Jeanie Miley Teacher, writer, retreat leader and spiritual director, Jeanie Miley will be at St. Barnabas on Friday, October 9 and Saturday, October 10. She will present three sessions, all on the topic of Love— The Love of God for us; our call to love God and neighbor; and Love of ourselves.
Jeanie Miley is the author of 12 books and a long–time columnist for the San Angelo Standard Times. Trained as a spiritual director, she teaches a popular women’s Bible study at River Oaks Baptist Church in Houston. She is a graduate of the Spiritual Direction Institute at the Cenacle Retreat House in Houston and has a full practice of directees. Jeanie has read and studied broadly in the areas of spiritual growth, and her teaching rests, as she says on a “four legged stool” - Bible study, the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous, contemplative prayer and Jungian psychology. A graduate of Baylor University, she is the daughter and wife of Baptist ministers. She studied contemplative prayer and meditation under Thomas Keating and Keith Hosey.
Sunday WORSHIP 7:45 AM Holy Eucharist Rite I 9:00 AM Holy Eucharist Rite II 11:00 AM Holy Eucharist Rite II Children’s Chapel
CHRISTIAN EDUCATION 10:00 am Adult Classes
601 W. CREEK STREET FREDERICKSBURG TX 78623 830-997-5762
Session I: God’s Great Love for Us (Friday, October 9, 7—8:30 p.m.) Miley will present the spiritual growth timeline—the foundation of how we grow spiritually. This session will focus on God’s love that is present with us throughout all the stages of our lives. Session II: The Call to Radical Love (Saturday, October 10, 10—11:30 a.m.) This session will explore the urgency of love in today’s culture and the importance of Jesus’ Great CommandJeanie Miley ment—Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. And...Love your neighbor as yourself. Session III: Love of the True Self (Saturday, October 10, 1—2:30 p.m.)
Jeanie will examine the deeper mean of “the Self,” and what it means to love the Self, contrasting that quality of love with the cultural misunderstanding of self-love, which is often more like self-indulgence and narcissism than authentic love. Childcare will be provided for all sessions. Please call the office at 9975762 to reserve a spot for your child(ren.)
The Beginning of the A Study of the Gospel of Mark Beginning In 2009, Bishop Lillibridge has asked churches and individuals in the Diocese to study a particular book in the Bible each year. To enhance our study, guides have been written and can be found at the Diocesan website—www.dwtx/spiritualformation/. This year we are asked to focus on the Gospel of Mark, likely the first of the four gospels to be written. The Rev. Drs. John Lewis and Jane Patterson have created in-depth studies that will bring new insights and allow readers to study and learn from the biblical writers in ways that are applicable to our everyday lives. Each study begins with an introduction on the book being explored and sets the context and background. The Study of Mark is divided into ten sessions, each with commentary, questions for discussion and reflections written by guest writers from around the Diocese. The Seekers Sunday School class is studying the Gospel of Mark this fall. They meet in the CEB at 10:00 a.m. .
MMO 2015-2016
MMO Teachers: Front Row: Nancy Lochte, Cynthia Prado, Juanita Castaneda, Dana Hudson, Amy Stehling. Second Row: Lorie Dearinger, JoAnn Duecker, Sue Gustin (Director), Lynda Bynum, Deanne Moellering, Katrina Galeano 35 children between the ages of 12 months and four years will be starting the year in St. Barnabas’ Mom’s Morning Off program. MMO provides a safe and loving community that nurtures the intellectual and spiritual growth of each child. Chapel, art, music, library, story time and outdoor play help each child explore, learn and grow in Christian faith, manners, consideration and cooperation. Call Sue Gustin at (830) 997-5762 for information.
Are You a Lay Minister? Yes, You Are! As lay ministers, we l live out our baptismal covenant in our worship, in our daily lives at work, school and HEB; in our participation as Bible study leaders, Wisdom School facilitators, Christian Education participants; beautifying our campus for all to enjoy; spreading the Good News of Christ; bearing witness to the Gospel where ever we may be. We are also lay ministers when we serve on Sunday mornings, Wednesday evenings and Thursday noon services as greeters, ushers, lectors, intercessors and chalice servers. Each of us, the baptized faithful, are blessed with gifts from the Holy Spirit. Each of us is invited to be intentional about discovering and using our gifts, not hiding them under a bushel basket. Each of us is invited to seek out the Spirit, asking for guidance in how to expand our talents, “proclaiming by word and example the Good News of God in Christ.” (BCP) May we live into our Baptismal Covenant in word and action, in love and patience, in holiness of life and in grace.
Almighty and ever-living God, ruler of all things in heaven and earth, hear our prayers for this parish family. Strengthen the faithful, arouse the careless, and restore the penitent. Grant us all things necessary for our common live, and bring us all to be of one heart and mind within your Holy Church through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. BCP, p. 817
Wednesday Evening Service Resumes on September 16 Wednesday evening Holy Eucharist will resume on September 16 at 6:00 p.m. The group that attends worship on Wednesday evenings is small, but faithful and enthusiastic. Bill Burns, one of the regulars says, “We have the Eucharist and a sermon in a family atmosphere that is nourishing and Spirit filled. I feel certain that others would benefit from and enjoy this service – It is a ministry that truly enriches the lives of all who attend. When someone is absent, they are missed and will be checked up on. Consider joining this group if you find that you must miss on Sundays or if your spirits need a mid-week boost.
School of Wisdom St Barnabas School of Wisdom is open to the curious and the serious—to all seekers of Christian wisdom and spirituality. Our assumption is that everyone needs to find their own way, their own way. Each course and each spiritual practice is part of a transformational journey, a journey we are all on whether we are conscious of it or not. All are welcome to join us in learning and practicing the spiritual path that Christianity has to offer. What is Wisdom? - Wisdom is “intuitive knowledge” which understands with the inner senses through experience, prayer, contemplation and other spiritual practices. By combining these methods, we develop spiritual eyes to see and spiritual ears to hear the reality that lies beneath, behind and within this physical reality. To grow into our complete humanity—to share in the wisdom, strength, vision, love and compassion of God—is to learn with the whole of our being— body, mind, heart and soul. Three Wisdom School classes are being offered this fall. There is a one-time fee of $10 for each class. On Thursday evenings, preceding the Wisdom classes, there will be contemplative time (optional) and a simple meal will be provided. 5:30 p.m: 6:00 p.m: 7:00 p.m: 7:15—8:30 p.m:
Individual silent prayer/meditation, contemplation in the Sanctuary Fellowship meal in the Parish Hall Announcements and group devotional Wisdom Classes
Food for Kids Local school counselors identify kids who are often left to fend for themselves on the weekends. They are then sent home on Fridays with a backpack of ready to eat or easy to prepare food that will last until Monday.
Here's where we can use your help. The 2015/2016 school year has started but our shelves are empty! Donations of Tuna kits, Beanie Weanies, 100% Juice boxes, pudding cups, granola bars, shelf stable milk (individual servings), fruit cups, applesauce, dried fruit, nuts, trail mix, beef jerky, and breakfast bars can be dropped off at the Needs Council (1904 North Llano) anytime!
Thank you!
It’s not too late! Register for Wisdom Classes now by calling the office at 997-5762. Gospel of Thomas There is a growing consensus among scholars that the Gospel of Thomas, consisting of over 100 logia (wisdom sayings) attributed to Jesus, dates to the very beginnings of the Christian era and may well have taken first form before any of the four canonical Gospels. The class will examine one logion per week, with time for discussion and sharing of personal insights. Tom Christofferson and Richard Mickelson facilitate this class. Participants will need a book containing the Gospel of Thomas (See web site or brochure for list of books.) This is an ongoing, open class and new members are welcome! Parables of Grace Human beings have forever been trying to understand and to name ultimate reality. For millennia, cultures have used archetypes and incorporated stories, images, and metaphors in this pursuit. Jesus of Nazareth, on whose life, death and resurrection Christianity rests, in his desire to make the grace of God fully known, would make use of the dramatic device of the parable for this purpose. This class will look at the function of story in our lives, with a particular focus on Jesus’ use of parables to illustrate the ineffable. In his book, Capon treats each parable individually, setting it in its immediate context and message of grace. His insistence that the essence of the gospel is grace, provides a much-needed corrective to the contemporary version of success-oriented Christianity. Robert Farrar Capon was a prolific writer and Episcopal priest, who earned a well-deserved reputation as a provocative insightful, humorous, and highly readable theologian. Parables of Grace will be led by Father Jeff on Thursday evenings.
The History of the Bible: The Making of the New Testament Canon This course offers a fast-moving yet thorough introduction to key issues in the development of the New Testament. These include: its different kinds of books, the conditions in which they were composed, what they teach, who actually wrote them and—perhaps most important of all– why and how some books and not others became part of the canon of scripture that would define Christianity for all time. Lectures by Prof. Bart D. Ehrman in DVD format will form the basis for discussion and personal reflection. This class meets on Thursday evenings and will be facilitated by Debbie Gorden.
Vestry Happenings
August 2015
Our August meeting began and ended with David Spencer leading us in the prayers of the Water Ministries’ Team. It was a beautiful and moving way to open our meeting, inviting God into our hearts to guide us. Bill Burns, Chairman of the Stewardship Committee, introduced the schedule for this year’s stewardship campaign. An enthusiastic discussion following regarding our parish becoming a tithing parish. The Finance Committee will soon begin to assess our 2016 budget needs. Our continued growth necessitates a sharpened focus; assessing the ongoing needs of operation, including worship; pastoral care; Christian education; the newly formed Outreach Committee dedicated to expanding St. Barnaba’ outreach footprint; and the ongoing maintenance needs of our beautiful campus. Subcommittee reports included these: Everyone Belongs Ministry reported positive results on their objectives. Beverly Carnes, Chair for the Audit Committee, will present the audit results at the next Vestry meeting in September. A Sabbatical Committee will be formed to begin the plans for Father Jeff’s sabbatical in 2017. The Junior Warden gave an update on projects and maintenance of our physical plant. Full report can be found in the Vestry minutes. Father Jeff reported on his new committees and how they will be assisting him and the Vestry
July 2015 Financials Balance Sheet: A decrease of about $14K due was due to monthly operations (-$6K) and MMO (-$4K.) Other significant activity was as follows: Copier Fund (-$880), Building Fund (-$1.5K), and Daughters of the King Fund (+$1.2K). Monthly Operations: Income was below budget by $4K with pledge income lower by $3K. Expenses were over budget by $2K due to the quarterly payment of our rector’s pension ($4K versus a budget of $1.5K) and property maintenance expenses ($2.7K versus a budget of $.6K.) The property maintenance expenses were driven primarily by an air conditioner compressor replacement. Expenses in other areas were under budget. On a YTD basis income is over budget by $1K and expenses are over budget by $4K. YTD income less expense is at a negative $.6K versus a YTD budget of +$2.7K. MMO: MMO had a deficit of $3.9K, because no fees were collected in July, while personnel were paid for time in June/July. On a YTD basis, MMO is a negative $.8K. Next month, MMO will collect fees for September, but will not yet have offsetting personnel costs, so MMO will be back in the black. St Barnabas Financials as of July 31, 2015 Jul 15 Monthly $ +/- Jan-Jul Ac- YTD Budg- $ +/Actuals Budget Budget tuals et Budget
Annual Budget
32,203 36,063 -3,860
21,701 20,675 1,026 8,151 6,319 1,832 2,891 3,385 -494 5,292 5,292 0 38,035 35,671 2,364 Net Income -5,832 392 -6,224
149,224 45,757 21,593 37,044 253,618 -570
144,725 44,233 23,695 37,044 249,697 2,744
4,499 1,524 -2,102 0 3,921 -3,314
248,105 75,825 40,600 63,504 428,034 4,716
Income Expenses: Staff Operating Ministry Apportionment Total Expenses
9/01 9/03 9/04 9/05 9/08 9/09
Sun Mon Tues Wed Fri Sat 8 p.m. in CEB Spanish Speaking Meeting Sun & Mon 6:30 p.m. in the CEB Thurs, Closed Meeting (Women) 7 p.m. in CEB
9/11 9/13 9/14 9/15 9/16
Monday—6:30 p.m. in CEB Friday—6:30 p.m. in CEB
Wednesday—4:30 p.m. in CEB
Monday—7 a.m. in Library Thursday—10 a.m. in CEB
2nd Saturday of the Month—9:30 a.m. in Sanctuary
1st Thursday of the Month 10 a.m. in Library
Thursday—7 a.m. in Parish Hall
Monday & Wednesday—9 a.m.
3rd Monday of the Month—5 p.m. in Conference Room
Gospel of Thomas Tues—11:30 a.m. in Library New Testament Begins Sept. 3, 5:30 p.m. The Parables of Grace Begins Sept. 3, 5:30 p.m.
Emily Aubin Maggie Gillespie Linda Bates Lorri Kendrick Norma Shepard Ann Rea Elizabeth Loggie Barbara Johnson Helen McDonald Gina Seracen Ann Shult Will Cross Diane Matthews Molly Martin Robin Cowsar Kristen Robertson
9/17 9/18
Denese Gibson Kelly Albrecht Karen Brune Amanda Marschall Pat McCormick Ron Poidevin Tom Christofferson Doug Kimbrell Sam Cowsar Fred Crooks Jim Hatchette Kenneth Owens Ella Money Ralph Greenlee, Jr. Marti Spruiell Vicki Arnold
9/19 9/21 9/23 9/25 9/26
9/27 9/29
Tuesday—7 p.m. in Encourager Room
9/03 9/04 9/07 9/08 9/18
Chuck & Julie Alvarez Bill & Sandie Smallwood Steve & Jana Neale Jack and Sue Thompson Fred & Shirley Crooks
9/19 9/21 9/24 9/27 9/30
Jim & Mary Hatchette Mike & Maggie Gillespie Bud & Vicki Arnold Ralph & Stirling Greenlee Lloyd & Mary Easterling
Children’s Chapel Starts Sept. 13 Children’s Chapel is a Christian education program that encourages young children (ages three through fifth grade) to learn about God and the traditions of Episcopal worship in a nurturing and sacred place. The children will join their parents at the 11:00 service, leaving after the Collect and returning for the Confession and Eucharist. While adults are listening to scripture reading and the sermon, the children will join in Godly Play – an active, participatory introduction to Bible stories, singing and worship. The children’s Chapel Ministry relies on lay members who facilitate age-appropriate learning activities and stimulate a love of worship. An informational meeting for parents and prospective volunteers will be held on Sunday, Sept. 6 at 10:15 a.m.
Return Service Requested
CHURCH CLERGY AND STAFF: Rector: The Rev. Jeff Hammond Lay Pastoral Minister: Morey Weldon Clergy Associate: The Rev. Dr. Dyana Orrin Clergy Associate: The Rev. Anne Finn Parish Administrator: Rachael Cole Office Assistant: Carol Schreider Director of Music: Hazel Hanson Lay Ministry Coordinator: Steve Neale Mom’s Morning Off Director: Sue Gustin Nursery Director: Madeline Clanton Housekeeper: Patty Ramirez
The “Low Expectations Golf Tournament,” will be held on October 23 at Lady Bird Johnson Golf Course. You can have high expectations of a really good time playing golf with fellow St. Barnabites. What ever your skill level, you are sureto fit it! Sign up sheet is outside the church office.