Barbara Zakšek : Rezultati kartiranja dnevnih metuljev na Goričkem

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Rezultati kartiranja dnevnih metuljev na Goričkem Results of butterfly mapping in Goričko Barbara Zakšek Center za kartografijo favne in flore Monošter, 20. 9. 2012

Results of butterfly mapping in Goričko

Goričko • • • • • •

NE part of Slovenia 460 km2 hilly landscape (average altitude is 275 m) the lowest precipitation in Slovenia (800 mm) agriculture eastern/western part

• landscape park and Natura 2000 site • P. teleius • P. nausithous • L. dispar • C. myrmidone • E. aurinia 20. 9. 2012, Barbara Zakšek

Results of butterfly mapping in Goričko

What we knew before? • Student research camp Šalovci 1999 (Verovnik 2000) • 2006: mapping of Large Blues (Phengaris spp.) at Goričko – PHARE Cross Border Cooperation Programme Slovenia Austria 2003 (Rebeušek et al. 2006) _____________________________________________ 111 species of butterflies

20. 9. 2012, Barbara Zakšek

Results of butterfly mapping in Goričko

Methods • poligons

20. 9. 2012, Barbara Zakšek

Results of butterfly mapping in Goričko

Methods • poligons • additional searching of selected species (P. mnemosyne, P. aegeria, P. alcon …) • coincidental findings (N. antiopa, N. polychloros) • eggs searching (T. betulae, P. alcon) • examination of male genitalia (Melitaea britomartis/aurelia) • determination of Leptidea sinapis/reali • searching for caterpillars of Phengaris teleius and P. nausithous (May, June 2012) 20. 9. 2012, Barbara Zakšek

Results of butterfly mapping in GoriÄ?ko

20. 9. 2012, Barbara ZakĹĄek

Results of butterfly mapping in Goričko

Results • • •

964 localities 28.404 records 99 species • 16 unconfirmed species • 5 new species • • • • •

Aricia artaxerxes Polyommatus bellargus Cupido decolorata Erebia medusa Satyrium acaciae

20. 9. 2012, Barbara Zakšek

• • • • • • •

Spialia sertorius Zerynthia polyxena Colias alfacariensis Polyommatus coridon Argynnis niobe Brenthis hecate Chazara briseis

• • • • • • • • •

Pyrgus alveus Colias myrmidone Colias erate Lycaena alciphron Leptotes pirithous Polyommatus daphnis Limenitis reducta Limenitis populi Boloria euphrosyne

Results of butterfly mapping in GoriÄ?ko

20. 9. 2012, Barbara ZakĹĄek

Results of butterfly mapping in GoriÄ?ko

20. 9. 2012, Barbara ZakĹĄek

Results of butterfly mapping in GoriÄ?ko

20. 9. 2012, Barbara ZakĹĄek

Results of butterfly mapping in GoriÄ?ko

20. 9. 2012, Barbara ZakĹĄek

Results of butterfly mapping in GoriÄ?ko

20. 9. 2012, Barbara ZakĹĄek

Results of butterfly mapping in GoriÄ?ko

20. 9. 2012, Barbara ZakĹĄek

Results of butterfly mapping in GoriÄ?ko

20. 9. 2012, Barbara ZakĹĄek

Results of butterfly mapping in GoriÄ?ko

20. 9. 2012, Barbara ZakĹĄek

Results of butterfly mapping in Goričko

Looking for ants …

20. 9. 2012, Barbara Zakšek

Results of butterfly mapping in Goričko

Looking for ants … • • •

12 meadows 141 checked ant nests 7 Myrmica ant species M. schencki

M. sabuleti

M. slovaca M. ruginodis M. gallienii M. rubra

M. scabrinodis

N=141 20. 9. 2012, Barbara Zakšek

Results of butterfly mapping in Goričko

Looking for ants … 30

100% 90% 80%



20 caterpillars

no. of infected nests


15 10

60% 74

50% 40% 30%







P. teleius

M. gallienii

P. nausithous

M. rubra

20. 9. 2012, Barbara Zakšek

M. scabrinodis

P. teleius

M. gallienii

P. nausithous

M. rubra

M. scabrinodis

Results of butterfly mapping in Goričko

• 73% patches with G. pneumonanthe disappeared • P. alcon was recorded just on 36% of formerly known sites

20. 9. 2012, Barbara Zakšek

Results of butterfly mapping in Goričko

Phengaris teleius • • •

83 patches occupied in 2006 68% of these were still occupied in 2011 in addition 30 patches unoccupied in 2006 were noted in 2011

20. 9. 2012, Barbara Zakšek

Phengaris nausithous • • •

82 patches occupied in 2006 55% of these were still occupied in 2011 in addition 20 patches unoccupied in 2006 were noted in 2011

Results of butterfly mapping in GoriÄ?ko

Thank you for your attention!

20. 9. 2012, Barbara ZakĹĄek

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