2022 Avon Resource Guide

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Avon Complimentary copy on behalf of The Star Post, local businesses, and the Avon Area Chamber of Commerce. MINNESOTA 2022 CHECK OUT ALL THAT AVON HAS TO OFFER . . . IT’S A GREAT PLACE TO VISIT AND CALL HOME! COMPLIMENTARY COPY
o n
Page 2 2022 Avon Resource Guide | www.star-pub.com | 1-877-396-6577 318 316 317315 224 222 102 104106 108 110 112 114 116 118 120 314 227 225 219 217 213209207 205 206 208 210 212 214 216 103 105 107 SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD Woolgrass Way WindenWay Woolgrass Way Estate Drive Estate Drive Collina Circle Casa Avenue Craig Hiltner 320.250.8800 CraigHiltner.com Avon Estates Southern View New Single Family Lots Lot Prices: $40,000 - $70,000 KREMER INSURANCE AGENCY 320.356.9047 | KremerIns@cloudnet.com A 30 year resident of Avon with 27 years of insurance experience, Tony Kremer can provide you with all your home, auto, life and business insurance needs. Give Tony a call, send an e-mail or stop by the new office location! 108 Stratford Street West, Avon, MN 56310

A Word From The Mayor

Welcome to Avon! Whether you are looking for a place to visit, live or start a business, you are welcome here. Avon is situated right on I-94, close to the urban area of St. Cloud, yet distant enough to provide a small-town atmosphere. Avon is rich in history and loved by all who have been touched by its quaint charm and friendliness. Minnesota’s New Country radio station (98.1 WWJO-FM) recently reported that Avon landed in the top ten of a listing of best small towns in Minnesota, ranking high in jobs, affordability, safety, and education - and we couldn’t agree more!

If you’re a visitor to our city, I hope you will take time to explore the lakes, beautiful, wooded hills, and all the unique experiences that Avon has to offer. Enjoy the sights and attractions that highlight our community including the lakes, public beach, Lake Wobegon Trail, many parks and the Lakers Baseball Field. Check out the view of Middle Spunk Lake from the historic Fisher’s Club or PJ’s on the Lake. Pull up a chair and enjoy a cup of coffee at the Gathering Grounds, or express your artistic side by painting an assortment of pottery at the PotSpot of Avon. There is something for everyone.

If you are moving to Avon for work, school, or an enhanced quality of life, know that our community is growing and offers an ideal environment where families and businesses can grow and prosper. The area boasts an excellent, highlyrated school system, affordable housing, and clean, safe neighborhoods. There are affordable lots for purchase in our city-owned Avon Estates development just west of Middle Spunk Lake.

Avon has a history of attracting strong local, national, international and home-based businesses. If you are an entrepreneur looking to start or relocate a business in this welcoming environment, with easy access to a freeway corridor, please contact our City Administrator at 320-3567922 to talk about business opportunities and incentives that might be available to you.

Again, it is my pleasure to welcome you to our city. It is a special place to visit, work, live and raise a family! Visit Avon Area Chamber of Commerce’s website at www.avonchambermn.com or the City of Avon at www. cityofavonmn.com for more information.

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Resources Index Welcome to Avon ......................................................................Page 3 History of Avon ........................................................................ Page 4 Quick Reference Guide .............................................................Page 5 City of Avon ...............................................................................Page 6 Map of Avon ..............................................................................Page 7 Avon Area Chamber of Commerce ..........................................Page 8 Permits and Licensing ..............................................................Page 9 Avon Fire Department ...........................................................Page 10 Avon Police Department ........................................................Page 11 Community Services & Organizations ..........................Pages 12-15 Community Events .........................................................Pages 16-17 Churches ..................................................................................Page 19 Lake Wobegon Trail ................................................................Page 21 Parks and Recreation..............................................................Page 22 Education/Schools ..........................................................Pages 24-25 Health Care & Senior Living ...........................................Pages 26-27 Business Directory .........................................................Pages 28-29 Welcome to Avon
Jeff Manthe, Mayor of Avon Mayor Jeff Manthe


Utilities: Electric: Xcel Energy ....................................800-895-4999 Xcel Energy (Emergency) ...........................800-895-1999 Natural Gas: CenterPoint Energy ............800-245-2377 CenterPoint Energy (Emergency) ...........800-722-9326

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2022 Avon Resource Guide | www.star-pub.com | 1-877-396-6577
Emergency ........................................................................911 Police Department (Non-Emergency) .........356-7575 Fire Department (Non-Emergency) ..............356-7400
Building Permit Amy Pease, Zoning Administrator...................356-7922 Michael Friedrichs, Building Official ..............377-9029 Cable Television Midco Communications.............................800-888-1300 Chamber of Commerce.....................................217-4792 City Hall (including building permits) ..........356-7922 Fax .....................................................................356-2259 Education Albany High School ..............................................845-2171 Avon Elementary ...................................................845-5300 Montessori on Main - Avon ................................557-3643 Community Education ........................................845-2171 Holy Family School................................................845-2011 West Central Area Learning Center .................256-7836 Garbage (Refuse) Residential (City of Avon): West Central Sanitation ..............................800-246-7630
CentraCare Clinic–Albany ...................................845-2157 Newspaper (Local) The Star Post ............................................................845-2700 Post Office ..............................................................356-7676
Telephone: Albany Mutual Telephone ..................................845-2101 Century Link ...................................................800-552-1104 MIDCO ..............................................................800-888-1300 Integra ..............................................................877-280-4991 Water/Sewer: City of Avon ............................................................356-7922 All numbers are area code (320) unless otherwise noted. For more information, please visit www.avonchambermn.com or www.cityofavonmn.com. Quick reference
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of Avon
PO Box
140 Stratford
69 Avon, MN 56310 www.cityofavonmn.com 356-7922
Fax: 356-2259 Honorable
Jeff Manthe.….….….….….….jmanthe24@gmail.com Councilors: Aaron Goebel.….….….….….aaronjgoebel@gmail.com Doug Schaefer.….….….…dschaefer1099@yahoo.com Jeff Meyer.….….….….….….1966jeffmeyer@gmail.com Katie Reiling.….….….….reilingkatie1971@gmail.com City
Jodi Austing-Traut.….….….jodi.a@cityofavonmn.com Deputy/Finance
Kathy Schulzetenberg.….…kathy.s@cityofavonmn.com Zoning
Amy Pease.….….….….….….amy.p@cityofavonmn.com Water/Waste
Justin Kurtz.….….….….….justink@cityofavonmn.com
Public Works Jason Molitor.….….….….…jasonm@cityofavonmn.com
Chief of Police Corey Nellis.….….….….…corey.n@cityofavonmn.com
Police Officers
Police Administrative Support
Fire Chief Joel Richter
City office hours: Monday – Friday 7:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Office will be closed on legal holidays. CITY STAFF: AVON CITY COUNCIL Joan Scherping & Dave Waletzko WINDOWS 10 360 Railroad Ave., Suite 2 • Albany, MN 56307 • (320) 845-8888 www.mnctc.com Stop in to discuss an upgrade to SERVICES Stop by today! • New & refurbished computer sales • Comprehensive desktop & laptop service • Virus, malware, and adware removal & protection • Personal device support • Complete commercial, residential, and agricultural wireless solutions & support (320) 845-2151 | StearnsBank.com Member FDIC | Equal Housing Lender Serving the Albany area since 1912 530 County Road 50 • Avon, MN 56310 (320) 356-7301 • www.columbiagear.com NOW HIRING
Chad Klocker.….….….….….chad.k@cityofavonmn.com Landon Gudim.….….….landon.g@cityofavonmn.com Richard Etshokin.….….….avonpolice@co.stearns.mn.us Jason Falconer.….….….avonpolice@co.stearns.mn.us Casey Jansky.….….….….….casey.j@cityofavonmn.com Jason Luethmers.….….….….jason.l@cityofavonmn.com Brendan Mooney ….….brendan.m@cityofavonmn.com
Kati Jansky.….….….….….….kati.j@cityofavonmn.com
Page 7 2022 Avon Resource Guide | www.star-pub.com | 1-877-396-6577 age 7 2022 Avon R Resource G i uidde www t starp b ub com 1 877 396 6577 FULL SERVICE EXCAVATING COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL JEFF & DALE LANGE LICENSED • BONDED • CERTIFIED • Since 1971 Sitework, Basements, Install & Repair of Septic Systems, City Sewer & Water, Ponds, Lakeshore Work, Silt Fencing, Demolition, Hauling, Topsoil, Gravel & Street Sweeping. Call for FREE estimates B.D. Schif er, Inc. 34658 225th Ave. P.O. Box 612 Albany, MN 56307 www.tanidivision.com | 320-845-4733 Reusable Insulation Products Reusable Insulation Products WILLENBRING, DAAHL, WOCKEN & ZIMMERMANN PLLC 320.685.3678 Of ces in Cold Spring, Avon & Albany www.willenbring.com Estate Planning | Elder Law | Real Estate | Business Personal Injury | Family | Employment

The Avon Area Chamber of Commerce is a group of community leaders that promotes supporting local businesses. They also provide events for the community to get together. Avon Area Chamber of Commerce meets the first Thursday of the month. For more information on becoming a member of the Avon Chamber of Commerce, meeting information and events, email avonmnchamber@gmail.com or visit www.avonchambermn.com.


Current Avon Chamber Members 2022

Albany Area Community Education

Albany Area Schools

Albany Chrysler Center

Albany Golf Club

Albany Mutual Telephone

All Surface Professionals, Inc.

American Family InsuranceKyle Hoium Agency

American Heritage National Bank

Avon Area Lakes Association (AALA)

Avon Coffin Works

Avon Community Church

Avon Dental

Avon Estates

Avon Hills Lions Club

Avon Liquor Locker

Avon Quick Mart

Avon Subway, Inc.

Avon Women of Today

Black Financial Services

Blattner Company

Brenny Transportation, Inc.

Bueckers Recycling

Buildings By Jak, LLC

Casey's General Store

Christine R. Panek, CPA

City of Avon

Columbia Gear

Dan Schmidt Printing, Inc.

Everything Signs

Fisher's Club

Gathering Grounds, LLC

I.T. Solutions of Minnesota, LLC

JP Meagher Realty

Just For Fun Entertainment

K & S Pharmacy, Ltd.


Kremer Insurance Agency

Lange Trenching, Inc.

Lumber One Avon, Inc.

Magnifi Financial Credit Union

MD Salon & Spa, L.L.C.

Meagher Auctioneers

Mechanical Brothers, LLC

Midsota Manufacturing, Inc.

Money Matters Accounting Solutions

Mother of Mercy Campus of Care

Over the Hills of Avon

The Peripheral Vision

PotSpot2, LLC

Pure Bliss Salon & Spa

Reclaim Health, LLC

Sand Pine Pheasants Family Recreation & Action Track Chairs

Schlenner Wenner & Co.

Schmidt Insurance Agency

Serenity Village

Simply Balanced Health, LLC

SonRise Lutheran Church


The Star Post Newspaper

State Farm Insurance - Melrose

Stonehouse Stained Glass Studio

Tischler Wood Products, Inc.

United Way of Central Minnesota

West Central Sanitation

Willenbring, Dahl, Wocken & Zimmermann, PLLC

Williams Dingmann Family Funeral Homes

Xcel Energy

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| 1-877-396-6577
Facebook: Avon Area
of Commerce Avon Area Chamber of Commerce is always looking for volunteers, organizations, non-profits, and new businesses to be a part of the growing community. If you are interested in becoming a part of the organization or have interest in ideas for the
please reach out to your Chamber Board members. Help Us Thrive!
OF DIRECTORS: President: Lisa Pelkey .......................................................Gathering Grounds Treasurer: Diane Harms .......................American Heritage National Bank Board Members: Alexis Lutgen.......................United Way of Central Minnesota Cassie Novak ................................................Albany Area Schools Jacob Voss ....................................................................Fisher’s Club Samantha Jonas .......................................Pure Bliss Salon & Spa Executive Secretary: LeAnn Platz ................................avonmnchamber@gmail.com P.O. Box 293 | Avon, MN 56310
Email: avonmnchamber@gmail.com www.avonchambermn.com
Our primary mission is creating, protecting and enhancing a healthy business environment for the benefit of our members and the growth of the community.
Page 9 2022 Avon Resource Guide | www.star-pub.com | 1-877-396-6577 Permits & Licensing Building permits, burning permits and dog licenses are required in the city. Contact City Hall for more information. 320-356-7922 Custom Home Building, Remodeling, Stonework & Specialty Concrete 15703 Fruit Farm Road • St. Joseph 320-356-7233 • www.kleinbuildersmn.com License# BC008830 patraeker@albanytel.com www.albanymutual.com Pat Raeker, Manager • Betty Mrozek, Of ce Assistant 320-845-2375 A Century of Serving Our Neighbors OUR AGENTS: Advantage One - Albany ..............320-845-4020 Advantage One - Long Prairie ......320-732-6611 Advantage One - St. Cloud ..........800-320-7262 Heinen Insurance..........................320-597-2672 First State Agency - Sauk Centre 320-352-7200 Kensington Insurance ..................877-254-3191 Lieser Insurance ...........................320-243-7144 Marshik Agency ............................320-632-2328 North Risk Partners - Albany .......320-845-7070 North Risk Partners - Melrose .....320-256-7401 Scegura Insurance .......................320-746-2582 Schif er Insurance .......................320-845-2887 Schmidt Insurance .......................320-356-9440 St. Martin Insurance .....................320-548-3556 Vanguard Insurance. ....................320-732-6629 HOME OFFICE: 141 Fifth Street, PO Box 301, Albany, MN 56307 Albany Mutual Insurance Company

Avon Fire Depar tment Avon Fire Department

The Avon Fire Department members are Jim Stang, 15 years (front, kneeling, from left); Adam Pogatschnik, 20 years; Chad Ramler, 7 years; Russ Panek, 23 years; Craig Doll, 5 years; Chris Pflueger, 33 years; Eric Larson, 20; Paul Ruegemer, 7; Carl Verdon, 5 years; Josh Ricard, 13 years; George Bauer, 15 years; (front of the truck, from left) Training Captain Gary Laing, 18 years; Treasurer Captain Gary Schmitz, 18 years; Secretary Captain Casey Jansky, 15 years; Truck Captain Kyle Smith, 13 years; Safety/ EMS Captain Ben Grutsch, 18 years; (in the truck) Fire Chief Joel Richter, 19 years; (standing next to the truck, from left) Assistant Chief Chuck Swenson, 13 years; Eric Notch, 5 years; Steve Weber, 19 years; Corey Naig, 22 years; Brad Lemm, 13 years; Kevin Korneck, 18 years; Colin Lobitz, 19 years; Jamey Widman, 15 years; Corey Nellis, 20 years. Not pictured: New members Brandon Merkling and Ryan Morse.

A word from the Fire Chief...

Welcome to the City of Avon from all of us at the Avon Fire Department! The Avon Fire Department was established in 1904 and our members continue to serve our community proudly. We also serve Avon Township & a portion of Collegeville & St. Wendel Township’s. We respond to all types of emergencies, from structure or car fires to auto accidents or water rescue. Our members are all trained as Emergency Medical Responders and respond to all medical emergencies as well. Twenty-eight fully trained and dedicated members staff our department. We average approximately 260 calls per year, which includes those related to the busy I-94 corridor. Please visit the city website to view our

staff and equipment under the Departments tab, then Fire Department. You will also find some helpful information on burning, safety and other fire-related links. I’m proud to be a member of the Avon Fire Department for the past 19 years, this being my 10th year serving as Fire Chief. I have also served as Assistant Chief and as our Safety/EMS Captain. I grew up in the area and have lived in Avon since 2001. I hope you and your family find new friends and the many great things our community has to offer. If I can be of any help, you may contact me at 320-356-7400.

Sincerely, Joel Richter Avon Fire Chief

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.com Signs • Banners • Cus t o m Apparel & Embroidery 320-746-0746 500 Main Street Holdingford, MN 56340 Robb Berscheid, Owner Husker Apparel in Stock! www.everythingsigns.com Materials • Land • Home Builder We’re Built to Serve You 320-356-7342 www.lumber-one.com PO Box 7, 101 2nd St. NW • Avon, MN 56310

A word from the Police Chief...

It is my pleasure to welcome you to the City of Avon with its great neighborhoods and small-town, friendly atmosphere. The Avon Police Department currently employs three full-time police officers, five part-time police officers and a full-time administrative support and records employee. The police department also has a K9 program with full time employee K9 Maverick. The department also employs unlicensed uniformed beach patrol officers during the summer to work on the Avon Beach.

Currently, the police department has two fully equipped police vehicles, which include the latest technology in computers and insquad video cameras. Two fully equipped bicycles are also available to be used during the summer months by both the patrol staff and the police reserves. During winter months, the police department staff has a fully equipped snowmobile for use as well.

New in 2021, the Avon Police Department sent Officer Chad Klocker to training which certified him as an instructor in Less Lethal Munitions. The Avon Police Department is currently in the process of purchasing equipment to equip both squad cars with several different less lethal options.

The primary goal of the Avon Police Department is to provide for the security of persons and property within the community. This is accomplished through providing police services dedicated to the protection of life and property, apprehension of offenders, service to citizens and providing services that are unbiased, fair, respectful and judicious. In respect of the dignity of all individuals and through public knowledge and confidence, professional and capable assistance is available in times of emergency or need.

The non-emergency Avon Police Department phone number is answered 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The police department also has a Facebook page where information can be found on many different topics. Again, welcome to the City of Avon. If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please feel free to contact me. Chief Corey F. Nellis Serving the City of Avon since 2002

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2022 Full-Time Staff : Chief
K9 Officer
Administrative Support/Records
K9 Maverick 2022 Part-Time Police Staff : Officer Richard
K9 Maverick wearing his Body Armor Donated by Vested Interest in K9s, Inc. www.vik9s.org/
Corey F. Nellis
Chad Klocker – chad.k@cityofavonmn.com
Landon Gudim
Kati Jansky
Brendan Mooney
Casey Jansky
Jason Falconer
Jason Luethmers
Avon Police Department @AvonMNPoliceDepartment 320-845-6930 • 800-495-6930 551 Railroad Ave., Albany SERVING THE SURROUNDING AREA SINCE 2003 (Left to right) Sam Beech DVM, Jennifer Revermann DVM, Wendy Womack DVM, and Neal Womack DVM. Located across from the Kraft plant Avon Police Depar tment Avon Police Department Office located at: 140 Stratford Street East Phone: (320) 356-7575 Email: avonpolice@cityofavonmn.com

Community LONG PRAIRIE 9 Central Ave Long Prairie, MN 56347 MELROSE 6 3rd Ave NE Melrose, MN 56352

Albany Public Library

400 Railroad Ave., P.O. Box 519, Albany, MN 56307

320-845-4843 • www.griver.org

The Albany Library is one of 32 libraries that make up the Great River Regional Library. With your free library card, you can check out books, videos, cassettes, compact disks, books-on-tape and popular magazines.

Using the varied reference resources, your questions will be answered, plus a public internet station is available for your use. Daily deliveries bring requested items to patrons within several days, and children’s programs are presented several times a year.

What is a Little Free Library?

“Take a book, return a book,” a gathering place where neighbors share their favorite literature and stories. In its most basic form, a Little Free Library is a box full of books where anyone may stop by and pick up a book (or two) and bring back another book to share.

There are now three locations, with one in the Stratford neighborhood, one at the Lake Wobegon Trailhead by the Avon Chamber of Commerce sign and map and the latest by the Church of St. Benedict’s playground. If you would like more information, please email shelly@ craftygirlsofavon.com. Book donations are always welcome!

Post Office (USPS):

Located at 317 Blattner Drive • 320-356-7676

Window hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. to noon and 1-4 p.m., Saturday 8:30-9 a.m., Lobby hours: 24 hours

Federal Express, Fed Ex (PICK-UP):

Avon has an outdoor Federal Express pickup at the Casey’s General Store, 303 4th St., 320-356-7273.

United Parcel Service, UPS (PICK-UP):

Avon has a UPS pickup at K & S Pharmacy, 107 Avon Ave S, 320-3561000.


New housing developments are The Water’s Edge III, located north of town and Avon Estates, located west of town. Maps of the new developments are available at City Hall.

Newspapers: The Star Post is Albany, Avon and Holdingford’s official weekly newspaper. The city also has daily delivery of the St. Cloud Times, Minneapolis Tribune, USA Today and Pioneer Press The Star Shopper, Hometown News and Dairyland Peach are also delivered weekly.


KASM 1150 AM is a privately-owned radio station. KASM has been serving Central Minnesota since 1950 and provides the area with news, weather, farm reports, sports, community information and music that includes polka, country and sounds from the big band era. KASM’s signal extends to the North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa and Canadian borders. KASM’s sister station is KDDG 105.5 FM and plays your favorite oldies.

Albany Laundry , LLC.

& Organizations PIERZ 205 Main St N Pierz, MN 56364 SAUK CENTRE 864 Main Street Sauk Centre, MN 56378 ST. CLOUD 3801 North 3rd Street St. Cloud, MN 56303 320-252-6650 advantageoneins.com *Right next to Dairy Queen in Albany 341 7TH ST. S. • ALBANY, MN

Newly Remodeled

2 Jumbo Washers • 2 Large Washers 8 Small Washers • Dryers to Match Open Daily 6 a.m. - 9 p.m.

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Little Free Library ALBANY 140 5th Street, Albany, MN 56307 HOLDINGFORD 580 Main St., Holdingford, MN 56340

4-H Clubs

4-H is a family organization with the motto: “To Make the Best Better” and practice “Learn by Doing.” The club generally meets once a month. If interested, please contact the Stearns County Extension Office for the group nearest you at 1-800-450-6171.

American Legion

Meetings are held the third Monday of the month at 7 p.m. at the Avon City Hall. There are no meetings held in June, July and August. For more information, please contact Ray Schmidt at 320-248-4992.

Avon Area Arts

Mission statement: To develop an artistic and cultural community within the Avon area which encourages and nurtures the creative spirit. For more information, please visit www.avonareaarts.org.

Avon Area Chamber of Commerce

The Chamber of Commerce general meetings are the first Thursday of the month. For more information, please visit the website www.avonchambermn.com.

Avon Area Historical Society

The Avon Area Historical Society was founded in the 1997. “Nestled between Lakes and Wooded Hills; the Centennial History of the Avon Area” is a 500-page history book of Avon. It is available for purchase at Avon City Hall, the Stearns History Museum in St. Cloud and K&S Pharmacy in Avon. For more information, contact author Jeanette Blonigen Clancy at 320356-7445 or jblonclancy@gmail.com.

Avon Area Lakes Association

Members working together to preserve and enrich Avon area lakes and their adjoining wetlands, lake sheds and ecosystems. Anyone interested in issues concerning our local lakes is encouraged to attend a meeting, usually the fourth Sunday of the month at 7 p.m. at City Hall. For more information, please email Brad Rohlfs at bradrohlfs83@gmail.com.

Avon Boy Scouts

The Boy Scouts is an organization for boys in grades 5-12. They meet the second and fourth Thursdays of the month at the Avon City Hall. For more information on the Boy Scouts, contact Zane Wenderskiat 320-2937139 or Michelle Bairett at 320-267-7608.

Avon Cub Scouts

The Cub Scouts is an organization for boys in kindergarten through fifth grade. They meet every third Sunday of the month between 3 p.m. and 4 p.m. at Avon Elementary School. Annual School Night to Join Scouting is held each year in September. Flyers are sent home with the boys from school. For more information, contact Paul Ruegemer at 320492-8636.

Avon Food Shelf

New location on 1st Street SW on the northeast corner of the St. Benedict’s Parish Center in Avon. Open the first and third Tuesday of the month, 6-7 p.m.; second and fourth Wednesday of the month, 10-11 a.m. and the first four Thursdays of the month, 6-7 p.m. Closed on weekends and holidays and when there is inclement weather, listen to KASM Radio for closing. 320-356-7210 or 320-557-5202.

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Residential | Commercial | Farm Pickup | Demolition | Recycling 877-352-2876 10, 20 & 30 Yard Dumpsters Available & 32, 64 & 96 Gallon Trash Containers 39864 South Hwy. 71, Sauk Centre, MN • wm.com CALL TODAY TO SCHEDULE YOUR GARBAGE OR DUMPSTER PICKUP! reMN UP! Yourone-stopshopfor Appliances,TV’s&more! &more! • Sony • Sharp • Samsung • Whirlpool • Maytag • KitchenAid • SpeedQueen • Amana 105Co.Rd.10•Albany,MN320-845-4690 www.ampsrs.com w FAST, DEPENDABLE SERVICE YOU CAN COUNT ON! -845 Honda EU2000i Generator 320-253-1446 or 1-888-GLASS11 (1-888-452-7711) Quality parts, new & used! • Reasonable rates! 320-356-7504 or 800-450-7504 Eric & Evelyn, Owners 422 County Road 50 • Avon

Stearns County Pioneer Club

The Stearns County Pioneer Club has an elected board of directors. The annual Pioneer Days show is held in September and is located a mile north of Albany between Highway 238 and County Road 10. The Pioneer Club meets the third Sunday of the month. Please call Lee Mortenson at 320-393-2542 for more information.

Athletic Booster Club

The Albany Booster Club is organized to promote and enhance sports for the Albany school district. To become a member contact Scott Buntje, Albany Area Schools Athletics Director at 320-845-5040. For more information, go to www.district745.org, click on the activities tab and then athletic information.

Knights of Columbus - Father Pierz Council #3628

Serving the parishes of Immaculate Conception (St. Anna), St. Anthony, St. Benedict, St. Francis, St. Martin and Seven Dolors. For more information, please contact James Welle at 320-845-2597.

Over the Hills of Avon Club

Providing activities for active adults ages 55+ in Avon and the surrounding area. Meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month at St. Benedict’s Church basement. A meal is served at noon, followed by a short meeting, bingo and cards. New members are always welcome. If you are interested in joining or need more information, please contact Joann Dirkes at 320-356-9141 or 320-249-1550.

Sportsman’s Club

The Sportsman’s Club is a rifle range for members only located on Peach Drive between Avon and Albany. For more information about becoming a member, please contact Jason Luethmers at 320-333-7112.

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KE ’S CO UNTR IDE VIN YS Kevin J. Meagher - Owner Ph: 320-363-7459 Cell: 320-248-1416 Fax: 320-363-0176 World’s 1st Zero Turn Lawn Mower New and Used Equipment • Used John Deere Equipment Trades Welcome 13385 Co. Rd. 3 Avon, MN 56310 Just 6 miles North of St. Joseph on Co. Rd. 3
Page 16 2022 Avon Resource Guide | www.star-pub.com | 1-877-396-6577 2022 Community MAY 6-7 Avon City-wide Garage Sales MAY 21 Avon Lions Scramble at the Albany Golf Club 5 p.m. JUNE 4 City-Wide Clean Up 8 a.m. - 10
at the Wobegon
Sponsored by West Central Sanitation Fees will average
$10-$30 11 Caramel Roll Ride 14-17 Medallion Hunt 17-18 Spunktacular Days 17 Live music by Natheology
17 Car Show
17 Kids Games 5:30-7:30
by Avon Girls
132 18 5K and 1K Run/Walk 8
18 Lady Slipper Nature Ride
18 Craft Fair 9
18 Spunk Days Parade 7
18 Live music by Pandemic 8:30-11:30
26 Immaculate Conception Parish St. Anna Parish Festival Raffle Drawing JULY: 10 St. Benedict’s Church Parish Festival Raffle Drawing and other activities TBD AUGUST: 8 Fire Department Fundraiser (Blattner) Noon at the Albany Golf Club. Shotgun start. SEPTEMBER: 10 Caramel Apple Ride Please be sure to check the Chamber website at www.avonchambermn.com before making plans to attend any of the following events. G A T H E R. S O C I A L I Z E. C E L E B R A T E • BRIDAL SHOWER • CLASS REUNION • HOLIDAY PARTY • BUSINESS MEETING • BIRTHDAY • GRADUATION PARTY • ANNIVERSARY • BABY SHOWER • DIAPER BASH LAKESIDE DINING & COCKTAILS | 320.356.7372 www.fishersclub.com | 425 Stratford St. W, Avon, MN with the purchase of a meal. Valid through 5/31/22 Dine-In Only | Not valid with any other offer or coupon COUPON ENJOY A Free Dessert Inquire Today Events
8:30-11:30 p.m.
5-8 p.m. For more information contact John Buttweiler 980-7265
Scout Troop
8-10 a.m.
a.m. to 5 p.m.
Page 18 2022 Avon Resource Guide | www.star-pub.com | 1-877-396-6577 Home • Farm • Business Auto • Health • Life & More... 320-356-9440 www.schmidtinsuranceagency.com Avon, MN Great Rates Dedicated Service For 3 Generations THE STORE St. Anna BAIT & TACKLE SHOP GAS • GROCERY • SNACKS • MARINE SUPPLIES 320-356-7878 37215 County Rd 9, Avon, MN 56310 | See us on Facebook Cones 94 cents • Flizzards Sundaes • Parfaits • Malts ok Our services include: • New stained glass commissions • Stained glass restoration • Exterior protective glass • Glass sandblasting and etching on glass www.stonehousestainedglass.com 320-356-9211 • 438 First St. SE, Avon, MN STONEHOUSE STAINED GLASS STUDIO Craftsmen and Designers in theArt of Glass S “QUALITY DOESN’T COST, IT PAYS” (320) 845-8415 360 Railroad Ave., Albany, MN www.albanyfamilydentist.com Dr. Jason Spychala 320-356-7943 • 111 Avon Ave. S, Avon, MN • CUTS • COLOR • PERMS • ACCESSORIES • NAILS • TANNING • MASSAGE mdsalonspa.com Tuesday 9 am-5 pm Wednesday & Thursday 9 am-8 pm Friday 9 am-5 pm Saturday 8 am-noon Sunday & Monday Closed

Holdingford, St. Anna and St. Wendel All Saints, Holdingford Mass 8:00 a.m. Sundays

Immaculate Conception, St. Anna Mass 10:00 a.m. Sundays St. Columbkille, St. Wendel Mass 5:00 p.m. Saturdays

Pastor: Fr. Gregory Mastey 320-228-0110 Office: 311 River Street West 320-228-0105 secretary@tworiverscatholic.com Website: tworiverscatholic.com (online bulletin available)

St. AnthonySt. MartinSt. BenedictSeven Dolors

P.O. Box 98 212 1st St. SW, Avon, MN 56310 320-250-5618 stbenedict@ hohcatholic. org

P.O. Box 277 151 2nd St. Street Albany, MN 56307 320-845-2705 sevendolors@ hohcatholic.org

P.O. Box 290, 119 Main Street St. Martin, MN 56376 stmartin@hohcatholic.org 320.548.3550

Service Times: Sundays at 9:30 a.m.

Service Times: Sundays at 8:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.

Service Times: Saturdays at 5:00 p.m. Sundays at 7:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.

Page 19 2022 Avon Resource Guide | www.star-pub.com | 1-877-396-6577 Avon Community Church
Christ. Love Others. Serve in Love.
Avon, MN
SonRise Lutheran Church Pastor: Jeff Manthe 501 County Road 9, P.O. Box 448, Avon, MN 56310 320-761-0715 www.sonriseavonmn.weebley Sunday Services: 9:00 a.m. Worship Two Rivers Catholic Community Area Churches hohcatholic.org Saint Anthony 320-845-2416 24326 Trobec St Albany, MN 56307 Sundays @ 8:30am Saint Martin 320-548-3550 119 Maine St | PO Box 290 St. Martin, MN 56376 Sundays @ 9:30am Saint Benedict 320-250-5618 212 1st St SW | PO Box 98 Avon, MN 56310 Sundays @ 8am and 10:30am Seven Dolors 320-845-2705 151 2nd St S | PO Box 277 Albany, MN 56307 Saturdays @ 5pm, Sundays @ 7:30am and 10:30am Come join us! OurSaviorsLutheranAlbany.org oursaviors@albanytel.com y org m 840 Lake Avenue Albany, MN 320-845-2405 Sunday Worship 8 & 10:30 am, 9:15 am Adult Ed & Sunday School Summer Worship Sunday 9 am, Wednesday 6:30 pm Avon Community Church 204 Avon Ave Avon, MN 56310 320-356-9001 Accadmin@Avoncommunitychurch.org avoncommunitychurch.org Summer Hours: June-August - 9:30 Winter Hours: September-May - 10:30 24326 Trobec St. Albany, MN 56307 320-845-2416 stanthony@ hohcatholic.org Service Times:
Avenue N.,
Box 248,
56310 320-356-9001
www.avoncommunitychurch.org Worship Schedule:
10:30 a.m.
Sundays at 8:30 a.m.
Worship With Us!

Lake Wobegon Trail Lake Trail

The Lake Wobegon Trail measures 62 miles in Stearns County. The Stearns County segment of the Lake Wobegon Trail extends from the Stearns/Todd County line to St. Joseph and from Albany to the Morrison/Stearns County line. There is an additional eight miles of Lake Wobegon Trail in Todd County.

If you connect the Lake Wobegon Trail with Morrison County’s connecting Soo Line Trail and the Central Lakes Trail, which meets the Lake Wobegon Trail in Osakis, you have the longest paved rail trail in the country –over 120 miles long.

The trail is open to bicycling, snowmobiling without studs, walking and rollerblading. The trail was built on two abandoned railroad corridors – the Burlington Northern Santa Fe and

Caramel Roll Ride- June 11th - caramelrollride.com


Lady Slipper Ride- June 18th - ladyslipperride.com

Caramel Apple Ride- Sept. 10th - caramelappleride.com

Page 21 2022 Avon Resource Guide | www.star-pub.com | 1-877-396-6577 P P P P P P Two Rivers Lakes MississippiRiver Ochotto Lake Lower Spunk Lake Middle Spunk Lake Upper Spunk Lake Minnie Lake Linneman Lake SaukRiver Sagatagan Lake Kraemer Lake Lake Anna 127 Bowlus Royalton Blanchard Dam County Line Charles A. Lindbergh State Park Holdingford Melrose Freeport Albany Avon St. Joseph St. Cloud Waite Park West Union Osakis Lake Wobegon Regional Trail trail ends in Osakis and connects to Central Lakes Trail 10 Lake Osakis Sauk Lake McCormick Lake Sauk River Mill Pond Uhlenholts Lake Albany Lake Freeport Lake 71 P Saint John’s University College of St. Benedict’s River’s Edge Park 94 94 LEGEND P Soo Line Trail City Trail SooLineTrail Lake Wobegon/ State Park Campground Parking Restroom Shelter 10 Little Falls P Sauk Centre 17 17 9 26 P Find More Maps at www.MNTrails.com LAKE WOBEGON REGIONAL TRAIL 65 MILES PAVED TotalDistancesinMiles 2.35.3 3 10.3 8 5 16.3 14 11 6 22.8 20.5 17.5 12.5 6.5 28.8 26.5 23.5 18.5 12.5 6 37.344.8 42.5 39.5 34.5 28.5 22 16 7.5 50.8 48.5 45.5 40.5 34.5 28 22 13.5 6 35 32 27.0 21 14.5 8.5 WaiteParkSt.JosephCollegeville AvonAlbanyFreeportMelroseSaukCentreWestUnionOsakis NORTHERN SPUR Lake Wobegon Albany to Holdingford 9.4 miles Holdingford to County Line 3.5 miles Soo Line County Line to Bowlus 4.0 miles Bowlus to Blanchard Dam 3.5 miles Blanchard Dam to HWY 10 2.5 miles P 2.3 miles P

Parks & Parks recreation


For more information about the Lakers, visit cityofavonmn.com, then select “Parks and Recreation” tab.


Cedar Lake Memorial Park, Upsala 320-573-2983 or email: cedarlake@sytekcom.com.

El Rancho Manana, Richmond 320-597-2740.


Albany Golf Club is a public 18-hole golf course located adjacent to Interstate 94, a block from Main Street in Albany. Many water hazards provide challenges for the golfer attempting to shoot even par. Check out their new Toptracer driving range. Visit www.albanygolfcourse.com for membership rates, green fees and other activities offered to the public, or call the Pro Shop at 320-845-2505.


Located within Avon are three Spunk Lakes which feature a public beach and public water accesses. Five other lakes are nearby, each providing plentiful opportunities for fishing, swimming, boating and just plain old relaxing. Stearns County also offers information on lakes and parks around Avon. For more information, please visit www.co.stearns.mn.us and search for Upper Spunk Lake. You may also visit the “Lakefinder” website, www.mnlakes.org for information such as lake sizes, depths, types of fish, etc.


The Avon area boasts a number of beautiful parks including our Wobegon Trailhead Park. Avon has been fortunate to have active community groups and generous donors, which have provided funding and volunteer services for the development and upkeep of our many parks and facilities.


• Avon Estates Park is located at the center of the Avon Estates development, west of Avon on County Road 54. It offers playground equipment and a picnic shelter.

• Avon Lions Park is located at 140 Dolphin Ave. NE. Amenities include: softball park, playground equipment, an enclosed shelter and outdoor picnic shelter. To rent the shelter, please call 320-356-7922.

• Central Park is located at 305 Avon Ave. S. and offers playground equipment, a softball field and tennis courts.

• Ochotto Park is located at 3 Angelfish Avenue and includes skating and hockey rinks with warming house, playground equipment, fishing dock and boat landing.

• Stratford Park is located at 999 Hamlet Dr. S. with two softball fields, basketball court and playground equipment.

• Suncrest Park has playground equipment and is located at 515 5th St. N.W.

• Wobegon Trailhead Park is located at 108 Second St. NE

restrooms, lookout

2022 Avon Resource Guide | www.star-pub.com | 1-877-396-6577

Page 22
and offers a picnic shelter, tower, map of the City of Avon and, of course, the Lake Wobegon Trail. WELCOME TO AVON
Avon has the only public beach in the area. The beach is close to the Lake Wobegon Trail. Amenities include a sand beach, picnic tables and swimming raft, and restrooms are open to the public daily until 10:00 p.m. A project named “Back the Beach” aims to make the Avon beach a family-oriented place and keep it that way so that everyone who utilizes it feels comfortable and has an enjoyable experience. It involves patrolling of the beach by unlicensed uniformed beach patrol officers who have the authority to enforce the Avon beach ordinances, which include enforcement of no alcohol, no smoking, no glass, etc. as posted by signs and stated in the ordinance.
Page 23 2022 Avon Resource Guide | www.star-pub.com | 1-877-396-6577 State Farm Bloomington, IL 2001875 Get great service & great rates. You know I’m always here with Good Neighbor service. But I’m also here with surprisingly great rates for everyone. Call me for a quote to see how much you can save. You might be surprised. Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.® Individual premiums will vary by customer. All applicants subject to State Farm underwriting requirements. Dina Pierskalla, Agent 307 E Main St Melrose, MN 56352 Bus: 320-256-4617 www.dinapierskalla.com WE HANDLE METALS GARBAGE APPLIANCES ELECTRONICS AND MORE Conveniently located next to I-94 in Albany, MN 320-845-2747 recycle@albanytel.com ALL THINGS CLEAN UP 508 1st St. SE, Avon MN 56310 320.356.7100 | MechanicalBrothers.com 320-356-7268 www.avonbodyshop.com 430 County Road 50, PO Box 247 Avon, MN 56310 GENERA L R ENTAL C E N T E R Silvers OF ALBANY, INC. 845-RENT Just Off I-94 in Albany GARY & LORA SILVERS 750 County Road 41 Albany, MN 56307 TOLL FREE 877-845-7368 LOCAL 320-845-7368 FAX 320-845-7571

Area Education Growing in Knowledge . .

Avon Elementary Sch l

410 Avon Ave. N, Avon, MN 56310

At Avon Elementary, we are very proud of our students, our programs, our staff and our parents. One of the greatest strengths we have is that your child will be in continual contact with very warm, caring and competent teachers.

Our goal is to work closely with parents to develop relationships focused on student growth and success. We are proud to continually strive to create positive educational experiences as we emphasize good conduct, citizenship, accountability, respect and effort.

Our school’s philosophy is based on the idea that the purpose of education is to provide a continuation of essential learning. It is our ultimate goal to aid our youth in becoming self-sufficient individuals mentally, physically, socially and emotionally so that they can meet the demands of a rapidly changing society. It is essential to instill in each student the importance of individual worth and to create a positive selfimage through the personal development of initiative, resourcefulness and responsibility.

Please join with us in our efforts to provide a stimulating and quality educational experience. If you have questions or concerns, please callwe want to hear from you – 320-845-5300

Albany Area Sch ls ISD #745

The Albany Area School District serves the communities of Albany, Avon, Farming, St. Anthony, and St. Martin. The district features Albany Elementary (K-5), Avon Elementary (PreK-5), Albany Area Middle School (6-8) and Albany Area High School (9-12). Approximately 300 teachers and support staff serve more than 1,750 students. The district is dedicated to small class sizes, offers a well-designed and delivered curriculum, and has an experienced and skilled staff. In the district’s most recent referendum, district voters approved a building bond with 81% suppport, with local businesses donating more than $6 million toward the project.

Small Class Sizes: The average class size in elementary grades K-5 is 20. The average class size in the middle school and high school is 25.

Rigorous Curriculum: The Albany Area School District has an ongoing curriculum review process to ensure a well-designed and delivered curriculum, one that will prepare our students for future success. Forty-two (42) college credits are available through our high school course offerings. The district uses both block classes and half-block classes to meet the needs of middle school and high school students.

Student Opportunities: Our elementary and secondary schools offer a variety of opportunities through clubs and organizations. Currently, over 80% of our high school students participate in fine arts, academic, and/or athletic extra-curricular activities.

Experienced Staff : Our highly-skilled teaching professionals and support staff provide an environment of trust, respect, and security. Together we work to provide our students the best education available.

Page 24 2022 Avon Resource Guide | www.star-pub.com | 1-877-396-6577
30 Forest Ave, PO Box 40, Albany,
56307 320-845-2171 • Fax: 320-201-5878 www.district745.org We offer a strong faith- lled environment and high academic standards. holyfamilyalbany.com Check out our HFS Classroom Tour: https://youtu.be/1nLg8txOVVo HFS Open House Video: https://youtu.be/icZ_UBaLf-M Call 320-845-2011 for information Holy Family School - Albany, MN is an accredited PreK-Gr. 6 Catholic School since 1991 Holy Family School H S Albany, Minnesotaest. 1886 F www.ehlingerlawn.com Contact us today to see how we can provide reliable service and make your life easier. (320) 250-9337 info@ehlingerlawn.com FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED FOR OVER 20 YEARS • Lawn Fertilizing • Weed Control • Lawn Mowing and Trimming • Spring & Fall Clean Up • Aeration • Mosquito Yard Guard • Snow and Ice Removal Ehlinger Lawn Service has been providing exceptional professional lawn care to Central Minnesota residential and commercial accounts since 1996. We would welcome the opportunity to serve you. ow we can

Holy Family Sch l


Holy Family School offers a PreK through fifth grade educational program within a Christ-centered atmosphere.

It is sponsored by Seven Dolors Parish in Albany and is also supported by other area parishes, which have children attending Holy Family. Christians of all denominations are invited to attend Holy Family.

Our staff is dedicated to providing a strong academic program while helping students to grow socially, emotionally and spiritually. Expanded computer curriculum including coding and media production with1:1 iPad and Chromebook ratios. Overall curriculum teaches students the skills needed to be leaders in their school and communities.

West Central Area Learning Center

iddle and school level)

The Center is for students ages 12-21 (middle and high school level). It offers an Extended Year Program, with day, evening and summer school available. The summer school program is about 30 days. The Center includes the Albany, Paynesville, Sauk Centre and Melrose school districts. The Center meets all the state standards and the students must take all the same standardized testing.

Monte ori on Main -Avon

200 1st St SW, Avon MN 56310 320-557-3643 | www.montessorionmain.com

Montessori on Main is a private school serving children from ages 33 months through 6 years of age. Our preschool and kindergar ten program is guided by authentic Montessori principles to reveal each child's innate love of learning. We seek to educate the whole child, applying the Montessori philosophy, in a family-oriented environment.

The Montessori classroom is quiet and relaxed, exciting and full of challenging work that children find fun and rewarding. The carefully created curriculum and purposefully prepared environment is designed to engage the learner. They will concentrate and achieve success through their own desire to succeed. There is nothing like the feeling of accomplishment to build self-confidence and a desire to go on to the next challenge. Since the child is our focus, the Montessori teacher individualizes the curriculum to the needs of each child. Our teachers are kind, patient, nurturing and supportive, allowing the child the time they need to be successful. The children learn respect for self, others, and their environment. We encourage the children to be independent, self-motivated, and responsible as they discover who they are and who they can be.

2022 Avon Resource Guide | www.star-pub.com | 1-877-396-6577

Page 25
Mortgage Loan Officer RYAN DAVIDSON Our one-time close construction home loans make it easy with only one loan closing and one set of closing costs, saving you both time and money! From your home purchase or refinance, to building your dream home or remodeling, we are with you every step of the way. It’s Your Time to BUILD, BUY & REFI! BUILD, BUY & REFI! BUILD, BUY & REFI REFI AMERICAN HERITAGE BANK Call for a FREE CONSULTATION or visit LogBank.com (320) 356-7334 NMLS# 578081 RyanD@LogBank.com 104 Avon Ave North, Avon, MN 56310 Mor ng ce, eling, ay. NML Ryan • Clearwater (320) 558-2021 Avon (320) 356-7334 Long Prairie (320) 732-6131 Browerville (320) 594-2215 St. Cloud West (320) 654-9555 St. Cloud East (320) 257-5000
160 2nd Street S, P.O. Box 674, Albany, MN 56307 | 320-845-2011 Email: hfamilys@albanytel.com
9 2nd St. SW, Melrose,MN 56352 320-256-7836 www.wced6026.org

Health Care

Nathan Brever, MD, regularly volunteers his time to assist with the Albany High School football and wrestling programs, St. John’s University football team, and provides impact testing to area athletes, a program that includes baseline and post-concussion testing.

The skilled and experienced healthcare team of CentraCare – Albany Clinic continues to offer primary

urgent care, lab, imaging, physical therapy, diabetes education and ultrasound. In addition, visiting specialists offer obstetrics and gynecology, orthopedics and podiatry. A new facility was built in 2019.

The physicians are board certified in Family Medicine and offer primary care for all ages. They are Libby Brever, MD; Nathan Brever, MD; and Brittany Nagel, DO. They are joined by Physician Assistants Jennifer Gannon, PA-C and Easton Popma, PA-C. The clinic provides a team-based care model where patients are a part of a team with skilled health professionals that work together to deliver more personalized, coordinated care and accessibility. The clinic hours are Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

The Family Medicine physicians and advanced practice providers also see patients with urgent care needs on Saturday from 8 to 11 a.m. Physician Assistant William Green, provides urgent care for all ages Monday through Thursday from noon to 8 p.m. and Friday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Some symptoms appropriate for urgent care include upper respiratory infection, urinary tract infections, minor burns, vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, acute sprains and strains.

A certified diabetes educator and dietician works with patients as needed to create a personalized wellness plan that educates, motivates and empowers the patient with diabetes. It is designed to help patients find the tools they need to make positive changes in their behavior and lifestyles.

Physical Therapy is offered Monday through Friday in conjunction with therapists from St. Cloud Hospital’s Rehabilitation Services.

Page 26 2022 Avon Resource Guide | www.star-pub.com | 1-877-396-6577 Compassionate, quality service because we care. Huskie (Albany) Apparel Available! 107 Avon Ave. S. Suite 1, Avon, MN | MyGNP.com/K&SPharmacy Fax: 320-356-1053 | Email: kspharmacy412@gmail.com Hours Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 5:30 pm & Saturday 8:00 am - Noon Know Your Medicine, Know Your Pharmacist INSTANT PHOTO KIOSK Print directly from smartphones, ipads, camera cards or even Facebook GET YOUR COVID-19 VACCINE HERE! WE OFFER • Baby Supplies • Asthma Supplies • Beauty Supplies • First Aid Supplies • Generic Drugs • Hearing Aids • Hospital Supplies • Household Supplies • Magazines • Books • Ostomy Supplies • Prescription Refills • Free Delivery • FREE Mailing of Prescriptions • Computer Print-Out for Income Tax or Insurance Purposes • Competitive Pricing • SO MUCH MORE! DOWNLOAD OUR MOBILE APP FOR EASY REFILLS & ACCESS TO WEEKLY SPECIALS LIKE US ON FACEBOOK! My GNP We are a UPS Drop Location The team at K&S Pharmacy in Avon includes Brian Schneider (from left), Karla Schneider, Dana Crumley and Sarah Grutsch. Not pictured: Angie Brown.
CENTRACARE CLINIC ALBANY 30 Railroad Avenue Albany, MN 56307 320-845-2157 centracare.com


Vibrant senior living, graced by the Spirit of care.

230 Church Ave, P.O. Box 676, Albany, MN 56307 • 320-845-2195

(Located just off I-94 next to golf course and Seven Dolors Catholic Church)

Mother of Mercy Nursing Home: Residents can participate in activities and dining while overlooking the scenic public golf course and the Church of Seven Dolors in Albany. Rehabilitative services such as physical, occupational, and speech therapy as well as round-the-clock licensed nursing staff are provided to residents in need of short-stay care, long-term care or memory care.

Mother of Mercy Apartments: Overlooking the Albany Golf Course, Fairway Ridge offers an exceptional carefree, maintenance-free lifestyle with the assurance of assisted living. Grace Court Enhanced Assisted Living is for individuals who need higher levels of assisted living with around-the-clock personal care staff. Residents have the freedom to live in a residential setting as needs increase.

Grace Court: Closes the gap between assisted living and skilled nursing care. Each person enjoys a private apartment with all rooms surrounding a central living area, where residents can gather to enjoy activities and meals together as a family.

Memory Lane and Tranquility Place Memory Care: All our memory care communities have secured exits and are designed to look and feel like home. These private apartments open to central living areas and dining rooms. Spouses who wish to live with their loved one are welcome with double room options. Specially-trained staff help residents participate in daily life. Positive care staff interaction rejoices in the abilities and moments of connection.

Pondview Estates: Nestledin the golf course residential neighborhood of Albany is Pondview Estates, a beautiful, income-qualified senior living community. A two-story lobby atrium welcomes residents home to a bright and airy apartment, complete with a full kitchen and bath, and an emergency call system. Outside are raised gardens, walking paths and a large front porch to enjoy summer breezes.

| www.star-pub.com | 1-877-396-6577

Page 27 2022 Avon Resource Guide
www.motherofmercymn.org | Albany, MN | 320.845.2195 Senior Living at its Finest! Senior Living at its Finest! Supporting Seniors in our local communities since 1959! Local Care Givers proudly serving your needs. Vibrant Senior Living Graced by the Spirit of Care Mother of Mercy Senior Living Offers: • In-Patient and Out-Patient Rehabilitation • Assisted and Independent Living • 24-Hour Skilled Nursing Care • Three Levels of Memory Care Communities Independent and Assisted Living Suites Available! Pondview Estates (Income qualified HUD housing) 320-356-7337 107 Avon Avenue South • Avon, MN 56310 www.williamsdingmann.com F A M I L Y F U N E R A L H O M E S For guidance along the pathway www.millercarlin.com Albany 845-2035 Upsala 573-6234 Holdingford 746-9994 After sharing a lifetime, we help bring family and friends together in a place of warmth, compassion and re ection. For guidance along the pathway REAL ESTATE • FARM • ANTIQUES HOUSEHOLD H: (320) 845-4612 C: (320) 250-2108 18909 County Road 54 • Albany, MN 56307 Dean Mitchell Lic# 7304003 www.midwestauctions.com/mitchell-przybilla Senior living

Business Directory


American Heritage National Bank 320-356-7334 104 Avon Avenue N Avon, MN 56310 www.logbank.com

Black Financial 320-356-9031 110 Avon Avenue N Avon, MN 56310 www.blackfinancialservices.com

Magnifi Financial 888-330-8482 mymagnifi.org

Schlenner Wenner & Co. 320-845-2940 115 6th Street Albany, MN 56307 www.swcocpas.com

Stearns Bank, N.A. 320-845-2151 140 5th Street Albany, MN 56307 www.stearnsbank.com

ART Stonehouse Stained Glass Studio 320-356-9211 438 First St. SE Avon, MN 56310 www.stonehousestainedglass.com


Meagher Auctioneers 320-250-2958 320-250-5391 www.meagherauctioneers.com

Mitchell-Przybilla 320-250-2108 18909 County Road 54 Albany, MN 56307


Albany Chrysler Center 320-845-2801 34650 225th Ave. Albany, MN 56307 www.albanychrysler.com

Avon Body Shop & Service Center 320-356-7268 430 County Rd. 50 Avon, MN 56310 www.avonbodyshop.com

Avon Quick Mart 320-356-7992 304 Blattner Dr. Avon, MN 56310 www.avonquickmart.com

Diamond Auto Glass/ Martini Auto Parts 320-253-1446 800-450-7504 422 County Rd. 50 Avon, MN 56310 www.martiniautoparts.com


The Store of St. Anna 320-356-7878 37215 Co. Rd. 9 Avon, MN 56360 See Us on Facebook


Avon Community Church 320-356-9001 204 Avon Ave. N Avon, MN 56310

Harvest of Hope 320-250-5618 320-845-2705 www.hohcatholic.org sevendolors@hohcatholic.org

Our Savior’s Lutheran Church 320-845-2405 840 Lake Ave. Albany, MN 56307 www.OurSaviorsLutheranAlbany.org


Avon Fire Department 320-356-7400

Avon Police Department 320-356-7575

City Hall 320-356-7922 140 Stratford Street E Avon, MN 56310 www.cityofavonmn.com


Avon Chamber of Commerce PO Box 293 Avon, MN 56310 www.avonchambermn.com

Lake Wobegon Trail Assn. www.lakewobegontrail.com Like us on Facebook


Blattner Energy 320-356-7351 392 County Road 50 Avon, MN 56310 www.BlattnerEnergy.com

Klein Builders Inc. 320-356-7233 15703 Fruit Farm Road St. Joseph, MN 56374 www.kleinbuildersmn.com

Lange Trenching Inc. 320-356-7976 109 Dorado Avenue NW Avon, MN 56310 www.langetrenchinginc.com

Lumber One - Avon, Inc. 320-356-7342 101 2nd Street NW Avon, MN 56310 www.lumber-one.com

Mechanical Brothers Plumbing-Heating 320-356-7100 508 1st Street NE Avon, MN 56310 www.mechanicalbrothers.com

TANI Division/ Interstate Monuments 320-845-4733 34658 225th Ave. Albany, MN 56307 www.tanidivision.com


Avon Cabin Café 320-356-7198 105 Avon Avenue S Avon, MN 56310

Fisher’s Club 320-356-7372 Middle Spunk Lake Avon, MN 56310 www.fishersclub.com

Gathering Grounds Coffee Shop 320-356-1106 200 4th Street Avon, MN 56310 www.gatheringgroundsavon.com

Pelican Lake Ballroom 320-845-2831 18419 County Road 154 Avon, MN 56310

Sam’s Pizza Parlor 320-345-9380 305 Blattner Dr. Avon, MN 56310 www.samspizzaparloravon.com


Albany Area Community Education 320-845-2171 30 Forest Avenue Albany, MN 56307 www.albany.k12.mn.us

Albany Area Schools ISD #745 Avon Elementary School 320-845-2171 320-845-5300 30 Forest Avenue Albany, MN 56307 410 Avon Avenue N Avon, MN 56310 www.district745.org

2022 Avon Resource Guide | www.star-pub.com | 1-877-396-6577

Albany Holy Family School 320-845-2011 160 2nd Street Albany, MN 56307 www.holyfamilyalbany.com


Miller-Carlin Funeral Homes 845-2035 - Albany, MN 573-6234 - Upsala 746-9994 - Holdingford www.millercarlin.com

Williams Dingmann

Family Funeral Homes 320-356-7337 107 Avon Street S Avon, MN 56310 www.williamsdingmann.com


Albany Recycling Center 320-845-2747 34737 County Road 10 Albany, MN 56307 recycle@albanytel.com

Waste Management 877-352-2876 39864 S. Hwy. 71 Sauk Centre, MN 56378 www.wm.com


Lake Wobegon Trail Gallery 320-845-4100 431 Railroad Ave. Albany, MN 56307 www.lakewobegontrailgallery.com


Ehlinger Lawn Service 320-250-9337 www.ehlingerlawn.com


Avon Dental Clinic 320-356-7374 308A Blattner Dr. Avon, MN 56310 www.avon-dental.com

Albany Family Dentistry 320-845-8415 360 Railroad Ave. Albany, MN 56307 www.albanyfamilydentist.com

K&S Pharmacy, LTD 320-356-1000 107 Avon Avenue, Suite 1 Avon, MN 56310 www.kandspharmacy.com

Mother of Mercy Senior Living 320-845-2195 • 320-845-2969 230 Church Avenue & 334 and 332 Golf View Dr. Albany, MN 56307 www.motherofmercymn.org

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Page 32 2022 Avon Resource Guide | www.star-pub.com | 1-877-396-6577 OPEN EVERY DAY 7 am to 2 pm I-94 - Exit 153 320-356-7198 105 Avon Ave S • Avon, MN

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