Rulerships with Georgia Stathis

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Rulerships 3 Basic Ideas: 1.



Rulerships are complex, varied and inconsistent. Over the course of thousands of years, various sources have sounded off on their perspective regarding this. Rulerships derive from various lineages.

Rulerships and the Past 

Various astrologers and purveyors of astrology either agreed or disagreed. Some of the names are: Ptolemy, al-Biruni, Lilly, Partridge, Gadbury, Dariot, Ramesey, Culpeper and contemporaries such as Bills, Unger, Huber, etc. This lecture is designed to explore the then and now.

Compare and Contrast 

In Lee Lehman’s, The Book of Rulerships, she explores the question of rulerships providing us with a very interesting grid. This is a ‘short’ list of several items agreed and disagreed upon by various sources (show Doc1).

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Note the rulership assigned to Apples. Several sources agree. However, the rulerships for the Rose vary. Venus is considered the ruler in modern astrology as did Culpeper, Dariot, Gadbury. However, al-Biruni disagreed because the Rose has thorns, which are sharp and very Mars like. Thorny and sharp was assigned to Mars.

Essential Dignities 

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As the centuries continued many of the ancient rulerships were lost or set aside for new methods and systems. This doesn’t mean they weren’t valid. Ptolemy’s grid of the Essential Dignities is highlighted in Lee Lehman’s book, The Essential Dignities, the grid of which is presented next. This is a highly detailed and specific system with clear rules. This is a pre-discovery phenomenon of the outer planets. It is highly comprehensive breaking down planets into various categories such as Diurnal, Nocturnal, and categorizes strengths of the planets. For example, when Mars is at 26 degrees Aries it is in its Term. Strong.

Academic Investigations 

These ancient rulerships and systems really need to be explored, studied and examined to have a proper view of this issue of Rulerships and are examined in more academic environments like Kepler College. The evolution of Astrology is an ongoing process and as we moved deeper into the 20th century, new insights came in, again pushing aside (unfortunately) the past. It is important if we intend to be qualified practitioners to try to explore as much of the past as well as the present to understand what we are doing.

Twentieth Century 

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In the 20th Century, we were introduced to the theories of Carl Jung and his idea of dreams, symbols and archetypes. This hearkened back to ancient myths and stories. The emerging writings of people like Rudhyar, Marc Edmond Jones, and later Richard Idemon, Greene, and Oken were moving towards a more psychological astrology that coincided with the continuing discovery of the outer planets. The trans-Saturnian planets, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, brought in a larger view with fewer boundaries. This ‘larger’ view and more contemporary style began to set aside the past and we began looking at the planets from a more archetypal view. This is an interesting example in that in more ancient sources, Saturn, was the ruler of Death. However, in a more modern context, Pluto, is often assigned that honor.

So what do we do? 

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Question and research. Is Uranus really the higher octave of Mercury? See hybrid example. Use your experience. Don’t believe everything you hear, see or read. Each circumstance is different. Each chart is different and each individual has his or her own experience, which means that a Rose could really be Venus for one person, but if someone is pricked or allergic, it could be Mars!

Watching larger trends helps you learn. 

I am more predictive. I watch planetary cycles – their ingresses, returns, stations, and the larger synodic cycles and their unfolding relationships. I work with such source as Timetables of History, The Foundation for the Study of Cycles, and various materials that are not at all astrological. Then I place them into an astrological context and watch was is going on in the sky. And I read a lot of charts.

Wednesday, October 15, 1997, Chicago Tribune. 

News Item: “The Hybrid car, promises double mileage, half the emissions. Toyota Motor Company rolled out the first gas/electric car Tuesday promising double the mileage of gas engines and half the tailpipe emissions. They are currently sold in Japan and named “Prius”, a 4-door sedan for $17,700. All major automakers, including Detroit’s Big Three, are working on some type of hybrid.”

Jupiter was conjunct Uranus in Aquarius (2/97) at about 5 degrees Aquarius. This is a 12 to 13 years cycle of innovation.

More tidbits…. 

The first PRIUS went on sale worldwide in 2001. By the end of 2003, nearly 160,000 units had been produced for sale in Japan, Europe, and North America. [Uranus had now passed into the sign of Pisces. Saturn Gemini. Pluto Sagittarius. The environmental anarchists of the mid-1960’s awoke and continue. ] In 2001, when the PRIUS went on sale and were mass marketed, a very interesting thing occurred. [ Chiron, was traveling between 22 and 26 Sagittarius, the point of the Galactic Center which was about 26 Sagittarius at that time.] Chiron, interestingly enough, is a hybrid character in myth. Half mortal and half god as well as half animal and half man….a hybrid. The 1997 Chicago Tribune announcement was on the same day Uranus went direct at 4 Aquarius 44.

And a short rest of the story… 

Transiting Pluto, from a Modern perspective, represents death as well as rebirth, and recently passed through the Galactic Center=28 Sagittarius. The Hybrid is the prototype of alternative transportation – making a way for all kinds of new vehicles run by various fuels that run from Sugar, Corn (Ethanol), Recycled Oil, and, in today’s news, run by AIR!!! The next Jupiter Uranus conjunction takes place at 00 Aries in June, 2010. I can assume, since 00 Aries is an important marker in Astrology that all of our vehicles will have some component of this hybrid thinking, using complements of fuels.

Coming back to earth and charts… 

Look at the planets around the horizon, within 5 to 7 degrees on either side of the angle. Look at the IC, MC axis and if there is clustering around these as well. The ancients watched the heliacal rising and setting stars at these points – very important. Whether you use classical or modern rulerships, what planets are in what houses?

If the ruler of the tenth is found in the fifth, what might that imply? What is the nature of the planet and not necessarily the sign???? This is a controversial issue, but does incorporate the idea that planets have specific traits. Like Mars as the ruler of the Rose because of the thorns.

Conversations between planets… 

The conversations are the ASPECTS. Using the example of Mercury. Perhaps Mercury doesn’t hold any interesting position in the chart when you initially look.

But when further investigating it, you see that it has several aspects with other planets. You also see that it is a final dispositor, which you cannot initially see.

Four-fold conversations 

A good way to do this is to tighten up your orbs so you can really see the aspects that are important. Each planet is in a house and rules another. This leaves four possibilities. The planet in a house, rules another. It has two conversations with itself.

The other planet aspecting it is in another house and rules another house. It, too, has its own conversation. Four conversations going on at one time. Example follows.

Presented by Georgia Stathis at Starcycles Publishing    (925) 689-7827

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