Congratulations City of Roma on the Ribbon Cutting of a new and cutting edge endeavor! Starr County Officials joined the City of Roma Mayor, Council Members, EDC, Federal and State Leaders, Community Leaders, CBP and representatives from Mexico at Las Americas Logistics and Industrial Park. The U. S. Customs and Border Protection secondary examination station at the site will help facilitate a smooth transition for International Trade. This monumental endeavor will go down in history for being a hub for economic growth.
Middle School Band
and advanced to TMEA Area
Region Honor Band competition!!! The band secured a position to advance to the TMEA Area G Honor Bands competition on July 19th. This is the first time the RMS band has advanced to the Area level of this competition in more than 25 years. The Ringgold Middle School teachers and staff are super proud of their accomplishments. RMS Rattler Band All In....All The Time! Good luck and wish you the best in the competition in July!!!
City Commission of RGC appointed Gilberto Milan as Interim City Manager
At the Regular June Meeting of the City Commission, held on Tuesday, June 11, 2024, the City Commission of Rio Grande City appointed Planning Director, Mr. Gilberto Milan, CPM, as the Interim City Manager.
Mr. Milan has been with the City of Rio Grande City since 2005, serving our community as a Code Enforcement Officer in the Planning Department, earning the position as Planning Director in 2013. With his degree in Political Science from the University of Texas PanAmerican and his Certification of Public Manager from the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, Mr. Milan is ready to guide the City of Rio Grande City under the leadership of our City Commission. On behalf of the City Commission of Rio Grande City, we would like to thank Chief Noe Castillo for his time as the Deputy City Manager. We would like to congratulate Mr. Gilberto Milan on this amazing achievement and welcome him into this new position!
S. G.
Si tienes algún problema de difícil solución y necesitas ayuda urgente, pide esta ayuda a San Expedito que es el Santo de los Asuntos que precisan Pronta solución y cuya invocación nunca es tardía. ORACIÓN: Mi Santo Expedito de las Causas Justas y Urgentes. Socórreme en esta hora de aflicción y desespero, intercede por mí, junto a Nuestro Señor Jesucristo. Vos que sois un Santo Guerrero, Vos que sois el Santo de los Afligidos, Vos que sois el Santo de los Desesperados, Vos que sois el Santo de las Cosas Urgentes. Protégeme, Ayúdame, Dame Fuerza, Coraje y Serenidad. Atiéndeme mi pedido (Haz tu pedido) Ayúdame a superar estas horas difíciles, protégeme de todos los que puedan perjudicarme. Protege a mi familia, atiende mai pedido con urgencia. Devuélveme la paz y tranquilidad. Seré agradecido el resto de mi vida y llevaré tu nombre a todos los que tienen fé. GRACIAS. Reza un Padrenuestro, un Ave María y haz la Señal de la Cruz. En agradecimiento, difunde la Oración a todas las personas que lo necesiten.
11/29/1972 † 07/02/2021
Ha sido tres años desde que nuestro Señor lo llamó a su casa y sin embargo parece que fue ayer. El Señor nos dio la fuerza para seguir adelante a pesar de que estamos pasando por la época más oscura de nuestras vidas... sin ti. Agradecemos de corazón a Dios por todos los recuerdos maravillosos que recordaremos para siempre. Sabemos que estás en el cielo ahora con Dios y desde ahí velas por nosotros.
Se celebrara una misa el Martes 2 de Julio a la 6:00 p.m. en la Iglesia San Pablo en La Puerta, Texas
Departe de su esposa Marisa, su hijos Armando, Brandon y Jose
DHR Health proudly announced that it is the first hospital, south of San Antonio, to successfully administer Leqembi, an FDAapproved medication for the early treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. This achievement marks a groundbreaking advancement in healthcare for the Rio Grande Valley.
Under the guidance of neurologist, Dr. R. Alejandro Cruz, and the dedicated team at the DHR Health Neuroscience Institute, a
meticulously set of comprehensive protocols have been developed for the administration of Leqembi. From initial patient assessments to laboratory testing, radiology procedures, and the establishment of a state-of-the-art infusion center, every aspect of patient care has been planned and executed.
“I am very proud of the hard work of our team at DHR Health, being the first facility to provide this groundbreaking therapy for Alzheimer’s disease will mark a new era of hope for our community,” said Dr. R, Alejandro Cruz, DHR Health Neurologist.
“As the largest physician-owned hospital in the United States and a leading healthcare provider in the Rio Grande Valley, we are immensely proud to be at the forefront of Alzheimer’s disease treatment in South Texas, giving patients access to this groundbreaking
therapy,” said Marissa Castaneda, Senior Executive Vice President at DHR Health. “This achievement represents our ongoing commitment to bringing innovative and advanced treatment options to our community. We are proud to provide world-class care that is close to home,” added Castaneda.
According to Dr. Cruz, Alzheimer’s disease is a brain disorder that worsens over time. It is characterized by changes in the brain that lead to deposits of certain proteins. Alzheimer’s disease causes the brain to shrink and brain cells to eventually die. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common cause of dementia - a gradual decline in memory, thinking, behavior and social skills. These changes affect a person’s ability to function. The introduction of Leqembi represents a ray of hope for those affected by this debilitating condition, offering
the potential to improve quality of life and slow disease progression. DHR Health remains committed to delivering exceptional care, as a new chapter in Alzheimer’s treatment is available to patients of the Rio Grande Valley. To learn more about this groundbreaking treatment, or to make an appointment, please contact the DHR Health Neuroscience Institute at (956) 362-8500.
Roma High School Senior Natalia Lopez has been awarded the prestigious Gates Scholarship!
Roma High School Senior Natalia Lopez has been awarded the prestigious Gates Scholarship!
Out of an astounding 53,000 applicants, Natalia has emerged as one of the distinguished 750 recipients nationwide. This scholarship, revered as one of the most competitive full-ride awards in the country, will pave the way for Natalia to pursue her higher education aspirations without the burden of financial constraints.
The Gates Scholarship (TGS) is a highly selective, last-dollar scholarship for outstanding, minority, high school seniors.
Each year, the scholarship is awarded to exceptional student leaders, with the intent of helping them realize their maximum potential. A Gates Scholar must possess an outstanding high school record, demonstrate strong leadership, and exude exceptional personal success skills. With this remarkable achievement, Natalia has chosen to further her studies at The University of Texas at Austin, where she will major in International Business and Finance with a goal of later earning a law degree. Congratulations Natalia!!!
received steel-toe boots from rootEd!
Grulla High School are thrilled to announce that 11 graduated seniors entering the workforce received steel-toe boots from rootEd!
This initiative is part of the ongoing commitment to support the students as they step into their future careers.
Congratulations to these hardworking seniors, and a big thank you to rootEd for providing this valuable resource. Keep up the great work, Gators!