State Aviation Journal - July/August 2012 Issue

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State Aviation Journal July/August 2012

Issue #17

New Zealand Aviation Sporting Speed Innovation and Getting Things Done!

Peter Smyth New Zealand’s Program Manager for Aviation

AirVenture 2012 People, Planes and Possibilities

FAC Holds Annual Conference in Naples

July/August 2012

State Aviation Journal

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Cover Story

New Zealand Flying at the Speed of Innovation! Coverage Begins on Page 16

Contents From the Publisher SWAAAE Holds 66th Annnual Conference

Page 4

Page 6

ACS Offering a Century of Experience

Page 8

Conklin & de Decker & NATA Partner on Commercial Operators Tax Seminar

Page 10

Broomfield Colorado Hosts Rocky Mountain Air Show

Page 11

2012 EAA AirVenture People, Planes & Possibilities

FAC Florida Conference Held in Naples Page 2

State Aviation Journal

Page 14

A Photographic Collage by Shahn Sederberg Page 34

July/August 2012

On The Cover

Summer Issue Now Available!

AVED Journal

The speed and innovation of New Zealand aviation enterprises does not surprise Peter Smyth, Program Manager for Aviation with the New Zealand Ministry of Trade and Enterprise. Photo taken at EAA AirVenture 2012 by Shahn Sederberg.

Background Photo: A member of the Canadian Forces Parachute Team, the SkyHawks, during AirVenture. Subscribe Today!

Publisher/Editor Graphic Design Layout Design Photography

Kim J. Stevens Andrew Stevens Kim Stevens Kim Stevens Shahn Sederberg

Advertising Director


Contributing Writers

Andrea Brennan Scott Malta Penny Hamilton

Covering aviation and aerospace education in the states, federal government, schools, aviation organizations and business. Brought to you by the staff of the State Aviation Journal. July/August 2012

State Aviation Journal

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From the Publisher

Global Reach Last year about this time the State Aviation Journal ventured outside of the continental U.S. with several articles about aviation in Puerto Rico. That probably made sense to many of our readers knowing that the Commonwealth is a member of the National Association of State Aviation Officials (NASAO). This year we really stepped outside our geographical area and went halfway around the globe to cover aviation in New Zealand. Actually, the Kiwis came to us. More to the point, they sent a delegation to the Experimental Aircraft Association’s (EAA) 2012 AirVenture in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. I asked our veteran writer, Andrea Brennan to attend AirVenture and see what they were up to. The EAA reported the number of international visitors that were registered for AirVenture this year totaled 2,078, representing 71 nations. This total

includes only non-U.S. visitors who registered at the International Visitors Tent, so the actual international contingent, according to EAA, is undoubtedly larger. Of those numbers, New Zealand had 85 in their delegation. You will find 11 articles about aviation in New Zealand in this issue. This is by far the most energetic effort on our part since we began publishing in 2009. I think you will find the interest and passion for aviation there, is not unlike what we experience here in the states and other places around the world. It was especially gratifying for me to know that they are very interested in aviation and aerospace education as well. Regardless of the specifics, I think the momentum building in other nations for the growth and promotion of aviation will help encourage us, here in the U.S. Or, maybe it should motivate us.

The breakdown of international visitors at AirVenture 2012 was: Canada - 479 Australia - 286 Brazil - 216 South Africa - 186 Germany - 145 France - 98 New Zealand - 85 Argentina - 73 England - 57 Page 4

State Aviation Journal

July/August 2012

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July/August 2012

State Aviation Journal

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SWAAAE Holds 66th Annual Conference in Santa Rosa New Board of Directors in Place The Hyatt Hotel in the Railroad District of beautiful Santa Rosa, California was the location, July 22-25, 2012, for the Southwest chapter of the American Association of Airport Executives (SWAAAE) 66th Annual Conference. The conference boasted a dual-track concept, providing varied, current and important topics to more than 150 attendees. As a result of the cancelation of the FAA conference this year, SWAAAE reached out to its members and FAA to determine the interest in adding FAA topics to the agenda, which was done to great effect. Some of those topics included: Communicating Project Requirements; Green Ideas/FAA VALE Grants for Airports; Tribal Issues and Impacts; Legal Issues Update for Airport Managers; Public Outreach; Dynamic Websites; and concluded with a session entitled, “Think Tank in Action.” The Think Tank in Action session was a very well received, interactive session with the attendees, moderated by Michael Hotaling, Vice President, C&S Companies – who leads a SWAAAE group known as the Airport Issues Roundtable (AIR). The panelists and AIR members were: Scott Malta, AAE,CAE, SWAAAE President, Airport Manager, Castle Airport; Carl Honaker, Director of County Airports, Santa Clara County; and Rod Dinger, AAE, Airports Manager, Redding Municipal Airport who led the session with three main topics: Achieving Consensus; Re-

The social hour began with a BBQ in a hangar with a sunset for a backdrop.

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Incoming President Bill Ingraham presents the Past President’s plaque to Scott Malta.

versing the Decline of General Aviation; and Regulations, Collaboration, and Common Sense. The after-hours social activities are always a time of great fellowship and networking opportunities with one of them being a BBQ in a beautiful hangar with beautiful classic and corporate aircraft as a backdrop. The conference wound down with the President’s Banquet where various awards were presented and ended with the change in SWAAAE presidency. The 2011-2012 SWAAAE award winners were; Corporate Award of Excellence – C & S Companies; Airport Executive of the Year – Todd McNamee, Director of Airports, Ventura County; Wanamaker Award – John Pfeifer, Regional Manager, Western Pacific, Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association; Award of Distinction – Mark Witsoe, Senior Business Manager, Airside Real Estate, Port of Portland and Past SWAAAE President; President’s Award – Jennifer Mills-Pysher, Regional Manager of Properties, US Airways & Principal Partner, Firm 70. Others recognized were: Ron Elliott, Merced Regional Airport, CA – awarded a stipend for recently receiving his Accredited Airport Executive (AAE) credentials; Richard Smith, LA County DPW Aviation Division, Jeremy Keating, Laughlin/Bullhead International Airport, NV, Jennifer Maples, City of Phoenix Aviation Department,

July/August 2012

and Keith Freitas, Contra Costa County Airports - for being awarded their SWAAAE-Certified Airport Executive (CAE) credentials; Mark Witsoe, Port of Portland and Mike Williams formerly of the County of San Bernardino - for their years of service on SWAAAE’s Board of Directors; and several scholarship winners. Following the awards presentation, Scott Malta gave a short (for him) Outgoing President’s speech where he reiterated his challenge for all SWAAAE members to, Barbara Malta places the Past-President pin on Scott. “find an area within the Chapter that interests you: perhaps on a standing committee, maybe it will be working on a conference, serving on the Board of Directors, or in a mentor relationship and get ‘plugged in’, be proactive, make a difference, have an impact!” During the President’s Pin Exchange Ceremony, Barbara Malta, Scott’s wife removed the President’s Pin (that he’s worn for a year) from his lapel and placed it upon Bill Ingraham, the incoming President’s lapel. She then placed the Past-President’s pin on Scott. Normally, Bill’s wife Victoria would have pinned him, but she wasn’t able to be in Santa Rosa. However, Victoria and their daughter Jordan participated in the ceremony via a live computer video feed. (SWAAAE has some very tech-savvy members!) Following the pin exchange and the presentation of the Past President’s plaque to Malta, SWAAAE President Bill Ingraham, President, Ingraham Consulting, gave his Incoming President Address that was very motivating and centered around further developing a culture of diversity in the chapter, when he stated, “I have taken the time to visit each of the state airport organizations over the past couple of months and came away impressed with

the diversity and professionalism of managers throughout the SWAAAE region.” He added, “I believe that succession in responsible positions and diversity of membership within SWAAAE cannot be delegated to a committee, it must reside in the DNA of the organization, therefore I am Bill Ingraham proposing to make it a key element of the Executive Committee’s responsibilities.” Ingraham finished with, “I will be asking the incoming Second VicePresident to assume responsibility for leading an effort to redraft the SWAAAE policies and procedures to incorporate the ideals of increasing diversity within the organization.” President Ingraham then introduced the SWAAAE officers and board of directors for 2012-2013: President – Bill Ingraham 1st Vice President – Casey Denny 2nd Vice President – Eric Peterson Director, Northern California – Jon Stout Director, Northern California – Ron Elliott Director, Southern California – Tom Nolan Director, Southern California – Richard Smith Director, Arizona – Gladys Wiggins Director, Nevada – Mike Dikun Director, At Large – Gary Mascaro Director, Corporate – Jessica Mullen Director, Corporate – Jon Faucher AAAE Director – Todd McNamee AAAE Director – Rod Dinger Past President – Scott Malta Executive Director – Katie Elsberry The President’s Banquet was concluded with an invitation to the SWAAAE 54th Annual Management Short Course to be held January 26-30, 2013 in Monterey, CA and the SWAAAE 67th Annual Summer Conference to be held July 20-24, 2013 in Phoenix, AZ. The State Aviation Journal congratulates the SWAAAE award winners, newly elected directors and officers and wishes them well for the coming year.

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Aviation Career Services

ACS Offers Century of Experience to Executive Job Seekers By Kim J. Stevens Loving a challenge and the opportunity to help others, Eric Mercado, C.M., ACE started Aviation Career Services (ACS) in November 2010 to help career seekers in airport management find and secure employment. “Realizing the need, I began ACS by offering cover letter, resume, interviewing and career coaching services; with the intent to offer airport management recruiting services in the future,” said Mercado. “The business progressed and the future came sooner than expected.” As Mercado mentored some and spoke with other professionals in the industry, he quickly realized that a large part of the problem was in how the career seekers presented themselves through the application and interview process. “I researched aviation specific companies that offered

Eric Mercado

“I met Greg at a conference some time before and main-

cover letter, resume, interviewing and recruitment services

tained communications with him and often sought advice

but all I could find were pieces of the services with differ-

on different matters,” said Mercado. “I found him to be

ent companies.” Of those companies he looked at, Merca-

easy to communicate with, industry knowledgeable, moti-

do said most of the assistance was performed by someone

vating and an overall great person.” Mercado pitched the

who never worked in the aviation industry, let alone airport

recruitment idea to him and was happy when he accepted

management. “The most interesting find was that the ma-

the invitation to be part of the growing team. In thinking

jority of the companies catered their recruitment and career

back to how he became a part of ACS, Chenoweth stated,

development services to pilots and maintenance profes-

“I felt that Eric had a great idea for tapping an underserved

sionals, not airport professionals.”

market in the aviation industry. His enthusiasm for the

Mercado knew he had to bring other airport professionals into ACS

I also felt that helping to bring the best in staffing resources

in order to make the overall busi-

together with airports thoughout the country would be

ness model work. “I began to review

a great way for me to help give back to an industry I’ve

my network of fellow airport pro-

worked in and loved for over 25 years.”

fessionals that I personally knew.”

Greg Chenoweth

Through Mercado’s research another name continued to

Through this process three indi-

surface, one with a great reputation with more than four

viduals appeared on his radar; Greg

decades of success in the industry. Mercado had never per-

Chenoweth, A.A.E., C.A.E, Jim

sonally met Jim McCue prior to this, but had heard great

McCue, A.A.E., C.A.E. and Michael E. Lynn, A.A.E.

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business concept convinced me to join him in this venture.

State Aviation Journal

things about him from several professionals in the industry.

July/August 2012

“I was glad to hear that Greg knew Jim and would provide

itself,” said Mercado. Knowing that ACS is built upon the

me an introduction.” Mercado said that McCue realized

experience and knowledge of airport professionals, Mer-

that their industry was in great need of a recruiting service

cado is confident that the industry will benefit from their

made up of those who have worked in it and was quickly

services. The four airport professionals give ACS more than 100

on board.

years of combined airport management experience. “We

“Jim, being the resourceful person that he is, knew of Michael Lynn,”

each have our respective titles and basic roles but serve our

said Mercado. McCue and Lynn

clients to our maximum by being involved in every step of

worked together years ago while

the process,” said Mercado. “We each draw on our individ-

at the Indianapolis Airport Author-

ual strengths and experiences to offer our clients a quality

ity and McCue was familiar with

of service that does not currently exist in our industry.” Each member of the ACS team will remain in their

Lynn’s knowledge base, 35 years of

respective locations and dedicate themselves to Aviation

career successes and his dedication. “Michael too understands the need

Career Services and its clients. “This works well for our

Jim McCue

within our industry for a quality airport-focused recruit-

firm’s dynamic because airports are located throughout the

ment and career development service,” said Mercado. “He

nation,” said Mercado. “Today’s technology allows us to

quickly came aboard.”

be in communication and participate in projects regardless

Mercado said the joy of introducing a strong and experi-

of location or time zone. Teleconferencing, video confer-

enced team to their industry while finding the best person-

encing and e-mail are all common place for us and our

nel match for an organization and community fires him up.


“If the airport has the right match in terms of knowledge,

“I adhere to the belief that there is a need for airports to

experience and personality, that person can and will do

place the right person in the right position,” said McCue.

great things for the organization and its community,” said

“I know we can do that, because I have.” McCue said

Mercado. “Until now, this level of airport management

he knows of so many professionals out there that can be

experience has not been available to

placed in bigger and better positions than where they’re at

provide recruitment services specific

currently. “Aviation Career Services can introduce them to

to airports,” said Lynn.

organizations searching for that talent.”

Building a business can be wrought

Michael Lynn

According to Mercado, the short-term goal is to increase

with emotion but keeping your eyes

the awareness of Aviation Career Services in the airport

fixed on the goal can often times

industry focusing on executive management recruiting.

smooth out a bumpy road. Each day

“With such an experienced team, the sky is the limit on

Mercado thinks of the excitement

long-term goals,” said Mercado. “You never know what

and the idea of what will be ac-

collective minds like ours can come up with.”

complished with the services ACS offers its clients. “The

There are days when Mercado ponders where the busi-

opportunity to help the client improve their recruitment

ness started and where it is going. “When I think about the

process, organization or their career path is invigorating.”

greater impact ACS can have upon the airport industry, our

Mercado views their assistance as ACS helping to build

potential reach amazes me every time.” For Mercado, run-

upon the local airport community and ultimately the na-

ning this business provides a chance for both personal and

tional airport system one puzzle piece at a time. “The big

professional growth. “It’s how I learn and how I achieve

picture of contributing towards the improvement of our

success,” said Mercado. “And giving back always goes a

airports and communities nationwide is motivating all in

long way in my book!”

July/August 2012

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Speakers, from left, included David Vernon, NATA, Kent Jackson, Jackson & Wade, LLC, Jacque Rosser, NATA, Collin Smith, NATA and Nel Stubbs, Conklin & de Decker.

Conklin & de Decker Partners with NATA for Commercial Operators Tax Seminar Conklin & de Decker and the National Air Transportation Association (NATA) presented a two day tax seminar in Scottsdale, Arizona for commercial aircraft operators. The August event included topics on international fees, surviving an IRS audit and federal excise taxes. “The atmosphere at the tax seminar was positive and the attendees thought the information was very timely,” said Christine Preston, Marketing and Meeting Coordinator for Conklin & de Decker. “The Scottsdale Plaza Resort did a fantastic job, from the sleepVicky Boladian, Aerlex Law ing rooms, to the meeting Group, left and Christina Preston, room and service.” Conklin & de Decker. Page 10

State Aviation Journal

Conklin & de Decker provides aviation information important for aircraft owners and operators such as the company’s Aircraft Cost Evaluator, Aircraft Performance Comparator and the State Tax Guide, which provides upto-date general aviation tax changes for all 50 states.

Left to right are Liz McGraw, CFO, Prime Jet, Edward Frank, CFO, TWC Aviation and Dale Jacobs, Controller, Sun Air Jets.

July/August 2012

Broomfield Hosts Rocky Mountain Air Show By Penny Rafferty Hamilton Colorado’s blue skies welcomed thousands of spectators to the 2012 Rocky Mountain Air Show held August 24-26 at the Rocky Mountain Metropolitan Airport in Broomfield. Gates opened at 4 p.m. on Friday in advance of the opening ceremony, warbird parade and twilight aviation performers, Rocky Mountain Renegades Formation Team, Matt Tanner, Kent Pietsch, Kirby Chambliss, Don Nelson, Gary Rower and Dan Buchannan. The Hot Air Balloon Illum with music, Rocketbilly Racing PYRO Jet Truck and Fireworks Spectacular topped off a full Friday agenda. For early birds, the Sunrise Balloon Ascension Saturday morning started another full day of events. This was the first Balloonfest (plans are for this to become an annual event) with brilliant colors and unique designs. According to the August 25, 2012, front page

The Viper F-16 Fighting Falcon from near-by Buckley Air Force Base demonstrated the numerous missions this versatile aircraft performs throughout the world.

story in the Denver Post, one unique balloon called “The Planet Earth,”owned by Doug Grimes and Patty Lewis consisted of 436 individually digitally printed panels produced from images from the 1972 Apollo 17 Crew’s “Blue Marble” earth photographs.

The first Balloonfest was a fan favorite this year.

Often getting an “upside down” view of earth in his Red Bull Edge 540, airshow performer and five-time National Aerobatic Champion, Kirby Chambliss, comes to Colorado to practice two days before each show. “The altitude impacts the performance of both the pilot and the airplane so it is very important to prepare,” he said in a KOA Radio broadcast promoting the show. Team member Kellie Chambliss reported, “It was a great show and the turnout was awesome.” The National Science Foundation C-130 Read more are research aircraft affectionately named “Snowflake” was staffed with members of the www.teamcham- National Center for Atmospheric Research to answer questions about the airplane and its

July/August 2012

important mission.

Continued on next page. State Aviation Journal Page 11

Red Bull Edge 540, airshow performer and five-time National Aerobatic Champion, Kirby Chambliss. (File Photo by Shahn Sederberg)

Rocky Mountain Continued form previous page. Because the mission of the Rocky Mountain Air Show is to promote recreational aviation and inspire the pilots of tomorrow, the Aviation Education Adventure Zone and Space Pavilion offered a family-friendly area staffed with several non-profit groups. It was designed to engage the imaginations of all ages. Venues included aviation history, rockets, and lots of hands-on aviation education activities. Gordon Page, Spirit of Flight Director, and other SOF volunteers, brought their mobile aviation museum which provides a glimpse of Colorado aviation heritage and artifacts from their Erie location. ( “We feel the outreach is so important at these events. Our mobile museum is handicapped accessible and focuses on aviation education. Also, our volunteers provided VIP ramp tours describing the various aircraft parked during the two beautiful days. We are so grateful to the event Page 12

State Aviation Journal

organizers for the opportunity to share our enthusiasm for aviation history and education,� concluded Page. To read in-depth coverage about the Rocky Mountain Air Show and learn about 2013 plans, visit

Great Colorado weather encouraged large crowds to participate in the recent Rocky Mountain Air Show held at Rocky Mountain Metro Airport in Broomfield.

July/August 2012

FAC Conference Draws Great Attendance By Kim Stevens The 2012 Annual Conference of the Florida Airports Council (FAC) was deemed a great success with more than 650

Enjoying the opening reception with exhibitors are from left, Jennifer Donovan, Greg Donovan, FAC President and Director of Northwest Florida Regional Airport, Lee Lewis, AVCON, Tracy Stage, Northwest Florida Regional Airport and Kelly Stage.

attendees and 69 exhibitors. “The Waldorf Astoria Naples was filled to capacity and we had to turn away several exhibitors,” said Bill Johnson, Executive Director for the FAC. “Many of our registrants had to stay at other hotels in


the Naples area.” Attendance is usually greater when the

Each year, the FAC has a new President and Johnson

conference is held in Central Florida (Orlando or Tampa)

judges his personal success and the success of the FAC

due to the number of airports and corporate members in that

staff, on how well the President is perceived at the end of

area, but according to Johnson, they literally could not have

his or her term. During his tenure, each President has had an

accommodated more people.

extremely busy ‘day job’ so the goal of the office, according to Johnson, is to make their volunteer job as stress-free as

Attendance at FAC’s annual conference peaked in 2008, with 792 attendees at the world-renowned Breakers Resort

possible. “This year, our President, Greg Donovan, Director

in Palm Beach. There are many variables that impact atten-

of the Okaloosa County Airports System, was also named

dance, but in recent years, according to Johnson, Florida’s

as the county’s Tourist Development Council Director,” said

governmental leaders have severely cut back on the number

Johnson. “He did an outstanding job juggling all his duties, including his tenure as one of FAC’s best Presidents.”

of events they permit their staff to attend. “This has impacted city and

Bill Johnson

In addition to the Annual Conference, FAC also hosts

county owned airports to a greater

specialty conferences on information technology, facilities,

degree than the airport authorities

environmental, general aviation and noise issues. They also

who seem to better understand the

hold a State Summit in Tallahassee prior to their legislative

benefits of their staff attending edu-

session and a Federal Summit in Washington following the

cational and training programs,” said

AAAE/ACI Washington Fly-In. “Many of our members

Johnson. Next year the conference

attend one or more of these events instead of the annual

will be held Disney’s Contemporary

conference,” said Johnson. “We also conduct several educational seminars during the year to enhance the professional

Resort and Johnson is anticipating a record-breaking year.

development of our members.”

When Johnson accepted his current post as Executive Director of the Council in 2001 he was asked to be a cheer-

Highlighting this year’s conference, Greg Principato,

leader for the organization. “More of a coach than a team

President of ACI-NA spoke at the Leadership Luncheon and

owner,” said Johnson. “At the time of my hire we went by

Chris Browne, incoming president of the Southeast Chapter

our corporate name – the Florida Airport Managers Associa-

July/August 2012

Continued on next page. State Aviation Journal Page 13

Florida Continued from previous page. of AAAE, spoke at the membership meeting. Both of these organizations are affiliate organizational members of FAC, as are several other state and national organizations that FAC teams with in promoting their legislative agendas. From a personal standpoint, Johnson said a highlight of the conference was the recognition of Ed Cooley, formerly of Tampa International Airport, and Bryan Cooper, formerly of Northeast Florida Regional Airport (St. Augustine), both

Ed Cooley

Woodie Woodward, left was the panel moderator for a session on federal issues. Joining her on the panel were Lisa Piccione, Senior Vice President, Government Affairs, NBAA, center and Catherine M. (Kate) Lang, FAA Deputy Associate Administrator for Airports.

who recently retired after long careers

as FAA representatives from the Airports District Office,

in Florida aviation and lengthy terms on

Regional Administrators Office, and of course, Kate Lang,

the FAC Board of Directors. The mem-

from Washington. “We’re fortunate that former FAA Air-

bership bestowed upon them the titles

ports Administrator, Woodie Woodward, retired to Florida

of Honorary Lifetime Members of the

a couple of years ago,” said Johnson. “She has been a great

Association. “We also recognized Dean

supporter of our organization, as well.”

Stringer, who recently retired from the Orlando Airports District Office of the

At nearly 59 years of age, Johnson says at this point in his career, it’s all about training, educating and mentoring the

FAA for his lifetime of service to aviation in Florida,” said

next two generations of airport professionals in his state. “I

Johnson. “Dean was responsible for the federal investment

say two generations because the student members and mem-

of literally billions of dollars in Florida’s airports.”

bers of our student chapters, may not become airport direc-

Along with the FAA, the FAC maintains a great relation-

tors for many years.” One thing is for certain – the leaders

ship with staff of the Florida Department of Transportation

at many of Florida’s airports, and many of their senior staff,

(FDOT) Aviation Office. Johnson said that he and Aaron

will be retiring within a few years and they need the best and

Smith, the State Aviation Director, talk

brightest to move into these executive positions. “We need

on a regular, if not daily, basis. “Sev-

to position the second generation where they can learn all

eral years ago, FDOT pushed local

facets of the trade until it’s their time to lead.” Johnson, a former state aviation director for FDOT, keeps

decision-making down to its district offices, and most of our airport members

in touch with other former directors from Florida. “When

(certainly the smart ones) have very

I left FDOT to manage Tallahassee Regional Airport, Bill

close working relationships with the

Sherry (from Vero Beach Airport at the time) became State

aviation representatives in their local

Bryan Cooper

Aviation Director,” said Johnson. “When he moved to Fort

district,” said Johnson. “I mainly work with Aaron and his

Lauderdale to run Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International

staff in Tallahassee on the issues of statewide importance.”

Airport (FLL), Bill Ashbaker became the State Aviation

The FAC also partners with them on educational programs

Director. Bill [Ashbaker] retired a couple of years ago and

and training seminars. “They help fund our very successful

we have made a habit of getting together for lunch nearly

airport internship program,” said Johnson.

each week.” Bill Sherry subsequently moved to California

Johnson said they had a large number of FDOT central office and district aviation staff at the conference as well

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and now manages San Jose International Airport. “I have followed his career for many years, and we stay in touch by

July/August 2012

that he would still like to accomplish. Professionally, he

e-mail,” said Johnson. Johnson said he couldn’t be more excited about the future

would like to continue helping airports in Florida thrive,

of aviation in Florida. “Our State Legislature, Governor’s

increase the professional development of Florida’s aviation

Office and Department of Transportation provide tremen-

professionals and to help good aviation firms find locations

dous support of aviation. They realize that Florida’s airports

within the state for new business. “I would also like to help

are one of the foundations of the state’s economic prosper-

other states create and grow their statewide associations in a

ity.” Florida is the only state with four large hub airports

similar fashion as FAC,” said Johnson. “Finally, I would like

and has a total of 19 commercial service and 110 general

to teach a class or two on airport management at one of our

aviation airports. Last year, the state reported that 53%

great aviation schools in Florida and mentor the next crop of

of Florida tourists arrived by air and more than $114 bil-

airport professionals.”

lion was contributed to the state’s economy by the Florida

Personally, Johnson said he’d like to win the Florida Lot-

Aviation System (8.5% of the Gross State Product). 10% of

tery and travel around the world with his wife, Marycathe-

the nation’s passengers and 8% of the nation’s cargo travel

rine. “But she tells me that you actually have to play to win.”

through Florida’s commercial service airports. Florida’s

Johnson said he is fortunate to work with his wife every day

public and military airports are responsible for 1.1 million

as she runs the administrative functions of the FAC , includ-

jobs and $36.5 billion in annual payroll. Last year, the leg-

ing their annual conferences. “She works harder in a day

islature authorized more than $160 million in state aviation

than I work in a week (maybe two weeks),” said Johnson.

development grants, which is used to match federal and

“We both love to travel and that is our ultimate goal, along

local funds.

with visiting our new grandson in Alabama.”

Johnson said he has both professional and personal goals

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New Zealand Focus

Flying at the Speed of Innovation:

The New Zealand Aviation Industry

“Be Creative, Flexible, and Get Things Done” Peter Smyth - “New Zealand has had a long relationship with aviation.”

By Andrea Brennan At the 2012 Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) AirVenture air show in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, eleven businesses gathered at the New Zealand pavilion to demonstrate how great ideas can bring products to market at a stunning pace. Some companies developed products from idea to production model in as little as two years, allowing them to gain an early start and competitive advantage in the international aviation market. These companies pointed to timely support of key people as well as their national can-do attitude, to meet aviation consumer demands at the fastest possible pace. The speed and innovation of New Zealand aviation enterprises does not surprise Peter Smyth, Program Manager for Aviation with the New Zealand Ministry of Trade and Enterprise. The nation, he said, has a long relationship Page 16

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with aviation, and the industry has a direct impact on New Zealand’s economy. First, one needs to understand the geography of the South Pacific country: it is about the same size, in total area, as Colorado, but is a group of two main and several smaller islands. Aviation is an ideal transportation mode for the archipelago. “Aviation is part of us,” Smyth said. “We are wired that way. We have the highest number of GA aircraft per capita in the world, about one GA aircraft per one thousand people, about 4000 in the country. We have more helicopters per capita than anywhere in the world!” said Honorable Maurice Williamson, a Minister of the New Zealand Government, in a press conference at the 2012 EAA AirVenture in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, “and we have more helicopters operating per capita than any other country.”

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The aviation industry in New Zealand reflects the nation’s need for and personal interest in flying. Smyth said that currently 1,000 companies employ 25,000 workers in the country. Aviation business is experiencing rapid growth, Smyth added. What is now a $10 billion dollar industry could grow to $16 billion in the next five years, including $3.7 billion in revenue from domestic export. This, said Smyth, has resulted in some surprises for those not familiar with their success: “Aviation is a bigger export than our wine!” To encourage continued growth, the government of New Zealand is supporting aviation businesses with a combination of research and development grants for individual companies and generally supportive policies. The pavilion at EAA AirVenture, for example, is both an opportunity for U.S. customers to see the latest products from the New Zealand aviation industry and an opportunity for these aviation businesses to see the latest consumer and industry trends. Several fledgling New Zealand companies, including Kiwi Propellers, Falcomposite and TracMap, point directly to government support as a key factor in the rapid development of their products. The New Zealand government provided market research and engineers to help develop an aircraft ground handling system, said Chris Haynes of Orbit Shuttle. Williamson shared his formula for New Zealand’s aircraft success. “Industry growth has been driven by a combination of innovation and scientific creativity coupled with an engineering and technical workforce that has made New Zealand a key player in international aviation.” Smyth also cites the successes of new and established businesses. Auroa Helicopter progressed from concept to production in less than six years and was certified in less than three years. Smyth said Pacific Aerospace’s XSTOL aircraft had the fastest certification in the history of the FAA. Kiwi Propellers can design, then build, a custom propeller within 48 hours. “Be creative, flexible, and get things done—that’s part of our national psyche,” said Smyth. July/August 2012

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Classic Aero Engines Creates Rare Aircraft Parts Tony Wytenburg’s clients often face a similar scenario: an antique aircraft undergoing restoration has a damaged engine or is missing a part. Even if the aircraft owner finds a used part for the old engine, the wear and tear poses a potential risk of air unworthiness. Eight years ago, one such client turned to Wytenburg to rebuild a World War I era engine in his machine shop, and thus Wytenburg started his business, Classic Aero Machining Service, or CAMS. Serving primarily the aviation industry, CAMS custom replicates old and new aircraft parts, especially, said Wytenburg, World War I and II-era aircraft such as the Curtiss P-40 Warhawk (in the photo, Wytenburg is holding a tail wheel attachment replicated in the CAMS workshop), Republic P-47 Thunderbolt, Lockheed Model 10 Electra and Model 12 Electra Junior, Avro Anson, Avro 504, Royal Aircraft Factory S.E.5 and B.E.2, and Sopwith Pup. Remanufactured parts, he explained, are designed based on the original drawings sent to CAMS by a customer, or are sometimes reverse-engineered from a sample if drawings are not available. Wytenburg and his team draw the part using computer-aided design and shape the part using a computer-controlled CNC machine. CAMS customers are in New Zealand and the U.S., where Wytenburg hopes to continue attracting new projects. To validate a remanufactured engine, CAMS operates the engine in a test bed for twenty hours, Wytenburg explained, collecting and analyzing the test data. CAMS aims to replicate the look and performance of original parts, adapted where necessary to modern materials and engineering technologies. CAMS has designed and built their own test facilities to validate the performance of remanufactured parts and engines, collecting and analyzing the test data and verifying performance. Page 18

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Tony Wytenburg with a tail wheel attachment fitting for a WWII-era P-40 Warhawk.

The CAMS workshop has other ongoing projects, said Wytenburg, including work on parts for wooden Spitfires and the remanufacture of a WWI rotary engine. The rotary engine, said Wytenburg, has no existing engineering drawings, so he and his staff are creating drawings based on reverse engineering. It will take one year to complete the first engine, he said. Wytenburg sees an expanding role for custom work as serviceable classic aircraft parts become worn and harder to find. He gives tours to young people and trainees with an interest in aviation and engineering and encourages them to pursue technical education. Wytenburg’s shop is also visited regularly by retired engineers and friends who drop in to see his team work on interesting parts and projects. To learn more about CAMS, go to

July/August 2012

New Zealand Focus

The P-750 can take off with a large payload (1.8 tons) from a non-paved runway.

Pacific Aerospace Extends Market Reach Beyond New Zealand At the 2012 EAA AirVenture air show in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, Pacific Aerospace of Hamilton, New Zealand announced an exclusive agency agreement with Xi’an Yanliang National Aviation Hi-tech Industrial Base (CAIB) that establishes the P-750 XSTOL aircraft in China. That day in the midwest United States demonstrated how far and wide the 63-year-old company now reaches into international markets. The aircraft sold to the Chinese company, the P-750 XSTOL, has unique attributes that serve the role of remote transportation, said Steve Peters, General Manager - Commercial at Pacific Aerospace. The P-750 can take off with a large payload (1.8 tons) from a non-paved runway, at maximum takeoff weight (7500 lbs) in as short as 800 feet. If required, operators can swap payload for range

and fly as far as 1179 nautical miles as a result of the new extended range wing. “People double-take and say ‘It can do WHAT?’ when they learn about the aircraft’s range and utility,” said Peters, laughing. Because the aircraft performs well in an equatorial climate and is certified for scheduled public transport of up to nine passengers , the P-750 can be used for scheduled public transport operations, missionary, medevac, surveying, agriculture, surveillance and recreational purposes. However, Peters noted, the P-750 is very useful for any area that doesn’t have suitable infrastructure for automobiles. For example, the aircraft can operate as a passenger carrier and then be reconfigured as a cargo carrier on the return trip. Pacific Aerospace also offers the batch-produced CT/4E

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Pacific Aerospace Continued from previous page Airtrainer, a military trainer built on a rugged platform; it is the sort of aircraft that can build pilot training skills from basic to intermediate training capabilities. The company will have other significant refinements to the P-750 in development by the end of the year, said Peters. The company, located at Hamilton, near Auckland, is the largest aircraft manufacturer in New Zealand, Peters said. About 135 employees produce 12–16 aircraft per year using engines from Pratt-Whitney, avionics from Garmin and in-house-fabricated airframes. The great reputation and distinctive appearance of the P-750 helps customers remember the aircraft. The United Nations uses four P-750s for its World Food Program in Africa, said Peters and customers in Indonesia have also bought four P-750s. There are 15 P-750s operating in Papua New Guinea (PNG). One customer from PNG bought an aircraft before he met with any Pacific Aerospace officials. That customer is now assessing the purchase of a second aircraft. Several countries are showing interest in the CT/4E military trainer. “There seems to be a groundswell of interest from air forces around the world that are seeking to replace or retire their primary trainers,” said Peters. He also believes there is a definite market for the P-750 in mining support operations, as evidenced in PNG Pacific Aerospace is expanding its range beyond miles. The company is working with the community and businesses to develop worker skills. “We would like to increase production to 35 aircraft per year without bringing in additional resources,” said Peters. The company launched an apprenticeship program and two apprentices have completed the program, according to the New Zealand Engineering News. Another apprentice joined the program in Spring 2012, said Peters. The goal is to keep those skills at Pacific Aerospace or at least in New Zealand, but Peters is realistic about retaining skilled workers. “The market is changing and lifting,” he said. “The aviation industry in New Zealand is a good size.” However— Page 20

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Steve Peters, General Manager with the P-750 XSTOL.

recalling his own experience of leaving and returning to New Zealand—even those who might leave often come back, and when they do they have additional skills. The Pacific Aerospace Web site has more information about the P-750 and CT-4, including an interactive walkaround: go to

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New Zealand Focus


Aviation Freight Logistics Company Expands U.S. Operations Redfort, an Auckland, New Zealand-based freight logistics company serving the aviation industry, is expanding its operations to the United States, according to company president Don Lockie. The expansion means more than the transport of aircraft and equipment; Redfort is building an information bridge between suppliers and customers across multiple time zones. Redfort is critically placed in the time zone between Asia and the United States, Lockie pointed out to State Aviation Journal. “We can be talking to both the U.S. east coast and to Singapore at the same time,” he said. The company’s location allows Redfort to inform customers of opportunities and that could help them make better business decisions, said Lockie. By making the introductions and opening a dialogue, Redfort facilitates a relationship between the producer and the customer, “it’s cool to be involved with customer development.” The company doesn’t solely deliver aircraft and parts. By providing information about every aspect of the move, Redfort delivers confidence and security, explained Lockie. The company moves aircraft and other aviation equipment through customs and other milestones, maintaining constant surveillance of the aircraft throughout the delivery process. However, before the actual logistics, Redfort manages the entire process in theory, so that the client can decide if the solution is viable. Redfort has the confidence of clients throughout New Zealand. It managed the transport of the New Zealand delegation’s aircraft and equipment to Oshkosh, Wisconsin for the EAA AirVenture show, delivering all materials in “optimal” condition, said Lockie. He also noted that Redfort handles the logistics for Cessna Aircraft in New Zealand, coordinating intermodal logistics. The packed aircraft might travel via air, rail, and truck. The company has grown over 300 percent as it establishes a worldwide presence.

Don Lockie, company president

Lockie, a former commercial logistics pilot, plans for Redfort to offer full-service logistics to clients which includes international point-to-point delivery, based on strong ethics, integrity, value, knowledge and experience. “We have a focused, individualized team that is passionate to get a good result,” said Lockie. “New Zealand is a small country; the world is also small.” To learn more about Redfort, go to www.redfortgroup. com.

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New Zealand Aviation Innovation

New Zealand Focus

New Propellers Designed to Generate Less Noise and Use Less Fuel KiwiPropellers, a small and dynamic business based in Hamilton, New Zealand, manufactures a customized propeller that boasts 98% efficiency to generate less noise and use less fuel, according to its designers. When older aircraft propellers are replaced with KiwiPropellers, “we can help solve transportation issues for the future,” said KiwiPropeller Director Shaun Mitchell. The KiwiPropeller has three unique advantages. First, as designed by partner John McGuinness, the shape of the highly efficient propeller provides additional thrust. This innovative improvement makes the propeller up to 60% quieter while providing more power, said Mitchell. The second advantage is the material of the propeller: composites, which are strong, yet light and therefore consume less fuel. The improved efficiency makes the KiwiPropeller an ideal replacement for an older aircraft that is noisier and consumes more fuel. The savings in fuel costs and/or expanded range might be enough to attract pilots. “Our goal is to have more people flying,” said Mitchell. The third advantage of the propeller is its rapid customization, said Mitchell. KiwiPropeller can design and Page 22

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Derek and Shaun Mitchell, KiwiPropellers

build to meet an aircraft’s specification within a few hours to quickly replace existing equipment. The first prototype, said Mitchell, for an RV aircraft, has already finished the testing phase and was scheduled to ship in August 2012. To see more information about KiwiPropeller, see

July/August 2012

Taupo Airport

New Zealand Focus

Things to Learn from New Zealand’s Regional Airport of the Year Tucked into the middle of the North Island of New Zealand, near Lake Taupo, Taupo Airport (TUO) manages to pack recreational, commercial and emergency service aviation into a compact but modern facility. The airport, certified Part 139, has become the second-busiest non-towered airport in New Zealand, with more than 35,000 takeoffs and landings.

Fun and Function The airport serves Eagle Airways (commuter airline for Air New Zealand), charter and private aircraft on both paved and grass runways. Charter flights include several fixed-wing skydiving and air tourism companies, such as Skydive Taupo, Izardair Scenic Flights, Air Charter Taupo and Mountain Air, to view volcanic craters in nearby Tongariro National Park or transport hunters and hikers to resorts along the lake. The airport is also a base

for agricultural flight services, such as Farmers Air and Super Air, and agricultural flight mapping systems such as TracMap. Taupo Airport is used for helicopter operations including Helicopter Services and Philips Search and Rescue Trust (search and rescue), Lakeview Helicopters (agricultural services) and Helipro (tours and flight training). The airport also offers fixed-wing and helicopter maintenance at Rotor & Wing Maintenance. In business since 1980, the Part 145-certified maintenance facility services McDonnell Douglas and Schweizer aircraft in addition to Robinson, Bell, and Eurocopter helicopters.

Airport History and Growth The original Taupo Airport was built on the present site, some 10km from the town of Taupo, in 1964. The

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New Zealand Focus increased the number of parking gates.


Mike Groome and Kim Gard with airport award.

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airport is a joint venture airport. It is owned 50% by the New Zealand Government and 50% by the Taupo District Council. In earlier days, said Mike Groome, General Manager at the Taupo Airport Authority, the national carrier (National Airways Corporation) operated F27 aircraft through Taupo. This was followed by other airlines: Mount Cook Airlines (BAe 748 and ATR 72), Origin Pacific (BAe Jetstream 31) and currently Eagle Airways. Mount Cook and Eagle Airways are now a part of the Air New Zealand Group. Eagle Airways is currently operating B1900D aircraft for service between Taupo, Auckland and Wellington. Around 2001 the tandem skydiving operations started along with other tourism related activities (helicopter and fixed wing charter). Taupo is now reported to be the busiest tandem skydiving center in the world with some 80,000 parachutes descending onto the airport each year. Three Pacific Aerospace XL 750 aircraft operate every day on parachute operations. The Taupo region, being a tourist destination, also attracts many visitors from overseas. “We at the Taupo Airport cater to many corporate jets from all around the world that bring their customers to this region,” said Groome. The airport has added more ramp area and Page 24

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“The biggest challenge for me as the manager of the airport,” Groome said, “has been to build a good working relationship with the operators on the airport, getting them all to buy into the safety culture that we promote.” This has been achieved by the formation of an Airport Operational Safety Committee that meets monthly. Members are drawn from all types of operations on the airport. The committee looks at ways of improving systems airside as well as landside. Groome also maintains an open door policy in which any person can discuss anything at any time. “Often with airports there is a ‘them and us’ mentality between the aircraft operators and the airport,” said Groome. “A number of operators do not understand the intricacies of running an airport and only consider what they require for their particular type of operation. I believe airport management, to be effective, must have a very good understanding of the requirements of their customers and be able to adapt if necessary to accommodate if practicable the customer.” Groome is a practicing pilot and has worked in nearly all facets of aviation, and therefore feels he has an understanding of some of the problems that can arise at the airport.

Recent TUO Improvements Groome said that growth at Taupo was reasonably slow for many years in terms of local general aviation. Many aircraft transited through the centrally located airport for a refuel stop. Recently, however, several areas of the airport have been updated, including a resurfaced runway and apron in 2011 and a taxiway extension in 2012. The taxiway extension added 760 meters (830 yards) in length and

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New Zealand Focus

10.5 meters (11.5 yards) in width to the existing sealed taxiway. The airport recycled surplus millings from resurfacing the runway overlay to construct the taxiway. The new taxiway will aid the flow of air traffic, alleviate congestion on the apron and reduce wear and tear on the grass, according to airport officials.

Accolades In 2011, the New Zealand Airports Association named Taupo Regional Airport of the Year. Taupo Airport submitted its winning proposal based on the success of its recent runway resurfacing and apron extension projects. “We believe we were awarded this for a number of reasons,” said Groome, including: - Improving the infrastructure assets by repaving the main runway; - Adding extra ramp and gate space; - Extending taxiways to improve on ground traffic flows; - Encouraging and attracting businesses to set up at the airport; - Building a good working relationship between airport management and customers; and - Leading New Zealand airports in developing safety systems and procedures to handle multiple aircraft types and activities while still keeping the airspace uncontrolled. The Taupo Airport is regularly used as a good example of safety by the New Zealand Civil Aviation Authority.

The airport caters to many corporate jets from around the world.

leased. Groome said he would like the airport to generate a more consistent revenue stream from ground rentals in addition to landing charges. “We do not know from one day until the next how many aircraft are likely to land at the airport,” he explained, “other than the scheduled operators that make up only 14 percent of the movements. Most larger airports rely on scheduled airline traffic to make up the majority of the movements whereas we have a much higher general aviation component.” For more information about Taupo Airport, go to http://

Future Plans The challenge for the future, said Groome, will be to acquire more land for the expansion of the airport. The land would be used for hangars and other related buildings that may be July/August 2012

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New Zealand Focus

Fledgling Helicopter Companies Combine Innovative Designs and Development Two manufacturers in New Zealand are introducing new helicopters to the U.S. market that combine innovative materials with unique and practical designs. In just two years, Composite Helicopters International, based in Auckland, has designed and brought to market the KC-518 Adventourer, “the world’s first all-composite helicopter” that is expected to have better fuel efficiency, improved safety and a long service life. Auroa Helicopters of Taranaki is introducing a fully automated and programmable turbine engine helicopter that will help pilots focus on flying. The helicopter also has a longer lifespan than traditional helicopters. Both helicopters feature an all-composite fuselage that is highly resistant to corrosion and is lighter in weight than most fuselages. According to Peter Maloney, president of Composite Helicopters, the KC-518 uses the first carbon-Kevlar composite frameless helicopter fuselage and carbon fiber rotor blades. The materials are based on the composite materials technology and fluid mechanics engineering used for successful America’s Cup yachts. “New Zealand is known for its marine composite technology,” noted Tim Pike, Composite Helicopters chief operating officer. “Technology has made many advances in the past five to ten years,” added Maloney, who brings 35 years of aviation design experience to the company. The rotor blades of the KC-518, said Maloney, have an infinite life because of their composite material. The engine gearbox has been tested for 5,000 hours, said Pike, ensuring long periods before required maintenance Page 26

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Sybrandy with his helicopter prototype.

and potentially a 20-year service life. Fuel costs for the Adventourer should be lower than current helicopters, said Maloney, because the composite fuselage is lighter in weight than a helicopter with a traditional frame. The helicopter was also designed with safety in mind, Maloney added. The Kevlar fuselage absorbs energy during impact and the seats in the amateur build kit also absorb energy. The cockpit of the Auroa helicopter was designed for pilots who are training or have low hours of flying time, said Dick Sybrandy, owner and director of engineering at Auroa. The fully electric control system stores data from the previous 100 hours of engine time and can be downloaded to the pilot and/or trainer. The turnkey turbine engine is fully automated. The glass screen cockpit is easy to monitor, Sybrandy pointed out. The Auroa has a unique size that boasts roomy proportions for very tall

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New Zealand Focus

Auroa Helicopter staff with the KC-518

pilots (such as Sybrandy, who stands 6’8”) or pilots/passengers with larger frames. “This is the first helicopter in which I feel comfortable,” Sybrandy said. The Auroa can take off with 600 kg of weight, enough for two people and fuel and is cost-effective for small loads. The pace of design of the KC-518 has been stunning. The time from concept to production has been only two years, according to Pike. “Design costs have been low,” and the company has been self-funded, said Pike, although Composite Helicopters has partnered with RollsRoyce Engines during certification. Sybrandy, an engineer who had previously worked on gas turbine engines, launched Auroa because he always wanted a helicopter for himself, he said. “I wanted a challenge.” The New Zealand government provided a research and development grant to support Auroa, said Sybrandy. Currently the KC-518 is sold as an experimental helicopter for private recreational transport, said Maloney,

and meets FAR Part 27 airworthiness criteria. However, once certified, the Adventourer could be used for military, police, search and rescue, and agriculture applications. Composite has sold 14 helicopters and plans to deliver the first in December 2012. Sybrandy is planning for the Auroa to be commercially produced, but is still two to three years from completing certification. For now, the helicopter meets FAR Part 27 and can be sold as an experimental kit. “We are about one year out from availability in the U.S.,” said Sybrandy, “and we are looking for dealers and distributors.” Sybrandy expects that a mass-produced Auroa could be used for recreation, search and rescue (especially in a marine environment, where the lowcorrosion composite fuselage will be vital), patrols or commuting. For more information see and

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“Revolutionized” Construction Brings Falcomposite Furio RG Quickly to Market Falcomposite, a New Zealand manufacturer of aerobatic kit aircraft, demonstrates how quickly an idea can grow into a design that is certified and in production. With the supportive

Giovanni Nusrtini with the Furio RG.

mix of private and public collaboration, the Furio RG developed from an idea to production and delivery in only four years. Giovanni Nustrini, Falcomposite operations manager, said the company was founded in 2005 with a sole purpose: to develop a kit aircraft that requires less maintenance, saves fuel and is fully aerobatic. Since its start the company has grown to four officers and 20 staff members. “We’ve had a lot of support,” said Nustrini, “including financial support, feasibility and development studies, and finding partners for the structural design.” The resulting design, said Nustrini, brings the aircraft into the new millennium. The aircraft is an impressive feat of engineering: the fuselage skin is 100% carbon fiber that will not rust; the structure has no ribs—a carbon fiber skin holds the aircraft together. The Quickbuild Kit, comprised of only 30 parts, is compliant with the FAA 51 percent rule. The Furio RG aircraft kit has been in production for the past three years and sells worldwide, including in North America. Falcomposite launched the Furio RG in the United States at EAA AirVenture through Jim Sampson, their U.S. dealer, and sold two kits within Page 28

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the first few days of the air show. “We’re ready to sell,” exclaimed Nustrini. The kit can be delivered as quickly as one week after an order is placed. Future plans for the Furio RG, said Nustrini, include marketing the aircraft in the U.S. and China, gaining certification as a fully-built aircraft, being mass produced, and potentially being used as a military training aircraft (it is currently being evaluated). For more information about the Furio RG, see

Meet the Writer

Andrea Brennan at AirVenture 2012

All of the New Zealand articles were written by Andrea Brennan. Andrea has written for the State Aviation Journal since the first issue was published more than three years ago. Andrea has her own business in the Chicago area called Teamplete.

July/August 2012

New Zealand Focus


GPS Guidance System for GA Aircraft, Grows in the U.S. TracMap, a small company in New Zealand, has developed a guidance system for agricultural and search and rescue aircraft to fly in a defined pattern. The system, also named TracMap, uses GPS tracking to monitor and document the area covered by an aircraft. This innovation could potentially save time and other resources by reducing redundancy in a guided flight pattern. In business for six years, TracMap partnered with Sevon and Navico Asia Pacific to design a system that facilitates accurate placement of product in an area, area grid search and area maintenance, said Gerald Harrex, national sales director. Using TracMap, he added, could reduce flying time between 20 and 50%. TracMap’s success in New Zealand and increasing interest from the United States, said Harrex, is due in part to the potential uses for the system. The system has an agricultural purpose to accurately place and record the application of fertilizer, herbicide or water in a confined area. Harrex pointed out how the product display screen illustrates the coverage area to prevent gaps and overlapping. Initially designed for ground-based guidance fertilizer spraying, TracMap soon dominated the agricultural market. “60% of all fertilizer in New Zealand is now applied using the system,” said Harrex. After the success of the ground-based system, the aviation agriculture industry asked TracMap to design the technology to be used in aircraft, meeting a previously unfilled need, he said. The system is uniquely lightweight, portable and easy to use, added Harrex. The heads-up display also allows the pilot to stay focused on flying. TracMap has a purpose beyond dispersing fertilizer.

Gerald Harrex, National Sales Director

“We are trying to break into two markets,” said Harrex. Because TracMap can provide overlapping coverage with few gaps, the system has great promise for use in search and rescue. Six users in New Zealand already use TracMap for search and rescue and a civil air patrol is interested in the system, Harrex said. This function could also be used to monitor other emergency services such as fire-fighting water delivery and fire breaks. TracMap has sold 25 units in the United States, said Harrex, and the potential is huge to sell thousands of units. Harrex believes the product will become more recognizable as it is marketed for both agricultural and for search and rescue. TracMap has also recently released TracLink, a real-time Web-based data sharing job management system, which would help contractors send, receive and store grid coordinates to ensure full area coverage. “There are so many uses for this technology,” Harrex said as he watched the display monitor. “You really need to look at the system to see how it can be applied.” To learn more about TracMap and TracLink, go to http://

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New Zealand Focus

New Academy Aims to Teach Aviation and STEM Skills Malcolm Savill, like many others in the aviation industry, wants to see young people enter the work force with technical and aeronautical skills, but he also wants them to have life skills such as commitment to learning and working as team members. “If we don’t get these children to put down their personal electronic devises and game controllers and leave their rooms to experience something from real life, then they are going to find it very difficult to find a place in the work force.” Savill, founder and CEO of Classic Aviation Designs, has developed an aviation academy program targeted at students in their mid-teens who are interested in working on a real-life project. The teens must sign a contract to commit to a three-year program (1,200 hours) that includes building a full size flyable replica Piper Cub aircraft, from a kit while completing their secondary school education. The academy also offers a fourth year for students who want to pursue pilot training. Currently CADL is sponsoring and mentoring the Omatea Aviation Academy in New Zealand. The students started in February of this year and are on target to have the fuselage completed by the end of this school year. The aircraft construction phase of the program instructs the students on how to build the Cubflyer kit aircraft which fits into the micro-lite/Light Sport Aircraft (LSA) category. At the completion of the course all the students are given the opportunity to learn to fly in their project, explained Savill. The classroom component of the academy is broken into three phases, the first being introduction lessons. This is where students are exposed to as many different facets of aviation as possible in their first year, where new products, methods of designing and Page 30

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Malcolm Savill

maintaining of aircraft will be presented. The students will also be taught the basic principles of flight to get a better understanding of aeronautics for the aircraft designing module later in the course. This lesson time is a valuable window into aviation as not all students aspire to be pilots. Through this portal students see the vast range of industries involved in aviation as options for future employment. The second phase is workshop lessons. This explains the targets for each day and how best to achieve them along with the basic theory regarding what they are constructing that day. The last phase is watching a video of the day’s project, and then it’s on to hands-on construction in the workshop. The students also learn other reallife project skills, such as requisitioning of parts for that day’s project from the construction kit stalls and accredit-

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ing the placement of parts. The program will also include media production; the students will photograph and record video of the construction. Students who complete the program but are not interested in flying, will still have the variety of skills for careers such as an aircraft mechanic, electrical engineer or engine specialist. Employers in New Zealand “snapped up” Teens will commit to building a replica Piper Cub. the first academy’s graduates, said Savill. The aircraft built by the students will also have a launch this program for the next school year and looking post-graduation career. The self-funded academy will sell for high schools interested in starting up such a program. the aircraft at a fundraising event to fund future classes. It is also vital that companies invest and/or get involved in Savill said that since he has partnered with an academy this academy to help develop aviation and technical skills in New Zealand, one prototype has been built and test into their future employees. To contact Savill and learn flown. This prototype was used to prove the concept more about the academy, send email to malcolm@classiof students being able to build an aircraft. The second prototype is on target to be completed and test flown this January coming. This final draft of the design was used to develop construction methods and was redesigned to replicate the Piper Cubs timeless shape. A third example is under construction with the OAA academy to critique the plans and construction manual which forms the lesson plans of the course. The academy selection process begins with an application from the student. “We also interview the family members,” said Savill, “because the students will need parental support.” Tuition costs to host the academy is about U.S.$40,000 for the three-year program which includes the cost of the kit. That might seem expensive, said Savill, until one considers that the cost is for a three year program. The academy also strives to work with the community and employers to find sponsors that will help offset the costs of the program. However, Savill emphasized, the program is self-funding once the initial aircraft is sold. Savill is currently working with partners in the USA to July/August 2012

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Orbit Shuttle

New Zealand Focus

Revolutionizes GA Aircraft Ground Handling When he was training to be a recreational pilot, Chris Haynes helped the owner of the training aircraft slowly maneuver the 10.5 m fixed-wing plane into the hangar, including Haynes putting his body on the line to prevent the aircraft wing from scraping against the wall and getting hangar rash. “I thought, ‘there’s got to be a better way,’” said Haynes. So he searched the Internet and asked colleagues about ground handling equipment. “It astounded me, to be honest,” Haynes said, “that there was nothing.” The realization of that unfulfilled need inspired Haynes to create the Orbit Shuttle, a ground-handling device that lifts and maneuvers light aircraft. Haynes has spent the past six months developing the first production model. “I didn’t want any restrictions. I wanted it to move in any direction, to put the plane wherever I wanted, with full 360-degree rotation, flexibility and no limitations,” said Haynes. So he collaborated with mechanical and electrical engineers, developed a concept, then a rough prototype, then a more commercially viable prototype and then the production model. The unit slides under an aircraft, such as a Piper Cherokee, and uses four points of lift to raise, rotate and move an aircraft weighing up to 1500 kg (3000 lbs). Movement of the Orbit Shuttle is controlled by a wireless device, which allows the user to be in the best position to maneuver the aircraft. A demonstration of the Orbit Shuttle is available online at A single user can operate the Orbit Shuttle, a plus for recreational pilots who want to fly alone. “I can see a group of pilots sharing the Orbit Shuttle,” said Haynes, “or a [fixed-based operator] using the Orbit Shuttle to fit more aircraft in a hangar, zig-zagging to move one aircraft Page 32

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Chris Haynes with the Orbit Shuttle.

around others.” Haynes anticipates other advantages for Orbit Shuttle users including improved insurance rates as hangar rash incidents decrease. The Orbit Shuttle for light aircraft has only just been introduced to the world and already Haynes and his team are also producing a helicopter version. The Helicopter Orbit will also have the ability to move and spin to fit the rotor blades in tight spaces. This gives the operator some flexibility to move a helicopter somewhere other than a small landing platform and then move it into place when necessary, allowing other helicopters to use the landing platform as needed. “I saw a need,” said Haynes, “and couldn’t believe that no one questioned the conventional way to maneuver aircraft.” To learn more about the Orbit Shuttle, see http://www.

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Pictured from left are, former New Mexico aviation director, Mike Rice, Kathryn Solee and Henry Ogrodzinski, NASAO and former Wisconsin aviation director Bob Kunkel.

People, Planes & Possibilities People, you bet! The Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) put the number in attendance this year at 508,000.

A Photo Collage by Shahn Sederberg

Planes, of course! More than 10,000 aircraft arrived at Wittman Regional Airport in Oshkosh and other east-central Wisconsin airports in 2012. For many however, EAA AirVenture has always been about possibilities. The possibility of being inspired always ranks high. The possibility of meeting someone in the aviation industry that has captured your imagination or encouraged you, ranks up there as well. The possibility of being reunited with someone you haven’t seen in a while also comes in with a high percentage of probability. The point is, Oshkosh is a magical place attracting those of all ages from countries all around the world. It’s a place that no matter what your politics, your heritage, or your accomplishments, for one week a year most visitors leave it all behind and replace them with fascination, passion and joy.

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State Aviation Journal

July/August 2012

Photos by Shahn Sederberg (Shown above)

Acting FAA Administrator Michael Huerta

Bud Anderson, WWII hero

NTSB Chairman, Deborah Hersman

July/August 2012

EAA’s Rod Hightower

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State Aviation Journal

July/August 2012

From left are, Joshua Simmers, Projects Manager, North Dakota Aeronautics Commission, Barry Cooper, FAA Regional Administrator for Great Lakes Region, David Greene, Wisconsin Aviation Director, FAA Acting Administrator, Michael Huerta, Kathlyn Solee, NASAO, Dave Gordon, Colorado Aeronautics Director and Kyle Wanner, Planner, North Dakota Aeronautics Commission.

EAA Founder Paul Poberezny in Red One

July/August 2012

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State Aviation Journal

July/August 2012

Tuskegee Airman, Col. Charles McGee

July/August 2012

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State Aviation Journal

July/August 2012

July/August 2012

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State Aviation Journal

July/August 2012

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