1953 Red Hill High School Yearbook

Page 1


1953 Red Pebbles ~nnual /

In Memorian

We pay special tribute in this annual to our school building which is not passing out of existence but is only taking on a different color. With reluctance and mixed reactions we relinquish its high school activities tb the new Albemarle High School, but for those graduates this year and those who have graduated in the past, it will forever be Red Hill High School. We say goodbye Red Hill High School and wish the Red Hill Elementary School the best.


Or.dicat 1on With gratitude and deep affection we, of the class of '53, are proud to dedicate this, our last annual, to our beloved friend and teacher, Mrs, Lucille Bowen. Always patient when we were negligent, always the first to commend us on our achievements, Mrs, Bowen has received no reward for her service except the love and gratitude of her students .


Principal's Message


We may consider the gifts of nature in a material way and appraise their greatness and value, In all of nature we may try to find, and eve11 try to understand the universal plan without ever realizing that the power t o think and reason is most certainly the greatest gift, Reason helps us build our civiliz ation, it leads us to an understanding of t he material dom ain and the spiritual realm, Indeed if it were not for man's ability to think all of the other gifts of man would be meaningless, This is why we are here; to think, to rea son, to act, as co-workers with our Creat or ,

foreword 'Ibis RED PEBBLES ANNUAL is the story of our school. It tells in pictures who attends and the various (lctivities we participate in.


We hope that you enjoy going down memory lane and sharing our enjoyments and experiences with us in our book.


Staff Left to Right: Judy Martin, Assistant Business Manager; Emma Hudson, Junior Representative; Laverne Carver, Feature Editor; Eleanor Burch, Assistant Editor; Lois Mawyer, Senior Representative; Lucille Napier, Business Manager; Virginia Thomas, Editor; Barbara Barnett, Circulation Manager; Louise Scribner, Advertising Manager ; Joyce Bowden, Sophomore Representative; Nadine Collins, Freshman Representative; Mrs. Bowen, Sponsor. Second Row: Mr. Pace, Sp路o nsor; Sammy Page, Sports Editor

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OLn Fourth


LUCILLE C. BOWEN English, History, Lib rar y C ompliments of CITY NEWS STORE Charlottesville, Virginia

JEAN : Fourtt KITT Sixtr

WINNIE W. WILLIAMSON Home Economic s , Hist or y

ROBERT PACE Mathematics, History. Biology



OLIVE GIANNINI Fourth Grade Teacher

DOROTHY P, MARTIN Fifth Grade Teacher

ALICE JOHNSON Seventh Grade Teacher





S, L, THOMAS Ophthalmic Dispenser 105 North First Street 2-4605 Charlottesville, Va.

ORA P, TOMS Second Grade Teacher

JEAN M. CARPENTER Fourth Grade Teacher KITTY SUTHER LAND Sixth Grade Teacher


CORRINE NORVELLE First Grade Teacher

LOTTIE L , GOODWIN Third Grade Teac her

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Senior Class Officers President ....... . . . ..... ....... Sammy Page Vice -President .. .. ....... Virginia L. Thomas Secretary .....................Lucille Napier Treasurer .............•......• Bobby Napier

MOTTO We finish to begin

COLORS Blue and Gold

SPONSOR Mr. Robert Pace

ARTHUR'S GRILL Delicious Steaks and Chops Fountain Service Air Conditioned 317 East Main Street Charlottesville, Va.






SAMUEL M. PAGE Nickname - "Sam" Favorite Expression - "Golly durn, Molly" Favorite Pastime - "Buddys" Weakness - F i

VIRGINIA L. THOMAS Nickname - "Rocky" Favorite Expression - "For Pete's Sake" Favorite Pastime - Horseback Riding Weakness - Algebra



LUCILLE A. NAPIER Nickname - "Lucy" Favorite Expr ession - "Is that right?" Favorite Pastime - Daydrea ming Weakness - Typing perfect letters






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WILLIAM ROBERT NAPIER Nickname - "Nape" Favorite Expression - "Great day, Miss Agnes" Favorite Pastime - Playing the guitar Weakness - Getting home work done

ELEANOR ANN BURCH Nickname - "Stony" Favorite E xpre ssion "Cheese & Crackers" Favorite Pastime - Listening to radio Weakness - Food

LEWIS RAINE Y Nickname - "Pee Wee" Favorite Expression - "Skip it" Favorite Pastime - Talking to girls Weakness - Speeches to Miss Sutherland

EUGENE FENDAL NORRIS Nickname - "Red" Favorite Expression- "Bless Pat" Favorite Pastime - Bowling Weakness - Singing

JOAN ISABEL TAYLOR Nickname "Squeekie" Favorite Expression "Help" Favorite Pastime - Funny books Weakness - Bookkeeping

NORM A LILLIAN SPROUCE Nickname - "Tore hie" Favorite Expression - "Aw, Nuts" Favorite Pastime - Writing letters Weakness - Sailors


ROBERT LEE BISHOP Nickname - "Bobby" Favorite Expression "Love that gal" Favorite Pastime - Talking on the telephone Weakness - English


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DOROTHY C. KENT Nickname - "Dot" Favorite Expression - "Are you kidding?" Favorite Pastime - Reading Weakness - Giggling

MARY CLEARCY STEPHENS Nickname - "Stevie" Favorite Expression - "Great time a day" Favorite Pastime - Writing to marines

CORA ANN FARISH Nickname - "Polly" Favorite Expression "Heavens to Betsy" Favorite Pastime - Movi es Weakness - Getting fat

DORIS JEAN SCRIBNER Nickname - "Jeanie" Favorite Expression - "Oh my cow" Favorite Pastime - Reading Weakne ss - Boys

HENRY McKINLEY ORANGE, JR . Nickname - "Skinny" Favorite Expression - "Boot Jack" Favorite Pastim e - Talking to the girls Weakness - Girls

LOIS MARIE MAWYER Nickname - "Orsey" Favorite Expression - "Oh, Gee" Favorite Pastim e - Movies Weakness - Hearing the alarm at 7 a.m.

Class History Of the sixteen members in our class only three began t heir school careers at Red Hill in the first grade. They were Eleanor Bur ch, Bobby Napier, and Sam Page,

In the seeond grade these pupils w ere joined by Mary Stephens and in the fourth grade Virginia Thomas came from Scottsville High School to join our class, In the fifth grade the gr oup was enlarged by thr.e e members from Arrowhead School, These were Polly Farish, Henry Orange, and Lewis Raine y, When this group reached the seventh grade they were joined by Joan Taylor, Lois Mawyer, and Lucille Napier from Covesville School, and Dorothy Kent from Heards School. Also Jean Scribner joined the class from Belsprings High School, Radford, Virginia.

In the ninth grade we were joined by Eugene Norris. Norma Sprouce, from Schuyler High School became a member of our class in the tenth grade. Bobby Bishop, from Knoxville, Tennessee, joined us at this time also. This is the class as it is today although many have come and gone as the class progressed.

In 1949-50, we began our high school careers with a class of thirty-three members, Mrs. Ben Cullen and Mrs. Nannie Easter wer e our homeroom teachers. We were represented on the baseball, basketball, and softball teams and the annual staff. The class went on a sight-seeing tour to Natural Bridge. Our class officers were: President, Sam Page; Vice-President, Virginia Thomas, Secretary- Treasur er, Bobby Napier.

In our sophomore year , Mrs. Easter was our homer oom teacher. The class took a trip to Natural Chimneys t his year . We were represented on the baseball, basketball, and softball teams, and the paper staff. Class officers were: President, Sam Page; VicePresident, Virginia Thomas; Secretary, Lucille Napier ; Treasurer, Bobby Napier. In our junior yea r Mrs. Easter was our homeroom teacher for the first semester and Mrs. Lillian Sally was our teacher the second semester. Our class officers were: President, Vir ginia Thomas; Vice-President, Sam Page; Secretary, Lucille Napier; Treasurer, Bobby Napier. Our class was represented on the softball, baseball, and basketball teams and on the paper staff and annual staff, We accompanied the Seniors on a sight-seeing tour to Washington. This year, our Senior year, w e have t en girls and six boys. The class officers have been : President, Sam Page; Vice-President, Virginia Thomas ; Secretary, Lucille Napier; Treasurer, Bobby Napier. We presented our play, "Bashful Bobb y " on De cember 12, Eleanor Burch repre sented the class in the D. A. R. Good Citizenship contest. Our class ha s been represented on the baseball, basketball, and softball teams, Beta Club , "Red Dust", our school paper, and the " Red Pebbles", our annual. Polly Far i sh was the first to get her diamond,

Class Prophecy Hill

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Lois 1rds Vir-

In the fall of 197 3, I decided to take my vacation from my life-long career as an Airline Hostess. I decided to go to C~~olifornia. One day while I was seated in the lobby of my hotel, I heard a familiar voice say, "Hey, Cookie". I looked up and there stood Joan Taylor. I learned that she had received her diploma from U.S. Army Nursing Corps and was now Superintendent of a large training school for girls in a San Francisco Hospital. Joan called my attention to the headlines of a New York Times which she had been reading. Upon examining the paper, I discovered Eugene Norris was now heavy-weight champion of the U. S. His next fight is scheduled for September 23, and he plans then to retire undefeated. I decided to fly to Detroit to see the most exciting Baseball World Series game which had taken place in many years. While watching the game that afternoon, I noticed a familiar figure on first base but could not place him until he reached several feet into the air and pulled down a ball which had been thrown from third base without even taking his foot off the bag. Then I knew it was Lewis Rainey who was our perfect catcher back in 1953 at old Red Hill.


After the game I met Lewis and was very happy to see him since it was the first time I had seen him since we had graduated together. He said that he had a sore foot and asked me to go to the hospital with him. I wa s surprised to find Dorothy Kent one of the attending


nurses when Lewis had his foot x -rayed.


ers. Jrelass

After leaving the hospital, I had only gone a block when I heard a very familiar voice say, "Hey, Butch". I turned around quickly because I knew it must be Eleanor Burch. I could not be mistaken by her familiar expression. She was successful as a supervisor in the Arlington Schools. News of all News was that Henry Orange was now a full-fledged state trooper in Virginia. He was noted for giving tickets for speeding.


I learned from Eleanor that Bobby Napier, now "Dr. Napier", was a dentist in Charlottesville, Virginia, making lots of money and retiring at the age of thirty-five to return to his farm in Connecticut.

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When I returned to my room, I found a te~egram from my husband. He urged me to return home at once since Brenda Lee, our daughter, was making trouble for herteacher, Miss Mary Stephens at the Albemarle County High School.

and esirer, ams tour

Next morning I boarded the American Airline Plane and headed for home. I turned on the radio to hear the news of the day. A woman with a beautiful voice was singing one of Broadway's favorite songs, "Til I Waltz Again With You". The song ended and the announcer came on. "You have just heard our guest soloist, Miss Virginia Thomas. And now, ladies and gentlemen, this is your announcer, Bobby Bishop, saying goodbye until the same time tomorrow. "



When I arrived in Washington, I met two of my old schoolchums, Miss Lois Mawyer who was now a buyer of ladies dresses for Miller and Rhodes in Richmond and Miss Norma Sprouce who was on her way back to Red Hill to rest after filming her greatest picture with Farley Granger in Hollywood. Norma told me that she had recently heard from Jean Scribner who was now a missionary in Africa and well-known here in the states. Also Norma had visited the famous millionaire farm of Mr. Samuel Page, located in the Valley of Virginia. She had heard that Sammy was soon to take over Arthur Godfrey's T . V. Program. Lois said that Polly Farish, now Mrs. Kirby, was happily married and president of the P. T. A. at Red Hill School. I have looked into the future with much happiness and joy, hoping the following years will be a success for all of you. Lucille Napier Lois Mawyer



And Testament

As we, the Senior Class of 1953, end our years of diligent labor it is fitting and proper that we leave to our friends and classmates some token of our friendship. We want you to remember that we have passed this way. Some memories and treasures that we have acquired are very dear to us, but we have no further use for them, These valuable items, gained from long experience, should make easier for you the long, hard road ahead of you. Therefore we will the following: "I", Eleanor Burch, will m y ability to talk in History class to Margaret Cutright, providing she doesn't get called down as much as I did. "I", Robert Bishop, will my public speeches to Jerry Rhomn in hopes that he will win first place more often than I. "I", Polly Farish, will my safety-patrol belt to Charlot te Davis hoping she can keep up with the little kids better than I did, "I", Dorothy Kent, doherebywill my quiet ways to路 Ester Hudson with the hopes that she uses them to the best advantage. "I", Lois Mawyer, will my ability to sew to Barbara Barnett hoping she w on't sew as many crooked seams as I did. "I", Eugene Norris, will my ability to go horseback riding to Lewis Gent r y providing that he rides more than I did, "I", Bobby Napier, will my bookkeeping book to Blowdyn Tomlin. May she learn more than I did. "I", Lucille Napier, will my worn out pencils to Martha L ynn Johnson. She should keep up with them better than I did, "I", Henry Orange, willmyabilitytotelljokes in class t o Henry Morris in hopes he won't get thrown out of class as often as I did, "I", Sam Page, will my notebook to Ivor Mawyer providing t hat h e does n't keep as much junk in it as I did. "I", Lewis Rainey, will m y cigars to Bill Harris in order that he doesn't get sick when he smokes them as I did, "I", Jean Scribner, will my shorthand book to m y sister, Louise who I hope will learn more than I did. "I", Norma Sprouce, will m y little red Ford to Yvonne Collins in hopes that she can miss a day from school and catch a little intern at the University Hospital as I did, "I", Mary Stephens, will my basketball star to Emma Hudson. I hope she stays on her feet while playing better than I did, "I", Joan Taylor, will m y pretty face to Becky Taylor in order that she may catch more boy friends than I did. "I", Virginia Thomas, will my favorite sheet of music to Nadine Collins. I hope she will enjoy it as much as I did. To the entire faculty, we leave our deepest appreciation for their guide and cooperation in helping us through OUI' "Golden Rule Day s." To the Seniors of 1 54 we leave our desks which have served us faithfully , and the dignity of being seniors, To the Juniors we leave 路 our sassy ways, hopip.g they will enjoy the good old Junior-Senior Room. To the Sophomores, we leave our coverless books, hoping they can read the print in them under that of ours. To the Freshmen we leav e our sincere wishes hoping they will find their fi v e y ears of High School enjoyable. Here unto we do solemnly set our seal to this last will and testament of t he Senior Class of '53 given this / day of}';IIM~1 9 53, at Red Hill High School, North Garden, Virginia.

~~17~ Norma Sprouce





f. H. A. festivities Shelby Woodson, Past President, salutes Virginia Thomas, incoming President and other F. H. A. officers. Adance was held after the Banquet and installation of officers.

Compliments of PIEDMONT CLEANERS, INC. 209 Preston Avenue Charlottesville, Virginia Phone 2-7550

Helen and Jackie

Blodie and Polly

Judy and Laverne

Don't be Camera shy

A Thorn Among The Roses

Class Poem Shadows now are falling, The years have slipped so fast, But our hearts echo a silent song. Graduation has come at last, Our finished tasks are pleasant, Some were full of fun, But we have br avely reached our goal, And, class, our tasks are done ,

But we have another goal to reach, A task we still have to do, When this one goal is finished, Our prize of life is due , May we shine fr om thi s lab or, And the brightest stars we may see, God and His blessing will bestow, On the class of fifty-three, Euge n e Norris


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Congratulations and Best Wi shes to the Faculty and Student Body of Red Hill High School VALLEY VIEW Telephone 2-6141 4.18 East Main St re et Char lotte sville , Virginia

JUNIOR CLASS OFFICERS LaVerne Carver President Emma Hudson Vice President Jane Newton Secretary Charles Haney Treasurer

Rebecca 1 Barbara 1 Blodwyn' Ann SentE

Loretta r Charles 1 Jane Nev. Henry M•

SOPHOMORE CLASS OFFICERS Louise Scribner President Ivar Mawyer Vice President Joyce Bowden Secretary Linda Senter Treasurer

Thomas: Judy Maz Emma H1 Barbara

FRESHMAN CLASS OFFICERS Fred Senter President June Toms Vice President Martha Johnson Secretary Frances Graybill Treasurer

Laverne Jerry Rc Rosella C EmmaH





Rebecca Corley Barbara Crit zer Blodwyn Tomlin Ann Senter

Loretta Morris Charles Haney Jane Newton Henry Morris

Thomas Kent Judy Martin Emma Hudson Barbara Barnett

-r. Laverne Carver Jerry Rohm Rosella Orange Emma Hudson



William K. Purvis Betty J. Faris Lewis Gentry Linda Senter

Dorothy I' Joyce Fol Roy Critz Beverly' Martha J1 Charlotte

Catherim Bucky Gil Polly Mir Lindsey~

Sandra H• Fred Sen· Yvonne Collins Helen Drash Sherwin Toms Mary C. Critz er

Jackie Atwell Ivar Mawyer Joyce Bowden Louise Scribner

Bernice I June Tom Becky Ta LaVerne Phyllis B Kitty Nor

Carl Tayl Mildred 1 Margaret Ann Newt Gene Cle: Gray Col

Nadine C· Robert P Gay Norf· Trudy M< Barbara Loretta V Faye Loeser Betty Estes Lewis Norr is Mae Fields Bill Harris

rrr.shmr.n Dor ot hy Napier Joy c e Fox R oy Critzer Beverly Via Martha Johnson Charlotte Davis

Purvis 路is y

Catherine Sprouse Bucky Gibson Polly Minic k L indsey Thomas Sandr a Houchens Fred Senter lins h.

Berni c e Roberts June Toms Becky Taylor . LaVerne Thomson Phyllis Barnett Kitty Norvelle

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Carl Taylor Mildred Morris Margaret Cutright Ann Newton Gene Clements Gray Collins

Nadine Collins Robe r t Pleasant s Gay Nor for d Trudy Mars t on Barbara Ponton Loretta Woodson


is Edward Pugh Martha Hunt Jan et Estes




Who's Who

., I

Barbara .Barnett Best Looking Most Friendly

Eleanor Burch Most Likely To Succeed

Lavern Carver Most Popular Most Original


Joan Taylor Most Humorous

Emma Hudson Most Athletic, Most Dependable Best All Around, Most Studious Best School Spirit, Best Leader

Linda Senter Most Friendly

Blodwyn Tomlin Neatest

Ann Senter Most Cautious





--------'i~ ) l


Compliments and Best Wishes to Student Body and Faculty J. D. & J. S. TILMAN & COMPANY Charlottesville, Virginia

Red Harvest Oueen

Ous June Toms



Billy Lee Powell

OPERETTA King - Fred Scott

Queen - Tolly Pinkerton


Charlottesville, Virginia'



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Starr First Row, Left to Right: Sammy Page, Editor; Mrs. Jane Hunt, Sponsor; Barbara Barnette, Reporter; Emma Hudson, Reporter; Eleanor Burch, Reporter; Joyce Bowden, Reporter; Judy Martin, Circulation Manager. ¡ Second Row, Left to Right: Miss Sutherland, Sponsor; Ann Senter, Art Editor; William Kent Purvis, Reporter; Bobby Napier, Reporter; Jean Scribner, Business Manager; Helen Drash, Repor ter; Charles Haney, Mimeograph Manager.

Left to Right: Jean Scribner, Ann Senter, Ester Hudson, Henry Morris, Loretta Morris, Jane Newton, Treasurer; Miss Sutherland, Sponsor; Sammy Page, Emma Hudson, Secretar y; Barbara Barnette, President; Rosella Orange, Eleanor Burch, Lucille Napier, Judy Martin

.f H. A.



. rash, elen D ner, H , n i art crib Judy M , Louise S son, n d i u l H m s, Emma Blodwin To e Field Right: h, M a E s t h e r as, c o r t m u t o f B h e T L , or Elean etta Morris Atwell, Row, irginia First arish, er, V or e F i n L k b s , i c r r e a c e c J rv an Jean S Barnette Estes, ht: Fr rne Ca to Rig rnett, Lave tzer, Betty ra t a f b e r L a i B Row, ra Cr llis Ba amson Second owden, Phy lins, Barba Mrs . Willi l B , o r e ritze Joyc onne C ary C n, Yv on, M s Hudso d o o a W Lorett



Jerry arish, F y l l Po rvis, dwyn K. P u m a i s, Blo ton, l n l i e h W c u , s ew Ho in Tom andra Jane N Sherw ier, S y Orange, p : a t h N g i e R nr op Lucill s, He Left to Bobby Bish Right: ary Steven o , t m t f h e o M L R Row, orris, Second gene N Burruss u E , n , Mr . Tomli Rainey Lewis

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First Row, Left to Right: Bobby Bishop, Henry Morris, Sam Page, Ivor Mawyer, Eugene Norris Second Row, Left to Right: Jerry Rohm, Bobby Napier, Charles Haney. Mr. Burruss, Coach

Basketball This page is sponsored by: SOUTHERN WELDING AND MACHINE SHOP: Charlottesville, Virginia

Girls' Basketball ~

First Row, Left to Right: Louise Scribner, Jean Scribner, P olly Farish, Emma Hudson, Blodwyn Tomlin, Barbara Barnette, Mary Critzer Second Row, Left to Right: Mrs. Williamson (Coach), Laverne Carver , Loretta Morris, Mary Stevens, Sandra Houchens, Barbara Ponton, Joyce Bowden, Lucille Napier, Phyllis Barnett


Boys' Baseball learn


First Row, Left to Right : Charles Haney, Henry Morris, Ivor Mawyer, Sammy Page, Thomas Kent, Lewis Gentry Second Row, Left to Right: Bobby Napier, Bobby Bishop, Henry Orange, Eugene Norris, Mr. Pace, Manager,

Our Bus Urivers Mr. -Scribner, Archie, Charles, Mr. Kennedy and Mr. Johnson




4-H Clubs

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SENIOR CLUB First Row: James Meadows, Cecil Shifflett, Joe Davis, Lawerance John P yne, Russel Meadows, Percy Lily, Lawfey Maupin Second Row: June Morris, ·Robert Thomas, Emmett Goosby, Harvey Morris, Tim Moon, Fred Scott, David Mawyer, Aubrian Faris, James Layne, Linda Powell Third Row: Patricia Carver, Gladys Wilson, Betty Eddy, Wanda Barnett, Barbara Morris, Lavern E' Davis, Louise Haney, Verna Dudley





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I JUNIOR CLUB First Row, Left to Right: Howard Worm, Rosco Farish, Jacob Loeser, Roger Houchens Second Row: Marie Brown, Mar y Ann Wood, Myrtle Bra gg, Nancy Faris, Mar garet Mawyer, Billy Marston, Margaret Merhing, Billie Lee Powell, .Glassell Mawyer, Sarah Gentry, Linda Via, Joan Gibson, Ann Carver, Stella Houchens, Donna Mae Houchens Third Row: Patricia Morris, Betty Harris, Jackie Pleasants, Emmitte Lilly, Billy Norford, John Thacker, Joe Bragg, Dudley Houchens, Tommy Clark, Billy Haney, Donny Pugh, John Morris, Floyd Massey, Helen Atkins, Mary Alice Harris



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Sixt~ Grade First Row: Wanda Barnett, George Senter, Robert Thomas, Tolly Pinkerton, Juanita Williams Second Row: Fred Scott, Margaret Harris, June Morris, Evelyn Carver, Dickie Martin, Beatrice Houchens Third Row: Nancy Ponton, Ernest Hunt, Harvey Morris, Tim Moon, JamP.s Lane, James 'Meadows Fourth Row: Barbara West, Edna Thacker, Serena Byars, Jackie Wharm, Aubrian Faris, Billy Pugh, Junior Moore, Frances Moon; Carolyn Shaver, Mrs, Sutherland

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Seventh Grade First Row: Gordon Senter, Frances Harris, Margaret Sprouse, Middie Goolsby, David Mawyer, Rebecca Barnett, Mary Graybill, Dale Gunter, Lindy Powell, Louise Haney, Gladys Wilson, Dickie Houchens, Leroy Shiflett, Preston Raine y Second Row: Frank Hudson, Percy Lilly, Cecil Shiflett, Roy Morris, Joe Davis, Lawrence Meadows, Russel Meadows, John Pyne, Barbara Morris, Rebecca Page, Rosalee Page, Roy McClanahan, Wilbourn Farish, Woodrow Graves, Lillie Ann Gibson, Mrs, Johnson, Teacher,


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fi -fth Grade First Row: Billie Lee Powell, Betty Jean Harris, Clark Gunter, Emmett Lilly, Billy Norford, Stella Houchens Second Row : Annie Gibson, Dudley Houchens, Glassell Mawyer, Margaret Mehring, Donna Houchens, Denzil Hackett, Tommy Clark Third Row : Nancy Faris, John Thacker, Rodger Clements, Patsy Hudson, Otis Shifflett, Raydean Vipperman, Ann Carver, Ruth Ann Beverley, Billy Marston, Charles Ponton, Herbert Brown, Jackson Pleasants, Billy Haney, Donnie Pugh, Mrs, Dorothy Martin, Teacher

fourth Grade


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Thomas Critzer, Charles Moon, Dicky Beverly, Carol Pugh, Kitty Lou Burruss, Lucille Barnett, Robert Pleasants, Marion Spencer, Joyce Morris, Bobby Foley, Buddy Dean, Clayton Fisher, Clarence Meadows, Paul Smith, Linda Lou Houchens, Edith Williams, John Taylor, Bonnie Earl Bornette, Walker Vowell, Alfred Scott, Roy Goolsby, Mrs. Jean Carpenter, Teacher

fourth Grade Last Row, Left to Right: Pat Morris, Mary Henwood, Marie Brown, Helen Atkins, Linda Via, Sarah Maupin, Mary Harris, Catherine Morris, Barbara Mawyer, Margaret Mawyer, Mrs. Giannini, Lyn Pinkerton, John Henry Morris, Hugh Demasters, Joan Gibson, Myrtle Bragg, Elridge Roberts, Jacob Sprouse, F1oyd Massey, Jacob Loeser, Roger Houchens, Roscoe Faris, Cameron Thomas, Howard Wharm, Sydney Barnett

Jc E.

Third Grade


Miss Lottie Goodwin, Teacher; Linda Clements, Carolyn Senter, Marie Sprouse, Pleasants, Sylvia West, Madeline Eddy, Gale Harris, Loretta Maupin, Mauyice Gibson, Boolsby, Judy Mawyer, Nancy Bragg, Daisy Goolsby, Eunice Henwood, Mary Jane Murrell Page, Alice Gunter, Ruth Ann Sprouse, Harry Lee Roberts, Homer Morris, Scott, Robert Harris, Donald Corley, Mason Graybill, Dick Barnett





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Second Grade l,


First Row: Rebecca Jeanne Kennedy, Doris Deane, Barbara Powell, Joyce Maupin , Barbara Fisher, Ann Powell, Joan Pugh, Janet Woodie, Linda Roberts, Emmalie Powell, Gloria Bailey, P atricia Thoma,s, Margaret Brown Second Row: Thomas Morris, Harold Moon, Hobart Clements, Delma Davis, . John Hensley, Johnny Houchens, Malcolm Sprouse, Stephen Clarke, Eldridge Loeser, Charles Oliver, Howard Estes, Rodger Lee Morris, John Powell, William Edmond Williams, Mrs. Ora Toms, Teacher

~. 3,

rirst Grade rd ia

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First Row: Donald Rohm, George Harris, Claude Loeser, Mike Gibson, Richard Foley, William P owell, Edd ie Mays, Terry Harris, Roger Eddy, Sammy Kennedy Second Row: Ida Pinkerton, Barbara Burruss, Margaret Marston, Becky Spencer, Martha Smith, Carolyn Carver, Shirley Roberts, Nancy Harris, Gracie Sprouse, Betty Bragg, Marie Goolsby Third Row: R , . S. Clark, Frank Sacre, Wayne Mawyer, Sylvia Woodson, Ross Elliott, Ronnie Shifflett, Edgar Houchens, Charles Eddy, Richard Harris, Linda West, James Houc hens, Tommy Massie, Annie Meadows, _Wayne Pleasants, Mrs. Corrine Norvelle, Teacher

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Grade Activities Snapshots


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Hillside Gardens Orchid - Corsage

Compliments Of

Cove Creek Farm Covesville, Virginia

Rudy's Dry Cleaners AND L A UNDRY 705 Preston Ave, Dial 2-5042 Charlottesville, Virginia

Standard Esso Service Center "24 Hour Service" 850 W. Main Street Charlottesville, Virginia

Be Prepared With Boy Scout & Stride Rite Shoes



Flowering Plants 308 E. Main Street



Preddy's Funeral Home Superior Ambulance Service Charlottesville, Virginia Frank B. Haynes - Dial 2-7546

Mayo Blackburn Crutchfield FURNITURE CORPORATION 717-727 West Main Street Charlottesville, Virginia Dial 2-8252 Farm Machinery - Trucks & Tractors Feed Seed Fertilizers

H. M. Gleason & Co. Inc.

Anderson Bros. Book Store Stationers - Booksellers Athletic Goods Box 1307 University - Dial 2-4554

"Corsages And Cut Flowers"

Page Greenhouses "Around The Corner" University Of Virginia Dial 2-6538

C. P. Martin Plumbing And Heating 1501 Rutledge Ave. Charlottesville, Virginia Dial 2-4423

1st And Garrett Streets Charlottesville, Virginia Dial 2-5145

Campi iments Of

Brown's Dry

Albemarle Maytag


Charlottesville, Virginia

Harry J. Brown Dial 2-6285-510 Preston, Ave. Charlottesville, Virginia

Lewis Insurance Co. .

"Your Complete Insurance Service 2 03 _ 5th Str eet N. E. Dial 2-2913 Insurance - Bonds - Loans



Trimwise Cleaners & Dyers Quality Cleaning And Pressing Phone Crozet 2711

Serve SOUTHERN BREAD Made With Cream ery , Butter

Columbia Baking Co.





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