Mesquite and Rowlett voters guide

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A Star Local Media publication

Mesquite / Rowlett May 2013 Municipal Election


Page 2 — Star Local News — April 1, 2013

Table of Contents Mesquite City Council, p3 Rowlett City Council, p5

In order to better inform readers about the upcoming municipal election, Star Local Media sent questionnaires to all candidates running for city council in the markets we cover. Each candidate was asked questions and given a word limit to use however they saw fit. Candidates who wrote more than the word limit had their answers shortened at our discretion. Candidates who are not included in this guide did not return their questionnaires by the deadline.

The entire contents of this publication are Copyright 2013 by Star Community Newspapers. No portion may be reproduced in whole or in part by any means without the express written permission of Star Community Newspapers. Opinions expressed by the candidates are those of the author.

April 1, 2013 — Star Local News — Page


Mesquite City Council Don Hill - Mayor

David Fitzgerald - Place 2

If you had a magic wand and could get anything to aid the city, what would it be and why? Hill: Without questions the infrastructure is our most pressing problem, specifically looking at the roads in the city. Roads in fact are tools of business and the state of Mesquite roads is deplorable. If I had this “magic wand” my top priority would be to rebuild the infrastructure. This was the number one complaint among the citizens I have spoken with. There has been money allocate to make haphazard erratic temporary repairs which represent a band aid to the actual issue of .../

What is your opinion of Project Renewal and what changes, if any, would you make to it? Hill: Project Renewal is a great program and I support it 100 percent. Project Renewal is Mesquite’s longterm, strategic plan to rebuild and reinvent itself. This program is one of the few things that I can say Mayor Monaco has done right. The local government has been run for far too long by the same group of people that have become detached from the citizens of the community. I have gone door to door seeking concerns of the voters of Mesquite and .../

What is your opinion about the current economic growth in Mesquite, and what are your ideas to improve it? Hill: Growth is our destiny; I look for Mesquite to have a larger population and a stronger commercial hub adjacent to Dallas. Mesquite needs to do a better job of marketing itself to Dallas residents. Mesquite is a much cheaper community to live in and offers a better quality of life. We would do outreach to businesses and corporations looking to expand that have settled in Dallas as well as market the superior quality of life Mesquite has to offer. Mesquite will .../

What currently missing amenity would you like to see added to the city? Hill: One thing I would like to see for our pet owners and children is a dog park. With minimal investment we could convert an existing park or parks to dog parks. This gives people a place to take their pets in the various neighborhoods as well as the opportunity to have children have interactions with pets. It also encourages our citizens to exercise. It has proven very much needed and successful in Dallas and Mesquite can take a lesson from our .../

What are your thoughts about the conditions of the roads in Mesquite, and how would you make them better? Hill: As I said before, Infrastructure is a strong concern of mine from two pivotal points of view. One, how does our infrastructure compare to our current needs? Two, what will our infrastructure need to look like 10 years from now? We cannot waste money on short lived sloppy patch jobs when fundamental rebuilding needs to be done on the roads, for example. That is why I would propose a 10 year plan to upgrade the road system. Other areas of infrastructure .../

What makes you the best candidate for this seat? Hill: I believe my chief advantage is my ability to give the mayor’s office a fresh set of eyes without having special interest groups that I am indebted to and have to provide political favors. There is no question we need to have the community protected by departments such as the police and fire. These departments must work within their allocated budget, which is sustainable without risk to the community, yet we see overages in certain departments that rationally cannot be explained .../

If you had a magic wand and could get anything to aid the city, what would it be and why? Fitzgerald: I would increase the commercial tax base and bring in executive housing. This would improve our tax base as a whole. Unfortunately, the economy has restricted this growth. What is your opinion about the current economic growth in Mesquite, and what are your ideas to improve it? Fitzgerald: Even though the faltering economy has affected many cities, Mesquite taxes have not increased. As the economy recovers, we will need to increase our commercial tax base. This can be done by reviewing current policies and determining where revisions can be made that would help speed economic growth. I will work with the council to review these policies and determine where changed can be made. What are your thoughts about the conditions of the roads in Mesquite, and how would you make them better? Fitzgerald: There are some roads in Mesquite that are in less than acceptable condition. However, if elected, I would need to review the current economic situation to determine what improvements can be made. What is your opinion of Project Renewal and what changes, if any, would you make to it? Fitzgerald: There are many great ideas in Project Renewal that continue to improve our community. However, some of these policies may need to be tweaked so that they do not negatively affect businesses. I am looking

forward to discussing these issues with the council once elected. What currently missing amenity would you like to see added to the city? Fitzgerald: I would like to expand the city’s Parks and Recreation department. We need large recreational complexes that will not only attend to the needs of our seniors and youth, but to the needs of citizens of all ages. We could also use dedicated water spray parks for our youth. Unfortunately, with current revenues where they are, we cannot afford to add programs. Hopefully, we will have the money in the future to support building these facilities. What makes you the best candidate for this seat? Fitzgerald: As a council member, it is important to be active in community, not just attend council meetings. I have spoken to many business leaders and homeowners in the city and District 2. They find it very difficult to contact and communicate with Councilman Forsythe. He should know from when he was first elected that accessibility is important. However, he has chosen to make himself less accessible by removing his phone number from the City of Mesquite website. Mesquite is a working community. The city holds its council meetings in the middle of the day which makes it difficult for citizens to communicate with those council members who don’t have phone numbers to contact them. I look forward to working with the council and staff. If elected, I would be the youngest person on council and will bring about a youthful perspective.

Page 4 — Star Local News — April 1, 2013

Rowlett City Council Pamela Bell - Place 2 I f y o u h ad a m a g i c w a n d a n d c ou l d g e t a ny t h in g t o aid the city, what would it b e an d w h y ? Bell: If I could wave a magic wand. I would get a Center for the Senior Citizens of Rowlett, a larger facility for the Animals and not have a possible Tax increase in the next 2-3 years.

W h at i s y ou r o p in i on a bo u t t he c u r r e n t e c o n om i c g r o w t h i n R ow le t t , a n d w h at a r e y ou r i d e a s t o i m p r o v e i t? Bell: The growth is going well in Rowlett. We need more Businesses to relocate in our City. We have approximately 10% land left for development. The City Council and Manager have to make wise decisions on this matter.

W h a t a r e y o u r t h o u g h t s a bo u t t h e c o n d i t i on s of t he r oa d s in R o w l e t t , a n d ho w w o u l d y o u m a k e t h e m be t t e r ? Bell: The Roads in Rowlett are okay. The street crews keep up on the repairs and etc. W h a t i s y ou r o pi n i o n of t h e R e a l iz e R ow le t t 2 0 2 0 p la n a n d w h a t c h a ng e s , i f

Tammy Dana-Bashian - Place 2 any, would you make to it? Bell: I think the Realize Rowlett 2020 sets the vision for our City to be a key Player for the future, affecting the quality of life for every citizen. The chosen areas for development will be a mixture residential & commercial, smaller homes. more public areaa and etc. The City Council asked for citizens input on what we wanted, what we wanted and expected to happen in our City. So, we were not just handed something and told to live with it. This is what I admire our City Council and Manager. W h a t c u r r e n t ly m i s s i n g a me n i t y w ou l d y ou l i k e t o s e e a d de d t o t h e c i t y ? Bell: As stated above a Senior and larger Facility for our Animals. W h a t m a k e s y o u t h e be s t c a n d id a t e f or t hi s s e at ? Bell: I am the Best Candidate because, willing to listen to everyone, have vision, know the History about Rowlett. Involved with our Community want to see it progress into the future.

If y o u h a d a m a g i c w a n d a n d c o u l d g e t a n y t h i n g to aid the city, what would it be and why? Dana-Bashian: I would like Rowlett to have a vibrant downtown area with mixed use multifamily residential offerings, boutique shops, varied dining establishments, and a community entertainment venue. Surrounding communities already have established retail centers. Rowlett must differentiate itself and provide the public with destination attractions while still maintaining its small town atmosphere. A vibrant downtown area would generate new revenue sources, spur economic development, improve the City’s diversity of offerings, assist in keeping citizen’s entertainment spending in the City, and improve quality of life for its residents. Wh a t i s y o u r o p i n i o n a b o u t t h e c u r r e n t e c o n o m i c g r o w th i n R o w l e t t, a n d w h a t a r e y o u r i d e a s to i m p r o v e i t ? Dana-Bashian: While Rowlett experienced a 26 percent growth in population over the last ten years, economic growth has been too sluggish. This is slowly changing due to an improving national economy, the City’s implementation of new form-based building codes, and the opening of new regional modes of transportation. Development interest has increased and sales tax revenue is rising. Since October 2011, 33 new businesses have started operations in Rowlett and private investment in the City totaled $40 million for 2012. The City should utilize its three Municipal Management Districts .../ Wh a t a r e y o u r t h o u g h t s a b o u t t h e c o n d i t i o n s o f th e r o a d s i n R o w l e t t, a n d h o w wo u l d y o u m a k e t h e m b e t t e r? Dana-Bashian: Rowlett has done a good job performing preventative maintenance on its roads, spending $14.7 million since 2008. The City estimates it needs $45-50 million in the near future and $116 million over the long-term, to perform necessary minor and major rehabilitation. The City’s available bond funds, last obtained in 2006, will be expended by the end of 2013. Due to favorable

market conditions and the City’s excellent bond rating of AA-, bond funding is currently a cost effective way to obtain this funding. The City must educate the .../ W ha t is y our opi nion of t h e R e a l i z e R o w l e tt 2 0 2 0 p lan a nd w h at c h ang e s , if any, would you make to it? Dana-Bashian: I think Realize Rowlett 2020 provides an appropriate vision for future development that realistically defines a path of fiscal sustainability for the City. The City now needs to develop and implement detailed strategic action and marketing plans for the four focus areas currently outlined in the plan. The City must also develop detailed plans for its North Shore District, an area comprised of over 1,000 acres of undeveloped land slated for a mixed-use development with an emphasis on industrial development. W h a t c u r r e n tl y m i s s i n g a m e n i ty w o u l d y ou l ik e t o s e e ad de d t o t he c it y ? Dana-Bashian: Lake Ray Hubbard is the City’s most important visual, environmental, and recreational asset. Rowlett has not fully utilized this asset as it developed neighborhoods near shorelines for decades. I would like Rowlett to develop its remaining lakefront property with walking and biking trails, playgrounds, green space, and an entertainment venue such as an amphitheater. W h a t m a k e s y o u t h e b e s t c a n d i d a te f o r this seat? Dana-Bashian: Rowlett is facing a pivotal period over the next several years. As a fiscally conservative Certified Public Accountant with over 30 years of varied experience, I have the business and financial experience to help lead Rowlett through this period, and my expertise sets me apart from the other Place 2 candidates. I have a comprehensive understanding of Rowlett’s strengths, as well as the challenges the City faces. I am very thorough in research and analysis, creative in problem solving, and collaborative in decision making. I am innovative and .../

April 1, 2013 — Star Local News — Page


Rowlett City Council Pauline Dedrick - Place 2 If y ou had a magic wand and could g e t any thing to aid the city, what w o u l d i t b e an d wh y ? Dedrick: If I had a magic wand and could get anything to aid the city it would be to get the citizenry more involved in local elections. I can only imagine how much more vibrant our city could become when ideas are drawn from a larger and more diverse pool of thought. Everyone in Rowlett have skin in the game. Running for city council or voting for candidates that demonstrate your values in local elections is the surest way to make a .../ What is y o ur opi nion abo ut t he c ur r ent e conomic g r owth in R owle tt , and w hat ar e y our i deas to improv e it?

Dedrick: The economic development growth in Rowlett has been slow in my opinion. I have lived in Rowlett for 12 years. I have seen structures vacant for very long periods of time. One such building that has been vacant for many years is at Dalrock and 66, the northeast corner. I understand that used to be a grocery store. I feel like that would be a lovely spot for a Whole Foods. The potential for jobs, boost to our economy through an .../ W hat ar e y our thought s about the co ndit io ns of the r o ads in Ro w le tt, and how w o uld y o u make th em bet ter ? Dedrick: A section of Princeton Road after the Dalrock split at one time was very rough and bumpy. Since the repairs, it has been pleasant to use. My radius of travel

by necessity is not very large in Rowlett, but as I use the same roads over and over every day, I find no big holes or standing water on the roadways. I understand the street division of the Public Works Department has implemented an initiative called “keeping good roads good”. What is y o ur op inio n o f t he R ealiz e R owle tt 2020 p lan and what c hang es , if any, would you make to it? Dedrick: Realize Rowlett 2020 appear to be beneficial to Rowlett residents. I personally like D-1 area close to the hospital that will provide amenities for city employees with an array of health-related businesses. Also, there is one new higher density housing area (behind Beacon Harbor/Senior Care) on undeveloped land that they think could be targeted to elderly or younger people working at the hospital. Signature Gateway is an undeveloped tract that is closed to HOA’s in that area. It will probably .../

W ha t c u r r e n t l y m i s s i ng a m e n i t y w o ul d y o u l ik e t o s e e a d d e d t o t h e c i t y ? Dedrick: I understand that there is a subcommittee with the Parks and Recreation board studying the variables involved in placing a dog park in Rowlett. As a dog lover - I own two myself - I think that would be a wonderful idea. There are a lot of dog owners in Rowlett. A dog park would be a wonderful place for people with common interest to get together and thus strengthening a sense of community. Another city amenity that would help .../ W ha t ma k e s y ou t h e b e s t c a n d i da t e f o r th i s s e a t? Dedrick: I am not so sure I am the best candidate for this job. There are probably those who are more educated and more intelligent than I am who would serve just as well. I know I have a lot to learn. I will say with my whole heart that I will try to be the best candidate I can be and try to do the best job I can for everyone. I will do that by keeping my promise to look .../

Page 6 — Star Local News — April 1, 2013

Rowlett City Council Debby Bobbitt - Place 4 I f y o u h ad a m ag ic w a nd a nd c ou ld g e t a ny t h in g t o aid the city, what would it b e a n d wh y ? Bobbitt: Oh if I only had a wand! I would magically swish over all of Rowlett infrastructure and complete, maintain and replace and update all the old roads and redo all the water and sewer systems miles and miles and miles of antiquated, old and eroded piping! W ha t i s y ou r op in ion a bo ut t he c u r r e n t e c o no mi c g r o w t h i n R ow le t t , a nd w h at a r e y o ur i d e a s to i m p r o v e i t ? Bobbitt: My opinion on the growth rate in Rowlett is that we are at a pivotal point in the history of Rowlett. The next 5 years will be crucial to the success of Rowlett and we need to be thoughtful, full of the goal of Realize Rowlett and choose wisely in the placement of commercial business and any future residential endeavors. W h a t a r e y o u r th o u g h t s a b o u t t h e c o n d it i on s o f t h e r o ad s i n R ow l e t t , a nd h ow w o ul d y o u m a ke t h e m b e t t e r ? Bobbitt: My thoughts and observations are that some are really good and some are really bad roads. There is a plan in the grand scheme of things to repair and maintain roads in the future planned out in the city of Rowlett. We are on target to meet those goals, but funding, weather and costs to repair are things that are always fluctuating. What can I do to make it better? I cannot repair the roads, but I can be kept abreast of what is to be completed and when. I am always in the .../ W h at i s y ou r o pi ni o n o f t h e R e al i z e R o w l e t t 2 0 20 p la n an d w ha t c h an g e s , if any, would you make to it? Bobbitt: Realize Rowlett is not something

Arlan “Brownie” Sherrill - Place 4 this town was on the road to when I first moved here in 1996. It was to bring in the ability of our population to join in and be a part of the planning for the future of our city. Some people did not want change, a lot of folks were genuinely interested! And then there were the folks who were too busy or unaware what it was all about. And that could attribute to the low turn out. I was afraid that the citizens of Rowlett were beginning .../ W h at c u r r e nt l y m is s i n g a me ni t y w ou l d y o u l i k e to s e e a d d e d t o th e c i t y ? Bobbitt: AMENITIES - I could have a long wish list. I think a major amenity for large corporate businesses are lacking foir Rowlett. We need employers that are going to be able to bring a tax base to Rowlett and provide sustainable earning wages for our citizens. Certainly we have a lot of big box businesses and restaurants moving into the immediate area, but what about real employment opportunities? Major companies! Why have they not yet been brought into Rowlett. I understand we have our feelers out - but we are lacking in this that .../ W h a t m a k e s y o u th e b e s t c a n d i d a t e fo r t h i s se a t ? Bobbitt: I am a stakeholder in this city, a very involved stakeholder. I have served on various committees in the past, in areas that have concerned me within the city. I have learned and stretched and grown in these areas. But it is the areas within the city I am not familiar with that I want to become involved with and understand the needs and responsibilities in those areas. I will respond to citizens in a timely manner and we may not always agree, but we can all certainly learn to grow together when we do not .../

If you had a magic wand and could get anything to aid the city, what would it be and why? Sherrill: I would fix all the streets and alleys and that will take a magic wand. The soil conditions in this part of the country do not support streets as we would like. What is your opinion about the current economic growth in Rowlett, and what are your ideas to improve it? Sherrill: High quality sustainable development is critical to Rowlett’s future. If elected, I will continue to seek out the highest quality projects for our community. What are your thoughts about the conditions of the roads in Rowlett, and how would you make them better? Sherrill: As I stated above, the soil conditions do not support streets as we would like. Our city staff works hard to keep the good streets good and to replace the bad. A percentage of the operating budget is allocated for this each year.

What is your opinion of the Realize Rowlett 2020 plan and what changes, if any, would you make to it? Sherrill: I think the Rowlett 2020 plan is something this city can grow with. I was a participant in the creation of Rowlett 2020 along with many other citizens and I wouldn’t change anything. What currently missing amenity would you like to see added to the city? Sherrill: An Arts Center would be a nice addition. What makes you the best candidate for this seat? Sherrill: I have over 40 years of relevant business experience managing people, projects, and budgets. I have led numerous capital projects that require strategic planning and an attention to detail for successful execution. I take a fiscal responsible approach to my life. I have served on several Boards and Commissions and regularly attend city council meetings and events just to stay abreast of the issues.

April 1, 2013 — Star Local News — Page


Rowlett City Council Michael Gallops - Place 6 (incumbent) If you had a magic wand and could get any thing to aid the city, what would it be and why? Gallops: If I had a magic wand I’d replace all of the infrastructure, from top to bottom - roads, water lines, sewage lines, manholes, everything!! What is your opinion a bo ut the c ur re n t ec o nom ic growth i n Rowlett, and what are your ideas to impr ove it? Gallops: Economic growth in Rowlett is on the “uptick” as we implement Realize Rowlett 2020, the citizen designed vision and comprehensive plan for the city. To continue to improve it we need to keep following the vision the citizens helped develop. What a re yo ur thou ghts a bout the con d i ti ons of t he r oads in Ro wl ett , a nd ho w w oul d yo u m ake th em better? Gallops: Many of the roads in Rowlett are great while others are barely driveable. I believe the approach that the streets and roads team, while a difficult one for some, is the right one - keeping the good roads good so that we don’t end up with bigger issues in the near future. This allows us to extend the life of the roads that are in decent shape so that we can focus on finding ways to fix the roads that are not good. We need to continue looking for new methods and technologies so that we can repair or

John Spor - Place 6

If you had a magic wand replace the bad roads as quickly, efficiently and cost and could get anything to aid the city, what would it effectively as possible. be and why? Wh at is you r opi nion of Spor: The best thing that the Realize Rowlett 2020 can happen to our city, is for plan and what changes, if the economy to continue to any, would you make to improve and generate addii t? tional economic developGallops: I love the Real- ment here in Rowlett, this would allow us to continue ize Rowlett 2020 Vision! It improving our infrastructure was a two year process based very heavily on hun- and operate our library and dred of citizen’s input that parks, without needing to raise taxes, as well as protruly incorporates the vision of our residents for the vide additional jobs, shopfuture of Rowlett! Of course ping, restaurants and I would have loved to have had even more services to our residents. citizens invovled and if I could change anyWhat is your opinion about the current thing it would have been that - to have economic growth in Rowlett, and what are even more input that we did. your ideas to improve it? What currently missin g a meni ty would Spor: The economy is improving in you l ike to see ad ded to the city? Rowlett and the DFW area, but we still need more new businesses to locate here, which Gallops: I would love to have a facility that would incorparate a place for the arts will provide more jobs, more sales tax revand for our seniors. I’d also love to have a enue (and stop the sales tax revenue leakage that we have to Rockwall, Garland and skate park and a dog park! Mesquite) and additional property tax revWhat mak es you the best can did ate enue. We need to market Rowlett as a beautifor this seat? ful lakefront city, to wealthy international investors, who will start businesses here, as Gallops: My experience on Council, my well as continue our efforts to market role in developing the community vision with citizen input, my participation in the Rowlett to the DFW investor & development community. As a city, we need to consider if community, my love for this city and the people who live here and my commitment now is the .../ to continue to always seek citizen input What are your thoughts about the con these are just a few of the reasons I am the d i t i o n s o f t h e r o a d s i n R o wl e t t , a n d h o w best candidate for this seat. would you make them better? Spor: The city employees regularly grade our roads and alleys to determine which ones need repair and how much repair is needed. Our main roads and streets are mostly in good repair, but many of our side streets are in need of repair and we will need to replace many of the side streets as money permits. I would like to see the focus of the city repair crews changed to improving the city streets and to have them put less

emphasis on repairs to the alleys, which are lower traffic areas. What is your opinion of the Realize Rowlett 2020 plan and what changes, if any, would you make to it? Spor: The Realize Rowlett plan is a good starting point for us to guide development of the undeveloped areas of the city, but we need to remember that for the plan to succeed, we must keep the citizens involved and informed, as well as listen to our citizens concerns during future development. We cannot just make a plan and then expect that no changes will be needed, or that every developer will see our “vision” of the city, we need to be open to changes and other “visions” of what our city can be. What currently missing amenity would you like to see added to the city? Spor: I would like to see the downtown area developed, with new housing options, shopping options and to make it more of a destination for people to go to, I think this would be good for our community and we could offer our young people other housing options that will keep them in our community. What makes you the best candidate for this seat? Spor: I have been in executive management of multiple companies, as well as an owner of several companies for more than 15 years, so I have a good feel for how to effectively manage, as well as understand the financial and accounting issues that our city’s businesses and the city faces. I have worked for the last six years as a voting member on the City of Rowlett Economic Development Advisory Board and I am also an advisor to Representative Angie Chen Button, serving on her Economic Development and Technology roundtables. I also serve as the .../

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