Senior School Parent Handbook 2025

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Senior School Parent Handbook


St Catherine’s School


Dear Parents

The Senior School at St Catherine’s provides girls with dynamic and inspiring learning experiences and the emotional support appropriate for this unique stage of their lives.

During these formative years, students' abilities and interests are nurtured in a strong and caring community. Our comprehensive academic, co-curricular and wellbeing programs support the intellectual, emotional, and social growth of every girl.

All students are encouraged to develop critical thinking skills and demonstrate creativity, innovation, and flexibility, continuously working towards making decisions and solving problems ethically and collaboratively. Your daughter will be encouraged to set academic and personal goals and develop strategies to achieve these goals in a vibrant and supportive learning environment.

We encourage parents to contact your daughter’s Head of Year, House Tutor, or classroom teachers if you have any questions or concerns about how your daughter is settling into the Senior School routines.

I wish you and your daughters a wonderful start to their Senior School education. I look forward to meeting our families and working in partnership to encourage the development of capable and confident young women.



Portal –

The School’s secure Parent Portal allows parents to access information and services pertaining to the School. Information includes term dates, curriculum and learning information, forthcoming events, School policies, co-curricular information, School contact details, ICT, cyber safety, and student wellbeing advice.

Parents can also pay school fees, download statements and receipts, download, and print subject reports, enrol in co-curricular activities and update personal details, including student medical information through Operoo.

Log in at:

Passwords will be provided to new parents on commencement at the school. For further information please contact the ICT Department on 03 9828 3926 or email

School Diary

TheSchool Diary is animportant tool toassist with organisation and communication. Parents are encouraged to check their daughter’s diary regularly to monitor homework tasks.

Students are asked to record all homework tasks and assignments in their diaries, clearly stating the subject and the due date. Some Key School events are also listed here, but the most up to date version of School dates is via the portal.

Late Arrivals/Early Departures

In the Senior School, students are to sign in/out using the electronic system at Reception located in Sherren House.

Homework & Study

Homework is defined as learning tasks that are undertaken at home. As students progress through the School, their homework may involve the completion of tasks set in class, assignments, reading, preparation for tests and examinations or practical tasks. Regular homework allows students to develop individual organisational skills without the structure of the classroom or peer involvement.

Effective study habits help students to achieve personal goals by optimising their learning outcomes. Homework requires the support of both parents and teachers and helps to promote our home-school links. The nature and amount of homework required will vary due to individual age, learning styles and contexts.

In the Senior School, all students are expected to do homework each weekday evening.

If a Senior School student regularly spends more or less time than has been suggested above on homework, the matter should be discussed with her House Tutor or Head of Year. Students are expected to use their School diary. Please check this regularly. As a rule, work will not be accepted after the due date or late penalties apply. Parents who believe their daughter has a valid excuse for late homework must write a note to the relevant teacher stating the reasons for lateness and requesting an extension of time.

Study Skills

These topics and many more are available on the School Portal under Study Skills.

School Policy on External Assistance

The School recognises that at times parents may wish their daughter to have additional tuition from tutors. Although valuable when a student has specific educational needs, it is not necessary for the majority of students. We recommend that parents consider carefully theneed for a tutor; there are avariety of issues that may arise as a result of hiring a tutor.

Students can become less engaged in class, taking the mistaken view that they do not need to understand or to attempt fully the work being completed in class, as they will have the additional help of their tutor at another time. Tutors have, at times, been seentomask a student’s educational needs atschool when they providetoo much assistance with assessment tasks.

There can be problems with a tutor who does not accept that individual classroom teachers will approach topics in a manner appropriate to their teaching style and the particular needs ofboththeclass andindividual students. A student’s confidence in a teacher can be weakened by careless or uninformed comments from a tutor.

The School has a significant role in the duty of care of all students and staff on the School premises and there are legal and insurance ramifications for all people engaged in work on the School’s premises. Personal tutors are not to be engaged during school hours or to tutor students on the School’s premises. This is in line with the School’s expectations that outside organisations or businesses do not operate from the School’s premises without the express permission of the School. St Catherine’s School is always committed to ensuring the

Catherine’s School

safety of our students and recommends parents/guardians ensure tutors hold a valid Working with Children Check prior to engaging their services.

Academic Care

Student Wellbeing and Academic Care at the School is developed through our bespoke programs of Wellness and Health, Academic Advisory, and the Student Voice Program from Years 7 to 12. The programs align with our Teaching and Learning Framework, Wellbeing Framework, and our character dispositions of bold, independent, resilient, and creative.

Student Wellbeing Transition

St Catherine’s School provides an enriching and vibrant Student Wellbeing Program that encourages positive relationships, a commitment to life-long learning and the development of leadership skills, resilience, spirituality, and social responsibility. Our Wellbeing Framework is supported by intentional and differentiated programs that foster a sense of belonging and an in-depth understanding of all students and their academic care.

Commencing at a new school comes with a great deal of excitement and trepidation as students take on greater responsibilities in their learning and face the complexities of a new timetable, numerous teachers and the challenges of balancing their work, co-curricular and personal commitments.

During their transition into the Senior School, students will encounter challenges, have many questions and at times may become overwhelmed. Although we endeavour to make this transition smooth through extensive support networks, the inevitable challenges also provide the students with valuable learning opportunities. It is by tackling challenges and uncertainty that they develop resilience, independence, creativity and boldness to develop into young adults.

Student Wellness and Health – Mondays

Our Monday programs equip all students with the necessary knowledge, understanding and skills to address the many challenges faced by adolescents today, and create pathways to embrace adulthood with confidence and courage. Students’ physical, social and emotional skills are developed through a diverse range of programs that are differentiated for Senior Years and Middle Years.

Academic Advisory – Tuesdays

The Academic Advisory Program aligns with our Teaching and Learning Framework and the character dispositions and Learning Continuum. The sessions introduce students to a specific learner competency and explicit skills and strategies for their learning, giving them an opportunity to apply a strategy and then reflect and review their approach linked to explicit success criteria. Each Module is delivered across three Academic Advisory sessions. It supports collective student efficacy, continuous learning and making learning visible for students. These sessions aim to allow students to learn, apply and reflect on their learning approach and develop the skills and strategies that allow them to achieve at their best. A personalised approach is developed for all students in their learning, study habits and the character dispositions that sit alongside achievement in learning.

Student Voice – Fridays

Our Student Voice sessions allow all students to develop agency and autonomy in their leadership through Senior Years and Middle Years student-led meetings, House activities and events and Year Level meetings. These sessions are run by students, for students and allow them to develop their skills in leadership, collaboration, and agency.

School Colours

The St Catherine’s School Colours Program provides the opportunity to acknowledge students’ cumulative achievement, performance, and participation in a diverse range of programs from Years 7 to 12. The Program encompasses House activities, Sports, Drama, Music, Visual Arts, Debating, Public Speaking, academic achievement, leadership, and Service.

Recipients of School Colours embody the School Values: Empathy, Perseverance, Integrity, Gratitude and Curiosity, and display a positive and enthusiastic attitude. School Colours are based on individual merit and/or performance within a team or group. The School Colours

Program allows for three tiers of recognition as outlined below.

Full Colours

Full Colours are available to students throughout their time at St Catherine’s and emphasise and recognise exemplary participation and attendance, successful leadership and role modelling, and outstanding performance. Students receiving Full Colours embody the Values of the School and the selected Program.

Half Colours

Half Colours are available to students throughout their time at St Catherine’s and emphasise and recognise consistent participation and attendance and a high level of performance and achievement. Students receiving Half Colours embody the Values of the School and the selected Program.

Contribution Colours

Contribution Colours are available to students throughout their time at St Catherine’s and emphasise and recognise consistent participation, commitment and teamwork demonstrated over a two-year period. Students receiving Contribution Colours embody the Values of the School and the selected Program. Contribution Colours are awarded following two years participation at the completion of Years 8, 10 and 12.

Medical Exemption

In the case of injury or illness, consideration will be given to awarding Full, Half or Contribution Colours to students who have participated in a minimum of half the competition season or activity prior to the injury or illness occurring. A medical certificate is to be provided.

Child Safe School

St Catherine’s School complies with the Victorian Government Child Safe Standards and has a Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy and Child Safety Code of Conduct that applies to all members of the School community. As a Child Safe School, St Catherine’s is committed to empowering students in an environment where they can feel safe, secure, valued and respected. We strive to create a culture in which staff, volunteers, children and families feel comfortable and supported when talking about any child safety concerns. Children have rights and

Catherine’s School

are encouraged to express any concerns about their safety to one of the designated Child Safety Officers; the School Psychologists, the Director of Middle Years or Director of Senior Years, the Head of Junior School or Head of the Early Learning Centre.

Counselling Support

In addition to the support provided by your teachers, House Tutors and Head of Year, the School Psychologists are available to students seeking assistance or advice. Simply email to arrange an appointment or speak with your Head of Year or Director of Middle Years/Senior Years, who can help to organise an appointment. Links to support lines and sites external to the school include:

Expectations and Code of Conduct for Students

General Conduct

Every student is expected to behave courteously and with consideration for others. A climate of personal responsibility, reflection, empathy, and a commitment to positive future behaviour is encouraged. Students are required to respect the guidance of their teachers and be committed to their schoolwork. Students are expected to behave in a way that ensures the safety of themselves or others.

Behaviour in Public

When in public, students will behave with consideration for others. Students should avoid congregating in large groups in public places and be aware of the impact of their behaviour on others and the School. Students are reminded that when in School Uniform they act as ambassadors for St Catherine’s School.


Punctuality is essential. If a student is late to School, they must sign in using the electronic system at Senior School Reception. Explanations regarding absence or lateness are to be communicated to Reception by the parent or guardian.


Parents are required to notify the School before 9.00am if their daughter is absent. There are a number of ways to record your daughter's absence from School.

1. Senior School 9828 3084. A recorded instruction will ask the caller’s name, student’s name and Tutor Group and the reason for her lateness or absence. Alternatively, parents or guardians are asked to email

2. Parents are encouraged to use the St Catherine’s App, to register their daughter’s absence using the Absentee button. This will take you through the process of registering your daughter’s absence.

Early Departure/Appointments

If it is necessary for a student to leave School early or during lunchtime, parents are to communicate with the School by note, email or telephone to Reception prior to the student leaving.

Senior School students departing early (including Years 11 or 12 students who may have timetabled Study Periods) must sign out using the electronic system at Reception. Students who are departing School early due to illness are required to contact the School Nurse on duty directly, who will assess the situation and contact parents. Students are not permitted to telephone/email parents before notifying the School Nurse.

External appointments are to be arranged out of school hours, wherever possible.

Extended Absence

Parents are required to provide at least two weeks’ notice in writing to the Principal, if there is a planned absence from School for a week or more. Teachers can support students during times of absence in a limited manner, but it is difficult for students to recover the essential learning missed because of absence from class. Although some classwork can be completed when a student is away, it may be necessary for some teachers to record ‘Absent’ against assessment tasks. This may result in ‘NA’ being recorded.

Out of Bounds

No Senior School student is to leave the School grounds during the school day without special permission from the Principal, Head of Year, or without prior communication with a parent/guardian. Certain areas are also out of bounds, including the driveway behind the Library and leading to the back gate.

Food Ordering Services

Students are not permitted to order or take delivery of fast food or take away at School or at School events. This is clearly outlined in the School diary as noted below:

"Deliveries of take away food to School are not permitted. The presence of unauthorised delivery personnel contravenes the School Child Safety Policy".

St Catherine’s, Mary Davis Café has a variety of food offerings for students before school, recess, and at lunchtime. We seek the support of parents and students, in ensuring students are not using fast food delivery services.

Students may not purchase food from the Café during class periods. Deliveries of take-away food to the School are not permitted. The presence of unauthorised delivery personnel contravenes the School Child Safety Policy.


Care of School Property

Each girl should demonstrate respect for the tidiness of School property. Any damage to School property or the property of others is regarded as a serious offence. Restitution of damage may be required.

Care of Possessions

The School accepts no responsibility for valuable items and/or large sums of money which are brought to School. Every article which is brought to School must be clearly marked with the owner’s name. This includes items such as calculators, sports and other equipment and uniform. Valuable possessions must be locked. Each student is responsible for the safekeeping of possessions.

Lost Property

Students must ensure that all their personal items are clearly named. Lost Property is located at Senior School Reception. Any unnamed or uncollected items are held until collection or the end of term. At the end of each term, unnamed items that are not collected are disposed of or donated to the Second-Hand Uniform Shop or to charity.


Each student in the Senior School is provided with a locker to secure her belongings. When enrolling in the Senior School, a combination lock is provided. Replacement locks are available from Senior School Reception (replacement charge applies). Students are not permitted to swap lockers and are expected to keep their locker neat and in good order. Senior School lockers are to be kept locked, and School bags are to be stored in the locker.


Students using public transport must treat transport officers and fellow passengers with courtesy and consideration. They must be meticulous in obeying regulations governing the issue and purchase of tickets and transport protocols as required. Every student riding a bicycle to and from School must wear a safety helmet and obey road rules. Bicycles must be walked while in School grounds. Driving has additional risks for younger drivers. It is advised that Senior School students are not permitted to drive to or from School. Students who have their Driver’s License are required to complete a ‘request to drive to School’ Form and send to the Principal.

Food, Chewing Gum and Lollies

Students are not allowed to bring chewing gum to School. Students are reminded of the importance of an appropriate diet of healthy food, thus sweet drinks and lollies should be kept to a minimum. Parents are reminded of the importance of seeing that lunches do not cause a health risk if left unrefrigerated at School. Choice of foods and storage in plastic containers with insulation or frozen sections is advised.

Students can purchase lunch from the Mary Davis Café using their FlexiSchools account or a Debit card. There is a wide range of hot and cold foods to choose from and it is important that students make sensible choices.

Illness or Accident at School

If a student has taken ill or suffers an injury at School, Senior School students must report to the Health Centre/Reception. If illness or injury occurs during timetabled classes, students are to inform the teacher and attend the Health Centre.

If necessary, a member of staff will contact the parents of a student who is unwell and arrange for her to be collected. When necessary, the School will seek medical advice or treatment. All efforts to contact parents or guardians will be made. It is important that parents provide up-to-date and accurate contact and medical/health details for students on their daughter’s Operoo profile. It is not appropriate for students to contact their parents directly to make their own arrangements to go home when unwell

Nut Aware Policy

St Catherine’s is a Nut Aware School. Nuts, or foods containing nuts, should not be taken on any School camp, excursion, or event.

Anaphylaxis Awareness

Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction that is potentially life threatening. Food allergies are the most common cause of anaphylaxis. There is no cure for food allergy, therefore avoidance of known food allergens is crucial. Peanuts and tree nuts are the foods most likely to cause anaphylaxis.

St Catherine’s School is supporting children at risk of anaphylaxis by:

• Training staff;

• Encouraging children to wash their hands before and after eating;

• Educating children about food allergies; and

• Choosing not to sell food in the School Café which contains nuts.

We ask you to support children at risk of anaphylaxis by:

• Not sending food which has peanuts or tree nuts (e.g. hazelnuts, cashews, almonds etc) in the main ingredients list. Note: products containing traces of peanuts or tree nuts can be sent to School.

• Teaching your child not to share food with friends that have food allergy;

• Encouraging your child to wash their hands before and after eating;

• Asking your child to get help immediately if their allergic schoolmate becomes unwell; and

• Explaining to your child that mocking a child with an allergy or interfering with their medication could be life threatening.


The School offers a variety of communication channels (myportal, email, etc.) for students to contact staff outside school hours. It is inappropriate for students to request a personal connection with a staff member on any social media platform.

Students should be aware that activity on social media sites is considered to be public, and that similar expectations in terms of respect to self and others, privacy and appropriate behaviour apply to their online life.

Students should not contact teachers using private email addresses. Students are not permitted to use MS Teams to contact teachers or other students. MS Teams is a teacher-supervised platform only.

The School is aware of the importance of communication with parents.

The Blue Ribbon is the regular newsletter for communicating School events. The Blue Ribbon is available on mystcatherines each Friday during term. Information is also available via the mystcatherines app which is available from the Apple Store and Google Play.

A School calendar is updated at the start of the School year and parents may find information about events and dates on the School website, and/or

Use of Personal Electronic Devices

Electronic Devices

The School recognises the importance of technology in education and adolescent social culture. It is vital, however, that technology such as smartphones, tablets, and notebook computers do not distract from the learning of individuals or groups during class time and are used appropriately and with respect for self and others. The School’s priority is to promote digital literacy through mindful use of technology that is intentional and purposeful.

All students are required to read, agree to and sign the St Catherine’s School Acceptable Use of Technology Agreement at the commencement of each year. Breaches of this agreement or related policies may result in disciplinary measures.


Year 7 students may bring smart phones to School, but students will not be able to use them during the school day. Phones will be locked away and stored in a secure location. If students need to contact family or make an important phone call that cannot wait until the end of the day, they can see their Head of Year, the Director of Middle Years, or visit Reception for assistance. Parents and guardians needing to pass on an urgent message should contact Reception who will ensure the message is received by the student.


Year 8 students may have smartphones at School, but they are not permitted to be used in class unless specific teacher permission has been granted. Students may check their phone at their locker for the first five minutes of recess and lunchtime. During all other times, phones must be in the student’s locker.

YEARS 9 to 12

Years 9 to 12 students may have smartphones/electronic devices at School, but they are not permitted to use them in class unless specific teacher permission has been granted. Years 9 to 10 students must place their smartphones in the mobile phone holders at the start of every class.

Years 11 to 12 students, we encourage student agency to place their phone in the holder working in partnership with their teacher. Years 9 to

12 students may access their phones at recess and lunchtime but must do so appropriately and with respect for others. Inappropriate phone usage will result in confiscation of the phone.

Students are to make themselves aware of the School’s Acceptable Use of Technology Agreement.

It is not permitted to join a student smartphone to the School’s Wi-Fi Network unless written permission is provided by the ICT Manager. All unauthorised devices will be denied Wi-Fi access to ensure the security and integrity of the School’s network.

Smart Watches

Smart Watches are not permitted in examinations, SAC’s, outcomes, or classes where assessment tasks are taking place.


Students may join their companion devices to the School’s Wi-Fi network using their School provided login details. They must accept the network usage conditions. Students’ access to the School Wi-Fi network may be rescinded if School policies are breached.

Notebook Computers

Notebook computers should be used to facilitate learning in the classroom. It is neither permitted nor appropriate for students to access non-educational internet sites, play computer games, engage in personal email, or communicate through personal or social media sites during class time.

MS Teams

The Office 365 Microsoft Teams suite of applications, including School email addresses, remains the property of the School, and must be used for learning purposes only. MS Teams meetings and calls must be supervised by teachers. Student use of the platform without teacher use is not permitted. Students must agree to and abide by the Remote Learning Code of Conduct and the Acceptable Use of Technology Agreement. In order to abide by the School’s Child Safety protocols, screens must be blurred, official School photos only can be used, lessons must not be recorded without teacher permission, no other person should be present in lessons, apart from the enrolled student and students must treat each other with respect in the online environment.

All students must read, agree to, and sign the Acceptable Use of Technology Agreement and the Online Learning Code of Conduct, which includes a more comprehensive list of expectations.


Students who are found to be using smartphones/tablets or other electronic devices in class, without the express permission of the teacher in charge of the class, may have the item confiscated. Confiscated devices will be held at the discretion of the Head of Year or Senior Leadership. In the event of inappropriate student use of technology, further disciplinary measures may be undertaken in keeping with the School’s Behaviour Management Policy or the Anti-Harassment and Bullying Policy.

Online Images

It is both inappropriate and potentially unsafe for students to publish pictures or videos of themselves in School Uniform. St Catherine’s School is the licensee of the School Crest and School name and retains the distribution rights as granted in copyright law.


Photographing, videoing, or live streaming of School students in uniform, or on School grounds without permission is not permitted. Disciplinary measures may be taken in instances where images/videos are posted online, or videos streamed live bring the School into disrepute.

School Uniform

Uniform Centre

Uniform items can be purchased from: Bob Stewart 150 Waverley Rd, Malvern East Vic 3145

PFA Second Hand Uniform Shop

The St Catherine’s PFA Second Hand Uniform Shop provides a secondhand clothing service to our community, assisted by a team of volunteers who kindly give up their time to provide the School community with this service. All funds earned by the PFA are reinvested to fund School projects.

The availability of second-hand uniform provides an opportunity for the School community to buy, donate or sell on consignment, a range of pre-owned items.

The PFA Second Hand Uniform Shop is located at the Senior School Campus in the building behind the Wintergarden – accessible through the rear door of the Wintergarden or through the pedestrian gate on Heyington Place between Gates 3 and 4.

Opening hours are advertised through the School portal new

The School has high expectations regarding how the School Uniform is worn, both in the School grounds and in public.

• The Summer dress and Winter skirt must be knee length.

• The School Blazer must be worn as the outer garment in Terms 2 and 3.

• Items of Sport Uniform are not to be worn with School Uniform.

• The School pullover (jumper) cannot be worn off campus as the outer garment.

• Students are not permitted to wear make-up while in School Uniform.

• Coloured nail polish is not to be worn at School.

• False nails are not to be worn at School

• School shoes are to be buckled or tied, polished and in good repair.

• Students may not wear School bike shorts or team tops (for example Rowing, Snowsports, Year 12 tops) with School Uniform and while travelling to or from School.

• All items of School Uniform must be clearly named.

• Students are required to wear School uniform to and from School unless special permission is given by Senior staff.

• Unless specific approval is given, girls are not permitted to come to School or leave School in Sports Uniform.

• Students are not permitted to wear Sports Uniform in classes other than Physical Education, unless otherwise advised.

• Students are required to use the St Catherine’s Schoolbag and Sports bag.


Students are not permitted to wear any jewellery except for a watch and plain gold or silver sleepers or studs. Only one earring per ear is permitted. Earrings are only permitted in ear lobes. Students wearing inappropriate jewellery will have items confiscated, to be returned at the end of the term. Only School badges or badges specifically related to student achievement or supporting a charity may be worn with the School Uniform.


Blue School ribbons or headbands are to be worn to tie back hair that is touching the collar. No other coloured ribbons or ties may be worn – with the exception of House colours during House events. Hair must always look natural in colour.

Sun Aware

Senior School students are required to wear a School hat when on the School sports field or when playing sport outside in the high-risk period in Terms 1 and 4. Students are encouraged to take advantage of the sunscreen and shade provided and are not permitted to lie in the sun for the purpose of sunbaking. SPF 30+ sunscreen is available for students from the Senior School Reception or the Health Centre. Parents are welcome to provide personal sunscreen, particularly in the case of sensitive skin.

Student Behaviour Management

St Catherine’s School affirms a culture of positive behaviour and high levels of student engagement are essential as prerequisites for student learning. Our Behaviour Management Policy (available on the Portal) states the behaviour expected of students at the School and the consequences when those expectations are breached.

Very Serious Offences

The following are regarded as very serious offences and will be dealt with accordingly:

• Smoking, vaping or drinking alcohol at school, when in school uniform or when engaged in a school activity

• Being in possession of tobacco or intoxicants at school or when engaged in school activities

• Being in possession of, or using, any prohibited drugs or any dealings in such drugs

• Theft

• Violent and/or destructive behaviour

• Repeated and consistent bullying

• Repeated and consistent disrespectful behaviour

• Behaviour considered dangerous

Very serious offences may result in suspension or expulsion.

Senior School Student Management

A student whose attitude and/or progress requires modification or support may be given a White Card which has to be signed by their teacher, including a relevant comment at the end of each class or activity. White Cards are signed by the appropriate Head of Year and the student’s parents at the end of each day. The White Card is a valuable method of monitoring behaviour, work and punctuality.

Restorative interventions are enabled where appropriate. After-school detentions are held, as necessary, by the Head of Year. Parents will be informed if a detention is scheduled.

Teachers may give a subject-based detention for a student’s failure to submit work. These detentions are held by the class teacher during school hours – usually at lunchtime. A student may be suspended or removed from the School for very serious offences or when behaviour has repeatedly been unsatisfactory.

The penalties set out above are at the absolute discretion of the School.

General Information

The VCE Program at St Catherine’s School is designed to provide breadth of study through Units 1 and 2, and depth of study through Units 3 and 4. This will enable students to pursue entry into their preferred tertiary courses.

The usual program is for students to undertake 22 Units over two years consisting of:

Year 11: 6 VCE Units per semester at Units 1 and 2 or 6 VCE Units per semester which may include one Unit 3 and 4 sequence and;

Year 12: 5 VCE Units per semester. Some students undertake extra Units 1 and 2 studies in Year 10. Individual needs will also be taken into account when finalising a student’s academic program.

Entry into a Units 3 and 4 study as a Year 11 student is not automatic. Analysis of past results indicates that premature enrolment in a Units 3 and 4 study has a detrimental impact on performance in the VCE. Therefore, only students with a B average (or better) overall, as well as in the relevant subjects, in Year 10, will be allowed to attempt a Units 3 and 4 study in Year 11.

An approved combination of three Units from the group of English studies; and three sequences (or pairs) of Units at the 3 and 4 level, other than English.

Students must demonstrate achievement in each of the Outcomes for that Unit in the Study Design, as determined by the teacher’s assessment of student performance in the set tasks. If any of the Outcomes are not achieved, through inability to meet expectations with regard to quality of work, submission dates or authentication issues, the student receives an ‘N’ for the Unit. Decisions relating to satisfactory completion of a Unit are solely the responsibility of the School.

Without exception, all VCE students at St Catherine’s School are required to attend their timetabled classes. Experience suggests there is an established correlation between success at VCE and routine attendance in class. Given that the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) has clear guidelines about this expectation in relation to what is deemed satisfactory completion of a Unit of Study – and staff will maintain accurate class rolls to this effect –students need to fulfil their obligations in this regard.

Students are strongly advised during their VCE studies to substantiate any instances of ill health and ensure that any absence from School, and most particularly if this coincides with the occurrence of a SAC, is supported by a doctor’s certificate which is then recorded by the Director of Senior Years. In this instance, the School must be apprised first thing of the student’s inability to attend the SAC so that administrative processes may be put in place to accommodate the absence.

If there are times when a staff member is concerned that a student is falling behind in their VCE work and not meeting deadlines, the student will be expected to attend an afternoon Catch Up session which will be held from 3.30pm to 5.00pm. Students will receive notification in advance to inform them that they are to attend Catch Up and the work that is to be completed. It is a requirement that students attend these sessions when required, even if it means re-scheduling an outside appointment.

Information Resources

The following sources all provide valuable information essential to VCE students, pertaining to operational matters including attendance, regulations, school-based assessment, special provisions, examination requirements, derived examination scores, statement of results, study scores and general advice:

• VCAA website:

• St Catherine’s School VCE Handbook

• St Catherine’s School VCE Curriculum Handbook

• VCAA VCE Exams Navigator Booklet (submitted to all students in Years 11-12 in late Term 3)

• Tertiary entry requirements and ATAR information:

• VET information:

VCE staff at St Catherine’s work prodigiously and cohesively as a group to ensure the VCE experience is a positive and optimal one for our students. Every effort is made to support students in their learning and pastoral care needs. Should there be a concern in relation to any of these key aspects, students are advised to contact the following staff

Catherine’s School

individually to address the matter relevant to their situation:

• Mrs Alison Cassidy (Director of Senior Years)

• Ms Kelly Brady (Head of Year 10)

• Mr Clint Blennerhasset (Head of Year 11)

• Ms Vasiliki Spanos (Head of Year 12)

• Ms Kristy Tine (Careers Practitioner)

• Ms Claire van Boxel (Director of Boarding Services)

2025 Important Dates

• Units 3&4 Enrolment Closes (End of February)

• Special Examination Arrangements applications for the 2025 external assessments – Due: End of March

• GAT (all Units 3&4 students must complete this test) End of June

• Tertiary Preference Applications due (End of Term 3)

• Completed SEAS Applications due (Start of Term 3)

• VCE Oral/Performance Exams - Performance and Languages oral examinations – (October – November)

• Years 7 to 12 Speech Day – Late November

• VCE External Written Examinations (Late October – November)

• VCE subject interviews (Early December)

• VCE results available (Mid December)

• Tertiary offers (Early offers – mid December, Main Round offers – mid January)

• Tertiary offers accepted/rejected/deferred (End January/early February)

Student Wellbeing in Senior Years

VCE students at St Catherine’s are encouraged to maintain a balanced and healthy approach to their school life, and not forsake things which matter to them, and which have a constructive, larger influence on their wellbeing.

While time management issues and work demands can in some instances assume a significant and constraining impact on a student’s capacity to achieve this, it is advisable to recognise that involvement in co-curricular activities and continuing with recreational pursuits are of considerable benefit in offsetting some of the stresses associated with VCE. Regular study habits, sensible eating and sleeping routines and seeking assistance and support of the staff when there is any aspect of concern, are all practical means to assist VCE students during an intensive and demanding period of their lives.

Years 7 & 8 Academic Honours Program

The Academic Honours Program provides a unique opportunity for students who have shown a specific talent academically to enhance their established skills within a specialised small group environment.

The Program at Year 7 and Year 8 operates in conjunction with the mainstream curriculum and is uniquely designed to add an additional layer to the core studies. Students who demonstrate outstanding/exceptional talent and ability in either English, Humanities, Mathematics or Science are selected for the Program.

The selection is based on academic results and testing. The Academic Honours Program commences in Term 1 and usually involves one 40minute session every two weeks; this extension Program is also complemented by a host of enhancement opportunities and experiences.

Curriculum Guides

Parents and students have access to curriculum information for each Year level via mystcatherines including curriculum guides, homework tasks, assignments, tests, essays, research projects and exams. Visit mySchool>Senior School to access curriculum guides.


Our Co-curricular Programs provide opportunities and experiences to enhance the development of the whole child, complementing skills learned in the classroom Each Program provides a different environment for our girls to thrive, by empowering and nurturing independent globally responsive students who approach all endeavours with empathy, integrity, commitment, and determination.

Performing Arts

Performing Arts opportunities are offered in a diverse range of musical instruments, Speech, and Drama. Students take Music lessons during the School day and take part in a range of ensembles and events throughout the year.

Global Programs – Educational Travel

The travel and outdoor education programs are designed to offer an extensive range of experiences. From opportunities to study in regional or city schools in different countries to outdoor education experiences to extend and challenge every student, these programs are designed to develop a strong sense of achievement and empowerment.

Sports Programs

Students are encouraged to try a range of sports to develop a range of skills and determine their areas of interest. Students are offered four streams of sport GSV Weekly, Carnival, Engagement and House Sport. Each has its own slightly different structure, providing students with balance of participation and performance in the sports and recreational activities.

Visit mySchool>co-curricular to find out more about co-curricular offerings

School Policies

School Policies establish a framework for engaging students and providing a comprehensive and safe school education. Parents are asked to read them and discuss the policies and School expectations with their children.

School policies can be found in mySchool>School Policies

Staff contacts

A strong partnership between parents and teachers is essential to the wellbeing of each student. Heads of Year, Heads of Faculty, House Tutors, and teachers are available to assist students and parents with any questions or concerns.

Find staff contacts in mySchool>Staff Directories

Senior School Library

The Nicholas Library is a vibrant and dynamic space that plays a vital role in supporting teaching and learning. The facility offers a variety of spaces suited to individual and group work, where students are encouraged to read and relax, conduct research, or participate in a variety of lunchtime activities. The Nicholas Library is supervised after school, for students to study independently.

School Houses

St Catherine’s School has four Houses that run from Prep to Year 12. Students remain in the allocated House throughout their schooling at St Catherine’s. If applicable, students are placed in the same House as siblings or parents. The House System provides opportunities for leadership and development of School spirit though sporting and cocurricular activities

House colours are awarded in the Senior School for contribution and participation in House activities.

Beaulieu Blair


House Colour: Yellow

Named after the original name of Sherren House, Beaulieu and ‘Blair House’ which was a school established by Miss Flora Templeton, St Catherine’s Co-Principal from 1920 to 1931.

House Colour: Red

Named in honour of Miss Mary Davis, Principal from 1950 to 1971.

Holmes Kilbride

House Colour: Blue

Named after Miss Edna Holmes who was Headmistress from 1933 to 1943 and ‘Kilbride’, the former name of Sherren House from 1911 to 1922.

Langley Templeton

House Colour: Green

Named after Miss Ruth Langley who was Principal 1903 to 1933 and Miss Flora Templeton who was CoPrincipal from 1920 to 1931.



School Reception is open from 8.00am to 4.00pm on school days. If your daughter is going to be late or absent, please notify us as early as possible, and no later than 9.00am, by phoning the late and absences line on (03) 9828 3084.

Parents can notify School of your daughter’s absence using the St Catherine’s School App, using the absence link.

Parents must not communicate (phone or text) with their daughters during class periods. Calls or texts received during class are disruptive to both the recipient’s and others’ learning. Parents may leave messages for their daughters with School Reception.

Address 17 Heyington Place Toorak, 3142

Main Reception (03) 9822 1285


Parent Portal

Late and Absences Line Senior School (03) 9828 3084

Illawarra Boarding House (03) 9828 3074

ICT Support (03) 9828 3926


Operoo is a parent controlled electronic Medical Form for schools, clubs and other groups with a duty of care. It provides you the opportunity to update medical information promptly and accurately while providing the School with instant access to the emergency information provided by you.

We use the Operoo system in the best interests of the children whilst also reducing the burden on you to fill out the same information on multiple forms throughout the year.

You can use a PC, laptop, tablet or smartphone to enter the details including:

• Emergency contacts

• Medical contacts

• Medical checklist including asthma, allergies, seizures, diabetes

• Health and ambulance insurance details

• Notes and other care instructions from you and more.

As a parent/guardian you will have received an invitation to join Operoo by email and enter details for your child/children to create your own Operoo account and control all data about your child/children. The Operoo system stores the information on your behalf, and you will be able to grant (or deny) access to your data with the School.

mystcatherines App

The St Catherine’s School App ensures parents can easily access mystcatherines and receive notifications tailored to their daughters’ Year level.

We encourage all parents to utilise the App as the majority of School communications and reminders are distributed via the App, this includes the newsletter, The Blue Ribbon.

Follow the three simple steps to gain easy access of mystcatherines.

Visit the Apple App Store or Google Play and search for ‘St Catherine’s School’ to download the School App.

Once you have downloaded the app, use your mystcatherines details to log in. Ensure you allow and manage your notifications in your app settings so you can receive important updates.

Mary Davis Centre Café

Senior Student Card Payments in the Café

Students in Years 7 to 12 can use their student card to purchase goods at the Mary Davis Centre Café. Card payments are FREE. Parents set

up a Flexischools account online and pre-load their account with funds. The card is directly linked to the balance of your Flexischools accounts.

Students can make purchases by swiping their card at the register or giving their student ID number.

Parents can view their daughter’s purchases online and can set a daily spending limit on the student’s card.

If you have any questions regarding setting up or using the system, Flexischools provide a help desk service on 1300 361 769, or you can contact them via

Technology Program

At St Catherine's School, students enter the BYOD Program, providing students’ choice to use their own technology. Specifically, on the first day of school, students will be allowed to bring their personally owned laptop or tablet to school to support their learning.

The Schools ICT Department will continue to provide technical support for students; however, it is important to note that no personal computing devices will be repaired by the School’s technical staff due to manufacture warranty conditions.

The ICT help desk is located in the Library and is available for students to utilise at the following times:

• 8:10-8:30am

• 9:50-10:20am

• 1:05-1:50pm

• 3:30-4pm

Private School Bus Service

The School operates two private bus services: Williamstown Service – Williamstown, Port Melbourne, South Melbourne, Albert Park, Middle Park and St Kilda

Bayside Service – Brighton, North Brighton, Caulfield South, and Armadale. The Service also picks up at Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre in the morning.

Find out more here or email


Parent Auxiliaries

Our Auxiliaries are an integral part of our School community, and many parents choose to join at least one to support the wide variety of activities which enrich the experiences offered to our girls.

Parents’ and Friends’ Association PFA

The Parents’ & Friends’ Association (PFA) was founded in 1949 to promote the interests of the School and to encourage cooperation between parents and staff. The PFA aims to foster relations within the School community and promote and support activities for the benefit of the School.

Creative Arts Auxiliary

Heyington Club

The St Catherine’s Creative Arts Auxiliary is a volunteer group of parents, past and present, and old girls, which provides support for the School’s Creative Arts Program and facilitates friendship and participation.

This Club supports the advancement and promotes the enjoyment of the School’s Rowing Program. The fundraising activities run by the Club enable the purchase of new boats, oars, and other Rowing equipment for our rowers.

Snowsports Auxiliary

The Snowsports Auxiliary actively supports the Sports Department to promote the enjoyment, participation and competition of the girls in the disciplines of Skiing, Snowboarding and Cross Country Skiing. Social and fundraising activities, including a cocktail party and presentation dinner, are held to encourage team spirit and to raise money to purchase equipment. Monthly meetings are held during the season.


This Auxiliary supports the Sports Department in both the Junior and Senior School by holding events which encourage team spirit and raise money to purchase and maintain sporting equipment.

The St Catherine’s School Foundation was established in 1996 to encourage and recognise philanthropic support to provide the best possible facilities and programs for the enrichment of our students’ education and wellbeing.

We warmly invite all members of the St Catherine’s community to consider joining the Foundation to deliver the School’s educational aims and provide the best possible facilities and programs for our students.

Find out more here St Catherine’s Old Girls’ Association (SCOGA)

The St Catherine’s Old Girls’ Association (SCOGA) is committed to fostering friendships and providing opportunities for engagement among our broad membership of over 7,000 past students.

Past Parents’ and Friends Network (PPFN)

St Catherine’s prides itself on its close-knit School community and our past parents play an integral role in ensuring our community remains connected and strong long after their daughters leave the School. Membership to our group is automatic for all parents whose child(ren) has completed their studies at St Catherine’s.

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