St Catherine's Circle - Leaving a Gift in Your Will

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Y O U R G I F T, H E R F U T U R E S T C AT H E R I N E ’ S C I R C L E Leavi ng a g if t in yo u r Will



Education Since 1896, St Catherine’s School has established a fine tradition of educating girls. We are committed to nurturing and empowering independent and globally responsive young women, enabling them to approach all their endeavours with confidence, wisdom and integrity. One of the greatest contributions you can make to empower future generations of St Catherine’s girls is the gift of education. School fees cover only the essential running costs of the School, while philanthropic giving transforms our School and the learning experience of our girls. A gift in your Will acknowledges the importance St Catherine’s School has played in your life.


“Our girls and extended family have had the privilege of being part of the truly remarkable St Catherine’s community. Historically, boys’ schools have received a disproportionate amount of philanthropic support. We are very pleased to acknowledge and continue to support St Catherine’s with a bequest to provide scholarships which will allow other girls to benefit from a St Catherine’s education.” WAY N E & SONIA KENT





Her Future A gift of any size or nature is greatly valued and will make a difference to her future. Once you have taken care of your loved ones, a gift to St Catherine’s may be directed towards: St Catherine’s Endowment Fund Scholarships Bursaries to Subsidise Tuition Fees Buildings and Facilities Unless otherwise specified, your gift will be directed to the St Catherine’s Endowment Fund.


“It is a challenge for any school to continue to provide wonderful opportunities and facilities for its students by relying solely on Government funding and School fees. We benefited from the past generosity of others… it is now for us to do the same for future generations.” GINA ISRAEL (SHACKELL ’76)





Future TYPES OF GIFTS / BEQUESTS A Residual Bequest – the remainder of the estate after all costs A Pecuniary Bequest – a specific sum A percentage of an estate Gifts in kind – real estate, shares, works of art

CODICIL If you have already made a Will, adding a Codicil is a simple and inexpensive way to include a gift to St Catherine’s. It is important that you discuss your Will and Codicil with your family and ensure they understand and support your decision. We encourage you to seek independent legal or financial advice when preparing or updating your Will.


“Supporting scholarships is a small way that I can repay the investment my family made when sending me to St Catherine’s. I sent my own daughter there because I knew that she would receive the support and encouragement needed in her school years. It’s an environment we take for granted and one that should be available to girls who want to learn, who would otherwise not be able to attend St Catherine’s and benefit from all it has to offer.” FIONA MENZIES (’87)




S T C AT H E R I N E ' S

Circle St Catherine’s Circle honours and recognises, during their lifetime, those who have provided a gift in their Will. In recognition of your support, you will be invited to join St Catherine’s Circle. Membership of St Catherine’s Circle will ensure you are kept informed of our girls’ achievements and activities and allow you to maintain a close connection with the School. While we invite all those who leave a gift in their Will to join St Catherine’s Circle, we also welcome and respect bequests made anonymously.


“Over the years, my family has seen St Catherine’s grow, develop and maintain its strong tradition of providing an empowering and nurturing education. By leaving a gift in my Will, I hope to see the next generation of St Catherine’s students benefit from outstanding educational facilities to enable them to fulfil their potential. Education is the key to transforming lives and I am pleased that I can continue to support St Catherine’s girls in my lifetime and beyond.” ANNE COURT ( L OW RY ’ 5 8 )



M E M B E R S O F T H E S T C AT H E R I N E ' S C I R C L E By making a gift in Will, the following St Catherine’s Circle members acknowledge the importance the School has played in their lives. Through its collective legacy the St Catherine's Circle empowers future generations of St Catherine’s girls with the gift of education. We thank and honour each for their contribution. Lachlan Armstrong ('95)

Tim & Jill L'Estrange

Faith Baker

Patricia McKenzie

Julian Barrett†

Kathleen Mein (Rhys-Jones '31)†

Libby Beale ('68)

Fiona Menzies ('87)

Lucile Bell (Stephens '32)

Lisa Nicoll-Cooke (Nicoll '63)

Jill Paterson ('61)

Joan Brass (Trenchard '22)† Nyon Brockhoff (Marshall '42)

Winifred Pillars†

Naomi Browning (Kennedy '28)†

Kathleen Rankin ('35)†

Rosemary Campbell OAM (Downes '30)†

Colette Reddin ('35)†

Patricia Challingsworth (Thwaites '29)

Rona Robertson (Benton '36)†

Elizabeth (Newman '61) and Peter Cooper

Isobel Robinson ('35)†

Anne Court (Lowry '58)

Anne Smith

June Epstein†

Audrey Smith (Wyse '34)†

Jeannette Fraser ('51)†

Lady Southey AC (Myer '45)

Neilma Gantner (Myer '38)†

Suzanne Staley (Catchlove '59)†

Joan Gray (Spry '52) Sandra Henderson (Evans '53)

Monica Starke ('28)† †

Romayne Holmes ('66)

Melinda Truesdale ('81)

Gina Israel (Shackell '76)

Jane Washington-Smith (Smith '74)

Thora Jex†

Alvie & Stephen Webster

Wayne & Sonia Kent Jenny (Home '52) & Cyril Lansell† Diane Lemaire ('39)†


Yvonne Taylor†

† Deceased Details correct on October 2020

Thank You Thank you for considering a gift in your Will to St Catherine’s School. Your gift will have a lasting impact on future generations of St Catherine’s girls. If you have finalised your bequest, please contact the Advancement Office so we can acknowledge your future gift and welcome you to St Catherine’s Circle.

Should you have any questions, or require further information about leaving a gift in your Will to St Catherine’s School, please contact the Advancement Office on +61 3 9828 3081 or email


St Catherine’s School Advancement Office 17 Heyington Place, Toorak, VIC 3142 Telephone +61 3 9828 3081 Email CRICOS 00574F | ABN 90 004 251 816

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