Legion baseball page 15
New Look. Same Local Coverage since
18 5 4 . Saturday, July 28, 2018
11 2nd Ave. N., Unit 103, Sauk Rapids, Benton County, MN 56379
Vol. 164, No. 16
Jenna Bukowski Leading at school, in the community BY ANNA SALDANA | STAFF WRITER
OBITUARIES • Lorraine E. Bemboom • Barbara A. Francis
PUBLIC NOTICES • Mortgage Foreclosure Knutson - pg. 8 • Public Hearing Notice- pg. 8 • Notice of Public Hearing Aug. 9 - pg. 8 • Optical Scan Voting System Notice - pg. 8 • City of Sauk Rapids Reg. Metting Minutes, July 9, 2018 - pg. 9 • City of Sauk Rapids Public Accuacy Test Notice- pg. 9 • Sauk Rapids-Rice School Board Minutes - pg. 9 • City of Sauk Rapids Notice of Primary Election - pg. 8 • Assumed Name - Gosewisch Construction - pg. 8
SAUK RAPIDS — Jenna Bukowski wears many hats. She is involved in FFA, student council, Project 4 Teens, girls golf and Minnesota Honor Society at Sauk Rapids-Rice High School and also lls her time as a peer minister at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Sauk Rapids. Adding to her headwear, Bukowski was crowned Sauk Rapids Community Ambassador July 21. She serves her title alongside Anna Walz and Morgan Weinand. “I am so happy they were crowned,” Bukowski said. “It was like a dream come true for me to be crowned. It’s something I’ve dreamed of since I was a little girl. I couldn’t ask for better crown sisters.” As an ambassador, Bukowski is expected to be a role model and leader in the community, something she is no stranger to. “I love being a leader and as an ambassador, that’s exactly what I am,” Bukowski said. “There is some-
Jenna Bukowski wears her FFA jacket July 19 at her home. Bukowski has been involved in FFA since her freshman year, and enjoys both the service work and the leadership aspects to the organization.
Ending Epilepsy Edelbrocks walk in memory of Marcaylin BY NATASHA BARBER STAFF WRITER
SARTELL — Two months after the death of their daughter to what medical examiners deemed a probable terminal seizure, Craig and Fawn Edelbrock are determined to keep Marcaylin’s memory alive. With a team of more than 50 participants, the Edelbrocks and their daughter, Carys, will join others in the 2018 Rise Above Seizures Walk at the Lake George Municipal Complex Aug. 2 in St. Cloud. It is estimated 65 million people in the world have epilepsy; 470,000 of those are children in the United States. Four-year-old Marcaylin lost a 32-month battle with the neurological disease May 17.
Edelbrock page 2 PHOTO BY ANNA SALDANA
Carys Edelbrock (left) is pictured with her younger sister Marcaylin. Marcaylin, who suffered from epilepsy, passed away from a potential terminal seizure.
Drawdown delayed Miscommunication thwarts cleanup of Little Rock Lake BY NATASHA BARBER STAFF WRITER
RICE — The six-week drawdown to restore water quality in Little Rock Lake has been delayed. The announcement came Wednesday, only one week from Aug. 1 – the date the drawdown was slated to begin. Extreme frustration were the words Eric Altena, Department of Natural Resources Area Fisheries Manager, used to describe his initial reaction. Altena was shocked when he heard the drawdown could not proceed as planned. He said partner-
Drawdown page 3