Benton Ag Plus - August 4, 2018

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Serving rural Benton County, Morrison, Mille Lacs & Kanabec Counties.

Sauk Rapids Herald


The cows are back Dairy show returns to Sherburne County Fair BY JENNIFER COYNE STAFF WRITER

ELK RIVER – It has been several years since there was a 4-H dairy show at the Sherburne County Fair. With Thomas and Kristin Duden’s willingness and Julia Ihnen’s persistence, dairy cattle returned to the fair July 19-22 in Elk River. “We provide the animals and equipment to get ready for


Deb and Dan Hennek milk 95 cows and crop farm 145 acres on their farm in Foley. The Henneks are the 2018 Benton County Farm Family of the Year.

dairy shows, but it’s up to the kids and how much they want to work with the project,” Kristin said. “Julia really took initiative and worked hard this summer.” The Dudens milk 45 cows on Kristin’s family’s farm near Princeton. This year, they leased three registered Jersey cattle to Ihnen for the county’s 4-H dairy show – a winter calf, fall calf and spring junior yearling. Participating in a dairy cattle show was not a new experience for Ihnen. “I showed cattle at the Mille Lacs County Fair open show when I was 5 years old. This was my rst year in 4-H, but I knew I wanted to show dairy,” said Ihnen, the 10-year-old-daughter of Joel

County fair page 3

Henneks named Benton County’s farm family BY JAKE DOETKOTT STAFF WRITER


a quality product like the rest.” They have raised four children on the farm and now welcome their six grandchildren to enjoy similar experiences. Dan and Deb earn their living milking 95 cows, two times a day, on the 218-acre property near Foley. The Henneks’ herd boasts a rolling herd average of 24,500 pounds of milk. In addition to their dairy

Henneks page 2


Artsway Oxbo 1 1416 Hay Merger BA31-1B-JW

Rubes Sponsored by Fluegge’s Ag

Abby Grimm (from left), Julia Ihnen and Kristin Duden pose with Ihnen’s show animals and ribbons after the Sherburne County Fair 4-H Dairy Show July 20 in Elk River.

FOLEY — In 2016, the Henneks’ family farm was recognized as a century farm – having raised crops and livestock for more than 130 years under the guidance of four generations. This year, the University of Minnesota Extension has dubbed couple Dan and Deb Hennek the 2018 Benton County Farm Family of the

Year. While the award is meaningful, the Henneks do not continue their family’s legacy to be honored for its achievements. “We haven’t worked any harder than the other farmers in our area,” Deb said. Dan agreed. “We feel we are just representing the other hardworking farmers in the area,” he said. “We all try to raise the animals the best we can. Deb and I just keep at it and make

2 year old belts, like new



ROD FLUEGGE “the boss” Farm Material Handling Specialist 2040 Mahogany St., Mora, MN WWW.FLUEGGESAG.COM 320-679-2981

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