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11 2nd Ave. N., Unit 103, Sauk Rapids, Benton County, MN 56379
Section B Saturday, August 25, 2018
Vol. 164, No. 20
Age-old education one digital devices. Text books are no longer brought home covered in paper bag book jackets, and A-Z Encyclopedia sets are near non-existent. Yet, despite the increase in technology, SCREAM, St. Cloud’s Retired Educators Association of Minnesota, and the Benton County Historical Society are determined to keep the memories of rural, country school alive. The two organiBY NATASHA BARBER zations have partnered in eduSTAFF WRITER cating community members on one-room school houses SAUK RAPIDS — Many each year as they invite attendpeople have heard stories of ees of the Benton County Fair how when their grandparents into Benton County’s District or parents went to school, No. 2 – the former school house of Watab they walked 1 Township. mile, uphill, “If they don’t both ways. All know anything joking aside, about it, they education has are surprised the undoubtedly schools had six changed in or eight grades many ways in the one room over the course schools,” said of America’s Pat Hill, a memhistory. Even ber of SCREAM in the last 20 who had relatives years, area who taught in ruschools have ral schools. “It progressed was a good edufrom small cation because computer labs kids from upper to students reEunice Cross grades could learn ceiving one-to-
Benton County’s District No. 2 school house rests at the Benton County Fairgrounds. The buildings memorabilia reminds fair visitors country school settings.
Country school memories recalled
from the lower ones. If the older ones didn’t get it, they could listen in again. And the older students helped the younger ones. It was a community thing, and the school was the center at that time.” According to information gathered at the Benton County Historical Society, Dis-
trict No. 2 Schoolhouse was moved to the Benton County Fairgrounds in 1982. The then 100-year-old school was located near the Cove Development on Benton County Road 55 in Watab Township, but the location was never permanent. “It was on skids and they would move it around,” Hill
Ready, set, go Custodians spend summer prepping for school year
District No. 2 page 2
OBITUARIES • DuWayne E. Dropps • Marice Keeley • Jay R. Saldana
SAUK RAPIDS — For most students and teachers, the last day of school signals the onset of relaxation and restoration. Summer days are filled with family activities and days at the beach, pool or cabin. But for a select few, PHOTOS BY NATASHA BARBER day one marks the first day Sauk Rapids-Rice Public Schools Building and Grounds Director, Greg of prepping for a new school Robbins, weed whips the yard at Mississippi Heights Elementary
Custodians page 3
said of District No. 2. “All country schools didn’t move, but this one did. Depending on where the children were in the township they would move it.” Not all rural schools were
Aug. 18 in Sauk Rapids. The custodial staff has been preparing for the upcoming school year all summer.
• Mortgage Foreclosure Schlien - pg. 11 • Voluntary Mortgage Foreclosure - pg. 11 • Sauk Rapids-Rice ISD 47 Work Study Session - pg. 11 • City of Sauk Rapids Public Hearing Notice - pg. 11 • Benton Co. Hwy Ad for Bids - pg. 11 • Benton Co. Meeting Minutes, Aug. 7, 2018 pg. 12 • Benton Co. First Half Mobile Home Tax Due pg. 13 • Benton Co. Hwy. Ad for Bids - pg. 13