Homeowner Reconstruction Assistance Persons with Disabilities (PWD)
Starr County will be accepting applications for the Homeowner Reconstruction Assistance Program for Persons with Disabilities (PWD). Applications will be available beginning on June 20, 2024 thru July 11, 2024 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at Starr County Annex (Federal & State Department) 100 N FM 3167, Rio Grande City, TX 78582. Intake application must be completed with all information requested and returned by July 11, 2024. Eligibility factors include, but are not limited to, service area, home ownership (title deed), no abandoned homes or additions to homes, must be homestead, single-family home, appx. 6,000 sf lot, and meet low income eligibility.
For More information contact Connie Cantu, Project Manager with Federal & State Programs at 956-716-4800 ext. 8115.
Kinder students have a blast in summer school!!
RGCGISD Mrs. Reyna Navarro’s summer Kinder students, at Dr. Mario Ramirez Elementary, John and Olive Hinojosa Elementary, at Ringgold Elementary have a blast in summer school! It’s so wonderful to hear that they learn about butterflies, their life cycle, and enjoying an art project. What a fantastic way for them to stay engaged and continue learning during the summer!
High School GEAR UP Future Medical Professional students tour the Transplant Center of the Pathology Department
Rio Grande City High School GEAR UP Future Medical Professional students had the unique opportunity to tour the Transplant Center of the Pathology Department as part of the LASER Summer Medical Intensive Internship at DHR in Edinburg.
During this insightful experience, students observed a variety of specimens up close, including 2 placentas, an umbilical cord, and a 9-week-old fetus.
The day was highly productive, offering students hands-on immersion into medical procedures. They performed an intubation and received detailed instructions on how to place a catheter, gaining valuable practical knowledge in the process.
If additional information is needed please contact: Maricela Ibarra, Director Rosie Salinas, Project Manager (956) 716 – 4800 Ext: 8080 The County of
is an Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer
Pursuant to the provisions contained in ARTICLE V, Section Five (5) of the Texas Abandoned Motor Vehicle Act, we are serving notice to the owners and/or lien holders that the below described motor vehicle, has been taken into custody by Triple J Wrecker Service, and will be sold. Failure of an owner or lien holder to claim vehicles within forty-five (45) days after date of this notice and make payment of all towing, preservation, and storage charges resulting from the placing of vehicles in custody shall constitute a waiver of the right to reclaim vehicle. Contact Juan J. Lopez, Jr. at 956-735-5144, 6511
E. US Hwy 83, Unit A, Rio Grande City, TX 78582 for information concerning vehicles.
2008 DODGE DURANGO - GREY VIN# 1D8HB48226F188974
Prepare for Summer Storms with Medina Electric Cooperative
Now that summer is in full swing, we at Medina Electric Cooperative look forward to more opportunities to enjoy the outdoors. However, the summer months also bring conditions that are ripe for dangerous storms. These potential weather events can result in power outages, but Medina EC crews are ready when needed. When major storms knock out power, our line crews take all necessary precautions
before they work on any downed lines. We encourage you to practice safety and preparedness to protect your family during major storms and outages.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) recommends the following items for storm and disaster preparedness. For more resources, visit www.ready.gov:
•Stock Your Pantry: Keep a three-day supply of nonperishable food such as canned goods, energy bars, peanut butter, powdered milk, instant coffee and water.
•Sanitation and Hygiene:
Ensure you have adequate supplies including towelettes, soap, hand sanitizer and other essentials like diapers and toiletries.
•First Aid Kit: Make sure it is stocked with pain relievers, bandages, and other medical essentials. Keep your prescriptions current.
•Basic Household Items: Set aside flashlights, batteries, a manual can opener, and a portable, battery-powered radio or TV.
•Organize Supplies: Keep emergency supplies easily accessible in one location. Listen to local news or NOAA
Weather Radio for storm and emergency information, and check Medina EC’s website for power restoration updates. After the storm, avoid downed power lines and walking through flooded areas where power lines could be submerged. Allow ample room for utility crews to safely perform their jobs, including on your property. Planning for severe storms or other emergencies can reduce stress and anxiety and lessen the storm’s impact. At Medina EC, we recommend that you act today because there is power in planning.
Heat stroke is a severe condition that requires immediate medical attention
Starr County Memorial Hospital
As the summer sun intensifies, Texas residents face the challenge of coping with extreme heat. The Lone Star State is notorious for its soaring temperatures, making it crucial to prioritize heat safety during the summer months. Heatrelated illnesses such as heat stroke and heat exhaustion are genuine concerns that demand attention.
Understanding and Avoiding Heat-Related Illnesses
Familiarize yourself with the symptoms and signs of heat stroke and heat exhaustion. Heat stroke is a severe condition that requires immediate medical attention and is characterized by a high body temperature, rapid pulse and confusion. Heat exhaustion, on the other hand, is characterized by heavy sweating, weakness, dizziness and nausea. If you or someone else experiences these symptoms, seek medical help promptly.
People with these symptoms should immediately rest in a cool, shaded place and (if conscious) drink plenty of non-alcoholic, non-caffeinated fluids. Apply cool, wet cloths or water mist while fanning the person. Seek immediate medical attention by calling 911 or your local emergency number for symptoms that include cool, moist, pale skin, rapid pulse, elevated or lowered blood pressure, nausea,
loss of consciousness, vomiting or a high body temperature. For late-stage heat stroke symptoms, cool the person further by positioning ice or cold packs on wrists, ankles, groin and neck and in armpits. Administer CPR if the person becomes unconscious.
Housing Authority of Starr County Request for Qualifications Legal Services
The housing Authority of Starr County (“HASC”), a local housing authority, hereby solicits proposals from attorneys or law firms offering to provide legal services to HASC and its related entities.
It is the intent of the HASC to employ legal counsel with expertise in Public and Affordable Housing Development that will assist them with general legal matters. The successful respondent(s) will be utilized on an “as needed” basis.
Seven (7) sealed proposals must be clearly marked Proposal for Legal Services.
A copy of the RFQ can be obtained from
Mr. Luis R. Rios, Jr.
Executive Director
Housing Authority of Starr County Office 1988 N Charco Blanco Road Rio Grande City, Texas 78582 (956)487-3216
Submissions are due no later than 4:00 p.m. August 9, 2024
The City of La Grulla
The City of La Grulla plans to apply for the upcoming 2025-2026 Texas Community Development Block Grant Fund Program of the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA). These services are being solicited to assist the City of La Grulla in its application and administration of the TxCDBG CD contract, if awarded, to support eligible activities associated with the program in the City of La Grulla. Accordingly, the City of La Grulla is seeking to contract with a qualified Professional Administrator or Service Provider (individual/firm) to prepare the application and/or administer the awarded contract. Please electronically submit your proposal in .pdf format via email to: info@cityofgrulla. com OR submit your proposal to the address below on a thumb drive OR submit 3 copies of your proposal of services and a statement of qualifications for the proposed services to the following address: Attn: Roberto A. Salinas, City Manager, 194 S FM 2360, La Grulla, Texas 78548. Proposals must be received by the City of La Grulla no later than 3:00 pm on July 19, 2024 to be considered. The City of La Grulla reserves the right to negotiate with any and all individuals or firms that submit proposals, as per the Texas Professional Services Procurement Act and the Uniform Grant and Contract Management Standards. Section 3 Residents and Business Concerns, Minority Business Enterprises, Small Business Enterprises and Women Business Enterprises are encouraged to submit proposals. The City of La Grulla is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. Servicios de traducción están disponibles por peticion.
NOTICE is herby given that the HOUSING AUTHORITY OF STARR COUNTY will consider bids to act as depository for the Housing Authority Funds. SEALED bids should be addressed to Luis R. Rios Jr., Executive Director, Housing Authority of Starr County, 1988 N. Charco Blanco Rd., Rio Grande City, Texas 78582, with notation in lower left-hand corner of envelope “Bids on Depository”. All bids must be received by the Housing Authority no later than 4:00 p.m. Friday August 9, 2024. Bid specifications may be picked up at the Housing Authority Administration Building, 1988 N Charco Blanco Rd., Rio Grande City, Texas. The Housing Authority reserves the right to refuse and reject any or all bids and to waive any and all formalities or technicalities and to accept the bid considered the best and most advantageous to the Housing Authority. Inquiries may be made by calling Luis R. Rios Jr. at (956) 487-3216.
The HASC is an equal opportunity employer.
Notice of Application for Oil & Gas Waste Disposal Well Permit
MERIT ENERGY COMPANY is applying to the Railroad Commission of Texas for a permit to dispose of produced salt water or other oil and gas waste by well injection into a porous formation not productive of oil or gas.
The applicant proposes to dispose of oil and gas waste into the Queen City formation.
The proposed disposal well, the Guerra”A” SWD #1, API 42-42732571 disposal well is located 17 miles NW from Roma, TX, in the Bob West (L-12, 13, 14, 15) Field, Starr County, Texas.
The waste water will be injected into strata in the subsurface depth interval from 1500 to 3400 feet.
LEGAL AUTHORITY: Chapter 27 of the Texas Water Code, as amended, Title 3 of the Texas Natural Resources Code, as amended, and the Statewide Rules of the Oil and Gas Division of the Railroad Commission of Texas.
Requests for a public hearing from persons who can show they are adversely affected or requests for further information concerning any aspect of the application should be submitted in writing, within fifteen days of publication, to Technical Permitting, Oil and Gas Division, Railroad Commission of Texas, P.O. Box 12967, Austin, Texas 78711 (Telephone 512/463-6792).
Congratulations to the Roma Middle School UIL Academic Team on their many 1st Place Awards at the District Meet! The Roma ISD School Board honored the students and their coaches at their Meeting. Way to go Mighty Gladiators!