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Saturday, June 30, 2018
Reunited after Class of 1958 celebrates at Hillside School
60 years
11 2nd Ave. N., Unit 103, Sauk Rapids, Benton County, MN 5637 56379
Vol. 164, No. 12
SAUK RAPIDS — It has been 60 years since the Sauk Rapids Class of 1958 threw their graduation caps in the air and stepped into the world to make a life of their own. Many married and had children, some traveled and others settled in the same town they had always called home. But all witnessed historic events such as the rst moon landing, Vietnam War, Watergate, the fall of the Berlin Wall, 9/11 and the election of the rst African American president. Yet despite the various stories each class member has to tell about the history they have outlived, they all share memories of their time at Hillside School. More than 60 students, spouses and friends of the class of 1958 came together June 22 at the former high school to celebrate their 60th class reunion. They met in the dual gymnasium-auditorium, toured the facilities, enjoyed a meal and music, and reminisced of
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Members of the Sauk Rapids Class of 1958 – Glorian (Wippich) Blowers (front, from left), Rita (Raabe) Williams, Judy (Meyer) Heintze and Joyce (Steindorf ) Blomquist; (second row, from left) Richard Mastey, Delores (Tadych) Wiechmann, Joyce (Gorecki) Fritsinger, Shirley (Reginek) Jurek, Ruth (Weitgenant) Nelson, Karen (Breer) Kierzek and Pat (Visneski) Burski; (third row, from left) Bernard Jahn, Gary Brandon, Norbert Stang, Ronald Puhalla, Harland “Billy” Meehl, Sandra (Ayer) Johnson, Kathleen (Wisneski) Gunerius and Judy (Alvord) Holmgren; (fourth row, from left) Chet Kelm, Darrell Patton, Jerry Schwalboski, Melvin Hackett and Tom O’Brien; (fifth row, from left) Tom Machula, Daryl Bergstrasser, Fred Segler, Lee Monk and Jack Machula – gather June 22 in Sauk Rapids for their 60th class reunion. The event took place at Hillside School, which was the high school the class attended, and featured a tour of the facility, music, a meal and socializing.
PUBLIC NOTICES • Benton County Highway Dept. CSAH 2 Reconstruction - pg. 16 • Benton County Notice of Public Hearings - pg. 16 • City of Sauk Rapids Advertisement for Bids - pg. 16 • Benton County Notice of Public Hearings - Development Code pg. 16 • Benton County Public Hearings Comprehensive Plan Map -pg. 16 • Benton County Public Hearings Zoning Map - pg. 16 • Benton County Public Hearings Development Code - pg. 16 • Mortgage Foreclosure - Knutson - pg. 16 • Sauk Rapids City Council Reg. Meeting - June 11, 2018 - pg. 17 • Public Notice - Application for Transfer of Control - pg. 17 • Public Notice - Application for Transfer of Control - pg. 17
Obituaries • Jeanette C. Binsfeld • Mary Lou Braun • Jane M. Garner-Broda • James E. Lazar • Monte R. Martin
In character
Finlayson overcomes Asperger’s on stage BY ANNA SALDANA STAFF WRITER
SAUK RAPIDS — Max Finlayson enjoys movies, and anyone who knows him well can recognize the one-liners and his passion for lm. Finlayson has been on stage for countless plays and musicals, but life was not always easy for him. When he was in second grade, he was diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome. Because of his disability, Finlayson struggled with both comprehension and socialization. “It was always hard for him, in his younger years, to have conversations and to be around people,” said Karen Finlayson, Max’s mom. “He was a very routine kid and had to be prepped a couple days ahead of time if I needed to pick him up from school to go to the dentist or anything like that. He certainly had his struggles and dif culties as he progressed through
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Max Finlayson poses for a photo in November 2017. Finlayson performed in “It’s a Wonderful Life.”