Friday, June 18, 2021 | Country Acres • Page 7
Farmers from everywhere The beginning of summer 2021 and turn to a higher power for help in times has been interesting if nothing else, of need. and the weather has been one aspect One of those times of need occurred in of that. the 1870s and near Cold Spring, the “GrassIt’s been a while since we’ve exhopper Chapel,” reminds us of that event. perienced an early summer this hot, On June 12, 1873, grasshoppers moved and only recently did parts of our covinto the area in what was described as a erage area receive some much-needcloud or what “looked like a snowstorm.” ed rain. I spoke with people from the Within minutes after they arrived, the crops Alexandria area last week and they Random Reflections were devoured right down to the ground. It were happy to have gotten measuronly got worse each year from there, and by Diane Leukam able, helpful amounts. a variety of efforts to eradicate them had Where we are here in Sauk Cencome up short. tre, there has been little to no rain since early April; Eventually, Minnesota’s Gov. John S. Pillsbury it almost seems like there is an invisible dome over – the third governor since the plague began – proand around us. Whenever the weather radar looks claimed a day of prayer for April 26, 1877. The promising, the clouds either split and go around us, grasshoppers remained … for a while. The people or dissipate altogether when they reaches us. Hope- were desperate and a local priest suggested that a fully, our day will come very soon. chapel be built where people could pray for an end We need rain. to the plague. By summertime, the grasshoppers When we have a hot, dry season, it often brings were gone. us to our knees. I was privileged to witness this I believe wholeheartedly in the power of prayer phenomenon last week. I saw a social media post and am more than happy to pray for rain for everya couple days earlier that there would be a Mass one who needs it. to pray for rain on Friday evening at our church. I I will say, though, it’s a very good thing we loved the idea, and my husband and I made plans to can’t control the weather. Imagine what would hapattend. As we drove up to the church, we looked at pen if we could! Rain clouds would have to take on each other; we couldn’t believe the number of cars entirely different shapes. Some would be squares parked for blocks, and how many people streaming the size of a section of land, or 640 acres; some into the church. would be squares the size of a quarter, or 160 acres. The church was packed full of people, many Every uniquely shaped field could have its own who had come long distances to pray – farmers cloud. from everywhere. It actually made me choke up to Farmers could dictate the rains to come at cersee this outpouring of prayer and to hear the voices. tain times based on whether or not they have hay The voices filled the church with every prayer and down or field-work to do. They could dictate it response. One cool thing about it was there was based on soil types and what stage the crop is in. prayer for everyone’s crops, not just those who Maybe you like it cold and I like it hot. Maybe you were present. like clouds and I like sun; you like winter and I like Of course, when we turn to God in prayer for summer. Throw celebrations and events in there, rain, there is no guarantee it will fall from the skies and you really have a mess. The possible scenarios immediately. The point is more that farmers are are endless. well aware of their inability That’s all silly, I know, but you have to have a to control the weather sense of humor these days. (and other things) Seriously, I do hope and pray that it rains.
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