Aa projecty 1 case study

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Asian Architecture [ARC 2213/2234] PROJECT 1: CASE STUDY

Solutions to the rain issues as an approach in nature responsive design through climatic adaptation design strategies in Sekeping Serendah








9 JUNE 2015

Solutions to the rain issues as an approach in nature responsive design through climatic adaptation design strategies in Sekeping Serendah

Table of contents




1.0 Introduction


2.0 General Overview


2.1: Introduction to Sekeping Serendah 3.0 Rain Issues in Sekeping Serendah


4.1: Slippery Road 4.2: Formation of Water Puddle 4.3: Limited Activities for Tourists 4.4: High Humidity 4.0 Solution to Overcome Rain Issues


5.1: Building Orientation 5.2: Type of Roof Used 5.3: Installation of Foldable Windows and Louvers 5.4: Choices of Base Materials for the Buildings 5.5: Placement of Materials 5.0 Conclusion


6.0 References


ARC 2213/2234 Asian Architecture

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Solutions to the rain issues as an approach in nature responsive design through climatic adaptation design strategies in Sekeping Serendah

ABSTRACT This research paper was an in-depth analysis of the solutions applied by the architect to overcome the rain issues of Sekeping Serendah in terms of climatic adaptation design in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The objective of this study was to identify the architect’s approach to design specifically in relation to the rain issue. It was anticipated that the various design approach, placement of buildings and significant features of Sekeping Serendah would be studied. The materials used for the construction of the buildings of Sekeping Serendah would also be studied due to their different properties towards rain water. Besides that, the type of roof used by the buildings of Sekeping Serendah would also be analyzed because rain water mainly interacts with the roof more frequently than other sheltering devices. The placement and arrangement of materials would also be discussed. All these features and design approaches that are closely related to rain water would be discovered and recorded in this paper. Literature reviews based on books of various sources regarding Tropical Architecture were recorded for further justification in this paper. Photographing and site visits were carried out as the main approach to verify this report. In Sekeping Serendah, the orientation of the buildings were arranged in a way that it responses to the direction of the prevailing wind of the Northeast Monsoon Season in Malaysia, also known as the Raining Season. Vernacular architecture was applied to the roofs of the buildings such as cantilevered roof, large overhangs and pitch roof. Besides that, materials such as concrete and bricks were more preferably used as the base material of the building due to their water resistance properties. Moreover, foldable windows and louvers were used as the façade of the buildings to provide shelter from the rain without obstructing the views in Sekeping Serendah. Lastly, placement of materials such as small gaps between floorings and the use of wire mesh flooring enabled water to flow off from the surface of the ground. Hence it had come to a conclusion that various design strategies such as the orientation of buildings, type of roof used, type of building material used, type of window used and the placement and

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Solutions to the rain issues as an approach in nature responsive design through climatic adaptation design strategies in Sekeping Serendah

arrangement of materials are crucial in providing a building that can adapt through series of rain issues. Since Sekeping Serendah fulfilled the listed design approaches, it can be considered as a good Tropical Architecture Building.

ARC 2213/2234 Asian Architecture

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Solutions to the rain issues as an approach in nature responsive design through climatic adaptation design strategies in Sekeping Serendah

1.0 INTRODUCTION Rain exists since the birth of earth. What is rain? When atmospheric water vapor condenses, clouds are formed. When constant condensation happens, the clouds become heavy and liquid water in the form of droplets will then precipitated due to gravity. Rain occurs differently in various countries. Malaysia has a tropical climate, being hot and humid throughout the year, thus raining occurs quite frequently in Malaysia. Being a tropical country, the weather of Malaysia is dominated by the monsoon. What is a monsoon? A monsoon is the seasonal shift in the direction of the prevailing wind of a region, causing wet and dry season throughout the tropics such as excess rainfall in certain countries. Monsoons are large scale sea breezes, therefore the primary mechanism is the changing of the global wind pattern, which happens due to the different temperature of the sea and the land by the radiation of the sun. In Malaysia, the weather is characterized by two monsoon regimes, which is the Southwest Monsoon, starting from late May to September and the Northeast Monsoon, starting from November to March. The Northeast Monsoon brings heavy rainfall, thus also known as the rainy season in Malaysia. Climate had become a major consideration for architecture design especially rain, If people is exposed to rain, health problems may occur such as fever, flue, skin diseases and so on. As Sekeping Serendah is located in a tropical forest in East Malaysia, having constant rainfall upon it is inevitable. Therefore, climate adaption design strategies must be incorporated within the buildings to overcome the issues caused by the rain in order to provide maximum satisfaction for the users.

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Solutions to the rain issues as an approach in nature responsive design through climatic adaptation design strategies in Sekeping Serendah

This paper will investigate on the solutions to the rain issue as an approach In nature responsive design through climatic adaptation design strategies in Sekeping Serendah by responding in detail to the following questions: 1) What are the problems that can occur due to rain issue? 2) How does the orientation of buildings of Sekeping Serendah help in reference to the rain issue? 3) What are the criteria or consideration taken for the choices of materials in addressing the rain issue? 4) Being the most important part of the building, how does the roof plays a part in sheltering? 5) In accordance to the openness of the building, how do the windows and louvers react to the rain? 6) Does the placement of material affect the design of Sekeping Serendah to react towards the rain?

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Solutions to the rain issues as an approach in nature responsive design through climatic adaptation design strategies in Sekeping Serendah

2.0 GENERAL OVERVIEW 2.1 Introduction to Sekeping Serendah Sekeping Serendah is a private retreat house located near a sleepy one street town of Serendah, Selangor. With the rain forest literally at their doorstep, Sekeping Serendah seeks to give their guests a rare opportunity to enjoy the shooting beauty of nature. Besides that, it enables people to have a peace of their mind by escaping from a city life. Sekeping Serendah holds the concept of being back to nature which is considered as a form of contextual architecture. It responds to its surroundings by respecting the nature around it. Figure 2.1.1 Entrance of Sekeping Serendah

In order to embrace the nature in Sekeping Serendah, the buildings are designed in a very open way in order to provide the decent experience for the users to commune with the land. The buildings are purposely kept basic and free from lavishness. There are a total of 10 buildings in Sekeping Serendah which are differentiated into 5 pairs namely the glass sheds, timber sheds, warehouses, mud sheds and glass boxes.

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3.0 RAIN ISSUES IN SEKEPING SERENDAH 3.1 Slippery Road In Sekeping Serendah, rain water will cause the road of Sekeping Serendah to be slippery. In cities, people might not pay much attention to such issue because a slip at most will only cause bruises. In Sekeping Serendah, the situation lies differently as the pathways people walk on are not flat. The contour of Sekeping Serendah remains untouched, thus having various slopes around the area. In order to cope with such natural contour, the pathways used are curvy and elevated to a certain angle and height so that people can move through the uneven contour to reach their destination. Besides Therefore, a slippery road is very dangerous as a fall can be fatal. Besides that, Sekeping Serendah does not provide any railings for the pathways expect for certain spaces. The purpose was to blend in with the nature as adding railings prove to obstruct the harmony interaction between the concrete pathway and the greenery. Although the removal of railings truly strengthen the concept of contextual architecture, it drastically increase the risk for the users because if a user accidentally step on air and falls, there is no railing for them to hold on to, thus leading to a gruesome fall.

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Figure 3.1.1 Pathway showing the absence of railing

Figure 3.1.2 Steepness of the pathway and contour

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3.2 FORMATION OF WATER PUDDLE The formation of water puddle is also considered as an issue because water will damage the foundation of the buildings in Sekeping Serendah. The contour of Sekeping Serendah remains untouched and untainted even after the construction of the buildings, thus the uneven contour collects water regularly and form small water puddle as water is unable to escape and remain trapped. Water puddle may seem harmless but if it remains for a long period, it can be threatening as it might causes structural damage to buildings. Water speeds up the aging process of untreated materials, therefore influencing the materials’ durability such as causing rot on timber, rust on steel and other else.

Figure 3.2.1 Formation of water puddle after rain Source: http://www.weathercharts.org/lucypaintbox/Photo-gallery-water-puddles.htm

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3.3 HIGH HUMIDITY Humidity is defined as the amount of water vapor in the air. Water vapor is the gaseous state of water and is not visible to the human sight. Humidity is climate variable as it interacts with the climate around it such as the sun and the rain. Therefore, when a rain occurs, the humidity level in Sekeping Serendah will increase. High humidity will cause dampness in the buildings of Sekeping Serenedah if inappropriate materials are used for construction. A long term effect of dampness will lead to secondary damage to building such as causing rot, growth of mold and may eventually lead to sick building syndrome. Besides that, plaster wall or paint will deteriorate and wall paper will loosen due to dampness. Therefore, high maintenance fee is required to ensure the long lasting of the buildings in Sekeping Serendah.

3.4 LIMITED ACTIVITIES FOR TOURIST Raining had been an issue to tourist because it limits the activity of the users. Whenever there is raining, the tourist at Sekeping Serendah will be forced to stay under a shelter to wait for the rain to be over. Exploring the spaces while holding an umbrella or wearing a rain coat is not an option due to the slippery platforms and raining occasionally obstruct the observer’s line of sight, thus endangering the safety of the users. Sometimes even after the rain, the exterior appears to be too wet for any activity to occur. Therefore, the tourist could not fully enjoy themselves in Sekeping Serendah.

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4.0 SOLUTION TO OVERCOME RAIN ISSUES After a case study was carried out, it was known that Sekeping Serendah had made some design adaptation to overcome the rain issue. This was to ensure the safety and satisfaction of the tourists visiting the retreat house.

4.1 Building Orientation Malaysia experiences two monsoon seasons throughout the year which is the Northeast Monsoon and the Southwest Monsoon. Southwest Monsoon is less threatening because it is known as the dry season but Northeast Monsoon is the real threat as it is known as the raining season for Malaysia. During Northeast Monsoon, heavy rainfall happens frequently with the addition of the prevailing winds. Prevailing winds are winds that blow predominantly from a single direction over a particular point on the Earth's surface. They have very high velocity compare to a normal blowing wind, therefore a direct exposure to the prevailing winds can be quite dangerous. The prevailing winds are originated from the northeast direction. If raining occurs, the prevailing winds will carry the water droplets of the rain into the building spaces. As the concept of Sekeping Serendah is blending with nature, the buildings are designed as open as possible, thus the water droplets blown by the prevailing winds can wet the spaces easily. In order to overcome this issue, the buildings of Sekeping Serendah are arranged in a way that the open facade is facing away from the northeast direction. For the faรงade that faces the northeast direction, it has more wall coverings compared to the open faรงade. The wall coverings act as a barrier to protect the spaces from the prevailing wind and the water droplets.

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Figure 4.1.1 Building faรงade facing away from the northeast direction

Figure 4.1.2 Building Faรงade facing the northeast direction

Figure 4.1.2 Bedroom Faรงade facing the northeast direction

By orienting the buildings, the users can fully enjoy the spaces without worrying about the intruding of rain water towards their belongings. Activities can also be carried out normally while raining occurs.

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4.2 TYPE OF ROOF USED Roof is a covering on the uppermost part of a building, thus providing protection from weather such as rain. Malaysia experience raining more frequently compared to other countries, therefore a roof design that can keep the heavy downpours of water away is recommended. If water drains away from the roof slower than the amount of water it receives, the water will causes rotting rafters and eaves, softening shingles and increasing the chances of blow-off and billowing. It can also cause water to leak into the spaces, damaging ceilings and walls. In Sekeping Serendah, vernacular architecture is applied into the roof design. The buildings use three different roof elements which are the pitch roof, cantilevered roof and large overhang. The type of pitch roof used is called a gable roof as it has two slopes that rise and meet at a peak. The steepness of the pitch roof enables water to shed off easily. Besides that, it allows more ventilation and also provides a more open feeling due to the additional space provided.

Figure 4.2.1 General shape of a gable roof

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Figure 4.2.2 Gable roof in response to rain water

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Figure 4.2.3 Warehouse using gable roof in Sekeping Serendah

Figure 4.2.4 Tea house using gable roof in Sekeping Serendah

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Besides using gable roof, some buildings in Sekeping Serendah uses catilevered roof . Cantilevered roofs are used on smaller buildings because the surface area that receives water is smaller. In order to maximise the cantilevered deck spaces, the architect avoids using columns, thus designing a steel beam system to support the cantileverd roof. The cantileverd roof appears to be weightless and simple, like a brim of a hat so that it won’t act as an unwanted load for the building to bear. The additional extension of the roof provides a bigger area of shelter from the sun and the rain. It is also slighly elevated to a certain angle so that rain water can flow off at a faster rate. By using cantilevered roof, the middle façade of a building can be slightly more open because rain water is blocked by the cantileverd roof. This enables the architect to continue persuing his concept of openness by minimizing the uses of walls.

Cantilevered roof

Open middle facade

Figure 4.2.5 Cantilevered roof in response to the rain

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Figure 4.2.6 Cantilevered roof used in Sekeping Serendah

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Large overhangs are also used by the buildings in Sekeping Serendah. Large overhangs are not just pointless extensions of the roof system. These architectural strategies not only enhance the exterior look of the building, they shelter the users caught outside the building in sudden gusts of rain. Large overhangs also keep rain water away during unpleasant weather. They control rain water runoff and prevent it from entering through doors and windows. Besides that, large overhangs protect the siding of a building, if overhangs are absent, the unprotected and vulnerable siding will suffer high rates of water entry, premature failure of any paint or stain, and premature siding failure. Therefore, large overhangs are an important part of the exterior commercial waterproofing system.

Figure 4.2.6 Large overhang used in Sekeping Serendah

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4.3 INSTALLATION OF FOLDABLE AND LOUVER WINDOWS Window has always been a part of a building. It allows a passage for light and air to enter the building while preventing noise, heat and rain from entering the building. In Sekeping Serendah, the type of windows used are foldable and louver windows. Fordable windows are used so that user can still enjoy the magnificent view of nature even when raining occurs. Fordable windows are very convenient for the user because when the weather is hot, it can be fully opened to enable passive ventilation but when rain occurs, it can be closed easily as all the windows are connected to each other, thus only a single pull is needed to close the windows. As for the louver windows, it is used at the siding of the building mainly for ventilation purpose whenever there is raining. When raining happens, the foldable windows are required to be closed so that rain would not enter the interior space. Therefore, louver windows are installed because they can still be opened while preventing rain water from entering the interior space, thus allowing passive ventilation for the users to experience thermal comfort.

Figure 4.3.1 Foldable window used in Sekeping Serendah

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Figure 4.3.2 Louver window used in Sekeping Serendah

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4.4 CHOICES OF BASE MATERIALS FOR THE BUILDINGS Building material is always crucial in architecture field. The choices of materials highly depend on the purpose of the building and also the climate of the environment. Therefore, since Malaysia has a tropical climate which is hot and humid throughout the year, a material that is resistant to heat and water is highly recommended. In Sekeping Serendah, the main materials used for the buildings are steel, concrete and bricks.

Figure 4.4.1 Steel coated in black paint

Figure 4.4.2 Concrete

Figure 4.4.3 Brick

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Steel is a very strong and durable materials, it is mostly used on buildings located on a steep contour due to its malleability and its ability to change its shape easily. Although steel has decent qualities to be used as a construction material on a slope, it is highly reactive to water due to the iron element in it, meaning steel will rust after a long period of exposure to water and air. In order to maintain the life span of steel, the steels in Sekeping Serendah are coated with water resistance paint, which is black in colour.

Figure 4.4.4 Black steel used in the building of Sekeping Serendah

Concrete is also used as the main materials for the buildings in Sekeping Serendah. Concrete is a very common material in construction as it has a very high compressive strength. Besides that, concrete appears to be cheaper than other materials such as steel and bricks. Concrete is very easy to maintain as it is very durable and is not weakened by moisture, mold and pests. If any cracks occur, it can be simply fixed by applying adequate amount of concrete on it. Moreover, the water resistance property of concrete can be highly enhanced by adding chemical admixtures into the concrete. Therefore, concrete is a decent material to be used in a country with a tropical climate.

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Figure 4.4.5 Concrete used in the warehouse of Sekeping Serendah

Figure 4.4.6 Concrete floor slab

Figure 4.4.7 Concrete used in the mud shed of Sekeping Serendah

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Brick is also one of the main materials as it has similar properties with concrete. Brick is very easy to handle, thus very convenient for construction on a natural contour. Brick is a very heavy material, when they bond together a very strong structure is formed. Besides that, brick is has a high thermal capacity, thus it can absorb heat to stabilize indoor temperature of the buildings. Most importantly, brick is hard wearing and reasonably weatherproof. Brick is also fire proof. In Sekeping Serendah, brick is used due to its water resistance property and also its durability, thus brick is a very good material for construction.

Figure 4.4.9 Brick flooring used in the warehouse of Sekeping Serendah

Figure 4.4.8 Brick wall used in the shower room of Sekeping Serendah

ARC 2213/2234 Asian Architecture

Figure 4.4.10 Brick wall used in the toilet of Sekeping Serendah

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4.5 PLACEMEN T OF MATERIALS In Sekeping Serendah, slippery pathways have always been an issue as users might slip and fall off from the pathways. Therefore, architects have adopted a few methods to overcome this issue while keeping the design concept of Sekeping Serendah which is being contextual. After carrying out a deep research in Sekeping Serendah, it can be found that certain parts of the pathway have pebbles popping out from the surface. The pebble flooring increases the gripping force between the user’s feet and the pathway, thus increasing friction to prevent falling. Besides that, some parts of the ground had numerous small stones in the middle area and beneath the small stones are soils. The intension of this design is to enable rain water to flow through the small stones and sip into the soil, hence preventing the accumulation of water that forms water puddles. By doing so, users can explore the area around Sekeping Serendah safely but they still need to be extremely caution about their movements.

4.5.1 Pebble flooring in Sekeping Serendah

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4.5.2 Small stones flooring in Sekeping Serendah

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Placement and arrangement of materials in Sekeping Serendah is very important as it affects the flow rate of rain water. After raining occurs, the spaces that get wet will require a long period of time to dry out due to the high humidity in Malaysia. In order to solve this issue, wire mesh flooring is used for the exterior of the buildings in Sekeping Serendah. Wire mesh flooring is used so that rain water can flow through it, thus preventing the accumulation of rain water. Besides that, wire mesh flooring minimizes the volume of water needed to dry out and greatly shorten the waiting time for a space to dry out. By doing so, users can carry out activities at the space a few moment after the rain is over.

Figure 4.5.4 Wire mesh flooring

Figure 4.5.3 Wire mesh flooring at the exterior of the glass box building in Sekeping Serendah

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Figure 4.5.5 Wire mesh pathway

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For areas such as the bathroom and pool, instead of using a single concrete floor slab, multiple floor slabs are used. The purpose of using multiple floor slabs is to produce small gaps between the slabs so that rain water can flow through and reach the ground.

Figure 4.5.6 Multiple concrete slabs used in the bathroom of Sekeping Serendah

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5.0 CONCLUSION To conclude, the rain issue of the site should not be taken lightly or ignored. All the issues of rain should be given attention in order to build a good sustainable building. Various design strategies such as the orientation of buildings, type of roof used, type of building material used, type of window used and the placement and arrangement of materials are crucial in providing a building that can adapt through series of rain issues. Since Sekeping Serendah fulfilled the listed design approaches, it can be considered as a pioneer example in terms of how to deal with the rain issue of the site. Sustainability is a long term goal, even though it might be too soon to classify Sekeping Serendah as a sustainable design, whether it might be a stepping stone to an improvement or the starting of habitual destruction, no one knows. However for now, at the current moment and era, it clearly is one sustainable building design.

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