Promote Healthy Risk Taking
Role Model Resilience
It is important for young children to experience a healthy level of risk. They need to experience what it feels like to step outside their comfort zone. This might include trying an activity or skill they have not previously tried, interacting with new people, or trying out new play equipment at the playground.
Role model how you respond to challenges. When your child sees you adapt because something does not go to plan, or let frustration go, or display a positive attitude in a challenging situation, they learn they can do the same.
Promote Optimism Optimism and resiliency go hand in hand. Optimism can be nurtured in young children. Your conversations and questions can help support the child to see the positives in situations rather than becoming fixated on the negative.
Encourage Problem Solving Skills If your child talks to you about an issue that has occurred during their day, rather than giving them solutions, ask them what they could do or who they could talk to about this problem if they encounter the same thing again. Through encouragement you are providing your child strategies and a plan for how to handle similar situations in the future.
These are some of the strategies our educators utilise in our Early Learning programs at St Catherine’s to support the development of resilience in the children. By working together, families and educators can best support resilience building in the children and, ensure they are well-prepared for any challenges they may face in their everyday lives. Ms Sarah Bethune Head of ELC