creativity last 2011-12

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S1ยบ Profesora:

Raquel Navarro Lima

Padres y alumnos de 1º ESO desde la asignatura de Educación Plástica y Visual en este noveno boletín se adjunta información de links relativa a contenidos expuestos en el aula TIC en un intento por adaptar los contenidos a las nuevas tecnologías y que nuestros alumnos puedan hacer uso de los recursos interactivos que le doten de nuevas herramientas para un mejor y correcto entendimiento de las clases y cada uno de los temas.

Families and students in the First grade of Secondary, from the art department (Visual and Drawing Education) we are sending you this nineth pamphlet. The pamphlet includes some interesting links on how to understand the relationship between concepts, and how New Technologies could be used by our students as tools for improved comprehension, and also to correct the subjects given in each class during this term.

También en la red están expuestos los trabajos más destacados dentro del Aula y así podemos disfrutar online de nuestros trabajos durante este curso 2011-2012

The internet allows us to share with families the pieces of Art and you can also find the work created by students. In this way we can enjoy our work online during the whole academic year 2011-2012.

Photomontages will be published on-line Create a new one with funny photo or montages

Creative Create new reality

The 23rd of April we celebrated our traditional book day , All student were drawing some diffrent page markers to bring into our Literature books. There were nice examples and pretty creations.

Arcimboldo's conventional work, on traditional religious subjects, has fallen into oblivion, but his portraits of human heads made up of vegetables, plants, fruits, sea creatures and tree roots, were greatly admired by his contemporaries and remain a source of fascination today.

Creative Create new reality

Giuseppe Arcimboldo was an Italian painter best known for creating imaginative portrait heads made entirely of such objects as fruits, vegetables, flowers, fish, and books – that is, he painted representations of these objects on the canvas arranged in such a way that the whole collection of objects formed a recognizable likeness of the portrait subject.

That basket of fruit is draw with a logical knowledge, for that it is undeniable a face will be appear as soon as rotate 180 degrees is enough

Creative Create new reality

At a distance, portraits looked like normal human portraits.

They were carefully constructed by his imagination.

Creative Create new reality

At a distance, portraits looked like normal human portraits.

Before some drafts needs to be done before.

Creative Create new reality

At a distance, portraits looked like normal human portraits.

Creative Create new reality

At a distance, portraits looked like normal human portraits.

Creative Create new reality

At a distance, portraits looked like normal human portraits.

Creative Create new reality

At a distance, portraits looked like normal human portraits.

All are transformed, delete or twisted and removed to show other concept in the human proportions

Results invite to have a look on a greatest art work done!

human Body

ankle | arm | chest | foot | hand | knee leg | neck | shoulder | back | bottom | calf | elbow | head heel | thigh

Photo- Collage

Human Body Parts:

Photo- Collage

human Body

Photo- Collage

human Body

human Body Photo- Collage

Emotive function in a image, it comunicates you a sentation or concept in order to translate into visual communication a message.

Photo- Collage

human Body

infantil Ser en el tiempo

Con motivo de la exposición realizada por el Colegio Mirabal Infantil, Pudimos proyectar y apreciar el arte de los más pequeños adaptándolo a nuestro proyecto en las vidrieras que adornan hoy el Aula

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