Grand Coulee Dam Area Visitors Guide 2020-21

Page 26


Four-Town Map The Grand Coulee Dam community is made up of four towns and more than a dozen unincorporated areas between and around those towns. Electric City is the farthest south on SR-155. Next, VISITOR heading north, is Grand Coulee, then Coulee Dam, which straddles the Columbia River, then Elmer City. Heading north toward Omak as you cross the river in Coulee Dam, you enter the Colville Indian Reservation.


Weil Pl.

No r AAvvee .. AAlc lcaann RRdd..

CCaa rrddii nnaa ll RRd d.. EE aasstt

SSpp ookka anne e

W Woo oodd ss SS tt..

W Waa yy AAiirr ppoo rrtt RR dd..

Grand Coulee 24

La ke

W Weet tzzeell SSm mitit SStt.. hh SSt t.. H Hililll AAvv BBoow weennee.. SStt.. GGaa M MccG rrnnee Goovv eern rr AA rn SSt vvee. t.. . RRoo oossee Ba Batc tche hello D vveel Dililll llo rr Sq Sq.. ltt DD AAvvee .. rr.. Co Coop oper er Sq Sq.. BBaa nnkk BBaann KKnn eerr Bu Butle tlerr Sq uuttee Sq SStt.. kkss AAvv ee.. BBuu ttllee RRoo rr SS w wllaa tt.. nndd LLaan nee

Kin g S vans t. E O'Su lliv an J one s S t. Cole St.

Water Pl.

Gold Ave .


Electric City

YYaa kkiim ma a SS tt.. W Ween naattc chhee ee

Federal Ave. Federal Ave. W Waa NN sshhi Center St. oobbll Center St. inngg ee R ttoonn Rdd SStt.. ..

Cre scent Bay

SSililvve err D Drr..

CCaa rrddii nnaa ll RRd d.. W Wee sstt CCaa rrddii nnaa ll PPl l..

th Sou 155

FFoort rtuuyyn n RRdd ..

Ave. Midway Midway Ave. St. Morrison Morrison St. JJoohh Van Ave. Tyne Tyne Ave. nnssVan oonn SStt..

y Spokane Wa

CCrree sstt SSuunn sseett D Drr..



o tell Par

aarrkk D Dia iam moonnPP SSuunn dd SStt.. s s e e tt D PPeeaa rrll AA Drr.. vvee..


orth 55 N SR 1

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Card inal Rd.

Ba nk sL ake

A Avvee..

Spo kan e Blv d.

ee.. rr AAvv TTO lmee alm O SScchh PPa BBaa :: rreeii n bbee AAiirr nkkss LL rr AA a vvee. SSttee ppoorrtt akkee GG . oollff aam mbb ooaa tt RR oocck k SS tt.. PP aarrkk

ranndd G Gra

M Miil lleerr PPll..

e. Av ce est Pla lcr Hil ton ing sh Wa . d ler Mil Blv . ic e ctr n Av . l e Ele o c Av . Lin n ve kso w A . Jac llo Ave e f s od en Go ev ve. t S A ol l ho ei Sc cN M

lv lvdd.. leee BB CCoouule

r Taylo t Ken

ve.. Ave mss A iam illia W Will ve.. Ave SSttaa Ke ls lsoo A tteeKe

w AA LLaakkeevviieew vvee..

th D


3rd St.

SSaan ndd yy LL nn..

D iv is ion S t. 1st S t. 2nd St.

SStt.. 22nndd

t Eas

H H SStt ..

CC SSt.t.

BB SSt.t.

BBuurrd AA SSt.t. din in BBlv lvdd..

3rd St.

SSuunn nnyy D Drr..

EE.. SSt.t.

Feeder Canal

4th St.

5th S t. 4th St.

Ba nk sL ake

G G SSt.t.

D iv is ion St. 1st S t.

FF SStt ..


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