St Andrew's College Philanthropy Report 2021

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Philanthropy Report 2021 Giving at St Andrew’s College: Philanthropy, Volunteering and Community

From the St Andrew’s College Foundation Since the Foundation was established in 1991, the Foundation funds have continued to grow. The significant growth in the fund has only been made possible by the generous donations from the St Andrew’s College community, and by the careful and appropriate stewardship of the investment fund by the Foundation Trustees, and by Forsyth Barr, the fund manager.

The continuing role of the Foundation is to oversee the management of endowment and donor funds. This involves the setting, monitoring, and ongoing review of investment strategy; appointing the fund manager, reviewing their performance, and holding them to account; and overseeing disbursement of income to the College in adherence with the objects of the Foundation Deed and donor wishes. The central focus is to protect the long-term financial sustainability and independence of St Andrew’s College. While it is the role of the College’s Development Office to facilitate the fundraising of funds for the Foundation (as well as for the building projects), the Foundation Board plan to work closely with the Development Office to assist with and support donors.

In 2018 the Foundation and the College entered into a Memorandum of Understanding whereby the Foundation will provide the College with an annual grant to meet the cost of an agreed number of scholarships. This meets a strong desire from many donors to assist students to experience a St Andrew’s College education who might otherwise not have this opportunity. Despite the market turbulence caused by a pandemic, the Foundation’s portfolio has grown to $15 million at 31 December 2021. Trustees would like to thank our investment advisers for the outstanding investment performance of our diversified portfolio which added 9.1% during the year, after fees and taxes. This performance was well in excess of all relevant benchmarks. I would like to thank those people who have generously given in 2021. Through giving to the Foundation, you are contributing to the cost of

scholarships and general long-term well-being of the College. This allows students who, in other circumstances, would not have the opportunity to attend St Andrew’s College and gain an education which will prepare them for their future beyond school in a diverse society. If you would like to know more about becoming a donor to this crucial part of the College, please contact the St Andrew’s College Development office on +64 3 940 2021. Rodger Finlay resigned as Chairman of the Foundation in February 2022, after serving in this role for the past seven years. The College Board of Governors sincerely thanked Rodger for his expertise, integrity, and wise stewardship over this time. I would like to take this opportunity to thank my fellow Foundation Trustees, Rodger Finlay, Matthew Lancaster and Richard Smith, for their wisdom in 2021.

David Boyd Acting Chairman St Andrew’s College Foundation

A Culture of Giving From the Rector of our student community, inspired by Community Service Leaders and prefects who initiated support for worthy causes, and the Year 13 leavers who left an impressive legacy gift of the Graffiti Wall depicting the College’s commitment to Sport, Tradition, Academics, and Culture.

As the COVID-19 pandemic continued to rage across the world, Aotearoa continued our strategy of containing the virus and proceed with the goal of elimination. This resulted in a relatively uninterrupted year for Christchurch with only a three-week lockdown period, however restrictions caused reduction in some business operation and stress on the economy. At St Andrew’s College we were mindful of the financial difficulties facing some of our families and were grateful to those who found themselves in a position to support our development goals. Once again, the generosity of our community was humbling with so many past and present Old Collegians and families volunteering their time, as sideline supporters or by making donations to various fundraising campaigns or events. It was particularly pleasing to see the generous spirit

The PTA, Ladies Circle, Old Collegians Association, and Foundation provided donations and support to sporting, cultural, and community events. Many parents also gifted time, sponsorship, and donations to co-curricular activities. This support remains critical to our extensive offering of opportunities for our students. We are grateful also for the generous donation from the Ben Gough Family Foundation and the Gina Satterthwaite: Fife Foundation. Across the world, philanthropists generously contribute to making the world a better place by choosing to support causes where they believe their dollars can truly make a difference. Education is top priority for many of these philanthropists with 30,000 foundations focusing at least some of their resource on this sector. Education is seen as the key to individual opportunity and the engine of national prosperity. Philanthropists see it as imperative to address economic and social inequation, driven by a sense of moral obligation or social responsibility. To this end the St Andrew’s College Foundation annually supports the College

Scholarship programme with $415,000 per year to offset the cost of significantly reduced fees for scholarship students. Many prominent alumni have been the beneficiaries of this generosity. In 2021 St Andrew’s College also decided to officially partner with a school in Africa where around 5% of the world’s population live on less than $2.80 a day. By partnering with the Australasian Charity ‘So They Can’, St Andrew’s College has connected with students from Mwikantsi School in Tanzania. Funds raised through the Development Office not only supports our own St Andrew’s students, but 3% of these funds are directed to making a difference to the lives of disadvantaged children across the globe. By giving to St Andrew’s College our donors gifted $26,000 to ‘So They Can’ in 2021. This gift included the $5000 raised by our Community Service Leaders through a College theme day. The CEO and Co-founder, Cassandra Treadwell, promotes the African philosophy of ‘Ubuntu’ – our personal well-being is deeply connected to the well-being of others. It is always heartening to see the leadership and initiative shown by students, especially when they are encouraging others to open their minds and hearts to those in need.

“We give – so they can” Empowering them through education Enriching us through giving

I am very mindful that St Andrew’s College, as an independent school, is largely reliant upon payment of tuition fees to fund our operations. Our parents, often supported by grandparents or other family members, make considerable sacrifices to give their child a St Andrew’s College education. The tuition fees fund the ‘here and now’, including the salaries of teachers, support staff, and specialist sports coaches and cultural tutors. The College operates as efficiently as possible to enable any annual surplus to be invested back into the College for future capital projects. All the new facilities the College has enjoyed over the last 12 years including the new Preparatory School Stewart Junior Centre and Pre-school, Gym 2, new boarding houses, the Centennial Chapel, The Green Library and Innovation Centre, and the Astro turf, outside recreation spaces and

landscaped grounds, and in 2021 the addition of the StACFit Fitness Centre, have resulted from this sound financial management. I cannot overstate however, the important contribution from generous people in our community. The students of today are the beneficiaries of the generosity of all those who have gone before, and it is important we continue to honour these contributions to encourage future philanthropists. Our collective responsibility is undeniable. Critical to the success of our philanthropic programme is our Development team. 2021 saw the addition of one new member to this team with Lisa Clark assuming the position of Alumni and Community Relations Co-ordinator. Director of Development, Miranda Newbury, Development Co-ordinator, Mel Rissman, and Lisa Clark

worked tirelessly to keep the community engaged and motivated in this difficult year. Thank you to everyone who has contributed to St Andrew’s College throughout 2021. Without your support St Andrew’s College would not have the confidence to continue to aim to be at the leading edge of high-performance educational practice, and to provide our young people with the roots and wings to flourish in an ever-changing world.

Christine Leighton Rector

A Culture of Giving From the Director of Development

It is amazing to think that we are entering into the final phase of our Your Legacy, Our Future campaign which began in 2019. The goal of this fundraising campaign is to raise $4 million to assist in two build projects and support existing and future student scholarships through the Foundation. It has been humbling to see that our community continues to support the College through generosity, giving their time and advice, even in these unpredictable times. Together, this year we have raised $845,892, which is 22% up from 2020. This brings the total of our Your Legacy, Our Future campaign to $2.6 million, with a further $238,000 already pledged for 2022. Of the total gifts this year, 53% was directed towards scholarships, 32% towards the new Ben Gough Family Theatre, 2% to the new StACFit Fitness Centre, 12% to the Centennial Chapel, and 1% to Rector’s Discretion.

The first of these building projects was completed in Term 1 of this year, the new StACFit Fitness Centre. This project makes room for the new Ben Gough Family Theatre, our second project, which commenced in December 2021. The StACFit Fitness Centre is providing a great modern gym space for Year 9–13 students in Physical Education classes, the Athlete Development programme, individual athletes, and sports teams to get into peak shape while preparing for their respective summer and winter codes. It is already evident the new facilities are enhancing well-being and fitness at St Andrew’s College for both students and staff. The build of the new Ben Gough Family Theatre commenced on 15 December 2021 and will be a place where many more students can learn to participate in behind-the-scenes roles, as well as perform on the stage. It also provides an education for our students which allows them to grow and learn in an environment not afraid to keep up with the technology and sustainability of the 21st century. With this development, there are opportunities to purchase a theatre seat with family legacy plaque, or to purchase a ‘note’ from the College Song, giving families a wonderful legacy. We wait with excitement to watch this project develop on our campus across the next 18 months. Our Annual Giving Appeal raised a record-breaking $119,000 and was directed towards our new Ben Gough Family Theatre. Many families

took the opportunity to support this appeal by donating a theatre seat with family name plaque, and together we have achieved over 100 theatre seat donations. This was the first time that all donations were made through our online electronic platform. The College received a substantial $290,000 bequest from the late Ernie Poole (OC 1950), who passed away in April 2020, to establish the Ernie Poole Fellowship for Leadership Development aimed at providing professional development for staff, which in turn benefit the education of our young people. We are excited to step into a new chapter in St Andrew’s College’s long proud history of philanthropy whereby 3% of donations to the College will be directed towards the not-for-profit charity ‘So They Can’, which will benefit Mwikantsi School in Tanzania, the new partner school of St Andrew’s College, and may also benefit other schools in the region. This year, $26,000 was raised through our Development Office for this partnership. We have welcomed seven new members to the Strowan Club – Old Collegians, parents, and Friends of the College – who have gifted $10,000 or more to St Andrew’s College. Special thanks to those who are recognised through our True-Blue Society, members who have donated five times or more.

This is the perfect opportunity for me to thank all our donors and our committed and valued volunteer groups. To our PTA, Cafeteria, Old Collegian Association, and Ladies Circle, who assist by way of giving their time, advice, and fundraise to invest in different areas that benefit our College and students. To our Class Parent volunteers from the Preparatory and Secondary Schools, who assist to help build community and connections through the Class Parent programme. This group organise events including coffee mornings, go karting and pizza for students and families, or a casual outdoor picnic for their respective classes. To our many parents who

help special College events, and those behind the scenes during Drama and Ballet productions, we thank you all. A huge thank you to my Development Team for their dedication, positive energy, and desire to keep focused on the things that make a difference today and well into the future for our College and students – our team is Development Co-ordinator, Mel Rissman, and our new Alumni and Community Relations Co-ordinator, Lisa Clark, who joined our team in March of this year.

Your Legacy, Our Future campaign. We ask those families in our community who can, to get behind this last phase, which allows us to go from strength to strength with our campus, resources, and ultimately the education and opportunities for our students of today and those in the future.

Miranda Newbury Director of Development

We continue to focus on our fundraising goal and know that the next 18 months are crucial to the success of the

The Sponsorship Support Programme This successful programme was launched in 2020 and many existing sponsors have continued their support. Many new parents and connected businesses are also showing their support in sponsoring sports and cultural activities within the College, greatly benefitting our students. Sponsorship gives our College that extra edge and helps our students to be their best. It helps drive a culture of excellence in sports and the arts. As a College, we want to recognise our sponsors and value their contribution to our community. The Development Office is an important part of this connection, between sponsor and the College, where our role is to recognise their generosity and to support St Andrew’s College students.

The programme has three tier levels of recognised sponsorship, with sponsors recognised or remaining anonymous. Sponsors who agree to be recognised are acknowledged on our ‘Thanking our Sponsors’ page under ‘Giving at StAC’ on the College website, displaying their company logo and a link to their business website, detailing the sport or cultural activity, or event they are sponsoring. Parents involved in co-curricular, and a number of our Old Collegians, are generous in this regard. Some of these are long standing relationships with a particular sport or activity, some are new, and we are delighted to report that in 2021, a total of $126,455 was directed to various areas.

We would like to thank all those families and businesses who have supported us in many different areas and activities.

Our Community and our Volunteers This Philanthropy Report thanks and acknowledges members of the St Andrew’s College community who gave to the College in 2021 through monetary donation, gifts-in-kind, and volunteering. The following articles demonstrate the commitment of students, volunteers, and donors who give back to the College, help others outside of our community, and who are creating the success of Your Legacy, Our Future.

2021 Leavers’ Gift The 2021 Year 13 leavers donated $6230 for a StAC themed mural created by the amazing Christchurch based artist, Jacob Yikes. The mural is located on the exterior north facing wall of the new StACFit Fitness Centre. It consists of the letters S t A C, filled in with images taken from all aspects of College life. Within the S, you will find a collection of moments from some of the sports on offer at the College. The T represents tradition, incorporating the College’s Presbyterian faith with

the College Song and haka lyrics, and the Pipe Band. The A is for academics across all ages, and the C holds images from different cultural opportunities found at St Andrew’s College. Set against a thistle design and the proud Ferguson tartan, these four cornerstones come together to create one word, one feeling, one College: StAC.

Miranda Newbury Director of Development

Community Projects In 2021 our Chapel and Community Service team had to contend with COVID-19 and lockdowns for a second year running and yet they continued to be at the heart of our community giving and making us aware of the needs within our local, national, and international communities. The generosity of our young people and families associated with St Andrew’s College have continued to impact many lives. The Community Service team launched the College’s charity focus with ‘So They Can’ by having co-founder, Cassandra Treadwell, come to speak in the Centennial Chapel. Numerous initiatives were implemented, along with the Rector, Christine Leighton, getting approval from the Board of Governors to gift 3% of our giving fund to this wonderful charity.

Our leaders also managed to promote and raise a history making $26,897 for World Vision’s 40-hour famine. This under the constraints of a lockdown. There were many other charities supported and awareness raised throughout the year.

• Term 2 Preparatory School Chapel Offering for Christchurch City Mission $556.60. Food and money was collected;

With many of our chapel services cancelled, our opportunity to give to charities via our offerings were limited. On the few occasions we were able to gather in our Chapel and give are mentioned below:

• Term 3 Senior College Chapel for ‘So They Can’ $417.

• Term 1 Middle School Chapel Offering for Big Brother and Big Sister Mentoring Trust was $891.90. Stationery items were also collected and given to City Council Initiative for Decile 1 schools;

• Term 2 Cultural Showcase in the Centennial Chapel for ‘So They Can’ $250;

St Andrew’s College continues to show wonderful generosity through our chapel giving, theme days, and community service initiatives.

Rev. Paul Morrow Chaplain

• Term 1 Senior College Chapel for ‘So They Can’ $391.90;

Volunteers and Class Parent Programme St Andrew’s College is extremely lucky to have some wonderful volunteers who come together to assist the College throughout the year. Volunteers include current and past parents, staff, Old Collegians, and Friends of the College. This group can be called upon for all sorts of extra assistance around the College, including the annual Boarders’ Dinner, coat check-in at College formals, and help behind the scenes at special fundraising and College community events. There are no meetings for this

group, and volunteers offer their help at times which suit them. The Class Parent programme has been successfully run in the Preparatory School for many years and was introduced into Year 9 in 2018. The purpose of the programme is for each class to have a couple of parents who will organise social events during the year. This programme also provides invaluable support and connections between teachers and parents, while providing a wonderful way for new families to meet other parents.

Meetings are hosted by Preparatory School Receptionist, Kelsey Williams, for the Preparatory School volunteers. The Year 9 volunteer group is hosted by the Director of Development, who organises a speaker from key areas around the Secondary School to keep volunteers up to date. We are extremely appreciative of all our awesome volunteers, and a big thank you goes out to all our 2021 Events Committee team and Class Parent programme volunteers.

Preparatory School The St Andrew’s College community spirit starts in the Preparatory School. This was never more evident than during 2021 as we negotiated our way through the far-reaching impact of COVID-19. I acknowledge our parent body for their incredible support and encouragement during this time. This support was not just limited to the acknowledgement of the teachers, and the school generally, but also for the enthusiastic recommendation of our learning environment to friends and colleagues. As a result, interest in the school remained at a very high level with waitlists at all year levels.

the support of the PTA who generously gave funding to the Board approved canopy above the outdoor basketball court and cricket practice wickets. Part of the canopy is a waterproof side wall that will protect the full 60 metres of length on the grass side. The canopy is a much anticipated and appreciated addition to the turf. It will allow outdoor activity during the winter months, and at times of inclement weather all year round. The support of this project by the PTA is much appreciated. Included in the development is an upgrade to the artificial turf. The canopy is due to be completed before the end of 2022.

Unfortunately, COVID-19 did impact on direct parent involvement in the school during the year with limited activities. However, this did not stop

Because of the PTA’s financial support for the canopy, additional funding was available for another five Weatherwise umbrellas. Four of these umbrellas

will be positioned in the Stewart Junior Centre outside the Year 1–2 classrooms, and the fifth will be added to the Years 4–8 courtyard. With a 6.8 metre span, these snow and wind rated umbrellas will provide significant sun cover to the children. In addition, the PTA also funded sandpit equipment and games for the playground and learning hallway in the Junior Department.

Jonathan Bierwirth Principal of Preparatory School

Old Collegians Association The Old Collegians Association continues to be a strong supporter of St Andrew’s College’s culture of philanthropy.

assist with the planning and co-ordination of our alumni reunions. This support underpins the success of these events.

The generosity that we see from the Old Collegian community every year is testament to the continued pride past students still have for St Andrew’s College. The Old Collegians Executive would once again like to thank the year group representatives who each year

I would also like to thank the Executive who donate their time and ensure the strength and growth of the Association. The Old Collegian Association supports the College in a variety of ways from scholarships and fees assistance

to major donations to the College, including this year’s final instalment of the donation to the new Ben Gough Family Theatre.

Meg Black Old Collegians Association President

The Ladies’ Circle

Pipe Band

The Ladies Circle exists to promote friendship among women who have a present or past connection with the College and wish to maintain their interest in the College. It is not a fundraising body, but every now and then the members are delighted to find the finances in such a healthy condition that they feel able to make donations to various causes within the St Andrew’s community.

The St Andrew’s College Pipe Band contributes to many community events each year. The band was pleased to support the following community events in 2021:

In 2021 the Ladies Circle gave $2000 to the Ben Gough Family Theatre and $500 to the Agriculture Department.

• Labour Weekend Silver Chanter Solo Piping Championships;

These donations give us much pleasure. We view them as a way of showing our appreciation for the efforts of the Rector, management, and staff to provide a world class education to the current students.

Alison Ballantyne The Ladies’ Circle President

• ANZAC Day – pipers at various services; • retirement village recitals; • Olympic Games athletes MIQ entertainment in Victoria Square. Pipers also played for various events and functions including reunions, weddings, and funerals. St Andrew’s College also hosted and sponsored a number of significant Pipe Band related events:

• Solo Piping local competitions (three). The Pipe Band is also extremely grateful for the significant financial support it received during 2021. The bands relies heavily upon fundraising events to fund Pipe Band activities. Many volunteers contribute to the Parents and Supporters Committee. This group contribute significantly to fundraising which enabled each band member to be subsidised for competition trips away. This group was led by Mr Rainer Klebert. The band is proud of its ongoing contribution to the wider community, and very grateful to supporters and contributors to the Pipe Band.

Richard Hawke Pipe Band Director

Cafeteria The St Andrew’s College Cafeteria has always been in a unique position of welcoming volunteers to help with food preparation for all on campus. Our wonderful volunteers who give up their valuable time consist of mothers, fathers, grandparents, and aunties. Everyone, staff included, enjoy the friendly interaction with each other, while preparing and serving food to our ever-hungry pupils.

PTA The PTA continues to support the College by managing the Second-hand Uniform Shop, fundraising, and helping at College community functions and events. 2021 was again a year where events were limited, and cancellation and postponements were commonplace. The PTA continued to support requested events when they were eventually held, and we appreciate all the PTA members, associates, and partners who changed plans regularly to accommodate changes in dates and times of College events along with staying compliant with requests for changes in protocols. The main source of income for the PTA, to redistribute to the College, continued to be through the Second-hand Uniform Shop. The Shop is operated by a dedicated group of parent volunteers and members of the PTA, to whom we are immensely grateful for their time and commitment. The PTA, again provided the annual Christmas cake fundraiser which was well supported by the College community. In 2021 the funds raised through selling Christmas cakes were dedicated to the new Ben Gough Family Theatre. The total funds raised were $10,300. Due to COVID-19 restrictions in 2021 the PTA did not host or ‘support host’ a large-scale fundraising event for the College, as has been the case in previous years, and will look to host again when restrictions are removed. PTA donations made to St Andrew’s College in 2021 totalled over $58,556. • $10,460 to StACFit Fitness Centre, new equipment; • $4977 Preparatory Junior School, interactive play time equipment; • $1564 Music Department, specialised acoustic guitar and amplifier; • $5555 Music Department, high performance electric guitar and amplifier; • $36,000 hard courts canopy project, sponsored side walls. If you are interested in becoming a member of the PTA or supporting at events the PTA is involved or able to volunteer help to the Second-hand Uniform Shop, please email

Stephen Higgs PTA President

Without our volunteers the Cafeteria could not keep the prices to a minimum, and still make a small profit each year. The profits are passed on to different areas of the school, where all students benefit. This year we are very pleased to contribute $20,000 towards large all-weather umbrellas to be situated in the Senior College area. These umbrellas will give shelter from the sun and rain for many years to come. Previously our resources have contributed towards the beautiful lectern in the Centennial Chapel. The Preparatory School has also benefited from some all-weather umbrellas, which are protecting our young ones from sun and rain as well.

Linda Kohing and Marlene Scott Co-managers

Celebrating Co-curricular St Andrew’s College offers an extensive co-curricular programme, with over 50 different sports and cultural activities. College students benefit from these opportunities with well over 95 per cent of students involved in weekly co-curricular activities. The staff contribution to the programme is much appreciated and, in addition to this, the programme relies heavily on the support of parents and the wider College community. The College is fortunate to have many parent volunteers who give freely of their time to offer the best opportunities possible. Also, several sporting codes receive generous donations and sponsorship which have contributed significantly to the cost of equipment, uniform, and travel to tournaments. Thank you to all who have contributed in 2021, and not only the ones highlighted in this report, as your support has been much appreciated.

Cricket and Rugby The cricket and rugby teams at St Andrew’s College are very appreciative of the loyal support that they receive from our sponsors. Both teams had very successful seasons with the 1st XI cricket team winning the Gillette Cup regional final, and the 1st XV rugby team finishing the season in sixth place. In 2021, cricket was once again supported by Perennial Sport and Turf, and were benefactors of the St Andrew’s College Old Collegians Association Golf Tournament which kindly donated $2900.

Without our coaches, managers, students, and parents, as well as the incredible support shown by our sponsors listed below, we wouldn’t have had such a successful season. A big thank you from all of us.

Along with these sponsors for 2021:

• Gold Sponsors – PAK’nSAVE Riccarton, Selwyn Earthworks;

• Terrafirma Turf.

• Bronze Sponsors – Apollo Projects, Maugers Contracting Ltd, Multisport Surfaces, No.4 Bar & Restaurant, Miles Construction, ROA Mining Company Ltd, Gary Cockram Hyundai, Buddle Findlay.

• Balance Physiotherapy; • Kooga; • Maxwells Drycleaning Ltd; • Riccarton Cleaning Supplies Ltd;

Mike Johnston Head of Cricket and Rugby

Rowing St Andrew’s College rowing has a great squad this season with over 90 rowers competing in regattas throughout Term 1, and another 49 enrolled in our Year 9 Learn to Row programme. The growth and success of rowing at St Andrew’s College would not be possible without the huge effort and commitment of our staff, coaches, managers, parent committee, parent volunteers, supporters, and families. Staff – Liam Smith, Liz Gormack, Donna Jones, Kerry Larby, Hamish Bell and Evert van Florenstein have been a huge support to our team. They spend weeks of their holidays and weekends supporting the squad through pastoral care at regattas and camps. Julian Martel maintains all our boats and rowing equipment, dedicating almost endless time to making sure we have equipment of the highest quality. Julian’s time and effort is greatly appreciated by all involved in rowing at St Andrew’s College. Rowing is a massive logistics exercise, relying heavily on parent volunteer effort. This is co-ordinated by our parent committee, ably chaired by Andrew Rutledge, and including Craig Lewis, Steve McDonald, Mark Odlin, Jenny Rutherford, Sarah Gamble, Sami Chesterton and Jo de Joux. The entire committee has been extremely dedicated, putting in many hours behind the scenes to make this season happen. This does not go unnoticed. Thank you.

Special mention is due to Andrew Rutledge who puts in a huge amount of time and energy throughout the entire season, ensuring all facets of our programme run efficiently and to a high standard. Past and present members of the parent committee have worked hard over the past three years to build a sponsorship programme that strongly supports our rowing club, raising over $200,000. This fundraising has bought the club three coxed eights, three coxed fours, two pairs, and a single. • Gold Sponsors – a huge thank you to Steve and Jacqui McDonald of PAK’nSAVE Riccarton, Craig Lewis and Helen Trappit of Lewis Bradford Consulting Engineers, and Sarah and Brett Gamble of Alvarium Wealth, for the 2021 and 2022 season; • Silver Sponsors – Mitre 10 Mega (Hornby and Papanui), Buddle Findlay, Kamo Marsh Landscape Architects, and New Zealand Sotheby’s International Realty for the 2021 and 2022 season; • Bronze Sponsor – Viden Consulting Engineers Ltd. BJ Ball has also offered us sponsorship outside the gold, silver, and bronze categories. We are truly grateful for your commitment to the St Andrew’s College rowing programme.

Suppliers We would also like to thank all our supporters’ club members – Rachael Morris, Hayley Pitts, Jeremy Pitts, Pamela Milne, Belinda and Tim Barclay, Glen and Elle White, Steve Hartstonge, Team Thomas, Michelle Pye, Leighton Pye, Martin and Letitia Welsford, Brent and Belinda Thomas, Nick Brown, Matthew Thomson, Kristen Currie, Andrea Hopping, Julie Forsyth, Brendon McStay, Dave and Becky Long and Lisa Reidie. Thank you to Sarah Gamble and Jenny Rutherford who have committed hundreds of hours to organising our kitchen, meals, and running a team of volunteers who feed our large squad at all our camps and regattas. We are so fortunate to be so well catered for and it is most appreciated. Thank you to Sami Chesterton who has worked closely with Cardrona Distillery in Wanaka throughout the season to put together some fantastic fundraising opportunities for our club. Cardrona Distillery has multigenerational Old Collegian links to St Andrew’s College, and we are grateful for their generous support. Jo de Joux organised this year’s annual Oarsome O’Fare fundraising event for St Andrew’s rowing. It is a huge task and involves many hours of work. This year the auction went online, and our efforts brought in $19,000. Thank you, Jo, for your time and effort in organising this event, which plays an integral part in the running of our programme and the purchasing of new plant. Our club is so fortunate to have the support of all these people and many more. Your generosity is extremely appreciated by all involved in St Andrew’s rowing and allows us to run a fantastic programme that benefits all St Andrew’s rowers.

Guy Williams Director of Rowing

Tennis St Andrew’s College has been privileged to have been sponsored by Wilson New Zealand and has been utilising their products for over 15 seasons. The tennis programme has been the most successful sport in the College for the past 15 years, gaining seven national titles and four runner-up placings. Tennis at St Andrew’s College is developing all the time and numbers and quality of our players is ever increasing. St Andrew’s College would like to thank Wilson New Zealand for the year of generous support of the tennis programme.

Hamish Faulls Tennis Coach

St Andrew’s College is privileged to have some great support from local businesses in terms of services and sponsorship. We would like to extend our grateful thanks to Canterbury Teamwear as our official sports uniform supplier. They have provided a great service for the College, and we have also appreciated the sponsorship they have given to several of our teams. Many thanks also go to Canterbury Sports Wholesale who supply sports equipment to the College and support the sports community through their ongoing sponsorship. I would also like to thank Lone Star Head Office for their generous gifting of vouchers at this very difficult time due to COVID-19. The vouchers have enabled us to acknowledge people that have gone beyond their call of duty in the sport community. In addition to the businesses above, on behalf of the sport and co-curricular programme, I would also like to acknowledge the families and other businesses that support our students to be the best they possibly can. Without their support we would not be able to do what we do.

Mark Lane Director of Sport and Co-curricular Activities

Basketball The basketball programme at St Andrew’s College continues to grow both in enrolment, engagement, and stature in 2021. The huge range of on and off-court support that our players enjoy would not be possible without several key stakeholders behind the scenes. A huge thank you to our coaches, managers, students, and parents, as well as the incredible support shown by the philanthropic parties listed below: • Gold Sponsor – Oxford Edge; • Silver Sponsor – ROA Mining Company Ltd; • Bronze Sponsor – Miles Construction Ltd. We would also like to extend our gratitude for their support to: • Canterbury Rams; • Commodore Airport Hotel; • The Russley Golf Club and Function Centre; • Lone Star Head Office; • Wairau River Wines Restaurant; • Placemakers Christchurch; • Hellers; • Stephen Fleming;

• Les Mills Christchurch; • Canterbury Sports Wholesale; • Canterbury Teamwear; • Luminate Electrical Ltd; • Mana Wāhine Creations; • Bath Co.; • Mexicano’s. The St Andrew’s College Basketball Fundraising Committee – made up of Graeme Rhodes, Michelle Patterson, Caroline Whittaker, Charlie Longley, Brydon Heller, Aled Jones, Wade Parata and Ben Eves – worked exceptionally hard for the benefit of our competitive basketball programme. This includes organising the iPhone auction, the incredibly successful HoopItUp gala event, as well as providing access to strength and conditioning training, strapping, and physiotherapy for our rangatahi. With the ongoing support of our key sponsors/stakeholders, we are looking forward to St Andrew’s College basketball continuing to represent both their whānau and our kura admirably in 2022.

• Coffee Culture Merivale; • Touchdown Car Rentals; • Queenstown Park Boutique Hotel;

Ben Eves Teacher in Charge of Basketball

Your gifts to St Andrew’s College Your Legacy, Our Future Campaign 2021

In 2021, the total gifts made to our St Andrew’s College Your Legacy, Our Future Campaign totalled $846,191.

How did you give in 2021?

The majority of those gifts were directed to the College Foundation (which includes the Endeavour and Endeavour Rugby Scholarship fund), Ben Gough Family Theatre and Centennial Chapel. Cash donations include Annual Giving, Year 13 Family Legacy Gift, and Bequests.

1 6


Year 13 Parent Appeal



Annual Giving Alumni Only

3 4


Step Into Our Future

The College is also thankful for the additional generosity towards the College’s many co-curricular activities in 2021, through our Sponsorship Programme (not included in these graphs).

5 3


StAC Scholarship


Your Legacy, Our Future


Where did you direct your gifts in 2021?


9 6






13 14 16


StAC Scholarship


Endeavour Scholarship Fund




Naming Rights


Theatre Seats


General Gift to Theatre

4 6 7


Note Gold


Plaque Gold for Fitness Centre

10 Plaque Bronze for

Fitness Centre 11 General Gift to

Fitness Centre 12 Centennial Chapel 13 Rector’s Discretion

for Theatre

14 Chaplain’s Discretion

Note Bronze

15 Pipe Band Gift

for Theatre



New Theatre Ticket Levy

16 Not Selected

Philanthropy - the spirit of generosity at St Andrew’s College

The acknowledgements shown below gratefully recognise financial gifts made to St Andrew’s College between 1 January 2021 and 31 December 2021.

Alvin Chen

Sophie Goode

Chen Family

Gower Family

Xu Chen and Lu Lei

Greg and Rachael Graham

Young and Chen Family

Andrew and Wendy Griffiths

Gifts to Your Legacy, Our Future:

Richard and Anne Clark

Josh and Xavier Guillemot-Rodgerson

Anonymous (31)

Clarke Family

Tapenisa Havea

Murray Allison

Cody Family

Hilson Family

Joan and Peter Alty

Jonathan Cordner

Hirschfeld Family

Robert and Marion Anderson

Gideon and Amie-Jane Couper


Ballard Family

Nicky Coventry and Craig Burrowes

Howell Family

Ballin Family

Peter and Julianne Darling

Huang Family

Peter Barnett

Don and Liz Davison

Lei Huang

Bespoke Clothing

Austin Donaldson

J Hudson

Bierwirth Family

Freya Donaldson

Mr J K Hyslop

Bloom Family

Lewis and Sharon Evans

Joshua Inglis

Julie and Mark Bond

Fan Family

Janett Family

Twiss Boock Family

Bella Fantham

David Jarman

Abby Boyer

Brent and Elizabeth Fleming

Kylie and Daniel Kamo

P E Broadway

Catherine and Jonathan Forsey

Kenny Family

Lisa and Mike Brown

Euan Galloway

Miu Kim

Rebecca Brown

Dr A Gamble and Ms J Loming

Michael, Linda and Mitchell Kohing

Craig and Lynn Buist

Gibson Family

Andrew Kyle and Keryn Schroeder

The Burnett Family

John and Jenny Gillies

Theo and Sofia Lagias

Kit and Wendy Chambers

Glithero Family

Tony Lee and Family

Note: all cash donations are eligible for the 33% tax credit or rebate. *Deceased

Quentin Lovatt

PAK’nSAVE Rangiora

Cherry Tsai

Andrew N Lowden

Prince Family

Murray and Margaret Turley

Richard Luisetti

The Pugh Family

Steven and Jacqui McDonald

Rae Family

F R and R A Twiss in memory of B L and W D Twiss

Jennifer Galloway McDougall

Simon and Beck Riordan

Vaudrey Family

McIntyre Family

Juliet and Ben Robertson

Jillian Waghorn

McLaren Family

Tony and Joyce Wallace and Family

Mellish-Temple Family

Gina (Gough) Satterthwaite: Fife Foundation

Michaelides Family

Jonathan Scragg

Jacob Wang and Chloe Wang

Rev. Paul and Jo Morrow

Sharpe Solutions

Graham and Val Wells

Mark and Barb Mulholland

Amanda and Andrew Sharpe

J and V Wells

Andy and Karen Munro

Shoe Clinic

John and Alison Westgarth

Stu Munro

John Sinclair and Family

Wilkie + Bruce Architects

Miranda and Craig Newbury

St Andrew’s College Ladies’ Circle

Wilson Family

Nisbet Family

St Andrew’s College Old Collegians Association

Alan and Adrienne Winnicott

Todd and Danielle Stewart

Andrew and Schira Withers

Stephen Taylor

Wright-Taylor Family

Jacob Thompson

Donald* and Jan Wyllie

Nixon Reynolds Family Noordanus Family Odlin Family Ornsby Family

Timbs Family

Note: all cash donations are eligible for the 33% tax credit or rebate. *Deceased

Grace J S Lee and Ricky Wang

The Wissel Family

Philanthropy - the spirit of generosity at St Andrew’s College

Thanking our Donors St Andrew’s College and the St Andrew’s College Foundation are strengthened through financial contributions and bequests, which help to maintain the high standard of independent education at St Andrew’s College. Through income earned on the St Andrew’s College Foundation invested endowment, funds are directed to areas of need at the Board of Governors’ request.

Strowan Club

Strowan Club Members

The St Andrew’s College donor societies began in 2007 with the establishment of Strowan Club, as a means of thanking our Old Collegians, parents, and friends who have gifted $10,000 or more to St Andrew’s College.

Anonymous (15)

The following list includes all members who have given recently, or who based upon their cumulative giving, are now welcomed to the Strowan Club, Highland Club, Thompson Founders Circle, and StAC Fellow.

Derrick Abbott Mr Colin* W Anderson and Family Mr David A Anderson Robert and Marion Anderson Stuart and Debbie Anderson Mrs Alison Ballantyne Tim Barnett Mr Bruce and Mrs Jane Bascand Jo Bigford and Wayne Fleming Bosch Robert NZ Ltd Mr Mark and Dr Robin Bowman David and Catherine Boyer Millie Bremner Mr A Paul and Mrs Joan* Brown Rob R Bruce-Barron

Note: all cash donations are eligible for the 33% tax credit or rebate. *Deceased

Mr Chris D Burke Mr Simon D Burke Burnett Valley Trust The Burns Family Bede and Melanie Cammock-Elliott Canterbury Foundation Mr Simon and Mrs Tracey Challies Mr M G Cockram S J Collins* Family Trust Mr Gideon and Mrs Amie-Jane Couper John Crothall/In memory of E. Alan Crothall Bridget and David Cushing Peter and Julianne Darling Mr Don and Mrs Liz Davison Mr Grant E and Mrs Jennifer Dickey

Mr Graham T, Mrs Leila M and Mr Craig H Dowling

J L Hay Charitable Trust

LB Miller Charitable Trust

Mr George F and Mrs Merrilyn E* Hight

W M and H M Milliken

Mr Peter R and Mrs Rana E Eggleton

Mr Euan and Mrs Dawne* Hilson

Mr Garry M Moore

Mr and Mrs Stewart Elms

David and Christine Janett

Mr Gregory J Moore

Ms Deb A Fahey

Mr David J Jarman and Ms Moira Farrell

Rev. Paul and Jo Morrow

Rev Dr D W Featherston*

Mr Stewart M Johns

Texas and Lynda Mundy

Brent and Elizabeth Fleming

Peter Johnston* and Family

Andrew and Karen Munro

Beverley and Jim* Forrester

Brent and Vicky Jones

Mrs Beveley Murray

Mr Stuart J V and Mrs Sue Fox

Prof. Ron Jones

Miranda and Craig Newbury

Dr Ivor S Francis*

Mr Peter D Kennedy

Mr Ed and Mrs Nicky Newman

Mr Bruce J and Mrs Ailsa Fraser

Mr Bill Kensington*

Mr Dougal and Mrs Diane Norrie

Mr Rob Gendall*

Christine and Gavin Leighton

Keith* and Jennifer Gillanders

Jim* and Jen Livingstone

Mr Michael G Norris and Ms Patricia R M Dart

Ben and Penny Gough

Richard Luisetti

Mr A J Grant and Prof M H Chang and Family

Mace Engineering Ltd

Dr H Scott Gray*

Mr Andrew and Mrs Joanne D Macgregor

Chris and Sarah Green and Family

Barry and Cheryl* Maister

Andrew and Wendy Griffiths

Emeritus Prof. Athol W* and Mrs Ngaire J Mann

Mrs Joan Grumitt*

Mr Michael H (1972) and Mrs Linda J Nutt Robin and Shirleen Oakley M and S Oxley Michael and Michelle Patterson and Family Bryan and Susie Pearson

Mr D Nigel Gualter and Ms Kristy O’Connor

Mr Chris J* and Mrs Jilly J Marshall

Mr Richard* and Mrs Anne Peate

Mr Phil and Mrs Linda Mauger

Mrs Almut and Mr Richard Perrett

Earl* and Lani Hagaman

Steven and Jacqui McDonald

The Perry Family

Mr Rick Hallifax

Grant and Jenny McFadden

Mr Malcolm H J Petrie

John* and Jan Hampton and Family

Amelia McGoldrick Trust

Mr Cameron C Pickering

David and Michelle Harrison

Mr Kelvin R and Mrs Sally A McMillan

George* and Lynda Pickering

Note: all cash donations are eligible for the 33% tax credit or rebate. *Deceased

Mr Grahame* and Mrs Glen Price

Mr Roland Stead*

The Pugh Family

Graeme and Ally Stevenson

Mr Warwick J Rathgen*

Mr Evan Stewart

Mr Graham B and Mrs Lorna Robertson

Mr Mark J Stewart and Ms Ainsley Walter

Mr Murray D Rose

Todd Stewart

Murray Rose and Richard Rose

Mr W John Strowger

Mrs Shirley J Rudkin

Dr Jurgen and Mrs Petra M* Suppan

Gina (Gough) Satterthwaite: Fife Foundation

Mr J M and Mrs G Syme

The Scanlon Family

Neil D Thomson

Mr D W G and Mrs P J Scott

Mr Peter A and Mrs Pip L Trumic

Mr Paul W Scott Mr George and Mrs Kay Scrimshaw

Mr Murray A and Mrs Margaret H Turley

Mr Allan D* and Mrs Cynthia* Shand

Mr William M and Mrs Pam* Turner

Jun Wha Shin

Mr John W and Mrs Josephine Ullrich

Mr Michael and Mrs Kate Sidey

Mr Peter F* and Mrs Carlyn Ullrich

Sir Gil and Joy Simpson

Tony and Joyce Wallace and Family

John Sinclair and Family

Mr Noel A and Mrs Brigitte J Walton

Dr Harsh P Singh and Mrs Anu Pratap

Geoff and Mary Wells Family Trust

Mr Donald A Sloss

J and V Wells

Robert* and Jill Sloss

Mr Kerry J Wells

Mr Murray G and Mrs Linda V Smith

Mr Michael C Wells

David A Solomon

John and Alison Westgarth

Mr Robert C* and Mrs Margaret Spark

Wilkie + Bruce Architects

Mr R L B Spear Prof. Michael Spiro St Andrew’s College Board of Governors St Andrew’s College Ladies’ Circle St Andrew’s College Old Collegians Association St Andrew’s College PTA St Andrew’s College Rugby Club

Bill and Dian Taylor

Mr Graham C and Mrs Val Wells

Mr Alun T* and Mrs Miriam Wilkie Mr Peter* and Mrs Judy* Wilkinson Mr Rick S Wilson and Ms Janine M Mayson Paul and Jill Wright Dr and Mrs Xiong Mr William J A and Mrs Carol E Young


1917 Society The 1917 Society is for those generous members of our community who have pledged a bequest to the College. We are privileged that they have chosen to endow part of their estate to St Andrew’s College upon their passing. For those who have shared their plans with us, we are glad to be able to thank them and welcome them as members of the 1917 Society.

Bequests received between 1 January 2021 and 31 December 2021 Ernie Poole Estate Mrs Judy Wilkinson Estate Robert Sloss

Your generosity is greatly appreciated For further information please contact the Development office. P +64 3 940 2000



St Andrew’s College Charities Commission Registration #CC22462 St Andrew’s College Foundation Charities Commission Registration #CC25213

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