St Catherine’s School
Welcome to St Catherine’s Junior School, Barbreck
We warmly welcome you to St Catherine’s Junior School, Barbreck. Barbreck is committed to the provision of excellent academic, pastoral, and co-curricular programs. Happy students enjoy their learning, are eager to get to school, are proud of their accomplishments, and become motivated life-long learners. Our Barbreck staff are highly qualified, experienced educators who understand the changing developmental and learning needs of young girls. They will develop the knowledge, skills, self-discipline, and talents of our students in a supportive and caring learning environment.
This Handbook provides families with details of the daily routines and functions within Barbreck. It also provides information on how families can play an active role in their child’s education and develop a positive relationship between home and School.
The staff, and I look forward to working in partnership with all parents and guardians to achieve the best outcomes for your child.
St Catherine’s Head of Junior School
St Catherine’s Vision
St Catherine’s School aspires to graduating intellectually and emotionally agile young women, fully prepared to navigate their futures across new and emerging industries, thrive within global and digital communities, persevere during adversity, and remain authentic and fearless in all they pursue.
School Charter
As a leading girls’ school in Australia, St Catherine’s is committed to nurturing and empowering independent and globally responsive young women, enabling them to approach all their endeavours with confidence, wisdom, and integrity.
School Motto
Nil magnum nisi bonum – Nothing is great unless it is good.
Towards 2025
How do you prepare a young girl for her future? At St Catherine’s School, we believe it begins with courage. The moment a student walks through our Barbreck Gates, she is encouraged to be bold, to inquire, to question, to learn and contribute.
The St Catherine’s School Towards 2025 Strategic Plan guides our planning and focus for the next five years to ensure our girls are creative, independent, and resilient in all that they pursue.
Embedded in a St Catherine’s School education is the unwavering focus on developing intellectual curiosity; we are a School committed to a rigorous academic program and sensitive to the needs of individual pursuits.
Building from their foundation learning, our Barbreck Teaching Model empowers every student to engage in their own unique learning journey. Shaped by the explicit teaching model of the Gradual Release of Responsibility Instructional Framework, our Barbreck students’ learning journey will be personalised with a consistent and common language embedded in every lesson, coupled with the timely delivery of feedback about learning progressions.
Our Strategic Plan is the start of this conversation. We look forward to working in partnership with you to empower the next generation of courageous women at St Catherine’s School.
To learn more about our Strategic Plan visit Towards 2025
Junior School, Barbreck Campus
The Barbreck campus comprises the Barbreck building and the Village Green. St Catherine’s modern and contemporary Barbreck Campus was purpose built to provide state of the art learning spaces, specifically designed classrooms and specialist areas including a STEM Lab, Language Lab, Art Studio, Music Studios, meeting and performance spaces, an Auditorium and a Library located in the heart of the School and representing our belief in the importance of literacy and learning. Our Marigold Southey Sports and Aquatic Centre, located adjacent to Barbreck, ensures our academic and cocurricular programs are offered in one centralised location.
The Barbreck building encompasses three levels and is designed for flexibility – the capacity for spaces to capture the needs of individual or small group work, team teaching and open shared space for collaborative learning and performance.
Entry is via the middle level, with Reception and Library welcoming girls to School. This level is home to girls in Prep to Year 3, providing a gentle transition to the Junior School.
The lower level is home to the Years 4 to 6 girls, providing them with ample meeting spaces and their own access to the level, an important feature for the older, busier girls who are more involved in the many co-curricular offerings the School provides.
The upper-level features performance and large meeting spaces, making it a hub for assemblies, seminars, presentations, and performances.
The building flows beautifully, encouraging the connectivity and interactions of the girls and their learning. The décor is soft on the eye and soft to touch, creating a sense of calm throughout the building. This is further enhanced with natural light, which floods the rooms through expansive windows. All features are conducive to good learning and wellbeing.
The Village Green includes a small oval, amphitheatre seating, an extensive playground, vegetable gardens and beautifully landscaped gardens, with giant trees featuring well within the Green. It is a place for imaginative play, running, climbing, kicking a football, watching games and performances, and for PE (Physical Education) classes to be held.
Preparing Your Daughter for School
• Often children will compare schools and there will naturally be things they miss about their old one. Allow them to express their feelings but be positive about their new school and display confidence in their ability to settle in. Listen, but try to avoid comment. Please let us know about any concerns they may have.
• When it is time to leave and say goodbye, move away promptly. Please be reassured that we will call you if there are any difficulties. Students generally settle very quickly.
• Arrange a meeting spot or a pickup place for the end of the day.
• Have a prominent place to display your daughter’s work at home (e.g., fridge or whiteboard with magnets or noticeboard).
• Try to be organised about School notices. Have a routine for reading and giving permission through Operoo. Helpful hint: Place notices in the Record Book to make sure they get back to School.
• At the end of the day, collect your daughter on time or telephone the Junior School Office (03 9828 3062 or 03 9828 3020) if you are delayed and the message will be provided to your daughter. This will alleviate anxiety. (Please see section regarding dismissal times).
• Talk with your daughter about what happened at School each day but encourage her to do all the talking. Endeavour to avoid too many questions as soon as she is dismissed from School. It sometimes takes time for them to relax and feel ready for school conversations.
• If there are concerns, please do not hesitate to communicate with the Head of Junior School, the Deputy Head of Junior School, or your daughter’s teacher, either through the Record Book or email. Whilst the classroom teacher is a crucial person in your daughter’s learning, the Head or Deputy Head of Junior School are often more available for those conversations which need to be followed up immediately. Relevant matters will be passed on to classroom teachers. Keep the lines of communication open. No issue is too small.
• Have a space available in your home for your daughter to do her homework (e.g., desk, light, cleared space) OR for younger students, make sure there is time each night for reading.
A strong partnership between parents and the School is essential to the wellbeing of each student. Please see the mystcatherines portal for contact details of these key members of staff.
Junior School, Barbreck 03 9828 3062
Absentee Line 03 9828 3020
Email juniorschool@stcatherines.net.au
Ms Natalie Charles, Principal 03 9828 3002
Head of Junior School 03 9828 3062
Deputy Head of Junior School 03 9828 3062
Before and After School Care
Team Kids 1300 035 000
Key Contacts
The juniorschool@stcatherines.net.au is the primary contact for parents to email absentees and to relay any student information or messages.
Please note that for urgent information e.g., a change of after school or pick up arrangements to be altered, please email, or contact the Junior School Office on 9828 3062. Teachers rarely have an opportunity to read emails during the day and especially any which arrive late in the school day.
Teachers may be contacted by using the address containing their first initial and surname: e g msmith@stcatherines.net.au
Principal – Ms Natalie Charles
The Principal has overall responsibility for the School, its staff, and students. The Principal’s Office is located in Sherren House, Senior School.
Head of Junior School
The Head of Junior School oversees the academic and pastoral programs in the Junior School. They work closely with the Junior School teachers and has overall responsibility for curriculum and pastoral development.
Deputy Head of Junior School: Organisation & Wellbeing –
The Deputy Head ensures the efficient day to day operation of the Junior School, including calendar, events, timetables, co-curricular programs, and camps, as well as the wellbeing of students and associated programs.
Classroom Teachers
Class teachers welcome the students and mark the roll each morning, develop learning programs for the range of students in their classes, coordinate daily activities and are responsible for the academic and social development of each student in their care. Students develop close relationships with their classroom teachers and spend most of their time under their care and guidance. Staff are available to talk to parents outside class time about their child’s learning, wellbeing, and progress.
Head of Learning Plus – Mrs Elka Gaensler
The Head of Learning Plus oversees support for students with learning difficulties or those requiring extension in the areas of literacy and numeracy Specialist Teachers
Specialist teachers take classes for Health, Physical Education, STEM, French, Art, Performing Arts (Music, Drama, and Instrumental Music) and Library.
If you wish to discuss your daughter’s progress or other matters with specialist staff, please write a note in your daughter’s Record Book or telephone the Junior School Office on 03 9828 3062 in order to make an appointment.
The Week Before School
On Thursday 30 January 2025, all 2025 Barbreck students in Prep to Year 6 are invited to bring books and belongings into classrooms between 10.00am and 12.00pm. If this time or date is inconvenient, Prep to Year 6 students are asked to bring all their belongings on Day One (Friday 31 January 2025). Please do not leave boxes at School after unpacking books.
The First Week of School
The first week of school commences on Friday 31 January 2025
All students will receive a letter prior to the commencement of the year, reminding them of important matters about the start of a new School year. Each school day commences 8.20am. On arrival Year 6 leaders will direct new students to their classroom and introduce them to the teacher.
The first day of Prep (Friday 31 January) and the following Wednesday (5 February) are half days. On these days, we ask parents to collect their daughters from the forecourt at 1.00pm. Preps eat lunch at School on these days before they go home at 1.00pm.
Years 1 to 6
During this week, students will learn about the School routines, get to know their timetable and subjects, learn what to pack for each day, develop rapport with their teachers and fellow class members, and begin to settle in. This is a very exciting week for them.
Absence and Attendance
Please take the time to re-familiarise yourself with the Junior School absence, late arrival, and early departure process. This process is in place to ensure we are providing the best care and safest environment for your child.
Absence from School
When a student is absent from School, parents are asked to call the Absentee Line 9828 3021 and leave a recorded message. Alternatively, you can email absentees on juniorschool@stcatherines.net.au
Please do not leave the message elsewhere in the School or on another phone line. Absences are recorded in official school attendance records by 9.00am. This is important to ensure that the school is aware of the absence.
Class teachers appreciate emailed advice as well, but importantly the Student Absentee Line is the central information collection point.
The Absentee Line and Junior School email address is accessed, and information noted by the Junior School office early each morning.
The Absentee record for each child will be recorded in their End of Semester Reports.
Extended Absence
Parents are required to contact the Head of Junior School if there is a planned absence from School.
Teachers can support students during times of absence in a limited manner, but it is difficult for students to recover the essential learning experience missed because of absence from class. Although some classwork can be completed when a student is away, it may be necessary for some teachers to record “Absent” against assessment tasks. This may result in “NA” being recorded for a student’s Semester Report
Accounts Office
All queries in relation to fee statements and accounts should be directed to the Business Office – 03 9828 3047
After School Care
To register with Team Kids (our OHSC Provider) phone 1300 035 000 or 0468 550 502 during service hours for details.
Team Kids operates the program in Campbell House (Early Learning Centre) adjacent to the Junior School:
Before School 7.00am – 8.20am
After School 3.20pm – 6.00pm
Vacation Care 8.00am – 6.00pm
Please use the intercom system available on the front gate (at the left-hand side of driveway) and Team Kids staff will respond.
Direct phone numbers to contact staff (if intercom for some reason is not responded to) is: 0468 550 502
All students involved in after school activities must be enrolled at Team Kids as a condition of participation.
Arriving at School
The school bell rings at 8.20am with students able to access the building from 8.10am to place their bag outside their classrooms and then play outside in the grounds or engage in quiet reading in the Library
Students arriving after 8.30am must report to the office and “Sign in” for the purposes of accuracy in attendance registers and for their safety. Class teachers send attendance records to the office at 8.30am.
If your daughter arrives late to School (after 8.30am) or leaves early, please ensure you go via the Junior School Office and either sign-in or sign-out your daughter in the book located at the reception desk.
Late attendances will be recorded and included in the End of Semester Reports.
Assemblies are held every Friday at 2.40pm and all students from Prep to Year 6 attend. It is an important time of sharing for the students and one where they can showcase interesting activities. It is also where the staff publicly praise our students for their good behaviour and good work. Parents are most welcome to attend.
Barbreck Bell Times
School Hours
8.20am School begins
8.30am Lesson 1 begins (Students seated, ready for lesson daily)
9.50am-10.20am Recess
1.10pm-2.00pm Lunch
3.20pm Dismiss
We enjoy celebrating birthdays at School, but for safety reasons we are unable to light birthday candles in the classroom. Children often bring a birthday treat for all the class to share. The most popular treats include individual small cakes, or individually wrapped chocolates or icecreams
We remind families that no nuts or nut products are permitted and there is often a need for a “gluten free” option or two.
Please note that due to current health restrictions, individually wrapped commercial products are the only treats permitted.
Booklists Requirements
Booklists will be available in November and should be ordered through the book supplier by the end of the school year. Orders are prepaid and delivered in January to your nominated address.
Campion Education Pty Ltd
1/170-180 Rooks Road Nunawading 3131
Phone:1300 433 982
Web: https://campion.com.au/ Email: help@campion.com.au
At St Catherine’s School, we use a health, safety and electronic consent form system named Operoo. As a parent/guardian, you will receive an invitation to join Operoo by email and enter details for your child/children. By following the instructions, you can create your own free Operoo account, control, and update data about your child/children, and give consent for your child’s involvement in camps, excursions, and other events throughout the year.
Operoo has an innovative parent controlled electronic medical form for schools, clubs, and other groups with a duty of care. It is an electronic version of the paper-based forms used for excursions, camps, enrolments etc. It provides you the opportunity to update medical information promptly and accurately while providing the School with instant access to the emergency information provided by you.
We will be using the Operoo system in the best interests of the children whilst also reducing the burden on you to fill out the same information on multiple forms throughout the year.
You can use a PC, laptop, tablet, or smartphone to enter the details including:
• emergency contacts
• medical contacts
• medical checklist including asthma, allergies, seizures, diabetes
• health and ambulance insurance details
• notes and other care instructions from you and more
Child Safe School
St Catherine’s School complies with the Victorian Government’s 11 Child Safe Standards and has a Child Safe Policy and Child Safe Code of Conduct that applies to all members of the School community. As a Child Safe School, St Catherine’s is committed to empowering girls in an environment where they can feel safe, secure, valued, and respected. We strive to create a culture in which staff, volunteers and children have rights and are encouraged to express any concerns about their safety to one of the designated Child Safety Officers being the School Counsellor or the Head of Junior School. To find out more about the Child Safe Standards visit the Parent Dashboard: Child Safe Standards
Educating the Whole Child
Lifelong learning is our focus at St Catherine's School. The emotional, social, and physical development of a student is just as important as their cognitive and academic progress. For students to learn and achieve their personal best, they need to feel secure, happy, and supported. They also need to feel understood by the adults in their lives and accepted by their community. For this reason, we endeavour to get to know each student as well as we can and as quickly as we can. Who they are has a huge impact on how we teach and what we teach, as well as the supportive, holistic programs that accompany our academic curriculum.
The Core Curriculum
St Catherine’s follows the curriculum guidelines as prescribed in the Australian Curriculum.
Students develop skills in reading and writing, speaking, and listening. The program builds upon existing skills and extends the child’s interests and skills through a range of activities including story reading, shared and guided reading, word study, literature, handwriting, oral and aural activities, and creative language work.
There is also a structured spelling program, literature work and a focus on analysis and comprehension of different texts. Students are exposed to a variety of genres through their writing and reading experiences. Public speaking and various speaking opportunities are introduced as they move through the School.
Students learn mathematical concepts related to numbers, counting, pattern and order, space, problem solving, measurement, time, chance, and data.
Students learn through a range of activities and develop mental and written skills, mathematical knowledge and relevant technological skills using calculators and computers.
The Humanities and the Social Sciences (HASS)
Students explore aspects of themselves, their families, their local environment, and the wider world through an inquirybased framework. Topics are taught appropriate to age and stage and are based on the current Australian Curriculum, as well as knowledge of the needs of our specific community. Our aim is to provide an educational community where family members, books and other resources are all valuable tools to each student.
Your daughter will be encouraged to read, research, and explore her ideas and questions, with support from you and her teachers.
There are planned opportunities for ‘stand-alone’ learning experiences such as Science activities, program achieve sessions (personal development), History and Geography units, or skill-based lessons.
These experiences complement and promote a strong skill base which is crucial for a rigorous and enriching inquirybased framework.
Science and STEM
The Junior School STEM Program is diverse and engaging as students explore the world around them in a new way. Students participate in learning experiences that explore the five areas of Science, Biological, Chemical, Earth and Space and Physical Science, as well as Science as a Human Endeavour.
Embedded within these are the essential elements of the Design and Technology curriculum. A major component is the development of thinking skills and strategies that align with both the design and scientific process. Students engage as critical and creative thinkers and questioners ready to tackle any challenge.
Further information regarding co-curricular activities can be found on the Parent Portal
Art – Prep to Year 6
Students create art works that draw upon play and imagination. They are introduced to a variety of simple drawing, painting, printmaking, textile and collage, modelling and construction techniques, materials, and tools. The building of skills in the Art area is apparent through a sequential developmental curriculum framework. The resultant art works are displayed and used as a means for communication. Through activity and discussion, your daughter will be assisted in her development of an appreciation for Art and be capable of expressing her ideas about various art movements and techniques as appropriate to her age.
Performing Arts – Prep to Year 6
The Performing Arts Program nurtures all students’ creative and expressive potential. Students learn how to think creatively and collaborate as artists. They explore and engage with the fundamentals of Dance, Drama, and Music. Each Year level learns in, through and about The Arts by investigating, reflecting on, and interpreting their own and others’ works, cultures, worlds, ideas, and perspectives
Students use the body to explore and communicate meaning and ideas through purposeful movement, improvisation, creating choreography, and responding to dance from diverse cultures and communities.
Students learn about beat, rhythm, pitch and simple music structures through singing, movement and playing instruments. The Kodaly and Orff approach to Music education is used to develop an understanding of basic concepts used to create music.
Our classroom Music Program is enhanced by opportunities to learn specific instruments at designated Year levels. These are as follows:
• Year 2 Strings Program (Violin only) & Percussion
• Years 3 & 4 Recorder and Percussion
• Year 5 Band Program: woodwind, brass, percussion & double base
• Year 6 Percussion, Music Theory & Composition
Langley Choir Prep to Year 2
Heyington Choir
Years 3 and 4
Barbreck Choir Years 5 to 6
Concert Band Year 5
French – Prep to Year 6
Students learn to read, write, speak, and listen to the French language in a sequential program The French Program in the Junior School utilises the AIM methodology and combines the teaching of vocabulary, grammar, oral and written language skills at age-appropriate levels of complexity.
High levels of importance are placed upon French oral interaction during class time, and students are supported towards the use of contextual French at all times. Students collaborate with staff to ensure that meaning, purpose and skill retention are all ingredients of an effective and interesting program. Students at all levels learn grammatical structures implicitly, with more attention given to the explicit teaching of grammatical rules at more senior levels.
Library – Prep to Year 6
The Barbreck Library is the hub of the Junior School, encouraging students to read for pleasure, expanding their horizons and building empathy. It enables them to see the world through others’ experiences and to find answers to the issues they may face as children and young adults. The Library has a wide collection of resources, including fiction and non-fiction books, E-books and audible. The weekly library sessions support various educational programs and project-based learning to develop students' skills in locating and using information. The Library runs events and competitions throughout the year to promote reading and literature. The Children’s Book Week Celebrations are a highlight for both students and teachers.
Health and Physical Education
• Prep to Year 4 PE 2 sessions per week, and Health 1 session
• Years 5 to 6 PE 3 sessions per week incl Sport, and Health 1 session
Students develop gross motor skills through a wide range of activities including running, skipping, hopping, and jumping. They also develop their aquatic skills through swimming sessions. The number of swimming sessions throughout the year varies according to the needs of the physical education program and varies across Year levels.
The Perceptual Motor Program (PMP) is conducted weekly throughout Terms 2 and 3 for Prep. These sessions provide opportunities for simple team games that emphasise cooperation and listening skills as well as fundamental motor skills development. As our girls move into the higher levels, they are introduced to sports
Years 3 and 4 have After School Sport on Mondays until 4.30pm. This is an optional activity.
Years 5 and 6 have compulsory After School Sport on Tuesdays until 5.00pm.
Four-week units are offered in a range of sports such as Hockey, Netball, Soccer, Handball, Basketball, Volleystars, Softball, and Cricket. Sporting events and after School activities are outlined on the Parent Portal
The Health Program comprises the core areas of personal, social and community health which focus on the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to make healthy and safe choices.
Under this strand, content is further organised into three sub-strands: identities and change, interacting with others, and making healthy and safe choices.
Over the course of the primary years, this subject is taught through the following focus areas: alcohol and drugs, food and nutrition, health benefits of physical activity, mental health and wellbeing, relationships and sexuality, and safety.
In teaching this content, the School is mindful of the age and stage of development of our students, and as such, uses discretion in its approach to concepts covered.
Co-curricular Activities
Barbreck students have a wide range of co-curricular activities from which to choose. The list below reflects the main activities; however, at times, clinics and short-term activities are offered. There is also a range of after school sessions available Parents can look at the wide range of activities available as well as enrolment through the Junior School Portal
Please note it is a condition of participation in after school activities that students are enrolled in Team Kids. Enrol Here
• Afterschool Sport • Environment Club
• Art Club
• Chess Club
• Debating
• Netball
• Golf
• Tennis
• Coding
• French Club
• Junior Joggers
• Music Ensembles
• Melbourne Swim Squad
• Dance (Ballet Prep to Year 2)
• Chinese Language
• Barbreck Club
Co-curricular Music
Students learn in small groups, are provided with opportunities to perform, and are encouraged to pursue their instrumental studies during class time throughout the week. Parents can look at the wide range of co-curricular opportunities in music through the Junior School Portal
Should you have any concerns or questions please contact our Junior School Co-ordinator of Performing Arts on 03 9828 3067.
There are also many music performance groups at Barbreck, including:
Co-curricular Ensemble Groups:
Epstein Singers (Years 4 to 6)
Barbreck Strings
Junior School Percussion Ensemble
Chamber Strings
Barbreck Flutes
Barbreck Ukuleles
Petite Strings
All Barbreck students are involved in one or more of our choirs.
Outdoor Education & Study Tours
The outdoor camps and trips at St Catherine’s School, encourage students to understand their identity, their community, and their relationship with the natural world. Through a process of guided discovery students have opportunities to help confirm and shape their values by undertaking appropriate social, emotional, and physical challenges.
With this in mind, all students from Years 1 to 10 participate in an away from home/outdoor education program. The program provides a sequential experience, with each program actively building upon the next. The program aims to develop the girls’ skills and knowledge over the period (Junior and Senior School), culminating in more challenging activities as the years progress.
Study Tours operate at Years 5 and 6 levels and provide an additional opportunity for students to visit different venues which link directly to the current classrooms and their ‘Units of Investigation’.
Collection of Students
Students are not permitted to wait outside the School Gates after school nor after an extended activity. For safety reasons of the highest order, this is something we must be emphatic about. We ask parents to refrain from asking daughters to wait outside the School Gate. Please note that staff in charge of the activity remain with children until collected by parents up to 3.40pm. At this time, they will be taken to After School Care (located in the Early Learning Centre, upper level) which will incur a fee.
For those who require supervision after the sessions finish, please note the Team Kids contact number: 0468 550 502
of children after activities
With respect, we remind parents of the following dismissal times for each of the many after school activities led by staff.
It is important that children are collected promptly. If not collected on time, children can become both anxious and find it difficult when others have been collected.
Staff who lead the after-school activities need to then return to classrooms to prepare for the following day and to conclude the packing up/displays to be completed as soon as children are collected. They have usually left their own area at the 3.30pm dismissal time in order to lead the activity.
Please note it is a condition of participation in after school activities that students are enrolled in Team Kids. Failure to do so, may result in a student being unable to continue with their after school activity. Enrol Here.
Uncollected Junior School Students
Junior School students not collected by 3.40pm will be taken to the After School Care area by the teacher on duty. The usual After School Care charges will apply. Parents are asked to register with the service, even if only needed in an emergency Enrol Here.
Communication with School
Families are advised and warmly encouraged to communicate with School personnel regarding any questions or concerns pertaining to their daughter(s). Please be aware that no question is too small. Also, we advise families to always communicate with us when a matter arises and not to wait for the gazetted Parent Teacher Interview dates. Matters are more effectively dealt with at the time they arise.
Our Parent Portal – mystcatherines.net.au
The School has developed a secure parent portal, mystcatherines.net.au, whichallowsparentstoaccess informationpertainingtoStCatherine’s.This includes information on term dates, curriculum and learning, upcoming events, School Policies, Co-curricular information, parent surveys, School performance, cybersafety, ICTand contactdetails.
Login to our parent community at: mystcatherines.net.au
Forpasswordinformation,contacttheICTDepartmenton03 98283926or email support@stcatherines.net.au
St Catherine’s App
The St Catherine’s School App allows parents to easily access mystcatherines and receive notifications tailored to their daughters’ education.
WeencourageallparentstoutilisetheAppastheSchool planstodistribute the majority of communications via the App, this includes the newsletter, The Blue Ribbon. Followthethreesimplesteps togaineasyaccess of mystcatherines.
Search and Download
Visit the Apple App Store or Google Play and search for St Catherine’s School to download the School App.
Stay Connected
Onceyouhavedownloadedtheapp,useyour mystcatherines detailstolog in.Ensureyouallowandmanageyour notificationsinyourappsettingsso you can receive importantupdates.
Open the app to access the useful features to easily access:
Messages News Calendar
Links Timetable Co-curricular Activities Due Work Contacts Newsletter
Parent Information
Informationaboutspecificevents(e.g.,concerts,camparrival times,specialevents etc)willalsobecommunicatedviathe ParentPortal mystcatherines.net.au andthe App.
The Blue Ribbon
All parents receive a weekly email alert which points them to the School’s online weekly newsletter, The Blue Ribbon. At any time, parents can access this at mystcatherines.net.au It is vitally important that parents read this on a weekly basis.
St Catherine’s News
St Catherine's News is published twice a year and mailed to parents, Old Girls, staff, past parents, and our wider School community. Incorporating the Bulletin of the Old Girls' Association, this feature magazine provides an overview of the many activities and events of present and past St Catherine's students.
Evacuation Procedures
In case of fire or any emergency where buildings must be evacuated, the teachers and staff will guide the students to the designated evacuation assembly points.
‘Lock Down’ Emergencies
In case of an emergency where there is a dangerous situation in the School grounds, an emergency sounding will alert staff and students. During lesson times, students will remain with their teachers in the classrooms. Should the emergency siren be sounded during the morning tea, lunch or a break between classes, students will immediately move to the nearest building where they will be supervised by teachers.
Flexischool – Canteen Ordering
Lunch orders at School are completed by ordering via the Flexischool online ordering system. Food is then delivered at lunchtime from the School Café. To access this service please use www.flexischools.com.au
Blue School ribbons or headbands are to be worn to tie back hair that is touching the collar. No other colour ribbons or ties may be worn – with the exception of House Colours during House events.
General Conduct
Every student is expected to behave courteously and with consideration for others. When a student fails to do so the Principal, Deputy Principal, Head of Junior School, Deputy Head of Junior School, Head of ELC, staff and members of the General Committee may impose penalties/caution/reprimand.
Students must behave in an orderly manner and accept the guidance of their teachers. Every student is expected to be committed to her schoolwork and be willing to perform other duties and services necessary for the wellbeing of the School community
Students are expected to behave in a way that ensures the safety of themselves or others.
Homework is defined as learning tasks that are undertaken at home. As students' progress through the School, their homework may involve the completion of tasks set in class, assignments, reading, preparation for tests and examinations or practical tasks. Regular homework allows students to develop individual organisational skills without the structure of the classroom or peer involvement. Effective study habits help students to achieve personal goals by optimising their learning outcomes. Homework requires the support of both parents and teachers and helps to promote our home-school links. The nature and amount of homework required will vary due to individual age, learning styles and contexts.
Homework Tasks
In the Junior School, all Prep to Year 2 students are expected to spend some time reading each night. All students in Years 3 to 6 are expected to do homework each weekday evening. Junior School students are not generally required to complete project work at home.
• Years 3 & 4 20 minutes
• Years 5 & 6 30 minutes
If a Junior School student regularly spends more or less time than has been suggested above with tasks, the matter should be discussed with the classroom teacher or the Head of Junior School. Students are expected to use their Record Book. Parents are asked to check this regularly. Parents who believe their daughter has a valid reason for late submission of work are asked to communicate with the classroom teacher.
Lost Property
It is compulsory to have student’s names clearly marked on all books (unless the teacher indicates differently), uniforms, lunch boxes, calculators, and other possessions. On School Hats, the names should be written on the inside of the crown, not on the brim. This helps staff return any lost items to them quickly. Lost property is kept in the lost property tub on the ground floor next to the exit door. Students must seek assistance from their Classroom Teachers when any items are lost.
Unnamed items and unclaimed items are kept for two weeks and then given to the PFA Second Hand Uniform Centre.
Mobile Phones and Smart Watches at School
There are number of Junior School students whose parents ask to bring mobile phones to School in order to facilitate last minute changes to after school pick up arrangements.
At the commencement of each day, all students who have a mobile phone are required to hand it in to the classroom teacher and collect it again at the end of the day. Smart phones must be set to school mode during the school day, and like phones, should not be accessed to receive or deliver communications.
Any messages which are required to be given to your daughter during the day, should be conveyed through a telephone call (9828 3062 / 9828 3020) to the staff in the Barbreck Office.
Parents are asked to note that students do not access phones or smart watches until dismissal time.
Students are reminded that using mobile phones and smart watches to message each other (in various ways) should be done, if necessary, after collection from School.
In terms of social skill building and general wellbeing, texting a friend who is walking with you whilst moving down the Barbreck stairs or the driveway for instance, is not a sensible use of a phone, nor conducive to building a friendship!
Students are respectfully being informed/instructed about always handing phones to their teachers upon arrival each day. Those who forget but remember to take them out to use during the day, will be asked to only use them at home. This will be communicated to parents if the situation arises.
As always, the framework of expectations involving safety matters, wellbeing and the School Values is intended to maintain a common sense and practical approach which is developed only in the best interests of each student
Morning Tea and Lunch –‘Fruit Break’
Your child needs to bring a piece of fruit and a morning snack as well as a healthy lunch and drink each day. Please keep sweet treats to a minimum and try to make the lunches as nutritious as possible. “Fruit Break” is NOT a morning snack. A drink bottle containing water is preferred.
Lunch orders at School are completed by ordering via the FlexiSchool online ordering system. Food is then delivered at lunchtime from the School Café. To access this service, please use www.flexiSchools.com.au Please note that lunch orders are not available for Preps until full days commence.
It is a good idea to pack a snack for morning tea separately from your daughter’s lunch. This will be easier for your child to find when she is in a hurry to go out and play with her friends.
Notebook and Tablet Computer Devices
Notebook computers are used to facilitate learning in the classroom. It is neither permitted nor appropriate for students to surf non-educational internet sites, play computer games, engage in personal email, or communicate through personal or social media sites such as Facebook during class time.
During Learn@Home periods, the School will send devices home with students when given time to do so. We ask parents to be responsible for the care and safety of School devices when away from School.
Parent Information Evening
A Parent Information Evening is held during the first term. The purpose is to provide parents with information about the classroom programs offered to students and to provide an opportunity for parents to meet Classroom Teachers over an informal supper. These are parent only events.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Parent-Teacher conferences are held mid Term 1 (face to face) and early Term 3 (online) Teachers hold these meetings and conference bookings are made through the online program PTO.
The link for this program is sent to you via email a few weeks in advance of the meeting dates. We ask that meetings with specialist teachers only be made if there is a concern, as they teach all students and cannot accommodate a meeting for each.
Prohibited Items
Dangerous or damaging items such as matches, vapes, lighters, and pocket-knives, should not be brought into the School. Students are not allowed to bring chewing gum to School. Students are reminded of the importance of an appropriate diet of healthy food, thus sweet drinks and lollies should be kept to a minimum. Parents are reminded of the importance of seeing that lunches are such that they do not cause a health risk if left unrefrigerated at School.
Expensive items such as iPods, jewellery, valuable items, and large sums of money should be left at home. No responsibility is held by the School if such items are brought to School.
Students are not allowed to wear any jewellery except for a watch and plain gold silver sleepers or studs. Watches may be worn for time telling purposes only. Earrings are only permitted in ear lobes. Only one earring per ear is permitted.
Only School badges or badges specifically related to student achievement or supporting a charity may be worn with the School Uniform. Students wearing inappropriate jewellery will have items confiscated, to be returned at the end of the day.
School Houses
Every student at St Catherine’s is a member of a House. There are four Houses, each with an associated colour, which are named in recognition of past Principals of St Catherine’s or other names associated with the School’s history. Students are allocated their House when joining the School. Families remain associated with the same House across the generations.
Houses are an important part of School life, particularly as they involve students in activities with members of other Year levels. Students take part in House competitions, including Chess, Debating, Public Speaking, Sport, Music, and Drama. Houses also organise community service activities in the Junior School and Senior Schools.
Beaulieu Blair
House Colour: Yellow
Namedafter theoriginalnameofSherrenHouse,Beaulieu and ‘Blair House’ which was a school established by Miss Flora Templeton,StCatherine’sCo-Principalfrom1920to 1931.
Davis House Colour: Red
Named in honour of Miss Mary Davis, Principal from 1950 to 1971.
Holmes Kilbride
House Colour: Blue
Named after Miss Edna Holmes who was Headmistress from 1933to1943and‘Kilbride’,theformernameofSherren House from 1911 to1922.
Langley Templeton
House Colour: Green
NamedafterMissRuthLangleywhowasPrincipal1903to 1933 and Miss Flora Templeton who was Co-Principal from 1920 to 1931.
School Spirit Chant
Nil Magnum Nisi Bonum guides us true, We are St Cath’s through and through. We are here to do our best, We are not like all the rest.
Colours of gold, blue and grey, We play fair and lead the way.
St Cath’s, St Cath’s, Yes we are! Razzle, dazzle, near and far. Ray, Ray, Rah!
Special Days
Specialdayscelebrateandpromotespecialrelationshipsand eventin our School community.
• SpecialVisitors’DayPreptoYear3
• 100 days of Prep
• Years3 to 6HouseSwimmingSports
• Book Week
• Easter Service
• Year 6Celebration Evening
• Years5&6 MusicalPerformance
• Junior School Music Concert
• House Athletics Years3 to 6
• Year 2 String Concert
• Year 6 Celebration Dinner
• Carol Service
• St Catherine’s ChristmasFair
Student Code of Conduct
TheYear6leadershavedevelopedasetofunderstandings forplayground behaviourtoassistwiththesettlingofahappy andcooperativetoneinthe Barbreck playground. These are to:
• Be friendly, respectful and include everyone
• Be a role model for others
• Return all equipmentto its proper place
• Keep the School environmentclean and tidy
• Choose words wisely and be honest
• Work to create the best version of yourself
• Resolve differences calmly andrespectfully
• Notgo inside the School building withoutpermission
• WearSchool Uniformin a neatand tidy manner
• Be SunSmartwear a hatand sunscreen as required
• Most importantly, havefun!
Student Record Book
The School Record Book is an important tool to assist with organisation and communication. Parents are encouraged to check their daughter’s Record Book regularly to monitor Homework tasks and to assist communication with teaching staff.
Student Wellbeing
As well as taking part in the Wellbeing Program during class or level time, students are encouraged to access the mystcatherines Portal Year Level pages or Student Wellbeing Portal page. These sites contain useful links and suggestions to enhance your physical and mental wellbeing
Parents often raise concerns about a number of issues relating to their children. Concerns left unaddressed often become causes of frustration for students, parents, and staff alike. The School asks that concerns be reported promptly, so that they can be resolved quickly and efficiently.
• Make an appointment to speak to the teacher.
• Discuss the concern, relating all relevant information.
• Highlight the desired outcome.
• If agreement is reached, please provide feedback to the teacher on how the situation is progressing.
• Let the teacher know when the concern has been completely resolved.
• If agreement is not reached, you may make an appointment to speak with the Deputy Head of Junior School.
• If concern is about a general organisational or administrative matter, please talk to the Deputy Head of Junior School.
Please contact the Head of Junior School, Deputy Principal or Principal directly about urgent safety concerns.
Counselling Support
In addition to the support provided by your teachers, the Junior School Psychologist and School Counsellor are available to all students seeking assistance or advice. Simply email your child’s teacher to arrange an appointment or speak with the Deputy Head of Junior School, or the Head of Junior School who can help to organise an appointment.
Links to support lines and sites external to the School include:
www.youthbeyondblue.com 1300 22 4636
www.headspace.org.au 1800 650 890
www.kidshelpline.com.au/teens 1800 55 1800
www.reachout.comlifeline.org.au 13 11 14
The School Counsellor and the Educational Psychologist provide counselling support.
Health Centre
Sick or injured students must inform their classroom teacher, the teacher taking the lesson, or the teacher on playground duty at the time. They will be sent to the Junior School Sickbay.
It is inappropriate for students to contact their parents directly to make their own arrangements to go home when unwell.
If necessary, a member of staff will contact the parents of a student who is unwell and arrange for them to collect her. When necessary, the School will seek medical advice or treatment from the School nurses or contact emergency services if of a very serious nature. All efforts to contact parents or guardians will be made. It is important that parents provide up to date and accurate contact and medical/health details for students. Any change to these details must be communicated to the School in writing.
The Health Room in the Junior School is a triage room only and can only cater to individual students for short periods of time. As such, parents are expected to collect their child in a timely fashion when contacted by the school
Parents are asked to keep a sick or symptomatic student away from School as infectious diseases, colds, etc. are easily transmitted to other children and teachers.
If a student contracts an infectious disease or illness, the School must be notified. On return to School, a medical certificate which indicates freedom from infection or risk of infecting others must be supplied. The minimum periods of exclusion from School for the most common infections are listed below.
Condition Exclusion of Cases
Diarrhoea and vomiting are contagious, and it is our policy that if your child is sufferingfromeitherof these,regardless of the cause, they must be kept away fromtheSchool. Thismeansthatifyour childhas a loose motionorvomits before leavinghomeinthemorning,thechild is NOT to be brought to School.
Chicken Pox
Symptoms including – Sore throat, Fever, Dry cough
Contact with Tier 1 or Tier 2 exposure site
Positive case of any strain
Glandular Fever (Mononucleosis)
Hepatitis B
HumanImmuneDeficiencyVirus (HIV AIDSVirus)
Meningitis (bacterial)
Meningococcal Infection
Ringworm, Scabies, Pediculosis (lice), Trachoma
Rubella (German Measles)
Streptococcal Infection (including Scarlet Fever)
Whopping Cough
Head Lice
At least 48 hours after the vomiting and/or diarrhoea have ceased
Exclude until diarrhoea has ceased. -
Excludeuntilfullyrecoveredorforat leastfivedaysaftertheeruptionfirst appears. Note that some remaining scabs are nota reason for continued exclusion.
Exclude until discharge from eyes has ceased.
Exclude until a negative test result has been returned and are symptom free Send negative test result to school nurse. Email to AQuirk@stcatherines.net.au
Notify the school immediately
Exclude and follow DHHS advice and obtain a clearance letter before returning to school. (Exclusions may differ depending on what tier exposure site has been visited).
Notify the school immediately
Exclude until 14 days of Quarantine, a negative test result has been returned and clearance to return to school upon DHHS advice and guidance.
Exclude until diarrhoea has ceased.
Exclusion is not necessary.
Exclude until a medical certificate of recovery is received, but not before seven daysaftertheonsetofjaundiceon illness.
Exclusion is not necessary
Exclusion is not necessary unless the child has a secondary infection.
Exclude until appropriate treatment has commenced. Sores on exposed surfaces must be covered with a watertight dressing.
Excludeforatleastfourdaysafterthe onset of the rash.
Exclude until well.
Exclude until well.
All spots to be covered to avoid skin contactwithothers.Water-proofcoverif swimming.
Excludeforninedaysoruntilswelling goesdown(whicheverissooner).
Excludeforatleast14daysfrom onset. Re-admit after receiving medical certificate ofrecovery.
Re-admitthedayafterappropriate treatment hascommenced.
Excludeuntilfullyrecoveredorforat leastfourdaysaftertheonsetofrash.
Exclude until the child has received antibiotictreatmentforatleast24hours and the child feels well
Excludethechildforfivedaysafter starting antibiotictreatment.
Excludeuntiltreatmenthasbeenapplied and eggs and liceremoved.
A clearance letter from your child’s Doctor may be required if we have any doubt about your child’s suitability to return to the School.
We often find that a child who has been sick in the morning usually repeats this throughout the day, or becomes even worse, and we have to contact you in any case to take the child to a doctor
If you are in any doubt regarding your child’s health and whether your child should attend school, you should keep them at home. It is everyone’s responsibility to keep others safe and well at School.
Symptoms of Illness
Thefollowingsymptomswillalertyoutothefactthatyourchild couldbe unwell:
• Unusual spots or rashes
• Unusual behaviour (your child is cranky or less active than usual, cries more than usual, feels general discomfort or just seems unwell)
• Feverish
• Conjunctivitis (tears, redness of eyelid lining, irritation, followed by swelling and discharge)
• Breathing difficulties
• Mucus discharge from the nose (thick, green, or bloody)
• Diarrhoea
• Vomiting
• Loss of appetite
• Sore throat or trouble swallowing
• Infected skin patches
• Severe persistent or prolonged coughing
• Frequent scratching of the scalp or skin
• Headache, stiff neck
• Yellowish skin on whites of eyes
• Unusuallydark,teacolouredurine
What to do when a child has symptoms?
• Consult yourdoctor
• Keepyourchild away fromSchoolsothatothersarenot infected.
• Contact the School and alertthem of the illness.
• Consultthe SchoolHandbookforexclusiontimes and proceduresin relation to giving medication atthe School.
It is important that you report any illness to appropriate staff, as this allows them to:
• Watch forsigns ofillness in otherchildren.
• Alertotherparents,particularlythosewhomaybeatrisk themselves or who may have children whoare at risk.
What will staff do if your child develops symptoms?
As soon as staff are aware that your child is unwell, they will be sent to the Health Centre, and staff there will contact you.
As the Centre does not have the facilities to take care of sick children adequately for any length of time, and as infection can move swiftly through a group, we will ask you or your emergency contact to come as quickly as possible.
Infectious diseases
In the case of an infectious disease the following procedure applies:
• ParentsmustimmediatelynotifytheSchooliftheirchild hasa contagious disease.
• Parents willbenotified when acontagiousdisease is diagnosed in anyroom.Informationwillbemadeavailable abouttheoutbreak and necessaryprecautions.
• Ifa contagious disease outbreak should occurand a child does not havetheappropriatevaccination,he/shewillbe excludeduntilthe outbreak iscontained.
• Shouldachildcontractaninfectiousdisease,the exclusionperiod must be adheredto.
• If a child has a mild case of a contagious disease and wishes to returntotheSchoolearlierthanthe recommendedexclusionperiod, a medical certificate is required.
Ifyourequireanymedication(e.g.,antibiotics,eyedrops, analgesiaetc.)to beadministeredatSchooltoyourdaughter periodically,you must provide the Medication in its original packaging. It must be labelled withyourdaughter’snameand anaccompanyingletterdetailingthedose(s) time(s), frequency and reason for medication, together with your signed authorityforStCatherine’sJuniorSchoolReception stafftoadministeritto your daughter.
It is not acceptable to send unlabelled, loose medication to School with students,relyingonthem to convey themessage tostaffastowhen,what, why andhow they should take the medication.
Medications will not be given to students unless complying with the aforementioned conditions.Seekingclarification fromparentswhohavenot providedthecorrectinstructions, and authority may delay your daughter receiving the medication when requested.
Prescribed Medications
Prescribed medications will only be administered if the pharmaceutical label is current and intact. Medication will only be administered to the person specified on the label and Doctor’s directions will be strictly adhered to.
Non-Prescribed Medication
Non-prescribed medication will only be administered following directions on the pharmacist’s label and when parents have signed an authorisation form, e.g., Dimetapp, Demazin-and-Panadol.
Nebulisers and volumatics will only be administered with your doctor’s written consent.
Medications will not be administered more often than four hourly.
Parents must demonstrate to staff, with the child, the procedure before the initial dose. Parents are required to provide to the School a “Medical Plan of Action” to follow in the event of an attack.
In the case of a child susceptible to an acute asthma attack, medication may be permanently left at the School.
In the event of a minor incident, first aid will be administered by staff and recorded. If a more serious incident occurs, parents will be contacted immediately. Please ensure the School has an emergency contact number in this unlikely event.
In an emergency situation, should the person in change determine the injuries are serious enough; an ambulance will be called immediately. The cost is incurred by the parent.
New enrolments are required to supply a School Entry Immunisation History Statement. Certificates are obtained from the Department of Human Services (Children Immunisation Register) or Medicare.
SunSmart School
Our SunSmart Policy encourages the following action:
• All children in Prep to Year 6 are expected to wear a School Hat (with the School Crest) to protect their face when they are outside. Hats need to be worn outside during the months of September through to April (generally Terms 1 and 4), when the UV level is high (over 3.0). Children will also be expected to wear Hats when necessary, during the period May to August. Some children choose to wear their Hats outside all year round. We are very supportive of this growing trend.
• The School can supply SPF 30+, water resistant sunscreen for student use as required. Any child with sensitive skin is advised to bring her own approved brand to avoid skin reactions.
• The SunSmart program will be introduced to the girls through the Health and Physical Education Program.
• A reminder that students must have a sunhat at School every school day especially in Term 1 and 4. This is compulsory. Outdoor lessons, recess and lunch periods all require students to wear their School Hat, or they need to sit in an area designated by staff as being out of the sun.
• Any child who does not wear a hat during outdoor activities will be required to stay in a designated shade area.
The School Uniform is to be worn by all girls and the School has high expectations regarding how the uniform is worn, both on the School grounds and in public.
• Summer Uniform is to be worn in Terms 1 and 4, and Winter Uniform in Terms 2 and 3.
• Short or long School blue socks may be worn with the Summer Uniform. Only long blue socks (pulled up neatly at all times) or grey tights may be worn with Winter Uniform.
• Items of Sports Uniform are not to be worn with School Uniform.
• The School Pullover (jumper) must be worn off campus as the outer garment.
• The Summer Dress, Winter Skirt and Pinafore must be of a reasonable length.
• Girls are not permitted to wear make-up while in School Uniform.
• Coloured nail polish is not to be worn at School.
• School shoes must be buckled or tied, polished and in good repair.
• Students may not wear Team Tops (for example, Snowsports, Year 6 tops) with School Uniform while travelling to or from School.
• All items of School Uniform must be clearly named.
• Students are required to wear School Uniform to and from School unless special permission is given by Senior Staff.
• In most circumstances, girls are not permitted to come to School or leave School in Sports Uniform.
• Students are not permitted to wear Sports Uniform in classes other than Physical Education unless otherwise advised.
Uniform Centre
The Uniform Centre is under the operation of Bob Stewart. This third-generation family business specialises in school uniforms, providing garments for a large number of Australian schools.
The Bob Stewart shop at 150 Waverley Road, East Malvern holds stock of our uniform. Telephone number is 9036 7342.
Please note that the Bob Stewart Kew store will not stock St Catherine’s items.
In addition to Bob Stewart’s expertise and economies of scale, the advantages of coming under their banner include the acceptance of American Express credit cards, extended shopping hours (including Saturday mornings and School holidays), provision of school shoes, alterations, and braid application to Blazers (Years 10, 11 and 12).
Uniform Shop – Second-Hand (PFA)
The St Catherine’s PFA Second Hand Uniform Shop provides a second-hand clothing service to our community, assisted by a team of volunteers who kindly give up their time to provide the School community with this service. All funds earned by the PFA are reinvested to fund School projects.
The availability of second-hand uniform provides an opportunity for the School community to buy, donate or sell on consignment, a range pre-owned item
The PFA Second Hand Uniform Shop is located at the Senior School Campus inthebuildingbehindthe Wintergarden, accessiblethroughthereardoorof the WintergardenorthroughthepedestriangateonHeyington Placebetween Gates 3 and4.
Operating Hours
Opening hours are 8.00am to 11 00am each Tuesday during School Term.