St Catherine's - Non Nobis 38 - Spring 2023

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MARCH 2023

Thur 2 7.30pm

Keyboard Sectional Concert


Sat 11 7.30pm

Association Choir Concert: Carl Orff’s Carmina Burana Auditorium

Thur 16 7.00pm Chamber Music Concert


Mon 16 7.30pm

A Level and Leavers’ Recitals


Wed 29 House Music Competition

Thur 30 End of Term

APRIL 2023

Wed 26 Senior Summer Concert

Fri 29 -

Mon 1

MAY 2023


Association History of Art Trip to Paris

Fri 5 7.00pm Senior Summer Concert Auditorium

Sat 6 Coronation of King Charles III and the Queen Consort, Our Patron

Fri 26 7.30pm

Jazz & Rock Concert Auditorium

JUNE 2023

Fri 23 7.00pm Middle School Summer Concert Auditorium

Thur 29 7.00pm

Middle Cantores Concert Holy Trinity Bramley

JULY 2023

Sat 8 Senior Summer Concert

Thur 13 End of Term


Sun 24 2.00 - 5.00pm

Foundation Day 2023

A celebration of the founding of the School with Chapel service, guest speaker, afternoon tea, and the first test drive of the Westfield kit car - the culmination of a Sixth Form Engineering project.

Contact for for more information on any of these events.

Since our last edition the winter has thrown everything at us from mild October to bitter January but the St Cat’s spirit remains undaunted and the achievements - both personal and for teams or groups - remarkable in every area from academic to extra-curricular. Please follow our social media channels, see it all for yourselves and help us spread the word (Instagram @stcatsbramley, Facebook @stcatherinesbramley and Twitter @stcatsbramley).

St Catherine’s Day was its traditional self once again in every element but nowadays with three lacrosse tournaments to enable even more girls to represent their Houses in U3/L4 (won by Musgrave), U4/L5 (won by Russell Baker) and U5-U6 (won by Stoner).

Lucy Johnstone (2006) Head of Entertainment and Partner Marketing at Sky, gave the End-ofTerm Lecture in December; the London Network resumed live events at Lloyd’s of London; Lord of the Flies was an outstanding Senior School Production in February and our Association Choir is in full rehearsal now for Carmina Burana in March.

In the Prep School the academic year is very much in full swing and girls were delighted to return to their full House Gym and Dance competition on St Catherine’s Day and are currently preparing songs on the theme of ‘friendship’ for our House Singing competition. Good luck Curie, Pankhurst and Teresa. Cookery has been introduced in the Prep School with a refurbishment of the Art and DT room to include a designated kitchen area. Girls are enjoying this addition to the timetable. We are also very proud to have been awarded the Primary Science Quality Mark in recognition of the impressive teaching and learning in this area. This award also recognises the partnership work that we have undertaken with local primary schools to promote science learning.

Alice Phillips and Naomi Bartholomew - Headmistresses


SENIOR SCHOOL 9.00am-12noon

Thursday 16th March 2023

Wednesday 10th May 2023

Friday 23rd June 2023

PREP SCHOOL 9.45-11.45am

Thursday 9th March 2023

Friday 12th May 2023

Friday 9th June 2023 geared to Reception entry

Non Nobis Domine!

Not unto us, O Lord, The praise or glory be... The opening of the school hymn


Senior Registrar – Clare Woodgates

01483 899609

Prep Registrar – Sarah Waller

01483 899665 2


On the first Monday after the Autumn Term had ended, we welcomed back over 120 alumnae and former parents for our very special Carols by Candlelight service - the first since 2019! The afternoon began with a lax match in terrible weather conditions, but the rain couldn’t stop our alumnae playing for 2 hours with lots of shouting and laughter to be heard on the pitch! After a quick match tea and a shower, the girls joined all the guests in the dining hall for mulled wine and mince pies. It is always a really special evening, welcoming the young alumnae returning home for Christmas after their term at university and seeing them reconnecting with all their school friends. It was particularly lovely to see Emily Mueller (2021) back from Brown, USA and Amelia Waters (2020) from McGill, Canada. We then moved to Chapel for a beautiful candlelit service conducted by Revd Dr Benji McNair Scott, with all the favourite carols and some very strong descant input! The perfect start to the Christmas holidays, and we look forward to welcoming many alumnae back this year on Monday December 18th 2023


Just after lunch on 6th December a coach of very excited Association members left St Catherine’s headed for the Royal Albert Hall in London. Current and former staff and parents, along with current pupils were off to the matinée performance of John Rutter’s Christmas Celebration Concert. The programme featured the Bach Choir, the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, VOCES8 and our very own Head Girl, Ruby, who won the 2021 BBC Young Chorister of the Year competition.

Conducted and presented by John Rutter himself, this popular festive concert featured glorious symphonic and choral classics and sing-along carols too. We obviously particularly enjoyed Ruby’s performances of Silent Night, Hansel and Gretel (Humperdinck), Colours of Christmas (Rutter) and Angels Carol (Rutter) and gave a loud St Cat’s cheer from our seats high up in the Hall with a magnificent view of the whole auditorium! Ruby has accepted a scholarship place next year at The Royal Academy of Music and we look forward to following her musical career in the future.


We were delighted to visit Sara Davies (1968) in Cheltenham in November. We had reconnected with her after she joined the 2021 virtual St Cats Presents talk, A Life on the Front Line by Anne Garrels (1969) Broadcaster and War Correspondent. She had tuned in to to see her old school friend. It was wonderful to hear that the two of them had rekindled their friendship and had a chance to catch up with each other before Anne sadly died in September 2022.

Sara is a writer and producer who has written drama documentaries, adapted books for radio drama, and regularly adapts fiction and non-fiction for BBC Radio 4’s Book at Bedtime and Book of the Week. She spent 20 years as a producer at the BBC in Bristol, working on a range of dramas and features before leaving to work freelance. She has won a Radio Academy Gold Award for feature-making and two Mental Health Awards for drama. 3
Sara Davies (1968) (left) and Anne Garrels (1969) (right)


Email us at to register for any of the events below, or for more details.



Saturday 11 th March, 7.30pm, Auditorium


Saturday 29 th April to Monday 1 st May 2023


Carl Orff


Sir Charles Hubert Hastings Parry


Alexandre Guilmant

Performed by The St Catherine’s Association Choir, Senior Choir, Middle Chamber Choir and Symphony Orchestra. Joined by the George Abbot School Choir.

Soprano: Ruby (U6)

Jennifer Bate Memorial Organ Scholar: Ginny (U6) Conductors: Donald Lloyd & Matthew Greenfield

To book your tickets:


Creating career connections between alumnae and parents

‘What I wish I’d Known When I Moved to London’ All alumnae and parents are welcome to join us for an evening of networking, drinks and canapés.

Thursday 29 th June 2023 | 6.00 - 8.30pm Venue to be confirmed

We are excited to announce that our next Association trip is to the beautiful city of Paris.

Alex Perry-Adlam, Head of Art, will lead the tours around the Musée d’Orsay, the Centre Pompidou and Montmartre, focusing on the city’s wonderful art treasures and their historical context, while also including a Seine river cruise. We will be travelling by Eurostar.

All alumnae, current and former parents and staff are welcome to join us.


For more information or to book your place contact


Sunday 24 th September 2023 2.00 - 5.00pm

Join us for the annual celebration of our School’s Birthday.

• Chapel Service

• Foundation Day Lecture

• First test drive of the Westfield kit car - the culmination of a Sixth Form engineering project

• Afternoon Tea.

All generations of your families are welcome. There is no charge for the day. 4


Foundation Day, as the name suggests, is our annual celebration of the Foundation of St Catherine’s School in 1885, and is always held on the closest Sunday to 25th September.

This year we were delighted to welcome current and former pupils, parents, staff and governors, all joining us for an afternoon of celebrations.

The Chapel was packed for a service on the theme of Artistry, during which we dedicated a plaque in memory of former pupil, parent and governor Elisabeth Reed (Newnham) (1950), and we were delighted that many of Elisabeth’s family were able to join us.

A brilliant lecture by Alex Perry-Adlam (Head of Art) on The Power of Creative Thinking in the Lecture Theatre was followed by tours of the new Art & MakerSpace extension to the John Palmer Centre. Everyone loved seeing the impressive new facilities and were excited to see the incredible creative work of the current pupils.

A delicious afternoon tea, including an amazing birthday cake made by Philip Friend (Head of Food and Nutrition), was then served in the Dining Room giving everyone plenty of time to catch up and share memories.

It was a really special afternoon and we really enjoyed welcoming everyone back to St Catherine’s again. 5
Alex Palmer (Former Staff) & Alice Phillips (Headmistress) Elisabeth Reed’s family in Chapel Jane Silk (Former Head of Art) Helen Torrens-Spence (Whateley) (2006) Alex Perry-Adlam (Head of Art) Current Prep School family with Naomi Bartholomew (Prep Headmistress) Cake by Philip Friend (Head of Food & Nutrition)



At the end of the Autumn term, the Association and Kirsty Meredith, her former Midleton Housemistress, were thrilled to welcome back Lucy Johnstone (2006). After completing an undergraduate degree in Psychology at Exeter University, Lucy took an exploratory step into the marketing sector with NBC, a global media and entertainment company. Having secured her first promotion at NBC, she moved on to work at the BBC and then Sky where she is now Head of Entertainment and Partner Marketing.

Lucy gave us a unique insight into the varied work she enjoys day to day, from reading through new scripts from writers, meeting with directors and producers and even going on set to watch filming. We were particularly surprised by the number of shows she works on at any given time, and the different stages of production that each show undergoes, all the way from initial meetings, editing, read-throughs and filming until the final stages of promotions, premières and advertising. We were delighted to see one of the marketing trailers for Sky, which are produced in-house and coordinated by Lucy and her team.

After the presentation came a lively Q&A session unpacking the highlights of Lucy’s career, such as working on Game of Thrones and meeting with famous actors. It was a great opportunity for girls interested in careers in media and marketing to pose questions and explore opportunities within a global media company.



Philip Friend, (Maths Teacher & Head of Food and Nutrition - and finalist in the BBC Britain’s Best Home Cook 2018) entertained us in early December with a cooking demonstration broadcast live from The Art & MakerSpace Culinary Arts Studio. He made some delicious canapés: parmesan and poppy seed tuiles, festive stilton stuffed figs (left) and butternut squash & chickpea dip, as well as a glazed apple and mincemeat tart - all mouth-watering stuff ready for some Christmas baking! Everyone thoroughly enjoyed tuning in and asking Philip for his top-tips for a festive lunch from planning ahead to the perfect crunchy roast potatoes to vegetarian main course options to icing your Christmas cake.

If you are interested in receiving his recipes from this event, please email 6


We were delighted to welcome Baroness Philippa Stroud (1983) back to St Catherine’s to deliver a St Catherine’ Presents lecture to the Sixth Form, parents and friends of the School. Not her first trip back it transpired, as she shared with us a previous visit with her then fiancé (under cover of darkness) to pay homage to the lacrosse fields, and a second more recent excursion to the touchline to cheer on her daughter! Baroness Stroud is a special adviser on welfare to Number 10; CEO of The Legatum Institute; and co-founder of the think tank The Centre for Social Justice.

After supper with some of the girls who are currently studying Politics, Economics, Psychology or Religious Studies, Baroness Stroud spoke to the audience of her passionate commitment to tackle poverty and social breakdown. In her early career she spent time in Hong Kong and Macau, working with addicts undergoing rehabilitation. When she returned to the UK she founded and directed a four-stage project that supported people to help them get off the streets and into independent living. She then moved to Birmingham in 2000 and


We had a great ‘turnout’ for Jonathan Worthen’s (Head of English 2008-2020) latest St Cat’s Chats Book Club.  With over 60 current and former pupils, parents, and staff registered to join the Zoom event, Jonathan gave a fascinating insight into Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. This was our first play in the Book Club series.

Jonathan talked us through the story of the ‘star-crossed lovers’, analysing chosen scenes and looking at the clever use of language and symbolism throughout the play, as well as sharing an analysis of the various characters.

Everyone was delighted to be treated once again to Jonathan’s ‘in-character’ readings from the play, especially of the Nurse!   We had time at the end for a lively Q&A session – we can tell that the alumnae in particular enjoy being back in the ‘virtual classroom’ with Mr Worthen!

became Executive Director of the Bridge Project, a voluntary sector project that provided supported accommodation for homeless men and women. Her passionate and committed advocacy for those who are vulnerable and in need of support was evident.

Baroness Stroud spoke of the importance of taking time to identify carefully the change that you want to see; being able to articulate your goals and ambitions to others; surrounding yourself with likeminded people who also want to initiate change; and making your case heard in a calm and rational manner. Acknowledging, in response to a question from the floor, that she believes that there is a place for protest, Baroness Stroud challenged us to think about how to make that protest most effective. In her mind, there is no point in marching on empty government buildings at weekends. She also talked about how, in her experience, the most effective path to longstanding change was to work with others who, although holding different political views, shared the same long-term goal –particularly important at times of Governmental change when cross-party collaboration ensures that progress on key projects can continue without terms having to be redefined. There followed some thought-provoking questions from the floor, covering areas such as climate change, the role of protest in a democracy and the changes that we would like to see ourselves.

Our thanks to Baroness Stroud for a most engaging and inspiring lecture.

Former Parent
Every time I join one of Mr Worthen’s Book Clubs, it makes me want to pick the book up and reread it. His talk on Romeo and Juliet didn’t disappoint and I’ve found myself reaching for my old copy of the play again! 7

St Catherine’s Day is a firm fixture in the St Cat’s calendar and remembered by all our alumnae and former staff. It is interesting to look back in the School Archives and see the letters from girls written home to parents about the festivities on the day! Not much has changed, although we now celebrate our Patron Saint, Catherine of Alexandria, on the closest Friday to her feast day, the 25th November, so that day girls and boarders alike can all join the fun ... and the letters home have been replaced by photos and messages on phones!

On Thursday the first batch of Cattern Cakes are delivered to some of our local Association members - former staff and alumnae. The School’s celebrations start on Friday with services for all pupils held in Chapel or in Holy Trinity Church, Bramley. The Russell Baker Housemistress and House Captains then visit the grave of Mrs Russell Baker (Headmistress 1887 - 1925) to lay flowers. Without her determination and vision through her long tenure, the School would not be here today. At break time the girls eat their freshly made Cattern Cakes, and then take part in House Lax matches with the whole school noisily cheering on! This is followed by a very popular festive roast lunch. In the afternoon we heard lectures from Lily (U6) on her time in Mexico, Alice (U6) on her trip to Thailand, and about the Sixth Form Expedition to Borneo. Others rehearsed for the Gala Concert which is the finale of a superb day and is enjoyed by pupils and parents alike.

We were thrilled once again to receive so many pictures from you for the St Cat’s Day celebrations. Some of you sent in throwback photos from your time at School while others sent in a recent photo of you meeting up with other alumnae friends. It’s always exciting to receive pictures from around the world on the day! We donated £1 to the School’s Bright Futures Bursary Fund for every photo we received, and a generous former parent matchfunded the donation to raise a total of £400. Let us know if you’d like to help match-fund for the Bright Futures Bursary Fund next year, or if you would like a Cattern Cake visit in 2023! 8

We were blessed with great weather on Saturday 15th October for the Year of 2012 Reunion.  It was our largest turnout for a ten-year reunion yet, with 45 alumnae and 15 current and former staff joining us.

The afternoon started with welcome drinks in the Anniversary Halls.  Back in 2012 they were the first year group to have their Leavers’ Procession in the then new Auditorium. Over drinks they were all laughing at their U3 photos we had put out for them from the Archive.

The tours of School were very noisy as they all chatted and told us their memories.  They loved seeing their names on the 2012 Honours Board in the Speech Hall Library (SHLIB) and picking themselves out in the photo of them all sitting on the floor for assembly in the old Speech Hall.

Tour over, it was then off to the new Culinary Arts Studio for a cooking lesson with Mr Friend - they were all so impressed with the new Art&MakerSpace Building.  This was followed by a sports lesson with Mrs Alexander who amazed them all with her incredible memory of faces and names. As always, the bench ball match was very competitive!

To round the afternoon off, everyone gathered in the Dining Room for afternoon tea and more catching up with school friends.

Five-year reunions are particularly special as the alumnae have started a master’s degree or are setting out on their careers by then and have lots to catch up on! A large number of girls are working in London post-university and so the events tend to be held there rather than back at School.

The Year of 2017 got together in London in November at The Mulberry Bush pub near London Waterloo. We are grateful to Amy Feakes for organising her year group reunion and for sending in the photos.

YEAR OF 2012 YEAR OF 2017 CALL OUT TO THE YEAR OF 2013: 10 YEAR REUNION at St Catherine’s School Saturday 10th June 2023 9

5 YEAR REUNION Join us for welcome drinks, a tour of School, mini-lessons with Mrs Alexander & Mr Friend and afternoon tea. Please contact Romy Wilkin who is coordinating the event, or for more details. And please spread the word, as we don’t have contact details for everyone in the year. (Even if you left in U5 (2011) you are still the Year of 2013!)

We had a great turnout of alumnae and parents at our first in-person London Network for two years at the prestigious Lloyd’s of London building. Our new Chair, Angela Roshier (current parent and Partner at DIF Capital Partners) hosted two fantastic speakers on the topic of How businesses tackle the issue of climate change - David Sansom (Chief Risk Officer, Lloyd’s of London) and Hanah Chang (Director ESG at DIF Capital Partners). The Old Library at Lloyd’s was packed and there was an exciting buzz to the whole event with lots of post-presentation questions and debate, and plenty of networking. Ten current Sixth Formers had interviewed for the opportunity to attend and made the most of their first such experience. Emma Hardaker (Current Parent and Head of Financial Crime & Compliance at Lloyd’s of London) showed a small group the trading floor and the iconic Lloyd’s Bell.

We are always looking for venues in London for forthcoming events, so do please contact us if you are able to help.

Finally, we would like to thank Dame Rosemary Squire for her work as Chair of the London Network since its inception in 2016 to last year, and for all her hard work supporting young women’s career development.


We were so grateful to the five alumnae who joined us for our seminar Careers in the World of Theatre.

• Clemmie Reynolds (2006) Associate Director, Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre (via Zoom)

• Anna Lewis (2008) Award winning Set and Costume Designer (front right)

• Rosie Townshend (2009) Senior Producer at the National Youth Theatre (via Zoom)

• Caroline Lowe (2013) Stage Manager at the Arts Theatre London (front left)

• Georgia Figgis (2013) Actor, Director and Writer (front middle)

The Lecture Theatre was packed with many girls interested in studying English, Drama or Theatre Studies after School. We were also joined by pupils from St Peter’s School, Guildford. They all found it fascinating what a wide range of different degrees and careers the speakers had gone into, all following an initial interest in theatre. Who knew that you did not need to study art to be a costume designer and that a producer would be dealing more with budgets and spreadsheets than acting?!

The girls particularly enjoyed hearing about the speakers’ experiences both front and back-stage at so many iconic venues, and the event concluded with a lively Q&A session.


If you are heading to the cinema soon to see the new Todd Field film

TÁR starring Cate Blanchett, look out for the cellist, Sophie Kauer, a Prep School alumna, playing the part of Olga. Sophie (2020) started playing cello aged 8, and just 18 months later, was accepted into the Junior Department of the Royal Academy of Music in London. TÁR is Sophie’s film acting debut. She was discovered through an international casting call from among hundreds of cellists as well as actresses. All of ‘Olga’s’ playing in the film was live recordings of Sophie’s performances. Sophie is studying classical cello performance at the Norwegian Academy of Music in Oslo in the class of worldrenowned cellist Torleif Thedeén.


In November, we were very lucky that VOCES8, a group of 8 internationally renowned A Capella singers visited us at School. We started the day with the Big Choir workshop for which we were joined by choir members from George Abbot School, Guildford, which meant we had the boys to sing tenor and bass and some more girls to join the soprano and alto parts. It was lovely to make some new friends and the huge choir sounded brilliant with all the voices. Workshops followed for Cantores of St Cat’s and the Senior Choir and Male Chorus voices of George Abbot. These were particularly exciting as VOCES8 showed us different ways of doing things with smaller choral groups. Each member of the group introduced themselves by singing a song about themselves, and our warmup was really interesting because we didn’t actually sing! VOCES8 would do an action and we had to react to it with a sound. They taught us not just to sing out but to focus on making a clear sound with our voices. In the group rehearsal they gave us some really constructive advice on how to add some light and shade to our pieces.

At the evening concert to a packed auditorium, we were able to show off what we had learnt in the workshops and rehearsals, and we all thoroughly enjoyed performing as school ensembles, with members of VOCES8 alongside, as well as getting to watch VOCES8 perform live. It marked the end of a great day and an experience we will never forget! A big thank-you to the Music Departments in both schools for making it happen.

Ruby (Head Girl 2022-2023)

Dear future creative thinkers, influencers and decision-makers, I leave this School for you. When you leave a gift in your Will to a place that’s special to you, you’re protecting it for the next generation. Your gift could help a girl get to grips with Shakespeare, learn how to lead on the lax pitch or give a girl on a Bursary the chance to be a part of the community. To find out more about leaving a gift in your Will: Visit Call Jane Pink on 01483 899787 or email Registered Charity No: 1070858


Olivia Blythe (2020) is currently studying History at Leeds University. She has been visiting our School Archives to undertake research in preparation for her dissertation on the relationship between St Catherine’s School and the Universities’ Mission to Central Africa in the late 19th Century and onwards.


Caragh Bennet (2013) (2019 Speech Day speaker) visited us to give a presentation to the L6 Business Enterprise team about what she had learnt as an entrepreneur and the challenges of running a business. Caragh is the CoFounder and CEO of ZENA, a company which equips women to set up their own businesses in remote rural areas. She gave the girls plenty of advice and inspiration about starting a business and everything you need to consider before launching. After the talk, Caragh then ran a beading workshop with Sixth Form boarders which everyone really enjoyed.


A big thank you to Millie Parrott (2012) who helped us organise a Spanish exchange for two U5 girls, Seram and Helena, in the Summer of 2022. It was a great success, and the girls had a fantastic time staying with a family with 3 daughters in Madrid. They visited Al Parque Retido, the Museo Nacional del Prado and also the castle at Avila for a traditional festival and market.


Huge congratulations to Bryony Bovell (2022), winner of the U20 Women’s Pentathlon Event Championships in Sheffield in January 2023. After her U6 year was blighted by injury, it is fantastic to see Bryony back at the top of her game. Look out for her at The World Combined Events Tour in Tallin in February.


In December Dawn Pilkington and Fiona Haywood met up with Jill Myer (Nicholson) (1972) and loved hearing about her time at School and her career as a ballet dancer. They joined her at Holy Trinity Church, Bramley to lay flowers on the grave of her mother, also an alumna, Betty Nicholson (Cain) (1936). Betty, who lived in Wonersh, had always enjoyed her St Catherine’s Day Cattern Cake delivery from the Association.


It was a pleasure to be joined by Ann Curtis (1955) at the Senior School Production of Lord of the Flies After leaving St Catherine’s Ann studied Theatre Design at Central St Martins. Her first role was as a Ladies’ Cutter at the Royal Shakespeare Company in Stratford and this was followed by a long career as a celebrated Costume Designer in the UK, and Canada for many large productions including Me and My Girl 1987 and Jekyll and Hyde 1997. Many of her original designs are held in the Theatre and Performance Collection of the V&A.

Ann loved Lord of the Flies and was so impressed by the quality of the performance and ‘incredibly sophisticated theatre facilities’. Thank you for travelling from Stratford to be with us Ann.

Costume design for Saturnius by Ann Curtis, Titus Andronicus, Royal Shakespeare Company, Stratford-upon-Avon, 1972

On Saturday 4th February a party of over 50 St Catherine’s pupils and staff visited Cambridge on a trip to inspire and inform applications to the university. They attended a Q&A session with alumnae Sofya Boruleva (2021 Modern & Medieval Languages at Murray Edwards), Georgie Sharpe (2021 MML at Magdalene), and Elinor Campbell (2020 Classics at Downing), who offered a wealth of advice and encouragement. There was then a tour of Magdalene College for the aspiring linguists, a visit to Corpus Christi College with Dr Kathleen Puech and her son Nathan (studying Physics) for those interested in the sciences, and a chance to view the majestic Pembroke College. The girls also had time to explore Cambridge’s historic centre independently (highlights including Heffers’ Bookshop and the open-air food market), before returning to St Catherine’s full of ideas and enthusiasm for their next steps.

In addition to the larger reunions and careers events, we have also welcomed back many alumnae over the past 6 months, as speakers, for impromptu visits or tours of the School.

9 8 4 1 3 2 5 7 10
1. Olivia Brinkler (2022) to give an U4 Lecture 2. Caragh Bennett (2013) to give a Business Enterprise workshop 3. Evie Lamb and Alicia Brown (2021) visiting the Association 4. Rosie Townshend (2009) to judge House Drama and for the Sixth Form Drama Scholar Interviews 5. Keren Lovett (1993) visiting St Cat’s in March 2022 to talk to Medical Staff about covid prevention measures in place 6. Laura Biggs (2019) giving an assembly raising awareness of male mental health 7. Katie Vega (2017) & Rachel Yin (2019) to give an U4 Lecture 8. Philippa Sampson-Bancroft (2000) to give an U4 Lecture 9. Ellie Pilkington (2014) to give an U4 Lecture 10. Fiona Thomas (Former Staff) with Arie Pearson (2015 and Current Staff) Lauren Beavis (2017) is working and travelling in Australia and New Zealand for the next year. She took the opportunity of meeting up with Fiona Thomas (Former Prep Director of Studies) at the National Gallery of Victoria in Melbourne.

We are always interested to hear your news, big or small! Have you graduated, qualified, changed jobs, got married, had children, set up a business, volunteered for a charity, run a marathon, been published, exhibited an artwork, retired or taken a gap year to travel the world?

All weddings and obituaries can be found under the Association section on the school website:

Alice Panton (2007)

Steph Smith (2012)


Betty Nicholson (Cain) (1936)

Ann Bartrop (1953)

Sarah Griffiths (Harvey) (1955)

Margaret MacGregor (Holt) (1958)

Patricia Connon (Eaden) (1963) (Former Staff 1996 - 2011)

Rev Dr Rosemary Kidd (Margetson) (1966)

Anne Garrels (1969)

Sue Robinson (1969)

Moira Foulkes (Wills) (1979)

Fran Garvey (2012)

Flo Elliott (2012)

Sue Wright (Former Staff 1994 - 2006)

Mark Way (Former Governor 2003 - 2017)

Heather Bryn Thomas (Former Staff 2003 - 2017)

May they rest in peace


Our back page features a picture of a Sixth Form visit to the Houses of Parliament in 1952. We love their beautiful dresses, school blazers and accompanying teacher in white gloves! Do you remember this trip? Do you recognise those who are not yet named? If so, do let us know. Fast forward to 2022, and the Sixth Form Politics pupils visited Westminster for a tour, and were surprised when our local MP, Jeremy Hunt, now Chancellor of the Exchequer came from his office to meet them. The girls posed some challenging questions for him to answer.


We take your personal privacy seriously. We have a Confidentiality and Data Privacy Policy that is available on the St Catherine’s School website under ‘School Policies’. Communications we send might include publications, surveys, appeals and event marketing and may be sent by post, telephone or email. We will never release your details to any third parties for their use for marketing purposes. We are committed to high standards of fundraising, being open and honest, respectful of you and accountable for the support you give us. We adhere to the Chartered Institute of Fundraising Codes of Best Practice and as a charity are registered with the Fundraising Regulator. Our Fundraising Promise and Vulnerable Adults commitments are on the Development section of the website. If at any time you would like to change your preferences, please call Dawn Pilkington on 01483 899751 or email Thank you.


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