5 minute read

Popular Pharmacy

Congratulations to Danelo Gonzalez III on being a Silver Award Winner in the Media and Entertainment Category in the Texas Hispanic Heritage Foundation’s Texas Youth Awards! Now entering its 23rd year, the Youth Awards honors Latino high school seniors who excel in the classroom and community for excellence in various categories.

As part of the award, Danelo receives a one-time grant to help fund his college education, and now that he has been selected for the honor, Danelo is part of the HHF network of 200,000 professionals that he can call upon for support in the future.

The Gladiator Nation is so proud of Danelo and all the hard work he has put into his academics and extracurricular activities!!

For more information on the award visit https://

Oración a San Expedito

Mi San Expedito de las causas justas y urgentes, intercede por mi junto a Nuestro Señor Jesucristo, para que venga en mi socorro en esta hora de afl icción y desesperanza. Mi San Expedito tú que eres el Santo guerrero. Tú que eres el Santo de los afl igidos. Tú que eres el Santo de los desesperados. Tú que eres el Santo de las causas urgentes, protégeme, ayúdame, otorgándome: fuerza, coraje y serenidad. ¡Atiende mi pedido! (hacer el pedido). Mi San Expedito, ayúdame a superar estas horas difíciles, protégeme de todos los que puedan perjudicarme, protege a mi familia, atiende mi pedido con urgencia. Devuélveme la Paz y la tranquilidad. ¡Mi San Expedito! Estaré agradecido por el resto de mi vida y propagaré tu nombre a todos los que tienen Fe. Muchas Gracias. Padre Nuestro, Ave María y Credo.

GRANT SERVICES PUBLIC NOTICE The City of Roma is soliciti ng service providers for one or more Hazard Miti gati on Assistance (HMA) grants from the Texas Division of Emergency Management, Texas Water Development Board and/or other sources, including Hazard Miti gati on Grant Program, Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communiti es, and/or Flood Miti gati on Assistance. Accordingly, the City of Roma seeks to contract with a qualifi ed service provider for pre-award and post-award management of HMA project(s). Please submit seven (7) copies of your proposal of services and a statement of qualifi cati ons to Att n: Mr. Alejandro Barrera, City Manager, 77 Convent Street, P.O. Box 947, Roma, Texas 78584. Proposals must be received by the City of Roma no later than 2:00 p.m. on Friday May 20, 2022, to be considered. The City of Roma reserves the right to negoti ate with any and all proposers, as per the Texas Professional Services Procurement Act and the Uniform Grant and Contract Management Standards. Minority Business Enterprises, Small Business Enterprises, Women Business Enterprises, and labor surplus area fi rms are encouraged to submit proposals. The City of Roma is an Affi rmati ve Acti on/Equal Opportunity Employer. Servicios de traducción están disponibles por peti cion.


The City of Roma plans to apply for the upcoming Texas Hazard Mitigation Assistance Grant(s) from the Texas Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) Program of the Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM), Texas Water Development Board (TWDB, and/or other sources, including Hazard Mitigation Grant Program, Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities, and/or Flood Mitigation Assistance Accordingly, the City of Roma is seeking to contract with a qualifi ed engineering fi rm to conduct an engineering study if applicable, determine scope of work and prepare all preliminary and fi nal design plans and specifi cations, and to conduct all necessary interim and fi nal inspections. These services are being solicited to assist the City of Roma in its pre-award and post-award engineering services of its proposed HMA project(s). Please submit seven (7) copies of your proposal of services and a statement of qualifi cations for the proposed services to Mr. Alejandro Barrera, City Manager, 77 Convent Street, P.O. Box 947, Roma, Texas 78584. Proposals shall be received by the City of Roma no later than 2;00 p.m. on Friday May 20, 2022 to be considered. The City of Roma reserves the right to negotiate with any and all individuals or fi rms that submit proposals, as per the Texas Professional Services Procurement Act and the Uniform Grant and Contract Management Standards. Minority Business Enterprises, Women Business Enterprises, and labor surplus area fi rms are encouraged to submit proposals. The City of Roma is an Affi rmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer. Servicios de traducción están disponibles por peticion.


Public Relations Specialist City of Rio Grande City

Job Title & Classifi cation: Public Relations Specialist, City of Rio Grande City Administration Department, Full-Time Permanent Position.

Job Description: This position will be responsible for building and maintaining a positive image for our City. Will establish and contribute to several social media accounts for the City. Will be in charge of establishing and maintaining relationships with consumer, community, employee and public interest groups by writing press release and other media communications. Responding to request for information and press conferences, and coaching client representatives in the correct way of communicating with the public, customers and other municipal/governmental entities. Will also need excellent written and verbal communication skills.

Requirements: Some experience in design and communication fi eld or in a related area preferred. Applicant must pass a thorough background check (employment & criminal) and a pre-employment drug test. Experience in news/live broadcasting preferred. Must be bilingual in English/Spanish. Individual must have a high school diploma or equivalent, some college preferred. Valid driver license is required.

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