Impact of Giving 2020-2021

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Enhancing Her Educational Opportunities

In 2022, St Catherine’s strong and caring philanthropic community again united to show kindness through giving, raising funds that directly nurtured and empowered our students and their families during the challenges of the global pandemic.

This year, St Catherine’s Performing Arts Program was enhanced with the official opening of The Jamie and Rebecca Gray Theatre. Through the Gray Family’s leading gift, and the significant contributions

from our donor community, our students now have a specialised and professional performance, rehearsal and learning space to pursue their talents and passions in performing arts.

Our Scholarship Program was again supported by the Foundation in 2022. Scholarships provide a profound and very personal impact on the lives of the students. In return, our scholarship students enrich our School community and make a valuable contribution to our School.

It is with considerable gratitude that we acknowledge the ongoing contributions made, and support provided, to families in our community impacted by financial challenges. Over the course of 2020/21, St Catherine’s Hardship Fund has been accessed by more than 50 families in need.

Through this Fund, many students have been able to continue their St Catherine’s education, without disruption. As a School community we have followed the uplifting journey

Your Positive Impact

Despite the ongoing challenges presented by the COVID pandemic, St Catherine’s School’s Foundation continued to support our young women of the future in 2020/21 through the generosity of our giving community.

In 2020/21 the Foundation delivered a variety of philanthropic opportunities through our Scholarship Program, along with our Annual Giving Campaign, Her Ties – Old Girls’ Excellence

Bursary and Her Story – Nicholas Library and Archives Fund.

We also celebrated as a Foundation community during several events, including the opening of The Jamie and Rebecca Gray Theatre and St Catherine’s Gala Concert. Both occasions provided an opportunity to thank our generous donors and showcase the remarkable young women directly benefitting from the

philanthropic benevolence of our Foundation community.

A highlight of 2022 has been the completion of The Jamie and Rebecca Gray Theatre. The bespoke performing arts space was officially opened by the Honourable Julie Bishop, with 170 guests, including Foundation Members and BRAVA Wall donors in attendance. The Jamie and Rebecca Gray Theatre provides an outstanding professional


of our First Eight Rowing Crew, now crowned world champions, following their success at the prestigious Henley Royal Regatta in the UK. The Crew’s story is one of determination and hardwork. It is also a testament to the strength of St Catherine’s Rowing Program and its coaches.

In 2022 we continued to strengthen our Sports Program through the She is Strong Campaign. Aligned with our Towards 2025 Strategic Plan, She is Strong will deliver a

contemporary indoor sports court, a dedicated high-performance training studio, inclusive of a fit-for-purpose ergometer training area, and a Little Gym, housing our PMP (Perceptual Motor Program) and Tumbling programs for the enjoyment of our younger students. We look forward to continuing to work with the School Foundation and our community in realising this major capital works project in 2023.

Thank you to our School Foundation for their dedicated

work throughout 2022, and our donor community for their ongoing generosity in enhancing the educational opportunities for young women.

venue for the School’s Performing Arts program, ensuring a specialised learning space that complements the professionalism and standard of performances by St Catherine’s students.

Following the successful completion of The Jamie and Rebecca Gray Theatre, Phase Three of the Dorothy Pizzey Centre redevelopment was launched in 2022. Our She is Strong Campaign supports the

development of a new Sports Centre for our female athletes.

As a Foundation we look forward to continuing this Campaign with our community in 2023.

Along with our philanthropic opportunities, celebrations as a giving community and the successful completion of major building works, the Foundation also welcomed new Foundation Board Member, Chrissy Ryan (Graham ’79) to the Foundation

in 2022, as well as several new Foundation Members. We thank them for their support, as well as the many donors and anonymous contributors throughout the year.

Thank you for your continued and generous support of our bold ambitions that positively impact St Catherine’s students now, and into the future.


Her Future

St Catherine’s School Scholarship Programs

In a landmark event for the School, the St Catherine’s Hardship Fund was established in 2020 through the incredible support of our community. That same year, the Hardship Fund Sub-Committee of School Council was established, Chaired by Council Member, The Reverend Dr Peter French, to govern the distribution, investment, and growth of the Fund.

The St Catherine’s Hardship Fund is partly used to provide support for families facing changes in their circumstances. The remainder of the endowment is invested for the future, as informed by the Hardship Fund Committee.

As a result of diligent fundraising campaigns supported by two Giving Days in 2020, and 2021, and the outstanding response from the St Catherine’s School community, over $1.4M has been raised for the Hardship Fund.

Ongoing funds raised for the Hardship Fund will help to grow the Fund corpus, enabling our School to identify and support

students who seek needs-based/meanstested scholarships. Students are sourced through direct scholarship applications and in conjunction with our partnership with The Melbourne Foundation.

In 2023, two new St Catherine’s School students will be supported by funds raised from the ‘One Day, Two Futures’ Giving Day campaign in 2021. Thank you to those who so generously supported this campaign and enabled two families to experience an education at St Catherine’s.

Annual Funds Raised 2021 Scholarship Programs 52% | Hardship Fund | $216,341 8% | Old Girls’ Excellence Bursary | $32,590 15% | Indigenous Scholarship Fund | $61,165 14% | Melbourne Foundation | $56,000 11% | Rural Scholarship Fund | $46,550 Total $412,646 2021 8 families 2020 42 families Financial Assistance Received 4

The Melbourne Foundation

The Melbourne Foundation is a volunteer charitable organisation established in 2006, offering academic scholarships to highly talented, financially disadvantaged high-school students.

The Melbourne Foundation provides fully funded scholarships for secondary school children to attend a private school in Melbourne, Victoria. These scholarships have given students the opportunity to achieve their full potential which has transformed their lives and enriched the Australian community.

Scholarship recipients are chosen based on an extensive selection process designed to identify students who will benefit from, and make the most out of, the opportunities opened through a scholarship from The Foundation.

Since 2020, St Catherine’s School has been proud to be affiliated with this important scholarship program and, in conjunction with a committed group of generous donor syndicates, currently supporting five students attending St Catherine’s School in Years 9 to 11.

“It has been truly inspiring to see the growth and success of the students that have received the Foundation’s scholarships. We are excited by the prospect of awarding further scholarships to deserving individuals.”


Her Ties

Old Girls’ Excellence Bursary

Our Her Ties campaign asks our St Catherine’s Alumnae to join together to impact the lives of young women in whose hands lie our future. In particular, young women from regional, rural, and remote Australia who may not have access to exceptional education.

Our thanks go to all our donors to this special campaign, with special acknowledgement to Old Girl and SCOGA Nil Magnum Nisi Bonum recipient, Associate Professor Anne Brooks AM (’70), and Old Girl and Past Parent, Diana Brélaz (Deutgen ’44), who gave leading gifts to establish this Fund. Diana made her gift on the occasion of her 95th birthday, and at the same time became a Foundation Member, proving it is never too late to join.

To find out more contact Ms Kathy Hines, Advancement Manager by email or phone +61 3 9828 3032.

Her Story Library Fund/Archives

St Catherine’s School Heritage Trail

Total Project Cost: $12,980.00

In 2021 our loyal Library Fund donors provided $6,200.00 in gifts to deliver the first phase of the digitisation and preservation of School records, including the creation of an onsite and online Heritage Trail.

One hundred and seventeen St Catherine’s School Magazines are currently being carefully digitised to provide a searchable digital library which can be shared throughout our School community.

The Heritage Trail will provide a historical record of St Catherine’s School’s story and recognises the centenary of the School’s arrival at Heyington Place, Toorak. The first chapter of the Heritage Trail panels will be installed along St Catherine’s Walk, each relaying a story accompanied by imagery and interactive links to our website.

The launch of the Heritage Trail will be held in February 2023, in conjunction with St Catherine’s School Foundation Day. We look forward to sharing this day of celebration with our Foundation and wider School community.


Her Stage

Celebrating the opening of The Jamie and Rebecca Gray Theatre

The completion of a new building or learning space is always exciting, and our much-anticipated Black Box Theatre did not disappoint, delivering an exceptional performing arts space for our students to utilise, and our community to enjoy.

In Term 1 of this year, and only days away from its completion, the Concerto Concert provided a ‘sneak-peak’ into the new space. After almost two years of musical event hiatus, it was the perfect opportunity to gather and celebrate this important performing arts space with a delightful evening of outstanding musicianship.

In the second week of May, the Black Box Theatre was transformed into Urinetown A whimsical musical that took us all by surprise with its clever play on words and wicked humour. The Black Box Theatre lived up

to its reputation as the jewel in St Catherine’s Performing Arts crown, with its impressive flexibility and intimacy which showcased our Senior School production exceptionally well. The Theatre’s completion delivers St Catherine’s Towards 2025 Strategic Intent to develop opportunities for the Performing Arts.

Following on from two wonderful studentled events in the Theatre, the performing arts space was officially opened on Thursday 19 May by the Hon. Julie Bishop, our incredibly special guest for the evening. Ms Bishop declared the bespoke theatre open and announced its new name in honour of our leading gift benefactors, Jamie and Rebecca Gray.

This naming honour recognises the Gray Family’s long association with St Catherine’s School and their philanthropic contributions over the years. Both Jamie and Rebecca have deep connections to our School community. They are parents to Sophie who graduated from St Catherine’s in 2012, Annabelle in 2015 and Hugo, their son attended St Catherine’s Early Learning Centre.

As two of the School’s Patrons, Jamie and Rebecca are both passionate advocates for educational excellence and artistic development. They are avid supporters of scholarship opportunities in girls’ education and long-standing supporters of the St Catherine’s Building Fund. They have seen the development of several major capital projects from inception.

In recognition of the Gray Family’s philanthropic leadership, and to acknowledge the Family’s deep connection to our School, the St Catherine’s School Foundation was delighted to announce The Jamie and Rebecca Gray Theatre in their honour.

On behalf of the students who gain so much from St Catherine’s philanthropic community, thank you to Jamie and Rebecca Gray, and the amazing cast of donors who supported this important project. Your ongoing support for the School and the St Catherine’s School Foundation is much appreciated.



Gala Journeys

The Gala Concert is a significant event in the St Catherine’s School calendar and contributes enormously to the character development and confidence of each student involved. For months, students quietly participate in individual music lessons or after school rehearsals, often requiring a level of academic care and juggling of many pressing commitments at School. The Gala Concert provides the opportunity for these girls to shine!

After a two-year hiatus we were delighted to host canapes and champagne at Interval for a group of our Foundation Members and special guests. It was a wonderful evening celebrating music and friendship.


Her Future

St Catherine’s Circle

Bequest Society

One of the greatest contributions you can make to empower future generations of St Catherine’s girls is the gift of education. A gift in your Will acknowledges the importance St Catherine’s School has played in your life.

Generations of St Catherine’s girls’ and their families have benefited from the generosity of those who have gone before them and bequeathed gifts to the School. St Catherine’s Circle honours and recognises, during their lifetime, those who have remembered St Catherine’s School in their Will.

This year, we were thrilled to re-introduce the St Catherine’s Circle Lunch, held on Friday 7 October in the Sherren House Drawing Room. The Lunch afforded a special opportunity to enjoy the fellowship of St Catherine’s Circle Members and celebrate the positive impact our community of donors has on our School. Principal, Michelle Carroll presented ‘A Year of Leadership’ with our 2022, Year 12 Co-Captains.

Additional lunch events, to be held in the Mornington, and Bellarine Peninsulas in 2023, are being planned. We look forward to sharing more information and dates in early 2023.

St Catherine’s Circle Members

27 Bequest Members

24 Realised Bequests

If you require more information regarding the bequest process, please contact Ms Kathy Hines, Advancement Manager, for a confidential discussion. Email or phone +61 3 9828 3032.

St Catheirne’s Circle Member, Fiona Menzies (’87) with her daughter Alice Menzies-King (’20)



Lachlan Armstrong (’95)

Faith Baker

Julian Barrett†

Elizabeth (Libby) Beale (’68)

Lucile Bell (Stephens ’32)†

Joan Brass (Trenchard ’22)†

Nyon Brockhoff (Marshall ’42)†

Naomi Browning (Kennedy ’28)†

Rosemary Campbell OAM (Downes ’30)†

Patricia Challingsworth (Thwaites ’29)†

Elizabeth (Newman ’61) and Peter Cooper

Anne Court (Lowry ’58)

June Epstein†

Jeannette Fraser (’51)†

Neilma Gantner (Myer ’38)†

Angela Glover (’58)†

Joan Gray (Spry ’52)

Sandra Henderson (Evans ’53)†

Romayne Holmes (’66)

Gina Israel (Shackell ’76)

Thora Jex†

Wayne & Sonia Kent

Mrs Genevieve (Jenny) (Home ‘52) & Cyril Lansell†

Diane Lemaire (’39)†

Timothy & Elizabeth (Jill) L’Estrange

Patricia McKenzie

Kathleen Mein (Rhys-Jones ’31)†

Fiona Menzies (’87)

Lisa Nicoll-Cooke (Nicoll ’63)

Jill Paterson (’61)

Winifred Pillars†

Kathleen Rankin (’35)†

Colette Reddin (’35)†

Rona Robertson (Benton ’36)†

Isobel Robinson (’35)†

Anne Smith

Audrey Smith (Wyse ’34)†

Lady Southey AC (Myer ’45)

Suzanne Staley (Catchlove ’59)†

Monica Starke (’28)†

Yvonne Taylor†

Melinda Truesdale (’81)

Audrey (Jane) Washington-Smith (Smith ’74)

Alvie & Stephen Webster

† Deceased | 3 Anonymous | Details correct September 2022 11

Her Strength Building Fund

Following the successful completion of The Jamie and Rebecca Gray Theatre, St Catherine’s School Foundation’s fundraising efforts are now focused on the She is Strong Campaign. The Campaign forms Phase three of the Dorothy Pizzey Centre redevelopment, and will deliver a contemporary indoor sports court, a dedicated high-performance training studio, inclusive of a fit-for-purpose ergometer training area, and a Little Gym, housing our PMP (Perceptual Motor Program) and Tumbling programs for the enjoyment of our younger students.

The St Catherine’s Sports Centre will serve as a training hub for our athletes, to inspire, develop and build their physical capabilities. Whether she is running, jumping, swimming, skiing, or rowing, we aim to lift the athleticism of our students, improve their physical skills and graduate young women who value physical activity throughout their lives.

We look forward to sharing further plans for this exciting new integrated Sports Centre

with our community. Over the coming months we will be reaching out to invite philanthropic support, so that together, we can achieve the best possible outcomes for our students and our School with this much needed project.

Housed within the Sports Centre will be the St Catherine’s Athlete Development Academy. A platform for aspiring female athletes to further develop their sporting abilities through individualised sport-specific training programs and a suite of athlete education services including sports psychology, nutrition, recovery, and injury prevention, time management and goal setting.


Thank You For Your Generosity

From the moment I walked through the Heyington Gates as a new member of staff earlier this year, the warmth and wonderful sense of community at St Catherine’s School was immediately apparent.

With strong philanthropic connections already in place, I am enjoying getting to know existing Foundation Members whilst expanding our donor community.

In this Impact of Giving Report, we acknowledge your strong and caring support over two very challenging years during 2020 and 2021, highlighting some of the outcomes you have made possible.

I am mindful of all the donors whose kind gifts, great and small, have made such a difference to our Scholarship Program, and also helped achieve the successful delivery of our new Performing Arts space; The Jamie and Rebecca Gray Theatre.

The financial support provided by our generous donor community is essential for the St Catherine’s School Foundation’s ongoing philanthropic endeavours. It is a real privilege to work with you and help direct your philanthropic priorities.

On behalf of the St Catherine’s School Foundation, thank you for your continued and generous support of our bold ambitions.

You help us to make extraordinary things happen. Thank you!
Ms Kathy Hines Advancement Manager
$344,867 Black Box Theatre $232,841 Hardship Appeal 2021 $61,165 Indigenous Scholarship Fund $56,000 Melbourne Foundation $16,000 Senior School Science Lab $78,500 Australian Sports Foundation (Rowing) $99,000 Junior School Rebuild $50,000 Senior School Renewal $32,590 Old Girls’ Excellence Bursary $46,550 Rural Scholarship Fund $6,200 Library Fund $1.023 million Staff & Friends 2% Current Parents 39% 34% Past Parents Alumnae 25% 385 donors Five boarding families from rural communities supported by the Rural Scholarship Fund 14


Foundation Board
Mrs Gina Israel (Shackell ’76) President Mrs Sally Joubert Chair Mr Andrew Demetriou Mrs Nina Aberdeen (Kirby ’94) Mr Lachlan Armstrong (’95) Mr James Chen Ms Fiona Menzies (’87)Dr Damien Grinsell Mr Dale Rodgers Chrissy Ryan (Graham ’79) Mr Ronald Calvert Dr Anne Waterhouse
Members The St Catherine’s School Foundation gratefully thanks and acknowledges the support of our Foundation members for their ongoing investment in the future of St Catherine’s School. Your thoughtful philanthropic support provides immediate and personal impact for our students. We would also like to thank the many donors who have chosen to remain anonymous, we deeply appreciate your ongoing support. 187 389 101 49 34 17 13 Jeanie Hood Patron Jeanie Hood BenefactorTrusteeFellow Senior MemberMemberFriends $500K+$250K+$100K+$50K+$25K+$10K+$5K+ 16

New Foundation Member Story

“We started looking at schools for Giselle when she was only a few months old. We wanted to ensure Giselle was in a school where she would be loved and cared for and appreciated for who she is and who she will become.

St Catherine’s provides such a well-structured curriculum and varied co-curricular activities, as well as caring and friendly staff and a thriving and supportive community. We saw a school that forms strong connections between its students, their families, and the school, and we knew this was right for Giselle and our family.

We support St Catherine’s School Foundation because we truly care. When giving is from our hearts, we are not only creating a bond, but also showing our appreciation. Generous giving is an expression of love to our community and members.”

Andrew Huang & Angela Zhang (daughter Giselle is in Prep)

Foundation Members

Our appreciation and thanks are extended to the following members of our School community for their support of the St Catherine’s Foundation during 2020/21. Your gifts were directed to the Building, Library, Rural Scholarships, Indigenous Scholarships and Hardship Funds. Thank you for supporting our remarkable young women in this very thoughtful way.

Margaret Darling AM (Anderson ’39)† Barbara & Stuart Foley

Pam (Wallace Smith ’54)† & Graeme Fraser Neilma Gantner (Myer ’38)† Grenet Foundation

Lisa & Jack Hennessy

Mary-Louise & Christopher Leach Patricia McKenzie

Louise & Martyn Myer AO Lisa & John Steven Margaret Wallace Smith† Michelle & Harry Wang

Anne Waterhouse

Chunxin Li & Xiaoqing Yao


Julia (McKinley-Wilson ’69) & Warwick Anderson

Senior Member 5 ANONYMOUS

Nina (Kirby ’94) & Paul Aberdeen Louise & John Ayre Alba & Nick Bernardo

Deborah (Manos ’77) & Peter Berry Julia & Cameron Bertalli Sally Morrell (’79) & Andrew Bolt Fleur (McKay ’94) & Ronald Calvert Toula & Brett Chatfield

Sally Clarke

Jodie & Patrick Cody

Marina & Anthony Darling Symone & Andrew Demetriou Carolyne & Graeme Devlin Alexandra (Boynton ’76) & Gordon Dickinson Alison Eaves Robert Eaves

Claudette Passon

Sallie & David Prior

Lady Ramsay † Don Ravida

Lucy Ravida

Gill & Charlie Richardson

Nathalie & David Shergold

Jackie (Barnes ’77) & Greg Sitch Margery Snowball (Hilford ’43)†

St Catherine’s School Second Hand Books Judith Williams (Best ’39)† Sylvia Walton AO

Anita Wong & Wilson Lai

Samantha & Stuart Wood QC


Patti & Frank Ainalis


Janet Hawkins OAM (Guest ’52) Patricia Ilhan & John Ilhan† Sarah & Bails Myer AC Carina & Douglas Reid Lady Southey AC (Myer ’45) St Catherine’s Parents’ & Friends’ Association (PFA)

Benefactor 2 ANONYMOUS

Toni (Pierce ’67) & Martin Armstrong May & James Chen Jeannette Fraser† Rebecca & Jamie Gray Sonia & Wayne Kent Christina† & Anthony Nicholas Annie & John Paterson

St Catherine’s Old Girls’ Association (SCOGA) Gillian Ruan & Paul Yu


Lloyd Bickerton

Clare (Darling ’77) & Andrew Cannon AM Caroline & Philip Cornish Anne Court (Lowry ’58)

Rebekah & Lachlan Armstrong (’95) Pierce Armstrong Foundation Samantha Baillieu AM (Myer ’78) & Charlie Baillieu Gail & Jim Butler

Astrida† & Craig Cooper Sally & Phil Dreaver Anna & John Field

Fiona & Andrew Fox Angela Glover (’58)†

Isabella Green OAM (Stokes ’58) & Richard Green

Tanya Margetts & Damien Grinsell Deb & Euan Gronow Jane & Andrew Guy Bill Johnson Jane & Ian Mandie

Erica & Peter Marriott Annabel (Plummer ’82) & Rupert Myer AO Fiona (Malley ’76) & Sid Myer AM Sandra (McIntosh ’62) & Stephen Nicholas Tina Li & Ye Shao Kate & Stephen Shelmerdine AM Lindy Shelmerdine (’80) St Catherine’s School Yulendj Committee Anna & Bill Tymms Sandra & Achilles Tzelepis Jane Hodder & Murray Ware

Jane & John Edwards† Lucy (King ’90) & Andrew Fortey Lyra & Marco Gattino Louise Lampard (’79) & Gavin Gleeson† Katy & Chris Gobel Suzie & Simon Gough Tim Gullifer

Sherene & Peter Guy Amanda & Richard Hamer Sam Hayward Fleur & Lars Heidenreich Lou & Anthony Heffernan Andrew Herold Miche Bonett-Horton & Ted Horton Ann (Pisterman ’64) & Tony Hyams

Sally & Richard Joubert Anita Wong & Wilson Lai Jenny Lempriere

Marita & Jim Lillie

Thea (Coltman ’51) & Ian Manson Judy Matear (Spry ’49) Alexandra Mayes (’80) Sarah (Baillieu ’68) & Robert McKay AM Christina Michelle Carole & John Middleton Annabel Montgomery (Darling ’76) Lisa Nicoll-Cooke (Nicoll ’63) Kate & Mark Nilsen Erica Gill & Brendan O’Brien Julie-Anne & Dean Pagnin

Anna & Tom Alexiadis Desi (Kalfadellis ’87) & Manny Anezakis

Jennifer & Logan Armstrong Caroline & Chris Arnoul Mary Baillieu AM† & Everard Baillieu† Caroline Balderstone (’87) Peter Balderstone

Samantha (Pratten ’79) & Andrew Ballantyne Barbara & John Barber

Lyndal & Michael Barrington Mim & Michael Bartlett

Meg Begg (Christensen ’61) Nicole & Ross Begley Peter Bennison

Anthea (Gray ’79) & Stephen Bickford Caroline (Purves ’63) & Stephen Brain Prue & Nicholas Brown Meredith Bunn Peter Bunn

Celia Burrell AM (Shelmerdine ’83) & Will Burrell AM Geraldine & Andrew Buxton

Andrea Donaldson & Bruce Caine

Sarah & James Cameron Wallace Cameron Sherrie Zeng & Gary Cao Belinda & Iain Carmichael Louise & Don Carroll Michelle Carroll Yini Huang & Weiwei Chi Rebecca (Mayes ’84) & John Clark


Peter Clements

Kate & George Colman

Jocelyn Cooper (Bottomley ’44)†

The Hon Andrea Coote

Sarah & Andrew Cormie

Jenifer & Stephen Cottrell

Nicola (Foley ’83) & David Court

Ebony & Jerome Dadon

Andrew Darbyshire

Kristene & David Deague

The Hon Linda Dessau AC

Melissa (Nicholas ’82) & Dom Doyle

Cathryn Eckersley

Jenny Elstoft (Latreille ’58)

Sally & Mark Elstoft

Douglas Engmann

Jennifer & John Fast

Jane & Scott Favaloro

Belle Ding & Xiang Fei

Mandy Catanach & Nigel Fish

Lucinda & Andrew Foote

Sarah & Lachie Fraser-Smith

Sophie & Tim Gardiner

Margaret & Adrian Gardner

Gaby Tomkin & John Gdanski

Maryanne & Dario Giannarelli

Janet Gibson (Currie ’53)

Kerry Gillespie

Kate & Craig Gilmour

Julia Sher & Ian Glaspole

Jenny Proimos & Nicholas Glenning

Lou & Philip Goodman

Judy & Kevan Gosper AO

Peta & Robert Gray

Helen Rofe QC & Rowan Gregory

Chloe Fu & Wilson Guo

Kay Sneath & Anthony Hall

Taff (Watson ’81) & Will Hamilton

Christine & Richard Harbig

Dorothy † & Ian Hicks AM

Liz Addison-Baker & Michael Hill

Wayne Hinton

Jane & Stephen Hiscock

Annabel (Levy ’79) & Allan Holmes

Angela Zhang & Andrew Huang

Roni & Gaby Hubay

Karen & Graeme Hunt

Crisoula & Naji Imam

Gina (Shackell ’76) & Peter Israel

Pamela Jacobson (Sallman ’44)

Lisa & Martin James

Kate & Mark Johnson

Mandy Coupe & Peter Jurcevic Sue & Nick Karunaratne

Sally Keating (Pinkus ’71)

Russell Keating

Alice Keilar

Diana & James Kimpton AM

Merron Kirby OAM & Robert Kirby AO

Elizabeth & Jerry Koh

Cathy & Peter Kudelka

Lara Stocco & Shane Kyriakou

Elizabeth Lane

Janet (James ’58)† & David Langdon†

Sarah (Wilson ’73) & David Lawford

Karen (Lim ’87) & William Lee Jill & Tim L’Estrange

Alison Tarditi & Andrew Leyden

Lin Lin

Sally (Shelmerdine ’73) & David Lindsay † Sarah & George Low Susan (Gawler ’64) & Ross Macaw

Lisa & Stewart Macciolli

Carey Baker-Mackie & Terrence Mackie

Kirsten & Scott Mailer

Sara & Stuart Marner

Niamh & Simon McCall

Lelde & Peter McCoy

Justin & Julie McNab

Carol & John McQuay Rosemary & Roderick McRae

Kathleen Mein (Rhys-Jones ’31)† Fiona Menzies (’87)

Graham Menzies

Shayne & Graeme Menzies Deborah & Ross Middleton Farah Pasha & Matheen Mohamed Paula & Stuart Moir

Philip Molyneux AM†

Jenifer Murchie (Paton ’53) Jane & Fraser Murrell Gill Myer (Woods ’72) Tony Myer

Kerrie & Jamie Nasser Caroline & Gary Nattrass Anne (Harbig ’64) & David Neate Felicity & Michael Nettlefold

P B Nicholas†

Annick Houle & Stephen O’Connor Ginny & Michael Palmer

Tiffany-Lynn & Benjamin Pascoe Hugh Paton

Conny & Spiro Paule Jan Peele

Margery Pierce†

Dorothy Pizzey AM Irene (Crooke ’29)† & Quintin Pollard† Catherine & Roger Poole Carrie & Dennis Price

Meredith & Michael Pryse Avril (Goldstone ’46)† & Ian Rainford OAM† Cathy † & Michael Ramsden Barbara Randall Stephen Randall Kathleen Rankin (’35)† Fiona & Scott Reinke

Anni Grimwade (’79) & Tim Roberts Rachel & Peter Robertson Becky Hyde & Dale Rodgers Nadine & Jonathan Rosham Rowena (Williams ’87) & Nicholas Rudge Chrissy (Graham ’79) & Paul Ryan Katy & Chris Sadler Sarah Scambler (’93) Nicky Schooling & Ross Smith Gabby O’Halloran & Jason Scillio Katrina & John Shackell Laraine & Peter Sharr Holly (Tinsley ’89) & Jim Shergold Vivienne & David Showers† Robert Sinclair

Sam Sinclair

Jennifer Sitch (Wilson ’77) Chrissy (Condon ’76) & Andrew Skinner Linda & Garnet Smith Nicky Schooling & Ross Smith Dacre Smyth AO† Jane Song Catherine & Jonathon Sprott St Catherine’s School Snowsports Auxiliary St Catherine’s School Sports Auxiliary Sue Staley (Catchlove ’59)† Anna & Clive Standish Vicki Standish

Susan (Connor ’61) & Richard Stanley † Amanda (Trumble ’69) & Bruce Stewart Catherine & Rohan Sutherland

Jannie & Henry Tay Yvonne† & Bob Taylor† Charles Tegner Monique Rosshandler & Ion Teska

Elizabeth Thomas

Vincent Thomas

Xiayan Gu & Wanling Tian Rebecca & Nick Turnbull

Tatiana Drever Turner & Andrew Turner

Blaan & Saverio Valmorbida

Chirawan & Sunya Viravaidya Rowena Phillips & David Vote

Lisa Walford

Nicholas Walford Louise (Macdonald ’83) & Jonathan Walmsley

Fiona (Kittson ’82) & Patrick Walsh Yumin Ren & Hui Wang

Bei Song & Zhiqiang Wang Juan Yu & Yong Qiang Wang

Judith Ward

Alison & Rod Watkins

Sandra Meena & Brendon Watkins Jill Watson (Bazeley ’51)

Penny Watson (’07)

Prue Weber (Larritt ’62)

Alvie & Stephen Webster Michelle Jablko & Paul Wegener

Hualu (Lulu) Dai & Li Wei

Jane & Richard Whiter

William Wilson†

Carol Haynes & Skipp Williamson

Linda & Carrie Wong

Xuan (Lisa) Weng & Wei Jun Wu

Rosey He & Yang Wu

Venetia & Stavros Yallouridis

Hong Chen & Chun Yang

Lisa & John Zeigler

Cindy Yuan & Adam Zhang

Evelyn Dong & BiQing Zhang

Joanna Sun & Joe Zhu

† Denotes deceased.

All care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of this list. If an error has inadvertently occurred, please accept our most sincere apologies and contact the Advancement Office so that we may amend our records.

If you are considering leaving a gift to St Catherine’s School in your Will, please contact Ms Kathy Hines for a confidential conversation. P +61 39828 3032 E YOUR GIFTHer Future St Catherine’s School 17 Heyington Place Toorak VIC 3142 Australia ABN: 90 004 251 816 CRICOS: 00574F

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