Uranus entering Aries date written March 22 2011

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Following is a reprint of Georgia Stathis’ free Newsletter that she sent out on 3/22/11 Hello everyone: This morning and after a long and difficult Full Moon weekend for many people, I feel compelled to write this information, and newsletter -- I hope it holds true for many of you. Granted, these last few days have seen the Full Moon 'from hell' for many. If we just take a look at what is going on in the world, anyone can see that. This was the 90-day period (if you see our calendar, it will show fireworks) after the Total Eclipse on December 20, 2010 on the Galactic Center. Keywords: Intense, fast, revolutionary changes. With that said, there is panic in the air. It is everywhere--on the radio, the television, and in our conversations with friends and even strangers. There is no doubt that the world is changing right before our eyes and panic is spreading like a plague. However, it is important to remember the following: Hasn't anyone ever heard of the power of the mind or the power of the word? If we keep creating anxiety and panic in our moment to moment existence, we can actually create more problems. I think we are way overdue for a world meditation. They used to do that a few years back two days before Christmas at the same time throughout the world-I always woke up at 3 am and participated in it. The result? They found that the crime dropped 20% within a week, fewer accidents occurred, and far more life improvements than I can recall. 2011 Trader’s Astrological Almanac

Of course, we cannot be "Pollyanna" about the realities facing us today. Things happen -- and sometimes really terrible things. I think that this is about all of us getting away from the extraneous parts of our lives and back to our spiritual centers-and I don't mean going to church. I mean going inside of our very human selves and staying centered for just one moment without anyone around. If you have to get in your car to do that for a few minutes, then do it. We become totally ineffective if we are panicking and anxiety ridden - it infects those around us and they pick it up and they get that way. Then like dominoes everything around us starts coming down. Lighting candles, taking a moment to breathe, to think positive thoughts, to even write down in your notes, or notebooks, or calendars what you are grateful for, rather than what else can go wrong or how we lost or how this bad thing happened or whatever-- that is what balances out the anxiety-- prayer helps a lot, too. Forgive me for adding my two cents, but I am out with the public a lot, and, the dialogue has been nothing but negative and fearful wherever I go. Fear freezes us up (that's what happened after 9/11... they made us fearful.... we stopped being productive and we stopped believing that there was still possibility in the world and it hasn't stopped). Fear is the enemy of any type of possibility and it prevents any light from coming in. Things go wrong. I know we all have had our Page 11

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