Stay Healthy Magazine Jan/Feb 2019

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Stay Healthy

Magazine JAN/FEB 2019

Mind, Body & Fitness



Kinds Of Exercises

That Boost Your Heart Health


Signs Your Not Getting Enough Potassium


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Inside this issue: Fitness 4 Life

Pg. 4

3 Kinds of Exercises That Boost Heat Health

Pg. 6

7 Reasons Why Stevia is Better than Refined Sugar

Pg. 8

Finding The Hidden Sugars In The Food You Eat

Pg. 10

7 Sings You’re Not Getting enough Potassium

Pg. 12

Top Five Foods Highest In Sodium

Pg. 13

Ten Ways To Detox After The Holidays

Pg. 15

2019 Fitness Trends

Pg. 17

CES Las Vegas 2019

Pg. 20

What Happens To Your Body While Sleeping

Pg. 25

Best & Worst Salad Dressing


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Working with a dietitian can help you customize your eating based on these factors. But some general guidance is smart for anyone who counts exercise as part of a heart-smart plan.

Your nutrition choices before, during and after activity can help you stay strong and recover better. Here’s a breakdown of What to Eat Before Exercise what your body needs to fuel a hearthealthy workout and recovery, courtesy of “Hydration is really important,” Johnson says. She prefers coconut water or plain a Johns Hopkins nutritionist. water to sports drinks, which contain more calories and sugar. WHAT THE EXPERTS DO Enjoy a Post-Workout Bowl of Oatmeal Several mornings each week you will find dietitian Kathleen Johnson going for a run or attending a yoga class. She drinks water but doesn’t eat beforehand because she starts so early. Afterward, she makes a big bowl of oatmeal with toppings of peanut butter, flax and chia seeds for added omega 3s. For more of an omega boost, swap out the peanut butter for walnuts. Your heart needs exercise — and what you eat before, during and after physical activity can affect your performance and how you feel, says registered dietitian Kathleen Johnson, M.A., R.D., L.D.N. To personalize what you eat around exercise, dietitians consider two main things, she says: 1. How much exercise. Someone doing high-intensity interval training or weight training needs to eat more than, say, a beginning walker.

What to Eat After Exercise After exercising, aim for balance. “Don’t overemphasize protein, fat or carbohydrates while neglecting the others,” Johnson says. Protein is especially important, but she advises eating whole foods (lentils, quinoa, fish, beans) over protein powder. Carbs are key too. They don’t Ideally, you want to plan your meals so they are no more than an hour and a half have to be grains — fruits and vegetables to two hours before your workouts. How- are mostly carbohydrates. Healthy ever, if you need to eat closer to exercise sources of fat include avocado, fish and than that, grab a small snack focusing on a olive oil. complex carbohydrate and protein. Think peanut butter and banana, or yogurt with Examples of well-balanced post-workout Kenzie choicesJaye include olive oil (a healthy fat) granola. drizzled over quinoa (protein) or trail mix “If you work full-time and exercise in the containing nuts like almonds and walnuts, evening, think about lunchtime-onward as seeds such as pumpkin seeds, coconut flakes, and berries. your pre-workout eating time,” Johnson Eat only foods that are familiar to you. “Before a workout isn’t a great time to experiment with a new super smoothie, especially if you’re prone to gas and bloating,” she says.

suggests. That will help you think through nutritious choices, rather than grabbing a quick bite of whatever’s handy.

What to Eat During Exercise Most people don’t need to eat anything while exercising, Johnson says, “unless you’re an endurance athlete doing a mul2. Your fitness goals. Someone who wants to lose weight has to tihour workout.” If you have poor blood sugar control, sipping coconut water can be careful not to take in more calories be useful — you’ll get a little sugar along than he or she is burning. “A 500-calorie smoothie after an hour of weight training with hydration and balanced electrolytes is fine if you’re trying to build muscle, but (necessary substances in your blood and not if you’re trying to lose weight,” John- body fluids that you lose through sweat). son says.


6 Physical Exercise Being physically active is a major step toward good heart health. It’s one of your most effective tools for strengthening the heart muscle, keeping your weight under control and warding off the artery damage from high cholesterol, high blood sugar and high blood pressure that can lead to heart attack or stroke.

3 Kinds of Exercise That Boost Heart Health By Elizabeth Glasser SH Magazine

It’s also true that different types of exercise are needed to provide complete fitness. “Aerobic exercise and resistance training are the most important for heart health,” says Johns Hopkins exercise physiologist Kerry J. Stewart, Ed.D. “Although flexibility doesn’t contribute directly to heart health, it’s nevertheless important because it provides a good foundation for performing aerobic and strength exercises more effectively.”

Heart-pumping aerobic exercise is good for cardiovascular health. But Johns Hopkins researchers say that two other types of exercise play a key role in heart health, too. Here’s how Here’s how different types of exercise benefit to balance your fitness plan to get all the beneyou. fits Aerobic Exercise Q&A What it does: Aerobic exercise improves circuWhat's the Best Exercise for Weight Loss? lation, which results in lowered blood pressure Both aerobic exercise and resistance training and heart rate, Stewart says. In addition, it burn calories, as well as help improve your increases your overall aerobic fitness, as measbaseline metabolic rate. The more muscle mass ured by a treadmill test, for example, and it you develop, the more calories you burn, says helps your cardiac output (how well your heart Johns Hopkins exercise physiologist Kerry J. pumps). Aerobic exercise also reduces the risk Stewart, Ed.D. “Together with diet, that’s what of type 2 diabetes and, if you already live with leads to weight loss,” he says. diabetes, helps you control your blood glucose. Being physically active is a major step toward good heart health. It’s one of your most effective tools for strengthening the heart muscle, keeping your weight under control and warding off the artery damage from high cholesterol, high blood sugar and high blood pressure that can lead to heart attack or stroke.

How much: Ideally, at least 30 minutes a day, at least five days a week.

Examples: Brisk walking, running, swimming, cycling, playing tennis and jumping rope. Heartpumping aerobic exercise is the kind that doctors have in mind when they recommend at least 150 minutes per week of moderate activiIt’s also true that different types of exercise are ty. needed to provide complete fitness. “Aerobic Resistance Training (Strength Work) exercise and resistance training are the most important for heart health,” says Johns Hopkins What it does: Resistance training has a more specific effect on body composition, Stewart exercise physiologist Kerry J. Stewart, Ed.D. “Although flexibility doesn’t contribute directly says. For people who are carrying a lot of body fat (including a big belly, which is a risk factor to heart health, it’s nevertheless important because it provides a good foundation for per- for heart disease), it can help reduce fat and create leaner muscle mass. Research shows forming aerobic and strength exercises more that a combination of aerobic exercise and effectively.” resistance work may help raise HDL (good) Here’s how different types of exercise benefit cholesterol and lower LDL (bad) cholesterol. you. How much: At least two nonconsecutive days

per week of resistance training is a good rule of thumb, according to the American College of Sports Medicine. Examples: Working out with free weights (such as hand weights, dumbbells or barbells), on weight machines, with resistance bands or through body-resistance exercises, such as push-ups, squats and chin-ups. Stretching, Flexibility and Balance What they do: Flexibility workouts, such as stretching, don’t directly contribute to heart health. What they do is benefit musculoskeletal health, which enables you to stay flexible and free from joint pain, cramping and other muscular issues. That flexibility is a critical part of being able to maintain aerobic exercise and resistance training, says Stewart. “If you have a good musculoskeletal foundation, that enables you to do the exercises that help your heart,” he says. As a bonus, flexibility and balance exercises help maintain stability and prevent falls, which can cause injuries that limit other kinds of exercise. How much: Every day and before and after other exercise. Examples: Your doctor can recommend basic stretches you can do at home, or you can find DVDs or YouTube videos to follow (though check with your doctor if you’re concerned about the intensity of the exercise). Tai chi and yoga also improve these skills, and classes

are available in many communities.



Time for a bit of trivia: did you know that stevia has been approved as a sweetener in Japan since the 1970's, and is now the number one sweetener there, with a market share of over 40%? And all this without any reports of unwanted side effects! 4. Stevia is Great For Diabetics by Dr. Edward Group DC, NP, DACBN, DCBCN,

Stevia is a natural sweetener, derived from the stevia rebaudiana plant that was first discovered centuries ago in Paraguay by the native population. But it wasn't until the late 19th century that a Swiss botanist working in South America documented the socalled "sweet leaf", and brought it back with him.

it most certainly is a worthwhile investment.

2. Stevia has no calories Refined sugar makes you fat, there's no denying it. Sucrose contains a lot of calories and there are so many sugary products nowadays that it's become almost a fulltime chore to avoid them. As a consequence, 34% of adults in America are obese and for our children – who are being exposed to sugar from a very young age that figure is 17%.

Stevia is available in many forms. The most popular is white extract powder, but you can also buy dried stevia leaves, stevia liquid extract, or as small pellets to sweeten your coffee with. The sweet leaf sweetener is also avail- These alarming rates are three able in its granular form in small times higher than they were thirty packets. years ago. Luckily, the stevia sweetener harbors no calories However, the all-natural stevia whatsoever. While it isn't by any sweetener is different from sugar means a weight loss product, the in many ways, and there are sev- benefits of stevia and its huge poeral reasons why stevia is a bettential in this area are obvious. ter option than sucrose, whether you're diabetic or just looking to 3. Stevia helps to suppress cravadopt a healthier lifestyle. So let's ings go and have a look at them! As we all know, sugar is addictive. STEVIA IS BETTER THAN Artificial sweeteners such R E F I N E D S U G AR as aspartame or sucralose may not have any calories or glycemic 1. Stevia is very, very potent index, but they still promote cravings for sugary sweets. On top of The raw leaves of the stevia plant that, an increasing amount of conare approximately 40 times sweet- sumers over the years has reporter than sugar, and the powdered ed negative side effects when ussweetener derived from them is up ing artificial sweeteners, ranging to 200-300 times sweeter. What from headaches and dizziness to this means, is that just a tiny bit of rashes and stomach pains. Stevia stevia will suffice for most of your on the other hand, has been resugar free recipes. The sweet ported to suppress cravings. leaf's shelf life is about 5 years, so

The reason why sugar is so bad for diabetics, is that it contains large amounts of carbohydrates. In order to illustrate which food types are fit for diabetics and which ones aren't, a system called "the glycemic index"was developed. We will spare you the details of this system, but what it boils down to is that food types with a glycemic index value of less than 50 are considered relatively safe for diabetics; the lower the number, the better. To give you an idea: apples have a GI of 39. French fries have a GI of 95. Tabletop sugar has a GI of 80. Stevia has a GI of 0 (yes, zero). This makes the sweet leaf ideal for keeping your diabetes symptoms at bay without having to compromise any sweetness in your food. 5. Stevia Regulates Hypertension For generations, native tribes in South America have been using stevia to sweeten their matĂŠ, a type of herbal tea. Aside from the sweetness, they have also been using it to lower blood pressure in people suffering from hypertension. Nowadays, South American doctors even officially prescribe medicine containing stevia to help control high blood pressure. Extensive testing has shown that stevia does not lower blood pressure in healthy individuals. 6. Stevia Helps With Candidiasis Candida albicans is a natural type of yeast that's present in every


human's intestines. But in some people, this yeast population can grow excessively large and that's when an infection called "candidiasis" occurs, causing symptoms like diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. The main culprit with candidiasis is the fermentation of sugar in the intestine, and therefore many candida diets are based on eliminating sucrose from a person’s eating patterns.

though, and be careful to use pure stevia only. Some commercially available brands add inulin or maltodextrin to some of their products: substances which are to be avoided when you're prone to candidiasis.

tions of sugar. You owe it to yourself to give the sweet leaf a try!

†Results may vary. Information and statements made are for education purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your doctor. Global Healing Cen7. Bottom Line on Stevia ter does not dispense medical adWhen you're used to sugar, stevice, prescribe, or diagnose illvia's taste may take a bit of getting ness. The views and nutritional used to. It contains two sweet advice expressed by Global Healcomponents (called "glycosides"); ing Center are not intended to be Raw stevia cannot be fermented stevioside and rebaudioside A. Try a substitute for conventional mediby candida albicans and does not to find products based on the lat- cal service. If you have a severe promote candidiasis, so it should ter, because stevioside can have medical condition or health conbe perfectly safe to substitute sug- a bitter aftertaste that not everycern, see your physician. ar with stevia for people with this one is fond of. But when you add condition. Always consult your everything up, the benefits of stephysician before altering your diet via vastly outweigh the tempta-

10 foods, such as fruits and vegetables. But, you have to be a bit more savvy with locating foods that contain added sugar. There are more than 60 names for added sugar.

3. Condiments

Sometimes your food just needs a little extra kick, but keep in mind that it might cost you in your sugar consumption. Ketchup, barbecue sauce, hoisin sauce, To identify added sugars, look at the ingre- teriyaki sauce, salad dressings and relish dients list. Some major clues that an ingre- all have added sugars that mount up. dient is an added sugar include: 4. Beverages Finding the Hidden Sugar in the it has syrup (examples: corn syrup, rice A study conducted at the Johns Hopkins Foods You Eat syrup) Bloomberg School of Public Health and This article is written by Erin Gager, R.D., L.D.N., the word ends in “ose” (examples: frucJohns Hopkins University School of Media dietitian at The Johns Hopkins Hospital tose, sucrose, maltose, dextrose) cine found that drinking high levels of sugar-sweetened carbonated beverage was Are you skipping cookies, cake or other “sugar” is in the name (examples: raw sugsweet treats to reduce your sugar intake? ar, cane sugar, brown sugar, confectionary associated with a higher risk of coronary artery disease in adults without a history Give yourself an A for effort, but you’re sugar) of cardiovascular disease, cancer or diabeprobably still eating more sugar than you Other examples of added sugar include tes. realize. The average American eats 22 teafruit nectars, concentrates of juices, honspoons of added sugar per day, according Health tip: Be careful and read the nutriey, agave and molasses. to the American Heart Association. You’re tion facts label when choosing carbonated likely not adding that much sugar to food 4 Foods With Hidden Sugar beverages, flavored milks and sports yourself, so could you really be eating that Most people are able to identify desserts drinks. much? Well, yes, says Erin Gager, R.D., and candy as having added sugar, but Be sure to talk to your doctor or a dietitian L.D.N., a dietitian at The Johns Hopkins what about less obvious sources? Some if you make changes to your diet. Hospital, because sugar is in a lot more foods that most people would consider foods than you may think. Healthy Snack Suggestion: Do-It-Yourself “healthy” may actually have a lot of added Trail Mix This extra sugar may be adding to your sugar in them, such as: waistline as well as putting your heart at Try this trail mix recipe for a sweet-tasting, 1. Breakfast cereal risk. Research shows that excess sugar healthy treat. Just because it says “whole grain” or consumption can be associated with 1 cup wheat cereal an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. “fortified with vitamins and minerals” doesn’t mean there’s no sugar. 1/4 cup dried fruit: raisins, blueberries, The American Heart Association recommends limiting added sugar consumption Health tip: Try to choose a cereal with 10– cranberries, chopped apricots, plums, or peaches, or a mixture to 25 grams (about six teaspoons) per day 12 grams or less of sugar per serving. for women and 36 grams (nine teaspoons) Granola and granola bars can be heavy 1/4 cup cashews (1 ounce) per day for men. Knowing where sugar sources of added sugars, so check their Directions may be hiding can help you meet these labels. goals and beat added sugar at its game of Mix ingredients, split into two servings, 2. Yogurt hide and seek. and store in sandwich-sized plastic bags. If you like flavored yogurt, peek at the Each serving contains about 192 calories, 5 Know the Names for Sugar nutrition facts label. You may be shocked g protein, 9 g fat, 28 g carbohydrates, 3 g The nutrition facts label is required to inat the amount of sugar you are eating. fiber, and 115 mg sodium. form you how much sugar is in a food. However, the label does not separate the Health tip: Try looking around and experimenting with other, less sugary yogurts. amounts of naturally occurring sugar from added sugar, Gagger explains. Sugar You can always get a plain yogurt and add your own fruit! is found naturally in many nutritious


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12 resulting in fatigue and general weakness. And this kind of fatigue is not a result of overworking or overexertion, and you may be getting enough sleep but still feel exhausted. 2. High Blood Pressure Potassium plays a significant role in relaxing blood vessels and, therefore, inadequate amount of the mineral can lead to constriction of the vessels. By Dr. Richards M.D. Nevada

7 Signs You Are Not Getting Enough Potassium Potassium is one of the most important minerals in the body, but you probably don’t hear much about it. Unfortunately, it’s often difficult for many people to notice the warning signs of potassium deficiency. To help you with that, we’re giving you some of the top signs that you need more potassium. Continue on to learn more... 1. Always Feeling Tired

This will cause hypertension. So next time you visit your doctor be sure to have your blood pressure checked. 3. Primarily Eats Processed Foods If you’re always consuming processed foods on a daily basis, then you’re likely to suffer potassium deficiency because most of the foods such as frozen meals, crackers, and chips contain a high amount of sodium. You’ll need to reduce the salty foods you eat so that your body can retain more of potassium to keep your blood pressure at a healthy level.

Are you tired constantly? A general feeling 4. Heart Skips A Beat of fatigue is a common sign of low potassiDoes your heart start to pound unexpectum levels in the body. edly, or you feel it keeps skipping beats Since every cell needs an appropriate (palpitations) without a reason you can amount of potassium in order to function easily discover? properly, a deficiency of this mineral can While there are a lot of factors that can affect the cells and other organs— cause this, potassium deficiency contrib-

ute the most. 5. Feel Faint Or Dizzy If the potassium levels drop significantly, it can cause slow heartbeat and, of course, make you feel as if you’re about to pass out. It is important to note that this sign is not common, and so you’re advised to see the doctor as soon as possible should you experience it. 6. Constipation You didn’t expect this, right? Well, low levels of potassium can affect other bodily functions, including slowing down the digestive system. Basically, your body will be struggling to regulate its sodium levels, and this could result in salt-induced bloating as well as abdominal cramping. But keep in mind that, there are lots of things other than low potassium levels that can cause the abnormal puffiness. 7. Tingling and Numbness Potassium is vital for the health of the nerves. Inadequate amount of this mineral can cause the annoying pins and needles sensation. Also, potassium helps with smooth muscle contraction. Therefore, low levels may make you experience aches and spasms.



2. Frozen Meals

You probably don’t think of breakfast cereal as a salty food, but many of the “healthier” cereals on the market, like corn flakes and toasted-oat cereals, have almost 300 mg of sodium per cup. Again, the problem isn’t the sodium per serving, but the small amount that counts as a serving size.

Packaged lowcalorie frozen meals may seem like the easy way to control portions and watch your weight, but most of them contain way too much salt. Although many brands now offer low-sodium alter- A typical cereal bowl can hold one and a 5 Sneaky High Salt Foods natives, the meals still contain significant half to two cups of cereal, if not more. To If you’ve been in a grocery store lately, amounts. control your salt intake at breakfast time, you’ve probably noticed more and more watch your portion low-sodium foods on shelves, from cheese Some of them contain more than 500 mg size, and try shredper meal, which is one-third of your recto crackers. There’s good reason for the ded-wheat-type ommended daily intake if you are followchange: Consuming salty foods can incereals, which are ing a low-sodium diet. A leftover meal crease your risk for serious health condilow-sodium foods. tions, like high blood pressure, heart dis- made from last night’s healthier homeA one-cup serving ease, and stroke. The obvious fix is to cut made dinner can serve as a low-sodium, of frosted miniasome of the salt from your diet, but sodi- quick-lunch alternative to lower your salt ture-wheat cereal, for example, has only 3 um is sneaky — it can lurk in many seem- intake mg of salt. ingly healthy foods. Here are some of the 3. Salad Dressing 5. Canned Beans worst offenders. You may Some people opt for beans as a way to get 1. Bread feel virtuprotein while controlling their fat and choous opting lesterol intakes, but the canned versions for a salad often have too much salt. One cup of plain over a baked beans has a whopping 1,008 mg of hamburger, sodium, which is half of an adult’s recombut pay attention to the condiments that mended daily salt intake. you add to your greens. One tablespoon of commercially prepared French dressA roasted chicken breast [without the skin] would be an all-around better You probably don’t think of bread as salty ing, for example, has 214 mg of sodium. choice, with less than 100 mg of sodium food, but some types can contain fairly This is not a red-flag amount of sodium high amounts of sodium. A six-and-a-half- per serving, but think of how many people and minimal fat and cholesterol content. If you’re a vegetarian, try cooking dried inch pita, for example, contains more than pour the salad dressing on their salads beans — one cup of boiled navy beans has 300 milligrams of salt. That doesn’t sound directly from the bottle, serving themonly 2 mg of sodium like much, but it can add up when you selves several consider that most adults are advised to tablespoons and keep their salt intake below 2,000 mg of maybe 800 to sodium per day. 1,000 mg of The next time you’re craving a sandwich, sodium. The next time you reach for low-sodium rye bread — the reach for a salreduced-calorie version contains only 93 mg per slice, significantly less than the 170 ad, try using oil and vinegar, which won’t add to your salt intake. mg in the average slice of white bread. Another good choice is whole-grain bread, 4. Cereals which has about 127 mg per slice.


15 clothes, that are toxic to not only you, but the planet. Choose a “green” dry cleaner to eliminate the toxins associated with the dry-cleaning process that end up in our water cycle and in our land, and on your skin; which is a carrier of toxins not a barrier.

Ten Ways To Detox After The Holidays The New Year is a great time to start thinking about small steps in your lifestyle you can take and make to become healthier and be your best self. Clients often ask me if a New Year’s resolution related to health is a good idea, and we discuss while any positive change for your health is a great idea, research has shown that a making and keeping a resolution fails almost 80% of the time. I suggest to clients thinking about the following changes to incorporate in small steps, until they become daily routines. Drink more wateryour body is almost 70% water. Your skin will flourish, your kidneys and liver will become more hydrated and water encourages toxins to leave the body. If plain water becomes a chore, add fruit slices, some cucumber or mint leaves to flavor the water naturally. Detox your dietbecome more mindful of the diet sodas that you are consuming, along with the amount of sugar. Diet sodas “trick” the brain into an endless cycle of wanting more carbs and sugar. They have zero nutritional value, and contain chemical and dyes toxic to your body. Sugar is an addictive substance that is in almost every food, including spaghetti sauce! Become a label reader and aim for less than 22 grams of sugar per day for women, 36 grams for men, and children 12 grams a day. Be mindful of the serving/portion size; with hidden sugar you can easily reach this amount in one snack or meal. Detox your house and wardrobe- choose organic cotton clothing when possible. Greenpeace has evaluated the chemicals in major fashion brands and most continue to use chemicals when making

Toss plastic- plastics contain chemicals, that when heated in microwave leach toxins into your food. Begin to invest in stainless steel or glass storage containers. Eat more plants-the choice to embrace veganism or vegetarianism is strictly personal. Everyone can benefit from eating more plants on a daily basis- 3-5 servings of fruits, and 5 servings of vegetables. Try one meal a week meat free is a great way to start.

me” is one that may give you the fortitude to let toxic people go out of your life without feeling guilty. Learning to say “no” to a situation or person that is toxic without giving them an explanation is a great practice to begin. Try it once, and it becomes easier to do. Find something that brings you joy- We all need joy in our lives- does a hobby bring you joy? Could a pet help spark joy for you? Spend some time thinking about this, and make a list of things that

bring you joy- receiving joy in our life without it being related to a food is a tremendous mental health boost that everyone needs. Become a giver in your local communitywhy? Because research has shown that Move more- You may have heard the saying, “giving” produces the “feel good” hormones “sitting is the new smoking,” which is credited to endorphins and serotonin, and helps to elimiDr. Levine. We weren't designed to sit” claims Dr. Joan Vernikos, former director of NASA's Life Scienc- nate the toxins in our body. Start locally then globally. Find your passion or interest and es Division and author of the Sitting Kills, Moving volunteer time. Can’t spare any time? RecyHeals. "The body is a perpetual motion machine." Dr. Levine estimates that in the US we spend more cling items for your favorite charity, or a donathan half of our waking hours sitting down, either tion to them, produces those same feel good watching TV, driving or endorphins. sitting at a desk at work or at home. Find some form of exercise that you enjoy, and make a goal for 30 minutes or more daily. Parking farther in a parking lot, taking walk breaks from your work desk are great ways to start.

Find a way to destress – yoga is a terrific way to destress, and keep your body flexible. It has been said that yoga is not a “traditional work out” but rather a “work in.” There are many types of yoga, and classes for everyone. Be adventurous and find one that works for you. Commit to stick with it for a month and see how it improves your stress levels. Meditation is another great way to reduce stress. Like yoga, there are many different “styles”. There is no “right or wrong” way to meditate. I prefer a walking meditation, others prefer silent seated, while others enjoy coloring mandalas as a meditative process. Again, there is no right or wrong way- the goal is to quiet the mind, which in turns helps to reduce stress. Like yoga, committing to meditating consistently will help you see benefits. Remove toxic people from your lifeeveryone of us has someone in their life, either personally or professionally, that is toxic to them. The mantra “I let go of that which no longer serves

Taking small steps on a consistent basis will help to detox your body and your life. Here’s to a healthy, happy 2019. Cheers! By Tracy Green Certified Health and Nutrition Coach Educational Health Specialist Pure Haven Consultant Old Pueblo Wellness


17 into how many workouts you actually did. Then decide if it's financially worth it to you. Celebrity trainer Joey Thurman (creator of the Joey Thurman fit app) warns that with streaming workouts, you don’t have a professional checking your form and prescribing the right exercises Fitness professionals say these are the for your body, so you could risk injuring exercise trends to watch this year. Here's yourself or enforcing bad habits. So it may how to use them to your advantage. be worth scheduling a session or two with a personal trainer in person first to get By Stephanie Mansour instruction on proper technique. “All in Each year, the worldwide survey of fitness all,” he says, “If it’s a reputable source, trends is sent to over 30,000 fitness pro- trainer, coach and company, you should fessionals to rank exercise trends for the be fine.” next year. These trends aren't "trendy" or The Takeaway: If you have an erratic fads — almost all of the most popular schedule or travel often, the convenience fitness trends predicted for 2019 have of having workouts ready to play wherevearned a spot on the list in previous er you are can help you stick with a rouyears. tine. What’s the difference between buyThe trends that have staying power (such ing a subscription to streaming workouts as HIIT training and group workouts) are and searching for workouts on YouTube, ones that are easily accessible in everyday you ask? Good question. If you’re finanlife. and deliver results, fast. Wearable cially invested in a workout program, technology is seeing a resurgence, taking you’re more likely to stick to it. So while the first place for 2019 (after dropping to the free workouts may be tempting, the 3rd place in 2018). Here are some of the financial commitment may help keep top 2019 fitness trends along with their yourself accountable. health pitch or claim, plus a takeaway for HIIT WORKOUTS how you can integrate them into your current fitness plan. STREAMING WORKOUTS The Trend: Streaming workouts allow you to have the convenience of an instructorled workout accessible no matter where you are. If you travel a lot and are stuck in hotel rooms, or if you’re unmotivated to get to the gym and go to an in-person class, these streaming workouts are for you. The Trend: Traditionally, the benefit of HIIT workouts (high intensity interval The Verdict: As with all exercise, contraining) is that you can get a big bang for sistency is key. I’d recommend trying a streaming workout for a month, and track your exercise buck. By pushing yourself through interval training, and alternating how often you use it. Then take the amount you paid for the subscription for between high intensity and lower intensithe streaming workouts, and divide it out ty, you’re all in for a shorter workout that rarely provides breaks or time to catch

your breath. HIIT is being incorporated into more and more workouts – from boutique gyms to bootcamps. They’re even starting to pop up in Pilates classes and yoga classes. The Verdict: According to Thurman, “This is a trend that never should go away.” He says that the point of HIIT is to, “Go hard or go home!” He has his clients do these workouts on their own one to three times a week and incorporates HIIT into his training sessions. Research shows that high intensity interval training is one of the best ways to burn fat quickly. By pushing your body full force for a shorter amount of time, you’re getting a strength training workout, cardio workout and a full-body workout all at once. The Takeaway: You don’t need a fancy HIIT class to incorporate this trend into your workout. You can apply the HIIT training principles to any workout that you’re already doing. If you’re the queen of cardio, you can make your cardio workout more effective by changing your speed or changing the difficulty every few minutes. Or you could add 30 second sprints every few minutes. If you’re doing a strength training workout, you can cut out breaks in between sets and add in some cardio bursts to get your heart rate up. If you’re looking to spice up your yoga or Pilates routine, move through some parts of the sequence faster and go slower through other parts. GROUP TRAINING CLASSES The Trend: If you’re motivated by a competitive spirit or can't afford one-on-one training but would like direction from a fitness instructor, group training classes are a popular trend that allows participants to use the energy of a group to push through a workout. The Verdict: Group training classes can serve as a good motivator to push yourself harder or faster compared to the peo-

18 ple around you. One study found that 95 percent of those who started a weightloss program with friends completed the program, compared to a 76 percent completion rate for those who tackled the program alone. Other studies confirm that working out with a partner significantly increases time spent exercising. Plus, with an instructor-led workout, you can bank on a good, hard workout, that doesn't take much forethought or planning on your part. However, Thurman warns, “Beware that everyone is doing the same workout, and one instructor has to watch 20 or 30 of you. Be sure to keep strict form and always speak up if something doesn’t feel right!”

the form of their clients. Make sure you have an attentive trainer who pushes you, but never makes you feel like it’s “all pain and no gain.” Ideally you want to feel like you’re working together with the trainer.

The Takeaway: “Make sure the trainer knows what they’re doing, will push you safely, is certified, and will give you 95 percent of what you want and 5 percent mum of 6 hours) to meet. This is in addiof what you need,” says Thurman. Comtion to her other goals that help with municate with your trainer so that you’re weight loss. But when she closes her both on the same page, and if one isn’t rings, it gives her an extra confidence working out for you, shop around for boost. So while trackers are great, I’d recsomeone with a coaching style that fits ommend using them as a supplement to your needs. If expenses are an issue, go to other goals. Thurman echoes this, one personal training session a week and “Wearing a smart watch is great … if you ask for a written out workout routine that use it correctly. It’s nice that you hit your The Takeaway: Enlisting a group mentaliyou can follow for a few other days during 10,000 steps a day, but how many steps ty can help when your motivation starts the week. It is also important to know were you taking before you got the to wane. Consider working out with a that trainers realize it won't be a life long watch?” group of friends in your living room, joinpartnership! The goal is to help you reach ing a run club for weekly jogs in the park The Takeaway: Take the wearable techyour goals and equip you with the tools or signing up for a group training class to nology with a grain of salt. Thurman even you need to succeed on your own. So be help hold yourself accountable and push says, “Sometimes technology gives you a honest about how many sessions you can yourself harder. reason to slack off. They can also give you afford and what you hope to accomplish a false sense of accomplishment by over- in that time. WEARABLE TECHNOLOGY estimating your calorie burn or how hard NOT ON THE LIST BUT SHOULD BE: MEDIyou worked.” So use this tool to help keep TATION BECOMES MAINSTREAM IN FITyou on track, but don’t rely on them fully. NESS HIRING A PERSONAL TRAINER The Trend: WorkThe Trend: When you’re working with a ing out the mind personal trainer, all you have to do is is becoming alThe Trend: Wearable trackers are defishow up and let him/her do the coaching. most as popular nitely here to stay. They’re helping every- A personal trainer not only provides a as working out the body. By practicing day people track their health on many well-rounded and educated workout for meditation and mindfulness, you’re able different levels. From encouraging you you, but also ensures accountability with to be more in tune with your body and during a tough workout to giving you the appointments. Thurman (who, as a how you’re feeling. Whether you flow feedback on your sleep, there’s a tracker personal trainer, admits he's biased) says, through a moving meditation (like in a to suit your needs. “For the most part, I would say this is the yoga class) or set aside time each day to best way to get you the most efficient sit in a traditional pose and meditate, it’s The Verdict: Many of my clients use workout and results the fastest.” becoming more and more common for trackers in addition to their other health people to have their own personal mediand fitness goals. For example, one of my The Verdict: As a certified personal traintation practice. clients has a tracker and tries to close her er myself, I know the kind of results we “rings” everyday. She has a step goal can deliver. But sometimes I cringe when I The Verdict: Thurman says, “Meditation (10,000), a water goal (she has to manual- see trainers in the gym staring off or has been around for thousands of years ly enter this), and a sleep goal (a minichecking their phones instead of checking for a reason … it works! The mind is a

19 powerful thing, and I suggest getting to know yourself.” He also says that we can utilize our own energy for good or bad, and I’ve noticed this with my clients as well. When we go through positive bodyimage meditations, their outlook on themselves slowly (but positively) changes. What’s more, along with the mental effects of meditation, research shows that there are also physiological effects from meditation. Pain reduction, improvement in immune system, increasing blood flow to the heart, and decreasing cortisol are just a few of the effects that are similar to the effects of exercise. The Takeaway: You can integrate meditation into your everyday life by using medi-

tation apps. There are also some boutique studios that specialize in meditation, and even some mainstream gyms now offer meditation classes. The practice of mindfulness can also be brought into any workout — not just traditional meditation. Bring your awareness to a certain body part during a bootcamp session or pay attention to your breathing pattern as you run on a treadmill. Not only will you quiet your mind, but focusing specifically on certain aspects of your body may also push you to work harder and better target muscle groups.

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headsets that offer 6 degrees of freedom (6DOF). This new tech is being touted as the ideal solution for mid-range VR gaming, and the Oculus Quest is showing promise. It’s running demos of Superhot as crisply as on a Vive. HTC is also demoing its Vive Focus, the 6DOF headset that is standalone and meant to compete with the Quest.

We think so. More Mobility Too

Not to be understated is the concept of mobility itself. Mobile VR is a great way to bring the experience with you, but it doesn’t necessarily solve the locomotion challenge. The two biggest companies in VR creating VR feels great when you can move and CES is upon us, and a new dimension is midrange, standalone hardware is a fairly interact with the complex worlds developopen in VR and VR Fitness trends. The big deal. Especially when you consider ers have built. With Cybershoes, you can show is all about establishing the consumthat the Quest is $399 all-in-one. If Oculus, move around in virtual worlds without er electronics trends of tomorrow, showthe company behind the Quest, can get feeling constrained. ing off how we might use our appliances more development pouring into the heador view our world. Players can be seated, walk across treadset then this thing is a steal. Any room So, what has CES taught us about the becomes a potential VR playspace, but the mills or in place to physically move in the virtual world. No hand/wand tricks refuture of VR? Quest and Focus will still require some quired. Just don’t forget to “equip” your floor space to move around. The quick and short version is that the shoes before you set out on your advenplatform is still developing, but there’s a The Quest and Focus are the big names, ture. greater emphasis on user experience. To- but the Atraxa and a host of Chinese comExercise Tech | The Consumer Push morrow’s VR will be smoother, run more panies all offer varying promises of wireefficiently, and integrate with our world in less VR. Atraxa stands out because of its A huge surprise announcement this year is ways that have been hinted at but not yet focus on VR fitness. It comes packaged that Nordictrack is getting into the VR realized. We’re seeing a major push for with applications that take advantage of space. A new exercise bike, which comes the mainstream in the form of all-in-one its wireless movement and focus on physi- with a Vive Focus, features several gamiheadsets and exercise equipment from big cally testing the user. fied workouts a la VirZOOM. The demo at brands. CES had players pedaling a Steampunk Haptics and Feedback bicycle to fly between island worlds and Here are some of the most important imA big development from 2018 back for this huge blimps. pacts coming to the world of VR Fitness. year is the Teslasuit. This year, the focus is on enterprise use cases, but the ambitious The three-minute demo was intense, with some reporting feeling a little more than suit offers some incredible technology fitness enthusiasts will love. Think climate winded when it was over. The bike has a controlled and custom-tailored, with bio- steering yolk, so users can navigate virtual worlds intuitively, and the game design is metrics and motion capture technology. definitely polished based on the demos The suit also employs EMS, or electrical muscle stimulation, to help rehabilitate or NordicTrack wants to sell the bike at $2,000, and they may just be successful. correct form. Much like a chiropractor The brand is well-known, the Vive Focus is employing electrical stimulation on sore $600 standalone, and the user gains acmuscles, the Teslasuit can work specific The Quest and Vive’s Focus cess to an entire library of games outside muscle groups. It can also correct motor of the Nordictrack fitness regiment. The big deal last year was The Vive Pro function in real time, teaching athletes and the promise of wireless, which we did how to run or move with less strain on the Improved VR Experience eventually see towards the end of 2018. In body. We’re already seeing Steam make updates 2019, the big buzz is around all-in-one Is this tomorrow’s gym wear of choice? to its VR platform that better utilize com-

21 der the same, accessible platform and fitness heads will have no shortage of experiences to choose from. Richard Bashara :Richard Bashara is a staff writer for VR Fitness Insider, with a background in tech journalism that compliments his enthusiasm for VR. Richard writes primarily about the underlying technology, applications and experiences driving the VR revolution. puting and graphics processing power for a smoother experience. The Oculus platform also boasts lower specs. A lot of the computer hardware on display at CES seems to suggest improved efficiency. Better, more efficient motherboards and GPU cooling systems offer improved possibilities for overclocking.

portant introduction into the world of VR. Most people first encounter novel VR experiences watching sports or movies in virtual reality, especially on mobile devices. Audi believes that this is a luxury experience, and wants to push VR capability in the backseat of its cars for longer trips.

Final Thoughts | VR Finally Goes MainSo, what do you do with this information? stream Invest in better cooling, and potentially a An improved user experience and more new case design. Those who recently upways to interact with VR all go a long way graded may want to look at investing in a toward broadening the platform. That’s better motherboard and cannibalizing old what CES 2019 most shows me about VR: parts to build a second PC. we’re going mainstream. The Quest is Or do nothing at all. There’s a ton already priced perfectly and the functionality feels being done on the software side that is great. If the library grows, it could be a helping lower-performance machines get killer device for consumers in 2019. a quality VR experience. I love HTC, but the Focus is a bit outpriced Broadcast Technology by the Quest. My hope is that the Focus offers a truly premium experience for the VR needs broadcasting to grow, and accost, but I suspect most consumers will tion cams play an important role in that want the Quest. However, the Focus growth. Wearable action cameras capture could see wider deployment overall when 360 degree video users can watch in VR. paired with offerings like Nordictrack’s With 5G, this might start happening in bike. real time. AR and VR broadcasting technology offers an insider’s view of the play, As VR focuses on wireless, and on physical but it’s also an important coaching tool. experiences that are more immersive, it will attract much more consumer and Consider StriVR, which relies on video media attention. Fitness wise, the coming capture and play review to analyze a playyear looks very promising. The Quest will er’s decision-making capabilities. Using 5G attract a new class of fitness seeker, with technology, coaches can watch a player’s a library of apps ready to introduce them perspective in real-time and relay correcto the wonders of VR fitness. tive advice or strategy during practice. Now we just need all VR games to be unBut broadcasting also serves as an im-

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27 list, you’ll find which options are the healthiest. The Healthiest Store-Bought Salad Dressings Gallery On the other, you’ll find the unhealthiest options.

By Krista Johnson Nutritionist

ther asserts that "light" and "fat free" Choosing salad over a sandwich or burger dressings are often the most common always makes for a healthier lunch, right? places to find high fructose corn syrup Thanks to hefty portion sizes, extravagant which she deems a "diet no-no." toppings, and certain brand name salad Further, low-fat salad dressings prevent dressings that pack up to 200 calories and the body's ability to absorb the carote20 grams of fat per serving, this may not noid antioxidants in salad greens and toalways be the case. We tracked down matoes, thus greatly diminishing a major nutrition information for the leading store health benefit of eating salad. A Purdue -bought brands of ranch, thousand island, University study found that certain Caesar, and Italian/ vinaigrette salad healthy fats -- like those in olive oil -dressings, and ranked them each, leading were necessary to absorb the up to the one that has the most fat and full benefits of the other vegetables in the calories. salad. Further, most people tend to ignore their salad dressing's reported serving size, which is usually only two tablespoons. If the only way you can enjoy a salad is by drenching it in a cup of dressing, then you may not be getting the healthiest lunch you can. While you should remain wary of storebrand salad dressings with high fat and calorie contents, nutritionists remind salad-lovers not to shy away from fat altogether, and warn that low-calorie or lowfat dressings may not always be a healthier option than their full-fat counterparts.

There are so many salad dressings to choose from. Sure, you know what kind you want on your salad. Some days you’re in the mood for a creamy Caesar. Other days you want herbed vinaigrette. But even once you’ve narrowed it down to the type of dressing you’re craving, there are so many brands and types that it can get tough to choose.

Not all brands make their dressings the same — some brands’ products are healthier than others. And when you’re cooking yourself up a nutritious and crisp salad, you don’t want to pour something Nutritionist Keri Glassman cautions that without any nutritional value over the top. Not when you have an equally deliwhat "light" dressings save on calories and fat they often more than make up for cious option that could be better for you! in sodium and sugar. We also ranked It takes some serious poring over numthese same varieties of dressings accord- bers and labels to get to the bottom of ing to which ones had the least fat and which ones are really the healthiest. We calories. While these may appear to be did all that label-roving for you and narhealthy alternatives, the sodium level is rowed it down for each of the 11 most worth paying attention to. Glassman fur- popular types of salad dressing. On one

Since there are so many brands out there, ranging from generic to specialty, we selected the most popularly sold storebought salad dressing brands. These included Annie’s, Ken’s, Kraft, Newman’s Own, Wish-Bone, Hidden Valley, Bolthouse Farms, and Marie’s. From there, we checked the nutrition labels for each type of dressing to find the healthiest and unhealthiest version of each. To judge the healthfulness of each dressing, we checked the calorie count, fat content, sodium content, and added sugar. Find out which brands sell the healthiest salad dressings and which sell the unhealthiest salad dressings for all your favorite flavors. Balsamic Vinaigrette Ken’s Balsamic Vinaigrette This Balsamic Vinaigrette isn’t going to derail your diet — it’s 100 calories per serving with 3 grams of sugar. Not too much of a difference from the other dressings we found, but of the most popular brands, this was the most caloric and contained the most sodium. Blue Cheese: Marie’s Super Blue Cheese Anything called “Super Blue Cheese” is going to be a little extra. But this dressing is a lot extra. In a 2tablespoon serving, there are 160 calories, 17 grams of fat, and 220 milligrams of sodium.

28 Caesar: Wish-Bone Creamy Caesar Salad Dressing

filled to the brim with avocados, fresh herbs, and We surveyed the nutrition facts of over 20 other nutritious varieties of creamy, thick Caesar dressing ingredi— but this one was the heaviest. Wishents, Kraft’s Bone Creamy CaeGreen Goddess Dressing is filled with corn sar Salad Dresssyrup and sour cream. The vitamin and ing has 180 calories mineral profile is bleak; you might want to and 290 milligrams add nutrients from other sources if you of sodium. Each use this brand serving also includes close to 30 percent of your recom- Honey Mustard: Newman’s Own Honey mended daily value of fats, with 18 grams. Dijon Mustard Dressing It’s easy to over-pour, so if you’re watchHoney mustard is ing your dietary fat intake, keep that in usually a lowmind calorie, low-fat option for dressing your salFrench: Ken’s Lite Country French ads. Newman’s Even though this dressing is marketed as Own Honey Dijon “Lite,” it might not be your most nutriMustard Dressing, however, contains 140 tious option. The calories and 13 grams of fat per serving, total fat content is more than any other honey mustard 6 grams, but to dressing we could find. It also has 6 grams make up for the of sugar — some from honey, but some (slight) difference from other added refined sugars as well. in fats, there are Italian: Ken’s Italian 11 grams of sugar per serving! That’s around a third of your recommended daily While many of limit of added sugars. In fact, sugar is the the other Italian very first ingredient on the label. It’s sup- dressings we posed to be dressing, not syrup! found were water-based and Greek: Ken’s Simply Vinaigrette Greek low in caloThis dressing won the unhealthiest rankries, Ken’s Italian dressing contains more ing for Greek vinaigrettes because of its oil than water — meaning it has more sodium content. A calories and more fat per pour. Of serving of Ken’s course, that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Simply Vinaigrette But keep in mind, each serving also conGreek has 320 millitains more than a third of your daily value grams of sodium of sodium. and 130 calories. Ranch: Ken’s PepperBut sodium isn’t all bad — salt can actually corn Ranch be really good for you! Now, ranch dressing Green Goddess: Kraft Green Goddess isn’t exactly a light Dressing food. But this verWhile most Green Goddess dressings are

sion was heavier than all the rest, even Hidden Valley’s decadent, diet-unfriendly dressings. A serving contains 180 calories and 20 grams of fat.

Thousand Island: Marie’s Thousand Island Marie’s Thousand Island dressing could become thousand-calorie if you’re not careful. Each serving contains 150 calories and 15 grams of fat. Raspberry Vinaigrette: Ken’s Fat Free Raspberry Pecan This vinaigrette may be fat-free, but it has a whopping 11 grams of sugar! Why even try adding “pecan” to raspberry vinaigrette if you’re going to make it fat-free? The best part about tree nuts like pecans is their healthy fats — though some nuts are healthier than others.

29 Balsamic: Marie’s Balsamic Vinaigrette

overly processed or complicated. Annie’s crafted a full-fat dressing that gets its healthy fats from olive oil, not milk fat — and doesn’t skimp on flavor. While there were some Greek yogurtbased versions of Caesar dressing in the running, Annie’s won out because it’s only 110 calories per serving, and sometimes, full-fat dressing is just healthier.

Some balsamic dressings are super sweet and oily. But with Marie’s classicstyle Balsamic Vinaigrette, you’re pouring only 2 grams of sugar and 45 calories on French: Annie’s Organic French Dressing your salad — without any of the additives that many “light” or “low-fat” versions include!

Blue Cheese: Bolthouse Farms Chunky Blue Cheese Yogurt Dressing

Green Goddess: Bolthouse Farms Avocado Green Goddess Yogurt Dressing Salad dressing made with avocado and Greek yogurt? Can’t get any more nutritious than that. You’ll truly feel like a goddess after eating this creamy, delicious dressing filled with chives, spices, and other bold flavors.

Honey Mustard: Annie’s Lite Honey Mustard Vinaigrette Perhaps one of the most underrated dressings out there, French dressing can be dreamy and creamy. Annie’s is great at keeping creamy dressings simple and nutritious. Every 2 tablespoons of this French dressing has 110 calories, 11 grams of fat, and just nine ingredients.

If you’re going to go for a creamy dressing, you might as well get some proGreek: Kraft Greek Vinaigrette Dressing tein out of it. Luckily, Bolthouse Farms has a Chunky Blue Cheese Yogurt Dressing that’s loaded with it. The product has 2 grams of protein for every 2 tablespoons and just 35 calories. Caesar: Annie’s Organic Caesar Dressing

Kraft’s Greek Vinaigrette Dressing isn’t even a light dressing—those are often filled with sugars and other additives to replace the fats that are removed. This dressing, though, is still just 50 calories Caesar dressing was meant to be decaand 5 grams of fat, with just 1 gram of dent — but that doesn’t mean it has to be sugar per serving.

Annie’s uses less oil and minimal ingredients in their lighter take on honey mustard. With just 40 calories and 3 grams of fat per serving, you’ll want to pour this all over your salad. Italian: Bolthouse Farms Italian Vinaigrette

This smooth, olive oil-based vinaigrette is just 35 calories and 1.5 grams of fat per serving. While other Italian dressings can

30 come loaded with sugars and sodium, this Raspberry Vinaigrette: Bolthouse Farms one is relatively low in both! Organic Raspberry Balsamic Many people choose raspberry vinaigrette because it sounds like a lighter, Ranch: Bolthouse Farms Organic Avocado fruity option. However, what people Ranch don’t realize is that these fruity vinaigrettes often come loaded with added sugars and oil. The Bolthouse Farms version, however, is just 35 calories per serving and keeps the sugars at an impressive 3 grams. While sugar is good for you in many cases, there are some things you need to know about when to check for sugars on the label.

Everyone loves avocados. And if you don’t want to go through all the work of picking a perfectly ripe fruit and using it exactly when it’s ready, you can keep this bottled dressing in your fridge for whenever a craving strikes. The tang of ranch goes with almost any vegetable, and this creamy condiment is way more nutritious than your usual dressing! Thousand Island: Annie’s Organic Thousand Island Dressing

Thousand Island doesn’t have to mean thousand-ingredient. Annie’s keeps it simple with this sweet yet tangy dressing, somehow staying below 100 calories per serving with just 8 grams of fat.



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