Excellence in
Education Did You Know? Sauk Centre has everything you need in education, from preschool to post-secondary options. Students have a wide variety of athletic and non-athletic extracurricular activities sponsored by the school system as well as a variety of learning opportunities with the community education program.
LEARNING TREE Child Development Center
Sauk Centre Public Schools District 743, Enrollment & Facilities
http://www.isd743.org The public school system is a network of modern facilities and has an approximate enrollment of 1,000 students all on one campus. Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE)/School Readiness Preschool Programs
http://www.isd743.org These programs began in 1977 and are part of the Sauk Centre School District. ECFE is currently housed in the Public Elementary School. ECFE offers parent-child programs for parents and their children ages 2-5.
320-351-8733 3 20 35 51 8733
The School Readiness Program is open to children ages 3, 4 and 5 years old not attending kindergarten. Punkins and Monkeys preschool
http://www.facebook.com/ punkinsandmonkeys This Christian-based preschool is a parent cooperative and is located in Holy Family School.
Holy Family School
http://www.holyfamilysc.org/ Sauk Centre is home to Holy Family School, an excellent, fully-accredited parochial school for kindergarten through sixth grade. At over 250 students, it is one of the largest Catholic schools in the area.
1168 Main Street South Sauk Centre, MN 56378
Tina Dingmann & Kayla Petermeier, Owners Page 28 | 2022 Sauk Centre Resource & Visitors Guide
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