Benton Ag Plus - May 5, 2018

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Serving rural Benton County, Morrison, Mille Lacs & Kanabec Counties.


Sauk Rapids Herald


Educational fun in the summer

Udermanns host annual Farm Camp Minnesota July 17 BY JENNIFER COYNE STAFF WRITER

SARTELL — With the farming community making up less than 2 percent of the nation’s population, it is critical everyday consumers learn about where their food comes from. One dairy farmer from Sartell is making it his mission to educate the public not only about common misconceptions in agriculture, but also about the livelihood his family embraces. “I’m trying to personally fill the gap between farming and the general society,” Alex Udermann said. “I want for people to get more involved in understanding where their food comes from.” Udermann will facilitate his mission as he and his family host the annual Farm Camp Minnesota event at their dairy farm near Sartell July 17. Udermann is the fifth

generation at Meadowbrook Dairy, farming with his wife, Kirsten, parents – John and Mary Lou – and younger brother, Jake. The Udermanns milk 120 dairy cows just outside of Sartell’s city limits. While the family has actively engaged with the public through private farm tours, parades and social media, hosting Farm Camp will help them reach an audience much larger than ever before. “In one afternoon, we’re going to be directly interacting with 150 kids,” Udermann said. … This will be an opportunity unlike any other for our community to see local agriculture.” Farm Camp Minnesota is in its seventh year of providing agricultural insight to children grades 3-6. The program first began as a one-day event in August and catered to the communities in southern Minnesota. However, with growing interest, the program has developed into a three-day PHOTO SUBMITTED event that travels across Children gather around an educational booth to learn about corn byproducts during one of the Farm Camp events last summer. the state – in southern This year, the event will be held at Meadowbrook Dairy July 17 near Sartell. Minnesota, the Twin Cities

Farm camp page 2

Kroll selected as FFA state officer BY NATASHA BARBER STAFF WRITER


The 2018-19 Minnesota State FFA Officer Team – Secretary Laura Church (front, from left), President Grace Taylor and Reporter Lauralee Eaton; (back, from left) Vice President Kegan Zimmerman, Sentinel H. James Mathiowetz and Treasurer Adam Kroll – are elected April 24 at the 89th annual Minnesota FFA Convention in St. Paul. Kroll is a member of the Pierz FFA Chapter and the son of Duane and Linda Kroll, of Royalton.

a difference in the who is studying agricultural Dakota State University. “I opportunity to make a organization,” said Kroll, economics at North thought it was an incredible difference in people’s lives.


Kroll page 2

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FOLEY — When the 89th annual Minnesota FFA Convention concluded April 24, six new faces were elected to serve and represent the more than 10,000 Minnesota chapter members for the next year. Amongst the incoming state officer team was Adam Kroll, a 2017 Pierz Healy High School graduate. Kroll will fulfill the role of 2018-19 Minnesota State FFA Treasurer. “It’s really exciting,” said Kroll, the son of Duane and Linda Kroll of Royalton. “I ran last year too, and didn’t make it on the team, so I know how it feels to not be selected. … It’s a whole whirlwind of emotions.” Kroll was selected from a panel of 14 finalists from across the state. It was the second time the 18-yearold applied and advanced to final rounds for the leadership positions. “I took the (second) chance because I still thought I could make

… FFA is so much bigger than just preparing students for careers in agriculture. We’re changing lives and building leaders. When I was able to see that and really understand why FFA is so important, I knew I had to give it another shot.” Kroll became involved with the Pierz FFA Chapter as a freshman in high school. He initially participated in a dairy judging event before finding a more comfortable fit in crops judging, prepared public speaking, state and national FFA chorus, and his diversified crop production placement SAE [supervised agricultural experience]. FFA became progressively important in Kroll’s life, and he was motivated to become a leader by Minnesota’s own Valerie Earley, who he met at a leadership camp the summer before his sophomore year. Earley, the 2016-17 National Central Region Vice President, has made an impact on Kroll and other members across the nation and was invited to attend a Farmer

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