JUNE 7, 2023

Page 10


Ricardo Sanchez Elementary:

Odyssey of the Mind World Champions

A big CONGRATULATIONS to General Ricardo Sanchez Elementary Odyssey of the Mind team for dominating at World Finals in Lansing, Michigan earning 1st place and now considered WORLD CHAMPIONS!!

They competed against 68 top teams across the world from countries such as USA, Mexico, Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan, China, Switzerland, Germany, South Korea, Poland, and France.

OM Team members are: Isabella Guerra, Ryder Santa María, Gilbert Alaniz Jr, Sophia Carmona, Kassidy García, Mariely López, and Héctor Rodríguez!

RGCGISD nation are extremely proud of this spectacular group of students and their Coach, Elias Saenz! A big thank you to the Superintendent, Mr. Peña, school board of trustees, and community for the tremendous support!!

General Ricardo Sanchez Elementary Odyssey of the Mind team representing RGCGISD at the world level!!

RGCGISD offer experiences of a lifetime!!


Athena Terán, Jesús A. Alaniz and Erica Bazán Named to the Top 10 BE/ESL Students of the Year for the Speaking Domain

Roma High Students Wins Reserve Grand Champ for Market Goat

Department appreciates the dedication and support given to help Accelerate Learning for Emergent Bilingual Students each day. Each student received a certificate of recognition provided by Summit K12’s founder and CEO, John Kresky, and a Fire 7 with Alexa 32 GB tablet provided by the BE/ ESL Department. On behalf of Superintendent of Schools, Mr. Adolfo Peña, Jr. and the RGCGISD School Board of Trustees, Congratulations on this amazing achievement!

487-2440 300 East Main St. R.G.C. STARR VISION CENTER Dr. Angie Ramirez erapeutic Optometrist 488-0808 280 W. 2nd St. R.G.C. CASTAÑEDA Auto Insurance & Bail Bonds 487-7000 487-2596 4350 E. US HWY 83 R.G.C. • Individual • Partnership • Corporations • LLC’s • Bookkeeping • Payroll • Financial Statements • Form 2290 • IRS Audit Representation Mario A. Méndez, EA Licensed to practice before the IRS (Internal Revenue Service) 317-1124 (956) 201 S. San Antonio. St. Rio Grande City, TX (NEW LOCATION) Vol. 38, No. 23 WEEKLY WEDNESDAY • JUNE 7, 2023 Office (956) 487-6544 - Fax (956) 487-6165 - E-Mail: sctc78582@aol.com - www.starrcountytowncrier.com The Law Office Of 956-317-1167 206 N. Britton Ave. Ste.B, R.G.C. jmchemagarza@gmail.com J.M. “Chema” Garza Criminal Cases (Federal/State) Car Accidents/ 18 Wheeler Divorces • Real Estate/Deeds Dr. Raymond Cruz Best FAMILY & COSMETIC DENTISTRY Dental Insurance, Medicaid and Chip Accepted 419 East 2nd St. Rio Grande City, Tx. 487-2999 311 E Main St Rio Grande City TX 78582-4448 Phone (956) 487-3925 Installment Loans J.M. “Chuy” Alvarez CHUY Alvarez 501 N. Britton Ave • Rio Grande City, Texas 956-487-4871 Cell: 956-208-0282 NOT CERTIFIED BY THE TEXAS BOARD OF LEGAL SPECIALIZATION ATTORNEY AT LAW The Rio Grande City Grulla ISD BE/ESL Department, under the direction of Mr. Jesús A. Martínez, would like to recognize and congratulate GRSE 1st grader Athena Terán, RGCHS 10th graders Jesús A. Alaniz and Erica Bazán for being named as one of the Top 10 BE/ESL Students of the Year for the Speaking Domain for the Summit K12 Program. We are very proud of these students for their academic accomplishments. They are in the Top 10 for the Speaking Domain out of over 500,000 Texas BE/ESL students. The BE/ESL
Congratulations to Roma High Freshman Mario Canales for winning Reserve Grand Champion at the 2023 RGV Livestock Show with his Market Goat!




†FR. THOMAS SEPULVEDA by Cathy Perez & Family


†GRACIELA P. PEREZ (34TH AN.) by Family

FRIDAY JUNE 9TH - I.C.C. 12:00 P.M.

†JOHN A. POPE III By Anna Pope & Family


By Anna Pope & Family


By Anna Pope & Family


5:00 P.M.

†IMELDA C. RAMOS (1ST AN.) by Ramos Family


†MELICIA “MITZIE” OLIVAREZ by Israel & Lupita Chapa





†ELIA G. ACEVEDO (4th AN.) by Family


†ALONZO IBAÑEZ RAMOS (9TH AN.) by Esposa e Hijos

†RAMON CANALES (37TH AN.) by Family

†SANTOS CANALES (13TH AN.) by Family



9:00 A.M.


Misa De Noveno Aniversario En Memoria de Alonso Ibañez R.

11-15-45 † 06-12-14


Hace nueve años que te fuiste y párese que fue ayer, recordando tu sonrisa nos das una alegría y un nuevo amanecer. Quizás por ser como fuiste estamos aferrados a ti, con nuestros recuerdos sigues estando aquí. Tus hijos te recuerdan por el gran padre y amigo que fuiste, yo te recuerdo como el gran esposo y maravilloso amigo que tu fuiste. Tu fuiste nuestra tristeza y también nuestra alegría; porque tu nos marcaste a cada uno en nuestras vidas. El amor que tu nos diste nunca lo olvidaremos. Por ser el gran hombre que fuiste en nuestros corazones siempre te llevaremos. Te fuiste sin ningún adiós, pero se que desde el cielo nos cuidas con mucho amor.

Se celebrara una misa el Sábado 10 de Junio a las 5:00 p.m. en la Iglesia Inmaculada Concepcion en RGC, Tx.

Su esposa Rosa E. Ibañez, sus hijos Alonso Jr. (Clarissa), Claudia (Arcadio), Alvaro (Lori Ann), Alfredo y sus nietos.

Familia Ibañez ~ Canales


VALLE by Gloria De Loera



ROSALES by Gloria De Loera

†DELIA HERNANDEZ by Gloria De Loera

†ELISA P. GUERRA (27TH AN.) by Family


†POMPILLO VALERA, JR, by Patiño Family


†OLGA M. CRUZ (18TH AN.) by Thelma Molina & Family

†AMADOR M. HALILI (5TH AN.) by Sunga Family

1st Anniversary Mass In Loving Memory of Imelda C. Ramos

January 14, 1932 † June 10, 2022

“Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us every day. Unseen, unheard, but always near; still loved, still missed and very dear”

Mass will be celebrated

June 10, 2023 at 5pm

Immaculate Conception Church Rio Grande City

From your beloved children, Chuy, Martha, Ale, Zori, and Gaby


May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus pray for us.

Holy Mary, Mother of Jesus, pray for us, St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us. (Say this nine times a day, by the 8th day your prayer will be answered. Say it nine days, it has never been known to fail.

Publication must be promised.)

Thank you St. Jude.

A. S.


Si tienes algún problema de difícil solución y necesitas ayuda urgente, pide esta ayuda a San Expedito que es el Santo de los Asuntos que precisan Pronta solución y cuya invocación nunca es tardía. ORACIÓN: Mi Santo Expedito de las Causas Justas y Urgentes. Socórreme en esta hora de aflicción y desespero, intercede por mí, junto a Nuestro Señor Jesucristo. Vos que sois un Santo Guerrero, Vos que sois el Santo de los Afligidos, Vos que sois el Santo de los Desesperados, Vos que sois el Santo de las Cosas Urgentes. Protégeme, Ayúdame, Dame Fuerza, Coraje y Serenidad. Atiéndeme mi pedido (Haz tu pedido) Ayúdame a superar estas horas difíciles, protégeme de todos los que puedan perjudicarme. Protege a mi familia, atiende mi pedido con urgencia. Devuélveme la paz y tranquilidad. Seré agradecido el resto de mi vida y llevaré tu nombre a todos los que tienen fé. GRACIAS. Reza un Padrenuestro, un Ave María y haz la Señal de la Cruz. En agradecimiento, difunde la Oración a todas las personas que lo necesiten.

A. S.

Madre y Reina de Guadalupe, que nos cuidas y nos acompañas, que estás siempre con nosotros, enséñanos a vivir como tus hijos, imitando a Jesús. Bendice todas nuestras buenas intenciones, bendice nuestro trabajo de cada día, cuida a nuestras familias, ampara a nuestros niños y jóvenes, sana a nuestros enfermos y fortalece a nuestros ancianos. Llévanos de tu mano a Jesús. Amén.

Oh gloriosísimo Apóstol San Judas. Siervo fiel y amigo de Jesús, el nombre del traidor que entregó a vuestro querido Maestro en manos de sus enemigos, ha sido la causa de que muchos os hayan olvidado, pero la Iglesia os honra e invoca universalmente como Patrón de los casos difíciles y desesperados. Rogad por mí, que soy tan miserable y haced uso, os ruego, de éste privilegio especial a vos concedido, de socorrer visible y prontamente, cuando casi se ha perdido toda esperanza. Venid en mi ayuda en esta gran necesidad para que reciba los consuelos y socorro del cielo en todas mis necesidades, tribulaciones y sufrimientos. Particularmente (haga aquí las súplicas especiales que desea obtener) y para que bendiga a Dios, con vos y con todos los escogidos por toda la eternidad. Os prometo, Gloriosa San Judas, acordarme siempre de este gran favor y nunca dejaré de honraros como a mi especial y poderoso protector, y hacer todo lo que pueda para fomentar vuestra devoción. Amén. Diga esta oración 9 veces al día y rece 9 Credos, durante 9 días, prometiendo publicarla al octavo día. Perdón por la tardanza.

I.C.C. 11:00 A.M.
5:00 P.M. PRO POPULO – MASS SAID FOR THE PEOPLE MONDAY JUNE 12TH – I.C.C. 6:00 P.M. †ADAN ALANIZ, JR. by Wife & Family †PABLO MIGUEL VILLEGAS by Family TUESDAY JUNE 13TH – I.C.C. 6.30 P.M. †OFELIA LOPEZ by Lopez Family †MAXIMILIANA LOPEZ by Lopez Family †ARACELI GARCIA by Lopez Garcia Sanchez (956) 487-2525 Funeral Home 301 E. 2nd. St. Rio Grande City, Tx. 78582 (956) 847-7008 Memorial Funeral Home 101 AR Sanchez Sr. Dr. Roma, Tx. 78584 “Serving Our Community For Over 86 Years” “Caring for you & your loved ones in your time of need ” $2,900.00 FULL FUNERAL SERVICE CALL JEFF OR SONATA SANCHEZ WITH SILVER METAL CASKET Sanchez
A. S.

Grulla High Gators Selected to the Texas High School Association Track & Field Academic All-State Teams

Delia G. Garcia Elementary School Students Become AR Word Millionaires

Senior Lady Tiger Roma Elizondo Received Multiple Regional and State Basketball Honors

Congratulations to Delia G. Garcia Elementary School students Arnoldo Garcia and Alfonso Hinojosa for becoming AR Word Millionaires! As a reward, Arnoldo and Alfonso got to spray paint their former principal, Mr. Edgar Garza’s beard.

Unemployment Rate Drops to Single Digits in Starr County for April 2023

Job seekers at RGC Employer Expo & Job Fair

The Texas Workforce Commission released the April 2023 Labor Market and Employment reports and unemployment in Starr County has slid into single digits to a 9.2%.

Starr County has seen a significant decline for the past year. Last April’s unemployment rate for the county was at 10.7%..

The trend is consistent with the rest of the Rio Grande Valley counties, which are also down to single-digit unemployment.

For more information about the Rio Grande City EDC, call (956) 487-3476 or visit rgcedc.com.

Congratulations to San Isidro ISD Senior Lady Tiger Roma Elizondo for being selected as the recipient of multiple regional and state basketball honors!!! In addition, she also earned the West team MVP award at RGVBCA Senior Showcase and was awarded a $500 scholarship from the Rio Grande Valley Basketball Coaches Association. Awesome job, Roma!!! Way to represent San Isidro well on all levels of competition!!!

Misa de Primer Aniversario En Memoria De Pablo Rached Villegas

05/26/1996 † 06/12/2022

Que dolor tan grande nos ha causado tu partida, triste y vacío quedo nuestro hogar. Sin tu presencia la alegría de nuestras almas desapareció para siempre faltándonos tu compañía. Te marchaste en el momento mas hermoso de tu vida, quedando fatalmente truncadas por el destino todas tus ilusiones, tus ideas, tus aspiraciones y tus inquietudes. Esta es la prueba mas dura que Dios nos ha enviado, pero apoyados en nuestra fe, Dios nos dará resignación... ¡Hágase tu voluntad Dios mío!

Se celebrara una misa el Domingo 11 de Junio a las 9:00 a.m. y Lunes 12 de Junio a las 6:00 p.m. en la Iglesia Inmaculada Concepcion en Rio Grande City, Texas

Familia Lopez ~ Villegas


Memorable and Fun Trip for the Hawk Students!

VMS Migrant Club held a Trash Bash

Ac2E Elementary 5th grade students and staff, visited the San Antonio Zoo, the Witte Museum, Japanese Tea Garden and Main Event for their End of the Year Field Trip. It was an extremely memorable and FUN trip for the Hawk students! On Thursday, May 18, 2023, the Veterans Middle School Migrant Club held a trash bash to help clean the school’s front area. Migrant Club members are proud of their school and they were eager to help out!

Starr County Historical Commission Members Tour Historical Sites

F. J. Scott Elementary Takes Home 1st Place in District Robotics Competition

Members of the Starr County Historical Commission toured the “Hidden Trails; The Roads Not Taken” on Friday May 19, 2023.

The tour included El Sauz Texas, Cuevitas Tx (Jim Hogg County), Guerra Texas “El Rancho Colorado Museum, and the East Ranch (San Antonio Viejo). The tour was facilitated by Mrs. Dora Villarreal (Member of the Texas Historical Commission and Jim Hogg Historical Commission) and her sister Maria Teresa Flores from El Sauz, TX, The delegation was treated to a delicious meal of Carne Guisada and homemade treats at El Rancho Colorado in Guerra Texas.

The Commission Members

enjoyed learning about El Sauz School, church and post office, visited a cemetery in Cuevitas Texas, the museum in Guerra Texas with the last stop being at the East Ranch to visit the house of Robert East.

The tour was very educational and fascinating, and the commission will schedule more tours in the near future to focus on local historical sites to learn more about our roots and our heritage.

The members of the Starr County Historical Commission and their Chairman Mr. R.C. Salinas would like to thank Judge Eloy Vera and his office for making this tour possible,

Pct. 1 Commissioner Jose F. “Kiko” Perez for providing the transportation and The Historical Commission of Jim Hogg, Judge Juan Carlos Guerra and Commissioner Cynthia Betancourt from Jim Hogg, Mrs. Dora Villarreal, Mrs. Maria Teresa Flores and their family.

Gary Rhea Graduate from UT Tyler

The University of Texas at Tyler recognize spring 2023 degree candidates during Spring 2023 Commencement April 2829.

Rio Grande City, TX - Gary Rhea, Master of Science, Industrial Management


The Area Agency on Aging of the South Texas Development Council is currently seeking contractors for Fiscal Year 2024 (October 1, 2023-September 30, 2024) who are qualified entities to provide Congregate Meals, Home Delivered Meals, Demand/Response Transportation, Residential Repair, Homemaker, Personal Assistance, In-home Respite, Emergency Response and Health Maintenance Services.

These services are provided to individuals 60 years of age and older, their family members and other caregivers under the Older Americans Act of 1965 as amended with funding administered by Health and Human Service Commission in the Counties of Jim Hogg, Starr, Webb and Zapata.

Parties interested in providing services within our service area must contact the Area Agency on Aging and request an application during the closed enrollment period June 1, 2023 through June 30, 2023 for consideration.

To request an application package contact: South Texas Development Council Area Agency on Aging

1002 Dickey Ln. P.O. Box 2187

Laredo, Texas 78044-2187

(956) 722-3995


Congratulations to F. J. Scott Elementary on their win at the Roma ISD Elementary School Robotics Competition! All the participating schools did a wonderful job of building and programming their robots.

The ACE Program has partnered with STC ( c/o Dr. A. Montiel ) and with the Science Mill out of Johnson City and will be offering Free summer classes at South Texas College. The elementary Academy of Secret Agents (3rd to 5th grade ) will be starting June 12-15 . We have 2 engineering teachers that will only be accepting 15 students each to attend this advanced summer camp at no cost to the parents. RGCGISD food services will be providing bfast and lunch. Parents are responsible to drop off and pick up their children since it is a college. The Middle School Camp will begin at STC on June 19-22 for Middle Schoolers. This will be on a first come first serve basis.

If interested Please call Miss Leslie Saenz to ( 956)735-2613 to get your registration information & reserve your space now!


Rio Grande City Main Street receives national accreditation

based economic development and community revitalization through the Main Street Approach™.

“We take pride in this level of distinction and the recognition it brings to our proud community, “said Rosa Gonzalez, Rio Grande City Main Street Advisory Board President. “We are honored to receive this accreditation.”

Rio Grande City Main Street has been designated as an Accredited Main Street America™ program for meeting rigorous performance standards. Each year, Main Street America and its partners announce the list of Accredited programs to recognize their exceptional commitment to preservation-

“This is the 7th consecutive year our Main Street Program has received national accreditation, “said Mayor Joel Villarreal. “We are extremely proud of the work our Main Street Advisory Board has achieved this year.”

“We are very proud to

acknowledge this year’s 862 Accredited Main Street America programs, and their steadfast dedication to nurture economically and culturally vibrant downtown districts,” said Hannah White, Interim President & CEO of Main Street America. “The increase in the size and impact of our network speaks volumes to the power of the Main Street movement to respond to the needs of local communities and drive innovative solutions.”

In 2022, Main Street America programs generated $6.2 billion in local reinvestment, helped open 7,657 net new businesses, facilitated the creation of

29,174 net new jobs, catalyzed the rehabilitation of 10,688 historic buildings, and leveraged 1,528,535 volunteer hours. On average, for every dollar that a Main Street program spent to support their operations, it generated $24.07 of new investment back into their downtown communities.

Collectively, 2 million people live or work within the boundaries of designated Main Street America

districts. An estimated workforce of 1.1 million people contribute their skills and expertise to advancing the missions of these historic downtowns and commercial corridors.

Rio Grande City Main Street’s performance is annually evaluated by Texas Main Street, which works in partnership with Main Street America to identify the local programs that meet rigorous

national performance standards. To qualify for Accreditation status, communities must meet a set of rigorous standards that include commitments to building grassroots revitalization programs, fostering strong publicprivate partnerships, nurturing economic opportunity for small businesses and entrepreneurs, and actively preserving historic places, spaces, and cultural assets.


South Texas College is accepting competitive proposals for the following:

RFP Number Description Date Due Time

23-24-1007 Student Insurance

June 28, 2023 2:00 pm

Request for Proposals packages may be obtained at the Purchasing Department located at 3200 W Pecan Blvd Bldg N Ste 145, McAllen, TX 78501 (Corner of Quince & 31st St) or by calling 956-872-4681. Responses received after the specified time and date will not be considered and will be returned unopened. Email or Facsimile responses will not be accepted. All responses must be submitted in a sealed envelope. Responses need to be clearly marked on the envelope with the RFP number.

The successful respondent will not be determined on opening date.

Questions regarding this RFP or requests for additional information should be addressed to Becky Cavazos, Director of Purchasing 956-872-4681 beckyc@southtexascollege. edu, or Vanessa Campos, Technical Buyer of Purchasing, 956-872-4661 vsolis_3079@ southtexascollege.edu. Responses to the RFP must be submitted to South Texas College, 3200 W Pecan Blvd Bldg N Ste 145, McAllen, TX 78501.

South Texas College is an equal education and equal employment opportunity/affirmative action employer. As an equal opportunity employer, the College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, disability, genetic information, or veteran status.

Vendors are encouraged to visit the South Texas College’s Purchasing Department website to complete the 2-part Bonfire vendor registration for receiving solicitations at: https://southtexascollege.bonfirehub.com/login


South Texas College is accepting competitive proposals for the following:


Materials - II

Request for Proposals packages may be obtained at the Purchasing Department located at 3200 W. Pecan Blvd, Bldg N, Ste 145, McAllen, TX 78501 (Corner of Quince & 31st Street) or by calling 956-872-4681. Responses received after the specified time and date will not be considered and will be returned unopened. Facsimile responses will not be accepted. All responses must be submitted in a sealed envelope. Responses need to be clearly marked on the envelope with the RFP number.

The successful respondent will not be determined on opening date.

Questions regarding this RFP or requests for additional information should be addressed to Becky Cavazos, Director of Purchasing 956-872-4681 beckyc@southtexascollege.edu, or Vanessa Campos, Technical Buyer, 956-872-4661 vsolis_3079@southtexascollege.edu

Responses to the RFP must be submitted to South Texas College, 3200 W. Pecan Blvd, Bldg N, Ste 145, McAllen, TX 78501.

South Texas College is an equal education and equal employment opportunity/affirmative action employer. As an equal opportunity employer, the College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, disability, genetic information, or veteran status.

Purchases made as a result of this solicitation will be funded through The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, Perkins Basic Grant Program.

Vendors are encouraged to visit the South Texas College’s Purchasing Department website to complete the 2-part Bonfire vendor registration for receiving solicitations at: https://southtexascollege.bonfirehub.com/login

RFP Number Description Date Due Time 23-24-1008 Books and Educational June 28, 2023 3:00
STARR COUNTY TOWN CRIER, JUNE 7, 2023, PAGE 10 APARTMENT FOR RENT 1 bedroom, 1 bath w/ laundry, dinning, and living room appliances included. Newly remodeled 1 block away from North Grammar Elementary in RGC. For info. call 956-487-8989 APARTMENT FOR RENT 3bdrm., 2 bath, Off of Los Alvarez Rd., RGC. $675 mo. + $300 dep. 1yr lease. 38 Alegria Circle, RGC (956) 847-6850
has been made with the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission for a WINE AND MALT BEVERAGE RETAIL DEALER’S OFFPREMISE PERMIT (BQ) by: PRISMA L. FERNANDEZ dba RBG’S DRIVE THRU to be located at 3295 RAMIREZ ST., ROMA, STARR COUNTY, TEXAS. LEGAL NOTICE B&B ALWAYS TOWING STREET ADDRESS OF VSF 6373 FM 1430 RIO GRANDE CITY, TX 78582 PHONE# (956)735-9384/ (956)735-6485 VSF LICENSE #068885 TLDR internet address (https://www.tdlr.texas.gov) FORD RANGER VIN#1FTYR10C2WUC71717 NO PLATES DISPLAYED • TOTAL FEES:$799.65 If the vehicle is not claimed 30 days a er the date this notice is sent gives this vehicle storage facility the right to dispose of the vehicle. Additionally, failure to claim the vehicle is a waiver of all right, title, or interest in the vehicle and personal property and a consent to sell the vehicle at a public sale. PUBLIC NOTICE 6-D Apartment For Rent 300 N. Arredondo St., Rio Grande City, Tx 78582 Apt.#6 $600 Rent • $400 Dep. 956-500-3706 STK#24902C 2020 Ford Edge ST People across the Valley come home to Rio Motor Co. for big savings and family-friendly service! No Matter Where You Live, Come Home! www.riomotors.com (956) 487-2596 · 1-800-509-0003 Rolando Flores 956-416-8945 Paco Cantu 956-208-1821 STK# 24757A ONLY 16K MILES!!! LIKE NEW! NICE! 2020 Chevy Blazer STK# P2434 2020 Chevy Traverse RS 2020 JEEP Gladiator crew STK#24916A MANAGER $PECIAL MANAGER $PECIAL STK# 24458A JUST ARRIVED JUSTARRIVED $41,995 $37,995 $45,995 $40,995 2021 Chevy Silverado LT $33,995 $33,495 $35,995 $35,995 $35,995 $38,995

Roma High Student Wins Congressional Art Contest, Earns Trip to D.C.

Congratulations to Roma High School Art Program student

Melanny Hernandez on being selected the 2023 Congressional Art Competition Winner for U.S. Representative Henry Cuellar’s District!! Melanny was honored at a special reception with her family and Rep. Cuellar last weekend. Her winning artwork will hang in the Cannon Tunnel of the U.S. Capitol for one year.

The tunnel is the most highly traveled access point between the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Capitol. Every day, members of Congress and thousands of visitors walk through the tunnel and admire the artwork.

Melanny and a member of her family will travel on a special trip, paid for through the competition as part of the prize, to Washington, D.C. to an awards

Did you know?

A landmark study conducted by researchers in the United Kingdom discovered a notable link between low to moderate alcohol consumption and breast cancer risk.

According to the Million Women Study, every 10 grams (roughly 0.35 ounces) of alcohol a woman consumed per day was associated with a 12 percent increase in her risk for breast cancer. The Million Women Study focused on various areas of women’s health but included 28,000 women who had breast cancer.

In addition, the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism notes that more than 100 epidemiologic studies have examined a potential association between alcohol consumption and the risk for breast cancer, consistently finding that risk for the disease increases as alcohol intake increases.

ceremony with other winners from across the nation and to see her piece on display.

“We are so proud of Melanny for her willingness to share her art with the world,” said Roma

High School Principal Dr. Jorge Guzman. “She is incredibly talented, and we are so excited for her to enjoy this amazing opportunity. Congratulations to her and her supportive, proud

family. Thank you to Rep. Cuellar and his staff for allowing our students to participate in these wonderful programs that encourage them to showcase their many talents and abilities.”

On May 23, 2023, Alex Sarabia and Isaac Medina, co-hosts and executive producers of RGV Stars, received recognition medallions for reaching the milestone of 15 seasons and 150 episodes of their YouTube show RGV Stars.

They have interviewed Rio Grande Valley celebrities for 4 years, including singers, actors, models, professional athletes such as MMA fighters and boxers, comedians, TV/radio

hosts, politicians and community leaders.

The purpose of RGV Stars is to give a platform to RGV talent, and at the same time, motivate and inspire the viewers.


Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Chapter 263.153 of the Texas Local Government Code & Chapter 59 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure and Transportation Code 683, Subsection B, 683.012, of the Texas Department of Transportation that the County of Starr Sheriff ’s Office, Rio Grande City, Texas will hold a public auction on Friday June 23rd , 2023, at 10:00 a.m. for General Surplus, Equipment and Vehicles which have been forfeited to the State of Texas under the provisions of Chapter 59 Texas Code of Criminal Procedure. Location: 2101 I-69C, Edinburg, TX 78542. Registration to bid will be from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. and will require a picture identification. Examples of items to be auctioned are cars, trucks, heavy equipment, personal computers, electronics, office furniture, surplus, etc. All items will be sold “As Is - Where Is” to the highest bidder. Onsite Buyer’s Premium 14%. Internet Buyer’s Premium 16%. All sales are final and must be paid on the same day with cash, major credit cards (Visa, Master Card, Discover, American Express), Debit & Credit with a 3.99% processing fee. Checks accepted day of auction only with certain conditions. For additional information, please contact the County of Starr Sheriff ’s Office, at (956) 4875571. AUC#17532 - Jose A. Camarillo

available with special financing, lease and some other offers. Must take new car delivery by 07/31/2023. (4) No monthly payments for 90 days. Must finance with GM Financial. Down payment required at signing, if applicable. Some customers may not qualify. Not available with lease and some other offers. 1.9% APR for 36 months for well-qualified buyers when financed w/GM Financial. Monthly payment is $28.60 for every $1,000 you finance. Average example down payment is 16.26%. Not available with leases and some other offers. Must take new retail delivery by 07/31/2023. See Dealer for details. All prices plus tax, title and license. Vehicle is subject to pre-sale.

RGV Stars 15 seasons 150 episodes milestone (956) 487-2596 1-800-509-0003 www.riomotors.com “No Matter Where You Live, Come Home!” “No Matter Where You Live, Come Home!” People across the Valley come home to Rio Motor Company! STK# 24608 2023 CHEVROLET SILVERADO 1500 CREW CAB CUSTOM 4WD MSRP $51,050 PRICE REDUCTION BELOW MSRP -$ 3,305 SPECIAL VALUE PRICE $47,745 CUSTOMER CASH 1 -$ 1,750 BONUS CASH 2 -$ 1,000 SALE PRICE $44,995 OTHER AVAILABLE OFFERS YOU MAY QUALIFY FOR: GM Trade Allowance 3 -$ 1,500 AVAILABLE SPECIALS: 1.9% APR For 36 Months; 90 Day Deferral For Well Qualified Buyers When Financed w/GM Financial 4 $44,995 (1) Not available with special financing, lease and some other offers. Must take new retail delivery by 07/31/2023. (2) Not available with lease and some other offers. Residential restrictions apply. Must take new retail delivery by 07/31/2023. All prices plus tax, title and license. Vehicle is subject to pre-sale. (3) Must trade in a 2009 model year or newer vehicle. Not
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