April 2016 encourager

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Spring at St. Barnabas All things bright and beautiful All creatures great and small All things wise and wonderful The Lord God made them all. Each little flower that opens Each little bird that sings He made their glowing colors He made their tiny wings. He gave us eyes to see them And lips that we might tell How great is God Almighty Who has made all things well.


SUNDAY WORSHIP 7:45 AM 9:00 AM 11:00 AM

Holy Eucharist Rite I Holy Eucharist Rite II Holy Eucharist Rite II Children’s Chapel


Adult Classes Encouragers


Wednesday, Holy Eucharist Rite II

12:00 pm

Thursdays Holy Eucharist & Healing (Chapel)

MMO Update

Madelyn Robles and Cannon Gibbs join Fr. Jeff in leading the Lord’s Prayer.

MMO Children listen to the Resurrection Story during chapel.

Dentist Dr. Heidi Kovar shows how to brush and floss.

The Grinch helped celebrate Dr. Seuss’ birthday.

Camp Barnabas 2016

Pre-Enrollment for the 2016-2017 MMO school year begins on April 4.

This year’s Camp Barnabas will run from June 6 through June 29, on Mondays and Wednesdays, 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Activities will be based on the theme Weird Animals and will include Bible stories, music, playground time, crafts, Imagination Station, games and snacks. This camp is for children one year old through Kindergarten (just completed). Afterglow will be offered for an additional charge. Enrollment/Supply Fee is $25 per family and the tuition is $184. Enrollment forms are available on the bulletin board outside the MMO Director’s Office or by calling 997-5762. Tuition is due Wednesday, May 25. If you have any questions or would like more information, contact Sue Gustin.

Remembering St. Barnabas in Our Wills We have come to realize that there are many components of Year-Round Stewardship at St. Barnabas, including the annual stewardship campaign, plus the many ministries that we are involved in throughout the year, as a parish and individually. Additionally, there is a way that our contributions can continue beyond our lifetimes, through the use of a charitable bequest. As we faithfully care for the financial needs of St. Barnabas during our lifetime, we can continue that faithful support by remembering St. Barnabas with bequests in our wills. It costs us nothing during our lifetime, and it becomes a wonderful remembrance upon our passing on, plus it is a final confirmation of the role the church has played in our lives. Also, any gifts made to the church in this way will pass free from estate taxes, which can be useful in minimizing the amount of our estates which will be taxable upon death. To accomplish this, a testamentary bequest can be drafted into our Last Will and Testament at the time our lawyer prepares it. If our Will has already been signed, a “codicil” can be prepared. A gift made to “St. Barnabas Episcopal Church in Fredericksburg, Texas” will be added to the church’s general ledger, whereas a gift made to “The Endowment Fund of St. Barnabas Episcopal Church Episcopal Church in Fredericksburg, Texas,” will be added to the Endowment Fund, which is a separately invested and managed asset account held for long-term growth, with the income used to fund outreach ministries. Our facility to receive testamentary gifts is the St. Barnabas Endowment Fund. These gifts pass through a separate committee and are not available for day-to-day operations of the church. The Endowment Committee has placed the Endowment Fund’s assets under management of the Episcopal Church Foundation, and we have been pleased with their management. This Fund is managed as a true endowment, meaning that the principal is not to be invaded, and no portion of the Fund can be borrowed or “temporarily used” for day-to-day parish needs. Money can be distributed from the Endowment Fund only upon written request from the Vestry and agreement of the Endowment Committee, and only for purposes consistent with the purpose of the Endowment. Distributions are limited to capital improvements of our physical facilities, outreach ministries and grants, and seed money for new ministries and special one-time projects. In addition, any donor who wishes to leave a bequest in excess of $100,000 on his or her death can set up a separate fund under the Endowment which can be specifically earmarked for any special purpose or ministry that donor may wish to designate. For further information, contact any member of the Endowment Committee (Lorri Kendrick, Ron Cottle and Sandy Wuest.) In addition, the Episcopal Church Foundation has prepared informational brochures on the various ways to include St. Barnabas in your estate planning. Copies are available in the church office.

February 2016 Financials

St Barnabas Financials as of February 29, 2016 Feb 16 Actuals

Monthly Budget

$ +/Budget

Jan-Feb Actuals

YTD Budget

$ +/Budget

Annual Budget

Income 47,370 Expenses: Staff 21,467





































Total Expenses 33,987







Net Income 13,383







Balance Sheet: An increase of about $7K was due to the following: Monthly Operations +$13.4K (explained below) Moms Morning Off -$2.0K (explained below) Funds -$3.8K ($3.7K of the decrease was due to spending on office changes for our new assistant priest.) Prepaid Pledges -$2.4K There was no other significant activity from the funds. Monthly Operations: Income was higher than normal again due to a large pledge pre-payment (+$7.1K). Expenses were under budget by $7.3K. (Mostly in personnel. We compute our monthly budget numbers by dividing the annual budget by 12. Our new asst. rector won’t start until May, so it will seem that we are under budget before May and over budget after.) The YTD balance is a +$26.2K. MMO: MMO had a deficit of $2.0K for the month. Tuition income was lower because of fewer school days in March due to spring break. Expenses were a little higher ($.7K). Enrollment is full at 40 children with 10 teachers. The YTD balance is a positive $6.5K.

On the left, the Walters Home as it appeared when the church purchased it in 1954. On the right, as it appeared the next year after the congregation fixed it up to use for worship.

From the Senior Warden… Mark Sunday, May 1, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. on your calendars! St. Barnabas will have only one service that day in the Parish Hall in order to hear our new Assistant Rector, Father Bur Dobbins, conduct the service and then afterwards meet him and his family. This will be Father Bur’s first official Sunday! After the service, a light lunch of sandwiches and drinks will be provided. You may bring a dessert to share if you wish. Let’s have a huge turnout to welcome Fr. Bur, his wife Melissa, children Elizabeth and Dylan. As many of you know, St. Barnabas has purchased a Book of Remembrance to recognize those for whom objects have been given “in memory of” or “in honor of.” We need those of you have who have made a gift “in memory of” or “in honor of” someone to let us know. These gifts should be in the form of an object, such as candlesticks, a permanent planting or an icon, a wall hanging, etc. Please send an email to Carol Schreider at carolstbarn607@gmail.com with a short description of your Remembrance and for whom it was given. For further information, please contact Pris Williams at 830-990-4999. This will be a continuing recognition for those that we want to remember or honor. Not only will the month of May be exciting for us to welcome Fr. Bur, but it will also be a month for all Committees of St. Barnabas (Audit, Columbarium, Stewardship, C.O.R.E, Outreach, etc.) to schedule a meeting. The vestry has set aside the month of May for any committee head/chair to schedule a meeting with other committee members to meet and discuss plans or activities for the remainder of the year. If a committee wishes a vestry member or a staff member to be present at a meeting, please contact that vestry member or church staff member to make arrangements. Our church committees are organized under three Vestry Committees: Administration, Property and Ministry. Vestry members who serve on Administration are Vickie Luckenbach (830-997-1652), Julie Alvarez (830-997-6007), and Fred Grimes (830-990-1215). Vestry members on the Property Committee are Jack Oates (830-990-8613), John Sumners (830-997-6146) and Johnny Gorden (830-2857867). Vestry members who serve on Ministry are Jimmy Davis (830-456-2224), David Spencer (830-995-2912), Frances Money (512-658-0023) and Pris Williams (830-990-4999). I hope all committees will meet and share their thoughts and ideas and determine their needs. Afterwards, please send your thoughts, ideas, and needs to the Senior Warden. My contact information is vluckenbach@sbcglobal.net or 830-997-1652 or cell 281-435-5397. We are in for exciting times! Plans are in progress for VBS, the Annual Parish Picnic, Coffee Time, and Youth! Youth! Youth! Activities! Watch for more information on these upcoming events. In humble servitude,


Palm Sunday On a frosty Palm Sunday, the congregation walked in a procession waving palms and singing “All Glory, Laud and Honor, to Thee Redeemer King.”

All Glory, laud, and honor to thee, Redeemer King! To whom the lips of children made sweet hosannas ring The people of the Hebrews with palms before thee went Our praise and prayers and anthems before thee we present To thee before thy passion they sang their hymns of praise; to thee, now high exalted, our melody we raise

The Miracle of Healing

One thing I learned when first attending the healing service on Thursday is that healing is not something mysterious but something we pray for each day, "Lord, heal my child, my heart, my life...". From that day to this I have learned to look at healing as part of daily life. A professor once told me that we are not healed until we have used all the pain "up". I thought it an unusual statement for a psychologist to make, but a few days ago, I found the letter he had written and perhaps now I'm old enough to understand it. Healing is often so different from what we think whether it is in religion or psychology. Perhaps when we reach the point where we've used up all the excuses, the egoism and martyrdom, we finally heal. This same professor said that a person is ready for therapy and healing when he’s tired of hurting. I'm glad to say my understanding only took 30 years; the Thursday noon service makes it much easier to find answers and healing. It’s also a wonderful service to find peace and allow yourself to use "up" all the pain and move on - if you're tired of hurting. I've learned that healing is simply miracles acknowledged - there from God if we only look. My grandson once told me he thought that God spoke to us through the clouds and since then I look at the clouds a little differently. And I look at healing as a simple gift from God.

You’ll find us each Thursday at noon in the chapel. See you there!

By Susan Wilson




Wednesday—6 p.m. in CEB


Sun Mon Tues Wed Fri Sat 8 p.m. in CEB Spanish Speaking Meeting Sun & Mon 6:30 p.m. in CEB Thurs, Closed Meeting (Women) 7 p.m. in CEB


Monday—6:30 p.m. in CEB Friday—6:30 p.m. in CEB


1st 3rd 4th 5th 10th 12th 13th 14th

Wednesday—4:30 p.m. in CEB


Monday—7 a.m. in Library Thursday—10 a.m. in CEB


Wednesday—7 p.m.—Encourager Room



Roylynne Brocksch Rex Jones Sharon Smith Ellen Pieslak Tracy Donley Christi Sumners Nate Aubin Jonathan Godfrey John Donley Somsee Pornphet Augustus Sumners Moye Hooper Lyda Slayton Jeanne Thomas Ginny Thomason Mary Lou White

20th Meagan Laman 22nd Miles Hammond 27th Barrett Burns Cay Meadows 29th Emilie Cox 30th Deborah Edwards

A NNIVERSARIES : 5th 6th 15th 20th 22nd

Darrell & Deborah Edwards Ron & Karen Poidevin James & Allison Drury Bud & Kathy Parrish Joe & Angie Cross

2nd Saturday of the Month 9:30 a.m. in Sanctuary


1st Thursday of the Month 10 a.m. in the Library


Thursday—7 a.m. in Parish Hall


Monday & Wednesday—9 a.m.


3rd Monday of the Month—5 p.m. in Conference Room


Gospel of Thomas Tues—11:30 a.m. in Library A View from the East Seasons of Glory

Sally Klekotta, Pat Sadd, Bobbie Heller and Stirling Greenlee make palm crosses for Palm Sunday

Return Service Requested

CHURCH CLERGY AND STAFF: Rector: The Rev. Jeff Hammond Lay Pastoral Minister: Morey Weldon Clergy Associate: The Rev. Dr. Dyana Orrin Clergy Associate: The Rev. Anne Finn Parish Administrator: Rachael Cole Office Assistant: Carol Schreider Director of Music: Hazel Hanson Lay Ministry Coordinator: Steve Neale Mom’s Morning Off Director: Sue Gustin Nursery Director: Madeline Clanton Housekeeper: Patty Ramirez

Here am I

The Spring 2016 Women’s Gathering

Presented by the Diocese of West Texas April 15—17, 2016 at Camp Capers in Waring Texas What are doing when you feel the most fulfilled? That’s probably when you are using your God-given skills, talents and abilities. Over this weekend, we will explore how God calls each of us by looking at the gifts Paul presents in Romans 12:6-8. We’ll talk about the place of God’s grace and guidance, discern how to listen for God’s call, and consider the role of others in discovering our motivational gifts. There will be plenty of time for rest and reflection as well as good fellowship among godly women who are also listening for the voice of God in their lives. The presenters for this inspiring weekend are Marjorie George, Cheryl Jones and Catherine Lillibridge. The weekend begins with dinner Friday night and concludes after Eucharist Sunday morning. The cost ($165—$245, depending on choice of accommodations) includes all meals and materials. To register go to www.dwtx.org/calendar-events or call Leigh Saunders at 210-824-5387. For more information, contact Marjorie George at marjorie.george@dwtx.org or go to www.dwtx.org/departments/ womens’ministries/womens-events/.

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