The Chrysalis Issue

Page 19

Personal Narrative

A mere 17 and a half years Immigrating to the U.S., let alone becoming a naturalized citizen, can be a long and expensive process by Camila Pedrosa


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Mu ch of w hat my parent pened s did d behind uring t closed hose y doors; ears to I was f attemp ar too t to ga young   All I in citiz t o be wor needed enship ried ab to do w hapo Immig u a t legal s tag a ration p l o r ng to t ocesses Service he doz . s office ficatio ens of n phot visits — U n ited St os and a tedio ates C doctor with u us pro itizens s' offic c scis, r e s hip an s i e nvolvi s over aised t d ng fing the yea wo kid erprin rs — w s and w ts, iden hile m orked tiy paren full tim t s tirele e.   My ssly de mom h alt as alwa ys imp doctor ressed al thes me. At is in or 26, she ganic c weeks hemist succes before sfully w ry whi her gra le preg rote an duatio later a n a d defen n. She nt with nd bui moved ded a lt a life h e r fi rst chi her yo from t ld — I ung fa he gro mily a was bo und up cross t rn . he wor ld only a year


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