2017 Year In Review

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As a leading girls’ school in Australia, St Catherine’s is committed to nurturing and empowering independent and globally responsive young women, enabling them to approach all their endeavours with confidence, wisdom and integrity. St Catherine’s School Charter







Academic Success

2017 Naplan Results

Curriculum Innovation and Development

Outstanding Educators










Health and Physical Education







Performing Arts


Visual Arts

Debating and Public Speaking








Community Service


Educational Travel

Junior School



ACADEMIC SUCCESS Our Class of 2017 will be remembered for their enthusiasm and eagerness to achieve their best in all aspects of life at St Catherine’s. This success is testament to the fortitude, diligence and perseverance shown by each student. Through their sustained commitment and determination, our Year 12 cohort have achieved remarkable academic results across a broad range of subjects. Study Scores of 45 and above achieved in the following VCE Subjects: Accounting, Biology, Business Management, English, Health and Human Development, French, Media, Physical Education, Physics, Philosophy, Studio Arts, Theatre Studies and Visual Communication.






Visual Communication

Studio Arts

Business Management

Theatre Studies




Health & Human Development



2018 EARLY OFFERS • Year 12 girls received early -offers from University of Durham, Edinburgh, Oxford, Cambridge, Kings College, UCL and USA. • One Student received an early offer at ANU. • One student received a Collegiate Scholarship at Bond University to study Law/International Studies. • One student received an early offer to study a Bachelor of Occupational Therapy via Latrobe University Aspire program.
















2018 TERTIARY PLACES 100% of our class of 2017 who applied for tertiary courses received an offer to study in 2018. Our graduating students will be represented at 20 different Victorian, Interstate and overseas institutes including The University of Melbourne, Monash University, ANU, University of Sydney, Bond University, Cambridge University, Oxford University, Imperial College London, Durham University and Edinburgh University. Nineteen graduates have received offers to study double degrees, seven were offered courses with Honours and two students have successfully obtained interviews to study Medicine.












100% Received Tertiary Offers







Our strong results reflect the quality teaching and learning on offer at St Catherine’s, as well as the diligent work of our staff and students in maintaining a school-wide focus on literacy and numeracy. Numeracy



Year 9 Year 7 Year 5 Year 3 200










Grammar & Punctuation

Year 9

State Average

Year 7

St Catherine’s

Year 5 Year 3 200






Although NAPLAN remains one measure of the all-rounded education we provide, the data is useful in ensuring our curriculum continues to be responsive to collective and individual needs.



CURRICULUM INNOVATION AND DEVELOPMENT • Staff professional learning has again focussed upon the 2020 Strategic Intents. Collectively, staff have attended over 4,500 hours of professional development in 2017, which is accounted for in over 1,300 different activities (an increase of 7% on 2016). • The top five professional development areas mirror St Catherine’s Schools Strategic Intent, namely literacy and numeracy and technology in learning and teaching and the use of data. • Development of the first Know Thy Impact Booklet on literacy across the curriculum, for teachers. The booklet includes research on literacy, useful resources, links and references for teachers. • Years 5 and 6 commenced a literature program based on Gifted Education Research from UNSW program for highly competent students.


• Participated in the Speech Pathology in Schools Resource Initiative – St Catherine’s School recognised as a best practice school for supporting students with learning difficulties. • Leading-edge audio visual resources were installed in learning spaces incorporating new larger LCD panels and projectors. • Commenced installation of Vivi, a screen mirroring system designed exclusively for education. Transforming the classroom into an interactive, collaborative learning space, this resource enables teachers to move freely around their classroom whilst still remaining in control of the screen. • Two new flat screen panels were introduced into Art Studios 1 and 2 allowing a more flexible use of the studio space. • Strengthening our commitment to innovative teaching in STEM and Virtual Reality, resources including a new 3D printer, HP Sprout 3D modelling system and the HTC Vive VR system resources were installed in our TIDE Room.

Student Achievement • 12% of Year 9 students have been involved in the talented student program, Future Problem Solving. • Three Year 10 students have accepted a place on the Monash Scholars Academic Program for 2018–19. • The School also has a recipient of the Kwong Lee Dow Scholarship for 2018, an academic enrichment program to support high achieving students.



OUTSTANDING EDUCATORS • Miss Kristy Forrest, English & Literature Teacher: • Led a St Catherine’s Professional Learning Team for 13 teachers focussed on implementing High Impact Teaching Strategies. • Wrote an article for the Victorian Association for the Teaching of English (VATE) Idiom Journal. • Awarded the St Catherine’s School Award for Excellence in Teaching and Learning 2017. • Staff participated in extensive professional development and internal professional learning as part of the revised Unit 3&4 courses in English, EAL and Literature. • Staff completing post graduate studies: Mrs Katrina Davey Ms Fiona Ganino-Day Miss Kristy Forrest Ms Kanako Yokouchi Mr Alex Borlenghi Mrs Gina Peele Miss Skye Stansfield Ms Cassie Monahan Ms Sandy Yao Ms Lisa Barker Mrs Elka Gaensler Ms Amy Heron Mr Lloyd Knight Mr Fiachra Barry


• Miss Sally Wilkinson, Careers Advisor completed her Certificate IV in Career Development. • Mrs Katrina Davey, Head of Humanities: • Presented at the VCE History Examiner’s Report Conference in February and was selected as a History Teacher’s Association of Victoria (HTAV) mentor for new VCE Unit 3&4 teachers. • Awarded the Educational Publishing Awards Australia 2017 for a Secondary School Resource in Humanities. Co-authored VCE History Textbook, Post-War Challenges. • Mr Paul Cross, Humanities Teacher: • Presented at numerous professional learning conferences and student lectures for the Geography Teachers Association of Victoria (GTAV). • Co-author of the GTAV Unit 2 Geography Examination. • Presented at the Monash University Careers Fair Lecture regarding Leadership in Education. • Mr Alex Borlenghi, Head of Digital Learning: • Presented a professional development session at the EduTech conference in Sydney. • Published The Virtual and Augmented Classroom through iTunes. • Mrs Brigid Weereratne, Head of Arts - preparation of the Studio Arts practice exam for the VCAA



• The following teachers were accepted as VCAA examiners: Miss Jeanette Gunn Mrs Janette Matt Mrs Brigid Weereratne Ms Lee Brandt Ms Vanessa Jackson-McRae Ms Fiona Ganino-Day Ms Sue Macgeorge Miss Sally Wilkinson Ms Kanako Yokouchi Mr Glen Robins Miss Winnie Xie Mr James Brown Ms Lilly Dusting Miss Kristy Forrest Mr Brad Hicks

• Mr Michael Dahlenburg Instrumental Music tutor – Principal Guest Conductor Melbourne Chamber Orchestra, Guest Conductor Adelaide Symphony Orchestra, International Cellist.

Maths Methods (Exam 2) Specialist Maths (Exam 2) Assistant Chief Assessor Studio Arts • Mr Dean Hilson Instrumental Music tutor – Physics nominated for a second Aria Award. Chemistry • Ms Andy Dowell Instrumental Music tutor selected Psychology to make a solo Vvcal album by a university. Biology Business Management • Mrs Melissa Dods, Junior School Music Coordinator: Japanese SL (Oral Exam) • Coordinated and presented at a music teacher training French (Oral Exam) course, held over five days, and accredited by the national Chinese SL (Oral Exam) body of the Orff Music Association. Theatre Studies Visual Communication & Design • Coordinated a two day music conference attracting English approximately 180 teachers and music educators. Physical Education • Mrs Elka Gaensler, Head of Learning Plus – completed • Mrs Janette Matt appointed the Assistant Chief Assessor, MEd Learning Intervention and commenced MEd Gifted leading workshops for Specialist teachers through Education at UNSW. the Maths Association of Victoria. • Ms Vanessa Jackson-McRae, Head of Science – member of • Ms Mary-Anne Keratiotis, Coordinator for Debating the education committee of RACI (Royal Australian Chemical & Public Speaking completed a two day Masterclass Institute) held its first Chemistry conference related to Food at Bond University in Mooting. Chemistry (part of the new VCAA Chemistry Study Design) in conjunction with the Chemistry Department at Monash • Mrs Jenny Mathers, Head of Music selected to represent University. St Catherine’s School hosted the fifth Annual Australia as the Choral Conducting teacher at the ACCET Chemistry Dinner and Post Exam Review. Summer School. • Ms Sue Macgeorge, Mrs Jan Rouse and Mrs Virginia Midgley members of the Biology Teacher’s Network.





ENGLISH • NEW Advertising unit in Year 8 English implemented in 2017. • NEW individualised spelling program has run across Years 7 and 8 English aligned to essential skill building and NAPLAN. • NEW Year 9 English program developed with skill continuum checklists to ensure a focus on differentiation. All units have skills checklists so students can record their individual skill progression. • NEW Literacy Planet Online Grammar: St Catherine’s was the leading school for literacy planet Word Mania game for two weeks. This a vocabulary game and a spelling game played Australia wide.


the Year 12 Literature class on her literature studies. • NEW Excursion: The Year 8s attended Sound Stage Podcast excursion to the Arts Centre aligned to their study of the radio play Flowers for Algernon. • Excursion: Years 9 and 10 selected students attended Melbourne Writer’s Festival. • NEW Excursion: Year 12 Literature students attended Twelfth Night in the Botanical Gardens. • NEW Academic Honours English: In 2017, the program was extended to include select Junior School students in Year 6. • VCE study scores of 45 and above achieved in English.

• NEW Incursion: Oxford University student and past St Catherine’s student, Mia Pinto (‘14) lectured to

Student Achievement • Participation in the Melbourne Writer’s Festival Competition. • 28 students participated in the Write a Book in a Day Competition. • An in-School poetry competition was held with 23 girls entering from Years 7–11. • Year 10 student Flynn O’Brien published her second novel, Different Time.



HUMANITIES • Humanities offered 20 elective and VCE subjects covering all disciplines – History, Geography, Economics, Global Politics, Accounting, Business Management and Philosophy. • A new 9/10 elective was established, Global Justice, which has enabled VCE Legal Studies to be introduced in 2018. • VCE Business Management and Economics both had new VCAA study designs. • Years 7 and 8 Core Humanities incorporated the Australian Curriculum discipline: Economics and Business. • Digital Technology: Humanities teachers have been embracing the use of augmented and virtual reality throughout 2017.


• Year 10 History students created their own digital narrative of various WWII battles projected through augmented reality. This project was awarded the State Winners of the Australian Government ANZAC Day Schools Award this year, receiving $2,000. This award required participating schools to run a commemorative service and demonstrate how students were learning about the importance of the ANZACs. • Year 8 Geography students have participated in virtual fieldtrips to explore Mount Vesuvius and Pompeii. Furthermore, Year 7 History students undertook a virtual expedition of the Ancient Egyptian pyramids and tomb of King Tutankhamun. • VCE study scores of 45 and above achieved in Philosophy, Business Management and Accounting.

Student Achievement • The Australian Geography Competition was entered by over 50 students with the following girls awarded a High Distinction: Caroline Sawers, Sophie Turnbull, Cluny Gilmour, Tiffany Pham and Gabriella Tymms. • The Australian History Competition was undertaken for the first time at St Catherine’s with Allegra Dennison and Tiffany Pham being awarded a High Distinction in the Year 8 competition. • The Education Perfect Social Sciences Competition was also a new initiative for Years 7 and 8 students. Due to the competitive spirit of these students the School finished 22nd globally and second in Victoria. Beibei Zhang, Paula Chen and Emma Turner were vital contributors to this ranking, answering over 1500 questions in just three days.



LANGUAGES • Review of P–12 framework for French to improve alignment between Junior School and Senior School. • Creation of two streams in Year 7 to support all learners and foster excellence in French. • Introduction of the Launch of Latin class after School. • Introduction of online learning platforms: Language Perfect, Yabla, Ecoutez Bien.


• Hosted students from Japanese Sister School Shukutoku. • Eleven students participated in Japan Tour in December, 2017. • VCE study scores of 45 and above achieved in French. • Continued partnership with the Confucius Institute to support the study of Chinese Language.

• International reciprocal exchanges for French with new Sister School Cours Fénélon.

Student Achievement Achievements in Alliance Française Competition: poetry, oral exam, written exam sections: • 41 students achieved Honours. • 11 students achieved Distinction. • 8 students were finalists.



MATHEMATICS • The introduction of the Accelerated class for Year 7 students allowing the School to meet the academic thirst of our more able Mathematics students.

• The Mathematics staff have reviewed and updated the ACARA courses in response to 2016 and 2017 teaching. • The Academic Honours Program, delivered in Years 7 and 8, provides the highly proficient Mathematics students with the opportunity to explore the subject beyond the curriculum.

• Explored Algorithmics as it is one of the growth areas of Mathematics with the introduction of an elective on this subject for 2018.

• Maths Help program delivered during lunchtimes delivering an extra 50 minutes of teaching to assist the students outside of the classroom.

Student Achievement Competitions



Computational and Algorithmic Thinking



Australian Mathematics Competition




Maths Challenge for Young Australians




Enrichment Stage




Australian Intermediate Mathematics Olympiad (AIMO)




High Distinctions




HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION • Increased integration of technology in physical education and health through the use of Smartphone technology. • Physical Education as a VCE subject continues to grow in interest for those with a passion for physical activity and a strong desire to understand the physiology of exercise. • Year 10 students participated in Teen Mental First Aid training. • Years 10 and 11 students participated in the PARTY (Prevent Alcohol and Risk – related Trauma in Youth) program at the Alfred Hospital.

• Health and Physical Education week (9 – 13 October): • Years 7 and 8 students participated in the ‘Amazing Race’ with the use of QR codes. • Clinics in Physical Education classes from outside providers such as Collingwood Football Club, which enhance student learning and provide links to community sport. • Units 3&4 attended the Exercise Rehabilitation Australia Sports Science laboratory. • VCE study scores of 45 and above achieved in Health and Human Development and Physical Education.




SCIENCE • Science Club, led by Year 12 students Ruyan (Lily) Li, Sophie Seng Hpa and Fuming (Maggie) Yang. • All Years 4 to 6 students successfully completed the CSIRO CREST (Creativity in Science and Technology) Program. • Year 7 students successfully completed the St Catherine’s Science and Sustainability through Plants Program (SSSP). • Year 7 students also participated in a sustainable gardening workshop at the Royal Botanic Gardens. • Year 8 Science Academic Honours Program conducted an investigation into simple machines and students built their own hydraulics machine.


• Year 10 students completed the ‘Assessing the credibility of scientific evidence’ project with Professor Paul Wood FTSE, Adjunct Professor, Monash University. • Year 10 students visited the Melbourne Museum as part of the Evolution Science unit of study. • Year 11 Physics students participated in practical workshops on the History of Electricity with Dr Gerhard Wiesenfeldt, lecturer in the History and Philosophy of Science Program at The University of Melbourne. Students also attended the public lecture entitled ‘Space, Time and Reality’ given by Professor Brian Green.

• Year 8 students successfully completed the St Catherine’s PECE (Propagation, Education, Conservation and Exploration) Program in conjunction with the Victorian Orchid Society and assisted by university academics.

• Year 12 Biology Excursion to Swinburne University provided exposure to tools and techniques for genetic engineering. Unit 3 & 4 Biology Revision Lecture written and delivered by Brian Stevenson who was pivotal in the establishment of the Gene Technology Access Centre located in Parkville.

• Mr Garry Holloway, Geologist and Gemmologist, presented a 40 minute lecture to Year 9 Science classes. Garry discussed the physics of reflection, refraction, dispersion and scintillation in relation to diamonds.

• VCE Physics students participated in the VCE Physics Day at Luna Park, organised by the Australian Institute of Physics to provide students with practical activities to enhance their understanding of the units on Motion.

• Year 10 students enjoyed working with Dr Loren Bruns, Astrophysicist, the University of Melbourne. Dr Bruns shared the findings of his PhD research project involving computer modelling of the galaxies.

• Year 12 Physics students attended the Physics Breakfast with Dr Katie Mack, University of Melbourne, and the 2017 Australian Institute of Physics (AIP) Women in Physics Lecturer. • VCE study score of 45 and above achieved in Biology and Physics.



Student Achievement • The Year 7 Science Academic Honours Program involved the completion of the Australian Science Teachers Association SPECTRA Program in Home Chemistry and the RACI Crystal Growing competition. Students participated in the Science Talent Search. Congratulations to the following students: • Penelope Glenning, Junior Invention, received a Merit; • Ciara Jenkins, Junior Creative Writing, received a Distinction; and • Angela Yu, Junior Creative Writing, and Clara HouleO’Connor, Junior Science Photography, both received a Minor Bursary presented at La Trobe University. • Chemistry Olympiad Examination – Designed to challenge top performers, students from schools across Australia registered to sit the two hour examination. Congratulations to Year 11 student Demi Markakis who received a Credit certificate, placing her in the top 30%. • Education Perfect Science Championships – Four Year 7 students were tested on all elements of Science from the Australian Curriculum. Congratulations to Emma Turner and Lara Thorn who both received a Credit placing them in the top 20% and India Marner and Emma Froomes who both received a Bronze placing them in the top 10%. • Year 11 students, Michelle Libreri and Madeleine Leggo, were selected for the National Youth Science Forum. Their academic performance and success with several selection panels has now provided them with the opportunity to attend the 2018 National Youth Science Forum in Canberra. • Science students @ work program – Year 12 students, Chloe Thompson, Amber Chapman, Chloe Page, Isabella Morgan, Hayley Cottrell, Esther Teow and Jessica Walsh completed their design brief from Kids Foundation writing a sequel to the Burns booklet (transition from hospital to home). The draft will be taken to the Burns Survivor camp for review and will be published in 2018.

• Big Science Competition Years 7 and 8 students completed the Junior examination, testing critical thinking and problemsolving skills as well their science knowledge. Distinctions – Claudia Coombe-Tennant, Ciara Jenkins, Clara HouleO’Connor, Madeleine Hooker, Penelope Glenning, Sophie Simons, Allegra Dennison, Clementine Newton-Brown, Georgina Vote, Jessica Yang, Lillian Lu, Lucy Keilar, Mayuri Muralidharan, Tabitha Manson, Tiffany Pham placing them in the top 11% of the competition. • Royal Australian Chemical Institute Titration Competition Year 12 Chemists were given 90 minutes to determine the concentration of ethanoic acid, commonly known as vinegar for a new range of products being developed by the Vinegar and Sauce Company. Two of the five teams made it into the National Competition with both teams receiving a Silver medal. • Australian National Chemistry Quiz – All VCE Chemistry and interested Year 10 students participated in the Quiz. • Year 10 Candidates Olivia Soong received a High Distinction; Gabriella Tymms and Sophie Ying received a Distinction; and Annelise Cody, Harriette Dryden, Lucy Gray, Jing Lan (Michele) Heng, Kavina Kalichelvam, Phoebe Keilar and Yu (Monica) Mao received a Credit. • Year 11 Candidates Qiling (Sherry) Xu received a High Distinction; Annabel Joubert, Yuan (Isabella) Fang and Rui Shu (Maria) Wu received a Distinction; Allyson Alblas, Lucy Porter, Caroline Sawers, Charlotte Sinclair and Yi Lian (Rachel) Tan received a Credit. • Year 12 Candidates Ingrid Crossing a High Distinction; Lydia He and Man In (Rachel) Ung received a Distinction and Lucy Church, Sophie Sitch, Georgie Sitch and Fuming (Maggie) Yang received a Credit.




PERFORMING ARTS • A Midsummer Night’s Dream – Senior Play (Years 11 – 12) St Catherine’s School and St Kevin’s College. • It has been two decades since a Shakespearean play was last performed as a Senior production at St Catherine’s. • An impressive effort led by the VCE Theatre Studies production team and dedicated staff. • HONK! Jr. – Years 7 and 8 Musical. • Over 60 students involved in all areas of the production with the performances entirely student led.


• Drama Club students, led by Drama Captain Amber Chapman, worked on improving their skills in a variety of different stagecraft areas, including two theatre makeup workshops led by a professional artist. • House Arts performances in the final week of Term 4 provided an opportunity for an inclusive, creative, collaborative and student led performance program. • Year 3 Stage Skills and Year 4 Perform co–curricular Drama programs continue to foster collaboration and creativity in our Barbreck students. • VCE study scores of 45 and above achieved in Theatre Studies.

• The Lion King Jr. – Years 5 & 6 Musical • All students involved on stage for this wonderful production. • ‘Fact or Fiction’ Gala Concert • Returned to the world class Melbourne Recital Centre to a full house. • Over 170 Senior students and 70 Years 4 to 6 musicians on stage. • Great support from students and the School community.

Student Achievement • 2018 Drama Captain, Demi Markakis, was one of fifteen Victorian students to be selected to be part of the MTC Ambassador Program. • Speech and Drama students awarded strong results in the ‘Trinity College London Examinations’.



MUSIC • 159 Junior School Students participated in the Instrumental program. • 190 Senior School Students participated in the Instrumental program. • 26 students in Year 2 String program. • 32 students in Year 5 Band program. • Senior School Music camp provided an excellent opportunity for all students in our ensembles to work across Year levels in a very supportive, constructive and enjoyable way. • School performances, aimed at giving all girls the opportunity to perform at their particular level of interest and skill included: • Gala Concert at the Melbourne Recital Centre • Concert Night • Jazz Night at the Apartment • Recitals • Junior School Musical • Assembly Performances • All five VCE Music Performance Units 3&4 students performed solos on stage at the Melbourne Recital Centre. • Delivery of Special Visitors’ Day Concert by Prep to Year 2 students.


• Annual Barbreck Music Concert is a highlight for all Junior School students, showcasing the broad range of instrumental and choral ensembles on offer throughout the Junior School. As part of the annual Barbreck Music Concert, all students from Prep to Year 6, plus many of the teaching staff, learn a massed choral item to foster a sense of community and connection. • A sequential based Classroom Music Program is offered to all students in the Junior School. There is a strong emphasis on active engagement to develop basic music skills, including beat, rhythm and pitch, and general music literacy skills with open classes offered to parents to observe the sequential classroom Music Program at various levels. • Music and Drama were integrated through the Junior School Musical production of the Lion King Jr. Chris Barratt, a professional performer and choreographer, was invited to the School to share her expertise with the students. The cast explored the various characters of the Lion King through movement and dance, learning basic stage craft skills, and a range of other performance and vocal techniques. • Annual Barbreck Music Concert is a highlight for all Junior School students, showcasing the broad range of instrumental and choral ensembles on offer throughout the Junior School. • Encouraging Community Service within the student body – various Year levels and small groups have visited elderly citizen homes including the John Macrae Centre and the Asisi Retirement Home.


Student Achievement • Senior School Choirs, Bands and ensembles competed in the Victorian Schools’ Music Festival receiving Platinum, Gold and Bronze awards. • The Epstein Choir (Years 4-6) received a Gold Award at the VSMF (Victorian Schools Music Festival). • Junior School Flute Ensemble received multiple awards at the Junior division of the Flute Guild Eisteddfod. • Many individual students received Honours and Distinctions for their AMEB music exams. • The Year 6 Band performed at the Victorian Schools Band Festival held at Federation Square. • The Epstein Choir (Years 4-6) received a Gold Award at the VSMF (Victorian Schools Music Festival). • Junior School Flute Ensemble received multiple awards at the Junior division of the Flute Guild Eisteddfod.




VISUAL ARTS • VCE Visual Arts curriculum reviewed and researched with Professional Development and research undertaken to support changes to the Media Study Design endorsed in 2018. • Members of the Visual Arts staff formed part of a Professional Learning Team to develop and foster approaches to pedagogy and literacy. High Impact strategies were trialled and implemented. • VCE Visual Arts Show exhibited 90 VCE submissions in the study designs Media, Visual Communication Design and Studio Arts. Works were submitted for consideration for the VCE Season of Excellence 2018 in Top Screen, Top Design and Top Arts categories.


• Continued development of Art Club in which the Art Captain and Senior students mentor art making outside of the curriculum. • Eight excursions and five guest speakers including the Visual Communication Design excursion to view Dior at the National Gallery of Victoria and the Studio Arts Unit 4 lecture at MUMA Gallery. • Mrs Brigid Weereratne was a key contributor to the Yulendj Art Exhibition committee to support the Indigenous Scholarship Program. • The industry relationships developed through Yulendj, allowed students to gain first hand art industry knowledge. • VCE study scores of 45 and above achieved in Media, Studio Arts and Visual Communications.

Student Achievement • Sarah Wilson and Madeleine O’Brien painted portraits of Amy Jackson and Eva McGuire for ‘The Centenarian Portrait Project’. Artworks were exhibited in The Stables @ The Meat Market before being gifted to the respective families. • Four Year 12 students shortlisted for the VCE Season of Excellence 2018 Top Arts Exhibition. • Two Year 12 students Shortlisted for the VCE Season of Excellence 2018 Top Design Exhibition.



DEBATING AND PUBLIC SPEAKING • House Public Speaking Competition: • 20 students competed with Davis winning. • School Public Speaking Participation rates: • 33 students participated in Public Speaking across the Senior school. • A strong year in Public Speaking with all eight competitions running at capacity. • 33 Senior School students took part in seven external public speaking competitions. • Debating Participation rates:


• Ongoing collaboration between Debating & Public Speaking and Design Club; two students selected to design posters for our program. • 2018: New strategic partnership formed between St Catherine’s and the Debaters’ Association of Victoria – St Catherine’s awarded Host School for the DAV Junior Public Speaking Competition and the JSP Debating (Junior Debating). • 2018: New strategic partnership formed between St Catherine’s and Legacy Melbourne. St Catherine’s awarded Host School for the Legacy Junior Public Speaking Award.

• 17% of students in Years 9–12 participated in Senior Debating. • 39% of Senior Students were awarded Best Speaker during the DAV Senior Debating competition. • 20% of students in Years 7– 8 participated in Junior Debating. • 40% of students in Years 7– 8 were awarded Best Speaker during the JSP Junior Debating competition. • Six Years 7– 8 students were ranked amongst the Top Scoring students in the Toorak region.

Student Achievement • Allegra Dennison was Runner Up in the Legacy Junior Public Speaking Award and a Finalist (top 11 out of 300 students) in the DAV Junior Public Speaking Competition. • Kavina Kalaichelvam was a Finalist in the Rostrum: Voice of Youth competition (Senior Division). • Amber Chapman was a Finalist in the Rotary: Ainger Public Speaking Award. • Isabel Gray was one of ten Top Scoring students (out of 110) in the British Parliamentary Competition.



SPORT Individual Sporting Success • Isabelle Dann (Year 11) won the senior category of the GSV Triathlon. Isabella Bufé (Year 8) finished forth overall in the junior category. • Jeneath Wong (Year 7) finished second overall in the handicapped division of the GSV Golf Day and was selected in the U17 Victorian Schools Golf Team. • Jasmine Glass (Year 7) and Kayla Jackson (Year 7) were selected to representative teams to compete at the Indigenous Netball Championships. • Sophia Livanidis (Year 8) medalled at the Australian Acrobatic Gymnastics. She has been selected to the National Representative Squad. • Mayuri Muralidharan (Year 8) was the U15 National Fencing Champion, representing Australia in numerous championships across the year.

• Lucy Gray (Year 10) qualified to compete at the Junior World Championships in Sailing. • Lindsey Ware (Year 9) won the regional Interschools dressage series in Equestrian. • Daisy Turnbull (Year 7) was the overall champion for her division at the Braemar Interschools Equestrian. • Sienna Opray (Year 6) was selected to represent St Catherine’s at the Armadale District Tennis Competition and was named an emergency for the Bruce Cup (Vic Primary Schools team). • Coco Marshall (Year 6) invited to train with the Victorian Diving Squad. • Matisse Stafford (Year 6) selected as part of the Ski and Snowboard Australia (SSA) National Children’s Team to represent Australia in 2018.

GSV Weekly Sport • Jane Fenton (Year 9) and Thalia Barbayannis (Year 9) were selected to represent the GSV Intermediate Waterpolo team. • St Catherine’s were represented in GSV finals in the following sports: Junior A Tennis, Intermediate D Netball, Intermediate A Soccer and Junior C Badminton. • St Catherine’s established strong and successful coaching relationships with The Victorian Tennis Academy and South Melbourne Football Club (soccer).





Carnival Sport Cross Country • Division 1, 3rd/24 GSV schools. Equal best result of St Catherine’s School. • Junior Team (Years 7 and 8) finished second overall. Alexandra Demetriou (Year 8) Finished ninth overall. • Senior Team (Years 11 and 12) finished third overall. Isabelle Dann (Year 11) Finished 10th in Division 1. • Junior Team placed third in the District Cross Country. Sienna Darcy Year 6, Ava Colosimo Year 6 and Emma Peel Year 3 progressed to the Divisional competition.

Track & Field • Qualified for Division 1, finishing sixth from 24 GSV schools.

• The St Catherine’s Junior Knockouts team (Elodie Ferrali, Olivia Nigido-Scott, Chloe Joubert, Emily McAllister and Georgina Vote) qualified to represent St Catherine’s at the Australian All Schools Knockout Champions. • Junior team placed fifth in the Armadale District Athletics.

Swimming • Qualified for Division 2, finishing 11th from 24 GSV Schools. • 18 students qualified for GSV Finals Evening, qualifying in 13 events. • Junior team placed third in the District Swimming Carnival. Portia Gowrie (Year 4) progressed to the State Final in Freestyle and Butterfly.

• 26 student qualified for GSV Finals Evening, qualifying in 59 events. St Catherine’s students achieved three gold, seven silver and three bronze medals.


• Olivia Nigido-Scott (Year 7) broke the GSV Year 7 Shot Put record winning both the Shot Put and Discus at GSV Finals Evening. Olivia has qualified to represent Victoria at the Australian Athletics Championships in the Shot Put and Hammer Throw.

• Laetitia Donato (Year 11) qualified for GSV Finals Evening, finished third in the Senior Category.

• Annelise Cody (Year 10) won the Year 10 400m. She also achieved second place in the 100m and 90m hurdles at Finals Evening and qualified to represent Victoria at the Australian Athletics Championships in the 100m hurdles. • Elodie Ferrali (Year 8) broke the GSV B Grade Year 8 100m record. She finished second in the Year 8 400m at Finals Evening and has qualified to represent Victoria at the Australian Athletics Championships in the 200m hurdles and 90m hurdles.

• Qualified for Division 1, finishing eighth from 24 GSV Schools.

Snowsport • St Catherine’s recorded overall team victory at the Victorian Interschool Cross Country and Snowsports Championships. • St Catherine’s recorded overall team victory at the Australian Interschool Snowsports Championships for the forth consecutive year. • Julia Kent (Year 6), Zara Bongiorno (Year 7) and Lucy McAllister (Year 4) all recorded top three places at the Victorian Interschools Cross Country Championships.


• Amelia Jones (Year 8), Catherine Chen (Year 7), Jessica Yang (Year 8), Matisse Stafford (Year 6), Sienna Opray (Year 6), Bella Burdett (Year 4) and Piper-Lynn Pascoe (Year 2) all achieved top three performances at the Victorian Interschools Snowsports Championships. • Amelia Jones (Year 8), Catherine Chen (Year 7), Matisse Stafford (Year 6), Sienna Opray (Year 6), Bella Burdett (Year 4) and Lily Maisano (Year 6) all achieved top three performances at the Australian Interschools Snowsports Championships. • Junior School Cross Country and Alpine Skiing Champions at the Victorian Interschools Cross Country Championships in the Overall Primary Girls Section. • Junior School Snowsports Team won both the Victorian and the Australian Interschools Snowsports Championships (Nationals) in the Overall Primary Division. • Congratulations must go to all the individual medallists at the Victorian and Australian Interschool Snowsports Championships, in particular Matisse Stafford (Year 6) who was victorious in Division 4 Alpine and Skier X and selected for the Ski and Snowboard Australia (SSA) 2018 National Children’s Team.

Rowing • St Catherine’s crews qualified for 13 A Finals at Head of the Schools Girls. • St Catherine’s crews contributed towards five Division wins, five other top three, medal winning performances. • St Catherine’s 1st and 2nd VIII qualified for the Head of the School Girls A Final. Both crews also qualified and represented St Catherine’s at the Australian Rowing Championships.

• The St Catherine’s 1st VIII won the 2017 Australian Henley Regatta on the Yarra. • The St Catherine’s 2nd VIII won the 500m Sprint Race at the Australian Rowing Championships. Beating a number of other schools 1st VIII boats. • The Intermediate 1st Quad did not lose a race all season. Their wins included the Open Quad Division at the Australian Henley Regatta on the Yarra.

Gymnastics • St Catherine’s School Primary Gymnastics team of 48 girls placed third in the 2017 Victorian Primary InterSchool Gymnastics competition.

House Sport • Athletics – Holmes Kilbride took out the 2017 House Athletics carnival. Annelise Cody (Year 10) won the Blue Ribbon 100m Race. • Cross Country – Davis took out the 2017 House Cross Country carnival. Alex Stopp (Year 12), Annelise Cody (Year 10) and Alexandra Demetriou (Year 8) won their respective age categories. • Gymnastics – Davis took out the 2017 House Gymnastics carnival. • Snowsports – Beaulieu Blair took out the 2017 St Catherine’s Senior School House Snowsports. • Swimming – Beaulieu Blair took out the 2017 St Catherine’s Senior School House Swimming Carnival. Stephanie Ferrali (Year 11) won the Blue Ribbon 100m race.













WELLBEING • The Aristotle Emotional Intelligence Programs have been extended in the second year of the Partnership with Swinburne University’s Emotional Intelligence Unit. • The EI program has been extended to include: • Years 1 and 2 Foundations Program


• Participation strategies to embed a Child Safe Culture have been devised to implement Student Education, Empowerment and Participation to align with the St Catherine’s Child Safety Policy, including the creation of a Student Code of Conduct and Student Reporting procedures.

• Year 5 Building Blocks Booster Program

• Partnership with Swinburne University’s Emotional Intelligence Research Unit, Centre for Human Psychopharmacology.

• Year 6 Social Skills Program

Girls Talk Parent Seminars delivered:

• Year 4 Building Blocks Program

• Year 7 Development Module 1 – Emotional Recognition and Expression

• Semester 1 – ‘What’s Happening to Our Girls?’ Guest presenter – Maggie Hamilton

• Year 8 Development Program

• Semester 2 – ‘Swinburne Emotional Intelligence’ – Guest presenter Justine Lomas

• Year 9 Booster • Year 10 Resilience Modules on Wellbeing Camp • School Spirit and Wellbeing Captain has led the ‘A Team’, a Student Club that fosters connections between age groups and Year levels. • Student seminars delivered on Relationships, Resilience Building, Digital Citizenship, Cyber Bullying, Growth Mindset, Nutrition, Alcohol Education, Study Seminars and Leadership. • Peer Support activities have included the 4 Year Olds and Year 4 buddies, the Year 7 and 11 Mates and the Year 6 and Year 12 lunch. • Leadership opportunities have included Years 6 and 12 Leaders, Year 12 Executive and Captains, Year 11 Mentors and Global Young Leaders, Years 9 and 10 Leadership Diploma and Year 8 Council.

• Presentations have included Year 7 Brainstorm Productions ‘Verbal Combat’, Year 7 Project Rockit ‘Relationships’, Year 7 Cyber Safety – Ms Kathryn White, Year 8 Project Rockit Anti-Bullying, Years 8 & 9 Alcohol Education Sessions by Warner Education,Years 10 to 12 Drugs and Alcohol Education – Paul Dillon, Year 10 Financial Literacy (Ms Tracey McCallum), Year 11 Project Rockit ‘Social Labelling and Judgement’, Years 8 & 10 Yoga & Meditation education sessions. • Years 7– 9 Sunday peer activities have been conducted in the Boarding House to encourage peer interaction and Boarders Dinners and Student Staff Dinners have been held at Illawarra. • House meetings and activities provide for cross-age peer interaction and support.



COMMUNITY SERVICE Throughout 2017, St Catherine’s students delivered a range of programs and initiatives that encouraged a culture of philanthropy, an understanding of social justice and a commitment to community service.

Senior School Initiatives Red Cross Door Knock Breast Cancer Network Australia Fitted for Work Cancer Council Australia Friday Night School

The Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal Share the Dignity White Ribbon Foundation Orange Sky Laundry

soles 4 souls Malvern Emergency Food Collection Legacy The Smith Family

Catholic Mission Socktober

McAuley Community Services for Women

Seriously Knitting – For Syrian Refugees

Very Special Kids

Poppy Appeal

Starlight Children’s Foundation


Sacred Heart Mission

Youth Projects

Destination Dreaming Book Drive

Pat Cronin Foundation

Vision Australia

Koala Kids

Jeans for Genes

Good Friday Appeal

Breast Cancer Network Australia

John Macrae Elderly Citizen Centre

Closet Cleanout

Cancer Council’s Biggest Morning Tea

Asisi Retirement Home

Junior School Initiatives

Red Nose Clothing Collection



• Imogen Chandulal commenced at the University of the Arts London (UAL) Central Saint Martins to study Visual Arts. Imogen was the Arts co-captain when in Year 12, in 2016.

• Year 11 Work placement program (Mentor program) had students visiting workplaces such as Architecture, Event management, Law, Medicine, Allied Health, Marketing and Design.

• At December 2017, Year 12 students had received early offers from University of Durham and Edinburgh (awaiting news from Oxford, Cambridge, Kings College, UCL and USA).

• Careers Breakfast – industry areas presented included Finance, Marketing, Psychology, Media and Journalism, Auditing and Law.

• One student offered an interview at Oxford, and an additional two awaiting news (at January 2018). • Ally McBain offered a place in the ANU Chancellor Scholars program for Year 11 students who are community minded and show great potential in their academic studies and leadership. • Hannah Adam received an early offer at ANU for 2018. • Lucy Skyrme-Jones offered a Collegiate Scholarship at Bond University to study Law/International Studies. • Lucy Church received an early offer to study a Bachelor of Occupational Therapy via Latrobe University Aspire program. This is aimed at acknowledging students who have continuously served within the community and show academic potential.

• UK Admission Testing host School – hosting Admissions test for entry into UK Universities such as Durham, Cambridge, Oxford, Kings College London, London School of Economics. • Ongoing relationships with sister Schools in the UK to offer Gap opportunities in Year 13. • Links with VET RTO’s to provide a range of VET courses offsite, such as Hospitality, Fashion, Events, Equine studies, Interior Design, Makeup and Hairdressing. • Work with AFL Sportsready to provide School based traineeships for students. In 2017 we had a Year 11 traininee/student working in the Sport and Recreation industry.





The number of students involved in trips and exchanges remains high. A total of 149 students have participated in the program in 2017, along with 24 staff/nurses/Old Girls. Our ability to offer the breadth of experiences to students is a key element of the trips and exchanges programs. It is this factor that results in such high demand from students. The benefits that students gain from the variety of these experiences complement the learning that takes place in the classrooms and helps the students to develop into well rounded young women who are globally aware citizens. Terms 1 and 2

UK Exchange - St Catherine’s School, Bramley, St George’s School, Ascot and Queenswood School, Hatfield – ten Year 9 students


USA Exchange – Tower Hill School, Delaware and Archer School, Los Angeles – nine Year 10 students

June / July

World Challenge Expedition to Nepal – 19 Years 10 and 11 students

June / July

Oxbridge Program, UK – three Year 11 students

June / July

Global Young Leaders Conference – three Year 11 students

July / August

Heyington to Highlands Program – 70 Year 9 students


Year 8 Exchange – Wilderness School, Adelaide, Collegiate School, Hobart and Pymble School, Sydney – 21 Year 8 students

December 2017 / January 2018

French Exchange – three Years 10 and 11 students


Japan Study Tour – 11 Years 9, 10 and 11 students





• Curriculum mapping of Units of Investigation (Humanities and Science) from Prep to Year 6, against Victorian Curriculum.

• Write on Wednesday: another successful year running the after-school Writing program, offered to Year 5 and Year 6 students.

• Junior School assessment and reporting process reviewed. Refinements and modifications to be implement in 2018.

• Chess program continued in Term 2 and Term 3 for students from Year 3 to Year 6.

• Whole-school Literacy focus: The first 15 minutes of staff meetings were used to share best literacy practice across different curriculum area, both classroom and specialist programs. Emphasis was placed on identifying how Literacy is taught and learnt within every domain.

• Science and STEM: Successful implementation of STEM classes for Year 3 and Year 4, and on-going engagement in morning STEM club. • Science/STEM Curriculum in the process of being developed specifically to meet the needs of St Catherine’s students, and ensure alignment with Victorian curriculum.

• Numeracy review: The Junior School Numeracy program was reviewed with modifications to be implemented for 2018.

Student Achievement • Participation in the 2017 Mathematical Olympiad: Nine students competed with special mention to Emma Gregory who was awarded the highest St Catherine’s score, Isabelle Cao – only Year 3 student to participate and Rhea Werner – only Year 5 student to participate. • Participation in the Mathematics Challenge for Young Australians: Nine students participated - four awarded distinction, four awarded credit and one awarded proficiency. • Year 5/6 Oral French Poetry competition: 63 students participated. Four awarded highest score of brilliant, as well as six awarded excellent, 26 awarded very good, 16 good and 11 satisfactory. • House Reading Challenge 2017: Preps to Year 6 students were engaged in a Term 3 challenge to read as widely as possible and enjoy books they otherwise may not select from our shelves. The House Challenge was won by Langley-Templeton. • Chess 2017: St Catherine’s Chess Tournament: Great competition across the board. Special mention to Elisa Wang that took the Chess Champion title in Term 2 and Isabelle Cao who was Chess Champion in Term 3.


St Catherine’s School 17 Heyington Place Toorak VIC 3142 Australia T +61 3 9822 1285 E info@stcatherines.net.au www.stcatherines.net.au CRICOS 00574F ABN 90 004 251 816

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