women of the church and bring a friend too! Childcare provided with advance reservation. November 5 / 9:00 - 11:30 a.m / Dierenfield Hall
This Bible study combines head and heart. As we learn information about the Bible, we will explore how the Word of God forms us. This fall we will start by studying the Book of Hebrews. There will be minimal “homework” with this study and plenty of time for discussion each week as a group. Mondays / 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. / Gibson Room
Raising children doesn’t have to feel like a choose-your-ownadventure novel. Come find real, Christ-centered community with other moms in a fun and encouraging way.
Monthly / 9:00 a.m. / Family Center women
For more information, registration, or childcare requests for these events, email or visit
Starts September 14 Starts September 19
Tuesdays / 9:30 - 11:30 a.m / Dierenfield Hall

Wednesdays / 6:30 - 7:15 p.m. / Gibson Room
“IN HIS WILL” You are invited to come pray with us as we seek to better discern God’s will, experience the Spirit’s power, and make a difference for Christ in our homes, neighborhoods, and surrounding communities. Mondays / 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. / Stewart Lounge
As we continue to grow, we’d love to invite you to be a part of our community. Whether that’s by hosting a Taco Tuesday at your house, sponsoring a night with your small group, or joining us as we pray for our young adults, we want your help nurturing this group. Email Troy at to learn more about how to support our young adults.
This is a class that helps individuals become more engaged with St. Andrew’s. We teach some of our core faith and denominational beliefs, give a history of the church, and introduce participants to staff members. At the end of the series of classes, participants may opt to join the church. (This class is required for church membership.)
become a young adults sponsor
Starts September 14 good Dinner for All / 5:30 p.m. / Dierenfield Hall Adult Classes / 6:15 - 7:30 p.m. Tribe (A Place for Moms) / 6:15 - 7:30 p.m. Children’s Programming (see page 12)
What is Wednesday Night Dinner? It’s the dinner before Wednesday Night Programming, a lovely, scrumptious meal that we serve prior to our Wednesday programming. We’ve been serving dinners since 1999. Cooking starts at 2:00 p.m., and decorating starts at 3:30 p.m. To get connected, email Linda Sheppard at
WEDNESDAY NIGHT TOGETHER On Sundays we worship together and on Wednesdays we grow together on our faith journey. Wednesdays include dinner for all ages, followed by discipleship opportunities. Cost is $7.00 per adult, $4.00 for kids 12 and under, or $20 per immediate family if you plan to join us for dinner. Every Wednesday / St. Andrew’s
Wednesdays / 6:30 - 7:15 p.m. / Flannagan Room
What is the opposite of faith? Can I be a Christian and still have doubts? The Sunday Bible Study will continue the conversation begun by Pastor Jason’s sermons on Hebrews 11. As we consider the lives of Noah, Gideon, Jeremiah, and Enoch, we’ll discover the interplay of faith and doubt in our ownForlives.more information for these events, visit
CHRISTMAS PARTY LASER TAG October 31 / 7:00 p.m. / St. Andrew’s FRIENDSGIVING November 15 / 7:00 p.m. / Location TBD MAMMOTH TRIP December 1 - 5 December 13 / 7:00 p.m. / Location TBD events Young adult life is full of both good and not so good seasons, and we are here for you during it all. We want to do life together, foster safe environments for you to be known and know others, have
adultsadultsyoung volunteer nightwednesdayfortogether!
As we look at the Book of John, Jesus addresses some of the most important questions in life such as “Where can we find true satisfaction?”, “How do we survive the judgment?”, “Is life just survival?”, “How do we find truth?”, and “Who can we truly trust?” Come and learn with us as we study John 3-10.
adults rhythmsweeklyyoung adults
conversations, and have fun! young weeklyadultsrhythms TACO TUESDAYS Tuesdays / 7:00 p.m. / Locations Vary WEEKEND SERVICE Sundays / 9:00 + 10:30 a.m. / St. Andrew’s
Does the Old Testament intimidate you? Do you want to discover what’s really in the Bible—and what isn’t? Even if the most used page of your Bible is the ‘Table of Contents,’ then you want to check out “Casket Empty” (we’ll explain the name—we promise!)! Join Pastor Bryan Eckelmann and others for a way to bring all of the Old Testament into focus. This study is designed to welcome people who are brand new to the Bible – but also will bless anyone who has ever struggled to find the meaning and message of the Old Testament. Wednesdays / 6:30 - 7:15 p.m. / Kannwischer Room
Sundays / 10:15 a.m. / Dierenfield Hall

Dates and Locations Vary
Is it relative or absolute? Why this one word makes all the difference. This class will help you process the implications of truth and how that affects the way you parent, the way your kids understand their world, and the moral implications for everyone in your family. Truth (September 21) Easy to say, difficult to know. In our day-and-age, hope comes at a high price. The most common question get asked is, “How do I help my kid when they are depressed, cutting, or processing suicide?” Here’s what you need to know to navigate those challenges. Hope (September 28)
parents, we’re here for you We believe that parents, guardians, and families are so important to a child’s spiritual development. We want to love and support you as you love and support your children and family.
DINNERS FOR 10 Dinners for Ten are a great first step into community at St. Andrew’s. If you are looking for a fun way to meet new friends, have good and fun conversations, and enjoy a meal with great people, we hope you’ll join us around the table at Dinners for Ten. If you’d like to attend, email to sign up.
September 25, October 16, November 6
Identity (September 14) September 14, 21, + 28 6:15 p.m. / Dierenfield Hall
PARENTING THROUGH PUBERTY A two-part series on talking to your kid about the birds-andthe-bees. This class is for parents and will provide tools and ideas for approaching your pre-teen regarding their changing bodies. October 5 + 12 / 6:00 p.m. / St. Andrew’s classesparenting our otherconnectedgreatgroupsparentingareawaytogetwithfamilies!
Are you interested in starting or joining a parent small group? We’d love to get you connected to other parents looking for community. Please email to get started.
parents FALL BROCHURE 2022 1011 FALL BROCHURE 2022
PARENTING IN IDENTITY, TRUTH, AND HOPE The most important element of your kid’s formation. The class will seek to help you understand how our culture is affecting your kids’ sense of self and they way they see themselves. We’ll talk through different aspects of culture that deeply impact kids’ identities, including pressure from school and sports, the way they think about their sexuality, and what they’re seeing in social media.

family ministries aplace f o r team!
join our
We have a wonderful team of leaders who helps love on and teach our kids, and we’d love for you to be a part of that. Whether that’s by helping prep crafts during the week, welcoming families, getting kids checked in, or by serving as a small group leader during services every week or once a month, there’s a place for you. If you love kids and want to help, we want to talk to you. To get connected, email
School Starts September 15 WATCH Please join us as we pray for the kids and students who are on our campus everyday. This is a great opportunity to love on our community, and we’re so glad to come alongside these families this school year. Weekdays at the Church / Resumed August 23 BAPTISMS
Family Ministries at St. Andrew’s exists to love, know, and support your family through every stage, from birth, through school years, and into young adulthood. Our team loves getting to know you and your family, hearing your stories, and coming alongside you as you walk through life. We believe that God works in every stage of life and childhood, and that families and parents are essential to a child’s spiritual growth. This fall we have plenty of fun planned, from Fall Fest and Youth events to regular Wednesday Night programming and days at the Preschool. We also have parenting classes and small groups in the works so we can better support you as parents. You know best what your family needs, and we want to support you however we can. We can’t wait to have you back on campus! Check out all that’s going on below and join us at our Family Barbecue after services on September 11 to learn more about what we’re up to.
We are so excited for all this year holds for our preschool. With the introduction of early drop off and extended days, we’re able to meet the needs of our community in new ways. We’re here for you as you start this journey into school! We’re currently enrolling for the 2022-2023 school year. Email for more information on how to enroll.
If you have a newborn, toddler, or you yourself have never been baptized, we would love to invite you into our community through this sacrament. -For more information, email

kids Kid’s ministry at St. Andrew’s has something for all ages!
December 11 CHRISTMAS BREAK 18 - January 8
We have nursery care available for babies from birth to two years old during every Sunday and Wednesday service time. We also provide nursery care for most other events and Bible studies that happen throughout the week.
Mark your calendars for December 11. We will be celebrating Christmas at St. Andrew’s with a night of music, cookies, crafts, and animals. This evening you can listen to the music of Christmas at 4:00 or 7:00 p.m. in our annual Christmas concert, play with your kids in our “North Pole,” experience a glimpse of ancient Bethlehem, watch our Christmas lighting spectacular, and so much more. Stay tuned for more details.
From our littlest ones in the nursery to our preschoolers to our elementary schoolers, we are here for you and your kids. We’re here to love and support them through all ages, and we want to come alongside you as parents as well. We want your kids to know that church is a place where they can be loved and learn about God. This fall we have different events planned to help them experience that warmth and fun and for our community to come together and know one another. From our weekly programming, parent classes, Fall Fest, and more, we’ve got something for everyone. aplace
kids eventskidsweeklyrhythms STORY TIME Tuesdays / 9:15 a.m. / Starts September 20 PARENT/CHILD CLASSES Weekday Mornings / Starts September 19 WEDNESDAY NIGHT KIDS’ PROGRAMMING Wednesdays / 6:15 p.m. / Starts September 14 SUNDAY MORNINGS Sundays / 9:00 a.m. + 10:30 a.m. NURSERY CARE (Birth - 5th Grade) FALL KICK OFF BBQ
Visit for more information
September 11 / 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. 28 / 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
t o kids FALL BROCHURE 2022 1415 FALL BROCHURE 2022

/ Youth Center To get connected, email
/ 6:15
times (we love
9 / 6:00
youth OVERNIGHT ADVENTURE September / Date TBA youth rhythmsweekly WEDNESDAY PROGRAMMINGNIGHTS High School / 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. / Started August 31 SUNDAY MORNINGS Sundays / 9:00 a.m. + 10:30 a.m. events HALLOWEEN PARTY October 26 Middle School 6: 00 p.m. High schol 7:30 p.m. HIGH FRIENDSGIVINGSCHOOL November 16 / 7:30 p.m. / Youth Center EARLY MORNING BEACH WORSHIP November 23 / 8:30 a.m. / Location TBA YOUTH SERVE NIGHT December 7 Middle School 6:00 p.m. High schol 7:30 p.m. CHRISTMAS PARTY + HANGOUT December 21 Middle School 6: 00 p.m. High schol 7:30 p.m. CHRISTMAS BREAK December 22 - January 7 WINTER CAMP Mark your calendars for Winter Camp 2023 (February 10 - 12, 2023)! We’re taking our Middle School and High School students up to Forest Home for an awesome weekend away. Sign up between October 1 and November 15 to receive our Early Bird pricing of $325. After November 16, prices will increase to $375 per camper. Email with questions. Early Bird Registration October 1 - November 15 withvolunteeryouth We love our students and our leadership team, and we want you to be a part of that! As we head into the fall and our regular routine, we’re looking for more people to help with our middle and high school services, and in the youth center. YOUTH ALL OC WORSHIP September 7 / 6:30 - 9:00 p.m. MIDDLE SCHOOL TURKEY WARS
November p.m.
nights!), life groups, intentional trips and events, and having a lot of fun! youth ministries youth FALL BROCHURE 2022 1617 FALL BROCHURE 2022
Middle School - 7:30 p.m. at St. Andrew’s exists help with students where they feel safe and known in order help them learn more about God that He has this meeting Wednesday
for them. We do
and all
foster relationships
through our regular
/ Started August 31 Youth

See you Newportthere!Harbor
IMPACTGLOBALWITHCHURCHienaghborho o d studentsour nearserving+far
February 16 - 27 To get connected, email serve
We’re hosting Orange County foster kids and their families and mentors for a huge Thanksgiving celebration on World Orphan Sunday, and WE NEED YOU! Help us put on a bountiful feast by providing side dishes and desserts to complete this holiday meal, or come and greet our guests, serve food, decorate, and run games.
September 12 / 11:00 a.m. As we kick off a new school year, let’s support all the students in our neighborhood by covering them, and the school year ahead, in prayer. All Prayer Walks will happen simultaneously starting at 11:00 a.m. Choose your location.
Join our missionaries Chuck and Colleen Edmunds as they host their annual Pastor’s conference near Puerta Vallarta, Mexico. During this three day serve experience, you will assist in the kitchen, help with set-up and clean-up, join in worship, and encourage pastors.
High School – Meet at the anchor. Ensign Intermediate School – Meet at the anchor. Newport Heights Elementary – Meet in the parking lot. St. Andrew’s Preschool - Meet at the Chapel.
October 25 - 28
November 13
Gather family, friends, and neighbors to unleash God’s love all over Newport Beach. Find creative ways to renew Newport and care for our neighbors and local businesses by joining with other churches to garden, clean, paint, and pray all throughout our community.
Donate much needed lunch items and snacks for the 100+ homeless students attending NHHS and Ensign in collaboration with Project Hope Alliance. Granola bars, cup of noodles, instant mac & cheese, and individual size snacks can be dropped off in the bins by reception.
September 28 For years, St. Andrew’s has partnered with Pacific Youth Correctional Ministries with our own Rick Johnson. Join us from 12:00 -12:30 p.m. on September 28 at the flagpole in front of Juvenile Hall to pray for these youth and all who work with them. Address: 331 The City Drive South, Orange, CA.
INDIA EXPERIENCEMISSION Journey with us to experience where God is at work amidst some of the most marginalized people in India. We will teach business skills, host a VBS for children, be part of medical mission, and work alongside women rescued from sex trafficking. Apply by September 18 there are many more ways to serve!
September / October
October 15

October 27 GRIEF
12-STEP MEETINGS Women’s AA Meeting Our church is priveleged to host two meetings each Tuesdaysweek./7:30 - 9:00 p.m. / Location TBA Saturdays / 10:00
949.413.3299.Formoreinformation, contact Christ
Help us welcome guests as they come for one of our three worship services. Be the first cheerful face and welcoming voice as guests and congregants arrive for one of our three services. Come 30 minutes before service to serve as a greeter or an usher. You can serve weekly or monthly at one or more Toservices.register or get more information, email Serve Weekly or Monthly
Location TBA Thursdays
Room tgesuppo r t
Sundays St. Andrew’s is in need of ushers, greeters, and armed security who are willing and able to keep our congregation safe. Being part of the new security team will require regular trainings and safety debriefings. If you are feeling called to serve or to get more info, please contact
/ Location TBA Women’s Al-Anon For more information, contact Jill
you preserve the joy and love you have in your relationship. Third
We’d Love to Have Your Help PARKING TEAM Sundays
Have you separated or divorced in the last few years? Is someone you know in the midst of separation or divorce? Divorce Recovery Workshop is here to help. For decades, this ministry has helped thousands restore hope, healing, and joy after the fracture of a marriage. Through lessons taught by experts and small group discussions led by people who have experienced divorce, DRW can help you grow through your divorce.
Be a Greeter or an Usher Event Times Vary
We desire to build a team of men and women who will be the very first point of contact as people arrive to church on Sunday. Bring your biggest smile, don a bright safety vest, and help keep congregants safe as they cross the street and come in and out of our parking lots.
Our church is alive with vibrant opportunities to connect, learn, and build community. We have big events and small ones. We are looking to build a special events team that can rotate to help us with everything from set up to décor, and cooking to welcoming. Tell us where you are available to serve and we will find a place for you. We will build teams that will rotate events so you can build community while you serve.
you’re invited to join volunteera team!
Are you caring for a spouse, parent or child who has full-time A loving committed support help cope while learning skill. COPE wants to help Tuesday Each Month 3:00 p.m. Kannwischer
hospitality FALL BROCHURE 2022 2021 FALL BROCHURE 2022
group can
Want Prayer? Your church deacons pray often for the needs of the church and its people. If you would like your prayer request added to the deacons’ list of prayer needs, contact us at Life is hard – don’t face it alone! more information, visit
The purpose of this ministry is to help participants grow personally and spiritually as they learn to actively process their grief with the help of the Lord Jesus Christ. / September 8 - October 13 - 11:30 a.m. at at
To register or get more information, email
One of the special ways you can connect with the St. Andrew’s community is through joining a volunteer team. Here are some great ways to get involved:
To register or get more information, email - 9:00 p.m. / / 22GROUP
Together with the Pastors, the Deacons of St. Andrew’s serve as the ordained church officers that lead the congregation’s compassion ministries, nurturing fellowship, and caregiving to persons in crisis or need. Usually, a single deacon is paired with a person at St. Andrew’s for an extended period of time, walking beside them for the months and perhaps years of relationship.
To register or get more information, email

GABBY GIBB Gabby is passionate about innovation, storytelling, the great outdoors, movement, and social entrepreneurship. Above all, “I just really love Jesus.” She has applied to medical school and hopes to serve in the international community. Her adventurous spirit took her to the foothills of Alaska. She recently returned from a trip to the Hold Land where she was baptized in the Jordan River—something her grandmother had only dreamed of. Fun fact: she is the only person to have been locked in the Garden of Gethsemane.
the SALI class of 2022/23
SACI RHYTHM This is a mixed vocal/instrumental ensemble featuring worship music, rock, Latin, jazz, and pop. We are open for drums, bass, guitar, pinao/keyboards, vocals, sax, woodwinds, brass, and strings. Instructor Joe Cristina. The program is donationbased, but no deserving student will be turned away due to their financial situation. Suggested donation structures availalbe upon request.
what is SACI?
MOLLY HAYNES Molly majored in social work and is excited to continue her journey by working at the Orange County Rescue Mission. She is passionate about baking, roller skating, reading, and befriending neighborhood cats. She loves to travel and is eager to experience all that Southern California has to offer. She is looking forward to “stepping out of my comfort zone and growing in my understanding of the Lord, myself, and faith” and becoming part of the St. Andrew’s community. Springfield, Virginia James Madison University
Amelia Island, Florida University of Florida
Saturdays / 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
SACI is looking to offer a dance program – pre-ballet, ages 3 to 5, and beginning ballet, ages 5 to 7. Depending on response, we will decide whether to offer the class in Fall 2022 or January 2023. Parents of young, aspiring dancers should contact Annie Dillon at Pre-registration
programs + events
In conjunction with Newport Harbor High School, we will host multiple events and booths to support our community during Suicide Prevention Month. September 28 / All Day / Plaza Sundays / 1:30 - 3:00 p.m. SACI VOICE We offer monthly vocal workshops with Gina Pierce. Dates and time TBA. Private and semi-private lessons available upon request.
SALI was truly a life-changing experience. I received eleven friends who are still part of my life and an internship that awakened my LOVE for youth ministry. I am now the Lead Student Ministries Director and love getting to see the Holy Spirit work through the SALI program and our students as the years go by! Student Ministries
We are pleased to announce the call for registration for a children’s choir to be directed by our worship leader, Gina Pierce. We are loking for students in grades 3rd to 5th to be part of a lively, dynmaic, and spirit-filled vocal experience. Rehearsal times are TBD. Please contact Gina Pierce at for mor infomation.
The kids call me Marsh-Mel-o! SALI was one of the sweetest chapters of my life. From the church body to my daily work, the Lord spoke into both my future and His character. It was a transformational year for which will forever be grateful. Children’s Ministries Get to know Gabby and Molly! Invite them to dinner or meet for coffee. Contact Joan Coleman at to get connected.
Family Ministries
The St. Andrew’s Leadership Institute is a nine-month living and learning experience for recent college graduates designed to equip, strengthen, and inspire young leaders and prepare them for ministry or work in the secular world. The associates live with host families and integrate into the St. Andrew’s intergenerational church community.
Small Groups ANNA DIRKSE SALI shaped my life immensely after college. I quickly developed lifelong friendships with others in the program as we learned more about our faith and living out our callings. I got to learn first-hand what it meant to work in ministry and strongly felt the Lord calling me to stay. It’s been awesome to see God work through SALI, and it was such a sweet and memorable time in my life.
St. Andrews Creative Institute (SACI) is a holistic and relational ministry where faith and arts intersect as neighborhood kids are guided and taught by experienced professionals in a safe, comfortable, and creative space. SACI Values: Harmony. Creativity. Empowerment.
what is SALI?
SALI alums still at St. Andrew’s TROY DELUCA SALI impacted me immensely, and I am thankful for the experience of being welcomed into the St. Andrew’s community. It was amazing to see twelve of us from all over the country come together and become family. We shared experiences, awkward interactions, and funny and vulnerable moments. Most importantly, what brought us together was the curiosity and love for the person of Jesus and what God was doing in our lives.
FAMILY UKULELE CLASS Here’s a fun, low-stress way for kids (and parents!) to learn the basics of ukulele. Class times are TBD. The class will be taught by SACI’s own Jocelyn Perez. Class size is limited to 10 students. Instruments and materials are provided. Materials fee of $5 per class, per student. Wednesdays / September 14 - October 19

September 28 / 11:55 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. 600 St. Andrews Rd. Newport Beach, CA 92663 949.631.2880 | STAY CONNECTED @SAPRES@MYSAPRES SAPRES.ORG@SAPRES visit youthourcenter Our Youth Center is a place for students to come hang out and be known during the school year. We’re open at lunch and after school for students from Newport Harbor and Ensign. We love having this space open to our neighborhood! If you would like to be involved with the Youth Center email YOUTH CENTER HOURS
Come grab a burger down in the Youth Center! Student lunches are $5 and include a hamburger, chips, and a drink. We’d love to see you there, and we’d love your help cooking lunch. If you or your small group wants to be involved, we want to talk to you. Small groups or individuals can also sponsor a lunch.
Mondays / 12:20 - 12:50 p.m. + 1:30 - 4:00 p.m. // Tuesdays + Thursdays / 12:00 - 12:30 p.m. + 1:30 - 4:00 p.m.
September is Suicide Awareness and Prevention month and this year we want to provide opportunities and resources to our students. Mental health struggles are prevalent among middle and high school students and our Wellness Fair will feature a variety of resources from our community to help students find health and healing.