St Catherine's School 2021 Year in Review

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2021 YEAR IN REVIEW #1 Girls School Victoria

As a leading girls’ school in Australia, St Catherine’s is committed to nurturing and empowering independent and globally responsive young women, enabling them to approach all their endeavours with confidence, wisdom and integrity. St Catherine’s School Charter

We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the land on which our campus stands and recognise their continuing connection to land, waters and culture. We pay our respects to their Elders past, present and emerging.

Strategic Intents


Academic Success


Wellbeing & Leadership


Co-curricular Opportunities


Exemplary Educators


Our Community


Our Future




T O WA R D S 2 0 2 5 Bold. Independent. Resilient. Creative.

2021 » 2022 » 2023 » 2024 » 2025

Strategic Intents


The St Catherine’s School Strategic Intents guide and inform our approach to life at St Catherine’s for our students, staff and wider School community, to fulfil our Charter as a leader in nurturing and empowering young women. To achieve this, St Catherine’s commits to six strategic intents:

Academic Achievement

Wellbeing & Leadership

Co-Curricular Opportunities

Embed an unwavering focus on intellectual curiosity through a rigorous academic program, sensitive to the needs of individual pursuits.

Encourage our students to be proud of their accomplishments, seek out challenge and build personal leadership and confidence.

Empower young women to discover through experience and find their voice in the communities and world around them.

Exemplary Staff

Embrace Community

Equip Our Future

Enhance the student experience through the engagement of exceptional staff, committed to girls’ education and wellbeing.

Ensure opportunities for our students through a cohesive, diverse and inclusive community of current and past parents, St Catherine’s alumnae and wider school network.

Envision the delivery of learning environments for students and staff that lead the world in innovative and contemporary design and the delivery of exceptional educational programs.



Academic Success We Value Academic Achievement Embed an unwavering focus on intellectual curiosity through a rigorous academic program, sensitive to the needs of individual pursuits.

#1 Girls School Victoria

“Even with the enduring series of lockdowns in 2021, St Catherine’s has been busy developing and improving our teaching and learning program to ensure our students thrive and experience the best learning environments possible.” MR ROBERT MARSHA L L , DEP UTY P RI N CI PA L – DIRECTOR FOR T EAC HIN G AND LEARNI N G

VCE Results We are thrilled to acknowledge the outstanding academic achievements of our Class of 2021. These remarkable young women, despite the many obstacles placed before them over the past two years, have achieved the strongest School results St Catherine’s School has received in over a decade, placing St Catherine’s as the number one girls school in Victoria. Through their sustained commitment and determination, our Year 12 Cohort have achieved outstanding academic results across a broad range of subjects. The Median ATAR for the School is an exemplary 92.1, with a Median Study Score of 37 and 32.2% of all Study Scores above 40. These exemplary results include: 17% of students achieving an ATAR above 98, earning them a place in the top 2% of the State, and over a third of the Cohort (33%) achieved an ATAR above 95, earning them a place in the top 5% of the State.

We are pleased to report that 58% of the Cohort achieved an ATAR of 90 and above, placing well over half the Cohort in the top 10% of the State and 83% of the Cohort achieving an ATAR above 80, placing them in the top 20% of the State.

Median Study Score 37



TOP 2% in the state Study Scores of 45+ were achieved in:

TOP 5%

TOP 10%

33% ATAR 95+

58% ATAR 90+

TOP 10%

TOP 15%

TOP 20%

58% ATAR 90+

68% ATAR 85+

83% ATAR 80+

in the state Legal Studies

Studio Arts



Business TOP Management 5%


in the state

Physical 33%Education ATAR 95+

Maths Methods

History Revolutions

Further Maths

in the state

Health & Human Development

Visual Communication

Specialist Maths

in the state

Global Politics

in the state

in the state






TERTIARY PATHWAYS Our graduating students will be represented in institutes including The University of Melbourne, Monash University, RMIT, The Australian Catholic University and Swinburne University.

26% Arts/ Creative Arts 6% Environment 1% Law/Society and Culture

Health and Medicine


/Teaching 5% Education

2022 Tertiary Places



20% STEM

Management and Commerce



In 2021 St Catherine’s School has again obtained exceptional NAPLAN results. In every test, at each Year level, St Catherine’s students have significantly outperformed State and National data, without exception. Numeracy



Year 9 Year 7 Year 5 Year 3 200










Grammar & Punctuation

Year 9

State Average

Year 7

St Catherine’s

Year 5 Year 3 200






This is testament to the skilled teaching by our staff across all Year levels and also the work and enthusiasm of our students. Our high NAPLAN scores support our view that the learning program we provide, the methodology of how we teach, and the diagnostic assessment tasks we set within the School, are of the highest standards.



Academic Success In 2021, St Catherine’s School worked Towards 2025 with the following achievements across our Senior and Junior Schools and Early Learning Centre: Senior School Learn@Home Students, parents and staff utilised Learn@Home exceptionally well given the frequency and duration of 2021 lockdowns. A strong level of communication between School and home, allowed Learn@Home to be responsive to the unique needs of students learning remotely. Including: • Adoption of 30-20-30 model to adjust online classes to allow for screen and remote learning fatigue. • Lesson lengths adjusted along with the introduction of Learn Lite Days where students were expected to work but have flexibility to manage their day away from online teacherled classes.

• VCE classes continued to run throughout all lockdowns. • Stringent COVID prevention processes implemented which ensured all VCE students were able to complete their exams safely and without disruption. • Exam preparation ensured VCE students built confidence prior to final exams after so much time spent away from the physical surrounds of the school. • Visual Arts students illustrated, painted, filmed, drew, stitched, photographed, sculpted, built and designed in the studios and at home. Online lessons supported well visualised and resolved art, design and media products. The refinement and resolution of the work is a credit to the resilience, skill and agency of our students and staff. Introduction of Senior Years Learning Model – Years 10 to 11 Building on the advantages identified by students and teachers from online learning in 2020, St Catherine’s introduced a teaching method facilitating increased independence for students to access their learning in an asynchronous manner, and allowing them more control in how they receive their classroom learning.

Extremely positive feedback from Year 10 students – highlighting the independence and sense of autonomy that the Independent Learning Tutorials (ILTs) provide and the style of the ILTs assisting their learning. ENGLISH Year 10 Extended Research Investigation Allows students to develop and extend knowledge and skills in rigorous independent research and writing academic essays. The strength of the Nicholas Library’s Digital Resource Collection proved invaluable and Library specialists provided guidance on utilising the Collection to broaden students’ discernment skills in the use of digital information. Years 7 to 8 Honours Program – Write a Book in a Day Honours students were provided 10 hours to write, illustrate and submit a storybook targeted to a youth culture. Final stories were uploaded to an online library and included in the Nicholas Library and Barbreck fiction collections. LANGUAGES Eight VCE students selected as finalists across Victoria in the Berthe Mouchette speaking examination. Congratulations to Charlotte Myer (Year 11) placing third in Year 11 division.




Academic Success SCIENCE

Science Olympiad Examination


Year 10 Science Extension

Five VCE students competed in the Qualifying Exam, all receiving a Credit result, placing them in the top 25% of the state. In the Junior Science Olympiad (Years 9 to 10) five students attained Distinctions, placing them in the top 10% of the state, a further three students attained Credits.

Complementing St Catherine’s academic program and strengthening the Thinking Classroom for our students are our Academic Advisory Sessions. The sessions enhance student learning behaviours, student agency, study strategies and metacognition. In 2021, topics covered included:


• Dispositions of an Independent Learner

Science curriculum in Year 10 continues to offer disciplined-based, semester long courses for Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Psychology. Enables students to study the equivalent of two years of Science in Year 10. Essential scientific concepts are taught, as well as expansion of student knowledge. Aspects of VCE courses are also introduced within the Year 10 offerings to better prepare students for VCE. Big Science Competition 42% of Year 9 students registered for the competition received a credit or above, and 23% of Year 8 students received a credit or higher. RACI International Chemistry Quiz Entries from across Australia, Asia, England, Canada and Switzerland. All VCE Chemistry students and interested Years 9 to 10 students participated with outstanding results across all Year levels, including High Distinctions (top 10% in state) for nine students, eight Distinctions (next 15% in state) and 11 Credits (following 15% in state).

Partnership with the Careers Department The Careers Department assists students to make links with industry to gain a better understanding of their options. Includes virtual work experience providing opportunities to build micro-credentials and access to first hand advice from industry leaders. The partnership also provides resources for Faculties to further develop Masterclasses in subject areas. Careers Guidance Information evenings and online seminars on subject selections, career pathways and tertiary information all highly attended by students and families across the Year levels. Early tertiary offers for a number of Year 12 students.

• SMART Goal Setting • Perseverance and Grit in Learning • Role of Memory in Learning • Becoming an Independent Learner • Study Skills • eSmart Training and Audit

Junior School The Release of the Barbreck Academic Strategy Articulates academic and co-curricular programs of the Junior School and our personalised approach to learning that recognises and nurtures every Barbreck girl’s ability and potential – academically, physically, socially and emotionally.

Academic Success Release of the Barbreck Pedagogical Model of Teaching for Personalised Learning Establishes a culture of classroom practice empowering every girl to engage in their own personal learning. The Barbreck Teaching Model is designed to recognise the differing rates of learning and the varying capabilities of each student. Implementation of the Sounds Right, Reads Write Phonics Program A phonics online program for instruction for Prep to Year 3 level. The signature spelling program guides and supports the phonological development of primary learners in the important foundation years. Enhancement of Gifted and Talented Program

Sport Third place at District Swimming and winner of Population Trophy for third year in a row. Division round representation in relay teams, backstroke and freestyle. 11 Years Freestyle Relay Team won Gold Medal at State Championships. District Cross Country – second place overall and Population Trophy winners. Learn@Home Continual feedback between School and home ensured Learn@Home program remained relevant and engaging to Barbreck students. Including recognising the affect of lockdowns on student energy and interest in online lessons.

Additional staff teaching within the Program including Head of Learning Plus, as well as support in literacy development.

Full suite of timetabled lessons were delivered during lockdown periods, including Barbreck assemblies which provided increased student agency for Year 6 girls holding leadership positions.

Continued STEM Extension

Early Learning Centre

Students’ skills in coding, including basics and game-based coding was extended, along with exploration of the biological, earth and space, physical and chemical sciences.

STEP into STEM Program

the Junior School STEM Lab. Students gained experience in B-Bots, virtual reality glass, and partnering with Year 4 students as part of the Four Leaf Clover Program to work on coding. Essential Care Program Provided by our Early Learning teachers simultaneously with the Learn@Home program for young learners of essential workers. Learn@Home During the series of lockdowns, young learners engaged with the Learn@Home program exceptionally well, with the high engagement exceeding expectations. The Program offered young learners: • Online learning tasks delivered daily via the mystcatherines portal. • Morning and afternoon TEAMS meetings with teachers. • Live specialist classes in PE, Library, Music and French. • Children’s learning supplemented by learning packs including classroom materials and resources, and additional library books.

Finalisation of the Program for young learners in the 4YO program engaging in STEM experiences and inquiries in



12 12

Wellbeing & Leadership


We Encourage Girls’ Wellbeing and Leadership Encourage our students to be proud of their accomplishments, seek out challenge and build personal leadership and confidence. FOSTERING ACADEMIC CARE THROUGH PERSONALISED PROGRAMS

Year 9: Time management, gratitude, Leadership Diploma and Duke of Edinburgh, child safety induction, House colours, leadership session with Year 11 peers.

Senior School

Year 8: SMART goal setting, Emotional Intelligence program, child safety induction, central Australia trip planning.

Supported by our Academic Advisory Program, each girl grows to understand her own learning journey and career aspirations. In 2021, Academic Advisory topics explored the following key areas: Year 12: VCE Matters, SCOGA presentation, yoga/mindfulness, importance of sleep, careers. Year 11: VCAA & VCAL/VCE, House Art leadership roles, yoga, sleep and study, conflict resolution, mentoring program. Year 10: International Women’s Day celebration responsibilities, dangers of vaping, careers, Leadership Diploma and Duke of Edinburgh, Youth Mental Health First Aid, women’s health.

Year 7: induction Service, Emotional Intelligence transitions sessions, eLearning, child safety induction, orientation camp, Year 11 Buddies Program. Wellbeing Check-In At the commencement of Term 4, as students returned to onsite learning, Director for Student Wellbeing and Head of Year 12 conducted one to one checks-ins with every Year 12 student to ensure every girl was supported to meet her individuals needs heading into VCE exams.

2021 has been marked by student wellbeing, student agency and lived values. The importance of respect, reflection and connection have shaped wellbeing and mentoring conversations across St Catherine’s School in 2021. M S M E R R A N O ’ CO N N O R , D E P U TY P R I N C I PA L – STU D E N T W E L L B E I N G



Wellbeing & Leadership Junior School

Return to Onsite Learning

Specialist Health Program

To best support our young learners’ wellbeing and stamina as they transitioned from the Learn@Home program to classroom learning, ELC teachers provided numerous opportunities for quiet reading, relaxation, yoga and mindfulness activities to assist in managing energy levels.

Prep to Year 4 girls received specialist health classes weekly and Years 5 to 6 girls received several sessions per term. Guided by a specialist Health teacher, students explored age appropriate topics including identity, relationships, healthy eating habits and puberty.

Early Learning Centre Orientation Program Allows young learners time to adjust slowly to their new learning environment and requirements of educational program. The 3YO orientation program was reduced from three weeks to two to meet the needs of working families and acknowledge the children’s prior experience in child care. Transition Program Girls moving from the Early Learning Centre into Barbreck are provided guided tours of the Junior School by our Head of Junior School and Prep teacher. Throughout the final semester our Prep teacher joins the 4YO class in the ELC for story time opportunities to build rapport and familiarity with the transitioning students.

ENHANCING GIRLS’ LEADERSHIP PROGRAMS Our skilled educators guide our students to achieve deeper understanding of their personal capabilities and leadership potential. In 2021, St Catherine’s School worked Towards 2025 with the following leadership opportunities across our Senior and Junior Schools and Early Learning Centre:

Senior School Voice Ownership Inclusion Compassion Empowerment and Strength Commencing in 2021, our Use Your VOICES Program provides opportunities for students in Years 7 to 12 to step forward and embrace

leadership positions within the Student Representative Council, Student Executive in Year 12 and the Barbreck Ambassador Program in Years 5 to 6, along with our formalised Leadership Diploma offered in Years 9 to 11. Student Representative Council (SRC) The re-establishment of the SRC, involves elected members from Years 7 to 12, supported by one or more Student Executive member, meeting on a regular basis to canvass their peers regarding improvements to the student experience at St Catherine’s. In 2021, students developed: • T he SRC Charter and Vision document. • Proposals to include shorts in Summer Uniform range, reinstating school bells and suggestions around structures of Independent Learning Tutorials in the Senior Years Learning Model. • S RC presentations to staff has strengthened leadership skills of students and connection between students across the Year levels through peer mentoring.




Wellbeing & Leadership Student-led Assemblies A more student-centred approach to School Assembly has seen an exciting new set of segments and interest areas appear on stage during Monday Assembly time. Students have balanced fun and vibrant activities with the gravitas of promoting important events.

• A Book Drive to discuss favourite childhood books, donated to Chum Creek Primary, whose library was impacted by bushfires. • A ‘Big Freeze’ dunk tank for FightMND, saw over $10,000 raised. House System

In 2021, Student Assemblies included:

Whilst lockdowns prevented several House events, from taking place, the girls were able to enjoy:

• Interviews and quiz show style segments.

• House Arts, House Gymnastics (Junior School)

• Promoting important events, such as International Women’s Day and commemorating ANZAC Day.

• House Swimming (Senior School)

The students’ willingness to not only lead by example, but also involve a broad cross-section of students and staff in these assemblies has allowed for an impressive number of voices from across the School to be heard.

• House Athletics (Junior & Senior School)

Leadership Diploma Light and Dark Blue Leadership Diploma endeavours showcased the breadth of talent and interests within our student body. Dark Blue Diplomas demonstrated the ability to lead community service events in 2021, including: • Creating dog toys for The Lost Dogs Home.

• House Cross Country (Junior & Senior School)

• House Debating & Public Speaking (Senior School)

Junior School Barbreck Ambassador Program Morning Tea Meetings with all Years 5 to 6 girls with the Head of Junior School enabled girls to voice their ideas on improving Barbreck. These meetings resulted in two new outdoor spaces in Barbreck, an Outdoor Stage for concerts, dance shows, rehearsals and plays, as well as a quiet outdoor reading area complete with colourful beanbags. Student Leadership Captains Opportunities for Year 6 girls to take on leadership positions for the school year. Captains played an instrumental role during the series of lockdowns in 2021, ensuring a spirit of connection and fun remained during online assemblies and wellbeing activities. Captaincy positions were:

Congratulations to Davis in the Junior School and Holmes Kilbride in the Senior School for winning the 2021 House Cup.

• Junior School Captains

Co-curricular Clubs

• Snowsports Captains

School Co-curricular Clubs are an important way to promote and develop conversations and skills across the broad range of student aptitudes. In 2021, a STEM Club and Captaincy was established with great success.

• Swimming Captains

• House Captains • Library Captains • Music Captains

• Cross Country Captains







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We INTE ac G wit t resp RITY hg ood onsibl cha y an d rac ter

We choose kindness and have the courage to care


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Y tion T I s

S ue r O I ,q e

R de U C n

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Wellbeing & Leadership Archive Her Story Project Every Year 6 student created their Junior School memoir and presented it to our St Catherine’s Archivist, to retain for posterity. Our new tradition recognises the indelible imprint each of our Year 6 girls leaves with St Catherine’s. Our Archive Her Story project asks each Year 6 girl to tell her story, through her own eyes.

DELIVERING AN INTEGRATED WELLBEING PROGRAM Guided by the Swinburne University Emotional Intelligence Program, Aristotle, St Catherine’s Wellbeing Program fosters the development of emotional intelligence and resilience in all our students. Through age-appropriate wellbeing lessons, students are equipped with the necessary knowledge, understanding and skills to face the challenges of adolescence and create pathways to embrace adulthood with confidence and courage.

In 2021, St Catherine’s School worked Towards 2025 with the following leadership opportunities across our Senior and Junior Schools and Early Learning Centre:

Whole School weThrive: Wellbeing@StCatherine’s Program Student Wellbeing Committee reviewed scope and sequence documentation – aligned with ACARA Personal and Social Capabilities and Victorian Achievement Standards. School Values The challenges of the past year also enabled us to reflect on how we interpret our School Values. It was decided that to more readily align the School Values with tangible actions we would create ‘active’ value statements that guide behaviours as well as ideals. These statements will serve to create shared meaning, relevance and accessibility to the guiding principles for the whole School Community. The Values that truly reflect the St Catherine’s community are: Empathy, Perseverance, Curiosity, Gratitude, Integrity.

Senior School Lockdowns and Learn@Home Heightened level of care across the Senior School was provided throughout the challenges of multiple lockdowns in 2021 due to COVID, utilising the expertise of St Catherine’s educational psychologists, Director for Student Wellbeing, Heads of Year, Heads of House and House Tutors. Resilient Youth Survey Online survey undertaken by students in Years 7 to 12 which informs St Catherine’s Wellbeing Program.

Junior School Lockdowns and Learn@Home Heightened level of care across the Junior School was provided throughout the challenges of multiple lockdowns in 2021 due to COVID, utilising the expertise of St Catherine’s educational psychologists and teachers. Whole of Barbreck activities such as scavenger hunts and artistic reenactments to promote fun, happiness, excitement and an opportunity for students to work away from screens




Wellbeing & Leadership Buddy Program – Year 4 to 4YO The Four Leaf Clover Buddy Program continued for ELC and Year 4 students, providing social connections and leadership opportunities. Buddy Program – 3YO to Year 3 Newly developed in 2021 a friendship program created between ELC 3YO and Year 3 students provided all students the opportunity to build self-confidence, independence and accountability. Year 2 Overnight Stay Year 2 students enjoyed a night away from home in the Junior School as part of the weExplore theme of St Catherine’s Wellbeing Program, which focuses on ELC to Year 2 students exploring who they are through learning and play and encouraging independence through gentle steps such as a sleepover in a safe and known environment.

Early Learning Centre Lockdowns and Learn@Home A heightened level of care was provided within the ELC throughout the challenges of 2021 due to COVID, utilising the expertise of St Catherine’s ELC staff.

Learn@Home program included mindfulness, yoga and meditation to acknowledge the potential stress for young learners. Buddy Program – 4YO to Year 4 The Four Leaf Clover Buddy Program continued for ELC and Year 4 students, providing social connections and leadership opportunities. Buddy Program – 3YO to Year 3 Newly developed in 2021 a friendship program created between ELC 3YO and Year 3 students provided all students the opportunity to build self-confidence, independence and accountability. Managing Emotions Our early learners discussed and explored identifying a range of emotions and discussing strategies for managing different feelings. Zones of regulation were introduced as a tool for supporting children’s ability to selfregulate and manage emotions.

vibrant Boarding House, offering them friendship, care and a broadened understanding of other communities and cultures. Boarders develop personal and academic independence within our nurturing and supportive environment. Supportive Environment Academic, wellbeing and co-curricular support of all boarders throughout the school year, particularly during periods of lockdown when the Boarding House remained open, included liaison with academic staff. Nurturing Community Wellbeing activities to connect and support boarders, particularly during lockdowns, included evening yarning circle, celebrating all boarding birthdays – all activities were run to ensure a sense of connectedness and to seek out challenges that build resilience and confidence, and encouraged daily exercise, including establishing an Illawarra Gym equipped with ergos, weights and skipping ropes.

MAINTAIN A DIVERSE, CARING & SUPPORTIVE BOARDING COMMUNITY At St Catherine’s, we are committed to ensuring our boarding students feel connected to our dynamic and




Co-curricular Opportunities We Empower Her Signature, Her Voice Empowering young women to discover through experience and find their voice in the communities and world around them through a bespoke Co-curricular program, Her Signature. Senior School




Melbourne Swimming Club, led by former Australian Olympic Coach Ian Pope, provided coaching of St Catherine’s pre-squad, development squad, state and national squads. This provides avenues for swimmers to compete in Swimming Victoria events, high performance programs and pathway programs for swimmers.

Black Box Theatre

Rowing Senior Rowers Chloe Cooper, Sarah Marriott, Bronte Cullen and Zara Bongiorno selected as Australian Junior Women’s VIII crew. St Catherine’s Old Girl Chloe Cooper (’21) received full Rowing Scholarship at the University of Texas, Emily Sutherland (’19) selected in Australian U21 Rowing team, and attending UCLA on a Rowing Scholarship. Stephanie Ferrali (’18) Studying at University of Miami on a Rowing Scholarship, Ella Carton (’20) Brown University coxing in the Rowing Program. Hockey Intermediate Hockey Team held GSV Premiership.

Community Celebration of Sport Evening held online with guest presenter Sara Blicavs speaking about her experiences as a professional basketballer and Tokyo Olympics competitor for the Australian Opals. Olympic Change Maker: Year 11 student, Sarah Marriott nominee for the Australian Olympic Change-Makers Program, which recognises students demonstrating the Olympic spirit – friendship, sportsmanship and striving for excellence. Sarah joined over 900 student Olympic Change-Makers from across Australia for a virtual forum, hearing from four inspiring Olympians.

Building works for St Catherine’s School’s new Black Box Theatre commenced in Term 3. The customdesigned performance, rehearsal and learning space will provide a sophisticated example of St Catherine’s School’s Towards 2025 Strategic Plan and our commitment to learning beyond the classroom. As the central phase of the redevelopment of our Performing Arts precinct within the Dorothy Pizzey Centre, our Black Box Theatre will provide a home for Performing Arts at St Catherine’s School. The space will offer a spectacular venue for our Senior School and Barbreck music recitals, concerto concerts and jazz evenings, in addition to a bespoke playhouse for our musical, drama and future dance productions.




Co-curricular Opportunities Senior School Performances Two Weeks with the Queen, Letters to Lindy and Elf Jr. The Musical were performed in 2021. Learn@Home Music Breakfast with Epstein every Monday morning, Jorgensen Orchestra, Senior Concert Band, music recitals held online.

TRIPS AND EXCHANGES Global Programs Throughout ongoing lockdowns small windows of opportunity presented themselves in the first half of 2021. The one-way exchange with Ascham School in Sydney went ahead, with Ascham girls arriving at St Catherine’s and spending time at School and with their host families. Central Australia Trip Learning outside the classroom for Year 8 girls, developed their curiosity and a greater awareness of their surroundings and connections to nature, as well as generating appreciation and improving self confidence and relationships.

DEBATING AND PUBLIC SPEAKING Swannie Award Year 10 student, Flora Du (C Grade) was awarded a Swannie Award for the Hawthorn region – the highest individual award a debater can receive by the Debaters’ Association of Victoria (DAV). DAV Women’s Competition Two Best Speaker Awards in Years 9 and 10, Overall Best Speaker Award in C Grade and Runner Up in Year 11. Online British Parliamentary Competition 2020 Semi-Finalists, Eloise Rudge and Pia Zayontz, brought their experience to the Senior Division. Our congratulations go to Year 10 students, Ava Colosimo and Jemima Wilcox, who made it to the Grand Final of the Intermediate Division, placing second overall. Further accolades go to Jemima who was one of the top 10 speakers for the regional heat where 28 teams competed from 13 schools; a total of 63 students. This is a competition unlike traditional debating where speakers may ask for points of information of opposing speakers as we might see on the floor of Parliament, and senior debaters often find it to be a fast-paced and animated competition.

Junior Debating 23 eager Years 7 and 8 students competed in three rounds of online debates, ably coached by their Year 11 Mentors. Junior Debating season saw wins by almost all teams, and Team 2 remained undefeated. Three St Catherine’s students received Junior Debating Top Speakers Awards. Victorian State Debating Team Three students received invitations to trial for Victorian State Debating Team. One student progressed through trials to the final 13 participants.

DUKE OF EDINBURGH AWARD PROGRAM Despite COVID the Duke Of Edinburgh Award ran successfully in 2021 with Gold participants experiencing hiking in the High Country and Silver participants sea kayaking on the Gippsland Lakes. Nineteen students completed awards with Year 12 student, Jessica Yang and Year 11 Sarah Marriott completing their Gold Awards.




Co-curricular Opportunities CO-CURRICULAR CLUBS

Junior School

School Co-curricular Clubs are an important way to promote and develop conversations and skills across the broad range of student aptitudes.


In 2021, a STEM Club and Captaincy was established with great success. To better prepare students for the Adventurous Journey component of the Duke Of Edinburgh Award an Outdoor Education Club was established. Students are trained and assessed against important skills including cooking and navigation. Senior Drama students provided workshops on audition techniques and processes to Years 7 and 8 girls in the newly established Drama Club.

Reinstatement of St Catherine’s Dance Program with Ballet and Jazz offered.

PERFORMING ARTS Barbreck’s Junior School Musical, Wizard of Oz was cancelled due to COVID lockdown restrictions, however the show went on with students collecting costume packs from School and filming their songs, dialogue and dances from home. Performances were then compiled into a professional video and presented to the cast and crew. The Musical showcased a wonderful cast and exemplary teachers and families, rising to a new challenge with energy, enthusiasm and courage. Music classes continued during the Learn@Home program, along with a number of online music recitals. The large number of attendances to the online recitals encouraged the girls considerably.

DEBATING AND PUBLIC SPEAKING Barbreck Debaters switched seamlessly between debating at School to online. With a dedicated group of Year 10 coaches, the Barbreck debaters rapidly developed their skills in defining the proposition, planning the team line and split and rebutting the opposition in a supportive team environment.

Early Learning Centre Reinstatement of St Catherine’s Dance Program with Ballet and Jazz offered. Increased numbers in Gymnastics and Learn to Swim program.




Exemplary Educators


We Commit to Exemplary Staff St Catherine’s School enhances the student experience through the engagement of exceptional staff, committed to girls’ education and wellbeing. Whole School

• All staff trained on Child Safety.

Junior School

St Catherine’s School Excellence in Teaching and Learning Award

• Heads of Year eSmart training.

Ms Lena Wintermantel engaged as Provisional Educational Psychologist, along with her therapy dog, Bella, that visits the school once a fortnight.

2021 awardee Mrs Kim Waters, Senior School English teacher. This award is peer nominated and recognises, consistent and dedicated service to teaching; achieving excellent student outcomes; and a willingness to share successful teaching and learning strategies. Professional Development • Teaching staff involved in selfdetermined focus for study of their teaching, undertaking an action research project within their classrooms, closely linked to Teaching for Thinking Project with the University of Queensland.

• Heads of Years 7, 8 and 12 attended PIVOT Education – Designing a Better Future for Education Post COVID. • Professional Development on TrackOne data use to support academic care program and teacher support, with a session focus on how external testing data combined with academic transcripts, GPA and effort history charts can be used to enhance student learning and mentoring. • Respectful Relationships Consent Training to all teaching staff from Associate Professor Debbie Ollis.

Early Learning Centre • Professional development of staff in developing indigenous and cultural connections, partnerships with parents and broader community and developing sustainable practices. • Staff completed Building Resilience in Young Children training as part of our School Readiness Plan, funded by the Victorian Government. This training ensures staff are able to support children in the classroom with resilience and also support parents to build resilience in their children.



Our Community We Embrace our Diverse Community Ensuring opportunities for our students through a cohesive, diverse and inclusive community of current and past parents, St Catherine’s alumnae and wider School network. Whole School

St Catherine’s School Foundation

Parents’ and Friends’ Association

125 Year Foundation Service – commemorating the 125th anniversary of St Catherine’s School with a whole of School and wider School community outdoor Service.

• Welcomed four new Foundation Board Members; Ronald and Fleur Calvert (McKay ’94) and Paul and Nina Aberdeen (Kirby ’94).

• Year level social events (excluding Year 12).

St Catherine’s Old Girls’ Association • • • • •

Reunions. Leavers’ panel. Mentor program. SCOGA Fellowship 2021. Information sessions via Zoom.

St Catherine’s School Auxiliaries Past Parents’ and Friends’ Network COVID restrictions and ongoing lockdowns impended much of the calendar of events for the PPFN. In spite of this there was a small window of opportunity in March and the Network was able to hold a Year level reunion for the past five years, 2016 to 2020.

• Welcomed new Foundation Members, Damon and Janene Krongold, Brianna (Nan) Zhou and Tony Shu, Emma and Nick Young, and Old Girls, Associate Professor Anne Brooks AM (’70) and Diana Brélaz (Deutgen ’44). • Welcomed new Jeanie Hood Society Patrons, Jamie and Rebecca Gray. • Her Ties Campaign supported the lives of young women, particularly those in regional, rural and remote Australia. • Annual Giving Day supported the St Catherine’s Hardship Fund. St Catherine’s School Foundation now comprises 591 members.

• Reinstatement of Junior School and Early Learning Centre Twilight Picnic on the Village Green, last held in 2016 due to Barbreck refurbishment and COVID. • Mother’s Day Stall and Breakfast. • Ruth Langley Luncheon. • Junior School Christmas Picnic. • First payment towards $25,000 pledge over three years for St Catherine’s Black Box Theatre – funding the block out curtains. Heyington Club • 78 registered rowers. • Supported Rowing program throughout the most successful season in St Catherine’s history.




Our Community Creative Arts Auxiliary

Senior School

Junior School

Supporting the Creative Arts Departments in St Catherine’s School through productions including Letters to Lindy, Two Weeks with the Queen and Elf Jr. The Musical as well as supporting the Linocut Workshop initiative, Jazz Night and Concerto music performances.

• Careers and Sports Evenings bringing Old Girls and members from the wider community to speak with students. The Careers Evening involved 26 Old Girls, who shared their career stories with students and families from Years 7 to 12. Old Girls joined the event from across Australia and as far as the UK and Netherlands to present to students.

• Orientation events held online and onsite to welcome new starters in 2022.

• Years 7 to 12 parent information sessions held online to continue to uphold the important student-parentteacher relationships.

Early Learning Centre

Snowsports Auxiliary • Pre-season skating event. • Opening season social event. • Connecting and engaging with Snowsports community. • Snowsports Swap was the biggest and best ever. Sports Auxiliary • Supporting the Sports Department through limited events due to lockdowns. • Biggest event for the Sports Auxiliary on the abbreviated calendar was in AFL, with St Catherine’s versus Lauriston in the HuntingtowerHeyington Cup. • The Auxiliary also assisted in the annual Sports Breakfast.

• Head of Year calls to every parent in the Year level in Semester 1 and email communications to parents every fortnight to continue to uphold the important student-parent-teacher relationships. • Let’s Talk parent seminar from Dr Charlotte Keating – Supporting Your Daughter Post-COVID. • Let’s Talk Seminar by Associate Professor Debbie Ollis from Deakin University discussing Respectful Relationships and Consent. • Term 3 Sunset Drinks held online with Principal and Boarding families from as far as Malaysia and Northern Territory joined.

• Ongoing communication to parents from classroom teachers and Head of Junior School to maintain communication and the value St Catherine’s places on the student-teacher-parent relationship.

• Parent seminar with guest speaker Andrea Cummins from the Early Life Foundation presenting the topic ‘Understanding Children’s Behaviour’ – parents were provided with practical strategies on how to manage a range of challenging behaviours in their children. • Parent webinar on School Readiness presented by St Catherine’s Head of Junior School for ELC families, as well as nearby community kindergartens.

Our Future


We Equip our Future Envision the delivery of learning environments for students and staff that lead the world in innovative and contemporary design and the delivery of exceptional educational programs. Whole School

Senior School

Junior School

• Improvements and developments to the mystcatherines app has seen an increase in its usage, creating a connected and informed School community.

Black Box Theatre Commencement

Village Green in Barbreck

Building works for St Catherine’s School’s new Black Box Theatre commenced in Term 3. The customdesigned performance, rehearsal and learning space will provide a sophisticated example of St Catherine’s School’s Towards 2025 Strategic Plan and our commitment to learning beyond the classroom.

Following on from the Junior School refurbishment the Village Green is now the main venue for many events, with ramps providing tiered seating when viewing the oval, and a stage when viewing from the oval.

• To best position St Catherine’s over the next five years and beyond to defend and recover against cyber threats, the School’s ICT is now 100% cloud supported. • Ongoing participation in Sustainability Victoria’s Schools Program.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Program Administered by the Senior School Environment Club, the focus of the Program in 2021 was to minimise air conditioning use, collection of bottle caps to recycle for prosthetic limbs and recycling toothbrushes, toothpaste and mobiles as well as replacing single-use items with re-usuable alternatives.

Outdoor Stage Two new outdoor spaces in Barbreck, an outdoor stage for concerts, dance shows, rehearsals and plays, as well as a quiet outdoor reading area complete with colourful beanbags.

Early Learning Centre Working with COVID restrictions tours of the newly refurbished Early Learning Centre took place to showcase the new space to families considering St Catherine’s School’s Early Learning program.


St Catherine’s School 17 Heyington Place, Toorak VIC 3142 Australia T +61 3 9822 1285 | E CRICOS 00574F | ABN 90 004 251 816

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