Sauk Rapids Herald - September 1 edition

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Saturday, September 1, 2018

Vol. 164, No. 21

Sauk Rapids street improvements raise eyebrows


Leon Thelen Thelen reflects on high school athletics BY ANNA SALDANA STAFF WRITER


Sauk Rapids Director of Utilities Craig Nelson (left) and Sauk Rapids Mayor Kurt Hunstiger (right) stand with Tom Schnettler, utilities employee, at the Aug. 27 council meeting in Sauk Rapids. Schnettler was recognized for 40 years of service to the city of Sauk Rapids at the meeting.

Residents concerned with speed, pedestrian safety, construction inconvenience BY NATASHA BARBER STAFF WRITER

SAUK RAPIDS — A handful of residents raised concerns regarding an upcoming street improvement project at the Sauk Rapids City Council meeting Aug. 27. Despite the concerns, the council unanimously approved and moved forward with the project, authorizing engineering. “… Around the end of the year, the first part of next

year we will bring back the plans and specifications to the council to approve,” said Terry Wotzka, city engineer. “The action they will take then is they will approve the plans and specifications and authorize the advertisement for bids.” The project includes reconstruction and utility improvements of Fourth Street South from Second Avenue South to Summit Avenue

City council page 3

SAUK RAPIDS — Leon Thelen grew up being involved in athletics. Despite growing up on a farm, Thelen was a threesport athlete with aspirations of being involved in four. “I absolutely loved being involved in athletics,” Thelen said. “It was all about being with your teammates and getting involved in the competition. I also enjoyed the exercise aspect to it.” Thelen began participating in athletics while he attended a rural one-room schoolhouse. In seventh grade, he began to think seriously about sports and began competing recreationally. By the time he entered high school, Thelen participated in basketball during the winter and both baseball and track and field during the spring. “I learned to balance baseball with track,” Thelen said. “We only had four sports to choose from when I was in high school. I enjoyed both baseball and track, so I made it work. I really would have liked to play football, too, but my dad didn’t allow me to. I had to be on the

farm to help with harvest. The coach even talked with my dad to try and convince him to let me play.” Thelen continues his love of sports today and will earn his next accomplishment Sept. 29 as he is inducted into the Sauk Rapids-Rice High School Athletic Hall of Fame. Thelen will be presented with the award alongside Pam Brennan (class of 1976), Pete BergePHOTO BY ANNA SALDANA son (class of Leon Thelen stands in Sauk Rapids after reflecting 1979) and on his high school athletic career Aug. 20. Thelen the late Jared will be inducted into the Sauk Rapids-Rice High Lazer (class of School Athletic Hall of Fame Sept. 29. 2002). “It is really an honor,” group with my daughter.” Thelen enjoys reflecting Thelen said. “I’m humbled that on his time as a high school I get to be recognized.” One of Thelen’s favorite athlete and often thinks about parts of the upcoming induc- how much high school athletics tion is being a part of the Hall have changed since then. “Back then, when we had of Fame with his daughter, Sue. “She was the first wom- a baseball game, we got out of an inducted into the Hall of school at noon because there Fame,” Thelen said. “It is a great feeling to be a part of this Thelen page 3

Board acts on open enrollment revise the caps annually. “Closing open enrollment to the state miniSAUK RAPIDS — Open enrollment in the mum at the kindergarten level will allow us some Sauk Rapids-Rice School District is changing control going forward,” Sinclair said. “We wanted after action was taken by the school to cap these grade levels in a way where board at its Aug. 20 meeting. The board it will be effective going forward and adopted a resolution to set grade level this seemed to be the best way to do it.” caps district-wide following a recomThe policy went into effect immendation from superintendent Aaron mediately, but Sinclair made sure the “Our hope is Sinclair and business manager Andi board was aware it will take time to see that by the time changes. Johnson. “We conducted a thorough inspec“Having the policy in effect now the transition tion of all the buildings in the district, begins affecting will help improve enrollment for the focusing on the currents spaces and future,” Sinclair said. “However, it will how each space is being used,” Sin- the high school, take a number of years to fully see the our resident clair said. “Then we built a model of changes. All students who have been what we want class sizes to look like accepted into our district through open enrollment will and how to enter into a reduced open enrollment previously will be allowed have grown enrollment situation.” to continue their education with us per and will level From the research, Sinclair recstate law, so it will take some time for ommended setting grade level caps of everything off.” those students to cycle through.” 300 students for kindergarten, 320 stu- - Aaron Sinclair One of the biggest concerns from dents for each grade first through fifth members of the audience was how and 340 students for each grade sixth programming would be affected, parthrough 12th. Kindergarten open enrollment was ticularly at the high school level with the culinary also reduced to the state minimum of one percent. program and other additional activities. While the grade level caps are in place immediSchool district page 2 ately, the board has the opportunity to revisit and BY ANNA SALDANA | STAFF WRITER

OBITUARIES • Russell C. Fuchs • Kathryn S. Honebrink Mellema • Linda K. Schlichting

PUBLIC NOTICES • Voluntary Mortgage Foreclosure - pg. 5B • Benton County Planning Commission Notice of Public Hearings - pg. 5B • Benton County Hwy Dept. Ad for Bids - pg. 5B • Benton County Hwy Dept. Ad for Bids - pg. 5B • Mortgage Foreclosure Schlien - pg. 5B • Benton County Notice of Public Hearings - pg. 5B • Articles of Incorporation - pg. 11 • City of Sauk Rapids Regular Meeting Minutes - pg. 11 • City of Sauk Rapids Special Meeting Minutes - pg. 11

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