The Food Chain in the Context of Climate & the Forth Industrial Revolution WWF Zurich, 17/01/2019
Cleantech21 Foundation Background – C21 (not-for-profit, independent, mission: #ClimateAction with a leverage)
2008-2015 2016-today Advocacy (1/3) Innovation (2/3)
Switzerland’s first green business association, tangible policy results (climate, energy, mobility, etc)
#CAP #ClimateDividend
Advocacy Platform, linking global business with local policy (w. WBCSD) GHG Pricing, Fee/Dividend Government-funded research initiative at climate/DLT (’blockchain’) intersection (starting late 2015…)
Privately funded innovation program at climate/DLT intersection, incl. IoT & AI 2
Climate Change: Exponential Action Needs Exponential Innovation (‘disruptive’) Challenge: Exponential decarbonization
Solution: Fourth Industrial Revolution
Stylized net global CO2 emissions (GtCO2/yr)
30 years to net-zero!
Note: Technological & Regulatory Innovation
Source: 3
Forth Industrial Revolution Domains (WEF-basis, focus on 3 core technologies)
Innovation & Sustainable Development 3 focus technologies 1. Internet of Things (IoT) 2. Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT, ‘Blockchain’) 3. Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Related Technologies & Other Relevant Domains Note C21 Whitepaper: ‘A climate innovation perspective on the fourth industrial revolution’ (10/2018, Link) 4
Technology Focus: Disruptive Troika (exponential/disruptive – economic & social, use case dependent)
(Distributed Ledger Technology, ’Blockchain’)
(Internet of Things)
‘Administer & Exchange’ x
(Artificial Intelligence)
Trust & Incentives
(Distributed & Automated Systems, Smart Contracts) u
#Hack4Climate for (start 2017 at COP23: 100 hackers from 33 countries, 40 experts, 5 days)
“My COP highlight” James Close, World Bank
“A truly inspiring event” Michael Casey, MIT
Hackathon > 5y Innovation Program (2018 effort, second pilot at COP24 in Katowice, 2019 roll-out)
#Hack4Climate Engagement Areas (highest climate-impact domains, community-call-out for challenges) CROSS-INDUSTRY THEMES
FOCUS INDUSTRIES 1. Distributed Renewable Energy (production, storage, grid/exchange)
▪ Macro Trends: SDGs, digitisation,
2. Sustainable Transportation (mobility & logistics, integr./shared)
▪ Ambition Drivers: Paris Agreement,
3. Sustainable Land Use (agriculture & forestry)
▪ Technological innovation:
4. Sustainable Materials & Products (‘supply chains’, circular economy)
▪ Regulatory innovation:
5. Smart Buildings, Cities/Infrastructure (efficient, integrated systems)
▪ Policy Instrument Focus: Standards,
6. ICT & Sustainable Finance (enabling, scaling – Green Bonds)
▪ #ClimateAction Scope: Mitigation,
decentralisation, sharing, customiz. IPCC AR6, Mission2020/Carbon Law IoT, DLT, AI – sensing, automation, 5G bottom-up, incentivising, open gov. pricing, registries/transfers, MRV adaptation & finance
Specific Challenges
Food & Agriculture in the Climate Context (important, tricky – land management is key)
1. Agriculture & related land-use change emissions (approx. 25% to total, need to be net zero by 2050) 2. Food security (feed 10 billion people by 2050, 50% increase from today) 3. Biodiversity (1970-2014: -60% species) >> Land-use with conflicting objectives‌
Source: IPCC (AR5, 2010) 9
Quality Source: WRI, Creating A Sustainable Food Future (12/2018, five core action items/’courses’) 1. Reduce growth in demand for food and agricultural products; 2. Increase food production without expanding agricultural land; 3. Exploit reduced demand on agricultural land to protect and restore forests, savannas, and peatlands; 4. Increase fish supply through improved wild fisheries management and aquaculture; 5. Reduce greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural production Source: WRI (2018, Link) 10
The Food Gap (WRI)
The Emissions Gap (WRI)
Hack4Climate’s Land Management Use Case: GainForest, Introduction (drivers for exponential innovation)
GainForest – Enabling Exponential Leaps in Land Managment (monitoring, reporting & verification service – now being implemented) 1. Distributed Ledger (DLT, trusted global registry, access layers)
3. Sensing (IoT, remote & local, combined sources)
Land Use/Owners, Sustainability Targets 2. Predictive Analysis (AI – past patterns for future predictions)
5. Impact Analysis/Verif. (automated, multiple sources, veracity – AI)
4. Local Engagement (web app, capturing & rewarding – IoT, DLT)
6. Smart Contracts (DLT, automated & results-based actions)
7. REDD+, Oth. Processes (new ‘standards’, new projects/products)
Investors, Markets (public & private)
8. Tokenization (democratizing access, tradeable, DLT) 14
Conclusion: 5 Key Advantages of 4IR for the ‘Food Chain’ (complex/must-do innovation, leveraging trust & incentives)
human thing
1. Distributed Trust (security, immutability, data-control) 2. Sharing Value, Transparency (rights/data, no intermediary) 3. Incentivization (smart contracts, staking, etc.) 4. Access (digital/mobile money, low transaction costs, small/frequent/automated payments, tokenization) 5. Dynamic Systems (autonomous/‘digital MRV’, new ‘ecosystems’ – e.g. Land, energy)
Thank you & please engage! @NickBeglinger