COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT TOWARDS 2025 Delivered through the work of the St Catherine’s Advancement Office, the Community Engagement and Foundation programs respond to two of the School’s Strategic Intents. INTENT FIVE: EMBRACE COMMUNITY Ensure opportunities for our students through a cohesive, diverse and inclusive community of current and past parents, St Catherine’s alumnae and wider school network. INTENT SIX: EQUIP OUR FUTURE Envision the delivery of learning environments for students and staff that lead the world in innovative and contemporary design and the delivery of exceptional educational programs.
COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT TOWARDS 2025 To develop a program response to these two intents, the Advancement Office has contracted the services of a Business Development Consultant to help the School address the following questions: 1. Is St Catherine’s School below, on or above par in building a cohesive, diverse and inclusive community across all community groups, and measuring, recording and sharing success? 2. Is St Catherine’s School below, on or above par in building and delivering consistent messaging around sentiments of engagement and program impact, as well as celebrating success?
COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT TOWARDS 2025 3. Is St Catherine’s below, on or above par in building advocacy across community groups in a consistent and deliberate way? 4. Where does St Catherine’s School want to be in terms of community engagement in five years’ time? What could inhibit the School from achieving a high-performing community engagement program, if anything?
PIECE 1.1 – RESEARCH o Undertake market analysis and literature review of effective community engagement and philanthropic engagement models; o Determine suitable model based on best practice of leading market (the U.S.) and constraints of the local environment. o Define success criteria of flagship community groups and determine how to duplicate success to other key areas.
PROJECT WORKPLAN PIECE 1.2 - REVIEW EXISTING PRACTICES o Map existing St Catherine’s engagement practices o Review past student, staff and parent surveys for trends. o Define characteristics and behaviours of community promoters and detractors, active and passive. o Analyse existing engagement data including: Giving Volunteering Attendance at events Social media participation (followers, likes, comments, posts, opens etc) o Undertake gap analysis.
PROJECT WORKPLAN PIECE 1.3 - DATA COLLECTION AND COLLATION o Create data collection method based on gap analysis: Create and conduct engagement survey Focus group or one-on-one interviews (seek insight from): a. Promoters – volunteers, mentors, donors, influencers b. Detractors, including passive promoters and detractors c. Those who have left the school d. Those who have reduced their involvement/engagement with the school e. Those who have chosen a competitor school Prospects including new parents o Collect, collate and analyse new data
PROJECT WORKPLAN PIECE 2.0 - RECOMMENDATIONS o Use data led insights to create a set of recommendations o Outline what is possible for St Catherine’s o Define and decide priorities o Establish guiding principles to create community events and communications that showcase the School’s differentiation.
PROJECT WORKPLAN PIECE 2.1 – STRATEGY o Map pathway for improvements with a focus on achievable as well as aspirational goals o Provide community engagement implementation guide o Create engagement charter and processes that facilitate and advance volunteerism. o Suggest longer term goals (where applicable)