Junior Department Another exciting year with our department functioning at full capacity, ensured opportunities for children to fully explore the Key Competencies by: working in Teams across the department, engaging in activities that acknowledge their Thinking and the ideas of others, prioritising Communication skills through professional learning and explicit teaching of Self‑Management skills using programmes such as the Mindful Movers.
Appraisal Connector An ongoing indicator of the dedication and commitment to self-improvement of the teaching team, was evident throughout the year as teaching inquiries were recorded and shared with peers using the Appraisal Connector platform. Our shared theme this year was a focus on strengthening Oral Language skills in our young learners. All Junior Department staff attended an Oral Language course run by Sheena Cameron and Louise Dempsey in January 2021. Each term key areas were selected by individual teachers and their inquiries were shared in Appraisal Connector using the following prompts:
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What you trialled in your practice… The impact it had on learning… Questions you still have… Any possible next steps…
Individual inquiries followed by collegial sharing ensured a depth of learning and rich experiences for our students. It was evident by the end of the year that our children could communicate their learning and opinions in a variety of settings.
Embedding our Learning Culture A common theme across the Preparatory School was introducing and unpacking the school wide StAC-UP programme. The Junior team welcomed this addition and initially linked it to our Oral Language inquiries. The language of StAC-UP was shared through acts of explicit teaching to ensure our young students developed successful learning and behaviour strategies. Students have been reflecting on their actions around three key areas: Be Ready, Be Safe, and Be Respectful. This cycle of reflecting and linking actions to StAC-UP through guided conversation and implementing change has become part of our daily practice. 16