Sauk Rapids Herald - April 7 edition

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New Look. Same Local Coverage since 1854. Saturday, April 7, 2018

Vol. 163, No. 52

11 2nd Ave. N., Unit 103, Sauk Rapids, Benton County, MN 56379

Sauk Rapids teen receives high honors Johnson accepts Youth of the Year award BY VICKI IKEOGU CONTRIBUTING WRITER

ST. CLOUD — In many respects, 16-year-old Sauk RapidsRice High School sophomore Travis Johnson is a spitting image of his mother, Doris. He may have a few inches on his mom, but the two share the same smile, the same call to serve – Doris spent time in the U.S. Navy which is a post-high school goal for Travis – and both call (or called) the St. Cloud’s Eastside Boys & Girls Club a home away from home. “The Boys & Girls Club has shown me what it means to be respectful through programs like Keystone [a leadership development program] or Date Smart where they’re teaching teens how to act responsibly and be respectful in the community,” Travis said. “I’ve got to go on many trips through Keystone, where we either sold pop here or did service projects in the community where we would pick up garbage in a park.” Through his nearly eight years of involvement in the club, Johnson Àgured it was time, yet again, to follow in his mother’s

friend group. It’s been good ever since.” Throughout his time at the Eastside club, Travis has gotten the chance to experience many things “The Boys & Girls Club has he never thought he would. “I think about seventh grade, I shown me what it means to be started doing a fashion class here,” respectful through programs Travis said. “We designed a dress and had it in a fashion show down in like Keystone [a leadership Mankato. And because I’ve been in development program] or Date the club since I was in third grade, Smart where they’re teaching I’ve done a lot of the Àeld trips.” Travis has had the chance to teens how to act responsibly and partake in several local math and be respectful in the community.” science camps as well as travel to the Twin Cities for various activities - Travis Johnson through the Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Minnesota. “If I wouldn’t have come here, I don’t think I would have been able footsteps. Nearly 40 years later, to do as many things as I have,” Doris Johnson watched as her son Travis said. “Like working out or accepted the same award she did in being able to join multiple different 1979: Eastside Boys & Girls Club activities and being in Keystone. I Youth of the Year. was the president of that club for a “The Youth of the Year award couple of years. … As a kid, we are (is given) to someone who is going to these meetings and helping outgoing or outstanding, and they out our community.” are pretty much the face of the Boys When the opportunity to try and & Girls Club that they represent,” become Youth of the Year presented Travis said. “It shows they don’t itself, Travis jumped at the chance. just stand out at the club, but in the “For the application, we had community and at school.” to write three essays and answer a Travis has been attending the bunch of questions,” Travis said. Eastside club since he was about 8 PHOTO BY VICKI IKEOGU “We had to interview and present an years old. “We just moved here from Travis Johnson stands inside the Eastside Boys & Girls Clubs of Central essay at the club and write and give Rice, and I didn’t really know a lot Minnesota. Travis, a sophomore at Sauk Rapids-Rice High School, won the a speech.” It was a much more complex of people,” Travis said. “Because Eastside Boys & Girls Club Youth of the Year award. my mom went here when she was a came here, I had a bunch of people wanted to know about me and hang Johnson page 3 kid she signed me up. The second I my age come up to me and instantly out with me. I got sucked into a big

Changing lives one class at a time Simpler talks of Catholic Charities work BY ANNA SALDANA STAFF WRITER

SAUK RAPIDS – Mare Simpler is passionate about helping others, particularly through her work at Catholic Charities. “I love helping people, especially seniors,” Simpler said. “When I retired from Xcel Energy, I knew I wanted to give something else a try. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to try. … Slowly I came to realize I wanted to work with a group of people conscious about their health and wellness and here I am.” Simpler has been a health promotions specialist with Catholic Charities since February 2011. She has taught a wide variety of classes including programs which cover chronic pain, falling and balance and diabetes prevention and healthy living. All of the classes are taught with evidence-based research. “I love teaching these classes and seeing how people are impacted,” Simpler said. “In my seven years of teaching, I’ve been able to see a lot of different health for the long term. outcomes – It’s a much better lifestyle people getting that way.” out of a chair for Simpler travels to the Àrst time or teach classes in nine of the learning about 16 counties served by the renovations Diocese of St. Cloud. they can do in “I once taught a their home to chronic pain class in Foley be able to stay as a partnership with Foley their longer Area C.A.R.E.,” Simpler as they age. said. “In the class, there Seeing these was an individual who was outcomes is reporting pain equal to a very humbling 10 on the pain scale. By for me. I want Mare Simpler the time he was done with to see seniors the class, he was reporting be able to enjoy their lives and improve their a six. That was an emotional story

County waives solar subscription FOLEY — Benton County will not proceed with a NRG Energy solar subscription agreement. The board of commissioners waived signing into a contract April 3 after new information regarding the site development was received. Benton County had pursued an agreement with the company earlier this year where the county would become a subscriber to sites in Stearns and Sherburne Counties. The agreement estimated a savings of $984,000 over 25 years. Following a tabled action for contract clariÀcation March

20, NRG communicated the sites proposed in the agreement would have delays in operation. The board could enter into the agreement with the possibility of terminating the solar-subscription if the company failed to achieve operation within two years. County administrator Monty Headley recommended the board put a hold on signing the agreement. He said if the board enters into the agreement, they will have no

Benton County page 3

Four named as Women Making History honorees


Mare Simpler, Catholic Charities of the Diocese of St. Cloud health promotions specialist, hangs a poster for one of her classes in April 2016. Simpler has been teaching a variety of healthrelated classes since February 2011.

for me, how the class helped change things around for him.” Simpler was scheduled to teach a diabetes prevention class in Sauk Rapids recently but was unable to provide the class due to low registration. “There weren’t enough people signed up to attend,” Simpler said. “In order to hold a class, there is a minimum participation requirement, as well as a maximum. I want to get the word out about these classes because I think they really make a difference in people’s lives.”

Simpler page 3

SAUK RAPIDS — The Benton County Historical Society has announced its 2018 Women Making History honorees. Foley residents Mary Chmielewski and Nancy Kampa, along with Rice resident Theresa Duea will be recognized for their contributions to Benton County at an April 15 luncheon. The three will be joined by junior honoree, Foley High School student Amelia Winkelman. The event will take place at Henry’s Event Center — 6774

Highway 25, Foley — beginning with a social hour at 12:30 p.m., followed by lunch and a program acknowledging the individuals. The event is expected to Ànish at approximately 3 p.m. Tickets are available in advance. Those wishing to participate in the event should RSVP to the Mary Ostby, executive director of the Benton County Historical Museum, at (320) 253-9614 or bchsmus@ by April 9.

PUBLIC NOTICES • Sauk Rapids - Rice Notice of Special Election - pg. 6 • Minnesota Board of Pardons Legal Notice - pg. 6 • Benton County Regular Meeting Minutes - pg. 7 • Notice of Mortage Foreclosure - Lieser - pg. 7 • Notice of Mortage Foreclosure - Baron - pg. 7 • Assumed Name - Tripiciano Immigration Law - pg. 7 • Benton County Board of Commissioners Meeting March 15 - pg. 7 • City of Sauk Rapids Public Hearing - Quarry Village LLC. - pg. 7 • Minden Township Request for Quotes - pg. 7 • Benton County Board of Adjustment Public Hearings - pg. 8 • Sauk Rapids - Rice Ind. School Minutes - March 12, 2018 - pg. 8 • City of Foley Advertisements For Bids - pg. 8 • Notice of Mortage Foreclosure - Johnson - pg. 8 • Notice of Mortgage Foreclosure - Ziwicki - pg. 8 • Notice of Mortgage Foreclosure - Kolbo - pg. 8 • City of Sauk Rapids Notice of Public Hearing April 23, 2018 - pg. 8 • Benton County Delinquent Tax List - pg. 4B - 6B

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