court space reForm
Community Kiosks There are three types of kiosks and their physical location and furniture configuration differ.
Standing Kiosk The Model A Legal Kiosk is a public-facing kiosk that serves as a community access point to civil legal justice. These kiosks connect users to civil legal information, self-help services, and statewide civil legal aid intake. Model A kiosks can be found in a variety of locations and are an excellent option for Legal Aid Programs collaborating on access points.
Sitting Kiosk The Model B Legal Kiosk is a Legal Aid Program-focused kiosk that serves as a virtual portal to the individual Legal Aid program managing the kiosk. Applicants and/or clients can be directed to Model B kiosks for tasks such as intake, meetings with their attorney, and appearing virtually as needed while represented by the Legal Aid Program. Model B kiosks are placed in locations with the ability to create a confidential space while the kiosk is in use.
Enclosed Pod Used primarily for remote proceedings, these enclosed pods offer acoustical privacy and a proper backdrop. It’s important that access be provided especially for those who are not safe remoting into their proceeding from home or work, and for those who do not have adequate bandwidth or equipment. The location of a POD could be more convenient for customers..
Remote Access Center Communities have unique needs and court services should be located conveniently to serve its customers. Remote Access Centers can provide various levels of services and could includes a combination of the Community Kiosks. These locations could be inside a library or other civic building.