As a leading girls’ school in Australia, St Catherine’s is committed to nurturing and empowering independent and globally responsive young women, enabling them to approach all their endeavours with confidence, wisdom and integrity. St Catherine’s School Charter
Academic Success
2019 Tertiary Places & Naplan Results
Innovation in Teaching, Learning & Technology
Outstanding Educators
Health & Physical Education
Performing Arts
Visual Arts
Debating & Public Speaking
Community Service
Duke of Edinburgh
Educational Travel
Junior School
ACADEMIC SUCCESS Our Class of 2018 will be remembered for their enthusiasm and eagerness to achieve their best in all aspects of life at St Catherine’s. This success is testament to the fortitude, diligence and perseverance shown by each student. Through their sustained commitment and determination, our Year 12 cohort have achieved remarkable academic results across a broad range of subjects. Study Scores of 45 and above achieved in the following VCE Subjects: Accounting, English, Health & Human Development, History – Revolutions, Literature, Maths Methods, Media, Studio Arts and Visual Communication.
Health & Human Development
Maths Methods
Studio Arts
History – Revolutions
Visual Communication
SUMMARY OF TERTIARY OFFERS 2019 • 34% of students were offered a place at the University of Melbourne. • 28% of students were offered a place at Monash University. • 15% of students were offered a place at Swinburne University. • One student obtained a place in Medicine at Monash University. • Year 12 students successfully offered positions at Kings College London, University of Kent and University of Derby. • Year 12 students successful in obtaining offers to ANU, the University of Sydney and Bond University. • Sixteen students have received offers to study double degree courses.
2019 TERTIARY PLACES 100% of our Class of 2018 who applied for Tertiary courses successfully received a Tertiary offer to study in 2019. Our graduating class selected from a wide range of courses including Law, Medicine, Arts, Design and Business with a third of our students perusing studies in STEM and health based areas. Our students will be represented at University of Melbourne, Swinburne University, RMIT, Monash University, Australian Catholic University, Deakin University, La Trobe University, William Angliss and Victoria University.
23% STEM
100% Received Tertiary Offers
The 2018 NAPLAN results are excellent, with St Catherine’s students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 continuing to exceed the state and national means across all five areas. All results across every Year level and across every category were once again well above both the Victorian and national averages. St Catherine’s very strong results are a reflection of both the quality of teaching and learning opportunities and the diligent work of our staff and students in maintaining a clear school-wide focus on the key learning platforms of literacy and numeracy. Numeracy
Year 9 Year 7 Year 5 Year 3 200
Grammar & Punctuation
Year 9
State Average
Year 7
St Catherine’s
Year 5 Year 3 200
INNOVATION IN TEACHING, LEARNING AND TECHNOLOGY • Learning Intentions and success criteria have been prioritised as a focus for all teachers in the Junior and Senior Schools. • The School’s Pedagogical Coach, Miss Kristy Forrest commenced working with Faculty teams and individual teachers, assisting them in identifying and preparing effective Learning Intentions and success criteria. • Academic Assessment Services (AAS) Assessments have been implemented in Years 4, 6, 8 and 10. This complements NAPLAN testing in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9.
• The St Catherine’s School Teaching Charter has been developed to support an environment of teaching which is characterised by expertise, passion and commitment at the highest levels of excellence. • Extensive consultation occurred with all staff and parents regarding re-allocation of subjects in Years 7 to 12. The intention is to provide more time for ‘core’ learning areas of English, Mathematics, Science and Humanities.
• Significant investments in audio visual improvements across the campus, including the refurbished Science precinct and the new Junior School – Barbreck ensuring • A team of diverse staff participated in the Harvard learning spaces are resourced with state-of-the-art digital Creating Cultures of Thinking program designed to look at teaching tools including large touch enabled interactive practical ways they can create a culture of thinking in their panels, wireless projection and audio systems significantly classrooms. reconfiguring the spaces. • There has been a diverse range of professional learning • The new Junior School – Barbreck comes with an array of opportunities staff have engaged in during 2018. In new digital and audio visual systems. Teachers have the particular, staff participated in sessions in developing latest interactive touch screens as an essential teaching their use of our online learning management system tool in each classroom space. ‘Schoolbox’ and also the presentation software platform • A state-of-the-art projector and theatre system installed in ‘Vivi’ installed throughout the School. the new Junior School – Barbreck. • The School introduced a data analysis software package • Vivi has transformed the way teaching is conducted in ‘Track One’ which is now being utilised in powerful ways learning spaces enabling any device (laptop, iPad, tablet to better track student learning to assist in planning and and smartphone) to seamlessly and wirelessly display to implementing evidence-based learning for students. digital panels and projectors.
OUTSTANDING EDUCATORS • Miss Kristy Forrest, English and Literature Teacher: • Guest lecturer at Melbourne University to Masters of Teaching students (English Stream) on using backwards design to construct units and assessment in VCE English. • Completed Masters Ed (Pedagogy and Assessment). • Mrs Ceri Lloyd, Head of English: • Member of Heads of English Network, presented at external lectures. • Led Year 11 and 12 English teams in preparation and resources for revised Study Designs in English and Literature. • Humanities staff have shared their expertise beyond St Catherine’s at external conferences: • Mr Paul Cross, Humanities teacher, presented at the Geography Teachers’ Association Victoria Annual Conference on the topics, Engaging with Geography (Years 7 and 8) and Is Tourism on the Great Ocean Road Sustainable? (Unit 2 Fieldwork). • Mr Alex Borlenghi, Head of Digital Learning and Practice presented at the Emerging Trends in Living, Learning & Working Conference in Sydney. • Ms Amelia King, School Psychologist, underwent training to qualify as a Teen Mental Health First-Aid facilitator.
• Ms Vanessa Jackson-McRae, Head of Science: • Member of the education committee of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute (RACI). • Presented a workshop at STAVCON (Science Teachers’ Association of Victoria Conference) 2018. • Acknowledged by CSIRO Education and Outreach for continued support of STEM Professionals in Schools celebrating a 10-year anniversary (delivery of the CREativity in Science and Technology program at St Catherine’s). • Mr James Brown, Head of Performing Arts, was presented with the 2018 Excellence in Teaching and Learning Award. • Staff completing postgraduate studies: • Miss Sally Wilkinson • Mr Alex Borlenghi • Mr Stephen Brown • Ms Fiona Ganino-Day • Miss Kristy Forrest • Mrs Gina Peele • Ms Cassie Monahan • Mr Fiachra Barry
• The following teachers were accepted as Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) examiners: • Ms Vicky Spanos (Literature) • Mr Darren Plunkett (EAL) • Miss Kristy Forrest (English) • Ms Ingrid Hildebrand (English) • Miss Sally Wilkinson (Business Management) • Ms Kate Fitzgerald (Business Management) • Miss Claire Martin (History – Revolutions) • Ms Anna Curnow (History – Revolutions) • Mr Chris Zuccala (French orals) • Ms Anna Pianezze (French orals) • Ms Asuko Okumura (Japanese orals) • Ms Kanako Yokouchi (Japanese orals) • Ms Sue Macgeorge (Biology) • Ms Vanessa Jackson-McRae (Chemistry) • Mr James Brown (Theatre Studies Stagecraft Examination) • Miss Jeanette Gunn (Mathematics Methods) • Ms Loretta Carter (Mathematics Methods) • Mrs Amanda Ladbury-Webb (Mathematics Methods) • Ms Julia West (Media Studies)
• Mrs Janette Matt appointed the Assistant Chief Assessor leading workshops for Specialist teachers through the Maths Association of Victoria. • Ms Mary-Anne Keratiotis, Debaters and Public Speaking Coordinator and English teacher, became a member of the Schools Advisory Board for the Debaters Association of Victoria (DAV). • Director of Boarding Services, Mrs Sue Collister is an Executive Board Member of the Australian Boarding Schools’ Association (ABSA). She also presented at the ABSA Taking the Reins Conference at Bond University in March 2018 and attended the 2018 International Boarding Conference in Melbourne in October in her capacity as a Board member. • In her role as Head of Arts, Mrs Brigid Weereratne has worked on the VCAA Studio Arts Panel to rewrite the assessment criteria for the School Assessed Task (SAT) for VCE Units 3&4.
• Writer’s Club has continued to grow in 2018 as a way to extend and enrich students’ learning and writing.
• Year 12 Literature focused on teaching of poetry within the Harvard University Cultures of Thinking program.
• Academic Honours English further developed in 2018 for Years 7 and 8 students.
• Past Literature students Saskia Holloway (’13), studying for her Masters at Melbourne University, and Chloe Thompson (’17) studying at Oxford University, lectured to the current Year 12 Literature students.
• The individualised spelling and grammar program that was introduced has led to very high value adding on Year 9 NAPLAN results in the areas of Spelling and Grammar and Punctuation. • Year 8 English introduced a rigorous curriculum with more persuasive timed writing linked to NAPLAN. • New electives written for Years 9 and 10 Literature.
• Faculty professional learning focus has been on Learning Intentions, Success Criteria and Assessment Rubrics. This has led to further improvement in student learning, assessment and feedback. • Student participation in the ANZAC Day Poetry competition, Insight Writing Competition, International Women’s Day Writing Competition and others.
Student Achievement • Participation in the Melbourne Writers Festival Competition. • Students participated in the Write a Book in a Day Competition. • Participation in the Stonnington Library Writing Competition. • VCE Study scores of 45 and above achieved in Literature and English.
HUMANITIES • Humanities offered seven Elective subjects encompassing Commerce, Politics, History and Philosophy. • Unit 1/2 VCE Legal Studies was introduced and Unit 3/4 VCE History – Revolutions made a revival due to student demand. • Overall, nine VCE Humanities subjects were undertaken in 2018. • Year 8 Central Australia Camp had a cross curriculum focus, which included explicit links to the Year 8 Geography Curriculum – Natural Disasters. There is significant value for students having an experience such as the Central Australia Camp, whereby they are able to develop meaningful ‘real life’ connections that enhance their learning which is difficult to replicate within the classroom environment.
• The ‘Dress Like a Farmer’ drought relief fundraiser was an initiative led by the Years 9 and 10 Global Conflict and Cooperation class. The fundraiser collected over $2,000 in donations from the wider school community, which went to drought relief charity groups Drought Angels and Rural Aid. • The Language Faculty collaborated with the Humanities Faculty to develop a study tour to France in 2019 that combines the study of French with the study of History. • Our Humanities Week guest speaker, St Catherine’s Old Girl and co-founder of ‘Tonic Australia’ Toni Joel (Silver ’82), kindly presented her inspirational journey to entrepreneurial success. Toni also shared her story behind the start of the well-known ‘Off Your Back’ charity.
Student Achievement • Over 55 Years 7 to 12 students entered in the nationally recognised Australian History and Australian Geography competitions in Term 2. • The following students were awarded High Distinctions: • Australian History Competition: Lucia Tabbagh (Year 7) and Angela Yu (Year 8). • Australian Geography Competition: Paula Chen (Year 8), Ciara Jenkins (Year 8), Tiffany Pham (Year 9) and Caroline Sawers (Year 12). • VCE Study Scores of 45 and above achieved in History – Revolutions.
LANGUAGES • Development of rubrics and assessment tasks; articulating each level of achievement within the rubric, to support and progress student learning and to make explicit what students need to do for success. • Adoption of Learning Intentions as part of our classroom practice, to ensure clear articulation of purpose. • New optional Latin course introduced. • Launch of new Chinese sister school relationship with the Olive Tree Academy. • Continuation of exchange with Cours Fénélon and Shukutoku High School. Communication within community to build numbers undertaking exchanges.
• First tour to Australia from Olive Tree Academy in August. Planning for Year 8 2019 China tour, as well as France and Japan tours. • Building staff pedagogical knowledge through the development of new assessments, courses and rubrics. The purpose is to provide challenge for every student; build stronger language skills and build resilient learners. • Development of a Scope and Sequence for French to build coherence and rigour. • Engagement with families hosting students from China, France and Japan.
MATHEMATICS • Mathematics offered an elective which allowed the girls to explore Algorithmics and coding. The elective was well received and the development of their skills was most impressive.
• Maths Help was provided for all students nine days a fortnight during lunchtime. This program allows students to have one on one assistance when they are finding the work difficult.
• An audit of the Years 7 to 10 courses was conducted with a view of making sure the development of concepts was sequential and rigorous.
• Academic Honours Mathematics at Years 4 to 9 allowed the most mathematically able students to explore the subject beyond the courses. This is a program where a small group of students is withdrawn from their Mathematics class once a week to work in small groups with a teacher.
• Students participated in a large number of competitions with impressive results as listed below. • Support in Mathematics was supplied for a small group of students in both Years 7 and 8. This program assists students who struggle in the subject and gives them more individualised attention.
Student Achievement • Jessica Yang (Year 9) won a Certificate of Merit in the prestigious University of Melbourne School of Mathematics competition. • Two students sat the gruelling Australian Intermediate Mathematics Olympiad, which is a four hour examination. Tingquan (Gloria) Meng (Year 9) gained a Distinction. • We had two classes involved in the Maths Olympiad this year with some excellent results. Year 8 students Paula Chen and Angela Yu placed in the top 2% of the country and were awarded trophies.
• In the Maths Challenge for Young Australians – Challenge Stage, there were three High Distinctions, three Distinctions and four Credits. In this competition, students must solve and explain the solution to six problems over a four week period. • Selected students participated in the Computational and Algorithmic Thinking competition with Year 7 students Julia Kent and Livia Gowrie gaining High Distinctions. Seven other girls received Distinctions and 36 received Credits. • There were four High Distinctions, Ciara Jenkins (Year 8), Angela Yu (Year 8), Jessica Yang (Year 9) and Yuwei (Sophie) Ying (Year 11) in the Australian Mathematics Competition, 30 students received Distinctions and 60 received Credits.
• All of the students involved in Maths Challenge for Young Australians – Enrichment Stage were awarded High Distinctions. This is a series consisting of between eight • VCE Study Scores of 45 and above achieved in Accounting and 16 problem solving questions which students need to and Maths Methods. solve and write clear explanations of their solution technique. This needs to be completed over a 12 week period.
HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION • We continue to incorporate technology into our Health and Physical Education classes, as a means to motivate and maintain engagement in our students. • The Years 7 to 10 Health and Personal Development (HPD) classes explored issues such as an individual’s ‘digital footprint’, reputation and responsible use of social media in a range of settings. • In all HPD classes across Years 7 to 10, students utilised a variety of apps and games based technology such as Plotigon, Animoto, Kahoots and Quizlets to increase motivation and learning. • External online VCE resource EdRolo was introduced to the resources that are available to our Health and Human Development and Physical Education students. • Years 7 and 8 students participated in clinics conducted by expert coaches from Cricket Victoria and Lacrosse Victoria. • Coaches from Hawthorn Hockey Club delivered free clinics within Physical Education classes for all Year 7 students. • Year 8 ‘Sports Education in Physical Education Program’ (SEPEP) is a student centred approach to Physical Education which takes the best parts of community sport to enhance student learning.
• All Year 8 students participated in the Soccer Unit using SEPEP. • Year 8 completed an Aerobics Unit, with students working in small groups to learn and present for assessment, the Federation of International Sport Aerobics and Fitness Level 1 Aerobics routine. • Year 9 students completed First-Aid training during the end of year program. • Year 10 students participated in a Recreation Unit during Term 4, incorporating numerous lifestyle-based physical activities in the lead up to their exams. These included yoga and power walking/running and mindfulness. • All Year 10 students completed a ‘Teen Mental Health First-Aid’ course in Term 4. • All Year 10 students participated in four sessions of selfdefence classes, which focused on increasing personal safety and awareness. • Numbers have continued to grow in VCE Health and Human Development, with 2018 being the first year that two classes were required to meet student demand for this accessible subject.
Student Achievement • VCE Study Scores of 45 and above achieved in Health and Human Development.
SCIENCE • The second NASA Space Camp took place during September.
• VCE Physics students attended the Luna Park Physics Day, which is organised each year by the Australian Institute of Physics.
• Year 11 students Grace Ritchie, Chloe Manson, Clementine Aston, Maddison Carey-Wood, Mardi Bray, Emily Sutherland, • Year 7 students attended the Sustainable Gardening workshop at the Royal Botanic Gardens as part of and Olivia Soong Zi Yuan attended the Alliance of Girls’ the Science and Sustainability through Plants Program. Schools Victoria Science Breakfast at Mentone Girls’ Grammar with Ms Macgeorge. • Science Week Assembly and activities included a keynote address by Professor Paul Wood AO; Professor Bunsen • Professor Paul Wood AO continues to work with staff presented to Years 7 and 8 and Bad Science Show to deliver the CSIRO Scientists in Schools Program. performed for Years 9 and 10. • Dr Loren Bruns, Astrophysicist from the University of • Year 10 students visited the Melbourne Museum as part Melbourne, shared the findings of his eight-year PhD of the Evolution Science unit of study. research project involving computer modelling of the galaxies to Year 10 students as part of their Assessing • VCE Biology students attended Genetic Workshops the Credibility of Scientific Evidence Project. at the University of Melbourne. • Garry Holloway, Geologist and Gemologist, presented to Year 9 Science classes on the physics of reflection, refraction, dispersion and scintillation in relation to diamonds.
Student Achievement • Year 12 student Michelle Libreri was selected to attend the National Youth Science Forum at the Australian National University. • Year 10 students Amber Liong, Lucy Croft, Laura Glaspole, Margaret Handolias, Kaiyue Ren and Jasmyn Jiang completed an engineering project with Umow Lai as part of the Science Students @ Work Program. • All VCE Chemistry and interested Year 10 students participated in the RACI Australian National Chemistry Quiz. Results: • Year 10 student Claire Hayne received a Credit. • Year 11 students Darcy Christie, Celia Cody, Qirui (Cindy) Li, Yu (Monica) Mao, Olivia Soong Zi Yuan and Yixiao (Victoria) Wang received a Credit; Clementine Aston, Kavina Kalaichelvam and Flynn O’Brien received a Distinction; Gabriella Tymms received a High Distinction. • Year 12 students Annabel Joubert and Qiling (Sherry) Xu received a credit; Demi Markakis and Lucy Porter received a Distinction. • Three students participated in the Chemistry Education Association Chemistry Olympiad Training Program at the University of Melbourne during Terms 1 and 2 in preparation for the August examination. Olivia Soong Zi Yuan and Gabriella Tymms both received Credits, placing them in the top 30% and Qirui (Cindy) Li received a Distinction, placing her in the top 20%. • Education Perfect Science Championships: • During August, interested students were tested on all elements of Science from the Australian Curriculum. Congratulations to Caitlin Wang (Year 7) and Paula Chen (Year 8) who both received an Emerald award placing them in the top 1%; Flora Du (Year 7) received a Gold award placing her in the top 2%; Megan Duong (Year 8), India Marner (Year 8), Livia Gowrie (Year 7), Olivia Bogdan (Year 8) and Sophie Simons (Year 8) received a Silver Award placing them in the top 5%; Christina Wu (Year 7), Sophie Boyce (Year 10), Jemima Wilcox (Year 7)
and Jasmine Pierides (Year 8) received a Bronze Award placing them in the top 10%; Grace Hayne (Year 8), Lucy Croft (Year 10), Laura Flack (Year 7) and Jo-Jo Patterson (Year 7) received a Credit Award placing them in the top 20% of the competition. • Big Science Competition: • Years 7 and 8 students participated in the Big Science Competition with the following students receiving a Distinction certificate, placing them in the top 11% of the competition: • Year 8 students Angela Yu, Beibei Zhang, Charlotte Myer, Ciara Jenkins, India Marner, Paula Chen and Penelope Glenning. • Year 7 students Ava Colosimo, Emma Gregory, Keyue (Karen) Deng and Livia Gowrie. • Year 7 students successfully completed the St Catherine’s Science and Sustainability through Plants Program. • Year 8 students successfully completed the St Catherine’s PECE (Propagation, Education, Conservation and Exploration) Program in conjunction with the Victorian Orchid Society and assisted by university academics. • All Year 4 to 6 students successfully completed the CSIRO CREST Program. • Year 8 Science Academic Honours Program conducted an investigation into simple machines and students built their own hydraulics machine. • The Year 7 Science Academic Honours Program involved the completion of the Australian Science Teachers Association SPECTRA (Science Program Exciting Children Through Research Activities) Program in Chemistry and the RACI Crystal Growing Competition. Students also participated in the Science Talent Search. The following students received a Distinction for their work: Christina Wu, Jo-Jo Patterson, Flora Du, Ava Colosimo, Livia Gowrie, Caitlin Wang and Ellen Vote. Laura Flack’s (Year 7) scientific poster on Great Australian Change Makers earnt her a minor bursary in the Junior Poster Scientific Wall Charts Section of the Competition.
• Many students were involved in technical, makeup, • The Senior School Musical Crazy For You was a costume and backstage teams across the year – providing spectacular collaboration between St Catherine’s School many with a “sense of belonging” and offering “purposeful and St Kevin’s College Years 9 to 12 students. The contributions” to the School’s co-curricular program. performance drew large audiences and was well received by the School community. An ‘old broadway’ style musical • House Arts performances in the final week of Term 4 comedy featuring classic Gershwin songs, tap dancing was inclusive, creative, collaborative and student led. and big chorus numbers, the student run performances saw over 80 students involved across all areas of • Year 3 Stage Skills and Year 4 Perform co–curricular production. The performance was an impressive Drama programs continue to foster collaboration and effort led by a number of dedicated staff and the creativity in our Junior School – Barbreck students. VCE Theatre Studies production team. • This year saw the creation of the Creative Arts Auxiliary, • Year 7 and 8 students performed Tales from the Arabian combining the Drama, Art and Music auxiliaries. They Nights with over 50 students involved in all areas of the have been prominent and supportive at all events, raising production. The performances were entirely student run friends and funds along the way with themed front of and, full of vitality, colour and great storytelling. house refreshment stalls. • The Spring Concert saw over 140 senior students involved as performers. It was the first time the performance was held at Scotch College’s Ian Roach Recital Hall. Students in the Drama Club worked on improving their skills in a variety of different stagecraft areas.
Student Achievement • Ingrid Crossing (‘17) received a Premier’s Award for her exceptional achievements in VCE Theatre Studies. She was also invited to display her VCE Theatre Studies costume and makeup designs as part of the VCAA Top Designs exhibition at the Melbourne Museum, where she was also presented with the Dean’s Art Prize for ‘Innovative use of Resources’. • Year 12 student Demi Markakis was invited to perform her VCE Theatre Studies monologue at the Arts Centre as part of the VCAA Top Class Season of Excellence. • The Music Theatre Guild of Victoria acknowledged the performance of Year 12 student Demi Markakis by awarding her with Commendations in the categories of Best Junior Female in a Leading Role. • Our Speech and Drama students were awarded exceptionally strong results in the ‘Trinity College London Examinations’. Of the 13 solo/group performances, eight received Distinctions and four received Credits. • VCE Study Scores of 45 and above achieved in Studio Arts, Media and Visual Communication.
MUSIC • Over 50 performance opportunities for students from Years 5 to 12 including: • Concerto Concert. • Senior School musical Crazy For You. • Years 7 and 8 Concert at the Toorak Uniting Church. • Pop night. • Senior School Spring Concert. • Staff Concert celebrating Mrs Sofya Vainer 40 years of teaching at St Catherine’s. • Three choirs and five bands preformed at the Victorian Schools Music Festival. • 90 students attended a successful Music camp.
• Successful Year 6 classroom band program. • Sherren Singers numbers increased from 20 to 30 participants in Years 7 and 8. • Successful Year 2 string program with 85% take-up rate into Year 3 2019. • Recognising talent and potential in staff: • Ms Liv Cher – appointed Director Sherren Singers. • Mr Leigh Olsson – appointed Director Senior Concert Band and Musical Director of Senior Production. • Miss Jessica Farrell – appointed Director Years 7 and 8 Concert Band. • Mrs Lisa Cook – appointed Director Jorgensen Orchestra and Creative Director of Concerto Concert.
• Comprehensive preparation of VCE performance students with four lunchtime recitals in the Ballroom and five additional full recital run throughs in the Junior School Selina Yao Auditorium.
Student Achievement • Year 11 and 12 students competed in the annual Sing-Off competition and were awarded first place against Trinity Grammar, St Kevin’s College, Xavier College, Genazzano FCJ College and Loreto Mandeville Hall. • The Epstein Choir (Years 4 to 6) received a Platinum Award at the Victorian Schools Music Festival (VSMF). • Year 6 Choir and The Sherren Singers received a Gold Award at the VSMF. • Many individual students received Honours and Distinctions for their Australian Music Examinations Board (AMEB) Music exams.
VISUAL ARTS • The introduction of new technologies demonstrated a new area of opportunity for presenting artwork for Year 7 Art students combining Augmented Reality to allow observers at the student exhibition to use the camera on their phone or other mobile device, to read the characteristics of their framed picture file. This played the sound and showed the full content of the student’s portfolio. • Years 10 and 11 students participated in a study tour of Italy in Term 1. A highlight was the three day printmaking workshop at Monash Prato campus, with master printmaker Patrick Aubert. • Senior School students enjoyed the contemporary and interactive Triennial at the National Gallery of Victoria.
diverse range of art forms for the students to experience, but still continue with the development of art literacy and analysis. New approaches are being considered and will be reassessed in 2019. • This year more work has been done to establish a detailed database of the School’s art collection using an online resource that provides for visual documentation, along with all details for each artwork, including bequests, valuation and location of work. This will ensure the collection is protected. The major artwork owned by the School, especially the John Coburn tapestry, which has been expertly conserved by the Australian Tapestry Workshop.
• The Art department supported the Parents’ and Friends’ Association in sourcing student artwork for the silent • The Year 7s visited the Koori Heritage Trust and NGV auction at the Winter Ball. We also worked with the Australia in preparation for the Central Australia tour newly formed Creative Arts Auxiliary to create Christmas in 2019. decorations and cards to be sold at the Christmas Fair. Parents made the porcelain decorations in the Art studio • Year 6 students visited Heide MOMA to undertake and enjoyed the collaborative opportunity to work with a workshop and visit the Mirka Mora exhibition. staff, learning the processes we teach their daughters • The Art staff are rewriting the Years 7 and 8 Art curriculum, when we teach ceramics. in line with the reduction of time that will occur in 2019. We are looking at how we can continue to provide a
Student Achievement • XaSha Chua-Huggins (Year 12) was selected as one of 13 students from Victoria to work with staff at the Australian Centre for Contemporary Arts, learning about the art industry and analysis of contemporary art practice. • Sarah Wilson (Year 12) was shortlisted for Top Arts, part of the VCAA Seasons of Excellence. We hope to hear news of her inclusion in this exhibition at the NGV Australia in early 2019. • Jessica Caine (Year 12) was awarded third in the Wool for Schools competition. The competition involves designing to a specific brief, in this case clothing that can convert into secondary use. She designed her work using the Procreate program.
DEBATING AND PUBLIC SPEAKING • School Public Speaking participation rates: • In 2018 we had 9.01% student participation in Public Speaking across the Senior School; 43 students in total. • Senior School students took part in nine external public speaking competitions. • Debating participation rates: • 18% of students in Years 9 to 12 took part in Senior Debating. • 34% of students in Years 9 to 12 were awarded Best Speaker in the Debaters Association of Victoria (DAV) Senior Debating Competition; a total of 19 students. • 19% of students in Years 7 and 8 took part in Junior Debating. • 30% of our Year 7 and 8 students were awarded Best Speaker in the Junior Secondary Program Junior Debating Competition; a total of nine students.
• Students are offered additional debating-style competitions: Bond University, High School Mooting Competition; Senior British Parliamentary Competition; Evatt: Model United Nations Teams (run by the Humanities Faculty). • Outgoing Year 12 students are offered the opportunity of becoming a DAV Adjudicator. • Year 11 students undergo a formal induction process in becoming mentors for Junior Debaters which includes explicit articulation of standards of behaviour, communication, commitment and organisation. • House Debating Competition: • 72 students from Years 7 to 12 participated (15.09%). • House Public Speaking Competition: • 20 students from Years 7 to 12 participated.
Student Achievement • Our Year 8 students Lan-Tian Yen-West, Paula Chen, Pia Zayontz, Olivia (Rosie) Bogdan were ranked amongst the Top Scoring students in the Toorak region in the Junior Debating Competition. • Demi Markakis (Year 12) was a Regional Finalist in the VCAA: Plain English Speaking Award. • Samara Gill (Year 12) was a Finalist in the Rotary: Ainger Public Speaking Award. • Flynn O’Brien (Year 11) was a Regional Finalist in the Rostrum: Voice of Youth competition (Senior Division). • Sophie Garrett (Year 10) was invited by the DAV to try out for the Victorian State Team in Debating 2018. • Sophie Turnbull (Year 11) has been invited by the DAV to try out for the Victorian State Team in Debating 2019.
SPORT Individual Sporting Success • Jeneath Wong (Year 8) won the School Sport Australian Golf Championships. Jeneath was awarded the All Australian Team prize.
• Romilly Walker (Year 10) was selected to represent Victoria at the School Sport Australia Swimming Championships, where she finished 4th in the 16 years 100m Freestyle.
• Samantha Love (Year 7) and Lucy Dunlop (Year 7) were selected to represent Victoria at the U13 Australian Hockey Carnival. Samantha was named captain of the team.
• Olivia Nigido-Scott (Year 8) qualified to represent Victoria at Australian Athletics Championships, competing in the Hammer Throw, Shot Put and Discus.
• Lindsey Ware (Year 10) was selected to represent within the Victorian Equestrian Team to compete at the 2018 Marcus Oldham Australian Interschool Championships. Lindsey placed 2nd overall in the Secondary Advanced Dressage. • Jemima Wilcox (Year 7) was selected to represent the Australian Country Basketball Team during the U15 New Zealand Tour.
• Mayuri Muralidharan (Year 9) represented Victoria at the U15 and Cadet grade National Fencing Championships. Mayuri finished 2nd individual in both grades and from here was selected onto the Australian Fencing team. • Coco Marshall (Year 7) was selected to represent Victoria at the Elite Junior Diving Nationals. • Lucy Gray (Year 11) was selected to represent Australia at the 420 World Sailing Championships.
Team Sport • Thalia Barbayannis (Year 10) and Romilly Walker (Year 10) were selected to represent the GSV Waterpolo team in its annual GSV verse Associated Public Schools of Victoria Waterpolo match. • St Catherine’s were represented in GSV Finals in the following Sports: Junior A Hockey, Junior A Waterpolo, Junior C Basketball, Junior D Netball, Junior B & C Tennis, Inter A Basketball and Inter A & B Tennis. • The St Catherine’s Intermediate A & B Tennis teams finished 2nd and 1st respectively. • Junior School Basketball team finished 2nd at the School Sport Victoria District Championships to eventual State Champions.
Carnival Sport Cross Country
• Won Division 2 and finished 9th out of 24 schools.
• Qualified for Division 1 and finished 8th out of 24 GSV Schools.
• Matisse Stafford (Year 7) finished 15th overall in the Junior Race. • Emily Sutherland (Year 11) finished 13th overall in the Senior Race. • Emma Peele (Year 4) finished 20th overall at the School Sport Victoria State Championships.
Track & Field • Qualified for Division 1 and 7th out of 24 GSV Schools. • St Catherine’s students qualified into 46 individual and six relay events for the GSV Finals Evening. • Olivia Nigido-Scott (Year 8), for the second consecutive year, broke the GSV Shot Put record. She also won the Javelin and Discus events. At the Victoria All Schools, Olivia finished 2nd overall in the Hammer Throw, gaining selection within the Victorian Team. • Juliet Grant finished 2nd overall in the GSV Year 12 400m. Juliet went on to finish 2nd overall at the Victorian All Schools.
• St Catherine’s students qualified into 13 individual and six relay events for the GSV Finals Evening. • Romilly Walker (Year 10) finished 3rd in the Years 9 and 10 100m Freestyle and Year 10 50m Freestyle. From these results, Romilly was selected to represent the GSV Swimming Team at the All Schools Swimming Championships. • Jane Fenton (Year 10) finished 3rd in the Year 10 50m Backstroke.
Diving • Qualified for Division 2 and finished 10th out of 24 GSV Schools. • St Catherine’s students qualified into two individual events for the GSV Finals Evening. • The Senior Team of Laetitia Donato (Year 12), Lily Trosdal Ryan (Year 11) and Annelise Cody (Year 11) won the Senior Division at the Preliminary Carnival.
• Chloe Joubert finished 3rd overall in the GSV Year 9 800m. Chloe went on to finish 6th overall at the Victorian All Schools.
• Celia Cody finished 3rd overall in the GSV Year 11 High Jump. Celia went on to finish 2nd overall at the Victorian All Schools.
• St Catherine’s 1st VIII won the Melbourne Head Regatta for a third consecutive year.
• Annelise Cody (Year 11), Elodie Ferrali (Year 9) and Olivia Nigido-Scott (Year 8) all gained qualification through the 2019 Australia Athletics Championships.
• St Catherine’s crews qualified for 10 A Finals at the Head of the School Girls.
• St Catherine’s 1st and 2nd VIII won their respective divisions at the 2018 Australian Henley Regatta. • St Catherine’s 1st VIII achieved 2nd place at the Australian Schoolgirl Rowing Championships 2018.
• St Catherine’s 2nd 8+ qualified for A Final of Sprint Championship at the Australian National Rowing Championships. • St Catherine’s 1st 8+ won the following Victorian regattas: • Melbourne Head Regatta
• Celia Cody (Year 11), Matisse Stafford (Year 7), Olivia Monkman-Straub (Year 6), Sienna Bamford (Year 6), Camilla Aberdeen (Year 2), Annabel Sweetnam (Year 9), Catherine Chen (Year 8), Zoe Hall (Year 7), Emily McAllister (Year 9) and Jessica Yang (Year 9) all achieved top three performances at the Victorian Interschools Snowsports Championships.
• Nagambie Regatta
• Matisse Stafford (Year 7), Chamonix Stafford (Year 5), Jessica Yang (Year 9), Madeleine Hooker (Year 8) and Indi Cunningham (Year 6) all achieved top three performances at the Australian Interschools Snowsports Championships.
• Henley Regatta
House Sport
• Barwon Regatta • Firbank Regatta
Snowsports • St Catherine’s achieved the overall team victory at the Victorian Secondary Interschools Cross Country and Snowsports Championships. • St Catherine’s achieved the overall team victory at the Victorian Primary Interschools Snowsports Championships. • St Catherine’s achieved the overall team victory at the Australian Secondary and Primary Interschools Championships.
• Beaulieu Blair won the House Cross Country. Matisse Stafford (Year 7), Isabella Bufe (Year 9) and Emily Sutherland (Year 11) won their respective age divisions. • Holmes Kilbride won the House Athletics. Celia Cody (Year 11) and Lucia Tabbagh (Year 7) won the Blue Ribbon and Junior Flyer Race respectively. • Davis won the House Swimming. Stephanie Ferrali (Year 12) won the Blue Ribbon Race. • Beaulieu Blair won the House Snowsports.
• Matisse Stafford (Year 7) and Zara Bongiorno (Year 8) achieved a top three place at the Victorian Interschool Cross Country.
WELLBEING • The Aristotle Emotional Intelligence Program (EI Program) has been extended in the third year of the partnership with Swinburne University’s Emotional Intelligence Unit. • The EI Program has been extended to include: • Years 1 and 2 Foundations Program. • Year 4 Building Blocks Program. • Year 5 Building Blocks Booster Program. • Year 6 Social Skills Program. • Year 7 Development Module 1 – Emotional Recognition and Expression.
• Participation strategies to embed a child safe culture have continued with the implementation of Student Education, Empowerment and Participation to align with the St Catherine’s Child Safety Policy. • Student seminars delivered on Relationships, Resilience Building, Digital Citizenship, Cyber Bullying, Growth Mindset, Nutrition, Alcohol Education, Study Seminars and Leadership. • Student presentations have included: • Year 7 Cyber Safety presented by Ms Kathryn White. • Years 7 and 8 Brainstorm Productions ‘Cyberia’.
• Year 8 Development Program.
• Year 8 Alcohol Education Sessions by Warner Education.
• Year 9 Booster.
• Year 10 Teen Mental Health First-Aid.
• Year 10 Resilience Modules on Wellbeing Camp.
• Years 10 to 12 Drugs and Alcohol Education presented by Paul Dillon.
• Resilient Youth Australia Survey Years 3 to 12 undertaken; data received and collated. • Year 12 Staff Mentor Program continued. • Cultural Diversity Club introduced. • School Spirit and Wellbeing Captain has led the ‘A Team’, a Student Club that fosters connections between age groups and Year levels. • Peer support activities have included the ‘Four Leaf Clover Program’ and the ‘Years 7 and 11 Mates’. • Leadership opportunities have included Years 6 and 12 Leaders, Year 12 Executive and Captains, Year 11 Mentors and Global Young Leaders, Years 9 and 10 Leadership Diploma and Year 8 Council.
• Year 11 Health and Wellbeing sessions. • Years 11 and 12 Study and Tertiary Entrance sessions. • Parent presentations have included: • ‘Building Resilience’ with Andrew Fuller. • ‘Emotional Intelligence’ with Justine Lomas. • ‘What Makes Girls Tick?’ with Jacqui Louder. • Years 7 to 9 Sunday peer activities have been conducted in the Boarding House to encourage peer interaction as well as boarder dinners and student and staff dinners held at Illawarra. • House meetings and activities provide for peer interaction across levels.
COMMUNITY SERVICE Throughout 2018, St Catherine’s students delivered a range of programs and initiatives that encouraged a culture of philanthropy, an understanding of social justice and a commitment to community service.
School Initiatives Red Cross Door Knock
Malvern Emergency Food Collection
Fiji Day
Orange Sky
Rural Aid
Clown Doctors
Salvation Army
Cancer Council’s Biggest Morning Tea
Good Friday Appeal
Breast Cancer Network Australia
The Smith Family
Fare Share
White Ribbon Foundation
Drought Angels
St Kilda Mums
Drought Relief Appeal
Mental Health Awareness Week
Very Special Kids
Salvation Army Christmas Appeal
Friday Night School
Destination Dreaming
John Macrae Senior Citizens Centre
Malvern Special Needs Playgroup
Feed Melbourne Appeal
Throughout 2018, St Catherine’s students delivered a range of programs and initiatives that encouraged a culture of philanthropy, an understanding of social justice and a commitment to community service. Name
Year Level
Award Level
Allegra Dennison
Hope Kudelka
Heidi Tokatlidis
Jessica Yang
Anita Yang
Fleur Anstee
Lucy Campbell
Jasmine Pearce Higgins
Lily Trosdal Ryan
Sarah Steven
Yi Lian (Rachel) Tan
Celia Cody
Fuming (Maggie) Yang
Stephanie Ritchie
Whether it be through a study tour, exchange program, expedition or cultural immersion, Educational Travel enables our students to develop an awareness beyond their normal daily life and to become globally aware citizens. Students develop a range of skills from increased independence, resilience, compassion and an awareness of where they fit in the world. We aim to provide experiences and opportunities that either enhance their academic learning (as seen in the Study Tours and Language Exchanges) or to develop their personal growth (as seen in other trips, exchanges and expeditions). A key factor is that we aim to offer programs to the students that they would be unlikely to access in any other way. The level of engagement in our programs continues to be high and is growing. This was particularly evident by the number of applications for the UK, Canada and USA Exchange programs. For the first time, we had more than double the applicants than there were places available. It is pleasing that we have established a relationship with Shawnigan Lake School (in British Columbia, Canada) and we will be welcoming their first students in January 2019, with our first students travelling to Canada in April 2019. The growth and success of the Heyington to Highlands program has opened students’ minds and curiosity to wanting to explore educational travel further, and as such we have good numbers of students signing up to the various programs that we offer. In 2018, we had a total of 116 students from Years 9, 10 and 11 participate in a program. This is a 49% participation rate.
Term 1 and Term 2
UK Exchange with St George’s School Ascot and St Catherine’s School Bramley
Seven Year 9 students
April 2018
Italian Cultural Tour
10 Years 10 and 11 students
April 2018
Duke of Edinburgh Expedition – Victorian Alpine Trail
Six Year 10 students
April 2018 and June / July 2018
USA Exchange with Tower Hill School Delaware and Ethel Walker School Connecticut
Nine Year 10 students
July 2018
Global Young Leaders Conference in Washington DC and New York
Five Year 11 students
July/August 2018
Heyington to Highlands
62 Year 9 students
Term 3, 2018 and December 2018 / January 2019
French Exchange
Three Years 10 and 11 students
September 2018
NASA Space Camp
Eight Years 10 and 11 students
October 2018 and December 2018
Chinese Exchange
Three Years 10 and 11 students
JUNIOR SCHOOL • The move into the new Junior School – Barbreck building was a highly exciting period in the history of St Catherine’s. • Teachers have made the most of ‘learning beyond the classroom’, utilising break-out spaces and the Thinking Lab. • Classroom teachers were timetabled additional face-to-face teaching for team teaching with their counterparts, to provide additional support to students in numeracy. • This year saw the first year of Science and STEM being offered in the Junior School as a specialist subject. Each term the girls participate in an explicit Science unit, followed by applying that knowledge and understanding to a project-based STEM unit. • The Accelerated Integrative Methodology approach was implemented from Prep to Year 4 French classes and implemented alongside the existing program at Years 5 and 6 to allow for a smooth transition into Year 7.
• All curriculum area planning documentation is now being stored in a shared, common space on the St Catherine’s network. • Learning Intentions were introduced and adopted across the Junior School, with lessons beginning with clear articulation of the Learning Intention and success criteria. • Assessment data was relocated to a shared, common space that can be accessed by teachers from home and school. • This year saw the introduction of Chess as a before-school club. We saw our girls compete at an Interschool and State level for the first time. The Junior School Chess Team came a very pleasing 5th place out of over 30 schools at the Girls State finals. • In 2018, the coordination and running of camps was carried out by Junior School teachers.
Student Achievement • Katharine Soutter (Year 6) and Keira O’Hara (Year 6) represented St Catherine’s at District Tennis. • Lulu Kyriakou (Year 4), Hollie Pringle (Year 4), Giselle Mangano (Year 4), Erin Jurgens (Year 4), Portia Gowrie (Year 5), Audrey Doan (Year 5), Bella Burdett-Moore (Year 5), Louella Simpson (Year 5), Lilla Barrington (Year 6), Indi Cunningham (Year 6), Scarlett Pringle (Year 6) and Arabella Bertalli (Year 6) represented St Catherine’s at District Diving. • Hannah Wong (Year 6) and Qing Chun (Joanna) Yang (Year 6) competed in the School Sport Victoria District Golf. • Emma Peele (Year 4) qualified for the State Cross Country. • Maeli Davenport (Year 6), Audrey Doan (Year 5), Qing Chun (Joanna) Yang (Year 6), Xi (Sissi) Zheng (Year 6), Kaixuan (Isabelle) Cao (Year 4), Xinyue (Elena) Wei (Year 4), Xiang (Helen) Yu (Year 6), Natalie Wang (Year 5), Linda Wan (Year 5), Xiuqi (Anna) Wang (Year 5), Emma Peele (Year 4), Harper Roberts (Year 4), Rhea Werner (Year 6), Chelsea Harris (Year 6) participated in the State Chess Girls Finals. • St Catherine’s achieved the overall team victory at Victorian Primary Interschools Snowsports Championships.
St Catherine’s School 17 Heyington Place Toorak VIC 3142 Australia T +61 3 9822 1285 E info@stcatherines.net.au www.stcatherines.net.au CRICOS 00574F ABN 90 004 251 816