Regulus Issue 1, 2021

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Contents MAY 2021

Editor/Writer: Jo Bailey Photography: Sue Oxley Anna Turner Emma Steel Sarah Rowlands Rosa Horncastle Craig Morgan Kerry Larby Lisa Clark Printing: Caxton

Leadership and Governance

Values and Culture

2 From the Rector 4 From the Board 5 Board Chair set to retire 6 StAC Leadership Development

26 28

Founders’ Day and Highland Games


A traditional welcome; Staff learn Te Reo Māori


7 2020 Marily Scanlon Award winners 8 Introducing our 2021 student leaders Teaching and Learning

10 Geographers interpret the world 11 Geography leads to exciting careers 12 A record breaking year of academic achievement

Published: May 2021 General correspondence should be addressed to: Head of Communications St Andrew’s College 347 Papanui Road Strowan Christchurch 8052 New Zealand Telephone: +64 3 940 2000 Email: Website:

13 14 15 16

The secret to academic success

18 19 20 21

Love of language and literacy

New teaching staff for 2021 Academic successes Learning in the field; Action-packed start to the year

Junior School Athletic Sports Day Happy campers Living StAC values

Resources and Environment Find us online:

Boarders off to a great start; Meet the new Thompson House Boarding Manager; International students separated by COVID-19

31 Special assemblies 32 Within the walls of Strowan House 34 StAC-UP sets the standard 35 Scholarships prove life-changing 36 Meet the Guidance team;

New team member Michael Coleman

37 38

Te Waka Calling ceremony

Cultural catch up; Ballet Academy Production Coppélia; Polyfest

41 Swimming sports 42 Community and service 43 Giving a helping hand 44 Sports round up 48 Athletic Sports Day 49 Six medals at Maadi 50 Summer Tournament Week



StACFit for all; Specialised programmes in place

Old Collegians


24 25

From the Director of Development


Campus update


Message from the President; 10 Years On Reunion


60 Years On Reunion OCA Golf tournament


Class notes; Upcoming events; Gone but not forgotten


Welcome to the world; Just married


Where these icons appear throughout the magazine, they indicate where further photographic or video content is available via our online channels.

(Cover) Rector Christine Leighton with the 2021 Heads of College, Deputy Heads of College and Heads of Boarding. Photo credit: Sue Oxley




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From the

Rector Alongside academic qualifications, it is important our students develop the resilience and competencies to contribute positively to their communities. Once again, this Regulus magazine profiles another group of St Andrew’s College students who are adapting to the changing world around them. In some ways their world is vastly different to that of the Old Collegians who recently attended their 60 Years On Reunion (third form students from 1960 and 1961), and yet in other ways some things do not change; the positivity and resilience of youth; the development of understanding self; the importance of community; and the ever presence of hope and optimism.

As we have raced our way through the hectic pace of Term 1, I have an almost overwhelming sense of gratitude for the events and opportunities we have all enjoyed, especially when compared to schools in other parts of the world. Things we previously took for granted, such as Founders’ Day celebrations, or Summer Tournament Week, are now moments to be savoured as we reflect on our values and the things we most treasure about the St Andrew’s College experience. At the core of our purpose is student learning through classroom and co-curricular opportunities, guided by our staff through their knowledge, skills, passions, and relationships. Each year, the benchmark for our teaching and learning programmes are our NCEA and Scholarship results. Despite the challenges of 2020, our results have been better than ever before with an astonishing 279 Excellence endorsements across Levels 1, 2 and 3 and a record of 53 NZQA Scholarships achieved. In comparing our results to those from similar schools, we are satisfied and pleased that we are delivering upon our own high expectations and those of our community.

One of the impressive attributes of St Andrew’s students is their willingness to embrace community service opportunities and their desire to effect positive change. This year we have nine Community Service Leaders and many other senior students who are part of service teams, supporting a variety of charities. Through tutor group activities or Duke of Edinburgh programmes, our young people learn to channel some of their energy and passion into causes beyond those which serve their own interests. We are proud of the number of St Andrew’s students who pursue and complete the Duke of Edinburgh’s Hillary Awards with 70 students achieving their Gold in the last 12 years. I suspect this may be the most Golds achieved by any school in New Zealand over that time. This is an award that is held in high regard all over the world, and it is good to see it so actively promoted at St Andrew’s. The act of giving and the character strength of generosity are known to increase a sense of belonging and well-being. Many generous people have supported our College over the years and what we enjoy today has been built on the energy, passion, and spirit of those who have gone before. One group who have generously given of their time and skill over 104 years at St Andrew’s are those who have served on the Board of Governors. I am very grateful for the privilege to work with the Board and particularly acknowledge Bryan Pearson as he completes his 12-year term on the Board with the last four years as Board Chair.

At the end of last term, we took time to celebrate our summer sports teams, particularly those who achieved top placings in New Zealand. During one week, St Andrew’s College teams won two New Zealand titles in Mixed tennis and Junior Girls’ futsal, a third place nationally in Senior Girls’ futsal, and a gold, silver, and four bronze medals at the Maadi Cup Secondary Schools’ Rowing Regatta. A group of 157 students competed in the national Tournament Week and the wonderful results across all sports brought great pride to our school. A sense of belonging and quiet pride also comes from our everyday and annual rituals. These include our weekly gatherings in Chapel, singing a favourite hymn or the School Song with voices lifted in unison, the Pipe Band parade at Founders’ Day or Athletic Sports Day, or watching our student guides interact with the hundreds of visitors during Open Day. These are the things that lift our spirits and make us realise the value of belonging to a community: where we can celebrate the good and support each other through the tough times, where we acknowledge successes knowing that sometimes we will fall short. Our wish for every St Andrew’s College student is that throughout all the ups and downs of life, they feel a sense of belonging, knowing they are contributing to something so much bigger than themselves. With a nod to the past and our College traditions, we navigate the challenges of our changing world knowing that we are preparing our young people to take charge of their own futures when it is time.

Christine Leighton Rector

Outgoing Board Chair, Bryan Pearson (front row second from left), with the current College Board.

Leadership and Governance

Steve and Jacqui McDonald with Christine Leighton at the rowing Boat Naming Ceremony.



Christine Leighton with Ladies Circle President, Elizabeth Peacock, at the Ladies Circle Christmas Luncheon.

St Andrew’s College hosted the Tactix and Pulse netball teams in Gym2, and it was exciting that both teams had an Old Collegian playing. Pictured with Rector Christine Leighton are Kelera Nawai (OC 2016) a member of the Pulse, and Charlotte Elley (OC 2014) from the Tactix. Members of the St Andrew’s College Senior A team to meet the players included (from left) Isabella Galvan, Otolose Faingaanuku, Holly Munro and Tapenisa Havea (all Year 13).

Boarders Valentines Day dinner is always an anticipated event in the Boarding calendar and enjoyed by all who attend.

From the

Board The Presbytery of Christchurch also hold a right of nomination to the Board. My colleague, Rev. Sandra Wright-Taylor, who has held this position for the past 12 years, will also retire at the end of June. Sandra brings considerable courage and compassion to our Board table which, along with her calm and considered demeanour, has been a source of great value and strength to us all, particularly through challenging times.

Changing of the guard – Felicity Odlin will succeed Bryan Pearson as Board Chair on Thursday 1 July.

It was my great pleasure at the Founders’ Day Assembly to announce that from Thursday 1 July 2021 our Board of Governors will be led by Felicity Odlin. The Board followed a robust process to identify a Chair from among the existing experienced Board members. We unanimously determined a preference for Felicity, and she accepted our nomination as Chair-elect. Felicity, who has served on the Board for five years, is a highly capable and proven Governor who has the trust and confidence of the Board, management, and key stakeholders. Felicity and I are working closely together to ensure a smooth transition and passing of the baton. My retirement from the Board after 12 years is in accordance with the maximum allowable service under the College constitution. Under the constitution various key stakeholder groups hold a right of nomination to the Board of Governors and I am grateful to have served as the nominee of the Old Collegians Association.

Our retirements open the opportunity for others to serve the College. The Board is currently consulting with the Old Collegians Association Executive and the Presbytery to resolve their replacement nominations to the Board of Governors effective from Thursday 1 July. Over the past year, we have been faced with the challenge and uncertainty of a global pandemic. None of us knew what it would mean for our College, our community, our country, or the world and in many ways that is yet to be fully revealed. Yet, in the College’s response we have again shown our resilience, learnt through the crises we have faced together. That resilience is hard won. It comes from the commitment of our students, their families and caregivers to education. And it comes from our Board, the Rector Christine Leighton, her executive leadership team, management, teachers, and staff. I honour you all and what you achieved not only in 2020, which was a standout year for student achievement, but over the tumultuous past decade. It has been a privilege to work alongside Board colleagues and especially Rector Christine Leighton who is one of the country’s most successful and respected principals. As a highly effective leader she has built a strong leadership team around her and inspired students, teachers, staff, and our wider community. Christine’s leadership makes the work of the Board straightforward.

Our work as the Board of Governors is guided by the College constitution, however, we also have a prayer, composed by Co-deputy Chair, Malcolm Johns, that is recited by a member of the Board at the commencement of our meetings. It brings us together, reminds us why we serve, and gives us strength and support. I thought it an opportune time to share this with you.

O God, the source of wisdom and truth that last forever. We ask for your guidance as we who have been called to give our time and skills freely in support of the St Andrew’s College vision to provide our young people with the roots and wings to flourish in an ever-changing world. Help us to live our College’s founding values of Truth, Excellence, Faith, Creativity and Inclusivity so that we may be a positive working example to all those we are here to serve. We ask for your enduring support as we work together to build better people, for life. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Mate atu he tētēkura, ka whakaeke mai he tētēkura Mā te wā As one frond perishes, another grows in its place.

See you later.

Bryan Pearson Board Chair On behalf of the Board of Governors

Bryan says it was also Garry Moore’s astute financial acumen and negotiation of the insurance settlement, that set St Andrew’s College up to invest over $110 million in redevelopment over the last decade or so. “It was a silver lining and a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity we were able to seize, that will benefit our College community for decades to come.”

set to


Retiring Board Chair, Bryan Pearson.

During his 12 years on the St Andrew’s College Board, retiring Board Chair, Bryan Pearson (OC 1980), has helped guide the College through one of the most challenging and transformative periods in its history. “I’ve had a front row seat through some significant upheaval and incredible redevelopment. It has been a great privilege to serve on the Board during this time, and to be Chair over the last four years.” Since taking on the role of Board Chair in 2017, Bryan has been a highly effective and well-respected leader, with an ethos to build on the legacy of the people who have come before. “So many people throughout the College’s 104-year history have played a part in the thriving school St Andrew’s College

is today, and I’m constantly mindful of the responsibility and obligation to respect that commitment and effort through good times and bad, and to build on that.” St Andrew’s College was dramatically impacted by the Christchurch earthquakes and Bryan, who was serving on the Board at the time, is full of praise for the leadership of Rector Christine Leighton and his predecessor, Garry Moore, to navigate the College through this most challenging of times. “Christine is an outstanding principal and highly effective leader, and Garry was so hands on and much more involved than a Board Chair would be in normal circumstances. Prior to the earthquakes Garry had facilitated significant changes to the College constitution, which enabled Board appointments with complementary capabilities, relevant to the needs of the College at the time. This meant we had a strong team around the table at the time of the earthquakes to support Christine and Garry.”

Witnessing the growth in resilience at St Andrew’s College has been a highlight of Bryan’s time on the Board, he says. “The College has faced considerable adversity but is stronger and better for these challenges. The strength and confidence which has developed in our governors, management team, and decision makers, is powerful for navigating the years ahead.” Bryan says his objective as Board Chair has been to add value to St Andrew’s College and its community, and to ensure a constructive and productive Board dynamic that enabled quality decision making. “I do feel like I’m leaving the Board with St Andrew’s College in a better position than when I joined. There are many, many people who have played a part in that, and I’ve been grateful for the opportunity to play my part.” Bryan will officially step down as the fourteenth Board Chair of St Andrew’s College at the Annual General Meeting on Thursday 1 July 2021 and Felicity Odlin, who has served on the Board for five years, will succeed him.

5 Regulus

Board Chair

He says his focus as Board Chair has been to facilitate further evolution of the College in support of its purpose and direction, rather than drive any wholesale changes. “One of the strengths of St Andrew’s College governance and management is we never think we’ve arrived. We are constantly striving for improvement and the opportunity to enhance the St Andrew’s College experience for all stakeholders, especially students and their families, without taking undue risk.”

Leadership and Governance

Bryan is himself, a highly experienced governor, business advisor, and investor, with decades of experience in chief executive and governance roles in the corporate, private, and public sectors in New Zealand and Australia. He is a proud Old Collegian, with his sons, Henry (OC 2014) and Tom (OC 2016), also attending St Andrew’s, and his wife, Susie, having been a teacher aide and serving on the PTA.

StAC Leadership Development programme A new cohort of teachers at St Andrew’s College have recently embarked on a two-year journey to develop their leadership skills, following the success of the inaugural StAC Leadership Development programme, which finished at the end of 2020. Head of Values and Culture, Hamish Bell, says research suggests better learning outcomes for students with the involvement of teachers as leaders, whether or not they are in formal leadership positions in the College. “All teachers are leaders in my view, and we have had a great range of staff involved in the programme so far – from Heads of Department, to teachers just starting out on their leadership journey. The programme is a wonderful opportunity for them to be involved in ongoing professional learning alongside colleagues from both the Secondary and Preparatory Schools.” Staff engaged in the StAC Leadership Development programme meet around four times each term. They attend a variety of workshops and sessions, which utilise internal expertise and involve guest speakers from outside the College, including many from outside the education sector. The focus in the first year is about understanding one’s own leadership style, and learning about self, while in the second year it is all about setting leadership goals, implementing a project or inquiry, and contributing as a leader.

Some of the topics covered include managing difficult conversations, cultural leadership, attention management, and career leadership development. “The idea is not to just hold one off professional development sessions, but to build on what we’ve learnt from one session to the next,” says Hamish. Year 10 Dean, and Teacher in Charge of the Athlete Sport Development and Athlete Sport Performance programmes, Riley Gain, who graduated in the programme’s first cohort, says it was a fantastic source of professional learning. “The programme created an environment and space for us to set goals and gain a greater understanding of our leadership styles and aspirations, while learning from experts along the way. The practical application and interaction with leaders in the community was extremely valuable, as was the collaborative nature of the programme over the past two years.” Another to graduate was English teacher, Rebecca Ball, who said it was a privilege to work alongside such a reflective and supportive group of colleagues. “I gained a new insight into not only my own leadership capacity, but the incredible breadth of talent and empathy that we have in our staff here at St Andrew’s.” Preparatory School teacher, Jo Cordner, says the benefits of the

‘extremely worthwhile’ programme have extended beyond the school gate. “The guest speakers were excellent and I gained a lot from meeting people who did not work in the education sector. The skills I have acquired have assisted me not only as a professional, but out of school also.” Facilitating the programme alongside Hamish, is Head of Guidance, Tom Matthews, and Kristen Cooper, Managing Director of consultancy company, Kaycee Projects, who is a former St Andrew’s College parent. Hamish says the participants’ reflections are another important aspect of the process. “A 360-degree review is completed by each participant at the start of the programme, and they deliver personal reflections at the end of each year. It is a very powerful process, which highlights their professional growth, and also the impact of their leadership development in the classroom.” 2019-2020 Graduates/Cohort Steve Aldhamland, Rebecca Ball, Kane Boulton, Jo Cordner, Bid Constanti, James Jenkinson, Riley Gain, Ellen Hampson, Mitch Howard, Daniel O’Reilly and Beka Roest. 2021 Cohort Nicole Kilbride, Ellie Simatos, Megan Feller, Monique O’Sullivan, Liam Smith, Phil Temple, Ben Hughes, Santhia Hamburg, Sarah Cloughley-Dalzell, Dayna Stirling and Donna Jones.

2020 Marily Scanlon Award winners

Wilj has become a sought-after presenter at international ICT conferences and was instrumental in the success of the St Andrew’s College e-Learning programme during the lockdown period in 2020. He has encouraged the further development of Technology subjects and has created opportunities for many students in the co-curricular robotics competitions. At the Vex IQ National Robotics Championship he was awarded the 2020 Vex IQ Teacher of the Year award. Wilj says being congratulated by students from both the Preparatory and Secondary Schools after winning the Marily Scanlon Award caused him to pause and reflect on some of the many incredible opportunities and achievements at St Andrew’s over the past years. He is most proud of watching how individuals, groups, and classes enjoy The Green Library and Innovation Centre and seeing the programmes he helped to establish become self-sustaining. “I am really




grateful for the Marily Scanlon Award prize money, which will give my wife and I the opportunity to attend Bett London, one of the top Edtech conferences in the world, when we can travel again. We will also visit family in the Netherlands and old friends from our years teaching in the United Kingdom.” Jo Bigford-Fleming has taught at St Andrew’s for 19 years. During this time, she has inspired hundreds of Commerce students with a particular passion for Economics. Almost every year there are students who achieve Scholarship in Economics, and many school leavers have gone on to become highly successful in this area beyond school. Jo is committed to the holistic development of all students she connects with, particularly during the eight years she served as a Dean, guiding and cajoling her students as they navigated their way through Secondary School. “I am very proud of my times as a Dean, as well as seeing students enjoy the world of Economics. To hear that many of them have carried on into the world of commerce, confirms the relevance of the subject throughout school.” Jo’s commitment to co-curricular activities sees her support many sporting and cultural activities, and she has managed many tennis and basketball teams over the years.

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Head of Innovation and Information Services, Wilj Dekkers, and Commerce teacher, Jo Bigford-Fleming, receiving their awards at the 2020 Prizegiving.

She says it was an ‘incredible honour’ to gain the award. “Jay Scanlon’s philanthropy is one of the many examples of the great relationships the College and community have. It was a thrill to receive this honour and to be recognised for doing a job I love.” Jo plans to use the prize money towards completing a Master of Education (MEd) with a focus on developing financial literacy across all age groups, or to travel to China to look at trade links between the two countries and what this will mean for students in the future. The Marily Scanlon Award for Teaching Excellence is generously supported by previous Board member, Jay Scanlon, in memory of his late wife Marily. It was first awarded in 2009.

7 Regulus

Wilj began teaching at St Andrew’s in the Preparatory School in 2014. During his seven years at the College, he has diversified his responsibilities to guiding and supporting teachers in their transition to online learning, and students in their proficiency in digital literacy. He was highly involved in the redevelopment of the Secondary School Library into The Green Library and Innovation Centre, which opened in June 2018.

Leadership and Governance

The Marily Scanlon Award for Teaching Excellence is one of the highly anticipated presentations at each end-of-year Prizegiving. In 2020, two teachers, Head of Innovation and Information Services, Wilj Dekkers, and Commerce teacher, Jo Bigford-Fleming, were chosen as recipients of the award, for their outstanding contributions and enormously positive impact at St Andrew’s College.

Introducing our


student leaders

Another wonderful group of students have been appointed to more than 100 leadership roles for 2021. Leadership is an opportunity and a responsibility our young leaders take seriously, and they are well supported in their roles. The 2021 Prefect team, under the leadership of Heads of College, Tapenisa Havea and Jack Calder, have introduced a theme called Take One Step, as their guiding principle for the year. Tapenisa Havea Head Girl Tapenisa Havea is honoured to be the 2021 Head Girl. As someone who loves to help people, she is excited about the opportunity to work alongside a group of other positive young leaders to bring the prefects’ theme of Take One Step to life – encouraging students to take a step in a new direction and build on this throughout the year. Known for her friendly, warm personality, Tapenisa is also focused on more personal ways she can make an impact, such as stopping to ask someone how they are, or how their day is going. She is an incredibly talented netballer, and athlete, who has won national titles in shot put and hurdles. Tapenisa also gained Excellence in NCEA Level 1 and 2. With a passion for Science based subjects, she is considering going to the University of Canterbury to study Engineering, then going to the University of Otago to study Heath Sciences. Jack Calder Head Boy One of Jack Calder’s goals as Head Boy is to build on the solid foundation and inclusive culture already in place at St Andrew’s College. He says it is a privilege to be in the role and to represent students in all areas of the College. The approachable all-rounder moves easily between different groups of students, having played sport for the College, received Academic Colours in 2019 and 2020, and shone in cultural pursuits. Jack is known for his brilliant performances on stage, having had a lead role in every College production since Year 9. He is still figuring out his plans for next year, but says they definitely include creating music, getting out into the world, and meeting people. He is also considering formal Music studies later on. Jack hopes the Student Leaders’ legacy at the end of 2021 is that students at St Andrew’s feel they have been part of something special.

Isabella Galvan Deputy Head Girl Isabella Galvan is excited about being the 2021 Deputy Head Girl at St Andrew’s College, and is encouraging other students to make the most of all the opportunities on offer. She is an inclusive and considerate leader, who gets things done in a quietly assertive and positive manner. During the year, Isabella plans to connect with as many students as possible, and to learn and grow as a person. She is a gifted sportsperson, playing both Senior A touch and netball, captaining the netball team in 2020. Isabella also serves on the Netball New Zealand Youth Board, and won an Outstanding New Zealand Scholarship in Health and Physical Education. She was awarded a 2020 Robert Burns Scottish Scholarship, but was unfortunately unable to travel to Scotland due to COVID-19. Isabella is still considering her future study and career plans.

Sophie Innes Head of Girls’ Boarding Sophie Innes says boarding has been a huge part of her experience at St Andrew’s College and she is honoured to be the 2021 Head of Girls’ Boarding, which is a role she has always looked up to. One of the main goals for this friendly, organised leader is to keep building on the great boarding culture at St Andrew’s, and to strengthen co-ed bonds and connections, particularly in the kaitiaki (focus) groups. Playing team sports such as Senior A netball, and Senior A Girls’ tennis has shown Sophie how vital teamwork is for success, along with the importance of understanding everyone’s unique strengths. Sophie is still making plans for 2022, but is considering studying a Bachelor of Commerce, or a degree in Design and Marketing, while continuing to play netball and tennis. She hopes the boarding community of 2021 will look back on a fun and enjoyable year.

Arden Ongley Deputy Head Boy Arden Ongley says it is a privilege to be the 2021 Deputy Head Boy. His involvement with many sports teams at the College has shown him how well supporting others within a team environment can contribute towards success. He is an organised leader who can communicate and connect well with a wide range of people to get things done. Arden’s goals for 2021 are to be a positive role model, and through various legacy projects, successfully contribute towards and grow school pride. He is a valued member of both the 1st XV rugby and 1st XI cricket teams, gained an Excellence endorsement at NCEA Level 2, and has already achieved his Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Hillary Award. He is still figuring out his next steps after leaving St Andrew’s. Arden would like the leadership team’s legacy to be achieving its goals and successfully connecting in all areas of the College.

Jake Jackways Head of Boys’ Boarding Jake Jackways says he is very grateful for the opportunity to be a leader within the boarding community. One of his main goals for 2021 is to increase the visibility of boarding at St Andrew’s and grow awareness of what a fun and enjoyable community it is. He is committed to creating a positive environment in the boarding houses, where students are encouraged to get involved and enjoy what they are doing, while building a sense of community. Jake is a talented sportsperson, who plays for the 1st XI hockey, and Senior A tennis teams, while competing in cross country and athletics at a national level. He achieved NCEA Level 1 and 2 with Excellence. In 2022, Jake hopes to go to the University of Canterbury and study Engineering, while continuing to run and play hockey. He would like to leave behind a strong and prominent boarding community.

Prefect Team 2021

Middle School Leaders 2021

Preparatory School Prefects 2021

Karina Ahn Madeleine Bailey Torian Barnes Oscar Bloom George Burrowes Te Rina Cooper Samuel Foote Jacob Gavin Oliver Graves Eva Hitchon Samuel Jeon Abby Jones Felix Kenton-Smith Isabella Logie Liam Longley Ariana Mellish-Temple Charlie Moorhead Connor Newton Oliver Odlin Farrah Richards Catelin Riordan Georgia Spark Zack Waite Lily Welsford

Mitchell Corkery Naomi Dana Guy Daniels Georgia Eagle Holly Gilray Struan Gordon Ryan Hawker Connor Higgs Chelsea Jenkins Gabriella Kenton-Smith Morgan Lee Gemma Lewis Riley Lyons Annika MacDonald Sebastian May Evangeline McNeill Josh McPhail Bede Miller Sam Moorhead Juliet Noordanus Lachlan Odlin Poppy Rumble William Russell Kyrielle Spenner Lucas Te Rangi Oskar Trafford Mia Walker Torin Ward Lauren Whittaker Jorja Williams Luke Wylie

George Bissland Matthew Bluck Emily de Joux Charlie Hitchon Cherng-Jung (Alina) Ho Daisy Huang Karishma Jeram Ania Kuziel Charlotte Kyle Ethan Lam Daniel Liu Thomas McIntosh Sasha McIntyre Evie McKay Caitlin O’Donnell William Pringle Tom Simpson Emily Watt Emily Woodgate Annie Young

Leadership and Governance

9 Regulus

The 2021 Heads of College. Back (from left), Head of Boys' Boarding Jake Jackways, Head of Girls’ Boarding Sophie Innes, front (from left), Deputy Head Boy Arden Ongley, Deputy Head Girl Isabella Galvan, Rector Christine Leighton, Head Boy Jack Calder and Head Girl Tapenisa Havea.

Geography is an important subject, which is about so much more than simply learning a country’s place on the world map or its geographic features, says Head of Social Sciences, Kane Boulton. “Geography seeks to interpret the world and how it develops and changes over time. It explores the important relationships and connections between people and their natural and cultural environments. It also investigates the ways features are arranged on the Earth’s surface, and the patterns and processes that create them.” On their fascinating journey to obtain, present, and analyse information, Geography students learn to think spatially, and use tools such as maps, visual images, and new technologies, including geographic information systems (GIS). “The ability to work with data is becoming increasingly important in Geography, due, in the large part, to technological advances. For example, much of our information about where things are located comes from satellites that continuously beam co-ordinates to global positioning devices on Earth. This increasing use of technology and data is equipping students with some great skills for the future.”

Some of the key concepts or big ideas that students explore in Geography include change, processes, patterns, perspectives, interaction, sustainability, and environments. “Geographic concepts help us to understand the key relationships between people and their environments. The concepts also have a spatial component, and provide a framework which geographers use to interpret and represent information about the world.” Geography can lead to tertiary education in subjects such as Physical Geography, Cultural Geography, or other related subjects such as Geology, Environmental Science, Natural Resource Engineering, and Forestry Management. Qualifications in Geography can lead to many different career paths in a wide range of fields, including urban and regional planning, industrial location and marketing, environment monitoring and resource management, community development, and as researchers, analysts, consultants, technologists, and planners. “A few geography jobs are based almost entirely on the study of location. Remote sensing specialists, photogrammetrists, and surveyors gather data about where things are on Earth. GIS analysts review this data and sometimes use them to make maps. Planners help to determine where buildings and roads should be located,” says Kane.

Geography is available as an option in Years 9–10 and as an NCEA subject in Years 11–13. Students studying NCEA Geography go on regular field trips, where they enjoy the practical application of their classroom learning. Recent field trips have included a Year 11 trip to the West Coast/Hanmer Springs/Kaikōura, a Year 12 trip to Aoraki Mt Cook National Park, and a Year 13 trip to the Canterbury coastal environment. Kane says in addition to further study and career opportunities, Geography can have a profound impact on those who study it. “It is a subject that can stimulate a student’s sense of wonder about the world and inspire them to help shape a better future.

Geographers interpret the


Geography leads to

exciting careers 14) own (OC 20 Charlotte Br ge ndrew’s Colle

Andrew Douglas-Clifford (OC 2011)

Andrew Douglas-Clifford has always been interested in how the world works, which is why Geography was a standout subject choice, he says. “I love how it is able to cover quite a wide range of different topics and issues about the human and natural worlds, then bring them together into the big picture, especially on issues such as climate change.” Andrew works as a cartographer and geospatial analyst at an environmental/engineering consultancy, which keeps him busy with lots of varied and interesting projects. He first became interested in cartography, which is the art and science of designing maps, during his studies at the University of Canterbury, where he completed a Bachelor of Science in Geography, and a Master in Geographic Information Science (GIS). “A couple of my maps gained popular attention online, which turned a hobby into a side business, designing and selling art prints of maps.” Highlights of Andrew’s studies at St Andrew’s include Geography trips, and a Social Sciences trip to Vietnam, which made learning more tangible. He also enjoyed learning from Geography teacher, Kerry Larby, who was so passionate about the subject, he said. “Studying Geography at St Andrew’s definitely fostered my skills and interest to take it further.”

Patrick Hall has always had a passion for politics, and an interest in travel and glo bal cultures, which made Ge ography an ideal subject during his years at St Andrew’s C ollege. “Geography is at the inte rsection of all of these, so natura lly I was interested in it as a sub ject.” He most enjoyed the rea l-world application of Geogr aph y– learning about contem por ary societal issues as par t of human geography, then being able to witness them in real life . “Our class field trip to Queen stown was a memorable exa mple of this.” After leaving St Andre w's College, Patrick comple ted an undergraduate deg ree in Political Science, Econom ics, and Geography at the Un iversity of Canterbury, as well as a Masters focusing on Eu ropean Union policy. He has undertaken two internships – one at Air New Zealand, and the other at a UK economic think tan k. He is now working for a Lon donbased think tank, contrib uting to the climate change pol icy debate in the UK. “My role see s me creating and vetting gov ernment policy. I regularly produc e policy reports, make appearanc es in UK print and broadcast media, and engage senior pol itical figures on salient enviro nmental issues.” Patrick would like to dee pen his policy knowledge acr oss different areas and see s himself involved in government affairs or par ty politics in the fut ure.

Teaching and Learning

Patrick Hall (OC 2014)

11 Regulus

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A record breaking year of

academic achievement Many St Andrew’s College students achieved outstanding success in NCEA, with a total of 279 Excellence endorsements across all three year levels (103 at Level 1, 101 at Level 2, and 75 at Level 3). Congratulations to all students who gained overall Excellence endorsements, along with the many students who gained subject endorsements.

New Zealand Scholarship Awards St Andrew’s College celebrated unprecedented success in 2020, with 53 subject New Zealand Scholarships awarded, including four Outstanding. This was a fantastic achievement and a reflection of a lot of hard work and preparation. The challenges created by the COVID-19 pandemic made the results even more impressive. Twelve of the Scholarships gained were by nine students in Year 12 and two Scholarships were achieved by Year 11 student, Luke Zhu, which was a great achievement. Dux, Samuel Croot, achieved five Scholarships, including one Outstanding. Proxime Accessit, Imogen McNeill, also achieved five Scholarships, including two Outstanding. Both students were named in the Top 58 Outstanding Scholars in New Zealand. • Oscar Bloom (Year 12) – Geography, History; • Jordan Bourke – English, Chemistry, Physics, Calculus; • Samuel Croot – Chemistry, Physics, Statistics, Calculus, Technology (Outstanding); • Aleisha Davis – Biology, Geography; • Xavier Dickason – English, Chemistry, History; • Jasmine Donald – Health and Physical Education; • Maya Field – Biology; • Benjamin Frazer – Biology, Classical Studies; • Alan Fu – Technology; • Isabella Galvan (Year 12) – Health and Physical Education (Outstanding); • Lily Goodwin – Design; • Eva Hitchon (Year 12) – Physics; • Samuel Jeon (Year 12) – Music; • Hannah Jones – Health and Physical Education;

• Felix Kenton-Smith (Year 12) – Chemistry, Physics; • Sophia Lazor (Year 12) – Geography; • Elena Limmer-Wood – English, Biology, Statistics; • Sage Liu (Year 12) – Painting; • Harrison McMillan – Economics; • Imogen McNeill – Chemistry, Physics, Religious Studies, English (Outstanding), History (Outstanding); • Arisa Mori (Year 12) – Japanese; • Oliver Odlin (Year 12) – Chemistry, Calculus; • Hayden Riches – Geography, Technology; • Kelly Ting – Design and Visual Communication; • Emily Tyrrell – Biology; • Jack Wang – English, Biology, Economics; • Emily Whitnall – Photography; • Campbell Wilson – Geography; • Luke Zhu (Year 11) – Calculus, Geography.

Board Scholarships

College Dux: Samuel Croot The David Wilton Prize for the Dux of St Andrew’s College for 2020 was awarded to Samuel Croot, who achieved outstanding academic results across a range of subjects. Samuel was awarded the General Excellence Prize, a gold certificate in the Chemistry Olympiad Competition, the Mathematics and Statistics Prize, the Extension Calculus Prize, the Physical Science Prize, and the Timothy Sturge Cup for Mathematics. Samuel also achieved five New Zealand Scholarships, including one Outstanding Scholarship.

99.6% 100% 98.0% 89.2%

gained NCEA at Level 1

gained NCEA at Level 2

gained NCEA at Level 3

gained University Entrance

The following group of student leavers from 2020 were presented with Board of Governors Scholarships after gaining NCEA Level 3 Excellence endorsements. • Emily Allan • Kate Allan • Jeremiah AndersonGardner • Albert Bell • Rebecca Bolton • Jordan Bourke • Manaia Butler • Lucy CammockElliott • Brayden Carter • Jaymee Chen • Evelyn Clarke • Hannah Crabtree • Samuel Croot

• Aleisha Davis • Rory Dephoff • Xavier Dickason • Hannah Dickson • Jasmine Donald • Grace Donaldson • James Ecroyd • Maya Field • Benjamin Frazer • Alan Fu • Andrew Garbett • Sam Gibson • Tobey Glithero • Lily Goodwin • Duncan Harvie

• Ella Heffernan • Marijke Hinton • James Holyoake • Kate Hughes • Hannah Jones • Angus Kelliher • Omri Kepes • Sage Klein • Claudia Knight • Elena Limmer-Wood • Michael Longden • Sean Marriott • Brooke Mathewson • Pippa McAnergney • Libby McKinnel

• Harrison McMillan • Imogen McNeill • Archie Milligan • Hugh Montgomery • Monica Owens • Mia Pearson • Hayden Riches • Kate Robinson • Bella Rose • Marshall Setu • Charlotte Sloper • Holly Stokes • Benjamin Studholme • Alice Thomson • Kelly Ting

• Emily Tyrrell • Hartley van der Eb • Phoebe Walker • Jack Wang • Jemma Watson • Emily Whitnall • Benjamin Wilson • Mackenna Wilson • Emily Wilson • Ethan Withers

The secret to

academic success

Evert says a holistic approach to student well-being alongside their learning is a major driver of academic achievement at St Andrew’s. “Pastoral care working hand in hand with academic learning is a key to students reaching their potential. If a student is happy, they will usually do well, and if they are struggling there is probably a reason for it. During the COVID-19 lockdown we worked especially hard on pastoral care to ensure that our students knew we were supporting them, and we had this together.” Evert says a dedicated Scholarship programme, which was introduced around three years ago at St Andrew’s is helping to drive the impressive Scholarship results. “The programme is managed by Head of Social Sciences, Kane Boulton. It provides Scholarship students with greater academic rigour and challenges, supporting them to work at a higher level in subjects they really love. Kane does a great job, working closely with teachers and students, and tweaking the programme each year, with results continuing to improve incrementally.” Specialised tools including a powerful analytics service called Power BI, helps teachers and senior management to keep a close eye on all students’ progress and intervene if needed. The platform provides up-to-the minute academic and

From left: Head of Teaching and Learning David Bevin, Assistant Head of Secondary School (Academic) Helaina Coote, Head of Social Sciences and Teacher in Charge of the Scholarship programme Kane Boulton, Head of Secondary School Evert van Florenstein and Assistant Head of Secondary School (Data) Sarah Exon.

pastoral information about each student, presented on sophisticated dashboards. Students who need extra help with their studies are supported by accelerated learning and learning support teams at all year levels in the Secondary School, and extra pastoral care is wrapped around students as needed. “We have lots of layers of people watching the data in the Middle School and Senior College, including teachers, the Deans, and myself. Power BI can even be used to predict a student’s current trajectory and whether any interventions might be required to help them to reach their goals. This enables us to act quickly and support the student at the earliest stage to help create significant change.” There is also a strong focus on Visible Learning at St Andrew’s College, with teachers undertaking professional development to help them to measure their impact in the classroom and identify areas they might need to develop. This is backed by academic data from Power BI, which provides information on how the students are performing in their individual classrooms.

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It is the result of a number of initiatives put in place at the College, which all contribute to the outstanding results, says Head of Secondary School, Evert van Florenstein. “We are delighted with the results, which are due to a lot of hard work and preparation by our students and staff, alongside the systems and programmes we have in place.”

Teaching and Learning

The unprecedented success achieved by St Andrew’s College students with 53 Scholarships achieved in the 2020 New Zealand Scholarship examinations, and a record 279 Excellence endorsements achieved in the NCEA examinations, is no accident.

2020 Dux, Samuel Croot, and Proxime Accessit, Imogen McNeill, were named in the Top 58 Scholars in New Zealand

Evert and a strong senior management team of Head of Teaching and Learning David Bevin: Assistant Head of Secondary School (Academic) Helaina Coote: Assistant Head of Secondary School (Data) Sarah Exon and Teacher in Charge of the Scholarship programme Kane Boulton, work hard to ensure St Andrew’s College continues to build on its culture of excellence, where everyone gets lifted up. “We have a ‘no one left behind’ policy, which is very important. It doesn’t matter where on the academic spectrum a student sits – everyone counts and deserves the opportunity to be the best version of themselves. This has led to these outstanding 2020 academic results.”

New teaching staff for 2021

Secondary School Jo Andrew is the new Netball Strategic Director and is a teacher of Economics, Mathematics, and Social Studies. She has joined St Andrew’s after teaching at an international school in Dubai, and has a Bachelor of Commerce, Graduate Diploma of Business Administration, and a Postgraduate Diploma of Teaching and Learning. Sarah Cloughley-Dalzell has joined St Andrew’s College as Assistant Head of Mathematics after teaching at an international school in Indonesia. She has a Bachelor of Science (First Class Honours in Physics), and Diploma in Teaching (Secondary). Dr Antony Crowther has joined the Science Department on a fixed term in 2021. He has a PhD (Applied Systems Biology/Metabolomics), and a Graduate Diploma in Teaching.

Preparatory School Bridget Roth has joined the Religious Education team in the Preparatory and Secondary Schools. She has a Diploma of Teaching. Courtney Williamson (OC 2010) is a new Food and Nutrition, and Commerce teacher. She has a Bachelor of Commerce (Food Industry), and a Graduate Diploma in Teaching. Brad Munt has joined St Andrew’s as a Health and Physical Education teacher, after teaching at an international school in Hong Kong. He has a Bachelor of Education (Physical Education), and Graduate Diploma in Teaching and Learning. Rebecca Richardson has joined the Science Department on a part-time, fixed term basis. She has a Bachelor of Science (Honours) degree, and a Graduate Diploma in Teaching and Learning.

Isaac Leota (OC 2012) is a new Preparatory School teacher, and After School Care Supervisor. He has a Bachelor of Commerce (Double Major in Management and Strategy, and Entrepreneurship) and a Graduate Diploma of Teaching.

Guidance Michael Coleman has joined St Andrew’s as a Guidance Counsellor in the Preparatory and Secondary Schools. He has a Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of Theology, Certificate in Community Psychiatric Care, a Diploma of Teaching, and is completing his Postgraduate Certificate in Neuropsychotherapy.



The StAC White team of Portia Bennie, Mia Fraser and Vivien Kuziel (all Year 10) was third at the Ngā Kete debating competition, which is for young women from Canterbury schools, and celebrates women’s suffrage.

Festival of the Spoken Word

Six speakers from Years 9–10 delivered speeches to the whole Years 9–10 cohort during the Festival of the Spoken Word. The winners were Megan Simpson (Year 9) and Connor Higgs (Year 10). The runners-up were Chantelle Xiong and Tamaroa Connelly (both Year 9), and Kyrielle Spenner and Friederica Todhunter (both Year 10).

Future Problem Solving

In the Individual Competition at the online National Finals of Future Problem Solving (FPS), Hannah Withers (Year 7) placed first and James Anthony (Year 8) placed second, with both qualifying for the 2021 International FPS finals. The Year 7 team of Daniel Liu, Tom Simpson, Kate Ramsay and Katie Foot also qualified for the International FPS finals, after placing in the top two teams for their division.


A poem by Saskia Fitzgerald (Year 4) was published in Poetry Box, a New Zealand poetry page for children.


Naomi Dana and Gemma Lewis placed third in the Canterbury section of the New Zealand Programming Competition for Year 10 girls.

Speech and Drama

The following students either gained Honours passes with Speech New Zealand or Distinction with Trinity. • Grade Five: Chantelle Xiong, Billie Revis, Cherry Zhou, Molly-Belle Morrow, Abby Baxter, Dara Ballard, Joseph Moore, Jack Satterthwaite and William Tavendale (all Year 9); • Grade Six: Toby Cammock-Elliott and Jeremy Kent (both Year 10); • Grade Eight: Cindy Xiong (Year 11 – Trinity), Abby Jones (Year 12) and James Tavendale (Year 13).

* Please note the use of 2020 year groups.

Creative Writing

Seven St Andrew’s College students competed in the Steve Langley Writing Competition – an annual Flash Fiction competition run by the Canterbury English Teachers’ Association (CETA). Around 1000 students across Canterbury participated, with St Andrew’s students winning an amazing seven out of 12 placings and notable mentions. Results were: • Year 10 competition: Ursula Grant – second place with Their next chapter; Charlotte Palmer – third place with Predator; and Luke Brown – highly commended, with Quiet; • Year 9 competition: Megan Simpson – first equal with Gone; Jackson Hodgkinson – highly commended with The River; • Years 7–8 competition: Jasmine Hooker – second place with Finally; Scarlett Gray – third place with Stop Everything; Catriona Smart – highly commended with Grandpa’s House.

VEX Robotics

At the VEX IQ National Robotics Championships, Georgia Lewis and Daisy Huang (both Year 7) placed second in the finals, with Matthew Bluck and Hannah Withers (both Year 7) placing third.

Thomas Forsey, Oscar Bloom (both Year 13) and Thomas Kamo (Year 12) after winning the Canterbury Debating Tournament.


Sea-am Thompson (Year 10) became the youngest ever Christchurch Beautifying Association summer garden competition judge – judging two trophies.

Junior Young Farmers

Andy van Asch and Hamish Paton (both Year 10) finished fourth in the Face Off at the Tasman Regional Finals of the Junior Young Farmers competition. Hamish was awarded the Top Competitor of the Day.

VEX Robotics

Five Secondary School VEX Robotics teams from St Andrew’s College performed exceptionally well at the 2021 VEX Robotics National Series hosted by Christchurch Boys’ High School, winning five trophies including the overall National Championship title for 2021. The winning team was Hugh Thomas (Year 11), Max van Leeuwen (Year 13), Elliot Menzies (Year 12) and Benjamin McKeown (Year 12). At the competition, Head of Innovation and Information Services, Wilj Dekkers, was also named as the 2021 New Zealand National Championship Teacher of the Year.

2021 Successes Debating

The StAC Blue debating team of Oscar Bloom, Thomas Forsey (both Year 13) and Thomas Kamo (Year 12), won the Canterbury Debating Tournament. Oscar Bloom was named Best Speaker of the Tournament, and Thomas Forsey, was named in the Canterbury team to compete at the National Debating Championships in Wellington in Term 2. The StAC White team made the semi-finals, losing to StAC Blue.

The national title winning team, Hugh Thomas (Year 11), Max van Leeuwen (Year 13), Elliot Menzies, and Benjamin McKeown (both Year 12).

Teaching and Learning


The following students received Honours passes at the Speech New Zealand Initial examination – Charlotte Everest, Isla Marshall, Summer Mora-Kelley, Ryan Ma, Saskia Fitzgerald, Charlotte Currie, Chelsea Li, Angela Sun, Louis Hyland (all Year 4) and Ben McKendry (Year 3).

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Late 2020 successes*

Learning doesn’t just happen within the four walls of the classroom. Each term, students from a variety of different subjects venture outside the College gates to participate in exciting field trips in some of the most beautiful corners of the South Island. Head of Values and Culture, Hamish Bell, says field trips are a key aspect of the Education Outside the Classroom (EOTC) programme at St Andrew’s. “Field trips are a wonderful opportunity for students to get out into the field and put theory into practice. The trips add real relevance to their classroom work.” Students in the three Agriculture based subjects (Agristudies, Agriscience, and Agribusiness) attend the biggest range of field trips of any subject, from half and full day trips, to weekend excursions, and practical skills days. “The practical application of learning is a key component of the Agriculture subjects. Students visit many different types of farming and horticultural

activities, where they get a first-hand look at the various value chains and production processes, and learn about the environmental impacts of each sector. They also hear from people who are really passionate about their industry, which can help with future career identification. It is truly authentic learning.” Geography, Biology, Tourism and Travel, Business Studies, and Art, are other subjects which regularly take students outside the classroom. Hamish says any subject area can propose a field trip, which must meet the rationale outlined in the College’s Education Outside the Classroom policy to be accepted. “The key requirement is that a field trip is linked to something students are learning in the classroom. Significant time is required by the staff in charge of planning these trips, with health and safety documents, and a number of procedures that need to be completed before departure.” While new opportunities and ideas for field trips come up regularly, there are

a number of highly anticipated field trips which cycle through each year. These include the Year 12 Geography trip to Mt Cook Aoraki National Park, where the students complete geographic research, and explore the stunning environment; the Year 13 Travel and Tourism trip to Queenstown, where they spend four days immersed in the tourist mecca, and investigate what goes into promoting a tourist region of New Zealand; and the Year 13 Business Studies trip to Kaikōura, where they study the Whale Watch tourism operation. Hamish says in addition to enhancing their classroom studies, off-site curriculum based learning has many other benefits for students, including developing their confidence, increasing their awareness of and concern for the environment, advancing their skills in observation, recording, reporting and analysing, and giving them the chance to live and work alongside others in a range of situations and environments. “The field trips are hugely enjoyable and for many students, provide a memorable experience they take with them well beyond Secondary School.”

Learning in the field

The Year 12 Travel and Tourism class went on their annual one-day trip to Akaroa, where they visited local tourism businesses during their investigation into the importance and impact of tourism on this small Banks Peninsula community. A highlight of the action-packed, threeday Year 12 Geography excursion to Mt Cook Aoraki National Park, was an incredible ski plane experience, which gave the students a bird’s eye view of the impact of glacial melt in the alpine landscape, before landing smoothly on Franz Josef Glacier. The students gathered lots of data for their geographic research projects, as did the two Year 13 Geography classes, who enjoyed undertaking their research at Birdlings Flat and Waimairi Beach. A great day by the sea in stunning weather was enjoyed by the Year 12 Biology classes, who travelled to Wainui, on Banks Peninsula, to investigate the distribution patterns of organisms found on the rocky shore as part of their internal assessment.

Year 13 Business Studies students spent the day at Ara for an introduction to the Young Enterprise programme, which they are participating in this year. During the day they met with up to five mentors, who helped them to further refine their product and business ideas. It has also been a busy start to the year for Agriculture based subjects, with the Year 13 Agribusiness class visiting Midlands Apiaries in Ashburton to view the honey value chain from bee to plate; the Years 9–10 Agriculture classes visiting the South Island Agricultural Field Days, and Agristudies and Agriscience classes across different year levels attending practical skills day sessions at the National Trade Academy. St Andrew’s College students have taken part in a variety of exciting field trips already this year, including the Year 12 Biology trip to Wainui, Year 13 Agribusiness trip to Midlands Apiaries, Year 13 Business Studies day at Ara, Year 13 Geography visit to the Canterbury coastline and the Year 12 Geography excursion to the Mt Cook Aoraki National Park.

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Students have already taken part in a range of exciting and educational field trips in 2021.

Teaching and Learning

Action-packed start to the year

Love of


At the St Andrew’s College Pre-school, young children go on an incredible journey when it comes to language and literacy, says Head of Pre-school, Phillipa Stephens. “It is amazing to see the children’s progress during their time with us and their increasing love of language and vocabulary skills. We have a rich environment where children are able to express themselves, communicate with each other, and stimulate their imaginations, which sets up a lifelong love of language and literacy.” Emerging literacy is woven through almost every aspect of the Pre-school, from songs at the daily morning hui, to reading with the teachers, Spanish and Te Reo lessons, Library visits, practising writing skills, and through conversation. “The development of language and literacy informs everything we do. These critical skills enable a child to understand and communicate their feelings, and lay the foundation for reading and writing,” says Phillipa. Each day at the morning hui, the children are settled into their Preschool day with songs and waiata in both English and Te Reo. “We welcome the birds with a waiata, sing about the day of the week, and talk about the special happenings of the day. One of our kaiako, Nadine Freeborn, also teaches one formal Te Reo session each week. Secondary School Spanish teacher, Alexis Evlampieff, comes to us every week to teach Spanish to the children. We love to incorporate a wide range of cultures and their languages into our programme wherever possible.” The Pre-school children enjoy exciting visits to the Preparatory School Library, where they have a short story time followed by reading of their choice. They will often choose books for the teachers to take back to the Pre-school and revisit with their friends. These visits promote a love of books, which is crucial to early learning. One of the focuses for the older children in the Transition to School class is project based learning. They enjoy a

l teracy

range of experiences around a ‘letter of the week’, and love to practise writing their name on the whiteboard, says Phillipa. “We also have a clipboard in the foyer where the children are able to sign themselves in at the same time as their parents are signing them in for the day. It is another great opportunity for them to practise literacy daily.” The teachers use rich language when engaging with the children, including a lot of open ended questions to promote conversation. “We use every opportunity to strengthen and support the children’s oral language and literacy, which also flows on to their socialisation skills. A focus for Term 1 was kindness, where we encouraged the children to use kind words and actions, and reinforced, through language, what it means to be a good friend.” The Pre-school teaching team values the communication it has with parents and families, as this supports the children and is critical to their success as they journey through early childhood, says Phillipa. Top: Pre-school teacher, Jo Gregg, reading with Āri. Mid top: Mitchell practising his writing. Mid bottom: Harriet enjoying time in the Preparatory School Library. Bottom: Spanish teacher, Alexis Evlampieff, with (left to right) Finn, Harriet, Tyler, Mitchell, and Tom.

Junior School

The younger children rotated around four events – bean bag throw, rob the nest, hit the target, and ladder relays, with the aim to develop their running, throwing, and aiming skills. The Year 3 students participated in slightly more challenging activities, long jump and Vortex throw, designed to extend them towards traditional athletics events. There were year level sprints for all the children, with the Year 3 students also competing in a baton relay. Year 2 teacher, Caroline Gardiner, leads the Athletics programme in the Junior Department and organised the event. She says the Athletic Sports Day is the only House event in the Junior School, which gives the children a wonderful opportunity to experience the famous St Andrew’s College House spirit, connect with others in their Houses,

and enjoy some friendly competition. “The children were well prepared after a series of athletics practices, which were held every Friday for over a month. These practices gave the children confidence and valuable skills, and also provided a lovely leadership opportunity for our Year 2 children, who were able to help the Year 1 children. The Year 2 children were so happy to be able to take part this year, after last year’s Athletic Sports Day was cancelled due to COVID-19.”

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There were lots of happy faces when the Years 1–3 children participated in a range of fun events during the Preparatory School Junior Athletic Sports Day in perfect weather on Friday 19 March.

Teaching and Learning

Athletics Day

Caroline says the Athletic Sports Day was a great experience for the children, who learnt to be part of a team, give it their best, watch and cheer on other children, and provide kind encouragement. “The main aim of the event is participation and fun, and while there were some tired children at the end, there were lots of happy smiles too.”

There was lots of excited participation by Years 1–3 children at the Junior Athletics Day.



There was great excitement and fun for students in the Preparatory School Middle Syndicate as they embraced the opportunity to engage in new experiences during their action-packed annual camps. Depending on their age group, the Year 4–6 students enthusiastically participated in a range of supervised activities, including go-karting, abseiling, ziplining, flying fox, orienteering, archery, rock climbing, kayaking, coasteering, and even getting up close and personal with farm animals. Shared dining was another highlight for the children, with all of the camps fully catered with delicious food.

In Term 1, the Year 5 students spent three days and two nights at Living Springs, while the Year 6 students headed to Wainui for their threeday and two-night camp. The Year 4 students are the youngest cohort at St Andrew’s College to attend camps. They have a one-night camp at Woodend Christian Camp each September. Head of Middle Syndicate, Megan Feller, says the camps provide a positive environment in which students can individually, or as a group, achieve success. “The camps have so many benefits. They really help the children to develop confidence, self-esteem and resourcefulness, build their resilience and social skills, teach them how to be part of a team, and encourage them to take on individual challenges.”

Megan says a huge amount of work goes on behind the scenes to prepare for the camps. They are always well supported by a large group of parent helpers, with one adult for every three or four children. “We are so grateful for the amazing parent support for the camps and always get more volunteers than we can take. Our teachers and parents work alongside the expert paid staff at each of the camp venues to help grow the children’s confidence, while ensuring their well-being and safety.” Megan says positive relationships in the classrooms following the camps are another massive benefit. “During the camps the children share some wonderful experiences and help each other to face challenges and fears. The children are buzzing when they get back and it’s great to see how encouraging and supportive they continue to be of each other.”



Year 7 Team Leader, Kelly McBride, says this work started back in 2020, when the cohort ‘pulled apart’ the five St Andrew’s College values of Truth, Faith, Excellence, Creativity and Inclusivity, to brainstorm what these meant to them. The focus has continued in 2021, with the students working on the broader values encompassed in StAC-UP, the Preparatory School’s new Pastoral Care programme. “We started with the five St Andrew’s values last year, so the students could understand how they underpin the whole College and identify the type of behaviours which create a caring and safe environment across the Preparatory School. This work became the foundation for our classrooms in terms of expectations. Since the introduction of StAC-UP, we’ve had more discussions around positive relationships and behaviour.”

The Year 7 students have looked closely at the three new core values in StAC-UP of Be Safe, Be Ready, and Be Respectful, she says. “We put them into mixed groups across the year group, and they did a really great job of brainstorming what these values look like to them. This led to the development of a Classroom Treaty, which sets the expectation of these core values in the classroom and the playground, and clearly outlines what the consequences of not following them will be.” Kelly says this is the first time that value setting has been undertaken with the cohort at the start of the year and has proven particularly beneficial for the 50 new Year 7 students who have joined St Andrew’s College this year. “It is an explicit process, which makes it very clear what our expectations are. It also gets everyone on the same page, using the same language, and talking about the same values.” The focus on values has run alongside the traditional transition activities, which welcome the Year 7 cohort each year. “We had three very successful days, including a Top Team Challenge, visit to Adrenaline Forest, and a surfing day, where the students did a great job of putting the values into action. It has been a really positive start to the year.”

Top: Lucas Zhong and Sean Milliken (both Year 7) at Adrenaline Forest. Mid and bottom: other transition activities included a surfing day and a Top Team challenge.

Teaching and Learning

Developing a Classroom Treaty, setting expectations around positive relationships and behaviours, and talking about safety inside and outside the classroom, are some of the big topics Year 7 students have been covering during discussions about the St Andrew’s College values.

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for all

The weights have been pumping and the exercise machines humming since StACFit, an exciting new purpose‑built fitness centre, opened at St Andrew's College at the start of 2021.

StACFit has replaced the old fitness centre, which needed to be moved to make way for construction of the new Theatre Complex, which gets underway later this year. The vision behind StACFit is to provide the St Andrew’s College community with a recreation facility of the highest quality to help support physical, mental and emotional well-being of students, sports teams, curriculum classes, and staff. Fitness Centre Manager, Trent Harris, says the new facility has been a hive of activity since it opened, and is being well utilised before, during, and after school. “The feedback from staff and students has been great, with many saying it is lighter, brighter, better resourced, and so much more inviting than the old fitness centre. The students are always asking questions and seem to be really enjoying it. We’ve also noticed a big increase in the numbers of staff using the facilities.” The construction of StACFit began in 2019, when the College’s existing Gym 1 was renovated and strengthened so the new Fitness Centre could be constructed on top. Features of the spacious 41m long by 8m wide (328 square metre) facility include a high roof, which creates a sense of space, a 24m exercise strip, an extensive range of fitness equipment, and acoustic windows, which also provide sweeping views across the campus. General Manager, David Evans, says it is a ‘fantastic facility’ which students in particular are gaining huge value from. “We have wrapped an entire support structure around the Fitness Centre to ensure everyone gets the maximum benefit from it, and that it operates safely. The project was designed by Wilkie and Bruce and constructed by Naylor Love, and we are very pleased with the quality of the outcome.”

Specialised programmes in place

The first introduction to StACFit for many students will be during the Orientation programme for Year 9 Physical Education classes. An Athlete Development programme for Year 9–10 students has also been introduced. It starts with orientation and general use of the equipment in Year 9, and moves into programmes designed for health and sports performance in Year 10. Students also learn about correct lifting technique during this programme, says Trent. “Once a week, students work on lifting technique with our trainers, so that during supervision hours, they are able to perform these exercises with good technique and safety.” A Learn to Train programme has been introduced to support all sports played by Year 9–11 students. StACFit is also highly utilised by NCEA Physical Education students in Years 11–13.

An ADP Lifting Programme and Certification is also in place, and there is a good turnout to the early morning spin class for staff each Friday. StACFit is open before school and after school for general use, in the evenings for boarders, and is open to all at weekends. Two hours a week are currently allocated for girls only sessions. Trent says there is already evidence the new facilities are enhancing well-being and fitness at St Andrew’s College. “Hopefully we’ll see a continuation of that success, both in terms of participation, and the results on the sports field or court.”

Resources and Environment

It is also a welcoming place, says Fitness Centre Manager, Trent Harris, who took up the role at the start of the year after working as a supervisor in the old fitness centre in 2020, and assisting with strengthening and conditioning of the 1st XV rugby team. “Our supervisors do a really great job of welcoming the students in and helping them with whatever they need. This definitely makes them want to come back, along with the number of specialised programmes we have introduced to help them get the most out of the facilities.”

Director of High Performance Sport, Rod McIntosh, says as well as supporting the curriculum and providing general health and recreation benefits for the wider St Andrew’s College community, StACFit is providing a great opportunity for individual athletes and sports teams to get into peak shape while preparing for their respective summer and winter codes. “During Years 11–13, the focus shifts more towards the individual progression of our athletes. We work closely with these students, including our High Performance Sports students, to develop sport specific, individualised programmes, designed to help them to reach their unique performance goals, whether they are competing as an individual or in a team environment.”

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StACFit is ticking all the boxes when it comes to health, well‑being, and recreation for the St Andrew’s College community, with all students and staff able to access the facility, and even get a personalised workout programme.

From the Director of

Development The new Ben Gough Family Theatre build commences this December, with a completion date of Term 1 in 2023. Throughout this year, and during 2022, we will be focusing on the Your Legacy, Our Future fundraising campaign. New fundraising initiatives will be released soon, including opportunities to purchase a theatre seat in the Theatre; or a bronze, silver or gold note from the College Song, which will be displayed as an art piece in the Old Collegians Foyer of the Theatre. Recognition opportunities for other areas, including the Fitness Centre, will also be available.

It was a very exciting moment to step foot in the relocated, brand new StACFit Fitness Centre at the beginning of Term 1. Many students and staff have jumped at the opportunity to use this state-of-the-art space, which includes some existing and new equipment. We asked for some comments about StACFit from students and staff. They said the natural light provides a more positive experience and it is a more user-friendly space. One student liked the fact there was now enough room for the whole Boys’ basketball team to work out together. One of our Athletic Development female students said she loved observing some beautiful sunrises through the large north facing windows when she came in for early morning workouts. Another mentioned the improved quality of the speakers, so they can now hear the music when they are working out. For a secondary school, the Fitness Centre is very well-equipped and is a beautiful space to train and work out. How incredible, that it was exactly 100 years ago in 1921, that the first Drama production was performed at St Andrew’s College. Drama and Theatre provide a vehicle for teaching life skills, values, and exploring different ways of thinking. They also develop students’ ability to communicate one-on-one, or stand up and present something with confidence to a group, which can be translated to almost any job.

It is in difficult challenging times where Scholarships can make the biggest impact on students, who, without assistance, would otherwise not be able to attend St Andrew’s College for their education. I invite you to read about the Foundation and the Foundation Trustees on our College website. We are pleased to welcome Lisa Clark, the newest member of our team, who joined us in March 2021 as our Alumni and Community Relations Co-ordinator. Both Lisa’s brother and uncle are Old Collegians, and she comes with 20 years of service and marketing experience. A place like St Andrew’s College exists because of people who give. It is my hope that our whole community will continue to get behind our campaign to help us realise our vision for the future. Whether it is in their time, talent, or treasure – thank you to the many donors in our community who give to so many different areas of the College. Miranda Newbury Director of Development

ks Than to our Donors Theatre Seats and Notes Rachael and Greg Graham Danielle and Todd Stewart Julie Black and Mark Bond Mark and Barb Mulholland Miranda and Craig Newbur y Fan family Richard Luisetti Fitness Centre – Bronze Plaque St Andrew’s College 1st XV Rugby – 2020 UC Championship Winners St Andrew’s College Cricket – 2019 Gillette Cup Winners New Stowan Club Members Wendy and Andrew Griffiths Mark and Barb Mulholland Richard Luisetti

The Development team, from left, Development Co-ordinator, Mel Rissman, Director of Development, Miranda Newbury, and Alumni and Community Relations Co-ordinator, Lisa Clark.


Weathervane restored

The opening of StACFit has been the big news on campus at the start of 2021, and there are of course more exciting projects on the horizon. The development of the Theatre Complex is progressing well, with the working drawings phase reaching a conclusion, and the scheduling of quantities taking place. “We are progressing well towards construction getting underway in December as planned,” says General Manager, David Evans.

General Manager, David Evans, says there was ‘amazing co-operation’ between Bushnell Builders, who carried out the challenging renovation and installation of the weathervane, and all the consultants involved with the project, including Senior Project Engineer, Renee Brook of Holmes Consulting. “The weathervane was in very poor condition, and a lot of work went into bringing it back to life. The financial contribution from the Year 13 leavers, who chose the project as their Leavers’ Gift, was also very much appreciated.”

Strowan House is looking fresh and bright, following a compete exterior repaint, which was completed in the April term break. Another project to be competed is the installation of air conditioning throughout the Arts Block, which has made the entire building ‘a lot more comfortable’, says David.

Defibrillator donated to the Centennial Chapel On Tuesday 9 March, Tim Field (OC 1992) generously donated a new defibrillator, won through a competition held by Telfer Electrical, to be installed in the Centennial Chapel. After leaving school, Tim completed his apprenticeship and set up his own electrical business in Canterbury. All three of his children have or are attending St Andrew’s College, Thomas (OC 2015), Sophie (OC 2017) and Joshua (Year 12). Director of Development, Miranda Newbury, General Manager, David Evans, and Tim Field (OC 1992)

New Preparatory School Sports Shed There were queues of excited students outside the new Preparatory School Sport Shed, when it opened its doors in late 2020. Year 4–8 students can now access a range of sports gear and games at morning tea and lunchtimes. Games include the usual ball sports, plus tennis rackets, badminton rackets, giant four in a row, giant noughts and crosses, pétanque, quoits, elastics, skipping ropes, Mega Jenga, hula hoops, and more. The Year 8 House Captains are

doing a great job of distributing the equipment, often dealing with large numbers of students who are keen to make use of the equipment. Head of Preparatory School Sport, Alex Kelley, said the support of the PTA in funding this venture was greatly appreciated by the Preparatory School, with the students getting so much out of it. “Children learn a lot through free play. The new activities are enabling the students to develop their skills through a wide range of games and have a lot of fun at the same time.”

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Resources and Environment

For eight years, following the deconstruction of the Memorial Chapel, the original weathervane, which had proudly graced the Chapel’s bell tower, lay forgotten and neglected in a corner of the bottom field. Thanks to a gift initiated by the 2020 Year 13 leavers, the weathervane has been restored and reinstated down by the old cricket pavilion, off the Strowan main driveway. “When reflecting on the changing winds and fortunes of the school, this small, yet symbolic artefact seems a fitting symbol for the turbulent year of 2020. The weathervane is once again monitoring the winds of change as they blow through our campus,” says Rector Christine Leighton.

Founders’ Day and Highland Games It was with great enthusiasm that the College community, including guests from their 60 Years On Reunion, gathered for the 104th Founders’ Day, which was a wonderful celebration of the heritage of St Andrew’s College, and the sporting, cultural, and academic achievements of many current students. This was the first full Founders’ Day and Highland Games to take place since 2018, with the previous two Founders’ Days disrupted by unexpected events. In 2019, Founders’ Day was marred by the tragic events at the two Christchurch mosques, and in 2020, the day was cancelled altogether due to the uncertainty around COVID-19. This year’s events began with the Founders’ Day Assembly, where all the traditional Scottish elements were on display, along with outstanding entertainment, inspirational guest speakers, a spirited Address to the Haggis, the presentation of various awards, and the announcement of the new Board Chair. Guest speaker, Lizzie Stevenson (Head Girl 2017), delivered an exceptional address on ‘The Power of Giving’, while

Year 13 students, Isabella Galvan and Oscar Bloom, spoke with good humour about their ‘pseudo tour’ of Scotland as the 2020 Robert Burns Scholars, and shared some excellent messaging around unity and community. They were unable to travel to Scotland in 2020 due to COVID-19, and with the rescheduled trip not able to take place in 2021 as well, Isabella and Oscar will instead soak up a taste of Scotland at home in Aotearoa, with a week-long Presbyterian tour. The packed assembly enjoyed wonderful entertainment from the orchestra, which performed Mozart’s Rondo Alla Turca, and Staccoro, performing Mairi’s Wedding, a traditional Scottish folk song. Catelin Riordan (Year 13) became the first ever student to deliver the Address to the Haggis at a Founders’ Day Assembly with a dramatic flourish, and Estee Wilke (Year 12) beautifully sang a Scottish song, Love Lilt. Old Collegians Association President, Meg Black, presented some special awards, and retiring Board Chair, Bryan Pearson, announced that Felicity Odlin, who has served on the Board for five years, will become the new Board Chair at the College’s Annual General Meeting on Thursday 1 July 2021.

After the traditional sharing of the haggis in the Secondary School Quad, the whole College gathered on the front field in the afternoon for the Highland Games, where there was enthusiastic participation in a range of activities from Highland dancing to wheat sheath throwing. House spirit was to the fore with rousing House chants, renditions of the College Haka, and singing of the Flower of Scotland. The well-drilled Pipe Band delivered a polished performance to end the day on a high note. Founders’ Day is always a highlight on the St Andrew’s College calendar, and the 2021 event was a great community occasion, and a fitting way to celebrate 104 remarkable years of St Andrew’s College. Rector Christine Leighton said the College’s long history is well documented and she hopes that today’s students will listen to the stories, absorb the culture, and that events, such as Founders’ Day, help them to understand that they are part of a special community at St Andrew’s. “These events remind us why our College values, which are deeply embedded at the heart of St Andrew’s, are so important.”



Values and Culture

Boarders off to a

great start

Heading off to boarding school for the first time can be a daunting experience for students and their parents. However, St Andrew’s College does everything it can to ensure new boarders quickly develop a sense of belonging and feel welcomed and supported. The highly anticipated Orientation Weekend, run by Heads of Boarding, Jake Jackways and Sophie Innes, and the Year 13 House Leaders kicked off another great year for the group of 166 boarders who currently call St Andrew’s College home. They joined in lots of exciting activities, games, and outings, with boarders from across all year levels. The Heads of Boarding also hosted the Valentine’s Day themed dinner and launched the 2021 Kaitiaki Project with a fun-filled team building activity run by Wicked Rogaines. Mixed teams of boarders from all year levels competed in an Amazing Race style event, with

orienteering, problem-solving and other challenges, designed to get them connecting and working together. Shared dinners and other activities are planned throughout the year. Head of Boarding, Matt Parr, says one of the key strengths and points of difference of boarding at St Andrew’s College is the fact that all its management staff in boarding, and many of its tutors, are educators. “Our teaching backgrounds mean we know how to work with young people. We understand the rigours of academic work and how to help students balance this with their health, well‑being, and co-curricular activities.” He says no one is left behind in the St Andrew’s College boarding family. “Some students find it hard and a struggle to start with, but when we persist and work through the challenges together, it’s great to see them start to thrive and flourish.” Top: Head of Boarding, Jake Jackways (Year 13) resplendent in pink on Valentine’s Day. Bottom: Harry Preston (Year 13), Jacob Tod (Year 12) and Sophie Innes (Year 13) during the Kaitiaki session.

Meet the new Thompson Boarding House Manager With two of her three children leaving home for university this year, Head of Modern Languages and French teacher, Bronwyn Radcliffe, and her husband Tim, were on the cusp of becoming empty nesters. However, the Radcliffe’s nest is back to overflowing since they moved onto the St Andrew’s College campus and Bronwyn took up the role of House Manager of Thompson Boarding House – in addition to her teaching duties.

Now she has the oversight for 58 girls from Years 9–13 and is relishing the challenge of the new role. “The girls are great, and I’m excited to be working alongside Director of Boarding, Matt Parr, and the other boarding managers and staff. Everyone has been hugely supportive, particularly my Assistant House Manager, Jo Ah Kuoi, who does an amazing job of looking after the day-today running of the House and has a really lovely manner with the girls.” Bronwyn’s role is to provide oversight for the House. She checks in daily with the staff and tutors, addresses any issues that may arise, is an intermediary between the boarding staff and day school, and is a familiar, friendly face to the girls in Thompson House. Her experiences of parenting,

and being a Dean, have already proven invaluable, she says. “I have good and established connections with the Middle School and Senior College teams, the Guidance Counselling team, and the other Deans. Knowing the systems of the day school so well is definitely an advantage.” Ensuring Thompson House is a ‘home away from home’ for the girls, which meets their different needs and challenges is a focus, says Bronwyn. Her husband Tim, who works in aviation security, and youngest son, Max, a Year 12 student at Christchurch Boys’ High School are also enjoying living on campus, she says. “It is great having all the amazing facilities on our doorstep.” The family’s little rough coat Jack Russell, Aggie, has also moved in, and has been adopted by the girls as a boarding house dog. Bronwyn is excited about what lies ahead in her new role. “It’s a new challenge, with a great new team of people to work with. I enjoy the whole culture at St Andrew’s and feel a real sense of belonging. This new role adds another dimension to that.”

New Thompson Boarding House Manager, Bronwyn Radcliffe, with a group of boarders.

International students separated by


Regan says formal groups are also held once a week, when international students check in with tutors and Director of International Students and Exchanges, Palē Tauti, and talk about how they are feeling. When she does finally make it back to the United States, Regan plans to go to university to study Criminal Justice or Forensic Science.

Head of International in Boarding, Regan McCann (Year 13), has boarded at St Andrew’s since Year 10, and would normally make several visits home to the United States each year to see her parents. But she hasn’t been back since January 2020. “Last year was the worst, with all the uncertainty, but I’ve come to terms now with the fact I probably won’t see my family until the end of the year.” Regan also misses her dog, cats, and the American culture. She says the supportive, positive boarding staff, and the fact her sister Bailey (OC 2016) is a tutor in Thompson House, have helped her through. “Everyone is so understanding, and because we are all in the same boat, we talk a lot as a group of international students and support each other.”

It was in December 2019, that Shiyu Feng (Year 13), last saw her family from China. She says having an aunty and her family living in Christchurch has made the separation a little easier, along with the supportive boarding team at St Andrew’s. “The staff really spoiled us for Chinese New Year. They organised a special dinner to celebrate, and even gave me a red packet with money, which is a tradition in Chinese culture. It made me feel that I’m really cared for.”

I think about Chinese food all the time and picture it in my mind.” She says the boarding house has a warm, inclusive environment, which is very accepting of all cultures. “A specific example of this was when my friend and I found some chicken feet in a Chinese supermarket and brought them back to the boarding house. Instead of thinking we were weird, the other girls were very interested in what we were eating, and someone even said they would like to try it.” Given Shiyu’s love of food it is no surprise to learn that once she returns to China, she intends to study Food Nutrition, most likely via online learning at either the University of Auckland or University of Otago.

Values and Culture

Apart from the lockdown in 2020, most members of the St Andrew’s College boarding community have been able to live relatively normal lives alongside COVID-19. However, it has been a different story for our international boarders. Many haven’t seen their families for almost 18 months and are unlikely to be reunited with them until the end of the school year.

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This is Shiyu’s third year as a boarder at St Andrew’s. Ask what she misses most about China in addition to her family, and her answer is most emphatic – food. “It was such a cultural change to come here.

International boarders, Shiyu Feng and Regan McCann (both Year 13).

A traditional

welcome The traditional Mihi Whakatau at the start of each year provides a warm welcome for new students and staff into the St Andrew’s College family. This year, a group of 233 new Year 9 students, 52 new students across Years 10–13, and nine new teaching and support staff were greeted at this special event held in the Secondary School Quad, which added to the sense of occasion. Te Reo/Māori Studies teacher, Pete Westrupp, and Year 13 student, Tamati Frost, did a fantastic job speaking on behalf of the tangata whenua, and were supported by the Māori and Pasifika Group who are also making a real mark on St Andrew’s College. Isaac Leota, a new Preparatory School teacher, did a superb job of replying on behalf of the manuhiri. The Preparatory School Kapa Haka also had a special role in the ceremony. Tamati Frost said it was an honour to once again deliver the powerful whaikōrero on behalf of the tangata whenua. “This role means a lot. It is a way for me to show who I am and to be part of the growing culture in the College, where there are more opportunities for students to represent where they are from.”

Far right: Tamati Frost (Year 13) delivers a powerful whaikōrero on behalf of the tangata whenua at the Mihi Whakatau.

Now in his third year at St Andrew’s, Tamati delivered his first whaikōrero for the College at the 2019 Prizegiving. He spent some of his primary school years in Whakatane but has lived in Hokitika for most of his life. He came to Christchurch to board at St Andrew’s College in Year 11. Pacific Island culture has been a major part of his experience at previous schools, and he thinks it is great to see the development of a strong Māori and Pasifika programme at St Andrew’s. As the 2021 Head of Culture within boarding, Tamati has been working on a whakatauki (proverb) to describe the boarders to the rest of the community – to make them 'stand out without separating them from the rest of the school,' he says. Tamati started to learn Te Reo when he was at primary school in Whakatane, and although he is not formally studying the language at St Andrew’s, says teacher, Pete Westrupp, he has been a great help in furthering his understanding. “We have started a small Mihi Whakatau group to teach other students how to deliver the whaikōrero, so the programme continues after I leave. It’s great to see the ongoing development of whaikōrero and Te Reo at St Andrew’s, and the growing opportunities for Māori and Pasifika students.”

Staff learn Te Reo Maori This year, 25 St Andrew’s College staff members have enrolled with Te Wānanga o Aotearoa in their Level 1 Te Reo Māori course. For many staff, this 36-week course is the realisation of a long held ambition to learn Te Reo Māori. They are meeting the challenge and doing the mahi, dedicating significant personal time each week to develop their confidence and fluency. Held at the College, this is a pilot scheme offered by the Wānanga under the experienced tutorage of kaiako, Bex Tamati, and her assistant, Terina Hutana. The course members include teachers, administration staff, teacher aides, and senior managers of the College. The values of the Wānanga, te aroha, kotahitanga, te whakapono and ngā ture, align very well with St Andrew’s College values, as does the Wānanga’s vision of transformation through education.

He manako te kōura i kore ai. Wishing for the crayfish won’t bring it.

Staff participating in a Te Reo session.


Around 199 students from Years 11–13 were recognised in a leadership role at the Prefects’ Investiture and Leadership Assembly. Head Girl Tapenisa Havea, and Head Boy Jack Calder, supported by Deputy Heads Isabella Galvan and Arden Ongley, gave their first official address where students were encouraged to ‘Take One Step’ toward something new. Deputy Chair, Rob Hall, represented the Board to congratulate the new prefects, and Head Girl and Boy from 2020, Emily Tyrrell and Hugh Montgomery, congratulated the new leaders as they handed over the traditional Heads’ Journal. The musical performance was an exceptional trombone solo from Flynn Megaw (Year 13). The students awarded roles were excited to be starting their leadership journey and stepping up to the four cornerstones of leadership – character, communication, commitment, and co-operation.

Academic Assembly The Academic Assembly was a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the outstanding success of St Andrew’s College students in the 2020 NCEA examinations. A highlight of this assembly each year is welcoming back the Year 13 leavers to accept their Board of Governors Scholarship for attaining a Level 3 Excellence endorsement, three subject Excellence endorsements and/or a NZQA Scholarship. Another highlight was the address from guest speaker, Luca Vinnell (Head Boy 2019), who delivered encouraging and inspirational words to the students. He and Juliette Newman (Head Girl 2019) also presented some of the academic awards. The musical item was an astonishing performance by brother and sister duo, Samuel (Year 13) and Christine Jeon (Year 10), on piano and cello respectively. They are among some of the most accomplished musicians for their age in New Zealand.

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Prefects’ Investiture and Leadership Assembly

Values and Culture


Strowan House is a striking and familiar landmark shared by every single student who has passed through the St Andrew’s College gates. During its long history, the gracious homestead has borne witness to nearly all of the comings and goings at the College, and has fulfilled many purposes. Before it became the jewel of the crown at St Andrew’s, Strowan House started life as a simple weatherboard farmhouse, built in the mid-19th century. Among its owners were a Victorian baronet, Scottish lawyer, and prominent Edwardian businessman, George Stead, who purchased Strowan in 1890, and transformed it into a grand gentleman’s residence, befitting his growing status in the Canterbury community. It was thanks to a series of fortunate events, along with the determination of College founder, Rev. A T Thompson, that the St Andrew’s College Board was able to secure the purchase of the Strowan property from Stead in 1917. Rev. Thompson and his friend, Charles McCrostie, had been ‘wooing’ parishioners and gathering small donations. A generous £5000 bequeath from North Canterbury runholder,

Duncan Rutherford, coincided with the Stead family putting their property ‘Strowan Park’ on the market. St Andrew’s College found its home. The first major task for Rev. Thompson and the Board was to turn the palatial residence into an operable school, ready for the start of Term 1, 1918. A small army of tradespeople completed considerable works over the Christmas holidays, with Strowan’s 20 rooms transformed for use as staff and boarders’ accommodation and classrooms. The highly decorative billiard room (currently the staffroom) became the Assembly Hall, and a room next door became the first classroom. The former drawing room (now the Rector’s Study) and another small room were also converted into classrooms. The boarders slept in dormitories which had been created upstairs and had their meals in the downstairs dining room. The first Rector, Sydney Dickinson, and his family lived behind the kitchen area, with the domestic staff overhead. The stables were transformed into the College’s first Science laboratory. There were tough times throughout the College’s first year at Strowan, with World War I still raging in Europe, a rapidly growing roll putting pressure on classroom facilities, rudimentary dormitories for boarders providing barely adequate accommodation during a freezing winter, and the outbreak of Spanish flu.

Within the walls of

The 1919 school year began with enrolments of 112 – six times more than St Andrew’s had started with in 1917. The accommodation crisis was solved by the construction of an additional classroom, and Dorm 6, an upstairs open-air boarders’ dormitory, which stretched along the west side of the building. A canvas blind was let down at night, providing scant protection from wind and rain. A further eight new rooms were added to house the Headmaster’s family and domestic staff. During the early decades of the College’s history, many boarders completed their schooling while living in Strowan House. It was their home, as well as their place of learning, alongside the day boys. By 1930, when many more buildings, including classrooms and boarding facilities had been established on campus, only the senior boarders remained living in Strowan House, many in the infamous Dorm 6. Over time, additions to the house slowly changed its facade. Bits were added on, rooms were altered, walls removed, and internal corridors meandered through the spaces. The Rectors and their families lived onsite in Strowan House until the late 1950s, when the College purchased a Rector’s residence in College Avenue. At this time many of the rooms in Strowan House were converted from classrooms back to reception rooms, meeting rooms, and offices.

Strowan House

Rector Christine Leighton has often reflected on the history of her office, the magnificent Rector’s Study, which was a drawing room when Strowan was a private residence, and has also served as a classroom, Library, and Boardroom at St Andrew’s College. She was delighted to hear the recollections of Old Collegian, Ray French (OC 1946), who spent much of his final year at the College in that very room, when it doubled as the Library and Upper Sixth Study.

The Library was also in the study, and consisted of glass cases hugging the walls, which were filled with books. “It was just after the war and I don’t think the College had a lot of money to spend on the Library. We had quite old books, mostly classics. The Upper Sixth boys were also the Library Committee, and we used to take turns looking after it, opening for half an hour at lunchtimes. In our last year in 1946, we re-catalogued the whole Library.”

Following the restoration, Strowan House is once again a busy hub for the Rector, Senior Management, teachers, various administrative and support teams, and of course the boarders. They are well catered for in the character-filled dining room, which also remains the venue for many events and traditional celebrations at the College.

“There were only 12 of us in the Upper Sixth. The study was our classroom and the place where those of us who weren’t prefects, hung out. There was a little room off to the side where our lockers were, and we had an old table tennis table we used to play on,” says Ray.

Ray has fond memories of lessons in the study, particularly as one of Mrs Pocock’s Upper Sixth ‘History boys’, and learning English, French and Geography from Henry Dowling, known to all as ‘Mr Chips’. “It was a good last year because the war had finished, and everyone had an optimistic feel about the future.”

Rector Christine Leighton and Ray French (OC 1946) in the Rector’s Study, with The Complete Works of William Shakespeare, which was presented to former student and teacher, Henry Dowling (OC 1922) in 1930.

St Andrew’s College without Strowan House is an unimaginable thought, however, there was a risk she could have been lost forever during the Canterbury earthquakes. The building was extensively damaged in the September 2010 earthquake, which worsened during the major aftershocks of 2011. As a result, the building underwent a significant 18-month restoration to bring it up to today’s engineering and safety standards. It was a very complex process, given the 25-room building was in fact in five separate structures, each built in different periods and requiring specific structural solutions. Included in the works was the removal of the original lath and plaster walls, which were replaced with braced plywood, and the painstaking restoration of Strowan’s ornate plasterwork and stained-glass panels.

The ‘grand lady’ is back to her brilliant best and continues to play a hugely important role at St Andrew’s College. Within her walls is contained incredible history, memories of staff and students from across the generations, and likely a great many secrets. And with her stronger and brighter than ever, Strowan House is poised to remain the College’s most significant building for another 100 years.

Strowan House today.

Values and Culture

The upstairs open-air boarding dormitory.

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The Rector’s Study when it was the College Library and Upper Sixth Study.

StAC-UP Students in the Preparatory School have started 2021 under a completely new pastoral care and values system, called StAC-UP, which is the result of a significant pastoral review undertaken in late 2020. Principal of the Preparatory School, Jonathan Bierwirth, says StAC-UP is a valuable blueprint for a positive and encouraging learning environment, in which all children feel safe and cared for. “It is our expectation that all children will be happy at school and will interact in an appropriate and acceptable manner with their peers. We have taken the pastoral review as an opportunity and mandate to completely rebuild what we do when it comes to pastoral care and can already see the benefits of the new system.” In the classroom, students right across the Preparatory School have been working on StAC-UP’s core values: Be Safe – inside, outside, and online, Be Ready – to learn in all situations, and Be Respectful – towards others and yourself. “Our teachers and Team Leaders have done a great job of rolling out StAC-UP. They have worked with students to develop their own classroom norms and a way of understanding how these values work for them.” Additional values such as respecting the feelings and rights of others, ensuring children feel included rather than excluded, safety from physical

sets the


and verbal harm, and being ready to learn, are also included in StAC-UP to ensure positive relationships among students. Wrapping around these are the wider St Andrew’s College values of Truth, Excellence, Faith, Creativity and Inclusivity. If any behavioural issues do crop up, there are now clear pathways and protocols in place to manage the process, which are easily understood by students, teachers, and parents, says Jonathan. “If a conversation does need to be had, we have strict requirements around the process, including discussions with the student and our wider team, follow ups with parents, and the recording of all incidences with oversight from Deputy Principal of the Preparatory School (Well-being), Vicki Pettit. Our teachers are getting into conversations with parents much earlier now.” A Steps of Consequence Policy is also in place, with clear guidelines around each step. “The process is very proactive and much faster. If a behaviour doesn’t fit with our values, we can give a clear indication to the student and their parents that if the behaviour continues, they will be on the first step.” In future, parents applying for their child to be considered for a Year 7 place the following year, will need to arrange for their child to spend a day in the Preparatory School, and be available for a parent meeting to ensure the environment at St Andrew’s is a good fit.


S t A n d re w ’s C o l le g e P re p a r a t o r y S c h o o l

Jonathan says continuing to work closely with parents is a key to the ongoing success of StAC-UP. “Our value around the safety of children extends to the online world, where there can be significant dangers from external influences. We intend to roll out a number of different seminars with parents, some with a strong focus on cyber safety.” Although it is still early days, Jonathan is pleased with the impact StAC-UP has already made in the Preparatory School, saying the ‘absolute clarity’ it provides is beneficial to everyone in the Preparatory School community. “Colourful new billboards on campus highlight the StAC-UP values and are a daily reminder to us all of the part we play in ensuring a positive, safe learning environment in the Preparatory School.”


Two more lucky St Andrew’s College students have had the opportunity to build character, develop their leadership potential, and learn more about who they are, thanks to the generosity of Old Collegian, Ben Gough (OC 1991), who through the Ben Gough Family Foundation, funds annual scholarships for a Year 11 student to attend Spirit of Adventure, and a Year 12 student for Outward Bound. Anika Robinson (who was Year 11 when she was awarded the Scholarship) spent 10 extraordinary days on board the sailing ship, Spirit of Adventure, over the summer holidays. She is full of gratitude for the lifechanging experience. “It seriously changed me as a person and helped me grow into a more confident version of myself. Words cannot express how thankful I am.” Among the highlights of the adventure were swimming with dolphins, spending New Year’s Eve on the boat, hiking up a mountain, and making lots of new friends. As a naturally quiet and shy person, Anika says she found leading the most challenging aspect. “Even though I found it difficult to do, I ended up getting the job done and finally found my voice. My confidence skyrocketed.” Anika wasn’t keen on the early morning swims, but she managed to get through the cold and salty start to the day. “Every single day aboard the Spirit of Adventure was magical and a learning experience. It is undoubtedly the best experience of my life so far. I would encourage anyone to apply for the Scholarship. You don’t have to be sporty, or know how to sail, or be good at swimming. I am certainly not any of those things, but I had the time of my life.”

Outward Bound Scholarship recipient, Lucy Hamilton (now Year 13), headed to Anakiwa in the Marlborough Sounds at the beginning of 2021 to spend 21 days on a Mind, Body, Soul course. While she was a little nervous about spending three weeks with no phone, no interaction with the outside world, and surrounded by teenagers she had never met before, she says the Outward Bound experience helped her to grow and learn beyond her expectations. “I became more assertive in my actions and felt more confident amongst strangers my own age. Outward Bound provided me with an outlook of how I can succeed if I put my mind to it, and it showed me how productive you can be without devices!”

Lucy said she will cherish the memories and learnings of her Outward Bound experience forever. “I would like to thank the Ben Gough Foundation for granting me this amazing opportunity to branch out of my comfort zone and try new things. It was such an incredible time.”

Her favourite experience during the adventure was sailing for four days in a 30-foot cutter, Sir Woolfe. “We got to appreciate the beauty of Queen Charlotte Sound and Tōtaranui, explore the gorgeous Torea Bay where we slept under the stars, and visit Blumine Island and Ship Cove.” The spontaneity of each day was the most challenging aspect, says Lucy. “We were never told the plan for the next day, and as someone who likes to be very organised and plan ahead, this was difficult to adapt to at the beginning. In time, it taught me to appreciate being in the here and now, and to not worry so much about the future.”

Top: Anika Robinson (Year 12) on The Spirit of Adventure. Bottom: Lucy Hamilton (Year 13) right, with another participant on the Outward Bound course.

Values and Culture


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Meet the

Guidance team Negotiating the rapid changes adolescents and teenagers are experiencing physically, emotionally, and intellectually, while navigating a complicated and complex world can sometimes lead to mental health challenges. Head of Guidance, Tom Matthews, says statistics show that one in four young people will have a mild or severe episode of anxiety or depression in their secondary school years. “Things have changed enormously over the last 10 years, with the Christchurch earthquakes, terror attack, and now the pandemic also raising anxiety levels for some young people. However, these events have also made lots of people stronger, and even those who are challenged, are stronger when they work through it.” Tom leads a highly experienced Guidance team at St Andrew’s College, who between them, have around 60 years of combined on-the-ground experience working with teenagers. “We have a complementary set of skills which helps us to work really proactively. Kate Scott and Simi Desor are both experienced psychologists with a broad skillset. Kate has been doing some work with teens and grief, while Simi is a fountain of knowledge in terms of resources. We are excited that Guidance Counsellor, Michael Coleman, has joined the team this year. He is such a strong advocate for people, with a real depth of expertise.”

Supporting the four counsellors to provide wrap-around care of students at St Andrew’s College are Art Therapist, Lyndy Broughton, and the Deans, and the 24/7 youth workers who spend a combined 20 hours on the campus each week. Tom says no two days are the same in the counselling offices, with their roles including everything from social working to networking, social engineering, and even bringing puppies in on a Friday. “Our role is about connecting, understanding the students, keeping the lines of communication open, and helping to connect them back into the classroom, into their community, and with their family. This is always the goal.” He would like parents to see the Guidance team as an extra resource to their parent toolkit, helping their child to negotiate whatever challenges they might be facing. “It can feel quite lonely for parents when their child is being challenged, but it’s important to remember that one in four families will go through this at some point, and we are here to offer advice or have a chat.”

The Guidance team, from left, Art Therapist Lyndy Broughton, Guidance Counsellor Michael Coleman, Psychologist Kate Scott, Head of Guidance Tom Matthews and Psychologist Simi Desor.

New team member Michael Coleman Michael Coleman brings an incredible range of life experience and expertise to his new role as a Guidance Counsellor in both the Preparatory and Secondary Schools. He comes to St Andrew’s College from Middleton Grange School, where he was Head of Guidance for 14 years. Christchurch born-and-bred, Michael did a Bachelor of Commerce, before completing his teaching diploma, and teaching at several schools. He then studied a Bachelor of Theology, became a licensed Anglican priest, and set up the Delta Community Support Trust. His first foray into school counselling was in 1995, when he set up a counselling clinic at Richmond Primary School. He was also counsellor at Aidanfield Christian School, alongside the role at Middleton Grange. Around 18 years ago, Michael set up Balls for the Disabled, a trust which continues to run three balls a year for disabled people. Over the last decade, Michael’s deep commitment to the Canterbury community has extended to earthquake advocacy work. He has acted as a voice for many earthquake-impacted people, and organised numerous protests. Michael splits his time working between the Preparatory and Secondary Schools. He is a ‘person centred’ counsellor, who is passionate about helping young people to work through their challenges in a way that is best for them. “I like the uniqueness of each adolescent, really understanding what’s happening for them, and coming up with creative solutions, using whatever counselling modality is best to help them to find a way forward. I’m enjoying being part of such a wellresourced, organised Guidance team at St Andrew’s College, with systems that are second-to-none.”

Te Waka The excited group of students were taken to New Brighton Pier, where a lone piper started proceedings by leading them down the pier. After the raising of the flag, the students were greeted and welcomed, and during the ceremony were ‘called’ by their teachers on their important journey towards adulthood.

‘The Calling’ asks the students to acknowledge the end of childhood, accept more responsibility, and show gratitude to those people who have influenced them. An important part of the ceremony involved the students writing a ‘childhood’ behaviour that they wished to ‘let go’ of on a shell or piece of driftwood and throwing it into the ocean.

One Year 10 student said, “This was a very special event for all who attended. Letting go of my childhood in such a unique way really made me think of everything people have done for me and made me realise that every moment is worth it.” The next Rite Journey ceremony, ‘The Departure’ took place on Wednesday 17 March, when parents, carers, and mentors joined the students to give their blessing and support for the programme, and to reflect together on the students’ childhood experiences.

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It was an early start for the cohort of Year 10 students as they gathered at the College at 5.30am on Thursday 25 February, ready to be taken to a secret venue for their first Rite Journey ceremony ‘The Calling’, which is part of the Te Waka programme.

Values and Culture

Calling ceremony

Cultural catch up

Big Band Festival Jazz bands from St Andrew’s College participated in the Christchurch Big Band Festival during Labour Weekend 2020. The Jazz Orchestra and Jazz Band performed at Riverside Market, and the Big Band performed at SALT Square to an appreciative audience who danced along to some of the music.

Pipe Band Pipe Bands from St Andrew’s College were outstanding at the 10th Hororata Highland Games on Saturday 7 November, winning three grades overall and achieving a number of individual placings.

Overall winners Grade 2 – St Andrew’s College A Band Grade 4 – S t Andrew’s College A Band Development Juvenile – St Andrew’s College A Band

Individual first placegetters • Georgia Eagle (Year 10) – Solo Drumming A Grade MSR, B Grade MSR;

Late 2020* Ballet Riley Lyons (Year 10) was successful with her 2021 audition to continue in the elite ‘Classical Major – Associates’ part-time programme with the New Zealand School of Dance (NZSD) in Wellington. Alistair Gorton (Year 10), who auditioned for the first time, was also accepted into the programme. The cohort selection was made via a New Zealand wide audition search amongst a highly competitive group of top-level ballet dancers. Throughout 2021, the dancers will travel to the NZSD to attend intensive weekend training sessions, working with New Zealand’s best practitioners, as a pre-selection for a possible future career in the art form.

Ballet Academy Production


In December 2020, audiences enjoyed four sell-out performances of the Ballet Academy’s retelling of the classic, light-hearted, story of Coppélia. This show included all Ballet Academy dancers, from Years 1–13 – which is a huge cast of over 150 performers and more than 340 costumes. They delivered a stunning performance, and everyone danced beautifully in the visual extravaganza, under the tutelage of Dr Carolyn Cairns, Ballet Academy Artistic Director, who directed and choreographed this production. Rector Christine Leighton called the production a ‘real triumph’. At the St Andrew’s College Prizegiving they also performed an excerpt from the show – the popular Festival Mazurka, danced by Year 9–10 students, with five of the 15 dancers from the Senior Ballet Company.

The Jazz Orchestra and Jazz Band performed at the Christchurch Big Band Festival.

Orchestra The following students were selected into the New Zealand Secondary Schools’ Symphony Orchestra, an auditioned orchestra with students from across Aotearoa. • Flynn Megaw (Year 12) – Principal Trombone; • Grace Lawrence (Year 11) – Violin 1;

• Ethan Higgs (Year 8) – Solo Drumming C Grade 2/4 March; • Alanna Brook (Year 7) – Solo Tenor Drumming Novice; • Lucas Paterson (Year 9) – Solo Piping C Grade 2/4 March. Christchurch Highland Day St Andrew’s competed with great results at this event in early December 2020. The A Band was first in Grade 2 and second in Juvenile. The B Back was first in Grade 4 and third in Juvenile.

• Jin Woo (Luka) Lee (Year 10) – Cello; • Jasmine Hooker (Year 8) – Cello; • Felix Kenton-Smith (Year 12) – Double Bass.

* Please note the use of 2020 year groups.


At the South Island Ballet Awards held at the Isaac Theatre Royal, Teresa Barnhill (Year 13) was selected as a Senior semi-finalist and Year 8 students Taylah Zhang and Sara Yu as Junior semi-finalists. Alistair Gorton (Year 11 Ballet Academy) gained Distinction in his Intermediate Level 1, RAD examination. Alistair was also selected as a Ballet Associate in the part-time pre-professional New Zealand School of Dance Programme, acknowledging him as an up-and-coming future professional dancer. Creative Writing Charlie Haigh, Sea-am Thompson and Grace Kempthorne (all Year 10) were named as finalists in the Canterbury Seaweek Poetry Competition 2021.

Music Flynn Megaw (Year 13) won a Golden Classical Musical Award in the 16-year-old Advanced Category, Trombone at the Golden Classical Music Awards, a competition which seeks to discover outstanding new artists. Musicians from all around the world enter the international music competition and submit their entry via video recording. As a result of winning the award, Flynn has been invited to perform at the Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall in November and December 2022.

Flynn Megaw (Year 13)

Kate Ramsay (Year 8) passed her ABRSM Music Theory Grade 5 Examination with Distinction. Christine Jeon (Year 10) passed her LTCL cello diploma examination and Samuel Jeon (Year 13) passed his FTCL piano diploma examination. These are Trinity College of London performance diplomas, which provide a pathway to professional musicianship. This is an outstanding achievement, as the LTCL level achieved by Christine is equivalent to the final year recital of an undergraduate degree, and the FTCL level, achieved by Samuel, to a postgraduate course recital at a conservatoire or university.

Values and Culture

Riley Lyons (Year 11)

Highland Dance Milly Christie (Year 12) and Charlotte Sloper (OC 2020) are part of the Highland Dance Company of New Zealand and performed at the finals of the South Island Ballet Awards at the Isaac Theatre Royal.

Samuel Jeon (Year 13) and his sister Christine Jeon (Year 10).

Photography Graeme Campbell (Year 13) won the Premier and Supreme Photography Awards at the Methven A&P Show, winning first and second in almost every category including the Adult section for his stunning landscapes.

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Ballet Ballet Academy dancer, Riley Lyons (Year 11), received one of two international scholarships for a New Zealand student from Dance Master International for training at the Tanya Pearson Academy in Sydney, which is one of the most prestigious ballet academies in Australia. At the South Island Ballet Awards, Riley also won a scholarship to attend the New Zealand School of Dance for a full-time week of training.

Pipe Band National Championships It was a fantastic weekend for the Pipe Band at the New Zealand National Championships in Hawke's Bay. The A Band were crowned Grade 2 champions, winning piping, and tying first in drumming (second on March, Strathspey and Reel preference), which was a brilliant effort against many adult bands. It was also a great effort from the B Band, which came third, just one point from runner-up, in Grade 4A. The A Band were runners-up in Juvenile (winning drumming) and the B Band were sixth. Trophies: • The Neil Cruden Memorial Challenge Shield – Overall Champion Band in Grade 2 (A Band); • Doug Milne Memorial Challenge Cup – Winner of Grade 2 Medley (A Band); • I D Cameron Shield – College Band Champion (A Band); • The Tony Purvis Trophy – Juvenile Bass Section (A Band); • A A P Souter Challenge Cup for College Band Dress – Winner (B Band).

Provincial Championships All three St Andrew’s College Pipe Bands competed at the Provincial Championships on Sunday 7 March, with great results: • St Andrew’s College A Band – first in Juvenile and Grade 2; • St Andrew’s College B Band – second in Juvenile, first in Grade 4; • St Andrew’s College C Band – fourth in Juvenile.

Polyfest The Māori and Pasifika Group at St Andrew’s College made history, by competing for the first time ever at Christchurch Polyfest. The group, which consisted of 22 students from Years 9–13, performed extremely well and with great pride in front of a large crowd who were very supportive and welcoming. Te Reo/Māori Studies teacher, Pete Westrupp, was the Teacher in Charge of the group, who along with parent support, did so much to make it happen. Uli Pesefea, Feleti Pesefea and Osana Pesefea also did a fantastic job of tutoring the group. A couple of nights before Polyfest, the group hosted a wonderful Fa’alinga at the College, when they performed the items they prepared for Polyfest to whānau and friends. The group also sang waiata for guests to the College during the Open Day.

The St Andrew’s College A Band, during and after the National Championships.

Swimming sports It was another day of colourful competition at the Secondary School Swimming Sports, held at Jellie Park Recreation and Sport Centre on Friday 12 February.

Values and Culture

Among the many outstanding individual performers was Taiko Torepe-Ormsby (Year 13) who broke an incredible seven of the 10 records set on the day. Other new record holders were William McConchie (Year 9), Rylee McBride (Year 9) and Holly McCarthy (Year 10). As always, there was great House spirit, with Rutherford winning the fiercely fought House competition.






Community and


Late 2020* Box-a-Thon for Youth Mental Health Edwin Short (Year 10) organised and competed in a Box-a-Thon event which raised $6000 for the 298 Youth Health Centre. Sadly, Edwin lost a good friend to suicide shortly after the lockdown, which prompted him to organise the fundraising event ‘Let it Out for Youth Mental Health BOX-A-THON’. Over two days, 170 people were involved in 16 sessions at the event.

City Mission gifts Staff and families of St Andrew’s College, generously took part in the annual Christmas tradition of donating gifts and non-perishable items for the City Mission. Environment Oscar Bloom (Year 12) was appointed the youth representative at the Christchurch West Melton Water Zone Committee, which he has attended since September 2019. Oscar’s passion for protecting and enhancing the

environment comes from his firsthand experiences, which he wants to preserve for generations to come. Fundraising Sophie Goode (Year 12) sold school hair scrunchies in the College Shop, Thistles, for a few months and at the end of 2020, had raised just over $700 for the Ben Gough Family Theatre. The fundraiser was so successful that Sophie extended it to 2021. * Please note the use of 2020 year groups.

2021 Earthquake Remembrance Service The Secondary School held a remembrance service for the 10-year anniversary of the February earthquake. The floral tribute, waiata, minute’s silence, prayer and Amazing Grace played by piper, Oskar Trafford (Year 11), created a reflective time where students displayed great maturity and respect. It was a special time to remember those who lost their lives, were injured, or who have suffered difficulty and hardship since the earthquakes. It was also a time to feel gratitude for the recovery and progress made in Ōtautahi over the last 10 years.

factory & showroom 400 Barbadoes Street, christchurch

Giving a

helping hand

Disadvantaged young students and teachers from Mwikantsi Primary School, in Babati, Tanzania, are about to benefit from a new partnership with St Andrew’s College, which has been forged via a Wanakabased charitable organisation, So They Can. Heads of Community Service, Abby Jones and Isabella Logie (both Year 13), say they heard about So They Can from Rector Christine Leighton, and after a Zoom call with its co-founder and CEO, Cassandra Treadwell, were ‘super keen’ for it to become the Community Service team’s major fundraising initiative. “We are aiming to raise at least $20,000 a year, which will mainly benefit Mwikantsi Primary School, but also some of the other 42 schools that are part of the So They Can programme in Africa. Having such a tangible connection with Mwikantsi will enable us to watch their progress and show the massive impact we can have. Students giving other students the right to education is huge,” says Isabella.

The mission of So They Can is to provide quality education for children living in poverty-stricken communities in Africa. This is achieved through programmes focused on improved learning conditions, teacher training and development, child well-being, women’s empowerment, and community engagement and health.

Abby says the Community Service team is ‘really excited’ about the So They Can project and believe it is the start of an important legacy which will continue for many years. “We hope to get some Year 9 students involved who are keen to make an impact, and who could potentially help to carry it on for a few years.”

Initially, funds raised by St Andrew’s College will go towards building a toilet block, providing resources for the school, and building a meeting room for the teachers to enable better lesson planning.

Once COVID-19 travel restrictions ease in the future, Abby and Isabella hope that an exchange for a St Andrew’s College student to visit Mwikantsi Primary School in Tanzania might be a possibility.

The personal relationship between the two schools is already developing, with photographs, school emblems, and logos shared. Zoom calls between students are planned, with each school committed to sending three or four videos a year to the other, and possibly some artworks.

Rector Christine Leighton has been impressed by the initiative shown by Abby, Isabella, and the Community Service team. “It is always heartening to see the leadership and initiative shown by our students, especially when they are encouraging others to open their minds and hearts to those in need. It is well understood that generosity extended to others, and the act of service has significant benefit for our personal well-being. I hope that throughout 2021 our students can continue to develop their generous spirit.”

Helping Abby and Isabella to run this major project are Georgie Burdon and Sophia Clark (both Year 13), who along with around 11 other enthusiastic and committed students in the Community Service team, are encouraging all St Andrew’s College students to get involved and do their bit to raise funds for this worthy cause.

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Left: Children at Mwikantsi Primary School in Tanzania gathering water for the school gardens from a water tank donated by So They Can.

Values and Culture

Above: Heads of Community Service, Abby Jones (far left) and Isabella Logie (far right) with Georgie Burdon (Year 13) Cassandra Treadwell of So They Can, Sophia Clark (Year 13) and Rector Christine Leighton, at the launch of the project.

Sports round up National

Late 2020* Badminton Ashley Bonne (Y8) won the South Island Badminton U15 doubles title, the U17 and U15 Canterbury doubles title, and represented Canterbury in the South Island age group team events, where her team placed second. Ashley was also selected for the New Zealand U15 Badminton Squad for 2021.

Secondary Schools’

Athletics Championships 11–13 December, Tauranga

Basketball Benjamin Freeman, Tanae Lavery (both Y12) and Hannah Crabtree (Y13) were awarded their CBA McDonald’s All Star singlets for outstanding play throughout the 2020 Thompson and Whelan Trophy season. Lauren Whittaker (Y10) was selected for the Aon New Zealand U15 Girls’ Development Camp.

Nikkita McIntyre (Y10), Couper Killick (Y11), Jonah Cropp and Sienna Stowers Smith (both Y10)

After a disrupted 2020, with no athletics competitions, a relatively young team of 16 athletes from St Andrew’s College were excited to travel to Tauranga to compete in the final and biggest event of the year – the National Secondary Schools’ Athletics Championships. The event was successful for St Andrew’s College, with one gold medal, two silver medals, and one bronze medal. It concluded with Tapenisa Havea (Y12) being named in the Secondary Schools’ Tournament Team.

Medal winners • Nikkita McIntyre, Jonah Cropp, Sienna Stowers-Smith (both Y10) and Couper Killick (Y11): gold in Junior Mixed 4×400m relay; • Tapenisa Havea (Y12): silver in Senior Girls shot put; • Mitchell Corkery (Y10): silver in Junior Boys pole vault; • Jonah Cropp (Y10): bronze in Open Boys 3000m walk.

Lauren Whittaker (Y10)

Beach Volleyball Tineke Hinton and Lauren Whittaker (both Y10) won the Junior Girls’ South Island Beach Volleyball Trophy, the first time this has ever been won by St Andrew’s College. Cherry Zhou, Molly-Belle Morrow and Brooke Hughes (all Y9) won silver in the Year 9 Division, and the team of Gabrielle Jones (Y9) and Morgan Lee (Y10) won bronze in the Year 10 Division. Boxing Edwin Short (Y10) was selected for the Canterbury boxing team to compete at nationals. Cricket Biena Hickford (Y8) was selected for the Christchurch Junior Cricket Association (CJCA) South Island Primary Schools' Tournament Girls’ cricket team, which was a remarkable achievement as only one team was selected.

Left: Mitchell Corkery (Y10). Middle: Jonah Cropp (Y10). Right: Tapenisa Havea (Y12)

CrossFit At the 2020 National CrossFit Championships in Cambridge in December, Alys Scott (Y11) won silver in the New Zealand Women’s Teen category (14–15 years) after participating in eight different events over two days against the strongest teens in the country.

Motocross Luke Doerner-Corson (Y12) was third overall in the New Zealand Off Road Extreme Enduro Championship Series. This four-round series had three rounds in the North Island. During the final round in the South Island, Luke was running second equal with his brother, Cody DoernerCorson (OC 2019), until the last lap of the five-hour race, when Cody pulled ahead to take second place. Netball Isabella Galvan and Otolose (Lose) Faingaanuku (both Y12) were selected for the Mainland National Netball League (NNL) Summer Training Squad for 2020/2021. Polo Tom Turner (Y11) was selected for the South Island Secondary School’s polo team which won against the North Island team 3–2. This was a significant achievement, as all the other team members were Year 13 students. Rugby The following 1st XV players all signed academy contracts: • Jamie Carr, Joel Parry and Aminisa (Mini) Toga (all Y13) – Crusaders Academy; • Isileli Saumaki (Y13) – Tasman/ Crusaders Academy. Sailing Charlotte Palmer (Y10) was first in the Tanner Cup Trials in a P Class yacht and went on to represent Canterbury in the Tanner Cup Regatta. Swimming Taiko Torepe-Ormsby (Y12) was selected for the Swimming New Zealand National Age Programme for 2020/21. Surf Life Saving Taiko Torepe-Ormsby (Y12) was selected for the Surf Life Saving New Zealand 2020–21 High Performance Squad.

At the South Island Primary and Intermediate School Championships, Ricky Kotepong (Y8) won the Boys’ singles and doubles. Ruby McPhail (Y8) finished fourth in the Girls’ singles, Lily McHarg (Y8) finished fifth, and Lila Waghorn (Y7) finished 11th. Ruby and Lily were runners-up in the doubles. Josh Silcock (Y9) won the U14 Boys’ singles title at the North Canterbury Tennis Championship in November. He went on to represent North Canterbury at various fixtures over the summer. Touch The Senior Mixed touch team finished in the top eight at the New Zealand Secondary Schools’ Tournament, after being runners-up at the Canterbury Championships. Trap Shooting A group of 12 students competed in the South Island and New Zealand Secondary Schools’ Trap Shooting Championships. Due to Alert Level 2 restrictions, the event was held by students shooting simultaneously at six clubs across New Zealand. The students shot well with a number of students in shoot offs, obtaining personal bests, and winning scores. Results: • Jono Baynon (Y11) was selected in the South Island and the North Canterbury Regional teams. Both teams won their respective events; • William Long (Y9) was second in the Junior Single Barrel Competition; • Olly Hood (Y13) was first in the South Island Skeet event with a perfect score of 25. This was the only 25 to be scored in either the South Island, North Island, or National Skeet events; • Maggie Hood (Y10) was second in the South Island Girls’ Skeet;

Triathlon Max Blockley (Y10) was third in the U16 category and fifth overall at the Canterbury Secondary Schools’ triathlon held at Lake Rua. This was a combined event with the public PAK’nSAVE Triathlon Festival. The schools’ event consisted of a 150m swim, a 13km bike, and a 2.5km run. Volleyball The Junior A Girls’ volleyball team finished the South Island Tournament undefeated to become the 2020 champions. Playing Nayland A in the final, the girls won convincingly in two sets. A number of girls were named in the tournament team, including Tineke Hinton, Lauren Whittaker and Morgan Lee (all Y10). Tineke Hinton and Lauren Whittaker were also named as the overall joint Junior Girls’ Most Valuable Player (MVP). St Andrew’s College organised a Secondary School Girls’ invitational volleyball tournament after the nationals were cancelled due to COVID-19 restrictions. The event took place a week after the end of Term 4 with ten teams from around New Zealand competing. The Senior A Girls’ team won the bronze medal. Water Polo The St Andrew’s College Boys’ water polo team finished fourth at the Junior South Island Water Polo Championships. They lost to Christchurch Boys’ High School in the semi-final, going down in an intense battle for third and fourth with Christ’s College 12–10. * Please note the use of 2020 year groups.

2021 Athletics Canterbury Secondary Schools’ Athletics Championships

St Andrew’s College athletes performed incredibly well to win 16 titles at the Canterbury Secondary Schools’ Athletics Championships. Records were set by Tapenisa Havea (Y13) in the shot put and discus, Couper Killick (Y12) in the shot put, Mitchell Corkery (Y11) in the pole vault and Jonah Cropp (Y11) in the open walk. Title winners were:

• Olly and Maggie Hood were third in the South Island Two-Person Team Skeet;

• Kavanah Lene (Y11): U15 Girls shot put;

• Olly Hood was selected in the South Island Three-Person Team to compete against the North Island.

• Tapenisa Havea (Y13): U19 Girls shot put (record), discus (record) 100m;

Maggie Hood (Y10) travelled to Hamilton to defend her 2019 title in the North Island Skeet Championships, where she placed second with a score of 20, just one point behind the winner.

• Olivia Geneblaza (Y13): U19 Girls triple jump

• Ricky Kotepong (Y9): U14 Boys triple jump; • Mitchell Corkery (Y11): U16 Boys pole vault (record); • Couper Killick (Y12): U16 Boys shot put (record), discus;

Values and Culture

Karate Charlotte Palmer (Y10) won gold in the Kumite and silver in Kata at the New Zealand Secondary Schools’ Karate Championships. She also competed in the New Zealand Karate Nationals, winning silver in Kumite and fourth in Kata.

Tennis Ricky Kotepong (Y8) won the singles and doubles at the Canterbury Primary and Intermediate Schools’ Championship. Ruby McPhail (Y8) was second in the Girls’ section and Lily McHarg (Y8) finished in third place.

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Football Jasmine Donald (Y13) was selected for the Canterbury United Pride Women’s Football Squad, playing in the national league.

• Maia Columbus (Y12): U16 Girls 100m, 200m; • Sienna Stowers-Smith (Y11): U16 Girls 400m; • Neve Moulai (Y13): U19 Girls 1500m; • Jonah Cropp (Y11): Open walk; • U16 Girls 4×100m Relay; • U19 Girls 4×100m Relay.


Samuel Moreton (Y11) won the Junior Recurve section at the Canterbury Bow Hunters Championships with the Canterbury Archers’ Society.

Artistic Gymnastics

Solara Burrows (Y6) was first overall in the Affinity Junior and Senior Women’s Step 4 Level Artistic Gymnastics Competition.


Sisters, Ophelia and Rafferty Powell (both Y10), were chosen from across New Zealand for the 2021 U14 National Development Camp, made up of 80 girls and 80 boys.


Jack Gebbie (Y9) finished third in the National BMX Championships in the 14 Years Boys, which is a very strong year group.

Coast to Coast

at the New Zealand Pony Club Dressage Championships and placed second overall in the South Island. Gemma was also selected as part of the South Island U25 Equestrian Sports Dressage Team and has won numerous titles at various competitions. She was also a member of the Canterbury team at the South Island Show Jumping Championships, where she placed first in Junior Championships tests and was named Top Junior Rider, Top Secondary School Junior Rider, and Top Pony. Georgia Lewis (Y8) won her Championship Dressage and Dressage and Jumping classes (12 and 13 years) at the Christchurch Pony Club Scandal Trophy in February, with her pony Heza QT. Over the holidays she was also selected as Reserve for the Canterbury Dressage team in the Junior section (14 and under) which competed in Gore at the end of January, winning the National title. At the Canterbury Interschools Show Jumping Competition, Elleanor Bell (Y9) riding Korimako Paper Road, won the 80cm Instant Jump Off class with a very fast time of 29.32 seconds. She also placed in the 80cm Show Hunter rounds.


Ryan Stewart (Y12) competed in the Canterbury U17 Foil and Epee Championships, winning both events. Most fencers only train in one weapon so winning both was an outstanding achievement.


Molly Spark (Y13), (left), with the Two-Day Coast to Coast team.

St Andrew’s College students achieved some fantastic results in the Kathmandu Coast to Coast. Molly Spark (Y13) was the first female runner home in the 33km Mountain Run (Individual), running the second fastest time ever for a female in 4 hours 18 minutes and placing an incredible 13th overall. The team of Nate Pringle (cycle), Benjamin Ferrier (mountain run) and Georgia Spark (kayak) (all Y13) won the School Division Two Day Coast to Coast, beating some all-male teams along the way. They completed the 243km in 13 hours 20 minutes, which was another amazing effort.

Drone Racing

Seth Moore (Y12) was the youngest competitor in the New Zealand Open Drone Racing Championships against the top drone racers from all over the country. He finished eighth overall.


Gemma Lewis (Y11) has had a number of successes over recent months. She was selected to represent Canterbury

Jessie Mercer (Y9) and Alice Aldhamland (Y10) played for the South Island U16 Māori team (Hine) in the inaugural North vs South Māori football match held at the Rotorua International Stadium. The North Island side were very strong and won the match 5–2.


Madeleine May (Y13) won the Women’s South Island Stroke Play Championships at St Clair Golf Club, hitting 16 under to win by 11 shots over the four rounds.

Jet Ski Racing

Jonte Butterfield (Y10) won the national jet ski racing title in the 13–15 years age group at the 2021 New Zealand Jet Sports Nationals.


Charlotte Palmer (Y11) won gold in Kumite and Kata at the Canterbury Classic Karate competition.

Mountain Biking

St Andrew’s had its best ever results at the Canterbury Secondary Schools’ Mountain Biking Championships, with six podium finishes. The placegetters were: • Cooper Pringle (Y7): first in U13 Boys; • William Pringle (Y8): third in U14 Boys; • Joseph Connolly (Y11): first in U16 Boys; • Bailey Graham (Y11): second in U17 Boys; • Charlotte Bull (Y9): third in U15 Girls; • Rebecca Strang (Y9): third in Sport (non-competitive). A record number of 21 St Andrew’s students took part in the South Island Secondary Schools’ Mountain Biking Championships at the Mt Hutt Bike Park near Methven. There were 70 schools from around the South Island taking part, with over 600 riders competing. St Andrew’s finished 10th overall from the 70 schools, with seven top 10 placings. William Crawford (Y8) reached the podium with a third placing in the U14 Boys’ Cross Country. Joseph Connolly and Bailey Graham (both Y11) teamed up for the four-hour event at the Hanmer 4-and-8 hour Mountain Bike Race, which consisted of completing as many laps as possible of the 6km course over four hours. They put in a remarkable performance to finish first overall from both individuals and teams of all ages and genders, completing 13 laps for a total distance of 85km between them. High Performance Strength and Conditioning Coach, Greg Thompson, also took part winning the Age 50+ race.


Two St Andrew’s College Senior netball players, Isabella Galvan and Holly Munro (both Y13), were selected for the New Zealand Secondary Schools’ squad. They were chosen from 85 players who attended three National Development Camps in January, as well as the Zone feed forward process.

Polo Sebastian May (Y11)

The St Andrew’s College golf team finished second at the Canterbury Secondary Schools’ Golf Championships, qualifying for the nationals. The team narrowly lost by two shots (212 versus 214) to Burnside High School. Sebastian May (Y11) won the individual competition, shooting a 72 and claiming the trophy from his sister, Madeleine May (Y13), who had held it for the previous two years.

Tom Turner (Y12) was part of the South Island U21 polo team which beat Napier 7–2 and a U21 Northern Districts team 7–4. Tom has also progressed to a ‘one goal handicap’ in polo, which is an outstanding achievement considering his age. The StAC A polo team ended the 2020/2021 season with a win in the final SUPA (South Island Polo Association) tournament, winning the Charles Wood

Kalisa Zhang (Y6) was third in the Snow Queen Washington Winter Cup, an international online rhythmic gymnastics competition. She also placed third overall at the Rhythmic Gymnastics Canterbury Championships competition.


St Andrew’s College finished second overall in the Canterbury Scholastic Surf League. Three students placed in the top three overall for their age group: • U16 Boys: Rakiatea Tau (Y10) second, George Roberts (Y10) third; • U18 Boys: Elliot Menzies (Y12) first.

Surf Life Saving

In the U14 Boys’ competition at the Surf Life Saving Canterbury Championships, Sam McAlister (Y9) was second in the Run Swim Run and Diamond Race and was second overall U14 boy. Liam Hall (Y9) was second in Beach Flags event.


At the Swimming Canterbury West Coast Championships, Rylee McBride (Y9) won three gold, three silver and one bronze medal.

ISSA Zone Swimming Sports

A group of enthusiastic Preparatory School students competed with excellent results at the ISSA Zone Swimming Sports. Placegetters were: • Year 5 Boys: William Johnson – first backstroke; Jackson Morrow – second freestyle, backstroke, relay; • Year 5 Girls: Kaia Hartstonge – first freestyle, breaststroke, second relay; Charlotte Currie – second relay; Chelsea Li – first backstroke; Isla Marshall – second backstroke; • Year 6 Boys: Louis Johnson – first backstroke, third relay; Anthony Song – second freestyle; breaststroke, third relay; • Year 6 Girls: Sophie Schouten – third backstroke, relay; Maja Clark – third relay; • Year 7 Boys: Cameron Sharp – second relay, third breaststroke; Cooper Pringle – third backstroke; Charlie Lightbourne – second relay; • Year 7 Girls: Isla MacFarlane – second relay, third freestyle, backstroke; Mila Oxenham – second relay; • Year 8 Boys: Charlie Hitchon – second backstroke, third breaststroke; Thomas McIntosh – second relay; Joshua Morrow – second relay; • Year 8 Girls Jessica Drury – first breaststroke, second butterfly, relay; Charlotte Kyle – second freestyle,

A group of 36 swimmers represented St Andrew’s at the Canterbury Secondary Schools’ Swimming Championships, achieving 20 top three placings in individual events, and seven top three placings in relays. First placegetters were:

members of this team which won the South Island IPS tournament played in December 2020.

• William McConchie (Y9) – 12–13 years breaststroke; • Mia Montgomery, Amy Zhu, Lucie Hood, Rylee McBride (all Y9) – 12–13 years Girls’ freestyle relay; • Amelia Kyle, Emily Gjelstad, Cherry Zhou, Holly McCarthy (all Y10) – 14 years Girls’ freestyle relay; • Caitlin Roberts (Y11) – 15 years 100m freestyle; • Taiko Torepe-Ormsby (Y13) – Senior 50m freestyle, Open 100m butterfly; • Oliver Graves (Y13), Callum Lockhart (Y12), Connor Barr, Taiko TorepeOrmsby (both Y13) – Senior 200m freestyle relay; • Connor Barr, Cameron Slee, Oliver Graves, Taiko Torepe-Ormsby (all Y13) – Open 200m freestyle relay.


At the Canterbury Secondary Schools’ Tennis Championships, St Andrew’s players dominated the Boys’ grades, winning the Senior and Year 11 Boys’ singles titles and the Senior Boys’ doubles title. Senior Singles Champion, Finlay Emslie-Robson, is still only in Year 12 and played some very difficult and challenging three-set matches along the way. Year 11 Singles Champion, Duncan McCall, controlled all his matches to take the title. These two players then combined to win the Senior Boys’ doubles. The girls performed well in very strong draws, with a number of third and fourth placings. Results: • Senior Boys Singles: Finlay EmslieRobson (Y12) – first; Benjamin HydeSmith (Y13) – third; • Senior Boys Doubles: Finlay Emslie-Robson and Duncan McCall (Y11) – first; • Senior Girls Singles: Farrah Richards (Y13) – third; • Senior Girls Doubles: Farrah Richards and Charli Watts (Y12) – third; • Year 11 Boys Singles: Duncan McCall – first; • Year 11 Girls Singles: Izzy Western (Y11) – fourth; • Year 11 Boys’ Consolation: Marley Murray – first.


Mia Montgomery (Y9) was the captain of the Canterbury Touch U14 Girls’ Red team 2020 and was named Most Valuable Player for the team. Ophelia and Rafferty Powell (both Y10) were also

Ophelia Powell (Y10), Mia Montgomery (Y9) and Rafferty Powell (Y10)

The Senior Mixed and Boys’ touch teams finished second and fourth respectively at the Canterbury Secondary Schools’ Touch Championships. Both teams were playing their first games of the season and showed great improvement during the day. The Mixed team lost to Rolleston College in the final, while the Boys’ team lost to Shirley Boys’ High School in a thrilling playoff match for third and fourth. Karereatua Williams (Y12), Sienna Stowers-Smith, Tom Harris (both Y11), Macklan Robertson and Samuel Mustchin (both Y10), were selected to attend the 2021 Touch New Zealand U16 Talent Identification Camp (TID) being held in Auckland at the start of October.


Max Blockley (Y11) won the Try a Tri event at the Sea 2 Sky Challenge Triathlon, which consisted of a 150m ocean swim, a 9km cycle around the streets of Sumner, and a 2km run down the Esplanade. Max won the event in a time of 29:6.0. The Sea 2 Sky Challenge Triathlon was held in and around Sumner. There were a range of different events for different age and ability levels. A group of Preparatory School students took part in the CPSSA Triathlon, held in perfect conditions on the Spark’s farm on South Eyre Road. Students to finish in the top 20 were: • Sasha McIntyre: fifth in the Y8 Girls; • William Gray: 11th in the Y8 Boys; • Isla Marshall: 14th in the Y5 Girls; • Taylor Ford: 15th in Y5 Girls; • Olivia Ratcliffe: 18th in Y8 Girls.


The Senior A Girls’ volleyball team was third in Division 1, and the Senior A Boys were eighth in Division 1 at the Mainland Volleyball Championships, which included over 70 teams from around the South Island.

Values and Culture

Rhythmic Gymnastics

backstroke, relay; Olivia Ratcliffe – third butterfly.

47 Regulus

SUPA Trophy for A Grade the first time since 2015. It was a sterling effort from Tom Turner (Y12), Dallas Davies (Y13) and Lydia Ward (Y12). Tom Turner was also awarded MVP for the A Grade division. Gemma Lewis (Y11) was awarded MVP for the C Grade division.

The front field was awash with colourful House costumes, and there was a real carnival atmosphere for the annual Secondary School Athletic Sports Day. Despite the cool temperatures, competition was fierce, with more than 1000 students participating in or supporting a variety of track and field, and fun novelty events.

Athletic Sports Day

Ten records were broken on the day including an incredible three College records and Sports Day records set by Head Girl, Tapenisa Havea, in the discus, shot put, and 100m. The House Leaders did a great job of generating high energy and House spirit, with MacGibbon as the winning House, Thompson second, followed by Rutherford in third place, and Erwin in fourth. A food truck was organised and run at the event by Year 13 student, Sophia Clark, and Deputy Head Boy, Arden Ongley, supported by the prefects, which raised funds for Christchurch charity, Home and Family.

The Pipe Band put on another great display to end the day, and in keeping with St Andrew’s College tradition, the mothers of the Head Prefects – Fua Havea and Annabel Calder, presented the athletics champions with their trophies.

Six medals at


Five of the boys, Caleb Brown, James McLaren, Dylan Smith, Sam Long, and cox, Alexander Carrodus, had already won silver in the Springbok Shield (Boys’ U18 coxed four), which is another premier event at the regatta. In a thrilling finish they were just beaten by Auckland Grammar School. The boys also won a gold medal for being the top South Island school in the same race. Georgia Thomson (Y12) also had an outstanding regatta, winning the only gold medal for St Andrew’s College, in the Girls’ U16 single sculls. She rowed with determination throughout the week and was justly rewarded after a fantastic row in the final.

number achieved by any school. This achievement was made even more special, when considering the finals were across every age group, in both boys’ and girls’ events. The results at Maadi Cup are on the back of a strong season for St Andrew’s College rowers. At the South Island Rowing Championships, 37 College crews made finals, with 10 gaining a top three result. Gold medals were won at this regatta by the Men’s Club eight (Sam Long, Fergus Rutledge, Angus Hill, James McLaren, Oliver McDonald, Toby Middleton, Henry Farrell, Tom Rutherford, and cox, Amalia Ling (Y13); and the Men’s Club pair (Caleb Brown and Lachlan Muir). With so many medal winning Maadi Cup rowers still in Year 12, the future bodes extremely well for the rowing programme in 2022. Teacher in Charge of rowing, Liam Smith, said Guy Williams and the rest of the coaching team did a fantastic job of preparing the students to

The remaining bronze medals were won by Caleb Brown and Lachlan Muir in the Boys’ U18 coxless pairs; Sophia Rutherford (Y13) in the Girls’ U18 single sculls; and Sam Long, Fergus Rutledge, Henry Farrell, James McLaren, Angus Hill, Toby Middleton, Oliver McDonald, Tom Rutherford (all Y12), and cox, Alexander Carrodus (Y13) in the Boys’ U17 coxed eight. The squad of 42 students made it through to an impressive 13 A finals, which was the second equal highest

Boys’ U18 eight Maadi Cup Bronze medal winners.

perform at a level that exceeded their expectations. “ We also want to thank parents and family who have supported the students at regattas and camps throughout the year, along with Heidi Koning, Liz Gormack, Hamish Bell and Evert van Florenstein for their support.” Following the regatta, Georgia Thomson, Angus Hill, Fergus Rutledge, Henry Farrell, James McLaren and Sam Long (all Y12) were named as 2021 North vs South U18 triallists. Caleb Brown, Lachie Muir and Dylan Smith (all Y13) were named as 2021 New Zealand U19 triallists. Two coaching staff also received representative honours, Tim Hopkins as South Island U18 Boys’ sweep coach, and Guy Williams as New Zealand U21 Men’s sweep coach.

49 Regulus

In just the fourth time in St Andrew’s College history, the Boys’ U18 eight crew made the final of the Maadi Cup, the pinnacle of secondary schools’ rowing. The crew, comprising Sam Long, Fergus Rutledge (both Y12), Caleb Brown (Y13), James McLaren, Angus Hill (both Y12), Dylan Smith (Y13), Henry Farrell (Y12), Lachlan Muir and cox, Alexander Carrodus (both Y13) rowed an outstanding race to win a bronze medal, finishing less than a second behind Auckland Grammar School, and around six seconds behind the eventual race winners and local rivals Christ’s College.

Values and Culture

In near perfect conditions at Lake Karapiro, the St Andrew’s College rowing squad displayed drive, toughness, and great technical skill to bring home an incredible six medal haul from the national Maadi Cup regatta – one gold, one silver, and four bronze. Due to South Island Championships being cancelled, South Island Secondary School medals were also awarded, with St Andrew’s receiving 11 medals.


Tournament Week

New Zealand Secondary Schools’ Tennis Championships – Auckland

The Mixed tennis team faced extremely tough competition from the top schools in the country at the New Zealand Secondary Schools’ Tennis Championships and played superbly throughout the tournament to win the national title. The matches were hard-fought, with the final against Macleans College incredibly close. The match was all tied up after the singles, with the result having to be decided in the doubles. The boys were dominant, winning their match 6–0, 6–0, however, the girls faced tough, higher ranked opposition and went down in a hard-fought game 7–5, 6–3. A nail-biting countback on games was required to decide the winner, with the boys’ strong doubles results helping to secure the win for St Andrew’s, 50 games to 45. This was the eighth time since 2007 that St Andrew’s College has won this national title – all under the expert guidance of coach, and Teacher in Charge of tennis, Hamish Faulls, and Jo Bigford-Fleming who has been manager for seven of the eight titles. These results make tennis the most successful sport in St Andrew’s history, with all of the College’s top players highly ranked nationally.

The Junior Girls’ futsal team. Back: Juan Chang (coach), Alice Aldhamland, Megan Simpson, Odette Lieshout, Hannah Burnett, Olivia Burdon, Addison Pilkington (all Y10), Steve Aldhamland (manager) Front: Emily Morgan, Billie Revis (both Y10), Scarlett Gray, Amber de Wit (both Y9).

A large group of St Andrew’s College students departed for Summer Tournament Week, excited to be competing against their secondary school counterparts in various national and South Island events around the country, after the disappointing cancellation of most of these events last year due to COVID-19. The students’ excitement translated into some outstanding results, with the Mixed tennis team, and Girls’ Junior futsal teams both ending the week as New Zealand champions, the Senior Girls’ futsal team finishing third nationally, the Mixed touch team finishing third in the South Island, the Senior Girls’ volleyball team winning the Division 3 national title, and the Senior Boys water polo team finishing second in the South Island. It was a fantastic week of sport, with students doing St Andrew’s proud on the field, the court, and in the pool.

New Zealand Secondary Schools' Futsal Championships – Wellington

The St Andrew’s College Junior Girls’ futsal team had an outstanding two-day national tournament in Wellington, overcoming some tough teams to win the national title. The girls won three pool matches and drew one against New Plymouth Girls’ High School, coming back from 2–4 down with just two minutes to go, to draw even just before full time. They then overcame Wellington East Girls’ College in another close encounter, before facing Diocesan School for Girls in the final. St Andrew’s managed to control the game and take an exciting win.

National champion Mixed tennis team.

South Island Secondary Schools’ Water Polo Championships – Christchurch

Both the Boys’ and Girls’ water polo teams competed at the South Island Secondary Schools’ Championships. The Boys’ team got off to a great start, winning three of their first four matches. They carried their excellent form into later rounds and finished the competition in a highly creditable second place. Benjamin Steel (Y13) was named Most Valuable Goalie at the championships. The girls had a tougher time in the early stages of their competition. While being competitive in all games, they weren’t always able to take the win. However, they played with great spirit and finished fourth.

Megan Simpson (Y10) had a fantastic tournament. She won Golden Boot with 11 goals in six matches, and was voted Player of the Tournament. The Senior Girls’ futsal team also had a strong competition, winning all three games on day one, before moving into playoffs the following day. They won the first game with ease, but lost against Wellington East Girls’ College, in the second game. Although the girls were disappointed by the loss, they were excited to finish the tournament in third place. The Senior Boys finished second in pool play, and ended the tournament in 15th place. The Junior Boys faced a steep learning curve in their tournament, finishing 21st, and will grow a lot from the experience.

Silver medal winning Boy's water polo team.

New Zealand Secondary Schools’ Volleyball Championships – Palmerston North

Three teams from St Andrew’s College attended the New Zealand Secondary Schools’ Volleyball Championships in Palmerton North. The Girls’ Senior A team had an outstanding week, performing incredibly well throughout the competition to win Division 3, beating Garin College 3–0 in the final.

The Girls’ Senior B side worked tirelessly and never gave up. The girls had a great experience and learnt a lot, winning their last game to take out 11th place in Division 5. The Boys’ Senior A team had an up and down week, and at times played some great volleyball against very strong competition in their pool, finishing 10th in Division 3.

New Zealand Secondary Schools’ 3×3 Basketball Championships – Auckland

Four St Andrew’s College 3×3 basketball teams competed in the national championships at the Bruce Pulman Arena in Auckland. They had a busy first day, participating in 12 games between them, as part of the 146-team event. There were some incredibly close games on day one against national powerhouses, Rosmini College and Westlake Girls’ High School, and a great win was recorded against Wellington champions, Queen Margaret College.

The Girls’ Senior A volleyball team, Division 3 winners.

South Island Secondary Schools’ Touch – Christchurch

The Senior Mixed and Boys’ touch teams competed at the South Island Secondary Schools’ Touch Championships, finishing third and ninth respectively. Both teams played with small squads due to injuries and other commitments, which made the weekend particularly challenging.

The final results after the playoff rounds were Senior Boys in 14th place, Senior Girls in 9th place, Junior Boys in 7th place, and Junior Girls in 5th place. The Senior Girls faced the eventual winners and second placed team in their pool and did incredibly well to beat one of them and lose by just one point in overtime to the other.

The Mixed team finished second in their pool. A tough first half cost them in the semi-final against eventual winners, Rolleston College, and they were unable to pull back a big half-time deficit. Despite playing with a severely depleted squad for all three games on the last day, the team dug deep in their final game and beat a very strong Lincoln High School team 8–6 to secure third place.

51 Regulus

The Boys’ team had a tough pool but pushed Nelson College close in their final round robin game. In the 8th–9th playoff, they faced Nelson College once more, and were unlucky to go down 3–5 after being tied 3–3 at half-time. Members of the Senior Mixed touch team, Samuel Mustchin (Y10), Karereatua Williams (Y12) and Sienna Stowers-Smith (Y11) in action.

The Senior Boys basketball team in action.


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Values and Culture

There was a mixed bag of results for day two, with the Junior Boys proving to be the most consistent, winning all three of their matches.


from the


We were most fortunate to have Founders’ Day go ahead as planned this year, and it was great to be a part of the celebrations at the College. It was a pleasure to be able to present Mitchell Kohing (Year 13) with the GAM Hilson Memorial Accounting/Economics Award and Thomas Forsey (Year 13) with the Henry Dowling Memorial French Award for their achievements in Year 12 in 2020. The assembly, as always, showcased the remarkable amount of talent at the College and illustrated that the St Andrew’s College pride is as strong as ever. The 60 Years On Reunion event was held at the College during Founders’ Weekend and included both the year group who had their reunion postponed in 2020 due to COVID-19 and the current 60 Years On group. The cocktail evening and the dinner on Saturday night were both well attended and the group of boys who began third form in 1960 and 1961 were treated to another fantastic Address to the Haggis by Catelin Riordan (Year 13). Catering Manager, Russell Gray, and his team did a great job as usual, and a number of the gentlemen commented on their amazement at how much the food at the College had changed in the 55 years since they were in the boarding house. John Bayley (1965) presented a heart-warming toast to the College and it was nice to hear his stories of the group’s time as students. We look forward to catching up with more of our Old Collegian community when we hold our first regional event for the year in Wellington on Thursday 10 June. Also held on Friday 19 March was the Annual Golf Tournament in conjunction with St Andrew’s College cricket, which was combined with the Strowan Rose Bowl. Congratulations to Chris Timbs (1990) who won the Old Collegians’ Trophy. Thank you to all sponsors, Paul McEwan (1971) for organising and hosting the day at Waitikiri Golf Course, as well as the 1st XI cricket coach and Old Collegian, Mike Johnston (1974), for organising. It has been a great start to the year at the College and I look forward to many more events with both our Old Collegian community and current students. Meg Black (2010) President


Years On Reunion

The leavers of 2010 had a fantastic time at their 10 Years On reunion on Thursday 12 November 2020. The group of around 50 Old Collegians enjoyed a College tour and commented how different it was from their time at St Andrew’s, given they were the last Year 13 group preearthquake. This was followed by a special welcome in the Centennial Chapel. For many, this was the first time in the Chapel, while others had visited before and even celebrated weddings there. The group enjoyed a wonderful evening in Strowan House, and later at No.4 Bar, catching up with friends they see regularly and reconnecting with those they hadn’t seen since leaving school. Many Old Collegians made a massive effort to travel for the reunion which made the evening all the more special.


Years On Reunion

Old Collegians

On Founders’ Day, on Friday 12 March, the College hosted a double 60 Years On Reunion, with the Old Collegians of both the 1960–1964 and 1961–1965 year groups attending, given last year’s event was cancelled due to COVID-19. The day was generously attended by both year groups, with between 40–60 Old Collegians taking part in various functions throughout the two days. They enjoyed a spectacular Founders’ Day service on the Friday, with Catelin Riordan (Year 13) performing a most impressive Address to the Haggis. The groups were treated to lunch with the boarders, and attended a highly entertaining Highland Games, which rounded off the afternoon. This was followed by a cocktail evening where many funny memories were regaled. On Saturday evening, the group had a special reunion dinner, complete with a St Andrew’s College piper and another chance to see the Address to the Haggis. It was wonderful to hear such fantastic feedback from many Old Collegians about how impressed they were with where the College is heading in 2021 and beyond, and the huge evolution of St Andrew’s since their time 60 years ago.



OCA Golf


The annual OCA Golf Tournament was held in spectacular weather on Friday 19 March, combined with the Strowan Rose Bowl, at Waitikiri Golf Course. Due to the sheer number of players attending this event, our golfers spilled onto the neighbouring Bottle Lake Golf Course and we were very grateful to them for accommodating our group of 140. Chris Timbs (1986) won the Old Collegians’ Cup and Janet Nicholls was the winner of

the Ladies’ Section. Otago Boys’ High School took out the Strowan Rose Bowl for 2021. Thank you to the generous sponsors for the prizes and to Paul McEwan (1967) and 1st XI cricket Coach, College Custodian and Old Collegian, Mike Johnston (1974), for organising such a successful day.


Jordan Barron (2011) and his business partner are achieving strong success with their company Exerfly, which makes strength training equipment. Overseas sales have exploded after an international launch mid pandemic. The equipment has been tested on scores of high profile New Zealand athletes, and sold to global sports teams such as baseball champions, the Los Angeles Dodgers, professional basketball team, the Golden State Warriors, British Premier League football team, Wolverhampton Wanderers, Canada’s Olympic ski team, and the British Paralympics Association.


New Year’s Honours In the New Year’s Honours List, the following Old Collegians were awarded an ONZM (Officers of the New Zealand Order of Merit): Dr Colin Meurk (1975) of Christchurch for services to ecological restoration; Professor Jonathan Boston (1974), of Wellington, for services to public and social policy; and Burton Shipley (1968), of Russell, for services to basketball. When Warwick Hambleton (1961) visited St Andrew’s College in February, along with his friend and peer Alister Barrell (1961), he especially admired the Centennial Chapel. After leaving St Andrew’s, Warwick graduated in Chemical Engineering from the University of Canterbury. He then studied for the ministry at Knox College in Dunedin, and later served at ten Presbyterian, Methodist, or combined churches in the North Island. Warwick married Robyn Barrell (an ex pupil of Rangi Ruru) and they have two grown children. The couple are now retired at Snells Beach, North of Auckland.

Alister Barrell and Warwick Hambleton

Sandy McCutcheon (1964) is a novelist with 16 published novels and is the author of more than 20 plays. His works include a children’s book and a memoir. He has worked as a radio documentary maker in several war zones such as North and South Sudan, South Africa, Mozambique, and the former Republic of Yugoslavia. Sandy lived in Finland for two years and was awarded the International Kalevala Medal for service to Finnish Culture. He is married to author, Suzanna Clarke. For more than a decade he has lived in the Old Medina of Fez in Morocco, where they have two adopted Moroccan children. He and Suzanna recently purchased a homestead and small farm in rural France to use as a writer’s retreat.

Sandy McCutcheon

Phil Keoghan (1985) is known worldwide for being the host of CBS’s multi-Emmy Award winning reality show The Amazing Race since its inception in 2001. Now Phil has launched a new Tinseltown reality competition called Tough as Nails, which tests the physical and mental strength of tradespeople. His hardworking grandparents and extended family from Westport, who were mechanics, carpenters, and farmers, were the inspiration for the show. The show was one of the few able to be shot during the pandemic, with the first episode airing in the United States in February. Logan van Beek (2008 ) took a sensational catch playing cricket for the Wellington Firebirds against the Northern Knights in the Super Smash competition. He gave chase from longon and flew through the air to make a one-handed catch which left the cricketing world in awe. Health and Physical Education teacher and Old Collegian, Heidi Koning (2010), presented an inspirational and courageous talk to the Year 8–9 girls at the 2021 Girls’ Breakfast, with a message that we all have the choice to create our own joy despite challenges in life.

Isabelle Crawshaw (2011) joined the Farmer Council in 2018 as a co-opted youth member and became an elected farmer representative in 2020. Isabelle and her husband Patrick, along with their daughter, Charlotte, own and run a 285ha sheep and beef property in Patoka and are both extremely passionate about the food and fibre industry. Richie Mo’unga (2012) was named in David Hartnell’s ‘Best Dressed List’ for 2020. He said Richie could grace the pages of Men’s Vogue magazine and had ‘fashion style in abundance’. He was also named in the 2021 Crusaders squad. Harry Grigg (2014) performed at the Royal Albert Hall as part of Whānau: Voices of Aotearoa, Far from Home concert – a socially distanced fundraising concert which was recorded on Wednesday 4 November. Kelera Nawai (2016) was named in the Te Wānanga o Raukawa Pulse team for the 2021 ANZ Premiership Netball League.

Keera Nawai

Llew Johnson (2017) set a new record in Otago club cricket by making a staggering 256 runs not out for his club, North East Valley, hitting 21 sixes and 15 fours.

Heidi Koning

Britney-Lee Nicholson (2017) and Jasmine Donald (2020) represented the South Island Senior Women’s side in the inaugural North vs South Māori football matches held at the Rotorua International Stadium. The final score was 15–2 to the South side, with Britney-Lee (a senior Futsal Fern)

Henry Spark and Ben Leech (both 2020) did extremely well in the Two-Day Coast to Coast (Individuals). Henry put in an incredible performance to finish 10th overall from 274 competitors in 13 hours 7 minutes, while Ben finished 20th. Lily Goodwin (2020) had her Year 13 Design folio selected to be included in the NZQA Top Art Exhibition, which is an annual touring exhibition featuring the top NCEA Level 3 portfolios in Visual Art in the previous year. Lily’s theme was centred around the importance of ‘unplugging’ from technology as a teenager and was visually engaging and thoughtprovoking.

Lizzie Stevenson

Steven Walton (2017) was the recipient of the Paul Norris Award for Outstanding Achievement for Journalism – Class of 2018. The award came with prize money, and was jointly sponsored by the New Zealand Broadcasting School (NZBS) and the Paul Norris Memorial Trust. Steven is currently working at The Press and Stuff in Christchurch. Russell Boey (Dux 2018) won the Under 25 category in the Sunday Star-Times Short Story competition

Upcoming events AGM Wednesday 12 May 2021 50 Years On Reunion Friday 21 – Sunday 23 May 2021 Class of 1970–1974 Wellington Regional Event Thursday 10 June 2021 50 Years On Reunion Friday 18 – Saturday 19 June 2021 Class of 1971–1975 Rugby Reunions Saturday 7 August 2021 Teams of 2011, 2001, 1991, 1981, 1971, 1961, 1951 Annual Dinner Friday 13 August 2021

Omri Kepes, Jordan Bourke and Alan Fu

Omri Kepes, Jordan Bourke and Alan Fu (all 2020) launched their business Devota as part of the Young Enterprise Scheme Competition and later pitched to Lane Neave for the ‘Dream Believe Succeed’ funding

competition. They became one of four finalists competing for $45,000 worth of funding for their business, which created a digital tracker for dementia patients. Cricket The following Old Collegians and one current student were selected to play in the Canterbury U19 team which won the national title – Rhys Mariu (Captain – 2019), Jesse Frew (2019), Zakary Foulkes (2020), Harry McMillan (2020) and Will Anderson (then Year 12). Rhys Mariu also played for a New Zealand XI against Pakistan in two 20/20 matches. Rugby The following Old Collegians have signed rugby contracts, or Academy contracts: • Sam Gilbert (2016) was named in the 2021 Highlanders squad; • Jamie Carr, Joel Parry and Aminiasi (Mini) Toga (all 2020) were selected for the Crusaders Academy; • Isileli Saumaki (2020) was selected for the New Zealand Condor Rugby Sevens Boys’ team, which won the World Schools’ Sevens Aotearoa tournament in December 2020. He was also selected for the Tasman/ Crusaders Academy. Kini Veitata (2017) was selected to attend Rissho University, Japan on a full rugby scholarship in 2020. Kini has represented Fiji in age group rugby and also sevens.

Tell us your news! If you know of any Old Collegians you think should be featured in our Class Notes section or would like to tell us what you are up to, we’d love to hear from you. It doesn’t have to be a significant achievement – our community just loves to hear about what fellow Old Collegians are doing. So please do not be shy and send any updates and information to

but Gonenot forgotten Douglas McLaughlin (1938)

Peter Richards (1955)

Robert Kent (1945)

John Black (1956)

Grahame Price (1949)

Bruce Todd (1957)

Neil McGillivray (1949)

Ivan Hatherley (1962)

Arthur Matthews (1952)

Michael Rowe (1974)

Brian Dowling (1952)

Thomas Campbell (1979)

Warren Campion (1953)

William Moriarty (2002)

Graeme Ashby (1953)

Old Collegians

Lizzie Stevenson (Head Girl 2017) is in her fourth year of studying Medicine at the University of Otago. She has enjoyed combining student leadership and research during her three years studying in Dunedin for her pre-clinical studies and has now moved back to Christchurch to finish the last three years of her degree with a placement at Christchurch Hospital, where she has been on surgery rotation.

with his story Nineteen Seconds. In 2017, Russell also won the Secondary Schools’ category in this competition. Russell is currently studying Physics and Astronomy at the University of Auckland.

55 Regulus

scoring eight goals. Britney-Lee and Jasmine were also selected for the Māori Football Aotearoa 2021 Squad in the Senior Women's team, Wāhine.

Welcome to the world Joji Amsden

Son of Benjamin Amsden (2005) born 7 June 2019.

Zela Hocking

Daughter of Sacha Hocking (née van Beek) (2002) born 18 February 2021.

William Chappell Cleland

Son of Andrew Cleland (1995) and Shelley Cleland, (née Chappell – former English teacher at St Andrew’s) born 12 October 2020.

Harvey Hunter

Son of Heather Andersen (2005) born 30 September 2020.

Cooper Arthur Stanley Wells Son of Olivia Wells (née Stanley) (2005) born 25 August 2020.

Just married

Nick Dunlop (2010) married Amanda (née Fraser) Dunlop (2010) on 30 November 2019 at Te Mahia Bay.

Peter Gilchrist (2006) married Marianne (née Dutkiewicz) Gilchrist (2008) on 14 March 2020 (just before the lockdown). Harry Hawke (2009), son of Pipe Band Director, Richard Hawke, married Steph Bateman (2009) on 16 October 2020, at Gibbston Valley in Queenstown.

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