Back to School

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ST. ANDREW'S COLLEGE RETURN TO SCHOOL PLAN 2020-2021 Version 2 Aug. 28, 2020

TABLE OF CONTENTS From the Head of School........................................................... 3 Return to School Highlights....................................................... 6 Campus Mitigation Strategies.................................................... 8 Calendar................................................................................ 10 Travel & Quarantine................................................................ 10 School Uniform...................................................................... 11 Face Coverings....................................................................... 11 Health Centre......................................................................... 12 Suspected or Confirmed COVID-19 Case Protocols..................... 12 Academics............................................................................. 14 Campus Life........................................................................... 17 Student & Campus Movement.................................................. 18 Day Student Changes.............................................................. 19 Boarding Student Changes...................................................... 20 Food Services......................................................................... 22 Arts Programming................................................................... 23 Athletics................................................................................ 24 Parents & Visitors................................................................... 25 Student Life/Clubs.................................................................. 25 Curricular & Field Trips........................................................... 25 Conclusion............................................................................. 25 Appendices............................................................................ 26 Key Contacts.......................................................................... 32

Dear parents,


We are incredibly excited to welcome all students to St. Andrew’s College this fall. Our top priorities remain the health and safety of our students, staff, faculty, and all the families associated with the Andrean community. After several months of deliberation, consideration, and research into local and global jurisdictions, our Return to School Taskforce determined the best course of action. This plan takes into consideration guidelines and commentary set forth from Toronto’s worldrenowned Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids), the Ministry of Education, the Canadian Accredited Independent Schools (CAIS), and the Conference of Independent Schools (CIS) of Ontario on a safe return to school. All of these entities believe it is vitally important for children to return to in-class instruction this September, and we couldn’t agree more.

large outdoor tent for additional dining.

Andrew’s experience have been scrutinized for COVID-19 related risks. We have found positive ways to adjust our offerings to maximize student health and safety. We will continue to work with local public health authorities and follow established best practices from the Ministries of Health and Education. As government restrictions regarding COVID-19 are adjusted, it will be necessary for us to adapt our plan. Any changes to our protocols will be communicated to you promptly, through our weekly Friday parent newsletter, A Look Ahead. All assumptions in this document are based on what we know today – Aug. 28, 2020.

No stone has gone unturned in developing and setting our plans for 2020-2021. Rest assured, According to SickKids, research determined that children are far less susceptible to contracting the we have been creative in the changes to our virus and less likely to spread it. As stated in their campus, and the delivery of programming has been well thought out with your son’s academic report, “The risks of infection and transmission experience top of mind. We have taken this in children, which appear minimal, need to pandemic as an opportunity to rethink our be balanced with the harms of school closure, programmatic offerings, and I am delighted by which is impacting their physical and mental health.” This is promising and positive news, but the innovation being incorporated into our daily curriculum. additional safety measures are recommended for Ontario schools this year. We will be able to care, as we always have, for our students on campus, offering a myriad of growth While things might look a little differently as we opportunities, both academic and co-curricular, mitigate the risks of COVID-19, we know our while being vigilant with our health and safety students will rise to the challenge. Our faculty and staff will also reimagine academics, athletics, protocols. co-curriculars, and bonding opportunities to At 126 acres, our campus is larger than most, ensure students who may not be able to join us and we have ample outdoor and indoor spaces. If on campus remain connected to the School and their “brothers” as we continue to navigate these you do the math, each student has 769 square metres of campus space! Our small class sizes unchartered waters. and many large classrooms mean each student will be afforded more than enough space to allow Enclosed, you will find the mitigation strategies, for physical distancing. guidelines, and protocols we are undertaking to ensure a safe return to school. We will maximize our outdoor space during the warmer months, including installing a All areas of our campus and your sons’ St.

Our McLaughlin Hall science and technology project is also nearing completion and will be available in November. This will allow us to repurpose our current Science City facility as colder weather prevails and outdoor activities and eating areas need to move indoors. You will note, we are still holding art, drama, music, Phys. Ed., sports, clubs, councils, and other co-curricular programs. These are what make St. Andrew’s a great place to learn, live, and grow. Much like this past school year, we will find ways to keep our traditional events running, even if it means moving them to later in the year. For example, we have booked a back-up date of May 7 for our unbelievable An Andrean Christmas at Roy Thomson Hall. We have been working with a number of medical doctors to fine-tune a new health screening application through EduSafe that meets SAC's daily screening policy. It will take parents and boarding house staff less than one minute per student each day to complete, and all persons coming onto campus will need to complete the daily screening. I encourage you to read the attached document for more information. We hope that all students will be able to join us on campus for the start of the school year; however, we cannot predict travel restrictions and study permit delays currently happening worldwide. I want to remind you that we are committed to providing online learning until your son can be with us. Please refer to this attached communication sent to you in May for more details, including adjustments to tuition fees. Every one of us at St. Andrew’s wants your son to have a safe, healthy, and great year. See you in September!

Kevin R. McHenry Head of School 3



Health and safety are the

#1 priorities


Boarding houses open during fall school breaks

Increased personal hygiene expected SAC Casual Dress this fall ENHANCED CLEANING AND DISINFECTING ON CAMPUS All students & employees required to wear a face covering inside school buildings

Students will be on campus every day, and all programs safely running Health screening through EduSafe app for all students and employees each morning


DISTANCING where possible

Designated, short-term isolation rooms for non-local boarding students who cannot return home or go to their guardian



Directional signage in place Outdoor sessions to occur when suitable All parent and visitor meetings to take place virtually Mid-week and mid-day leaves highly discouraged to reduce exposure

Upper School students highly encouraged to participate in a fall sport No parents or visitors permitted on campus Students to be supported in all learning scenarios: in-person, online, or hybrid


to focus on academic enrichment, wellness, & co-curricular programs

Varied mealtimes, delivery of lunches, and multiple dining areas Middle School students in homeroom with rotating teachers (except for specialty learning spaces)

Ongoing communication as COVID-19 is rapidly changing



PHYSICAL DISTANCING Create a culture of physical distancing

Face coverings required inside school buildings and outside when physical distancing cannot be maintained

Greatly reduced numbers in chapel Visible spacing markers and signage Restructure large gatherings Adjust boarding house protocols and access

Increased use of PPE for critical areas of the School such as the Health Centre and laundry/housekeeping


Reduce campus density Daily health checks via EduSafe

Campus protocols on entry for day students, staff, and essential visitors

GENERAL HYGIENE Frequent handwashing/sanitizing

Changes to Health Centre protocols as required by public health authorities

Coughing/sneezing etiquette

Directional signs around campus

Avoid sharing food/drinks

One-way traffic, where possible, and one-way stairwells

Avoid touching face

Access to online learning when needed

Proper diet, sleep, and general wellness

COVID-19 testing when necessary

Stay home when feeling ill

Athletic delivery modifications

Easy access to hand sanitizers

Adjust yearly breaks/calendar

Modifications to student dress code

Contact tracing processes

SANITIZATION AROUND CAMPUS Increased cleaning of high-touch surfaces, such as door handles, railings, desks, eating areas, and washrooms Enhanced laundry/housekeeping protocols



ENGINEERING CONTROLS In key areas, erect physical barriers such as plexiglass Food Services to prepare plated and takeout meals Reduce density by removing some furniture from common spaces Install air purification systems in common areas, where required




Yearly Calendar

The Government of Canada requires all travellers entering the country to create, share, and execute a 14-day quarantine plan. Students must complete this before their arrival on campus. All international families were surveyed in June regarding their 14-day quarantine plans. Students began arriving at the SAC-run quarantine program on Sunday, Aug. 23.

At the start of the year, we will schedule a staggered return to campus. Furthermore, to ensure the strongest possible continuity of learning and in recognition of travel restrictions, we may need to alter our major calendar dates. Students unable to join us on campus will be supported through our online learning program, SACFlex. See page 30. One goal is to limit, as much as possible, the departure from and return to campus of our boarding students; therefore, our residences will remain open during fall term breaks. Non-local boarding students are highly encouraged to stay with a day or local boarding family or with their guardian rather than travelling home for short-term breaks. We recognize the social-emotional need for all students to return home during the winter break. If the Government of Canada still requires a 14-day quarantine period come January, we may adjust the school calendar or provide flexibility to students required to isolate upon return with access to our online learning program, SACFlex. More information on breaks will be available into the fall as the pandemic changes and/or a vaccine becomes available.

Calendar at a Glance

Below is the calendar for September 2020 through January 2021 and tentative dates for the remainder of the school year. We will assess the global situation regularly and make adjustments as necessary. Changes to the calendar will be communicated as soon as possible or by the end of November. September 5-10....................... Students arrive on campus September 10.......................... First day of classes October 9-12........................... Thanksgiving break November 12-16...................... Fall mid-term break December 18-January 4............ Winter break January 5................................ Classes resume Tentative remaining calendar to be confirmed by the end of November: February 12-15...........................Winter mid-term break March 5-22................................March break March 23...................................Classes resume April 2-5....................................Easter break May 21-24.................................Spring mid-term break June 16-18.................................End-of-year ceremonies 10

Along with this mandatory quarantine period for our international students, we will be accepting new and returning students from Canada in a staggered arrival. Students in leadership positions within the boarding houses are expected to return early for COVID-19 and leadership training. Please note: The move-in date for returning Canadian boarders has been adjusted to Wednesday, Sept. 9 to accommodate a full-day of opening assemblies and COVID-19 training. If you have already made plans to arrive on Thursday, Sept. 10, please contact your son's Head of House.

Campus Arrival Dates Saturday, Sept. 5 Student Heads of House, Assistant Heads of House, and Macdonald House Captains return, orientation begins Sunday, Sept. 6 SAC Quarantine program students move into residence Monday, Sept. 7 International boarders return Tuesday, Sept. 8 .New Upper School boarders move into residence Wednesday, Sept. 9 New Middle School boarders and returning Canadian boarders move into residence Thursday, Sept. 10 Opening day assemblies and COVID-19 training; arrive by 8:30 a.m.

SCHOOL UNIFORM As we look to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, we have adjusted our school uniform. During the fall, students will not have access to lockers or change rooms. Students should arrive on campus dressed for their day. For example, students participating in fall athletic activities or those who have Phys. Ed. should wear their SAC tracksuit or gym shorts and T-shirt. Students not participating in fall sports and those without Phys. Ed. on a given day may wear Warm Weather Dress – golf shirt and dress pants – or any combination from the below chart. On occasion, SAC Casual may be replaced with Number 1 Dress. Students will be given notice ahead of time if they are expected to wear their Number 1 Dress. SAC-branded clothing is available through the Campus Shop. All uniform items should be clearly labelled with the student’s name and laundered frequently to help reduce the risk of COVID-19.

BOTTOMS ✓ Dress pants ✓ SAC athletic pants or shorts


FACE COVERINGS Face coverings are required in school buildings for all students and employees of St. Andrew’s College, as directed by the Town of Aurora and York Region Public Health. They may also be required while outside if physical distancing cannot be maintained. Face coverings may be disposable or cloth masks. Cloth masks must be tasteful. Students may also purchase a face covering from the Campus Shop. We expect that all reusable face coverings be washed daily to ensure cleanliness. A session on appropriate use of PPE will be provided, along with cleaning and storage instructions. Students who do not use their face covering correctly may be sent home.

✓ Closed-toe athletic shoes ✓ Closed-toe dress shoes ✓ Socks

TOPS ✓ SAC team shirt, SAC house shirt, SAC clan shirt, SAC hoodie, SAC sweatshirt, SAC golf shirt, or SAC quarter-zip ✓ SAC track jacket ✓ PPE as required


HEALTH CENTRE The Health Centre is our foundation for student wellness and recovery. Our professional and empathetic healthcare team consists of one doctor, three nurses, one counsellor, and a school-wide Circle of Care team to support mental, physical, social, and emotional wellbeing. Additionally, all faculty and staff members are trained in delivering first aid. Students can find support and access to the Health Centre 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Mitigation Strategies Continuous and age-appropriate personal hygiene practices to be reviewed with students and staff Ongoing education regarding the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of COVID-19 Review daily student health checks Director of Health & Wellness or onsite doctor to identify and engage additional healthcare professionals as necessary

Our Health Centre team has experience with infectious disease outbreaks, and the School’s processes have been tested during the 2009 H1N1 and 2003 SARS outbreaks. Given the unique challenges for COVID-19, the St. Andrew’s Pandemic Plan was updated accordingly.

Students who contract COVID-19, or have been in close contact with a positive case, will be expected to return home or to their guardian’s home for self-isolation. This strategy will keep us from reaching our Health Centre’s maximum capacity, which will ultimately allow us to keep school doors open. Students will require a negative COVID-19 test result to return to school. We have designated isolation rooms to accommodate students who cannot return home or to the home of their guardian. Our isolation facilities are staffed with nurses and if required, the School doctor, is available.

Isolation Facility

The St. Andrew’s medical team will care for your son if he requires time in isolation. We have created three rooms for isolation, which are well-ventilated and furnished with everything your son will need – bed, desk, chair, dresser – the same items in his residence room. Daily meals and snacks will be delivered to his room from Cole Dining Hall.

Our COVID-19 pandemic plan includes the following: • Protocols for symptomatic students and employees including testing and contact tracing • Immediate communication with parents and health authorities • Staffed isolation wards for potential 14-day isolation • Clear protocols for students and employees to return to regular activities once cleared by health authorities

Our school nurses will immediately begin assisting York Region Public Health in contact tracing that may include isolating other students and staff. The Director of Health & Wellness will maintain ongoing contact and work with our local public health unit to advise a potential staged, partial, or full shutdown of in-person classes. The School's COVID-19 Advisory Board will be immediately updated when we receive a confirmed case and will provide any relevant information that is not a breach of privacy.

Additionally, the Health Centre has created a satellite location to ensure symptomatic students are isolated from students who require other medical assistance. Students requiring medication distribution, who feel unwell with unrelated COVID-19 symptoms, and those with injuries will be treated in the satellite centre. A teacher or a member of the student’s boarding house will notify the Health Centre of a student and, in some cases, a member of the health team may go to the student.

The student’s boarding room, classroom(s), and any other areas the student frequented will be cleaned and disinfected immediately, including all items used by the student and all surfaces within two metres. As directed by the Ministry of Education, janitorial staff will use disposable cleaning and disinfecting equipment where possible to limit crosscontamination. All items that cannot be cleaned, such as paper and books, will be packed and placed in a sealed container for a minimum of seven days. This is in addition to classrooms and common areas being cleaned and disinfected a minimum of twice daily.

SUSPECTED OR CONFIRMED COVID-19 CASE PROTOCOLS If a student shows symptoms of COVID-19, they will be monitored, isolated, and tested onsite. Our Health Centre has been successful in its application to become a testing facility explicitly dedicated to our students, faculty, and staff. If the student prefers, they may visit their local assessment centre, which can be searched here. Should the test be negative, the student may return to regular activities. 12

If, however, we have a confirmed case of COVID-19 in our student community, the Director of Health & Wellness will immediately contact the student’s parents, Head of School, and York Region Public Health. The School will take immediate action to ensure the entire community's health and safety, and until our local public health department is onsite to provide further direction. Any student or staff member who has been in contact with the confirmed case will be notified immediately to self-isolate for 14 days.

Students, faculty, or staff who have someone in their household diagnosed with COVID-19 will not be permitted to attend school for 14 days after being isolated from the individual in their household. They may only return with a confirmed negative COVID-19 test result. Any student expected to self-isolate will be supported through our online learning program, SACFlex. Should you have any questions about our Health Centre, please contact Mrs. Margaret Kirkby, Director of Health & Wellness. 13

ACADEMICS We are planning for full, in-class instruction starting on Sept. 10, 2020. The requirement for physical distancing will mean prioritizing class size to classroom space over individual subject areas located in the same space. Our typical collaborative pods (groups of desks and tables) will not be permitted and unnecessary classroom furniture will be removed to allow for maximum space. Our teachers are gifted facilitators, and they will implement a variety of tools to ensure collaborative work continues while maintaining physical distance between students. We have also modified our daily schedule to avoid student traffic volumes outside of class time and to facilitate the work of the Food Services team in delivering lunches.

Mitigation Strategies Increased physical separation between students and teachers Removal of some classroom furniture to maximize space and avoid congestion Controlled in-class movement Controlled releases to prevent hallway congestion After each class, high-touch surfaces will be cleaned and disinfected When possible, keep students in the same classroom with rotating teachers Maximize outdoor learning and teaching spaces

Course Design & Class Attendance

Upper School timetables will be based on each student’s course selections and recommendations of academic administration and the University Counselling office. Students in the Middle School will be cohorted by class and continue with the Ministry of Education and unique SAC programming for Grades 5 to 8. While we anticipate that all students will be learning on campus this fall, there are instances when students may need to work online. For example, when required to self-isolate, due to health conditions, or travel restrictions. Course design will reflect the potential for students to participate in online learning, along with the possibility that some students may be required to attend classes solely online and possibly asynchronously. Students working online and within two hours of Eastern Time are required to attend synchronous Zoom classes. Attendance will be taken. Students outside of these time zones will be accommodated and must remain in contact with the teacher. Teachers will post instructions for the day’s activity in Edsby (and OneNote, if applicable) by the start of each class. Additionally, each student who is working online will be assigned an in-class student as a working partner. The School will provide accessibility to the curriculum to all students should we be required to return to an online learning scenario. Faculty professional development will focus on best practices for online learning,


including instructional strategies that suit both synchronous and asynchronous approaches.

Schedule Modifications

Adjustments have been made to the school schedule to accommodate our mitigation strategies. Students will follow the in-person school schedules as posted in Edsby; however, Wednesdays will be designated as Wellness Wednesdays; no new course material will be covered or posted. Faculty and staff will provide a wide variety of on-campus mandatory wellness, co-curricular, academic support, and innovative programming, including Arts/Co-Curricular Plus (ACPlus), leadership and other club and council meetings, music, advisory, sports, and fitness activities. Students will be divided into small groups for each activity and will abide by the physical distancing rules. This program will be evaluated throughout the fall to ensure our approach serves our students well. See Appendix A on page 26 for an example of a weekly schedule. Faculty professional development will continue to take place as per the in-person schedule. The schedule will remain consistent throughout the year regardless of whether we are operating online, in a hybrid situation, or entirely in-person given we may, at any time, be required to return to an online learning model.

COVID-19 Learning Protocol

We were incredibly successful in migrating our in-person program online during the spring term. Students remained engaged in daily academics, fitness, and co-curriculars, participated in weekly house challenges and meetings, virtual community service, and so much more. The program allowed students to remain connected to each other and the home base of the St. Andrew’s campus no matter their geographical location. See Appendix B on page 30 for more information on our online learning program, SACFlex. We recognize that travel restrictions, study permit delays, and increased health and safety protocols may require some students to work online. We also understand that a second wave of COVID-19 is possible. We are fully prepared to offer and support our students through any combination of online learning, hybrid, or in-person instruction. Teachers will offer Zoom instruction to students during synchronous (live) classes and Zoom meetings will be recorded and shared as needed for those required to work asynchronously. Teachers will also post instructions for the day’s activity in Edsby (and OneNote, if applicable) by the start of each class. 15

An assessment will be created in the Edsby gradebook for each class, which can take any form, from Yes/No completion to a formal grade. The gradebook will serve as the primary means of offering confirmation to students, parents, and advisors that the work has been completed and that boys are attending to their work. Student work should be submitted 24 hours after the start of a given class unless an extension is requested via email. When class is held before a weekend, the work is due on the first day back, and teachers will provide feedback to students by the start of the following class. No work will be expected on Wednesdays, though students may submit on a Wednesday.

Students with Exceptionalities

Learning resource staff will contact each identified student and their parent(s) at the beginning of the year to develop a plan for academic support in addition to the support provided by the teacher and/or advisor.

CAMPUS LIFE As an educational institution, we will teach our students the rationale, protocols, and expectations for mitigating the spread of COVID-19. All students will be expected to participate in a COVID-19 session with our Director of Health & Wellness to ensure they understand the rules and protocols outlined in this document. Students, staff, and parents must share the responsibility of ensuring our community’s health and wellness. We believe our students, as always, will rise to the challenge and support the guidelines outlined in this living document. We understand the challenge that our protocols may present. We ask parents to familiarize themselves with our expectations of students on campus and reinforce them regularly. This will help ensure the health and safety of our entire community.

The resource staff will also liaise with the advisors of identified students to ensure the student’s work is being completed and provide additional support to teachers/advisors. All accommodations that would be in place in our regular programming will apply in any condition. When assigning work to identified students, teachers will allow these students 50 per cent additional time to complete their work. Teachers will take appropriate steps to ensure identified students are not overwhelmed by work in their courses. Please contact Dr. Michael Paluch, Assistant Head of School and Director of Academics, should you have any questions regarding academics.

Transition Between Classes

Education and continued vigilance will be a part of our regular day. Teachers will review the expectations for the classroom when it comes to health and safety, washroom protocols, etc. As needed, students will be reminded of these expectations while in class and as they move between classes. At the end of each class, any equipment used during class time will be disinfected. Hand sanitizers will be available in each classroom, and students must use the sanitizer upon entry and exit to guarantee they are regularly disinfecting their hands. The classroom teacher will supervise this activity. Our campus design allows us to designate entry and exit points within each building. Signs will be posted to indicate movement as well as waiting areas as students enter and exit a room. 16


DAY STUDENT CHANGES Daily Health Screening

Ontario's Ministry of Health requests that all students complete a daily health check before arrival to school. Parents of day students must complete this daily health check for their son. Students will not be allowed to attend school if they are suffering from fever, cough, fatigue, aches and pains, sore throat, diarrhea, conjunctivitis, headache, rash, difficulty breathing, chest pain or pressure, and/or loss of taste or smell.

STUDENT & CAMPUS MOVEMENT We are fortunate to have a large and spacious 126-acre campus. Physical spaces within our campus buildings, including classrooms, are generally larger than at traditional schools. We think this is a key differentiator of SAC, and we will take full advantage of our facilities to ensure a healthy and safe in-person learning environment. Students might not be in a usual classroom setting from time to time as we will establish classes outdoors or in our gymnasiums, theatre, auditorium, and art rooms, when necessary. Where possible, we will make use of our extensive outdoor spaces for classwork and co-curricular activities. All elements of students’ movement and limiting cross-connections and exposure between grades has been evaluated in all areas of school life. Physical barriers have been installed as needed to ensure distancing measures, such as in the Campus Shop, Cole Hall, Reception, and applicable administrative offices. There will be a one-way flow of traffic where possible and corridors will be split to ensure maximum physical distancing while walking through campus buildings. Students are not permitted to use washroom facilities during transition times. Bathroom releases will be granted by classroom teachers as needed.

Middle School

Middle School students will remain in their homeroom throughout the day and teachers will rotate in. Exceptions will be made for specialty classrooms, such as art facilities, which will be used and cleaned between lessons. Recess will continue with students departing via the nearest 18

exit and move to a designated spot on campus where outdoor recess will happen with their homeroom. On inclement weather days, Middle School students will be assigned an indoor space. Protocols have been established for the types of games and equipment that can be used during outdoor recess. The supervising teacher will clean and sanitize any equipment with a kit provided in each recess bag.

Parents (and staff) will need to download the School’s health app, EduSafe, to log their sons’ daily symptoms, which will be monitored by the Health Centre. This will take no more than one minute per student each morning. The health screening must be completed daily before leaving home.

Upper School

If the student is cleared by the app, they should proceed to school; however, if they are not cleared, the student should not come to school. The Health Centre will be in contact with the family before lunch that day.

An Upper School class is generally 75 minutes long, but an announcement will be made after 70 minutes that classroom sanitization will begin. Every classroom will be equipped with a sanitization kit and faculty and students will work together to clean their individual workspaces.

If a family fails to complete the app, school administrators will remove the student prior to the start of Period 1 and the student will be isolated in the Health Centre until the student can be seen by a member of the health team. The parent will be called to complete the screening app with their son. The second time a family fails to complete the morning screening, the student will be immediately sent home. Completing EduSafe is critical to our mitigation strategies.

Upper School students will move through their timetable with enhanced cleaning and disinfecting between classes and increased personal hygiene.

On the bell, a second announcement will commence a controlled departure. Teachers will release students once the hallway is sufficiently sparse to ensure physical distancing can be maintained. Students must walk directly from one period to the next with no stops along the way. Students on spares are required to report to Towers Library or another designated space. The student must check in and will be encouraged to complete coursework. There is no mid-day leave for senior students except when requested by a parent phone call to Reception, permitting their son to leave campus for an appointment. Students who leave campus increase the vulnerability of the entire community.

If parents, students, or staff are unsure about whether they should attend school, this handy guide is a good review of symptoms and recommendations made by public health.


Grades 5 and 6 students will enter through the Rogers Hall Yuill entrance, while Grades 7 and 8 students will enter through the front of Rogers Hall (main Reception). Upper School students are asked to enter through the west entrance of the Centre for Leadership, Innovation & Performance. The driving direction of the west parking lot will be changed so that entry is from the north and drop-off is on the curb by the basketball courts. If you forget to complete the screening,

please do not hold up traffic in the drop-off area; proceed to the arena parking lot to complete the daily screening with your son. All day students must walk directly from drop-off to their firstperiod classroom. No gathering or delaying permitted. Any subsequent needs, such as the Campus Shop, administrative offices, or Help Desk, must be requested through their classroom teacher once classes have started. It is highly recommended that students be dropped off no earlier than 8:15 a.m. as there will be no morning monitoring. Students dropped off early must report directly to their Period 1 classroom. All common areas are off-limits to prevent students from congregating. Classroom doors will be unlocked at 7:30 a.m. and all exterior doors will be unlocked and, if possible, based on fire code regulations, propped open during high-traffic times. Students should be picked up at the close of their athletic activity, or immediately after school if not participating in a fall sport. Students who cannot be picked up at 3:45 p.m. are strongly encouraged to participate in a fall fitness activity. Alternatively, they may attend Study Hall in Towers Library. Students will not be permitted to linger inside school buildings. Students awaiting pick-up should be outside at their designated drop-off/pick-up location.

Lockers & Laptop Free Zones

Students will not be assigned lockers this fall and will not be permitted in locker areas or change rooms change for sports. Students should come to school ready for athletics by wearing SAC shorts, SAC athletic apparel, SAC tracksuits, or SAC sweatshirts so that everything they need is either on their person or in their knapsack. See page 11 for our modified school uniform. Due to eliminating lockers, there are no laptop-free zones this fall. Students should only bring to school what they need for that day. Backpacks may be placed beside their dining hall chair, on the sidelines of their athletic activity, or, in the case of inclement weather, in a waterproof bag supplied by their coach.


BOARDING STUDENT CHANGES Mitigation Strategies Daily health checks

Clearly marked entrance and exit directional signs Room arrangements to maximize physical distance Rescheduled routines to avoid congestion Increased washroom cleaning and disinfecting Increased access to handwashing spaces and hand-sanitizing materials Elimination of day student and visitor access to boarding houses Ensure safe room capacities are always maintained Face coverings required in hallways, washrooms, and common areas Boarding house kitchens closed; single-serve snacks will be available

Boarding house staff will use EduSafe to log the daily health of boarding students, which will be monitored by the Health Centre. Students who feel ill will be sent to the Health Centre for further screening, testing, and, potentially, self-isolation. Please see our Health Centre protocols on page 12. Boys must wear a face covering in the hallways and common areas of the house at all times. Once a student is in his own room, he and his roommate(s) may take off and safely store their masks. Mask hygiene will be discussed and monitored. Students can only use the washroom and showers on their own floor. No more than three students will be allowed into any washroom at a time. Students are expected to sanitize their hands before entering a washroom, and paper towels should be used to turn off faucets after washing hands. Toilet paper can be used to flush the toilet. Creating a culture of increased hygiene in all washroom areas will receive focus this fall. Only two masked students will be allowed in the laundry area at one time. Students must sanitize their hands before entry, and cleaning wipes will be available for students to wipe down laundry machines once finished. Laptop lockup will continue; however, there will be a limit of three masked students in the room at once. Floor markers will designate waiting areas outside of the room. More time and flexibility will be given for nightly electronics lockup. This area will be overseen to ensure physical distancing is maintained. Common rooms will be limited by capacity based on square footage and the


maximum occupancy number will be posted on the door. Billiards and Ping-Pong will be permitted in common rooms; however, hands must be sanitized before play, and all materials wiped down after use. House meetings will be conducted via Zoom or outside. If a group meeting has fewer students than the maximum occupancy of the common room, the meeting may take place inside that space. Common rooms will be cleaned twice daily, and other high-traffic areas (i.e., washrooms, handrails, etc.) will be cleaned multiple times throughout each day. Cleaning will be in accordance with public health standards. All windows will be opened to guarantee airflow within each room. Furniture will be organized in a manner that creates as much space as possible within the various room configurations. Additionally, air purification systems will be placed in all common rooms to ensure consistent ventilation and purification of the air. Students will have the ability to move from floor to floor. The “1+ Rule” will determine how many students are allowed in any given residence room. One student will be permitted in addition to the maximum sleeping capacity of that room. If students are in the hallways, the common room, or another student’s room, they must wear a mask. Boarders will only be permitted to enter their own residence. If they need to work with a student from another house or they are looking for a social visit, they are welcome to go outside or work via Zoom. No day boys will be allowed to enter any residential building. Parents, guardians, and other family members must refrain from entering boarding houses. Students may be picked up from the parking lot of their residence. Mid-week leave will be highly discouraged during the fall term to reduce the number of external exposures. Weekend leaves will still be granted, and non-local boarding students can always request permission to stay at a day or boarding friend’s house. Weekend leaves will need to be approved by the boarding staff and the student’s parents/guardians.


We recognize that accessing our local community amenities is important for our students and our local economy. We will ensure that students are aware of and respect proper hygiene, physical distancing, and face-covering protocols as defined by local public health authorities. Should you have any questions about boarding expectations, please contact Mr. Keith Ramon, Director of Residential Life.


To reduce density, we will have staggered mealtimes with longer hours. Meals will be served in various locations throughout campus, including a new outdoor tent with appropriately distanced seating. As the weather gets colder and McLaughlin Hall reopens for our science and technology classes, Science City may be converted to a temporary dining space. Upper School students will be provided with a designated meal time and location. Students must strictly adhere to their seating time. Middle School students will receive lunch and daily snacks to their advisory classroom.

FOOD SERVICES Our Food Services team is eager to have students back on campus. While the delivery of meals will be different, the food quality and choices will be as good as ever. While adjusting and changing service methods, environmental sustainability will be emphasized. Dishwasher and microwave-safe reusable takeout containers will be used, along with receptacles to collect them for reuse.

Mitigation Strategies

Varied dining times Plated and takeout meals Delivery of meals to classrooms Use of PPE such as gloves and face coverings for staff Use of physical barriers Continuous cleaning of high-touch points such as tables, chairs, and door handles Heightened cleaning and disinfecting protocols between seating times

Entry, Exit, and Mealtimes

We will have a one-way flow through Cole Hall and other temporary dining facilities. Students will be expected to use the touchless hand sanitizer station before entering. Upon entry, visible physical distance spacing tactics will be implemented, including floor stamps and stanchions. Touchless hand sanitizer stations will also be available at the exit doors, and hand sanitization after meals is expected. All dining facilities will be thoroughly disinfected between seating times. 22

Day students will not be permitted in Cole Hall for breakfast or dinner to reduce density within the facility. Staff and nonsupervisory faculty will also not be permitted in Cole Hall for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. We recognize the community building that transpires when sharing a meal, so this policy will be evaluated on an ongoing basis. Consideration will be given for those students participating in a school-sanctioned activity, such as band practice or drama rehearsal, once these evening activities resume. This will be monitored by Food Services and the faculty facilitators of evening activities.

Meal Delivery

Touchpoints will be minimized, and all food will be passed or served to our students individually and directly from behind barriers. We will have takeout and delivery options for students with a reminder to use appropriate compost, recycling, and trash bins. Self-service buffet-style meals will not be offered. We will plate and serve food, cutlery, napkins, and drinks. As always, students with dietary restrictions or needs will be supported with specially prepared meals. Should students require help, we encourage them to contact any of our Food Services members who would be pleased to help them. Food remains central to our student experience, and the Food Services team has a passion for providing healthy and high-quality food. Should you have any questions, contact Mrs. Grace Wyvill, Director of Food Services.

ARTS PROGRAMMING The arts have a special and sacred place within the St. Andrew’s experience. Rest assured that we will continue to deliver a diverse and dynamic program full of music, drama, and art classes, tempered by health and safety modifications in our studios and on our stages. Detailed mitigation plans for each course have been developed with national recommendations from various federations in mind.

Mitigation Strategies All arts studios and teaching facilities will be set up for appropriate physical distancing, so class density would be modified to meet this expectation Outdoor lessons will occur when suitable Dedicated custodian for music classes to ensure shared instruments and classroom areas are cleaned and disinfected after every use Directional signage will be used, where necessary All students will sanitize their hands upon entry and exit from arts classes End-of-class protocols will involve sanitizing all equipment used, such as desks, instruments, and materials After each class, high-touch area cleaning and disinfecting

Our bands are our largest school team, and we intend to continue our music classes this fall. As we work through the finer details regarding COVID-19 best practices for a return to music, please read the Ontario Music Educators’ Association document, A Framework for The Return to Music Classes in 2020/2021. 23

PARENTS & VISITORS ATHLETICS Physical fitness is an integral part of the SAC experience. We are prepared for a positive return to athletics, guided by the Ministries of Health and Education. If, as we hope, the situation stays the same or continues to improve, we anticipate offering a robust selection of athletic activities, perhaps even a full athletic complement as the pandemic improves. The Conference of Independent Schools of Ontario Athletic Association (CISAA) has a comprehensive plan with practice start schedules, modified tournaments, regional games, and more to comply with the guidelines; however, at this time, we will not offer any inter-school competition. Our campus size provides adequate space for team practices, as well as independent and small-group fitness activities, such as spin, yoga, track and field, mountain biking, and more, which can be participated in while observing physical distance

Mitigation Strategies Reduce or eliminate close contact Increase pre- and post-hygiene protocols for students and coaches Require the use of individual water bottles, practice jerseys, and towels Limit the size of groupings Limit spectators as directed by public health Avoid social gatherings before and after play Clean equipment and spaces frequently Defined stage areas with entry and exit strategies for indoor sports Shift schedules as necessary 24

protocols. In this model, we are also planning for intra-school sports opportunities. Fitness and exercise programs will also be available online for students unable to join us on campus. Almost all fitness and sports programming will occur outside. All sporting activities and free athletic time, such as Open Gym, will be supervised by a member of the SAC faculty or staff to ensure health and safety and that students are following physical distancing and hygiene protocols. Upper School students will participate in their designated sport following specific guidelines and regulations as set forth by each sport's national federation. A series of fitness options will also be available in the fall, along with some spring sports such as tennis and golf. We ask that all Upper School students sign up for a fall sport using this link. We feel it is essential for every student to get back to physical activity, so we highly recommend all Upper School students participate in a fall sport. Middle School students will stay with their classroom cohort for fall fitness activities. Students will rotate through a series of sports, such as soccer and volleyball, but no designated teams will be created this term. This multi-sport program will allow for flexibility and maximum health and safety. Change rooms will be off-limits to most students this fall. Students are asked to arrive to school appropriately dressed for their after-school sport/fitness activity. Boarding students may return to their residence room to change. See updates to the school uniform on page 11. Every student must purchase a St. Andrew’s water bottle (if not already owned) and practice jersey, which must be labelled with the student’s name. If you have any questions regarding Athletics at SAC, please contact Mr. Paul Bedard, Director of Athletics.

No visitors, parents or otherwise, will be permitted on campus (save for pick-up and drop-off) unless they are deemed essential to the operation of the School. Exceptions may apply, but these will be considered on a case-by-case basis. For example, specialty maintenance workers and emergency services personnel. These visitors must wear PPE, and security must be notified. A member of the staff or faculty will accompany the visitor through campus. Essential visitors are expected to follow the School’s strict guidelines and school staff will ensure these visitors have followed quarantine/self-isolation requirements, hygiene measures, and have zero COVID-19 symptoms. They must also comply with our contact tracing procedures. Signage will be posted with screening questions at all entrances, and entrances will be monitored and confined to only individuals permitted in campus buildings. Parents requiring a meeting with administration or teachers can schedule a phone conference or virtual Zoom meeting. Parent groups and committees, such as the Parents Guild, will continue to operate but are required to meet via Zoom.

STUDENT LIFE/CLUBS Our student life activities and clubs are essential to the St. Andrew’s experience. We plan to run these programs fully and in accordance with protocols established by health authorities regarding the number of individuals who may gather in any particular venue.

Our campus mitigation strategies will apply to these activities. Faculty facilitators/supervisors are already in the planning phase for these activities and will work with our student groups to ensure positive engagement.

CURRICULAR & FIELD TRIPS All proposed activities will be thoroughly risk-assessed and viewed through the lens of health and safety as a first priority. Updated protocols are under development regarding school excursions. Alternatives to more extensive field trips and overnight curricular trips will be identified. Field trip proposals will be measured against transportation and physical distancing guidelines to ensure safety. Outdoor experiences will be encouraged, where possible. Field trips are unlikely to operate in the fall term but will be reassessed on an ongoing basis.

CONCLUSION St. Andrew’s College takes the safety and well-being of our students, faculty, staff, their respective families, and our local community seriously. We believe we can successfully navigate our return to on-campus learning and adhere to the Ministries of Health and Education recommendations during this pandemic. Together, we will work through these challenging times. COVID-19 is a rapidly changing pandemic, and this document will require revision throughout the year. Any updates to this living document will be communicated through the School’s weekly A Look Ahead newsletter. Our Return to School Taskforce has spent more than three months finalizing our plan, and we are confident this will be an enjoyable, productive, and safe school year. We look forward to welcoming our students to campus this fall. 25


UPPER SCHOOL MONDAY-TUESDAY-THURSDAY-FRIDAY SCHEDULE TENTATIVE 7:30-8:15 a.m. 8:15-8:35 a.m. 8:45-9:55 a.m. 9:55-10 a.m. 10-10:05 a.m. 10-05-10:10 a.m. 10:10-11:25 a.m.

Cohort Lunch* two venues TBD

Supervised Study (May be exchanged with outdoor social time when weather is nice)

1-2:10 p.m. 2:10-2:15 p.m. 2:15-2:20 p.m. 2:20-2:25 p.m. 2:25-3:40 p.m. 4 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 5:30-6:15 p.m. (September) 6:15-7 p.m. (September)

Breakfast for boarders Boarders in rooms for health checks by Heads of House using app Academic Period 1 Announced cleaning process for all classes Announced controlled departure and direct movement from class to class Allow students the opportunity for non-academic, distanced communication with peers in their Period 2 class Academic Period 2 Grade 9 students engage in cleaning process early Other grades stay in class for study with Period 2 teacher (any subject) 11:25-11:50 a.m. – Grade 9 11:50 a.m.-12:10 p.m. – Grade 10 12:10-12:35 p.m. – Grade 11 12:35-1 p.m. – Grade 12 11:30 a.m.-12:05 p.m. – Grades 11-12 students stay with Period 2 faculty member in class for supervised study 12:20-12:55 p.m. – Grades 9-10 students return to Period 2 classes for supervised study *When not in lunch or study, students may be outside or in Bedard Gym, Memorial Chapel, or Ketchum Auditorium Academic Period 3 Announced cleaning process for all classes Announced controlled departure and direct movement from class to class Allow students the opportunity for non-academic, distanced communication with peers in their Period 3 class Academic Period 4 Sports/Fitness/Wellness Completion of day Boarding dinner 1 Boarding dinner 2


Breakfast for boarders Boarders in rooms for health checks by Heads of House using app Advisory activity Period 1 stationed in Advisory classrooms except for art, Phys. Ed., and music (to align with student timetable) Period 2 stationed in Advisory classrooms except for art, Phys. Ed., and music (to align with student timetable) Lunch in Advisory classrooms (will be delivered daily to Rogers Hall by Food Services staff) Recess – recess activity in different spaces Grade 5 – Mac House Triangle Grade 6 – Quad Grade 7 – Lower Fields Grade 8 – Turf Field Period 3 stationed in Advisory classrooms except for art, Phys. Ed., and music

7:30-8:15 a.m. 8:15-8:30 a.m. 8:30-9 a.m. 9:05-10:15 a.m. 10:20-11:30 a.m. 11:30-noon Noon-12:45 p.m.

12:45-1:55 p.m.

(to align with student timetable) Period 4 stationed in Advisory classrooms except for art, Phys. Ed., and music (to align with student timetable) Advisory Co-curricular programming Middle School boarder dinner

2-3:10 p.m. 3:15-3:30 3:45-5:30 p.m. 6-6:30 p.m.


8:30-9:30 a.m. Block 1 – 9:30-10:30 a.m. Block 2 – 10:30-11:30 a.m.


yellow = meals

grey = travel/transition/cleaning time

red = health app

orange = supervised study

blue = academic classes

green = athletics

Block 3 – 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Block 4 – 12:30-1:30 p.m. Block 5 – 1:30-2:30 p.m. 2:30-2:45 p.m. 2:45-3:45 p.m.

Faculty professional development; student sleep-ins Weekly rotations of advisory, outdoor experiential education, wellness, coding, and digital citizenship Weekly rotations of advisory, outdoor experiential education, wellness, coding, and digital citizenship Lunch, recess programming, Leadership committee meetings Rotations of innovations programming: engineer design challenge, genius hour, etc. Rotations of innovations programming: engineer design challenge, genius hour, etc. Advisory Athletics 27






8:30-9:30 a.m.

Sleep in while faculty are in PD

Sleep in while faculty are in PD

Sleep in while faculty are in PD

Sleep in while faculty are in PD

9:10 a.m.or earlier

App health check-in residence and home

App health check-in residence and home

App health check-in residence and home

App health check-in residence and home

9:30-10 a.m.

Study Hall, GLC, and Centres

Study Hall, GLC, and Centres

ACPlus 11 & 12

ACPlus 11 & 12

10-10:25 a.m.

Study Hall, GLC, and Centres

Study Hall, GLC, and Centres

ACPlus 11 & 12

ACPlus 11 & 12

10:25-10:35 10:35-11 a.m.

Mandatory cleaning protolols and moving ACPlus 9 & 10

ACPlus 9 & 10

Study Hall, GLC, and Centres

Study Hall, GLC, and Centres

11-11:25 a.m.

ACPlus 9 & 10

ACPlus 9 & 10

Study Hall, GLC, and Centres

Study Hall, GLC, and Centres

11:30-11:55 a.m.

Study skills for high school



University Counselling and Chapel/Assembly alternating

noon-12:25 p.m.


Leadership group meetings

Leadership group meetings

Leadership group meetings

12:30-1 p.m.



Special lunch by House

Special lunch by House

1-1:25 p.m.





1:30-2 p.m.





2-2:30 p.m.





2:30-2:55 p.m.





3-4:30 p.m.





• No evening activities on Wednesdays • Dinner for boarders only • All activities to happen in small groups of students and appropriately distanced 28



ACADEMIC SUPPORT Online tutoring Open Classroom Guided Learning Centre Math Den English Nook Daily virtual meetings


CO-CURRICULARS HEALTH & WELLNESS Daily live and recorded fitness classes Virtual sports practices Monthly fitness challenges Guided meditation Yoga Virtual counselling Circle of Care Virtual athletic therapy Daily healthy recipes

Arts/Co-Curricular Plus Leadership teams Clubs Councils Community service Middle School Arts Robotics Pipes & Drums Film & Media Studies Drama

COMMUNITY Community Giving Project Weekly community service events Weekly Chapel Weekly Upper and Middle School gatherings Large-scale celebration assemblies Community-wide competitions Increased social media presence Student social media takeovers Student-led social media programs

SACFlex is more than just an online learning program. It’s a place where creativity and imagination soar, where academics are re-imagined to our current reality, and where distance brings us together. We’ve successfully migrated our in-person instruction into a space that has expanded our learning and teaching capabilities. Exceptional comes to life in SACFlex. Asynchronous (recorded) and synchronous (live) classes allow students to connect with their teacher and classmates as they would in in-person instruction, while recorded videos and written instructions provide students with the ability to effectively complete course work on their own time and in their own time zone. Our typical 24/7 transitioned well to our online environment. Here are just some of the great elements incorporated in the St. Andrew’s College online learning program. SUPPORT FOR PARENTS DAILY / WEEKLY ADVISORY Instagram @StAndrewsCollege1899

Keeping students on track and within a community of their peers. The studentto-advisor and parent-to-advisor relationships are essential. No lack of student-to-teacher support. Teachers are never far away, whether you’re in Japan or just down the street - faculty are accommodating the schedules of each student.

Tuition support/adjustment Virtual well-being workshops Curated resources from our Health Centre Coffee hours Social events New parent check-ins

CLAN / HOUSE PRIDE Clan spirit competitions Weekly house meetings House contests

IT SUPPORT Virtual Helpdesk Global laptop assistance Seamless transition to SACFlex program Zoom security Secure online classroom environment Real-time IT support Issues resolved in under 24 hours

KEY CONTACTS Head of School Kevin R. McHenry

Food Services Grace Wyvill, Director of Food Services

Academics Sabrina D’Angelo, Director of Middle School

Health Centre Margaret Kirkby, Director of Health & Wellness

Michael Paluch, Assistant Head of School, Director of Academics

Maintenance Klaus Griese, Chief Engineer

Admission Michael Roy, Director of Admission, Marketing & Business Development

Residential Life Keith Ramon, Director of Residential Life

Athletics Paul Bedard, Director of Athletics

Student Life/Calendar Courtenay Shrimpton, Assistant Head of School, Director of Upper School & Strategic Development

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