October 20, 2021

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High School Band Students Make RGC Girls Cross Country Regional Qualifiers Rio It to TMEA HS Region Orchestra

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Congratulations to our Band Students that competed and made it to the TMEA HS Region Orchestra!!!!! Ximena Hinojosa, 2nd Chair Bb Clarinet, Daniela García, 1st Chair French Horn, Jose Perez, 8th Chair Percussion, and Victoria Villarreal, 3rd Chair Percussion. Way to go students!!! Super proud of your work!! Keep it going!!!


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The Rio Grande City Girls Cross Country Team competed at the District 30 - 5A Meet held at the Casa Blanca Golf Course on Thursday, October 14, 2021. The Lady Rattlers Varsity (bottom) and JV Teams (top right) posted outstanding performances at the meet. The Varsity Lady Rattlers placed Second at the meet and earned a spot at the Regional Meet to be hosted by TAMUCC in Corpus Christi on Monday, October 25. The Lady Rattlers Varsity and JV Teams did an outstanding job by finishing in second place

at the District meet. The Lady Rattlers were led to the Second place finish by Joselyn Rodriguez 2nd place, Morgan Ramos 5th place, Lynn Fuentes 7th place, Destiny Gonzalez 19th, Alondra Uribe, Angela Zavala, and Susie Villarreal. Joselyn Rodriguez, Morgan Ramos, and Lynn Fuentes were named to the All-District First Team (top left), Destiny Gonzalez was named to the All-District Second Team. Joselyn Rodriguez was named to the All-Valley Second Team. The Lady Rattlers will be competing at the Region

Homer Gonzalez Grand Knight Presents Certificate and Tilma of Our Lady of Guadalupe to Father Daniel Oyama

IV Cross Country meet to be held on Monday, October 25 in Corpus Christi. The JV Lady Rattlers turned in a great performance by placing second at the district meet. They were led by Aleyna Barrera in 4th place, Cindy Ibarra in 9th place, Nicole Martinez in 11th place, Ayanna Garza in 12th, Anaiza Guajardo in 19th, and Sabrina Santos. Congratulations to all Girls Cross Country Team members for an outstanding season and thank you to all the parents for their Homer Gonzalez Grand Knight of De Saules Council #2597 of the support. Knights of Columbus of Rio Grande City, TX presented a certificate to the council Chaplain and parish vicker Father Daniel Oyama in their regular council meeting in October 2021. The certificate reads “In Solidarity with Our Priests” and Father Daniel was also presented with a tilma of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

8 Roma Gladiators Make It to All-Region Orchestra Hiriam Gonzalez Chosen to Play in

the Blue Grey All-American Bowl

Congratulations to the 21 students from the Roma High Mighty Gladiator Band that participated in the TMEA All Region Orchestra auditions held at Sharyland Pioneer High School! There were eight students that earned a chair in the All-Region Orchestra. Pictured from left to right: Eugenio Ramirez, bass clarinet; Litzy Bustamante, oboe; Paola Saucedo, horn; Alexa Ibarra, oboe; Itzel Pena, piccolo; Angel Herrera, trombone; and Derick Lazusky, horn. Not pictured: Victor Hernandez, tuba. The Gladiator Nation is very proud of these awesome student performers!! Thanks to the Band Program and Band parents for their support of these students. OPEN MON-SUN 7AM-7PM



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RGCGISD would like to congratulate RGCHS Senior, Hiram Gonzalez, on being chosen to attend the 2021 Blue Grey AllAmerican Bowl! Hiriam Gonzalez from Rio Grande City has been chosen to play in the annual 2021 Blue Grey All-American Bowl on December 20th at AT&T Stadium. The 14-5A Division I, 6’4 offensive tackle is also an alldistrict selection and a Pre-Season selection to the High School Sports Magazine’s All-South Texas team. www.BlueGreyFootball.com



General Ricardo Sanchez Elementary Press Association Names Senator Meet Top-rated Attendance Goal Zaffirini Champion of Transparency Senator Judith Zaffirini, D-Laredo, receives the Champion of Transparency award from the Texas Press Association. Making the presentation at her Capitol office are Donnis Baggett, executive vice president (left) and Mike Hodges, executive director (right). Their collaboration this year include proposed improvements to the Texas Open Meetings Act and Texas Public Information Act. “I am delighted to receive this prestigious award recognizing our collaboration on open government issues,” Senator Zaffirini said. “Transparency is essential to preserving democratic governance. Texans need to know what happens Mr. Jorge Garcia from RGCGISD Truancy Department presented Gen. Ricardo Sanchez Elementary with in the halls of power to hold their an Attendance incentive for meeting a top-rated attendance goal for the 1st six weeks. Keep up the great leaders accountable.” work Eagles and thank you parents for sending your children to school every day! Keep up the great Senator Zaffirini filed eight bills work!!! this year to reform the state’s open

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government laws, specifically the Texas Open Meetings Act and Texas Public Information Act. One of those bills, Senate Bill (SB) 930, was signed by the governor and became effective Sept. 1. It provides that, unless made confidential under other law, the name or location of a nursing

home or similar facility in which residents have been diagnosed with a communicable disease and the number of residents diagnosed are not confidential. They are subject to disclosure by state agencies or local health authorities under the Texas Public Information Act. SENATOR ZAFFIRINI, page 6


First Anniversary Mass

Decimo Aniversario

Elma O. Garza

Valente Barrera

In Loving Memory of

05-05-72 † 10-15-11

November 19, 1930 † October 22, 2020

Gone yet not forgotten. Although we are apart Your spirit lives within us Forever in our hearts.

Mass will be celebrated Friday October 22, 2021 at 12:00 P.M. at Immaculate Conception Church in Rio Grande City, Tx.


Ecclesiastes 12:7- “And the dust returns to the earth as it was, and the spirit returns to God who gave it.” Jose Fidencio (“Yoyo”) Alaniz was granted his angels wings on October 7, 2021, at the age of 59. Joe touched many lives in small and big ways.

Ha transcurrido diez años de la ausencia de nuestro ser amado, y aunque Dios nos ha dado paz no dejamos de extrañarlo. El dolor que nos causo su partida nos ha dejado una cicatriz, pero aun en medio del dolor podemos recordar los momentos que vivimos juntos. Y no le amamos porque fue perfecto, sino porque sus virtudes fueron tan grandes que difícilmente podemos recordar sus defectos. Gracias Dios por permitirnos tener en nuestra familia un ser tan especial que mostró su amor y compasión hacia los demás hasta la ultima hora de su vida. Y nos dejaste ser parte de sus sueños. Honramos su memoria reconociendo que impacto tanto nuestra vida que nos es imposible olvidarle.

Familia Barrera Barreiro y Familia Lozano

By Family

Jose Fidencio (“Yoyo”) Alaniz

Card of Thanks In Loving Memory of

A memorial mass will be held at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, 101 E. Canales Bros. St, Rio Grande City, Texas at 11a.m. on Thursday, October 21, 2021. A memorial service will follow at Rio Grande City Cemetery. He is preceded in death by his loving parents, Jose Hector and Esperanza S. Alaniz, and his wife Dora Alaniz. He is survived by his son, Luis E. Alaniz, siblings: Norma Morin, Angelica/Reynol Martinez Jr., Hector/Sandra Alaniz, Bertha Alaniz, nieces: Yoanna, Juanita, Jesica Morin, nephews: Pedro III and Jaime Morin Jr., Juan Andres Jr. and Abraham Cortez and a grandniece, Kassidy, first cousins, Aunt Delia Alaniz, and other relatives. All COVID-19 precautions and restrictions must be followed.

WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 20TH - I.C.C. 6:00 P.M. †EUGENIA O. OLIVARES (21ST AN.) by Ramona Olivares & Family †F.E. & SAN JUANITA GARCIA by Mr. & Mrs. Gilberto Garcia †F.E. “EPI” GARCIA by Mr. & Mrs. Gilberto Garcia †JOHN & EMMA DRUEMONT by Mr. & Mrs. Gilberto Garcia †JOHN DREMONT JR. by Mr. & Mrs. Gilberto Garcia †RAUL & ESTER VALLE by Mr. & Mrs. Gilberto Garcia THURSDAY OCTOBER 21ST - I.C.C. 6:00 P.M. †MARIA BROWN by Family FRIDAY OCTOBER 22ND - I.C.C. 12:00 P.M. †SILVESTRE GONZALEZ by Alma Gloria T. Gonzalez & Family †ELMA O. GARZA (1ST AN.) by Family


en memoria de

Emma G. Guerra September 26, 1945 - October 10, 2021

The Broken Chain We little knew that morning that God was going to call your name. In life we loved you dearly, in death we do the same. It broke our hearts to lose you, you did not go alone for part of us went with you, the day that God called you home. You left us beautiful memories, your love is still our guide, and though we cannot see you, you are always by our side. Our family chain is broken and nothing seems the same; but as God calls us one by one, the chain will link again.

We wish to express our sincere appreciation to our many relatives and friends for their presence, flowers, cards, masses, food, and comforting words during our deepest grief for the loss of our beloved one.

Gonzalez ~ Guerra Family

SATURDAY OCTOBER 23RD - I.C.C. 5:00 P.M. †WILLIE CREMAR by Family †FRANCISCA GUERRA By Ella Saenz & Sisters †DANNY GOMEZ, JR. by Mom & Dad †BOB KLEINSCHMIDT (AN.) by Mr. & Mrs. Abel Porras †FILOMENA OLIVAREZ (16TH AN.) by Olivarez Family †ARMANDO SOTO by Su Familia †LEONARDA GONZALEZ by Mr. & Mrs. Rudy Martinez †INEZ O. & RODOLFO MARTINEZ by Mr. & Mrs. Rudy Martinez †GUSTAVO GOMEZ by Danny Gomez & Family SUNDAY OCTOBER 24TH - I.C.C. 7:00 A.M. PRO POPULO – MASS SAID FOR THE PEOPLE

Henry Clay Davis Chapter VFW – Veterans Day Service Thursday, November 11, 2021 11:00 AM

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Rep. Cuellar Announces Nov. 8 as Date to Allow Fully Vaccinated Non-essential Travelers to Enter the U.S. Through Land and Ferry POEs U.S. Congressman Henry Cuellar (TX-28) released the following statement regarding the White House’s decision to set November 8th as the date to end travel restrictions through land and ferry ports of entry for fully vaccinated non-essential internationals: “November 8th will be the day when fully vaccinated nonessential travelers will be allowed to enter the U.S. through our land and ferry ports,” said Congressman Cuellar. “ I want to thank the White House for their thoughtfulness in this decision. I have been fighting for this for months and now we finally have an exact date on which our border businesses will once again receive Mexican consumers and families will be reunited after 19 months. I am currently working with local authorities on both sides of the border to ensure that when that day comes, we have the resources necessary to ensure the safety of all American citizens.” Congressman Cuellar continued, “On November 8th, our local economies will be reinvigorated and our path back to normality

SUNDAY OCTOBER 24TH - I.C.C. 9:00 A.M. †MARIA ELENA PEÑA by Su Esposo e Hijos †JORGE JOEL PEÑA by Family †ENEMORIO GARCIA by Su Esposa e Hijos †FILOMENA OLIVAREZ (16TH AN.) by Family SUNDAY OCTOBER 24TH – I.C.C. 11:00 A.M. †LAZARO & ALEJANDRA GARCIA by Letty & Valerie †HARRY MORRIS BROWN, SR. by Wife & Children †VIOLA S. SOLIS by Family †PATRICIO GARZA (29TH AN.) by Mr. & Mrs. Israel De la Cruz †NOELIA LONGORIA by Gutierrez Family 5:00 P.M. †ELVIRA & MARIO GARCIA by Garcia Family †CRISELDA & ADAN RAMOS by Garcia Family †MATIAS GARCIA by Garcia Family

will be set. With the date fast approaching, I will work tirelessly with the relevant federal, state, and local entities so that we are prepared to receive foreign nationals through our land POEs from a personnel, equipment, and technology standpoint. I will continue to promote and facilitate vaccination campaigns on both the U.S. and Mexican sides.” The White House announcement follows the one by the DHS setting a path for fully vaccinated travelers to enter the U.S. via land and ferry ports. Non-essential travelers will be required to provide proof of full vaccination by a vaccine approved by the World Health Organization (WHO). On October 14, 2021, the Department of Homeland Security announced they would allow fully vaccinated non-essential foreign national travelers to enter the U.S. by land and ferry crossings from Canada and Mexico starting in early November. They must be fully vaccinated, 14 days from their final dose, and provide the correct documents.


Pida a los 3 Ángeles San Miguel, Rafael y Gabriel. Prenda 3 velas blancas en un plato con agua y azúcar, haga su petición. A los tres días publique esta oración. Aunque no crea mire que pasa el cuarto día.

A. P. R.

We encourage the placement of Miniature US flags on your service members resting place. No political advertisements allowed!

For more information contact Colonel (R) Ross Barrera



Roma High School FFA holds first meeting of the year

By: Joe R. Martinez Jr., Roma ISD CTE/CCMR Director The Roma High School Future Farmers of America (FFA) chapter had their first meeting of the year on Thursday, Sept. 15, 2021. The first of several scheduled meetings introduced the 20212022 FFA officers, discussed dues and fees, projects for this school year, upcoming events and competitions, and 4H member information. The FFA Program is a dynamic youth organization that changes lives and prepares members for premier leadership, personal

growth and career success through agricultural education. FFA develops members’ potential and helps them discover their talent through hands-on experiences, which give members the tools to achieve real-world success. The 2021-2022 FFA officers are Arelly Gil, President; Leenel Cardenas, Vice President; Kaylon Ramon, Secretary; Jose Lopez Jr., Treasurer; Vianey Talamante, Reporter; Bryan Izaguirre, Student Advisor; and Armani Canto, Parliamentarian. The 2021-2022 FFA sponsors are Sixto Flores,

Jorge Gonzalez, and Joey Ramon. Congratulations to the students and sponsors for a job well done and for beginning the 20212022 school year focused and determined! If you are a Roma High School student and would like to be part of this dynamic organization please talk to a FFA member or sponsor. FFA is just one of the several Career and Technical Organizations (CTSO’s) under the CTE program at Roma High School, talk to a counselor or sponsor about other organizations and clubs that are available!


SCHOOL BUS SAFETY TIPS • Get to the bus stop five minutes early. • Stand away from the curb at least ten feet from bus. • Sit quietly in seat. • Be quiet at train crossings. • Do not wear clothing with loose strings. • Make sure backpack straps are short and do not get caught on handrail or in the bus door. • When stepping off bus, look to

make sure no cars are passing on the shoulder. • Before crossing the street, take five giant steps out from the front of the bus, or until the driver can see you. • Wear a mask to protect yourself. •Temperature checks will continue to be done before boarding. • Hand sanitizer will be available on the bus.

TIPS FOR DRIVING IN SCHOOL ZONE • Put away your cell phone. Cell phone use is banned in active school zones, and violators will face fines in school zones where signs are posted. • Always obey school zone speed limit signs. Remember, traffic fines usually double in school zones. • Drop off and pick up your children in your school’s designated areas, not the middle of the street. • Keep an eye on children gathered at bus stops. • Be alert for children who might dart across the street or between vehicles on their way to school.

To our community motorists, we would like to remind them that in Texas it’s unlawful to pass a stopped school bus while the bus has activated its mechanical stop sign and flashing red lights for the purpose of receiving and discharging passengers. Also, the use of cell phones are not allowed in school zones and school property.




Pursuant to the provisions contained in ARTICLE V, Section Five (5) of the Texas Abandoned Motor Vehicle Act, we are serving notice to the owners and/or lien holders that the below described motor vehicle, has been taken into custody by TJ’s Star & Olivarez Wrecker Service, and will be sold. Failure of an owner or lien holder to claim vehicle within forty-five (45) days after date of this notice and make payment of all towing, preservation, and storage charges resulting from the placing of vehicle in custody shall constitute a waiver of the right to reclaim vehicle. Contact Raul Olivarez at 956-4886682 or 956-735-8883, 930 W. Eisenhower, Rio Grande City, TX 78582 for information concerning vehicles.

1969 CHEVY TRUCK C10 VIN# CE149Z862205 LIC. 4R30678 CALIFORNIA

Medina EC Accepting Applications for 2022 Youth Tour Contest High school sophomores and juniors whose parents or legal guardians have an active membership with Medina Electric are eligible for the program. Deadline to apply for Youth Tour is January 7, 2022. Three winners will each receive a $500 scholarship and an allexpenses-paid trip to Austin, Texas,

and Washington, D.C. The trip will take place June 12 – 21, 2022. Youth Tour is an actionpacked trip to the Texas and U.S. capitols with more than 150 students and chaperones from across Texas. Once in Washington, D.C., students will visit Arlington National Cemetery, Mount Vernon, the Smithsonian Institution, memorials and more. Activities include learning about rural electrification, seeing a performance at the Kennedy Center, going on a boat cruise with dinner and dancing, and meeting elected officials. Get more details and access the online application at MedinaEC. org/YouthTour or contact us at YouthTour@MedinaEC.org for more information. Due to COVID-19, the 2020 and 2021 Youth Tour trips were canceled. Medina EC held a Youth Tour Day for the 2021 winners, which included a live line safety demonstration and speaking with State Representative Andy Murr’s office (House District 53), State Senator Roland Gutierrez (State District 19), U.S. Congressman Tony Gonzales (District 23) and Medina EC CEO Mark Rollans. A similar event will be held for all 2022 winners.

SENATOR ZAFFIRINI Continued from page 3 “Senator Zaffirini is a staunch defender of the public’s right to know,” said Donnis Baggett, executive vice president of the Texas Press Association. “She worked tirelessly and effectively to pass important legislation allowing Texans access to information on rates of infectious disease cases in individual health care facilities.” “This was much more than a news media issue,” he said of SB 930. “Without that information during the worst days of the pandemic, it was extremely difficult to make an informed choice about long-term care for a loved one. That is no longer the case, thanks to Senator Zaffirini.” Senator Zaffirini said when the COVID-19 pandemic began last year, she and her staff began receiving reports that family members were being denied access to information about the safety of nursing homes where their loved ones resided. “I can only imagine the anxieties those families felt,” she said. “As we looked into it, we found that advocates and journalists also were being denied access to information by state and local government officials. That’s why I decided to address the issue by filing my SB 930.” The senator’s other open

government proposals addressed some of the state’s most pressing and emergent transparency issues. By defining “business day” in TPIA, for example, SB 925 sought to close a loophole that allows some entities to avoid public information requests permanently by claiming every day as a “skeleton crew” day, which currently are not considered business days. Other bills would have created a complaint mechanism at the Office of the Attorney General for requestors to report government bodies that fail to respond to TPIA requests and protect the public’s right to participate in open meetings held via teleconference or videoconference. Senator Zaffirini has authored and supported open government legislation throughout her career. “We’ll try again in 2023,” she said, “and will file anew any transparency bills that weren’t passed this year.” More information about these and other proposals is available via https://capitol.texas.gov/ Home.aspx. Residents of Senate District 21 or other interested Texans are encouraged to contact the senator via 512/463-0121 or judith.zaffirini@senate.texas.gov to share their own experiences or to provide greater insight.

REQUEST FOR BID Falcon Rural Water Supply Corporation (Corporation) is soliciting sealed Request for Bids on the following contract: U-15630 - U.S. HIGHWAY 83 IMPROVEMENT PROJECT WATERLINE RELOCATION PROJECT

REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS South Texas College is accepting competitive proposals for the following: RFP Number 21-22-1020

Description Purchase of Portable Air Purifiers

Date Due October 29, 2021

Time 2:00 pm

Request for Proposals packages may be obtained at the Purchasing Department located at 3200 W. Pecan Blvd, Bldg N, Ste 145, McAllen, TX 78501 (Corner of Quince & 31st Street) or by email request at stcpurchasing@southtexascollege.edu. Responses received after the specified time and date will not be considered and will be returned unopened. Facsimile responses will not be accepted. All responses must be submitted in a sealed envelope. Responses need to be clearly marked on the envelope with the RFP number. The successful respondent will not be determined on opening date. Responses will be studied and be taken into consideration by the Board of Trustees. South Texas College reserves the right to reject any and all responses submitted and to request additional information if necessary, to waive any formalities or technicalities, and to accept the proposal considered to be the best and most advantageous to South Texas College. Questions regarding this RFP or requests for additional information should be addressed to Becky Cavazos, Director of Purchasing 956-872-4681 beckyc@southtexascollege.edu, or Billy Langley, Senior Buyer of Purchasing, 956-872-4682 welangle@southtexascollege. edu. Responses to the RFP must be submitted to South Texas College, 3200 W. Pecan Blvd, Bldg N, Ste 145, McAllen, TX 78501. South Texas College is an equal education and equal employment opportunity/affirmative action employer. As an equal opportunity employer, the College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, disability, genetic information, or veteran status. Purchases made as a result of this solicitation will be funded by the United States Department of Education – Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds (HEERF II) (CRRSAA).

The project consists of the installation of approximately 13,695 linear feet of 6and 8-inch waterline. Bids will be received at the Corporation Office located at 2679 N. Highway 83, Los Arrieros, Texas 78545. Attendance by prospective Bidders is recommended for all general contractors submitting bids. BIDS will be received until 3:00 p.m. Central Time, on Monday November 15, 2021, shortly thereafter all submitted BIDS will be gathered and taken to the Corporation Board of Directors Room to be publicly opened and read aloud. Any BID received after the closing time will not be accepted and will be returned to the submitter unopened. The Corporation reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to waive any formalities in the bidding or to accept the bid that is to the best and most advantageous to the Corporation. Bids may be held by the Corporation for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days from the date of the bid opening for the purpose of reviewing the bids and investigating the bidder’s qualifications prior to the contract award. A Prebid meeting is scheduled for November 1, 2021, at 10 am at the Corporation Office address listed above. Attendance to the PreBid meeting is not mandatory. The request for competitive sealed bids including construction documents, project scope, BID schedule and other information that contractors may need in order to respond to the request may be obtained from: Camp Engineering, LLC P.O. Box 1623 Combes, Texas 78535 Ph: (956) 375-7655 Hardcopies of the Contract Documents and Specifications can be acquired by contacting Camp Engineering, LLC at (956) 375-7655 for a non-reimbursed fee of $75.00 per set. Hardcopies will be mailed upon official request via email to Campengineering2@gmail.com. Please make checks payable to Camp Engineering, LLC and allow a 2-day lead time for production. Because this project is partially funded by the Texas Department of Transportation, this project falls under the TxDOT Buy America Guidelines for Utility Accommodations. All product to be utilized in this project that are predominately of steel and/or iron and are to be incorporated into the permanent installation of the Corporation’s water facilities must be in compliance with the Buy America provisions of 23 CFR 635.410, as amended.


Roma High School Students, Roma ISD Celebrates Ribbon Cutting of New Facilities

Congratulations to the Roma High School JROTC Program and Roma High School Mighty Gladiator Band on the Ribbon Cutting held to celebrate the completion of the new JROTC Building and Band Locker Rooms. “As school board president, it has been my great honor to see this building come to fruition for the use of our bright, brilliant Roma High School students,” said Roma ISD School Board President Ricardo S. Perez. “I urge our students to take care of these facilities, showing your pride in them and your programs by continuing to build on your reputations of success and excellence. On behalf of myself and the entire school board, I congratulate you on this milestone. It is well deserved and earned. We hope that with the inauguration of this building you know how much you mean to your Roma ISD Family. God bless you and God speed as we continue through this pandemic to the bright future that lies before you.”

Starr County Groundwater Conservation District

Adalberto Garza DVM Interim General Manager The Starr County Groundwater Conservation District invites all Starr County ranchers to participate in the Agrilife Fall Rancher’s Program that will be held at the San Isidro Parish Hall on Thursday, October 28, 2021 at 9 am. Door prizes and a meal will be provided. The program will have a variety of topics important in a ranching operation. I will be making a presentation regarding the

groundwater district and will be available to answer any questions. At present time it is important for ranchers to register existing water wells. It is also very important to know that for future wells, it is important to go through a permitting process. At present time the permit requirement is done through the county permit office at the courthouse annex building.

We will also discuss the law and the legislative mandate that calls for the formation of groundwater districts. The sensitive issue of taxation for the funding of operations, the tax rate, and the election for funding will be discussed. I am available to answer questions at any time through my email: adalgarza1@gmail.com


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DPS Urges Children, Drivers to Learn Safe Habits During National School Bus Safety Week

National School Bus Safety Week is Oct. 18-22 and the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) would like to remind the public that they play an important role in ensuring the school buses make it to their destinations safely each day. “School buses are the safest mode of travel for children to get to school, and drivers need to do simple but crucial things, such as not passing a school bus or paying attention when they see a bus, to keep it that way,” said DPS Director Steven McCraw. “By not speeding around school

buses and always looking for children, you just may save a life.” DPS offers the following tips for school bus safety: • Children should limit what they carry and stick to what fits in their backpacks. This lessens the chance of dropping things in the road on the way to the bus stop. • Children should be at the bus stop five minutes early so they are not making dangerous choices to reach the bus in time, such as running to the bus, crossing the street illegally, running after the bus or running in front of it.

• Parents should walk children to the bus stop if possible. If not, encourage them to walk to the bus stop with other children so they are more visible to drivers. • Ensure children know how to look both ways before crossing streets. Also, teach children to watch for vehicles pulling out of nearby driveways. • When a child is getting off the bus and needs to cross the street, make sure they don’t assume traffic will stop for them just because a bus has its stop arm out and lights flashing. Always look

REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS South Texas College (STC) hereby requests sealed qualifications for the following: STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS FOR ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES For Dr. Ramiro R. Casso - Nursing and Allied Health Campus East Building A Occupational Therapy Kitchen Lab Expansion Sealed responses to this Request for Qualifications will be received until 3:00 p.m. November 11, 2021 at the South Texas College Purchasing Department located at 3200 W. Pecan Blvd., Bldg. N, Ste 145, McAllen, Texas 78501. Request for Statement of Qualifications packets may be obtained at the STC Purchasing Department located at 3200 W. Pecan Blvd., Bldg. N, Ste. 145, McAllen, Texas or by calling (956) 872-4681. Any informational questions for the Request for Statement of Qualifications may be directed to Ricardo de la Garza, Director of Facilities Planning and Construction, at (956) 872-3737 or email at rickdlg@southtexascollege.edu. Responses received after the aforementioned deadline shall not be considered. The College will evaluate responses on the basis of the technical ability, experience and ability to perform the work. A pre-qualifications conference will be held on November 3, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. at the STC Purchasing Department, 3200 W. Pecan Blvd., Bldg. N, Conference Room 142, McAllen, Texas. All interested parties are encouraged to attend. South Texas College is an equal education and equal employment opportunity/ affirmative action employer. As an equal opportunity employer, the College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, disability, genetic information, or veteran status. Response packages must clearly show the following: RFQ No. 21-22-1022 Request for Qualifications Architectural Services

REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS South Texas College (STC) hereby requests sealed qualifications for the following: STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS FOR ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES For Technology Campus Exterior Solar Panel Structures Sealed responses to this Request for Qualifications will be received until 4:00 p.m. November 11, 2021 at the South Texas College Purchasing Department located at 3200 W. Pecan Blvd., Bldg. N, Ste 145, McAllen, Texas 78501. Request for Statement of Qualifications packets may be obtained at the STC Purchasing Department located at 3200 W. Pecan Blvd., Bldg. N, Ste. 145, McAllen, Texas or by calling (956) 872-4681. Any informational questions for the Request for Statement of Qualifications may be directed to Ricardo de la Garza, Director of Facilities Planning and Construction, at (956) 872-3737 or email at rickdlg@southtexascollege.edu. Responses received after the aforementioned deadline shall not be considered. The College will evaluate responses on the basis of the technical ability, experience and ability to perform the work. A pre-qualifications conference will be held on November 3, 2021 at 11:00 a.m. at the STC Purchasing Department, 3200 W. Pecan Blvd., Bldg. N, Conference Room 142, McAllen, Texas. All interested parties are encouraged to attend. South Texas College is an equal education and equal employment opportunity/ affirmative action employer. As an equal opportunity employer, the College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, disability, genetic information, or veteran status. Response packages must clearly show the following: RFQ No. 21-22-1023 Request for Qualifications Architectural Services

both ways before crossing. • If an adult meets a child when they get off the bus, always stand on the side of the street of the bus, so the child doesn’t have to cross the street alone. • If a child drops something when getting on or off the bus, they should never pick it up. The child should tell the driver, then wait for instructions on what to do. • Children should not stand or play in the street while waiting for the bus. It is dangerous and other drivers may not see them. • It’s safest if children stay three giant steps away from the road until the bus arrives. When children walk in front of the bus, they should stay about 10 feet away from the hood of the bus to ensure the driver can see them. • Children shouldn’t yell on the bus or run around, as it’s distracting for the driver. • When drivers see a school bus on the road, they should always give them plenty of room,

knowing they stop frequently. • Drivers should be careful around railroad crossings. School buses are legally required to stop at them. • Drivers should reduce their speed when they see a school bus and know children may unexpectedly step into the road without checking for traffic. • Drivers also need to watch for children. While children should be alert, it is also up to drivers to pay attention, as students may be distracted, looking at mobile devices, talking to friends or not looking at the traffic. • Drivers must stop if a bus has flashing lights and its stop sign out, regardless of which way a bus is headed. Drivers are allowed to continue once the bus is in motion, the flashing lights have stopped or the driver signals you to proceed. Approaching drivers do NOT have to stop for a school bus that is operating a visual signal if the road is

separated by a physical barrier or intervening space, such as a divided median. If the highway is only divided by a left-turn lane, it is not considered divided and drivers MUST stop for school buses. • It is illegal to pass a stopped school bus and may result in a fine up to $1,250 for a first offense. For people convicted of the offense more than once, the law allows for the person’s driver license to be suspended for up to six months. A ticket for this offense cannot be dismissed through defensive driving. Criminal charges are possible if a driver causes someone serious bodily injury.

REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS South Texas College is accepting competitive proposals for the following: RFP Number 21-22-1021

Description Mid Valley Campus Bldg. G – Analog to Digital Audiovisual Upgrade Phase - I

Date Due November 4, 2021

Time 2:00pm

Request for Proposals packages may be obtained at the Purchasing Department located at 3200 W. Pecan Blvd, Bldg N, Ste 145, McAllen, TX 78501 (Corner of Quince & 31st Street) or by email request at stcpurchasing@southtexascollege.edu. Responses received after the specified time and date will not be considered and will be returned unopened. Facsimile responses will not be accepted. All responses must be submitted in a sealed envelope. Responses need to be clearly marked on the envelope with the RFP number. The successful respondent will not be determined on opening date. Responses will be studied and be taken into consideration by the Board of Trustees. South Texas College reserves the right to reject any and all responses submitted and to request additional information if necessary, to waive any formalities or technicalities, and to accept the proposal considered to be the best and most advantageous to South Texas College. Questions regarding this RFP or requests for additional information should be addressed to Becky Cavazos, Director of Purchasing 956-872-4681 beckyc@southtexascollege.edu, or Billy Langley, Senior Buyer of Purchasing, 956-872-4682 welangle@southtexascollege. edu. Responses to the RFP must be submitted to South Texas College, 3200 W. Pecan Blvd, Bldg. N, Ste 145, McAllen, TX 78501. South Texas College is an equal education and equal employment opportunity/affirmative action employer. As an equal opportunity employer, the College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, disability, genetic information, or veteran status.



Is Not a Choice and Other Myths Debunked COVID-19 Testing Still Critical to Managing Pandemic Suicide 4) Suicide is a rare Dr. Cira has worked with pain and you’ve been trying your Pinkston News Service The White House recently announced a new $1 billion investment to increase the supply of rapid, at-home COVID-19 tests to more than 200 million per month by December. It is a signal from the Biden administration that although U.S. cases continue to decline, aggressive public health initiatives and mitigation measures must still be pursued — including testing. Health experts advise that testing can provide some valuable peace of mind, especially for people traveling to see family and friends during the upcoming holiday season. “When you’re gathering around the holidays, you have to assess the circumstances. If you have younger kids who are unvaccinated with older relatives who are vaccinated, but still could be vulnerable from a breakthrough infection, using testing… makes a lot of sense,” former FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb said recently. But as testing ramps up to better meet continuing demand, Americans will still have to

navigate a maze of testing options and protocols. For those wondering what type of test is best for them, experts recommend framing the search for a test around one central question: why do you want to get tested? Rapid antigen tests, the type promoted by the Biden administration, can be particularly effective at helping someone determine within minutes whether they are putting themselves and others at risk. These affordable tests “have a very unique ability to detect what matters most for public health, which is to answer the question, ‘Am I infectious?” said Dr. Michael Mina of Harvard’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health at a recent UC San Francisco online forum. As UC San Francisco department of medicine chair Robert Wachter told the Wall Street Journal, rapid tests allow you to “hop on the virus early so it doesn’t have the chance to replicate and descend into your lungs.” In a recent New York Times essay calling for the United States to prioritize rapid testing, Mina and Dr. Stephen Phillips opined

that the “regular use of rapid tests can make schools and workplaces safer,” and “make everyday activities — including indoor ones, such as dinner parties, play dates, weddings and visits with grandparents — less risky.” Rapid antigen tests may sometimes fall short for people traveling internationally. That’s because many over-the-counter tests do not deliver the verified test results required by the CDC for border entry. To meet this need for verified test results, new telehealth companies like eMed (www.emed.com) offer at-home rapid testing with the added convenience of a virtual test guide who can provide certified results suitable for passengers reentering the U.S. For people who have COVID-19 symptoms, the general consensus is that a PCR test is in order, regardless of vaccination status. PCR tests require that a sample be analyzed in a laboratory setting to determine if any of the virus’s genetic material is present. While PCR test results generally take between a couple of hours and a few days to deliver, they are highly reliable, according to the CDC. For individuals without symptoms, a PCR test still might be necessary to meet entry requirements for some concerts, sporting events and more. Even with the Biden administration’s efforts to boost test availability, supply chain difficulties or spikes in demand might limit testing options available locally.

Job Announcement For Part-time Crewmen Rio Grande City Public Works Department and the Parks & Recreation Department Job Title & Classification: Crewman, This position is a part-time position. Job Description: Manual labor and general maintenance work to include street repairs, painting, tree /brush trimming, brush pickup and grass mowing. Requirements: High School Diploma or GED. Applicant must pass a thorough background check (employment & criminal) and a pre-employment drug test. Salary & Compensation: $9.00 per hour Application Deadline: Until filled. Application may be picked up at City Hall 5332 E US HWY 83 Rio Grande City, TX 78582 Valerie Brown-Garza, Personnel Director 956-487-0672 www.cityofrgc.com City of Rio Grande City is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Job Announcement For an Accounts Payable Clerk Rio Grande City Finance Department JOB TITLE & CLASSIFICATION: We are seeking a skilled, experienced accounts payable clerk to join our team. We offer this job first as a part time accounting clerk and will be considered for a full-time position after 6 months of employment. JOB DESCRIPTION: You will be tasked with receiving, opening, and logging invoices on the ledger, as well as other duties like bank reconciliation, accounts payable invoice and data entry and expense report handling. Secondary duties involve assisting the Finance Director with any other duties of the department, including but not limited to preparing monthly financial reports, etc. REQUIREMENTS: Candidate must be proficient in Microsoft Office applications, particularly in Word and Excel. An ideal candidate must have a good understanding of payments, the accounting process and budgeting. You must also be capable of handling supervisory tasks when necessary. Associate degree in accounting preferred. Or substantial experience in accounting/bookkeeping may be substituted for education. Prefer experience in a government environment. SALARY & COMPENSATION: Salary commensurate with experience. Application may be picked up at City Hall 5332 E Hwy 83 Rio Grande City, TX 78582 Valerie Brown-Garza, Personnel Director 956/487-0672 www.cityofrgc.com City of Rio Grande City is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

hundreds of people struggling with suicidal thoughts. Unfortunately, she also had a family member commit suicide, so she understands the tragedy of this both personally and professionally. What Dr. Colleen Cira Can Say in an Interview About Suicide: Suicide is so confusing and difficult to understand because suicide sounds awful to someone who isn’t in tremendous amounts of pain. The idea of taking your own life sounds terrifying to most of us and then all of the consequences that come with suicide (loved ones grieving, feelings of failure, etc) make it sound pretty unappealing if you’ve never been in so much pain that death sounds like a relief. But someone’s profound pain coupled with the hopelessness of feeling like the pain is never going away can make death sound/feel like an answer. The problem is that most pain DOES go away, but sometimes it takes a lot longer than what is ideal which leaves people in a tough position. Also problematic is how people perceive suicide and the people who carry out these acts or suffer with suicidal thoughts. Here are four myths concerning suicide: 1) People do not actively choose to commit suicide. I know that may sound counterintuitive because people do decide to end their lives, but hear me out. The best metaphor I’ve heard to explain this is imagine you are holding onto a rope with your hands. At first you may feel fairly strong as you’ve only just begun. But holding onto a rope with your hands is still difficult even if you feel strong at the beginning. As time goes by, it becomes increasingly hard to hang on. Your muscles fatigue, your hands start to hurt and you wonder how much longer you’ll need to hold on for and as a result, you become more and more hopeless about your situation ever changing. Eventually your hands slip, from the chronic nature of your predicament, and you let go. Not because you want to let go or fall, but because it was too hard to keeping holding on. That’s what suicide is. You simply reach a point where you are in so much

best for so long, that you simply cannot do it anymore. 2) Suicide is not selfish. This is a common myth and as someone left behind, it can certainly feel that way. It’s easy to feel like your loved one did made this choice that made it hard for everyone around them. But when someone is forced to let go, they are likely completely convinced that you, the loved one still in this life, is better off without them. Or they are in so much pain, they don’t have the bandwidth to even consider it. Would we ever expect someone who is starving to think about much other than food? Would we ever call a starving person selfish because they weren’t worried about others who might be a little hungry? Of course not because we can recognize that someone who is starving has to deal with that primary need before they can work on any other needs and certainly before they can start to worry about anyone else’s needs. It’s not selfish . . . it’s just not realistic to expect much else from them until some of their basic needs are met. Suicide is similar. Someone is in such terrible pain that we can’t expect them to consider how everyone else is/will feel, when they obviously weren’t able to even cope with their own feelings. But just because it’s not a selfish act, doesn’t mean that the people left behind aren’t entitled to their feelings about it. 3) Suicide is NOT the “easy way out.” For most people, thinking about suicide is incredibly painful. It may make you feel weak, selfish, hopeless, crazy or any other number of difficult emotions to endure. And that’s simply thinking about it. But as one begins to plan a suicide, each step in that process is often filled with immense pain, grief, ambivalence and possible regret. And the actual act of suicide . . . there’s nothing easy about that. We know from people who have survived or changed their minds at the last minute, that those moments right before a suicide attempt are often some of their most painful moments in their entire life. Nothing about suicide is ever easy.

occurrence. Many people at some point in their lives have experienced thoughts of death and/or suicide. According to the Center for Disease Control, in 2016, 9.8 million American adults seriously thought about suicide, 2.8 million made a plan, and 1.3 million attempted suicide. Suicide is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. This is not a rare or obscure thing that only the “mentally ill” contend with . . . this is a human problem. If you are struggling with suicidal thoughts, there is help and it can get better. Most survivors eventually wind up happy that they survived. Get the help that you need. If you have experienced a loved one’s suicide, please seek professional assistance. Grief and loss are always incredibly difficult to move through, but death by suicide is even more difficult and far more complex. Bottom line: you don’t have to do this by yourself. Dr. Colleen Cira, Psy.D. received both her Masters and Doctorate from The Illinois School of Professional Psychology and is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist in the State of Illinois. She’s the Founder and Executive Director of Cira Center for Behavioral Health, PC, a boutique group practice specializing in Women and Trauma with locations in Chicago and Oak Park. She was named one of the “Top 100 Women in Chicago Making a Difference,” by Today’s Chicago Woman. Dr. Cira is a trauma and anxiety expert, clinical supervisor, writer, speaker, consultant, activist, wife, and Mommy to two little ones.



Applicants must meet the following requirements: ● Must be at least 18 years of age. ● Must have a valid driver’s license ● Must have a high school diploma or GED. ● Certification from the Texas Commission on Fire Protection preferred. All applicants who are hired become probationary firefighters and must commit to the following requirements of employment: ● Attend, complete and pass a fire training school. ● Ability to function through an entire 24 hour shift.

Physical Agility

Applicants who are selected for the final employment process must be able to pass tests designed to evaluate strength, coordination, physical ability, and physical agility necessary to perform routine fire department tasks.

Medical Exam

Applicants who are selected for the final employment process must pass a physical examination and pre-employment drug test administered by a doctor of the City’s choice with the fee to be paid by the City.

Driver’s License

Applicants must posses a valid driver’s license. The driving record of applicants who are selected for the final employment process will be checked.

Background Check

A background check covering previous employment and criminal record will be conducted on each applicant selected for the final employment process.


Applicants who pass all other screening steps outlined above will receive an oral interview prior to hire by the Fire Chief, Assistant Fire Chief, and Personnel Director.


Position open until filled Applications may be picked-up at City Hall Valerie Brown Garza, Personnel Director Rio Grande City Personnel Department 101 South Washington Street Rio Grande City, TX 78582 956/487-0672 www.cityofrgc.com City of Rio Grande City is an Equal Opportunity Employer


Sorority Club Year Begins

Texas Delta Theta Master of Beta Sigma Phi had its first meeting of the 2021-22 chapter year on September 8, with Alma Gloria T. Gonzalez serving as hostess and Josie Guerra as Program Chair presenting the new chapter yearbook theme. The second meeting of the month was held on September 20 with Vangie Anderson serving as hostess and Tissa Peterson presenting a program and slide show on Gardening. The group celebrated the arrival of their award plaque (shown) for scoring Three Stars on the Yardstick evaluation for the chapter year 2020-21. President Vangie Anderson presided during the business meetings, which included plans for a fall service project, assisting two elementary schools with money for uniforms. Sisters enjoyed a delicious meal and dessert served by caterer Jesse Peña in his home, beautifully decorated for Autumn.

Starr County Retired School Employees Association will be having their monthly meeting on Thursday, October 21, 2021 at 11:00 at The UTRGV Campus. Accepting New Members from San Isidro, Roma, La Grulla, and Rio Grande City.





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Starr County Retired School Employees Association will be having their monthly meeting on Thursday, October 21, 2021 at 11:00 at The UTRGV Campus. Accepting New Members from San Isidro, Roma, La Grulla, and Rio Grande City.

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Prescription Drug Take Back Emma The misuse of prescription medications is a serious public health problem in the United States. According to the National Center for Drug Abuse Statistics, 52 million Americans over the age of 12 have deliberately misused prescription drugs at least once in their lifetime. To help address this vital public safety and public health issue, the Drug Enforcement Administration will hold its 21st nationwide “Prescription Drug Take Back” initiative on October 23, 2021. Too often, unused prescription drugs find their way into the wrong hands, which is dangerous and can end in tragedy.

Ghouls Night Out Trunk-or-Treat event

Barrera Students Vera Elementary School Ramiro Students Receive Free School Supplies Learn Practical, Delicious Skill

For more information on the National Prescription Drug Take Back Day and collection site locations, please visit Take Back The Cubs at Emma Vera Elementary were very excited to receive Day (dea.gov). their free school supplies from Roma ISD. The supplies have made a Message from the Starr big difference across the district, saving parents and teachers money Mr. Jaime Saenz’s Class at Ramiro Barrera Middle School learned to County Community and time. Coalition make delicious Buñuelo from scratch. The students will enjoy this sweet knowledge for years to come!

Rio Grande City would like to present their first ever Ghouls Night Out Trunk-or-Treat event to be held this coming October 27th from 6 PM-8 PM! Costumes are highly encouraged and all ages are welcomed. If you are a business or organization that would like to participate in setting up a trunk and giving out treats, please sign up for free by calling or texting 956-5733900. For sanitary purposes, only prepackaged sweets and treats are allowed.

¡Rio Grande City desea presentar su primer evento Ghouls Night Out Trunk-or-Treat que se llevará a cabo el próximo 27 de octubre de 6 p.m. a 8 p.m.! Se recomienda disfraces y todas las edades son bienvenidas. Si usted es una empresa u organización que le gustaría participar decorando su cajuela y repartir golosinas, regístrese gratis llamando o enviando un mensaje de texto al 956-573-3900. Para fines sanitarios, solo se permiten dulces y golosinas empaquetadas.

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