Incorporating the Old Girls’ Bulletin SPRING 2015
02 Leadership
Tour Mornings Bookings: 9828 3017 Friday 23 October, 9.00am
04 Academic Honours Program 05 weThrive: Wellbeing @ St Catherine’s 06 Early Learning Centre 08 Junior School 10 Senior School 12 Yulendj Exhibition and Arts Festival 14 Trips and Exchanges 18 Student Perspectives 20 A Sense of Potential 21 UK Tertiary Insights 22 Leading the Way 24 Alice The Musical 26 The 39 Steps 28 St Catherine’s Aquatic Launch 29 Standing Ovation and more 30 Staff Profiles 32 Piloting Starlight Magic 33 Boarding 34 Philanthropy 36 Our Community 38 Archives 39 The Bulletin
Performing Arts Years 7 & 8 Play – Suessical Jr. 23 October, 7.00pm 24 October, 4.00pm Barbreck Music Concert 26 November, 6.45pm Community Events Years 9 –12 Speech Night 20 October, 7.00pm PFA Christmas Party 20 November, 5.00pm Years 7 & 8 Awards Assembly 1 December, 9.00am Barbreck Carol Service 8 December, 2.00pm Senior School House Arts performance 8 December, 6.00pm Senior School Carol Service 9 December, 11.00am SCOGA Events SCOGA Golf Day Monday 12 October, Barwon Heads SCOGA Networking Event for Business Owners and Entrepreneurs Tuesday 27 October, 6.30pm Old Girls’ Day Saturday 21 November 94th AGM 10.00am Morning Tea 11.00am
International SCOGA 2016 Reunions New York, USA Wednesday 10 February 2016 London, UK Tuesday 21 June 2016 SCOGA 2016 Reunions 10 Year – 2006 Friday 19 February 2016, 5.30pm 120th Anniversary Past School Captains’ and Vice Captains’ Assembly & Lunch Monday 29 February 2016 Assembly 10.30am & Lunch 12.30pm 15 Year – 2001 Friday 18 March 2016, 5.30pm 20 Year – 1996 Friday 15 April 2016, 5.30pm Year Reps Cocktail Party Tuesday 3 May 2016, 6.30pm 30 Year – 1986 Friday 13 May 2016, 5.30pm 40 Year – 1975 Saturday 14 May 2016, 10.00am 25 Year – 1991 Friday 2 September 2016, 5.30pm 5 Year – 2011 Friday 7 October 2016, 5.30pm Pre 1957 Luncheon Friday 21 October 2016, 12.00pm – 2.00pm 50 Year – 1966 Saturday 22 October 2016, 10.00am For the latest St Catherine’s news and regular updates, visit
connecting our community Editor Mrs Petalyn Holloway Assistant Editors Ms Narda Edmondson, Mrs Jodie Naismith and Ms Meredith Taylor Cover photo Royal Cards – Clubs: Helena Thorburn, Katherine Lee, Stella Wilson, Eliza Mailer and Alessia Tzelepis Professional Photographers Joe Vittorio Photography Contributors Thank you to all Early Learning Centre, Junior School and Senior School staff and SCOGA (St Catherine’s Old Girls’ Association). The Bulletin Editor Deborah Berry (Manos ’77) The Bulletin Assistant Editor Stephanie Lazar (John ’86) and Helena Lyristakis (’11) Design Four Creative Print RA Printing This publication is printed on Pacesetter Laser. It is made from elemental chlorine free bleached pulp which is sourced from ‘Farmed Trees’ and other sustainably managed sources. It is manufactured by an ISO 14001 certified mill.
For editorial queries, feedback or change of address, please email For extra photos and video, you can read St Catherine’s News eMag online at
St Catherine’s now offers a number of social media platforms to connect with our community and discover the latest news. @stcatherinesschool
Join the St Catherine’s Old Girls’ Association (SCOGA) closed group page on LinkedIn. This page is set up for Old Girls to communicate, network and hear about upcoming alumnae events. Once you are a member you can then share with other Old Girls in your LinkedIn network.
St Catherine’s celebrates 120 years in 2016. Check the website event section for more details at the start of the new year.
“Grounding our education in building students of character encourages the development of the life skills required to navigate the world with empathy, curiosity and insight.” Mrs Michelle Carroll ~ Principal
St Catherine’s News Spring 2015
girls to break out of their comfort zones and ask ‘how do you know what you are good at unless you try!’
Unconscious Bias ‘Nurturing and Empowering’ St Catherine’s Girls
We must identify and promote the strengths of female leadership qualities, and entrench these into mainstream society as qualities that are highly sort after skill sets suitable for senior executive positions. There has been much talk recently about the lack of women in boardrooms in Australia, with the thought of potentially introducing quotas as an agent of change. Recently, attending the Chairs of Anglican Schools meeting, hosted by Archbishop Philip Freier, I was surprised to see only two other women in a group of 16, and only one other female Chair of Council. Spurred on by this imbalance, I delved deeper into one of the co-educational schools present which, although had about half their council positions held by women, every single one of their senior management positions were held by men. Michelle Miller, former private wealth manager at JP Morgan in the US argues that for the most part women, in general, are not discriminated against in business anymore. Whilst many organisations of today promote gender equality through policies and processes, it is important to ask, however, why men are still the predominate force in executive roles. Leading organisational behaviour and women in leadership experts, Professor Herminia Ibarra, Professor Robin Ely and Professor Deborah Kolb discuss the presence of ‘unconscious bias’ in society and our workplaces.1 They state: “Becoming a leader involves much more than being put in a leadership role, acquiring new skills, and adapting one’s style to the requirements of that role. It involves a fundamental identity shift. Organisations inadvertently undermine this process when they advise women to proactively seek leadership roles without also addressing policies and practices that communicate a
mismatch between how women are seen and the qualities and experiences people tend to associate with leaders.”
Such unconscious bias begs the question – what messages are these predominantly male structures sending to our young female students? It leaves these students with a lack of mentors in senior management and, I would argue, would not be preparing our young men for a world where they will be working for women, and where their wives and girlfriends could well be earning more than them. Society must be recalibrated to appreciate the skills and qualities that female leadership provides – it must be a two way push: a rise from the grassroots, and also a drive from the top down. As the article suggests “women’s leadership potential is displayed in less conventional ways.” “The ideal leader, like the ideal man, is decisive, assertive and independent. In contrast women are expected to be nice, caretaking and unselfish. This mismatch between conventionally feminine qualities and the qualities thought necessary for leadership puts female leaders in a double bind.”
As a Council, our role is to guide and support St Catherine’s School, staff and students to empower young women to be world ready, confident and capable. As part of this change, we must not only prepare our young women for the world in which we live now, but equip them with the confidence to know, understand and appreciate their unique characteristics – as an individual, as a young woman, and as a St Catherine’s student. With such understandings of their own character they will be able to
manage their career paths with enhanced insights to attain their goals. We must identify and promote the strengths of female leadership qualities, and entrench these into mainstream society as qualities that are highly sort after skill sets suitable for senior executive positions. Through every aspect of our School – small class sizes, flexibility of timetabling, the depth of our co-curricular and extra-curricular programs, the calibre of our teachers, the capabilities of our campus and the wide and engaging School community – our students are nurtured and valued for the unique characteristics they possess. Our students are surrounded by peers and mentors that encourage them to value who they are, have confidence in their capabilities, to dream big and challenge their capacities. Our network of Old Girls and past parents continually provide support, advice and opportunities for our students, both during and after their School years and our exchange programs broaden our girls’ horizons. It is the ‘one supported by all’ ethos of St Catherine’s and, importantly, the wider St Catherine’s community that will foster our young women to be the agents of change needed to adjust society’s view on leadership and bring more women to the table. Mrs Clare Cannon (Darling ’77) Chair of Council 1 Ibarra, H, Ely, R, Kolb, D, Women Rising: The Unseen Barriers, Harvard Business Review, September 2013
As a leading girls’ school in Australia, St Catherine’s is committed to nurturing and empowering independent and globally responsive young women, enabling them to approach all their endeavours with confidence, wisdom and integrity. – St Catherine’s School Charter Understanding how to nurture and empower confidence, wisdom and integrity in students is the gift of all great teachers. They do this by encouraging students to investigate and inquire for themselves, by posing questions rather than only giving answers, and by challenging them to look further and push their thinking deeper. At St Catherine’s we are fortunate to also provide our students with a nurturing and empowering School community. As the challenges students face become more complex, it is essential, as a School community, we help students find their sense of purpose in the world by developing an environment that integrates critical awareness, a social conscience and quality relationships. A Nurturing Environment This year, a commitment to creating a nurturing environment at St Catherine’s has been evident in the work of the Student Wellbeing Team. Ably led by St Catherine’s Director of Student Wellbeing, Ms Merran O’Connor, staff from the ELC through to Year 12, have developed the weThrive: Wellbeing @ St Catherine’s program. In the coming months, we look forward to forging a partnership with Swinburne University to further extend the wellbeing curriculum through the specific development of Emotional Intelligence Programs.
An Empowering Environment In a poignant conversation with a parent, I was encouragingly told “St Catherine’s enables girls to find their voice.” Perhaps this is the secret ingredient to an education at St Catherine’s. A School culture that is nurturing yet affirming empowers girls to safely explore risk-taking with their learning and creates an environment fostering participation, leadership and engagement. Grounding our education in building girls of character encourages the development of the life skills required to navigate the world with empathy, curiosity and insight. The opportunity at the annual Ruth Langley Luncheon, to hear, firsthand, from one of Australia’s most influential and successful women was immense. The Honourable Quentin Bryce AD, CVO, beautifully articulated her belief in the capacities of women including the ability to “form strong and enduring bonds of friendship, solidarity and a lasting sisterhood providing an unwavering foundation of support for women within family, workplace and community.” As I reflected on these sentiments I recounted the many wonderful stories of our Old Girls at each School Reunion, remembering their time at St Catherine’s. For current teenage girls, Ms Bryce empowers them to ‘get out in front, volunteer, lean-in’ and challenges young
‘Empowering independent and responsive young women’ remains at the core of the educational programs at St Catherine’s. Opportunities such as surgical workshops with the Epworth Hospital or the strength of the peer relations created through a vibrant sense of teamwork, experienced by our Junior School students, culminating in a spectacular performance of Alice The Musical; or the inspirational journeys and community engagement experienced by our Senior School students volunteering in both Peru and Fiji, instilling in the girls a belief they can make a difference; or the leadership opportunities endowed on our Years 6 and 12 students, positions that demand an understanding of the wisdom, communication and dynamism required for such leadership roles. Harnessing the energy and motivations of St Catherine’s girls through engaging, educational programs aims to empower their steadfast commitment to approach all their endeavours with wisdom, confidence and integrity. As a School, we are continually appreciative of the support of the St Catherine’s community, particularly our PFA and Parent Auxiliaries alongside our Foundation, Past Parents’ and Families’ Network and Old Girls Association, SCOGA, all of which continue to contribute to the development of St Catherine’s School. Generous gifts donated through the 2015 Annual Giving will go towards the refurbishment of the iconic Clocktower classrooms and contribute towards rural and Indigenous scholarships. Every gift counts and you can be assured your generosity will make a real difference to the lives of current and future students. I hope you enjoy this edition of St Catherine’s News which encapsulates the nurturing and empowering environment of St Catherine’s today, as well as showcasing the outstanding opportunities for girls in our academic, co-curricular, cultural and service programs. Mrs Michelle Carroll Principal
St Catherine’s News Spring 2015
Growing New Opportunities in Extension Programs at St Catherine’s
The pilot Academic Honours Program is an exciting new learning experience that has commenced this semester
Wellbeing @ St Catherine’s
at St Catherine’s. The objective of the Academic Honours Program is to provide a unique opportunity for students who have shown their specific academic talent to further advance and enhance their established skills within a specialised small group environment. This pilot program is initially running in Years 7 and 8 in the faculty areas of English, Humanities and Mathematics for Semester 2 of 2015. Students have been selected to participate in the pilot program based on their academic results, teacher recommendations and motivation to participate in this unique learning experience. Students participating in the program are meeting regularly to engage in enriching curriculum experience. Mathematics The pilot Mathematics Academic Honours Program involves exploring Mathematical concepts and problems that are beyond the confines of the syllabus. These include problems from a wide range of sources including the Euler Enrichment Stage of the Australian Maths Trust Challenges and the University of Cambridge enrichment website, which has a bank of problems to challenge able mathematicians. The aims of the Program are to broaden students’ mathematical experiences and to extend their mathematical thinking skills. Activities include investigating interesting numerical and geometric patterns, as well as solving complex multi-step problems that require a structured approach. Collaboration is encouraged as enthusiasm can be infectious! Collaboration also deepens students understanding by encouraging them to communicate their mathematical ideas in a clear and concise way that can be readily understood by others.
The iconic blue ribbon, a representation of the thread that binds our close community, stylistically captures the essence of each Year Level theme of our wellbeing program. The St Catherine’s wellbeing tree features these images, connecting the whole School from ELC to Year 12.
Humanities In the pilot Humanities Academic Honours Program students are investigating The ‘Big Six Historical Thinking’ concepts that were designed by Peter Sixas and incorporated by Project Zero, the Harvard Graduate School of Education. Students have been presented with a ‘big’ inquiry question to explore and have been able to self-select a focus area. Each fortnight the students are presented with a new tool for skill development and a new thinking skill. The six historical thinking skills being explored are Historical Significance, Evidence Evaluation, Continuity and Change, Cause and Consequence, Historical Perspective and the Ethical Dimension. In small groups students are using an online tool to collaborate and share information. Online collaboration is allowing students to further their understanding and continue meaningful conversations outside the traditional classroom space. Students are being challenged to think differently about concepts in history and question the evaluation of traditional evidence. English The pilot English Academic Honours Program is inspiring young writers into a world of imagination and creation. Students are crafting their writing skills through the free exploration of creative writing challenges. Students each fortnight are invited to connect and collect wisdom from other students online. Students are invited to embark on a unique writing
journey by collaborating and sharing their personal creative writing adventures. Students will be exploring the ‘Transmedia’ narrative of Inanimate Alice. Transmedia is exploring the art of storytelling across multimedia platforms. Inanimate Alice is an exciting online adventure story with embedded puzzles, digital games and quizzes. The combination of gaming and literature offered in Inanimate Alice is providing students with a unique opportunity to authentically solve and control characters choices. Inspiring young writers to further develop their passion for language and sharing their enthusiasm is the key to the pilot English Academic Honours Program. At the conclusion of Term 4 this year, the pilot Academic Honours Program will be reviewed and further research and consultation will be undertaken to further develop this new extension initiative at St Catherine’s. In 2016 the Academic Honours Program will grow across faculties and Year levels to allow for more collaborative extension opportunities outside the traditional space of the classroom. Miss Ingrid Hildebrand Academic Honours teacher of English and Humanities Mrs Amanda Ladbury-Webb Academic Honours teacher for Mathematics
The weThrive: Wellbeing @ St Catherine’s program provides a holistic approach to the personal, social, emotional and physical wellbeing of our girls.
Through adopting a thematic, integrated and age appropriate wellbeing program, students discuss topics such as realistic and mindful thinking, emotion recognition and regulation, positive relationships, digital citizenship, optimism, gratitude and leadership. The program is a whole School, sequential ELC to Year 12 approach. The entire School community plays a part in the wellbeing of our girls. The ELC, Junior School and Senior School staff work together to deliver a cohesive program to assist the students to tackle challenges with confidence and resilience. The name of the new program captures the essence of what we really want for our girls. Good educators have always urged young people to think realistically and optimistically; to ‘see the glass half full’. But the question we must ask ourselves is why stop there? Why not ‘fill the glass’; to nurture our girls to not only cope but to thrive? The term ‘flourishing life’ has been coined by psychologist Dr Martin Seligman to define this concept; he describes the building blocks for a life of fulfilment as positive emotion, engagement, relationships, meaning, and accomplishment. These Positive Education
concepts underpin the weThrive: Wellbeing @ St Catherine’s’ program but importantly, are further enhanced by the evidence based principles of emotional intelligence. Drawing on the latest research and best practice, the wellbeing program at St Catherine’s School is tailor made to equip our girls to feel empowered to seek a fulfilling life. Research has proven what experience has long shown; that learning and wellbeing are inextricably linked. Students learn best when their wellbeing is optimised, and they develop a strong sense of wellbeing when they experience success in learning. Two of the core intents in St Catherine’s 20/20 Vision Student Wellbeing and Academic Success, reflect this reality and are central to the learning and teaching and pastoral programs. Through the pursuit and practice of our School values and a targeted wellbeing program, students are encouraged to develop a greater sense of personal and academic resilience. The components of the ‘weThrive: Wellbeing @ St Catherine’s’ program incorporate the many aspects of ‘thriving’ and epitomise the focus for those Year levels.
The value of kindness and celebrating friendship was acknowledged as the Year 7 girls shared ‘positivity post-it notes’ on lockers. Here Romy Cantwell, Thalia Barbayannis and Eliza Aylward share their positive notes
ELC – Year 2
we Explore
Years 3 & 4
we Grow
Years 5 & 6
we Reach
Year 7
we Belong
Year 8
we Connect
Year 9
we Engage
Year 10
we Embrace
Year 11
we Accomplish
Year 12
we Lead
Parent Portal – Student Wellbeing In order to provide parents with the latest information and guidance, relevant articles and resources are regularly posted on the Student Wellbeing page. This page is regularly updated with articles, ideas and parenting tips relating to a range of issues, including cyber safety, resilience, academic buoyancy and emotional intelligence. Click on the links, tiles and the archived articles to find an array of topics and advice relating to children and teenagers. Students also have access to a range of cyber smart, study skills, emotional intelligence, mindfulness and ePortfolio resources on the Student Portal. Ms Merran O’Connor Director of Student Wellbeing
St Catherine’s News Spring 2015
The Friends Program provides many benefits for both age groups. The older students gain the opportunity to acknowledge their leadership, responsibility and pride to be a supportive role model to the younger children. The ELC children learn more about themselves as they forge these new relationships. It builds on their confidence and self-esteem. Discussions take place with both age groups before they meet so each role is understood. The older students are provided with advice on how to be a buddy. Teachers carefully supervise our sessions, monitoring the interactions and ensuring both age groups are relaxed and enjoying themselves. The sessions are informal gatherings and are planned by the teachers and students. Literacy support for both age groups occurs during Book Week when the older students read to the ELC children in the Library.
Friends Program
“I really like playing with them. They are really nice and they show us things that they are learning about.” William Howitt, 4YO ELC “My favourite thing is when I play with Ava. She likes playing with me and I like playing with her.” William McInnes, 4YO ELC “I like being with my friend Lucy and visiting her in the Junior School.” Anabelle Ranchod, 4YO ELC
There is always anticipation and excitement when the children in our Early Learning Centre meet up with their older counterparts from Year 4 in the Junior School as part of the Friends Program. This Program develops relationships between younger children and our older students, building a warm, welcoming sense of belonging to the ELC and Junior School community. At the beginning of the year, teachers from the ELC and Year 4 pair students together so that this special bond can commence and continue throughout the year.
“Olivia is nice. She gives me ‘high fives’ and I like playing with her.” Amelie Favaloro 4YO ELC
The younger children concentrate as their Year 4 friends read books they have thoughtfully chosen for the occasion. The older students build upon their reading skills with their special audience. The ELC children built upon their friendship by giving postcards to their Year 4 friends. They drew and wrote excitedly about their holiday break. The warmth and generosity of spirit flows between the age-groups. The younger children are in awe of their older friends in the Junior School and cannot wait for the next meeting when they can chat and spend time together. As a teacher in St Catherine’s School community, it is a pleasure to be involved and observe this wonderful relationship unfold and become one both age groups will remember for many years to come. Ms Fiona Beck ELC Coordinator
St Catherine’s News Spring 2015
So Much to Learn in Canberra The study of Australian Government came to life for the Year 6 students when they toured Canberra in a busy and varied program over four chilly days in July. Visits to the High Court of Australia, National Gallery of Australia, Royal Australian Mint, Old Parliament House, The Museum of Australian Democracy, Australian Parliament House and The Australian War Memorial were just some of the highlights. A session at Questacon, a trip on Lake Burley Griffin and the experience at the Australian Institute of Sport resulted in a worthwhile range of activities.
Many memories were made including the following: “The War Memorial was a really fascinating place and I learnt a great deal. Especially when the guide told us all about the ways in which people used the boats to travel to Gallipoli. It was also filled with sadness as well but interesting to learn about.” Alexandra Demetriou – Year 6 “I found Questacon so interesting because we were able to try different things ourselves like the Drop Slide and the Earthquake House. The officials showed us lots of interesting Science experiments.” Sophie Gough – Year 6 “A highlight for me was the High Court. Listening to what people do when they are not satisfied with the judgement and learning about the appeal process and the role of the High Court.” Elodie Ferrali – Year 6
Heart to Heart Fundraising Event in Barbreck Fundraising in Barbreck is about contributing to others as well as raising awareness about the work and importance of the selected charity organisations. The annual Year 6 led Fundraising Day this year was called ‘Heart to Heart’ and was filled with both learning and fun. Heartkids Victoria, an organisation that assists children who have congenital heart difficulties, was the recipient this year and a total of $2,749.25 has been received with appreciation. Year 6 students organised a day filled with colour and activities for all to enjoy including the ‘Hand and Arm Massage’ room, the ‘Red Creations’ rooms which saw plenty of focus and enjoyment with the making of bracelets and necklaces and clay models, as well as, the joy of rolling and shaping an old favourite, Playdoh! Outdoors, nails and faces could be painted, hair braided, bubbles blown or students could watch animal shape balloons being created. Decorating their own biscuits was a messy, but highly popular activity too! The annual ‘Barbreck’s Got Talent’ quest was outstanding and the adjudicators found it so hard to judge!
Placegetters were: First – Elodie Ferrali Second – Zara Bongiorno, Stella Dunphy Third – Sophie Williams Principal’s Awards – Megan Chang, Sarah Marriott Another highlight of the day was the feast at lunchtime. A gourmet barbeque prepared and served by PFA members and Years 5 and 6 parents was thoroughly enjoyed by students and staff! One of the sentiments from Year 6 at the conclusion of the long busy day was “fundraising is great, but takes so much work.” Mrs Alana Moor Head of Junior School & Early Learning Centre
St Catherine’s News Spring 2015
Outstanding Leadership, Initiative and Involvement
We know young people thrive on ownership and engagement with activities of their choice. The Duke of Edinburgh Award allows the girls to develop in, and explore areas, they are passionate about.
Australia Manon Dennison organising the Red Cross Door Knock
Year 7 student, Harriet Fortey has achieved great success in her field of Modern Pentathlon. At the tender age of just 13 Harriet recently represented Australia at the Asia and Oceanic Modern Pentathlon Youth Championships. Returning from the Championships, held in China, Harriet provided the following recount of her trip:
After two selection trials in December and January, two female youth athletes were selected to represent Australia and take part in the Asia and Oceania Modern Pentathlon Youth Championships in Beijing. Luckily one of the girls picked was me! This was an amazing opportunity to not only represent my country but also compete internationally. Modern Pentathlon is a one day event, including Swimming, Fencing, Show Jumping, Running and Shooting (although there was no ride at this event for Juniors). Right from the beginning, the trip was full of amazing experiences, including watching the senior athletes compete and qualify for the Olympics, meeting other athletes from around Asia such as Korea, Japan, China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Chinese Taipei and India and having a chance to see some of China’s wonders and develop a taste of China’s culture through food. We were competing in an Under 19 category with most of the athletes being 16–18. To go into the competition at age 13, the youngest athlete there, I was a little bit nervous! I could not have been happier though with the results I came out with. I went into the competition hoping to do my best and I finished nineteenth overall and
Why do we offer the Duke of Edinburgh Award at St Catherine’s School?
Australia came fifth in the relay. I achieved personal bests throughout the event and came home very happy. I felt all the training (at times 22 hours per week!) was worth it. Watching the senior athletes in action was really eye opening. Their skill and expertise blew us away, but also gave us a really good indicator of where we want to be in a few years. One of the highlights of the trip was visiting the Beijing Zoo and seeing the pandas. They are so cute and an icon of China and we feel very lucky to have seen them while we were over there. Another highlight was meeting a variety of different people from various countries. Although we struggled with the language barrier, we established a strong connection with athletes, especially the Korean Team. I feel very honoured and lucky to have been able to take part in an experience like this and to represent my country doing something I love. I would like to thank all my coaches, my School and my family for supporting me and making this trip possible. I have had a great time and a life changing experience, none of which will be forgotten. Harriet Fortey Year 7
Congratulations to Year 12 student Manon Dennison who received a VCE Leadership Award from the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority and a Cadetship from leading accounting firm Ernst and Young. The Leadership Award recognises VCE students who exhibit outstanding leadership, initiative and involvement in extra-curricular and community activities. Manon has also successfully secured a Cadetship with Ernst and Young. Shortlisted from over 500 applicants Manon undertook an extensive application process. This opportunity allows Manon to commence university next year in a degree majoring in Accounting and commence her employment with Ernst and Young in her second year continuing with university part time. Manon is St Catherine’s Community Service Captain, House Gymnastics Captain, House Social Services Captain, member of numerous Music Ensembles, Concert Band and many sporting teams. Outside of School, Manon has successfully worked with the Stonnington City Council as part of a youth leadership initiative and proactively worked to raise awareness for the Butterfly Foundation, Centre for Multicultural Youth and MOIRA.
Through the Adventurous Journey section of the program girls experience memorable, once in a lifetime opportunities, that enable participants to build confidence, self-esteem, maturity, self-leadership and resilience.
We are very proud of all our Bronze Award recipients and are very excited to award four girls in Year 12 (Ruby Dicker, Manon Dennison, Imogen Edwards and Giorgia Manenti) who are currently completing their Gold Award.
The girls are guided and supported to step out of their comfort zones and consolidate ongoing employability skills such as problem solving, adaptability, self-management, teamwork and communication. These employability skills are pertinent to master in order to adapt to the ever changing society and job security of the future.
Exciting times ahead!
At St Catherine’s School, we offer all Year 9 students the opportunity gain their Bronze Award. The Silver and Gold Awards are taken up by students wishing to further challenge themselves, meet new people, maintain their fitness, and engage with both the community and the environment.
Ms Casie Chalman Director of Outdoor Education
Clockwise from Left Year 9 students, Demi Markakis, Charlotte Sinclair, Caroline Sawers and Annabel Pryse exploring Well Cave at Cathedral Ranges Year 9 students, Demi Markakis, Madison Stefanis, Annabel Pryse and Caroline Pick ready and raring to hike Year 12 students Imogen Edwards, Giorgia Manenti, Manon Dennison and Ruby Dicker feeling very excited after seeing the first sign for the Great Ocean Road walk
St Catherine’s News Spring 2015
The culmination of almost a year of hard work witnessed the Yulendj Exhibition and Auction achieve a magnificent fundraising result for the St Catherine’s Indigenous Scholarship Program. Highlighting some of Australia’s leading artists, the Exhibition and Auction featured St Catherine’s Old Girls Lisa Roet (’84), Lucy Folk (’00), Rowena Martinich (’97), Amanda Fordyce (’00) and Eliza Cameron (’05), who have all achieved great success in the Arts industry. St Catherine’s Indigenous Program Coordinator, Mrs Gina Peele said the generosity of the St Catherine’s community, and the artists involved in the Exhibition, will make a substantial difference to the lives of Indigenous girls seeking an education at St Catherine’s. “The Arts Festival was a highly anticipated event at St Catherine’s. Having the opportunity to also raise funds for the Indigenous Scholarship Program provided the Festival with a great sense of purpose and community spirit,” said Mrs Michelle Carroll, Principal. “St Catherine’s has a wonderful community supporting our girls and the Arts Festival showcased just how fortunate we are. Events such as the SCOGA Women in Creative Industries Networking night, our Foundation Members
Yulendj Exhibition and Arts Festival
The launch of St Catherine’s School Indigenous Scholarship Program was celebrated through a School-wide Arts Festival in April. The School and our wider community showcased vibrant displays of Art, Drama, Music and generosity over the course of the week.
Left to Right Students making light artwork at MAD John Bolton from Yalari, Waverley Stanley founder of Yalari, Tamsin Renn of the Yulendj Exhibition organising committee and Art Captain Harriet Renn at the Yulendj Auction Year 7 Sophie Garrett, Serena Sitch, Millicent Cottrell, Isabella McDonald performing at MAD Night
Yvonne Audette, Cantata Jubilante, 2014 Oil on plywood 92 x 122 cm Image courtesy of the artist and Mossgreen Gallery
Rebecca Clark, Nathalie Shergold and David Shergold Patrick and Jodie Cody, Alison and Rod Watkins Fiona Menzies and Foundation Preseident Anne Court
Yulendj Exhibition Premiere as well as MAD Night and the Years 5 and 6 production of Alice The Musical, were tangible reminders of the breadth and depth of our community.” “The level of support received for our Scholarship Program demonstrates the commitment the St Catherine’s community has towards providing educational opportunities to Indigenous girls and, ensures we can provide this for more girls in the future,” explains Mrs Peele. “We sincerely thank the hardworking committee, made up of parents and staff, for coordinating an Exhibition and Auction in aid of our Indigenous Scholarship Program.” The Yulendj Exhibition and Auction raised $43,003.60 and an additional $52,257.04 of donations since has gone towards the 30% gap of the tuition and boarding fees to educate our Indigenous students. To watch a video of two of our Indigenous Scholarship recipients please visit https://www. If you would like to find out more on how you can support this Program please contact our Director of Development and Community Relations, Mr Stuart Galbraith on +61 3 9828 3032 or email
St Catherine’s News Spring 2015
South American Adventure Two groups consisting of 22 students and three teachers set out to expand their horizons, give back to local communities and explore the sites of Peru.
Bound for
France and Japan! Here are two students’ reviews of the trip. Our excitement brewed as we made our way to the airport, ready to tackle the challenges ahead. The ethos of a World Challenge trip is that, we the participants, take control of our itinerary, and take responsibility for the decisions we make along the way. In saying this, we were booking our accommodation and transport, as well as researching landmarks and restaurants to visit. We had a budget sheet in which we used to guide the Sols we were spending. We were rather satisfied with how quickly we mastered the multiple challenges of planning a budget, organising meals and navigating the different challenges of the Peruvian transport network. All achieved with the customary St Catherine’s upbeat cheer and team work mentality. Upon arrival in Lima we were excited to test out our navigation skills and, of course, the local cuisine. We did not venture to try the local delicacy of guinea pig the first night, although it did make an appearance on our plates later in the trip. After what seemed a rather short sleep, given our jet lag, we made off to Cusco almost immediately. Arriving in Cusco was a real highlight. While Lima seemed like any other worldcity, when we arrived in Cusco we really felt like we were in a new culture. Greeted by friendly locals with a rather cute Llama key chain we made our way slowly (due to the altitude) to the first of many friendly local accommodations.
Over December / January a number of students enjoyed visiting France and Japan as part of Language Exchange.
At this point, we engaged in a wonderful opportunity where we volunteered at a local project, developed for indigenous Peruvian girls to access high school education. Each day we helped out with painting the building, and in the afternoons spent time with the girls engaging in conversation. When we finished our project we set off for our real challenge. A five day hike, reaching an altitude of 4,600m near Mount Salkantay. The memory of many School camps kicked in and we persevered without complaint, though Freddy, the cook, may have put together a few better meals than we might have done, given the conditions. The sight that rewarded us at the end of our strenuous five day hike can never truly be put in to words. It is easy to see why Macchu Picchu makes it on to every list compiled of ‘great world wonders’. The final phase of our journey was a couple of stops at Puno, to see Lake Titicaca and Arequipa, the beautiful white city. Lake Titicaca was simply stunning, and it was easy to forget we were still at an elevation of 3,800m. Arequipa was a beautiful relaxed city, with spectacular examples of Spanish colonial architecture. At the end of our camino we returned to Melbourne, exhausted but satisfied; we had risen to the World Challenge. Elsa Robertson Year 10
On 19 June we set off on our long awaited journey to Peru. After 36 hours of travelling we finally arrived in Lima. Although tired, we were all extremely excited to begin our adventure. Whilst in Peru, we ventured to many places including Paracas, Arequipa, Puno, Cusco and Goyeneche. One of the many highlights was exploring Machu Picchu and discovering the historical Inca ruins. All of these places offered us a different experience and a new culture we could immerse ourselves in. As part of our trip we completed four different phases: acclimatisation, the hike, the project and rest and relaxation. As a part of the project phase we travelled three hours out of Arequipa to a small village called Goyeneche. Here, we stayed and worked to improve a local primary school which consisted of 17 students. Our funding, which we had previously raised, went towards fixing a roof on one of their classrooms and renovating dangerously worn outdoor stairs. In addition, we restored and painted their outdoor walls as well as getting to know the locals.
Another phase, the Huarcondo hike which elevated to 4,800 metres, enabled us to push ourselves – both physically and mentally, and discover another side of Peru. This hike enabled everyone to become closer as we ecouarged and supported each individual; we became a Peruvian family. World Challenge offered us an experience we will never forget and carry with us throughout our lives. Gracias!
The girls enthusiastically embraced the different cultures and their challenges, from class sizes of 40 at their sister schools to experiencing a white Christmas! The girls all returned to Australia feeling like they had grown more independent and with much improved coping strategies. Language exchanges are a great opportunity for students to put their formal learning into practice, and in context, while improving their listening and speaking skills. Applications for Language Exchanges 2016 will be requested later in Term 4.
Hannah Wentworth Year 11
Ms Corinne Buzza Head of Languages
Top to Bottom Team 1 at Machu Picchu Team 2 at Machu Picchu Team 2 learning about people’s way of life living on floating islands of the Uros Islands, Lake Titicaca, Southern Peru Team 1 at the summit of their trek to Ollantaytambo
Reflections on the Japanese Exchange “The differences allowed me to gain a huge appreciation for the Japanese culture but my biggest achievement through this Exchange was growing in independence and self-sufficiency and of course my Japanese language skills have improved immensely.” Sophie Francis Reflections on the French Exchange “It was a challenging experience however it was so much fun and so beneficial. I was able to experience a winter Christmas and New Years which was incredible and vastly different from any type of celebration here.” Annabel Steven
St Catherine’s News Spring 2015
Bound for
The Importance of
Attitude Fiji is well known for its sandy beaches and abundance of palm trees and coconuts, however, 19 girls from Years 10 and 11, along with four teachers, were able to spend Easter experiencing the lifestyle of Fijians that goes well beyond the world of tourism.
Our journey into the highlands began on Saturday 28 March, after shopping at the food markets and stationery store in Nadi. We travelled to Nasivikoso in the village truck, which guaranteed a very bumpy ride up into the highlands. Our time in the highlands was filled with teaching in Nasivikoso Village School, swimming in the river, attending church on their Children’s Day, participating in a Kava ceremony, walks to the hidden waterfall, saying ‘bula’ (hello) to just about everyone, eating fresh coconuts and guavas, playing Netball against the local girls team and spending time immersing ourselves culturally in the local community. On our last night in the village, we were treated to a performance by the School children, in which they sang and danced to their cultural songs. Our renditions of ‘Changes’ by David
Bowie and the School Ode could only be compared to the chanting of AFL fans, but nonetheless was received in good spirits by the Fijians. Saying goodbye after they sang their farewell song was incredibly hard for all of us, as we had formed such close bonds with the School children and many tears were shed and hugs were given. The next day meant saying goodbye to our generous Fijian family at Kanani and taking another bumpy ride in the village truck to the Coral Coast to experience the coastal life in Fiji. During our stay at Mango Bay Resort we went swimming, played Netball against the local team, went out on a boat to a private beach, went snorkelling and reflected on our time in the highlands. The key lesson we have all taken away from the trip is the importance of attitude. The success
UK and USA! Year 10 student, Mackenzie Leyden provides readers with a personal reflection of her time spent in Nasivikoso Village as part of her School trip.
of our trip was a result of the caring, welcoming attitude of the Fijians who we met and became close with, as well as our positive attitude as a group. Although the people in Nasivikoso have very few material possessions, they are by far the happiest people on earth, and this was an important lesson for us to bring home. We were overwhelmed by their richness. An amazing richness in culture, heritage, tradition, community, family and life. The people in the village do everything to the best of their ability and always have a positive mindset, which is manifested within the tight community. We would like to extend a massive vinaka (thank you) to Mrs Carroll, Ms Stansfield, Mr Hicks, Ms Day, Ms Andrews, Destination Dreaming (Tom in particular, our group leader) and St Catherine’s for providing us with this once in a lifetime opportunity. We are eternally grateful for being welcomed into the Fijian
community in such a warm and heartfelt manner and we will cherish the memories we have made for a lifetime. Mackenzie Leydon Year 10 To further develop St Catherine’s girls’ character and to empower their independence as globally responsive young women, St Catherine’s School has launched our Year 9 program – Heyington to Highlands. This program will see every Year 9 student embark on a 12 day trip just like Mackenzie’s. The introduction of this program creates opportunity for involvement, team-work and personal reflections. With this, evolves a greater self-awareness, improved critical thinking skills and enhanced understanding of one’s own personal capacity.
This year two exchange trips sent a selection of Years 9 and 10 students to the United Kingdom and the United States of America. Year 9 students experienced life and school in the United Kingdom at St Catherine’s School Bramley and St. George’s School Ascot in the United States students spent time at the Ethel Walker School and Kingswood Oxford School in Connecticut and the Archer School for Girls in Los Angeles. Both tours exposed the girls to life, culture and education in another country, as well as, providing opportunities to challenge themselves. Reflections on the UK Exchange “The UK exchange opened my eyes to the world and provided such a different perspective on schooling as well as home life. The differences challenged us all but at the end of the day were very rewarding.” Isabel Gray, Year 9 Reflections on the USA Exchange “We arrived in Connecticut to a ‘Welcome to Connecticut St Catherine’s sign’. One of the highlights was discovering the differences between schools. There was an amazing Equestrian centre and the girls follow a dress code rather than a uniform. It was also quite a change having three meals a day at school. We also had the opportunity to visit New York and enjoy many sights including a bike tour of Central Park and going to the top of the Empire State Building. Overall we absolutely loved our time in America.” Olivia Begley, Sarah Wilson and Jasmine Pearce Higgins, Year 9
St Catherine’s News Spring 2015
Meet four of our students… ANA-SAFIYA BARMARE – YEAR 3 What do you like most about School? My friends. I am always excited to come to School to see them. I also love Mathematics and practice my division and multiplication at home. I also love writing stories in English to present to the class. What are your favourite things to do away from School? Tennis! I have been playing since I was three years old. My favourite game to play at Tennis is called skeleton. If you hit the tennis ball in the correct place you are safe but if the ball goes in the wrong section of the court you lose points which are called sick, hospital, dying, dead, skeleton and zombie! Do you play any musical instruments? Yes. I play the cello and the piano. The cello is my favourite because it is very different and not many people choose to play it – you can play it different ways as well by drumming the body, plucking the strings and using the bow. What would you like to be when you grow up? I want to be a Tennis player and compete at the Australian Open. All my St Catherine’s friends could come and watch me play and hold up big posters with my name on it. I also want to work for NASA and build rockets and help discover new planets. What have you enjoyed the most so far this year? The Twilight Picnic at the start of the year was so much fun. Eating ice-creams and playing with my friends was great. I have also really enjoyed Art, especially the Music bag that we made by sewing felt designs on to the bag, we use the bag to hold our recorders. I have also loved doing Gymnastics.
Ana-Safiya Barmare
What does it mean to you to be a St Catherine’s girl? Happiness. All the girls at St Catherine’s are polite and kind and the teachers are always helpful. They help me if I cannot understand things. What are some of the things you are most looking forward to in Year 4 in 2016? I am looking forward to a new classroom and teacher. I have heard there are so many things that you do in Year 4 that you cannot do in Year 3 – I am looking forward to these surprises!
CLEMENTINE SITCH – YEAR 5 What do you like most about School? I have the funniest teacher in the School! Mr Hughes always teaches our class in a fun way and my day is never slow. What are your favourite things to do away from School? I love going to our family beach house and swimming with our long haired border collie, Archie. Do you play any sports? I enjoy District Running, Netball and Soccer as well as Jazz and Gymnastics, Beam is my favourite apparatus. What would you like to be when you grow up? A neurosurgeon. I love Science and I really like helping people. I read Science books as often as I can and try to focus on Maths and Science at School.
Clementine Sitch
What have you enjoyed the most so far this year? Competing in all the District Running events, sitting the NAPLAN tests and being part of such a nice School – everyone at St Catherine’s is so caring and we are part of a big team. What do you hope to do by the end of the year at School? I would like to make it into the top Mathematics group and compete in most of the District Running events. What does it mean to you to be a St Catherine’s girl? Upholding the School values. I see Empathy as understanding other people’s situations, Persistence as striving higher, Integrity as being proud of my decisions and Curiosity to try new things. What are some of the things you are most looking forward to in Year 6 in 2016? Hopefully being lucky enough to have a leadership role, helping Mrs Moor with fundraising events, the Canberra Study Tour and learning Algebra in Maths.
Lucy Wentworth
LUCY WENTWORTH – YEAR 7 Name three aspects you enjoy the most about School, and tell me why you enjoy them. I love all the teachers because they are so nice. Being able to try lots of different sporting events and School Assemblies – because we get to hear about other girls’ achievements. You moved from Barbreck to the Senior School this year. How have you found the transition from Junior School to Year 7 at St Catherine’s? I honestly thought it would be a lot harder than it was but all the teachers are really nice and they let you settle in and are always there for you if you need any help. Are you involved in any co-curricular activities at School? GSV Hockey, Swimming, Diving, Tennis and Athletics as well as Interschool Gymnastics. What would you like to achieve during your time at St Catherine’s? I would love to be a Langley Templeton House Captain in Year 12 and also participate in one of the big School trips that St Catherine’s offers. I also really hope to achieve the best possible marks I can in all my subjects.
Emily Barrington
What are some of the things you are most looking forward to next year being in Year 8? Meeting some new teachers and welcoming more new girls to the School. I am looking forward to improving more and more in my School work and my sporting events. EMILY BARRINGTON – YEAR 10 Name three aspects you enjoy the most about School, and tell me why you enjoy them. The small, tight-knit community that our School is so well-known for. The size is small so you can form friendships across all Year levels and develop connections with the teachers, it provides a comfortable environment to work and learn in. The lunch-time help sessions are also extremely worthwhile as teachers can personally help you with class work. The new buildings are also an amazing aspect which I have enjoyed this year as we are given beautiful, open spaces for lunch breaks, as well as an improved Library which I use often for a peaceful place to read and study.
What do you hope to do by the end of the year at School? I hope to achieve higher marks then I did in the previous terms of 2015. I hope to improve my sporting events, for example, jump higher then I have jumped before, run faster than I have ever ran before and swim faster than I have ever swum before.
Inside the classroom, what has been the highlight of 2015 so far, and why? A highlight of this year would be taking the next step up in difficulty in a number of subjects, particularly in Mathematics and French. Our class also had the opportunity to converse with the French exchange students which gave me the chance to improve my conversation skills and learn more about French culture.
What does it mean to you to be a St Catherine’s girl? It makes me feel really proud and happy to put a blue ribbon in my hair every morning before School.
Outside the classroom, what has been the highlight of 2015 so far, and why? This year I had the amazing opportunity to visit Peru as a part of a World Challenge
expedition. We were able to help build a girls’ school in a small town called Ollantaytambo and interact with the native Peruvian children there. We also hiked on the challenging Salkantay trek and visited some of the most renowned places in the world, such as Machu Picchu. What would you like to achieve during your time as a St Catherine’s girl? My main goal is to complete my subjects to the best of my ability. During this time, I would like to discover what my interests might be, when I leave School. This process is aided by the variety of career sessions we have in Years 10 and 11. I also want to take advantage of the vast amount of activities offered at School and approach new opportunities that will force me to step out of my comfort zone. What does it mean to you to be a St Catherine’s girl? St Catherine’s is a School that celebrates cultural diversity and encourages everyone’s knowledge and skills in both the classroom and in co-curricular activities. I am proud to support these values and feel comfortable stepping out of my comfort zone knowing I will be supported by all members of my School. At St Catherine’s the friendships made throughout your School years are friendships which will continue throughout your life.
St Catherine’s News Spring 2015
A Sense of Potential On the eve of my eleventh birthday I received some money from my Grandma. I promptly decided I wanted to buy a goldfish and at seven o’clock on a winter’s night I left the house alone and took a tram down to the pet store on Chapel Street. There, I spent an hour and a half negotiating prices, enquiring about the lifespan of fish and selecting an appropriate aquifer. At eight thirty (equipped with two live fish, pebbles, and a tank) I boarded the tram back towards my house. At nine o’clock I entered the kitchen and experienced great difficulty in attempting to fathom why on earth my parents were so concerned. In my head, my conduct was entirely appropriate. I was ten turning eleven; I knew exactly what I wanted and how I could attain it. It was absolutely necessary that they stopped ‘smothering’ me.
an environment that does not accommodate complacency; we are perpetually moving, being shunted outside our comfort zones. At every juncture, we are reminded of the value of boldness, discipline and grit. We appreciate fear and apprehension as indicators of progress, as suggestions that we are entering the excitement of untraversed educational territory.
Now, I am newly eighteen, and I have no idea what I want or how I will go about pursuing it. The class of 2015 is graduating in a few short months; and, for what is perhaps the first time ever, I am not fuelled by a burning sense of direction.
There is an adage that says, “a person is not educated unless they learn how little they already know.” I think this underlines the strength of education at St Catherine’s well, wherein each girl is endowed with a hunger to do more, learn more, and experience more. For us, life post-School is about extending ourselves and developing a wider breadth of thinking. It is about experiencing progress, challenge and discomfort and all the other feelings that tell us we are still learning and developing. At St Catherine’s, education is not merely a prerequisite to a career. It is a means of arming ourselves with a strong system of values and an insatiable love of learning that we will carry into the ambiguity of the future.
It is so exciting! I suppose I can blame my indecision on St Catherine’s (in the most positive sense). I am so privileged to attend a School that has broadened my outlook, rather than aiming to categorise me into a single career pathway. Over our time at School, the breadth of disciplines and activities we undertake serve to extend our prospects further. We learn within
UK Tertiary Insights
That is why, standing on the precipice of adulthood I am not tentative.
Careers Practitioner and VET
I have been taught the importance of remaining passionate, of approaching each task with ardency and commitment. I understand now, how success in any field is a product of persistent questioning, debating, disrupting and risk-taking.
Poel has spent time at a number of
Uncertainty can be a gift. I am so grateful I am not leaving St Catherine’s with a predetermined understanding of what I want. I will never be complacent, or apathetic; I will always be moved by ambition and motivated by the sense of potential our School has instilled in me. It is a great source of comfort to know whatever the coming years promise, I will always have this wonderful experience: an all-encompassing education in the things that really matter. Nicola Sitch 2015 School Captain
Coordinator Mrs Pauline van der UK tertiary institutions including University of Oxford, University of Cambridge , London School of Economics (LSE), Kings College and University College London (UCL), along with Somerville and St John’s Colleges to learn more about tertiary education opportunities abroad.
Left to Right Mrs Pauline van der Poel, Daisy Irving-Hyman (’13) Kiera McNeice (’02) and Stephanie Guy (’07) Amelia Hamer (’11) Caroline Hamer (’13) and Olivia Lawn (’13)
Mrs van der Poel was able to meet with former St Catherine’s students, Old Girls Amelia Hamer (’11) who is studying at Oxford University, Daisy Irving-Hyman (’13), Dr Keira McNeice (’02) and Stephanie Guy (’07) from Cambridge University, Olivia Lawn (’13) studying Fashion/ Business at Istituto Marangoni and Caroline Hamer (’13) studying Business, Maths and Statistics at the London School of Economics. “During my trip I was thrilled to have the opportunity to speak to the International Admissions staff from a number of Universities. They spent time with me clarifying the process and what they are looking for in an international applicant from Australia. They also arranged for me to have a tour of the campus and colleges. I have to say, it was the most worthwhile Professional Development I have ever engaged in and cannot wait to share my knowledge with interested students and families in more depth. To top it all, I spent time with some past students from St Catherine’s who are successfully studying, or have studied, and are now living in the UK.
This opportunity was absolutely wonderful, and surely goes to show how globally successful our School community is,” explains Pauline. “The conversations with Old Girls and admissions staff during my tour also highlighted the differences in workloads and demands for those studying programs in the UK. One needs to realise when you embark on an overseas placement, you are not only studying at some of the finest Universities in the world, with some of the brightest people, you are also required to put yourself out there to connect with a new community while juggling these academic demands. Living away from home without the immediate support of one’s family can have its challenges. I am proud that our past students seem to find each other and offer support and a home away from home for one another.” “This experience demonstrated to me that life outside the gates of Heyington Place can provide our students with some of the most amazing experiences and opportunities. One just has to be willing and able to take them,” Pauline says.
St Catherine’s News Spring 2015
“Aim for something that inspires you and sits well with your values. Seek out work that is stimulating and provides you with a chance to learn and build your skills.”
Leading the Way
Anna with Clarrie Cameron, author of Elephants in the Bush
St Catherine’s School is fortunate to have many outstanding alumnae whose achievements provide endless inspiration to our current students and community. The following interviews offer insights into two of our Old Girls career journeys and what they value from their career paths.
Robyn Stern (’77) After graduating as a Lawyer, Robyn ventured down the path of public service. Spending her entire professional career with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade she has held numerous roles including Director of the Department’s Freedom of Information Section, Counsellor in the Australian Embassy in Paris, Third Secretary in Australia’s High Commission in Singapore and Deputy Chief of Protocol. In her various roles within the Department Robyn has been able to work on treaties, international women’s issues, human rights and humanitarian law and negotiated employment agreements and represented Australia overseas. Tell us about your career journey? After leaving St Catherine’s at the end of 1977 I studied Law and Arts (French) at the University of Melbourne. In my final year I applied for the graduate program of the then Department of Foreign Affairs, and emerged at the end of the lengthy recruitment process with an offer of a position, starting in February 1984. I had wanted to be a diplomat since I was thirteen, inspired in part by my friendship with another former St Catherine’s student Barbara Sympher (’77) whose father was the German Consul-General in Melbourne. I have spent my whole professional career in what is now the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. I have had two overseas postings in my own right, as Third Secretary in Australia’s High Commission in Singapore (1986–1988) and as Counsellor in the Australian Embassy, Paris (2002–2004). I accompanied my husband, who was also in the Department until he retired this February, on his posting to Geneva (1992–1995).
Has there been a defining moment in your career? My husband and I were both keen to pursue our careers and minimise down-time. So we decided early on we would have to spend the bulk of our careers in Canberra, rather than overseas. I have drawn on my legal background to work on treaties, international women’s issues, human rights and humanitarian law, and as director of the Department’s Freedom of Information Section. I have also had some fascinating placements in the Department’s corporate areas, helping to negotiate our staff employment agreement, and running the section responsible for our Ministers’ overseas travel and their office support arrangements. I have been fortunate to have the opportunity of work-related travel to Islamabad, Abu Dhabi, Port of Spain, Rangoon, Bangkok, Manila, Dublin, Zagreb, Vienna, Wellington, Washington and New York. What does a typical day of work for you look like? A few months ago I moved from being Director of New Zealand Section to become the Deputy Chief of Protocol, where I am responsible for managing security and protection, property, and privileges and immunities issues for the foreign diplomatic corps and international organisations in Canberra. A typical day is pretty varied from advice to foreign embassies on tax concessions and property issues, to dealing with immunity issues involving a diplomat or member of a diplomat’s family. In the evening I might attend the National Day of a foreign country and propose the formal toast on behalf of the Australian Government.
Anna Moulton (’89)
What do you most enjoy about your work? The sheer variety of work and the enormous privilege to represent Australia overseas. What is the most challenging aspect of your job? The day-to-day juggle of competing priorities – it is rare to have the chance to just focus solely on one task at one time – and responding to high-level requests against the background of the 24-hour news cycle has meant those working in the Department have to be more flexible, adaptable and nimble than ever before. My own personal greatest work-related challenge was when Prime Minister John Howard visited France for the 60th anniversary of D-Day commemorations in June 2004. I was responsible for making sure his 20 plus accompanying media party managed to arrive on time at all of the three main commemorative events the Prime Minister was attending in different parts of Normandy, which was in security lock-down because of all the senior foreign leaders attending the commemorations. I had to ensure I did not lose any of them, and have them boarded on the PM’s plane at the end of the day! Herding journalists is a bit like herding cats, but fortunately it all worked out fine! Your favourite St Catherine’s memory? I have many St Catherine’s memories. Overall I really enjoyed my 12 years at St Cath’s, and really appreciated the wonderful teachers I had, the supportive environment the School provided, and the chance to make some life-long friendships.
Anna’s passion for publishing and indigenous culture combined with her Law degree foundations has immersed her in roles across the non-profit, government and publishing sectors. Her current role as CEO of Magabala Books showcases indigenous culture across a mix of genres from children’s picture books, junior, young adult, adult fiction, social history and memoir. Describe your current role and your career journey. I am the CEO of Magabala Books. Magabala Books is Australia’s leading Indigenous publishing house, based in Broome, Western Australia. Established by Kimberley Aboriginal elders almost 30 years ago Magabala Books protects the rights of Indigenous storytellers and ensures their culture and stories are recorded and shared for future generations. As a national publishing house supporting artists from all over Australia, Magabala is well respected for the quality of its titles and for the professional development of Indigenous authors and illustrators. Prior to this role I worked with traditional owners and Aboriginal artists from across the Kimberley including Nagula Jarndu, a new women’s textile organisation in Broome, Miriuwung Gajerrong traditional owners in Kununurra and in 1998 established Warmun Art Centre with the artists and community council. Is what you do now what you thought you would be doing when you left School? No, I started an Arts/Law Degree without a clear idea of where I was heading, but felt it would give me options and it did. I have had a varied and interesting career so far. Previously a lawyer, I have had a diverse range of roles in the non-profit sector and government. As an avid reader, I have been interested in publishing since I left university. In 1996 I bought
my first Magabala publication and not long after decided I would one day like to be the CEO of Magabala Books. What was the highlight of your School years? A School trip to Alice Springs and Darwin made a huge impression on me. It was a turning point, when I started asking questions and in particular why I did not know more about Aboriginal people, culture and history. I remember some wonderful and inspirational teachers, particularly in European History, French and English. What is a typical work day for you? It is a very varied, busy and stimulating job. It might include meeting with staff to discuss the marketing of a new title and with the Publishing Manager to discuss new manuscripts or author contracts. Then there is the excitement when a new title arrives from the printer, which usually stops the entire office. Every day involves some oversight of the finances, and I am in regular contact with funding bodies and completing funding applications. It might also include contact with our donors who support Magabala’s Indigenous Creator Scholarship Program. We have a strong and growing support base who believe in the work that Magabala does, ensuring stories ‘do not go untold’. What career advice would you have for someone starting out in Law? Even though I did not practice law for long (about two years) I am pleased I had some experience in a law firm and became admitted. I have always liked to keep my options open and in 2002 I returned to legal work, as a legal policy officer for the Tasmanian Justice Department. That was a fascinating job. Law does create opportunities. My closest friends from university are working as lawyers or in a legal capacity in television, for legal aid, in local government, and international human rights.
Who inspires you and why? The Kimberley is full of inspiring women, most of whom work quietly and without recognition to transform their communities. Edie Wright, the chairperson of Magabala Books’ Board of Directors, is an incredible woman and a great leader who is passionate about Magabala’s vision to inspire and empower Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to share their stories. Edie is the manager of Kimberley Aboriginal Education and a published author. Her quiet strength, clear vision and good heart inspire those around her. June Oscar and Emily Carter, for their courage, drive and commitment to create stronger and healthier communities in the Fitzroy Valley. Their stance on implementing alcohol restrictions in their community, despite great opposition, is well documented. They have led ground-breaking research into foetal alcohol disorder syndrome, and they run one of the most dynamic women’s centres in Australia – Marninwarntikura. Bruce Pascoe, a wise and brilliant man who is the author of some wonderful books. I think every Australian should read Dark Emu, and Fog a Dox is one of my favourite books. I am lucky to be inspired daily by the very talented authors and illustrators who work with Magabala. Do you have a work mantra/ philosophy? Aim for something that inspires you and sits well with your values. Seek out work that is stimulating and provides you with a chance to learn and build your skills. Do not be afraid of challenges and find suitable mentors who can guide you, ask you the right questions and be a sounding board. For a long time my mistake was I thought I had to work it all out for myself.
St Catherine’s News Spring 2015
Alice Earlier this year all students in Years 5 and 6 celebrated the 150th anniversary of Lewis Carroll’s famous story Alice in Wonderland by working on the production Alice The Musical.
Main Picture Sienna Gracanin (Caterpillar) Charlotte Aston (Alice) Left to Right Birds: Katie Cacopardo, India Marner, Sarah Marriott, Sophie Yi, Maggie Dryden and Emilia Searby Clementine Sitch and Olivia Fortey Ruby Moir (Cheshire Cat) Isabella Mangano (Duchess) Scarlett Davis (Cook) Georgina Vote (Mock Turtle) Claire Gray (Gryphon) Clarence Houle-O’Connor (Mouse) Anouk Heidenreich (Lory Bird) Eliza White (Dodo) Sophie Williams (Alice) Allegra Dennison (March Hare) Zara Bongiorno (Mad Hatter) Deána Laletas (Dormouse)
Over a ten week period, we embarked on a journey which immersed the students in an intensive period of personal character development and team work as the dialogue and songs were learnt, characters developed and dances rehearsed. Students, teachers and parents were all involved, taking on many important roles to enable such a large project to reach its full potential. The benefits of being part of a school musical are broad and far reaching, impacting on the student’s emotional, social, physical and cognitive development. Involvement in a school musical production is a great way to teach students about commitment, perseverance and self-discipline. When a child is part of the production of a play they become aware that there are many others who are depending on them. They are part of a whole cast who are relying on them to play their part to the best of their ability. Lines, songs and dances need to be rehearsed and practiced until they are memorised. As the weeks go by it is wonderful to see the self-confidence grow and strengthen in all members of the cast. The students start to take risks as they perform for each other, developing confidence in their abilities and expressing their ideas.
“ Read the directions and directly you wwill be directed in the right direction.” ~ Lewis Carroll
The social interaction and risk taking inevitably builds a strong bond of trust between cast members and between the cast and production team. Cooperation and collaboration underpin the whole process, involving students in discussion, negotiation, rehearsal and performance throughout the ten week production period. Making creative choices together, thinking of new ideas and developing these ideas in new ways create a sense of teamwork and give a strong sense of ownership. Looking back over the ten week period, I could see the commitment and hard work drawing the students together as the final week of performances drew near. Students could be seen helping others to master a particular dance sequence or deliver a line, assisting with the props and staging and offering ideas and last minute changes to a staging dilemma. Before we knew it the final performance had arrived. What a journey! There was a real sense of excitement and achievement. It was now time to share the famous Wonderland with our family and friends. Lights, camera, action! Mrs Melissa Dods Junior School Music Coordinator
St Catherine’s News Spring 2015
The 39 Steps
Our Senior theatrical offering this year was the quirky and hilarious The 39 Steps. The original novel by John Buchan celebrates its centenary this year. Buchan named his texts ‘shockers’, given the term ‘thriller’ was not a defined genre in the early twentieth century.
More than a Shocker
The book was far from what we would consider a ‘shocker’, as Alfred Hitchcock adapted it for the screen in 1935. The film included all his signature traits: the blonde, the MacGuffin, murders, a charming villain and, of course, a cameo appearance from the great director himself. These were all essential elements of our stage production as well.
Left to Right Our Drama Captain, Alice Philip, cuts a forlorn figure as Pamela Edwards Henchmen Madeleine Baker tries to navigate her way through the thick Scottish fog Alexandra Culliver delivers a speech as Mr McQuarrie Grace Nicolas as the femme fatale spy, Annabella Schmidt Charlie Staindl as Richard Hannay tries to evade capture on a train from the local constabulary, Bill Foster and Sofiya Hay
The play itself has over 100 characters, but is written for only four performers, so we had to be quite creative with our interpretation with a cast of 26. It was wonderful to have such a large and dedicated cast comprised of actors from both St Catherine’s School and St Kevin’s College. They rehearsed throughout Term 1 and worked on the characterisation and physicality required for each larger than life character whilst tuning their ears to help deliver the tricky nuances of the many and varied English and Scottish accents within the script. The organisation of this particular Senior Play was somewhat different to previous years, as the entire production team was comprised of the St Catherine’s VCE Theatre Studies class. These 13 students planned, developed and
refined each of their chosen stagecraft areas – comprising any two of acting, direction, production management, sound, costume, make-up, props, sets, stage management, or publicity and marketing – to ensure the success of the production. Congratulations should go to all the students for their tireless efforts and the many hours they put in behind the scenes. The cast, crew and creative team should be very proud of their achievements. I would also like to thank the many other staff members and the Drama Auxiliary for their support in helping make this production possible. Each of the three performances were attended by an enthusiastic and appreciative audience who enjoyed the inventive and gripping story and the theatrical treatment it was given. Mr James Brown Head of Performing Arts
St Catherine’s News Spring 2015
Standing Ovation and more
St Catherine’s
Aquatic Launch The Swimming Program, run out of the Marigold Southey Sports & Aquatic Centre, has been steadily picking up pace throughout the year. The atmosphere and culture around the pool is growing and strengthening from term to term. The girls are developing physically, mentally and emotionally through their involvement in either their Learn To Swim classes or Squad sessions. This is noticeable in the ‘Swimming knowledge’ they are gathering and the confidence in which they hold themselves around pool deck. At the start of Term 4, the Aquatic Centre will change the current Squad structure. St Catherine’s Aquatic – a competitive Swimming Club affiliated with Swimming Victoria – will be a chance for our St Catherine’s School girls to join a Swimming Club and compete at formal Swimming competitions within Victoria, Australia and internationally. As the program grows and
strengthens the Club structure will serve as a platform for the next phase of development for all of the St Catherine’s Squads. The change to the Squad program will mean there is a Squad for every level of ability and commitment. The St Catherine’s School Squads will be developed with the same standard of care as the Club Squads, with the difference being – the School Squads will not be undergoing the same competition based training cycles. Each year level, across both Squad structures, have age appropriate stages of training aimed to develop each swimmer in the most natural way. Our team of coaches and Learn To Swim teachers are excited to start the next chapter in the St Catherine’s School Swimming program, as we become known throughout Swimming circles as St Catherine’s Aquatic. To all the girls who have been through the Sports & Aquatic Centre door this year, well done on all the fantastic swimming you have been a part of, and on behalf of all the coaches and teachers, we cannot wait to see you develop your swimming further! Mr Mark Cooper Head Swimming Coach
St Catherine’s Sydney Music tour was a resounding success for the 11 students and three staff members who participated in the Australian International Music Festival.
The opportunity provided the girls with a chance to play in some of Sydney’s most iconic venues including rehearsing in the Sydney Conservatorium, a workshop with well-known Australian conductor Steve Williams and of course performing in the Sydney Opera House. This, mixed with choral performances with orchestras and the chance to hear a number of National and International schools perform was an amazing opportunity for our students. Many memorable moments can be taken form the tour, such as, Year 10 student Jessica Devlin being given the nick-name ‘excitement machine’ from Australian conductor Steve Williams for the role she had as the ensemble’s only percussionist, or Greta Chen’s trumpet solo in the Australian Chamber Orchestra (ACO) venue. The biggest highlight of course was playing at the Sydney Opera House. Our ten minute bracket aimed to give some of our most senior students the chance to shine. We began our program with
the beautiful purity of Year 11 student Ruby Smith who sang the opening phrase of G F Handel’s Art Thou Troubled (Music Will Calm Thee) before being joined by the whole ensemble, performing as a choir. Our ‘party piece’ featured a Horn solo from Instrumental Music Captain Stacey Messini, and an Alto Saxophone solo from Year 12 saxophonist Alexandra Culliver. Accompanied by Year 9 pianist Rui Shu (Maria) Wu this beautiful work was greatly appreciated by the audience, and Stacey received many comments throughout the week about the world-class standard of her playing. Our performance finished with the feisty Fanfare and Fireworks, and despite our small numbers, the clarity and precision of the performance made for an exciting finale and received a standing ovation! The harmonic and melodic fabric of each piece was achieved through succinct group work and musical talent, as pieces such as In a Gentle Rain, Fanfare and Fireworks, Finger Cymbals
and Promenade from Pictures at an Exhibition were included in our instrumental performances with ACO. Amidst our performance, St Catherine’s Old Girl and one of the administrators at the ACO, Pennie Leone (’65), came and introduced herself. She spoke with the group about the Music program as it was in her School days and loved hearing about how it is currently. It was great for both to see how far the St Catherine’s network stretches. The girls’ enjoyment of the tour was evident and graciously communicated to staff making for a successful trip in more ways than one. They are a credit to themselves, their families and the School As one of the girls was heard to say during our walk to a concert, “it is amazing how much I have improved by playing every day this week.” I can only wholeheartedly agree! Mrs Jenny Mathers Head of Music
St Catherine’s News Spring 2015
Mr Lloyd Knight
The Integrity of Leadership At the end of 2015 St Catherine’s Deputy Principal, Mr Paul Cross, will step down in his role as Deputy Principal. He has served the School with loyalty and dedication since 2006 and his commitment to staff, students and our whole School community has been exemplary. Paul leads by example, providing strong leadership and inspiration to all who have worked with him. With over 31 years of experience, many of which were in leadership positions, Paul reflects on his teaching career and the importance of educational leadership. “When I was in Year 11 I did not know what I wanted to do so I enrolled in Music, Music History, Visual Arts, Mathematics, British History, English and Literature. In Year 12 I had a change of heart and took on Science subjects like Biology because I wanted to study genetics,” Paul explains. “Unfortunately I was not provided with the career guidance and advice our students have now and, due to my subject selections in Year 12, I could not undertake a Science degree, but I was able start a Bachelor of Education with the aim to move to a pure Science degree later.” This transition never occurred as Paul’s love for teaching became apparent throughout university and in his early years of teaching. Throughout his years in education Paul has seen an evolution of teaching. “Students are now taught how to process information, think independently
and learn the skills to acquire knowledge, whereas, when I started teaching it was so much more about content – taking notes and dictation!” Paul says. “Now more than ever teachers must constantly consider the learning outcomes of every student, equipping them with the abilities to communicate, analyse, research, articulate opinions, observe and test ideas – this approach to teaching is far removed from how I was taught at school – teachers are constantly challenged to adapt and change how we deliver our curriculum.” In positions ranging from classroom teacher, to Deputy Principal, Paul appreciates all levels of school leadership and believes everyone in education has a leadership responsibility – teacher to student, colleague to colleague and through partnerships with parents. “An effective leader understands what people need and how to communicate; they are empathetic, understanding and decisive. All leadership must be delivered with integrity and respect, and with the student at the centre of every decision. “I thoroughly enjoy working with staff and interacting with students, as well as exploring different concepts and ways of teaching and learning. Developing curriculum and mentoring people has always been a passion I have held. It is very rewarding to make a difference – whether that be a student or a colleague.” We wish Paul well in his semi-retirement.
From early morning strength and conditioning sessions with Rowing Crews and Athletics Squads to planning and preparing sports programs, after School running sessions and training private athletes at Lakeside Athletics, Coordinator of Sport and Athlete Development and Head Coach of Athletics at St Catherine’s, Lloyd Knight is obviously incredibly passionate about his job and incredibly fit! “I really enjoy being active and involved in sport. I am a huge fan of Track and Field Athletics so even in my spare time outside of St Catherine’s, I spend coaching athletes, running around the Tan and promoting the sport to as many people as possible,” explains Lloyd. Before joining St Catherine’s Lloyd worked in a number of different Sport Science related positions, both in schools and within professional sport, including the Melbourne Football Club. Lloyd’s passion for Athletics is matched by his commitment to getting the most out of the athletes he trains. “We have such a diverse range of sporting programs at St Catherine’s, providing opportunities for all students to become involved. It is my role to ensure our sporting programs are individualised to the needs of all our athletes in order to get the best out of each of them. It is always so rewarding seeing the girls really excel and gain results from the hard work and effort they put in.” While the majority of Lloyd’s time is spent either planning, training or motivating athletes when he does have time to relax he looks forward to a nice home cooked meal, however he says nothing beats a Friday. Why? “Friday morning is St Catherine’s Bootcamp!” Lloyd explains.
Mrs Jessica Halpagoda
Mrs Lyn Pewtress
Ms Kanako Yokouchi
Commencing in 2009 Mrs Jessica Halpagoda was Boarding House assistant in Illawara and a relief teacher in Barbreck.
“This was a great position to start in at St Catherine’s as I quickly came to know all the students in the Junior School whilst also having the opportunity to work within the Senior School community,” Jessica said. “My love of teaching was born from watching my Mother teach. She is incredibly passionate about what she does and would always speak of her students with such fondness, her days seemed to always be filled with joy and discovery.” This is also true for Jessica who enjoys nothing more than starting her day chatting with students and sharing classroom plans or events happening in their lives. “It is such a thrill to see a student achieve that lightbulb moment. I feel incredibly privileged to be part of that and watch the girls grow, not only as learners, but as young adults finding their way in the world.” What many students and staff may not know about Jessica is her penchant for wild encounters of the South African variety. “I was born in South Africa and return when I can to visit family and friends. Amongst these travels I have been harassed by hyenas outside my bedroom window, chased by a huge bell elephant and robbed by naughty vervet monkeys. My biggest animal adventure however would have to be when I was five and a raging male baboon claimed me as his own, grabbing me by the hair and started dragging me up a hillside.”
“The best part of my job is that it does not feel like a job!” explains Early Learning Teacher Mrs Lyn Pewtress. “Children are such enthused learners; they love to investigate and share their findings. If, by the end of the year, I can be part of a team of educators that has enabled children to develop a passion to learn and are ready to embark on School with confidence, then I feel I have done my job.” Having begun her career as a primary teacher with a Music major, Lyn then obtained a post graduate qualification in special education. Spending the next ten years working in early intervention, specialising in teaching students with autism spectrum and developmental delays Lyn decided to go back into mainstream teaching pursuing her passion in early childhood learning. “I completed a conversion course in early childhood and taught for many years before having my own children. Then as a stay at home mum I furthered my studies completing a Masters in Education and qualifications in adult training. It was rewarding to teach student educators and teachers in early childhood – however it was not long before my interest in early childhood drew me back into working in the early learning environment.” Lyn’s love of early childhood education was apparent at the very beginning of her teaching career. In fact, Lyn revealed after she completed university her goal was to begin her career working on Playschool. “This revelation may not surprise many of my colleagues who have seen me during the course of my day break into song,” chuckles Lyn.
Avoiding the temptations of staff morning tea on a daily basis is one of the ongoing challenges faced by Japanese and Humanities teacher and Head of Davies, Ms Kanako Yokouchi. “I love discovering new restaurants with my friends and family who are equally avid food appreciators, so walking past the morning tea offerings every day at School can be quite difficult,” explains Kanako. As the Head of Davis at St Catherine’s Kanako enjoys the opportunity to work closely with the House Captains whose leadership throughout 2015 has impressed her immensely. “Our House Captains are extremely responsible young women. They demonstrate fantastic leadership. Whilst my role is to support them I have also learnt so much from them.” It is these daily interactions with students that Kanako highlights as the most rewarding aspect of her role at School. “I have fostered some wonderful relationships with students. Through these connections the students have shared insights and discoveries about their learning which has invigorated my own teaching.” Making the decision to teach was born from Kanako’s desire to work in a field that would utilise her bilingualism and keep her connected to her birth country. “I am privileged to have been raised in both Japan and Australia and feel a strong bond with both countries. Teaching not only allows me to remain connected to Japan but also involved in the education of the next globalised generation, in which international knowledge and understanding is key,” Kanako says. When asked by St Catherine’s News to provide readers with a little known fact about herself, Kanako surprised everyone with the answer that she is a passionate fire twirler!
St Catherine’s News Spring 2015
Starlight Magic
In a first for the Starlight Children’s Foundation (Starlight) in Victoria St Catherine’s School students are being trained as volunteers to brighten the lives of sick kids hospitalised at the Royal Children’s Hospital (RCH).
Illawarra Since the launch of weThrive: Wellbeing @ St Catherine’s earlier this year we have examined how we look after the wellbeing of our boarding community and adopted the ‘we share’ motto at Illawarra.
While health professionals focus on treating illness, Captain Starlights capture a sick kid’s imagination, turning their pain, fear and stress into joy, fun and laughter. Uniquely Australian, Captain Starlight and the Starlight Express Rooms were developed to complement the Australian healthcare system in partnership with leading Australian health professionals, and exist nowhere else in the world. “Starlight’s hospital programs help create opportunities for families to spend time together, and give sick kids a chance to
play, interact with other children and have fun,” said Tamsin Cantwell, Year 12 student and Starlight Express Room volunteer. “I have been involved in so many fun activities including Mario Kart Wii, down ball and even a thrilling hula hoop battle. I have met so many inspirational people, including those dedicating their time as volunteers and the brave sick kids and families. I hope to continue giving my time to support Starlight for many years to come.” Imogen Edwards, Year 12 and Starlight Express Room volunteer added: “The opportunity to make a sick kid’s day a little brighter gives you a sense of pride and fulfilment. In the Starlight Express Room, sick kids get the chance to just be kids again, which is a great spirit lifter.” The St Catherine’s students are volunteering their time on weekends and during the school holidays to assist Starlight’s hospital programs.
Boarders sharing news after school Bollywood night in the Boarding House
“The sense of community you gain with girls from other Year levels.” Describe a sharing time at Illawarra. “The Share Dinner where all of the boarders were sitting together, eating and laughing, just like a family.” “Sitting on the couch and talking about our day, weekend plans and everything in general.”
Within the ‘we share’ motto there are three threads: Twenty-one Years 11 and 12 students from St Catherine’s School have joined the Captain Starlight and Starlight Express Room programs at the RCH, helping to provide a medical-free respite for sick kids and their families.
Left to Right
Every child admitted to a children’s hospital in Australia can access the Starlight Express Room with their parents and siblings. St Catherine’s School is the first pilot school to take part in the Starlight Foundation volunteer program through the Royal Children’s Hospital. Miss Jeanette Gunn Year 12 Dean Students being inspired by the Captain Starlights on their training day at the Royal Children’s Hospital.
We share our home we have 50 boarders ranging from 12–19 years of age
We share our stories everyone has their own stories to share
We share our world we come from three states of Australia and six countries around the world
The wellbeing program at Illawarra is centred on how we care for the girls. By having the staff desk situated in the centre of the House gives the boarders the opportunity when they return in the afternoon to interact with the staff on duty and share the highs and lows of the day. The girls are often found sharing their news on the couches with both other boarders and staff after School. One of the favourite times of the day is after study prep finishes at 8.30pm each weeknight and over a treat and a hot drink the girls sit around with the
staff and talk about what is happening in their lives. This informal chat brings together girls from all Year levels and offers the chance to feel part of the community. Our boarding staff come from a range of backgrounds and experience and provide our girls a variety of perspectives. By encouraging the girls to attend all their co-curricular activities, to participate in outside School sport and education classes, to encourage them to have friends for a sleepover on the weekend, to volunteer for a myriad of community service programs or to help them apply for a part-time job, we are helping them to thrive. Some of our current boarders provide their insights into how ‘we share’ is interlaced within their daily boarding lives.
“Dinner – we all talk and share stories about our day.” What is the best part of boarding? “It is like a sleepover everyday with your friends.” “Meeting older girls who give me advice on study and about life.” “The independence gained from living away from home.” “You never feel alone” and “meeting and living with people from around the world.” “Learning life skills for the future such as time management, organisation and living with others.”
What do you like most about the Boarding House? “The care from staff and help from the older girls.”
Wellbeing underpins everything we do at Illawarra because happy, resilient and self-confident students achieve well at School and in life. It is our aim to help our boarders achieve academic and personal success so they can fulfil their potential and thrive.
“Living on campus as it allows me to participate in a wide variety of co-curricular activities.”
Mrs Sue Collister Director of Boarding Services
St Catherine’s News Spring 2015
A Family Foundation As a family, mum Fleur, dad Lars and twin daughters Anouk and Stella Heidenreich, are actively involved in the diverse range of activities the School offers. From the Years 5 and 6 School play, to Snowsports, attending and purchasing artwork at the recent Yulendj Arts Exhibition in support of our Indigenous students. According to Lars, “from day one at St Catherine’s we have noticed a great camaraderie, not just between the children, but between the parents as well.” “Our girls love everything about St Catherine’s and they are very excited to be moving to the Senior School next year. The Junior School has been just amazing in what they offer children
Life Changing Scholarship Gifts to scholarships have an immediate personal and profound impact. Scholarships enable talented and regional/rural students to have the opportunity to develop a passion for learning in our engaged, dynamic and inclusive community.
Originally from a small farm near Wagga Wagga, Rosie Eldershaw (’13) had always wanted to follow her mum’s lead and experience a boarding school in Melbourne. The strong community vibe, the comfortable scale of the boarding program and the scholarship she received cemented the decision to enrol at St Catherine’s. “The Boarding House is small enough so you really get to know all the girls and I still have friends today from Alexandra and Mansfield in country Victoria to Singapore and Brunei,” Rosie said. “I became involved in many sports from Rowing to Gymnastics, Netball and Cross Country. I enjoyed Gymnastic coaching of girls in the Junior School – it reminded me of when I first became involved in the sport as a four year old girl. Being a rower too was the best decision I ever made and I would not have been able to do that if I had stayed at home. “Our whole year bonded in the Year 12 Common Room – it was so much fun that by the end of the year we were all friends.
“I really appreciate the opportunities St Catherine’s gave me – it has set me up for everything I have been able to do since leaving School. “I am now at the Australian Catholic University in Sydney, studying Physiotherapy which I had wanted to do since Year 8. My goal is to one day have my own practice specialising in sport.” Gifts to scholarships have an immediate personal and profound impact. Scholarships enable talented and regional/rural students to have the opportunity to develop a passion for learning in our engaged, dynamic and inclusive community. Each dollar gifted to general scholarships help students fulfil their potential to be globally responsive young women. For more information on how you can support St Catherine’s Scholarship Program and transform the lives of our rural and regional girls, please contact Mr Stuart Galbraith, Director of Development and Community Relations on (03) 9828 3032 or
We believe in our
Remarkable Girls Annual Giving provides the opportunity, whether through small or large gifts, to make a difference to our children’s lives. Due to the generosity of our School community, we are close to raising the funds we need to refurbish our Clocktower classrooms to provide the learning environments our daughters and teachers deserve. With your support we have been able to continue our scholarships for talented, capable and strong Indigenous and rural/ regional girls. Our Libraries will also benefit with new educational displays to reinforce the critical role they have in literacy, research and creative learning. A new feature to this year’s Annual Giving program was a video featuring our School captains Nicola Sitch, Jacquelin Cantarella
and Kallioppi Frances as well as Year 12 student Tamsin Cantwell’s original song Home. You can see the video on St Catherine’s YouTube channel or follow the links on the School website or Parent Portal. I am pleased to report a new Charter for the St Catherine’s Foundation has been approved by School Council. The Charter recognises our key role in strategically developing fundraising and philanthropic services, with our girls at the centre of all our efforts. The Foundation Board’s key objectives include: – The provision of a clear narrative for support based on consistent communication – Raising funds to support the School’s strategic vision – Continuing on the path of being a leading girls’ School not only in education but in its community engagement and fundraising practice.
– anyone who needs extra help, they support them and anyone who shows a talent, the teachers back them.” “We joined the Foundation because we believe the School provides our children so much and it is nice if you can contribute in some way,” Fleur said. “As a parent you can see that the School is continually improving – when something needs to be done it is done in a way which makes the children happy, improves their schooling and enhances the overall School environment. “It is a great feeling knowing that you can actually do something that will actually benefit somebody and you can see the finished outcome – every little bit helps.” If you are interested in learning more about the St Catherine’s School Foundation, and the opportunities it creates for girls’ education and wellbeing, please contact Mr Stuart Galbraith, Director of Development and Community Relations on (03) 9828 3032 or by emailing
– Ensuring our many supporters are honoured and appropriately recognised. In that regard, I would like to recognise the Yulendj Arts Exhibition and Auction committee achieved an amazing effort in raising the profile and obtaining $43,003.60 in funds for our fantastic Indigenous Scholarship Program. I know this was the result of many months of hard work, early morning meetings and late night emails, so on behalf of the Foundation and our School community, thank you! Finally, I invite you to read the other two articles on these pages which highlight the life changing impact of rural and regional scholarships at St Catherine’s and provides a personal story on why School parents Fleur and Lars Heidenreich joined and support our Foundation. Mr Wayne Kent Chair, St Catherine’s School Foundation
St Catherine’s News Spring 2015
PFA Update Since the last edition of St Catherine’s News, there have been several events hosted by the PFA. The two key fundraisers have been the annual Ruth Langley Luncheon held on Friday 22 May at Leonda and the Barbreck Charity Day held on Friday 24 July.
The atmosphere at the Ruth Langley Luncheon was vibrant as 420 guests from our School community gathered for this special annual event. Our guest speaker, the former GovernorGeneral of Australia, the Honourable Quentin Bryce AD CVO, shared remarkable stories of her life’s journey and experiences. Ms Bryce captured the undivided attention of the audience as she delivered one inspirational story after the other and participated in a Q&A session with the audience. Our School community generously donated a record number of items for the raffle and silent auction, the proceeds of which are to be donated to the St Catherine’s Indigenous Scholarship Program. The Barbreck Charity Day was organised this year by Mrs Tori Dryden (PFA member) with the support of the PFA and Year 6 parents.
HeartKids Victoria was the selected charity for the event. An important presentation was delivered to Barbreck students to raise awareness of the challenges children born with a heart condition face and the on-going need to support the research and the care HeartKids Victoria provides. Barbreck students dressed in red, white and blue and shared in a delicious BBQ lunch. The PFA thanks those families who provided their assistance and donations to this important event. The Committee has also hosted the first ever Father’s Day Breakfast and is now planning for our annual Christmas Fair. Thank you to all the Class Representatives who work tirelessly to assist the PFA Committee this year. Mrs Jane Newton-Brown 2015 PFA President
120 Years of Blue Ribbon Recipes Good food nourishes the body, spirit and mind. Sharing a treasured recipe with family and friends is one of life’s true pleasures, and as part of our 120 year celebrations we are compiling a recipe book of fabulous and nourishing recipes from across the School community. For details of how to submit your special recipe, go to
TRIVIA NIGHT The biennial Sports’ Auxiliary Trivia night was held in June this year. With a new trivia master on the night there were a lot of great questions on all areas to test our brainpower. As usual, this event brings out the competitive spirit amongst parents and teachers. In a first senior students were invited to attend and appeared to have a great night with lots of laughter. I am certain most of their amusement was directed at the teachers and their parents. There was a combination of fascination and embarrassment! The Year 6 parent cohorts table won the evening – I am told by a reliable source the same group has also won previously! Well done to the Junior School representatives. There were lots of great prizes available on the night purchased through the silent auction. There was also a wonderful live auction prize attending the Grand Final footy show with keen football follower, Professor Bob Wood, purchasing this. In total $8,000 was raised on the night, which is a wonderful effort! This will go towards the purchase of sport’s equipment to assist our girls. Thank you to all our donors for helping us raise this money. Thank you to all who attended and we look forward to another fun night in 2017! Ms Louise Lampard Sports Auxiliary President
Snowsports Swap Seventh Year “Bigger than the Myer Boxing Day Sales” was Principal Mrs Michelle Carroll’s description of this year’s Snowsports Swap. Hosted by the Snowsports Auxiliary in May and in its seventh year, this event offers the valuable service of recycling second hand ski gear to our School community and the wider local community. The popularity and awareness of the event continues to grow. Queues waiting to enter and at the payment desk were incredible (if not scary at times!). It made for a fun day, with lots of bargains. Record sales and turnover resulting in a fantastic profit for the St Catherine’s Snowpsorts Auxiliary. 1,539 items were tagged and 840 items sold. We sold
125 pairs of Ski boots, 141 jackets, 104 pairs of skis, 42 goggles, 52 helmets, 102 pants, 62 pairs of gloves, 19 snowboards, and the list goes on. We were also pleased to box up nearly 300 items that were remaining for Charity. These warm ski jackets, beanies and walking boots were sorted, packed, and sent to Nepal for the earthquake victims through Rotary. A great team effort by all and a very successful event for the School community. Mrs Jodie Cody Snowsports Auxiliary President
St Cat her i ne’s Old G i rl s’ A s s o c i at ion 38
St Catherine’s News Spring 2015
The Third Day of Creation Tapestry by John Coburn OAM, 1974 The opening of the new Junior School in 1975 on the site of the old house Barbreck is intertwined with the School’s art collection.
Headmistress, Mrs R. Anne Bayliss reported to the Old Girls in OGA Bulletin of 1974: “A tapestry by John Coburn OAM, who designed the curtains for the Sydney Opera House, has been ordered and is being made at Aubusson, the great tapestry centre of France. This tapestry represents the Third Day of the Creation and will be one of a very limited number of repeats permitted of the series The Seven Days of the Creation which was presented by Australia to the John F. Kennedy Memorial in the United States. With its bold simplicity of design and colour this tapestry is particularly suitable and will hang in the Assembly Hall of the Junior School.”
The tapestry has now been hanging in the a’Beckett Hall for 40 years and has become part of the backdrop of many performances, plays and assemblies. John Coburn (1925–2006) was predominantly an abstract artist. John Macdonald, in his obituary for Mr Coburn in The Sydney Morning Herald, wrote: “It is perhaps his greatest achievement to have reached large audiences with a form of abstract
I am delighted to present the President’s Report in this spring edition of The Bulletin. The activities organised by the St Catherine’s Old Girls’ Association (SCOGA) mentioned in my report and elsewhere in The Bulletin bring into focus the role we play in the life of the School and the wider community. SCOGA Women in Industry Networking Events As part of the 2015 series hosted by SCOGA, our Law Networking Breakfast in March was closely followed by the Creative Industries Networking Event in April and the Medicine & Allied Health Networking Breakfast in June. These events were an enormous success and gave Old Girls, students in Years 11 and 12 and other members of the School community a chance to meet and connect with others in the same industry. The events have already resulted in a number of possible mentoring relationships and opportunities to collaborate. We are excited to be continuing the series in 2016.
A painting by the artist G.F. Watts, a member of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, was sold with proceeds to assist with a redeveloped Barbreck and purchase of a new vibrant artwork.
Barbreck was officially opened on 20 September 1975 by Senator Margaret Guilfoyle, Minister for Education (later known as The Hon. Dame Margaret Guilfoyle AC, DBE) and the tapestry was unveiled for the first time.
A Message from the President
Reunions and Year Representatives’ Cocktail Party Reunions bring our Old Girls back to School to reconnect with friends and catch up on all the news since the last reunion! They continue to be well attended and always provide for much reminiscing.
painting based on simple clear shapes and radiant colour. Most of Coburn’s pictures have a joyous quality, and that may be why they exert such broad appeal.”
The tapestry was chosen to provide a splash of colour and using the strong simplicity of the artwork’s design appeal to all age groups, particularly the Junior School children.
John Coburn had many achievements as an artist, set designer, teacher including two years as Head of the National Art School and was commissioned to design the Curtain of the Sun and Curtain of the Moon, by the Sydney Opera House in 1970. He was appointed as a member of the Order of Australia in 1980.
Archives would love to receive photographs from our community members of the opening of Barbreck in 1975 and unveiling of the tapestry. Images can be copied and returned. Please contact, Ms Melissa Campbell Ms Melissa Campbell Archivist
SCOGA were pleased to host reunions for the Class of 2000, the Class of 1995 and the Pre-1956 Luncheon, together with the Year Group Representatives’ Cocktail Party. This event is an opportunity to thank our Representatives who work closely with us throughout the year to stay in touch with Old Girls from all year levels. Old Girls attending these events have been warmly welcomed back to the School by Principal, Mrs Michelle Carroll. Honorary Old Girl We are delighted that Mrs Fiona Pensabene has accepted our invitation to be an Honorary Old Girl, in recognition of her valuable service as a member of staff at St Catherine’s School from 1994 – 2014.
School Committees I have really enjoyed representing SCOGA on a number of School Committees this year including the Community Engagement, Auxiliary Liaison, Past Parents’ & Families’ and 120th Anniversary Planning Committees. It is an excellent way for SCOGA to be kept up to date and in touch with the wider School community and for us to update the School on Old Girl initiatives and news. Many thanks to the Committee Chairs for including SCOGA in these groups. Are you interested in joining the SCOGA Committee? We are always open to new members joining the SCOGA Committee. We currently have a terrific, dedicated team from across year levels who have enjoyed working together this year to bring our members a range of events. Joining the Committee is a great way to engage with and stay connected to St Catherine’s, to gain valuable voluntary work experience and to give back to the School. We have a number of exciting projects planned for 2016, including the second series of the Women in Industry Networking Events, the ongoing Nil Magnum Nisi Bonum project and SCOGA’s involvement with the 120th Anniversary celebrations. Please contact me if you are interested in joining the Committee. Thank you so much to the SCOGA Committee for their ongoing support and hard work throughout this year. We have had a fantastic response to the events we have hosted and managed, none of which could have been achieved without the time and dedication given by Committee members. Finally I would like to thank School Principal, Mrs Michelle Carroll and the Development and Community Relations, Marketing, Archives and Business Offices for their ongoing assistance and support.
Old Girls’ Nominee to School Council We are delighted that Kate Barber (’96) has agreed to represent SCOGA on the School Council, joining fellow SCOGA nominee Louise Lampard (’79). Kate attended St Catherine’s from 1984 to 1996. Joining the SCOGA Committee on finishing School, Kate served for ten years, including time as Joint Secretary with Angela Johnson (’00) and Bulletin Editor. Kate is a Year Group Representative for her Year level and was a speaker at our Law Networking Breakfast in March. We know Kate will be a valuable member of the Council. Phoebe Norman (Olsen ’95) SCOGA President, 2015
Submit your favourite recipes for the School’s 120 years celebration recipe book
St Cat her i ne’s Old G i rl s’ A s s o c i at ion 40
St Catherine’s News Spring 2015
2015 SCOGA
Creative Industries Networking Event
Medicine And Allied Health Networking Breakfast
The SCOGA Creative Industries Networking Event, on the evening of 20 April, was a delightful opportunity for Arts industry discussion in the fitting setting of the Leonard Joel Auction House.
On Wednesday 17 June, members of SCOGA together with current students, parents and staff of St Catherine’s met over breakfast at Royal South Yarra Tennis Club to hear from Old Girl speakers in the fields of medicine, nursing and allied health.
Our panel of speakers consisted of Jane Clark (’72), Lisa Roet (’84) and Rowena Martinich (’97), with SCOGA Committee member Helena Lyristakis (’11) as Moderator. Using visuals of wonderful works of Art, each Old Girl on the panel delivered a reflection on their respective roles within the Arts industry and shared personal experiences that have led to their great successes. Jane took us on a journey from her early years at the National Gallery of Victoria (NGV) to her current role as Senior Research Curator at MONA (Museum of Old and New Art) in Hobart. Her impressive CV began with a Fellowship at The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, any Art historian’s dream beginning! Jane returned to Melbourne to work with Patrick McCaughey at the NGV. Making the move from public to private institutions, Jane then joined Sotheby’s Australia where she became Director of Paintings and Deputy Chair. She dedicated 13 years to the auction house until she was asked to work for David Walsh’s newly acclaimed museum, MONA. Recounting the challenging and rewarding times as a young woman in the creative field, Jane, in her humble manner, proved to the young Art students and creative professionals present that one can have a successful career by remaining gracious and kind. Lisa captivated the audience with her unique Art practice that is recognised in Australia and internationally. She merges Art and Science by exploring the relationship between humans and primates. With an impressive skill set, Lisa moves between a large array of media including sculpture,
drawings, film and photography. Her story proves that perceived boundaries surrounding the Art world can constantly be tested and pushed and is an excellent example of artists using their works as a vehicle for wider issues. Rowena has established herself as an artist in Melbourne and abroad. In fact, soon after this event, she was off to New York to paint a mural with her husband, artist Geoffrey Carran. Rowena is known for her use of vibrant colour and abstract expressionism, as seen in commercial settings such as the windows of Mecca Cosmetica, within Eureka Tower, and prominently in the Dulux Colour Forecast. Not only does she paint small canvases to large-scale murals, she has started a generous Art practice that gives any Art lover an opportunity to enter the market. Opening the floor to questions allowed the speakers to engage in conversation about the nature of women working within the Art world and also the opportunities that exist and extend between various areas of the creative industries. Beautiful hors d’oeuvres and drinks provided by Kate Stewart (’01) of Bright Young Things were enjoyed by all. The work of Lisa and Rowena featured in the St Catherine’s School Yulendj Arts Exhibition and Auction, which surrounded the room and was auctioned later in the week in support of the Indigenous Scholarship Program at St Catherine’s. The link between these three women is not only St Catherine’s, but their humble nature and the passion they display for their careers. Zelia Ranger (’06) and Helena Lyristakis (’11)
Top to Bottom Our speakers: Jane Clark (’72), Lisa Roet (’84) and Rowena Martinich (’97); Alice Byrne (’98), Alexandra Brownlow (’96) and Skye Stuart (’02); Kim Kane (’90), Helena Lyristakis (’11), Anna Foley (’92) and Georgie Partridge (’87)
On our panel of accomplished speakers were Associate Professor Melinda Truesdale (’81), Director, Royal Women’s Hospital Emergency Department and Senior Emergency Physician at Royal Melbourne Hospital, Dr Sarah Dahlenburg (’83) Consultant Psychiatrist in Albury, Fiona Kay (Irvine ’93) Nursing and Hospital Manager at the Royal Children’s Hospital, and Louise Lampard (’79), Physiotherapist at Epworth Hospital. The question and answer format, drawing on some prepared questions and others asked by attendees on the day, was most effective in engaging the audience and focusing on points of interest. Topics discussed included the integration of traditional medicine and allied health, how professionals across the industry work side by side, and the benefits of networking in medical areas. There was much discussion about the attractions and challenges of various jobs, with the speakers drawing on their respective experiences. Job mobility and flexibility are greatly valued, both from the point of view of variety and challenge within a job. These factors are particularly significant if juggling a family and paid work. After the formalities were concluded many attendees continued with their discussions and asked more questions of the speakers. It was good to see some colleagues connecting for possible mentoring opportunities. “I was not sure what to expect but it was definitely worth the trip. As a fourth year physiotherapy student who is about to enter the workforce this was a really great opportunity to meet other health professionals, gain information about health organisations and ask pressing questions about job applications and graduate year expectations.” 2010 School Captain, Amy Wilson, who travelled from Albury for the event.
Left to Right Our Speakers: Dr. Sarah Dahlenburg (’83), Assoc. Prof. Melinda Truesdale (’81), Fiona Kay (Irvine ’93) and Louise Lampard (’79); Dr. Kaye Ferguson, Tanya Gifford, Michelle Carroll, Claire Gifford (’14) and Georgia Sexton (’14)
SCOGA asked Associate Professor Melinda Truesdale (’81) and Dr Jessica Wade (‘02) about their mentor/mentee relationship. Though not officially linked, how did the relationship come about in the first place and then develop? M: Initially Jessica was on intern rotation to the Royal Melbourne Hospital Emergency Department and we worked several shifts together. I became her supervisor for the rotation and provided her feedback. Jessica returned the following year as a Hospital Medical Officer (HMO) so we had an ongoing Consultant /HMO relationship which many consultants have with their juniors. Jessica asked for me to act as a referee, again not an unusual scenario, which I willingly accepted. She supplied her CV and I then realised the St Catherine’s link. J: At the end of each shift Melinda would take the time to discuss the learning outcomes, and provided feedback about areas I did well in and which areas I could continue to improve. I always appreciated the time Melinda took to support my learning and my development as a junior Doctor. Melinda was the obvious choice as a referee as she had taken a real interest in my career development. It was at this time that we found out we were both from St Catherine’s. Melinda has continued to support my career and I have always appreciated the feedback she has provided.
What makes a successful mentor/mentee relationship? M: The parties must be able to listen openly, respectfully and be honest. The mentee must be able to accept constructive criticism. Try to meet regularly in a semi formal workspace and not have a detailed discussion in front of others. Trust is essential. A mentor can be there to give advice, act as a sounding board and, with a more established network, connect the mentee to others. J: Showing interest is a big part of the success of our mentor/mentee relationship. Melinda has very kindly shown an interest in my professional and personal development and I have shown an interest in the support and advice that she has offered. It is important to find a mentor who you respect and who is willing to take the time to support you and provide you with constructive feedback. What does it mean for both of you? M: Mentors often are ‘naturally’ interested in others and can receive satisfaction and growth when their mentee achieves success. Some seek to offer help and it may naturally evolve as Jessica and I did, or it may be from the mentee’s initiative. For us St Catherine’s was a solid link. J: To me it means a lot to know that there is someone personally interested in my career development and who is willing to take the time to provide me with advice to help me achieve my career goals.
St Cat her i ne’s Old G i rl s’ A s s o c i at ion 42
St Catherine’s News Spring 2015
Lara Anderson
Joanna Nicholas (’86)
Annie Anezakis
Desi Kalfadellis (’87)
Giselle Armstrong Ziabella Armstrong
Studio Visit
Lachlan Armstrong (Old Boy ’95) Lachlan Armstrong (Old Boy ’95)
Katherine Hattam’s studio is set back down a path alongside her house. Noticeably on the edge of her porch sits an oversized white chair similar to that featured in a number of her works. Filled with light, her workspace is covered with vibrant and detailed works that span the last four decades of her successful career.
creating sculptural works from objects that were once the subject of her works (see top right ‘Specific Object/Reconstructed Chair). She is also at the forefront of digitally inscribed prints on plywood that are carved by laser cutter.
Categorised as abstract by the Heide Museum of Modern Art, Hattam’s works often depict a calm and empty space featuring a vacant chair. They prompt the viewer to wonder who last sat upon the chair or took ‘ownership’ of the seat, as often happens in living and dining spaces. Hattam describes the more personal of these works as the dialogue between a personal history and its ability to influence the present, and further, ‘erupt into the present’.
Exhibited in collections including the National Gallery of Australia and the National Gallery of Victoria, Hattam’s works hang with those of renowned artists who guided her youth. Her father, Hal Hattam, was a successful artist and Hattam was provided such opportunities as painting trips with her father and Fred Williams. Arthur Boyd recognised her raw talent at a young age upon seeing collections of her ‘bold charcoal drawings’ stuck to her bedroom walls. Boyd suggested Hattam be pulled out of St Catherine’s in order to be sent to Art school. However, her parents’ value of an academic education overruled the suggestion.
Pages from her mother’s collection of books regularly feature in Hattam’s works and form a grid onto which she draws in charcoal and then paints over with gouache. Her Schulim Krimper desk chair often appears in paintings along with her father’s armchair as a respresentation of ‘father and child’. A William IV chair is symbolic of the mother, creating a trio comparable to ‘the three bears’. While often returning to similar motifs or related themes, Hattam actively pursues new media. Beyond her oil paintings on canvas and works on paper she has entered the third dimension,
Interestingly, Hattam reflects upon her career through an educative lens. Her Bachelor’s Degree in Politics and English Literature marked a period of thinking influenced by Melbourne University’s teachings of modernism. It was not until ten years later when Hattam’s work was in a state of upheaval that she joined the first Fine Art Masters program at the Victorian College of the
Arts. It was a program that taught her to ‘think out what [she] had done intuitively’. A PhD at Deakin University in Art and Psychoanalysis informed her artistic thinking further and encouraged her desire ‘to depict the psychological’ in a space devoid of any figure.
Edwina Low Coco Lutz Toni Pierce (’67) Toni Pierce (’67)
Rebecca Paranthoiene (’97) Robin Richards (’74)
Georgia Macaw
Susan Gawler (’64)
Sophie Macaw
Susan Gawler (’64)
Poppy Maling Georgina Brain (’92)
Georgia Bickford
Anthea Gray (’79)
Joan Spry (’52)
Jack McAllister
Georgina Guy (’92)
Elizabeth Bolt
Sally Morrell (’79)
William McInnes
Lisa Kelly (’92)
Zara Bongiorno
Felicity Miller (’87)
Chloe Manson
Alexandra Brearley
Sara Luth (’85)
Amelia McDonald
Isabella Bufé
Tracy Cedzich (’86)
Alice Menzies-King
Fiona Menzies (’87)
Coco Burrell
Celia Shelmerdine (’83)
Charlotte Milne
Fleur De Jong (’94)
Ellie Cacopardo
Christina Smith (’88)
Prudence Whitehead (’61)
Isabella Milne
Fleur De Jong (’94)
Katie Cacopardo
Christina Smith (’88)
Prudence Whitehead (’61)
Sunny Millis
Priscilla Webb (’88)
Penelope Vowell (’41)
Adelaide Mitchell
Katie Krauss (’90)
Georgina Moors
Edwina Saunders (’86)
Susan Officer Brown (’50)
Clare Darling (’77)
Margaret Anderson (’39)
Coco Christian
Sophie Shelton (’85)
Letitia Cole (’58)
Maroa Molesworth (’25)
Sasha Christian
Sophie Shelton (’85)
Letitia Cole (’58)
Maroa Molesworth (’25)
Lucy Church
Katrina Irving (’81)
Honor Clark
Rebecca Mayes (’84)
Barbara Spry (’52)
Olivia Nagel
Christie Gronow (’97)
Serena Clark
Rebecca Mayes (’84)
Barbara Spry (’52)
Olivia Nash
Abbey Blackshaw (’93)
Willow Clarke
Aiesha Cipriani (’94)
Chloe Nevins
Simone Willis (’91)
Chloe Cooper
Sophie Richmond (’88)
Betty Lyall (’36)
Cece Newton-Brown
Jane Forsyth (’88)
Hayley Cottrell
Constance Vanston (’22)
Gretel Newton-Brown
Jane Forsyth (’88)
Millicent Cottrell
Constance Vanston (’22)
Charlotte Nicholls
Louisa Murchie (’81)
Lynette Walkley (’34)
Eve Nicolas
Kate Arnott (’88)
Charlotte Murdoch
Prudence Spinney (’68)
Sandra Spry (’68)
Olivia Murdoch
Sandra Spry (’68)
Anne Lowry (’58) Joan Watson (’40)
Grace Nicolas
Kate Arnott (’88)
William Day
Amanda Hyams (’95)
Ann Pisterman (’64)
Samantha Osborn
Nicky Schwarz (’85)
Meryanda Rowden (’55)
Cassandra Doyle
Melissa Nicholas (’82)
Chloe Page
Kate àBeckett (’87)
Leigh Denham (’61)
Harriette Dryden
Victoria Krauss (’92)
Prudence Spinney (’68)
Jessica Paterson
Sophie Nicholas (’89)
Maggie Dryden
Victoria Krauss (’92)
Prudence Spinney (’68)
Allegra Paul
Francesca Hubay (’86)
Jenny Latreille (’58)
Holly Elstoft
Jenny Latreille (’58)
Anouska Paul
Francesca Hubay (’86) Pia Foley (’81)
Christine McKinley-Wilson (’59) Christine McKinley-Wilson (’59)
Holly Farrer
Susie Cook (’93)
Claudia Perkins
Madeleine Farrer
Susie Cook (’93)
Sarah Pratt
Sophie Farrer
Susie Cook (’93)
Hollie Pringle
Marnie Ross (’92)
Victoria Jacobson (’65)
Caroline Balderstone (’87) Caroline Balderstone (’87)
Scarlett Pringle
Marnie Ross (’92)
Victoria Jacobson (’65)
Willow Rice
Sophie Pelman (’97) Richard Rice (Old Boy ’88)
Emma Robertson
Anna Lally (’88)
Molly Robertson
Anna Lally (’88)
Jane Fenton
Arabella Foote
Sarah Scambler (’93)
Margaret Drummond (’62)
Charlotte Fortey
Lucy King (’90)
Pamela Rome (’63)
Harriet Fortey
Lucy King (’90)
Pamela Rome (’63)
Olivia Fortey
Lucy King (’90)
Pamela Rome (’63)
Angus Fowles
Fiona Clemens (’96)
Lulu Gibson
Sandra Herbert (’82)
Tessa Gillies
Robyn Gillies (’85)
Georgie Gleeson
Louise Lampard (’79)
Jessie Gleeson
Louise Lampard (’79)
Lucy Glover
Annabel Forsyth (’85)
Elizabeth Gorton
Sandra Court (’84)
The morning spent with Katherine Hattam stretched into a long conversation that delved not only into her practice and works, but beyond the studio and into the expansive Australian Art world and industry. It was a privilege to have been granted so much of her time and knowledge.
Zara Gracanin
Katherine Hattam is currently showing a survey of her works at Deakin University Art Gallery. ‘Katherine Hattam: Desire First’ will show until 16 October. A commercial exhibition of her recent works, titled ‘Sometimes’, will open 21 October at Daine Singer Gallery in Melbourne.
Penelope Mackey (’48)
Jill Cannon (’66)
Charlotte Rodgers
Marion Teare (’50)
Chloe Rodgers
Marion Teare (’50)
Emma Rodgers
Estelle Dennis (’25)
Marion Teare (’50)
Eloise Rudge
Rowena Williams (’87)
Pamela Granowski (’51)
Anna Shears
Penny Roysmith (’81)
Betty Shields (’51)
Alexandra Shergold
Holly Tinsley (’89)
Margaret James (’61)
Pippa Shergold
Holly Tinsley (’89)
Margaret James (’61)
Clementine Sitch
Jennifer Wilson (’77)
Georgie Sitch
Jennifer Wilson (’77)
Nicola Sitch
Jennifer Wilson (’77)
Camilla Knowles (’89)
Serena Sitch
Jacqueline Barnes (’77)
Sienna Gracanin
Camilla Knowles (’89)
Sophie Sitch
Jacqueline Barnes (’77)
Pia Graham
Marnie Aitken (’84)
Isabel Southey
Astrid Alstergren (’78)
Annabelle Gray Lucy Gray
Anne Lowry (’58) Sue King (’58)
Joan Spry (’52)
Isabella Soutter
Penny Anderson (’87)
Lucy Green
Katharine Soutter
Isabella Stokes (’58)
Marigold Hayward
Lindy Shelmerdine (’80)
William Howitt
Michaela Grogan (’86)
Ella Johns
Susannah Chapman (’86)
Lucinda Kelly
Belinda Mountain (’83)
Mia Lansell
Marigold Myer (’45)
Jenny Home (’52)
Sophie Lazar
Stephanie John (’86)
Katherine Lee
Karen Lim (’87)
Samantha Leigh
Georgina Stott (’79)
Penelope Mackey (’48)
Nicholas Lincoln
Marita Batty (’96)
Carol Kimpton (’67)
Sophie Lovell
Sarah Leahey (’82)
Astrid Low
Lynette Walkley (’34)
Margaret Carlyon (’45)
Estelle Dennis (’25)
James Soutter (Old Boy ’92) James Soutter (Old Boy ’92)
Finley Thomson
Rebecca Jockel (’98)
Mirabelle Thomson
Rebecca Jockel (’98)
Lily Trosdal Ryan
Lisa Trosdal (’79)
Margery Austin (’26) Olive (Bell) Lawson (’19) Margery Austin (’26) Olive (Bell) Lawson (’19)
Jenifer Paton (’53)
Nicola Foley (’83)
Annabelle Elstoft
Jill Sargood (’48)
Thea Coltman (’51)
Elspeth Cannon
Eliza Court
Great Grandmother
Jean Cameron (’49)
Vivien Mahony
Elizabeth Newman (’61)
Grandmother Margaret Carlyon (’45)
Caroline Wilkinson (’57)
Sarah Fenton
Recently there has been a welcome rise in focus on Australian women artists. Hattam is one of eight female artists featured in Strange Country: Why Australian Painting Matters, Australian Art historian and academic Patrick McCaughey’s most recent publication. Together with two other significant women in the Art world she is investing time in the creation of a women’s Art prize to assist other female artists gain public recognition.
Sophie Holt (’82)
Genevieve Cox
Hattam first exhibited in 1978 at the George Paton and Ewing Gallery under the directorship of St Catherine’s Old Girl, the late Kiffy Rubbo (’61). She has shown works publically every year since.
Great Grandmother
Indi Balderstone
Clare Cameron
Artist Katherine Hattam (’68) was visited by Helena Lyristakis (’11)
Marigold Myer (’45) Prue Macnaughtan (’62) Prue Macnaughtan (’62)
Charlotte Upton
Lisa Hinrichsen (’83)
Jill Smith (’55)
Giselle Upton
Lisa Hinrichsen (’83)
Jill Smith (’55)
Mia Upton
Lisa Hinrichsen (’83)
Jill Smith (’55)
Charlie Van der Venne
Susannah Guy (’96)
Pippa Van der Venne
Susannah Guy (’96)
Sophia West
Liz Sahhar (’96)
Sophie Yencken
Peggy Roberts (’45)
Julia Zwar
June Seppelt (’42)
Noreen Heath (’34)
St Cat her i ne’s Old G i rl s’ A s s o c i at ion 44
St Catherine’s News Spring 2015
Next Annual General Meeting
Old Girl Sporting Teams Supported by the relationships the School has with a number of sporting facilities, Old Girls are invited to participate in sporting teams to continue their love of sport after School, improve fitness, re-connect with other Old Girls or compete for SCOGA at various events: Athletics & Cross Country St Catherine’s has a link with Old Xavier Athletics where a number of current St Catherine’s athletes train on an extension and enhanced development pathway. Old Girls would be able to utilise the same training pathway for general fitness or formal competition.
Committee Member Tribute After a remarkable 46 years of service to SCOGA, Meg Begg (Christensen ’61) will be retiring from the Committee at the 2015 AGM.
Meg has twice served as President of SCOGA (1976–1977, 2007–2008), and was Chair of School Council from 2009–2010, the first Old Girl to hold this position. Following a career in nursing in Australia and overseas, including 11 years with the Red Cross Blood Service, Meg moved into management in aged care, becoming the CEO of various facilities. Her expertise has also seen her eagerly sought as a trainer and consultant in heath education. Meg brought a wealth of managerial experience and institutional history to her roles, together with her enormous energy and commitment to the School. As President of SCOGA, Meg oversaw changes to ensure the viability of the Association for the future. Her tenure as Chair of Council saw the construction of the Marigold Southey Sports &
Aquatic Centre and the ongoing refurbishment of School buildings. Now in her twelfth year on Council, six of those as SCOGA’S nominee, Meg serves on the Property and Occupational Health and Safety subcommittees. Meg is proud of her long family connection with St Catherine’s. Her mother, Marion Christensen (Carlisle ’28), sister Patricia (’67), daughters Alison (’84) and Susan (’86) and son Drew (’90) attended the School, as well as her aunt Margaret Twite (Carlisle ’30) and Twite cousins. Retiring to Brisbane, Meg will continue to be “on the other end of the phone” whenever needed. She loves the warmer climate and “time to enjoy breakfast and the morning paper.” The Committee would like to express its sincere gratitude to Meg for her leadership and outstanding contribution to SCOGA.
Golf SCOGA Golf is always looking for more players to join teams for the Fun Cup and the Interschool Golf Challenge Cup. (See SCOGA Golf article on p. 45 for more details). Swimming Old Girls are invited to join the St Catherine’s Swim Club to compete in Swimming Australia and Swimming Victoria events, as well as to swim for fun and fitness at St Catherine’s Marigold Southey Sports & Aquatic Centre. Water Polo The St Catherine’s Old Girls’ Water Polo team currently competes in the Women’s State League 2 Competition. Consisting of Old Girls from various year levels, the team has been very successful for many years and continues to dominate! If you are interested in joining any of these sporting teams, please contact the following: Athletics – Golf – Pia Perkins (Foley ’81) Swimming – Water Polo – Bec Talbot (Johnson ‘93)
SCOGA Year Reps Cocktail Party
Old Girls Lort Smith
Our Annual Cocktail Party for our Year Group Representatives, held this year on 5 May, was again a wonderful event. Some Representatives took up the invitation to bring along a friend from their Year level and they were a lovely addition to the group.
SCOGA Committee member Virginia Edwards (Smith ’56) retired from the Board of Lort Smith Animal Hospital in May after almost 35 years of service, having been part of its new Hospital project from inception to completion in 2000.
Those arriving at 6.00pm were able to join a tour of the School and marvel at all the new facilities that the students enjoy. Each year we have a broad cross section of Year Group Representatives coming together. Kate Mann (’01) from Sydney was able to attend and Kate Barber (’96) brought along her baby, Lachlan, as well as her friend Jo Pizzey (’96). SCOGA would like to thank every Rep for the important work they do connecting with Old Girls in their year level. Sally Ahern (Watson ’74) SCOGA Reunion Coordinator Some of the attendees of the SCOGA Year Reps Cocktail Party
Fellow Old Girl, Susie Palmer (’60), also retired at the same time after 20 years serving on the Board and raising awareness of the work of the Hospital. Virginia and Susie were given a wonderful send-off at Cranlana, generously hosted by Lort Smith Patron Lady Southey AC (Myer ’45) and long standing Board member Samantha Baillieu (Myer ’78). The strong link with St Catherine’s also continues with Old Girl, Barbara Hammon (Boynton ’73) who joined the Board last year. It was a happy farewell for Virginia and Susie after helping the Hospital for so long! Susie Palmer (’60), Samantha Baillieu (Myer ’78) and Virginia Edwards (Smith ’56)
The 94th AGM of the St Catherine’s Old Girls’ Association (SCOGA) will be held on Saturday 21 November 2015 at 10.00am in the Ballroom, Sherren House. The meeting will be followed by morning tea. All Old Girls are welcome to attend. Any member who would like to bring business before the AGM is required to give notice in writing to the Secretary no later than Friday 23 October 2015 (28 days prior to the meeting). Please RSVP by Friday 13 November to Susie Borthwick (Morris ’81) Secretary St Catherine’s Old Girls’ Association 17 Heyington Place Toorak VIC 3142 Mobile 0412 207 737
Connecting our Community Ensure your details are up-to-date so you do not miss out on invitations to alumnae events or news of the School. To update your details, please email with your name, year level, email address and postal address. Keep in touch via social media:
SCOGA Golf The 86th Interschool Golf Challenge Cup was held on Monday 13 April at The Metropolitan Golf Club. SCOGA sponsored the team of Louisa Nicholls (Murchie ’81) Fiona Langford (Court ’79), Georgina Leigh (Stott ’79) and Sandra Gorton (Court ’84). “The team was managed by Pia Perkins (Foley’81) and she dedicated a lot of time to getting us organised and making sure we enjoyed the day,” says Louisa. “It was the first time I have played in this competition, and it was a wonderful day with about 132 competitors from metro and regional schools.” SCOGA will also be represented in the Fun Cup, to be played this year at Barwon Heads Golf
Club on Monday 12 October. The competition was started by three friends, Anne Court (Lowry’ 58) from St Catherine’s, Flo Grimwade (Whitton) from Clyde and Rowena Weir (Hayne) from Toorak College to nurture and continue friendships made by students through playing team sports against each other. “We are trying to reach out to as many Old Girls as possible,” says Pia. “It is a great day and lots of fun catching up with old school friends. You just need to have a playing handicap.” To participate in either of these events in 2016 please contact SCOGA Golf Representative Pia Perkins on 0412 230 483.
Join the St Catherine’s Old Girls’ Association (SCOGA) closed group page on LinkedIn. This page is set up for Old Girls to communicate, network and hear about upcoming alumnae events. Once you are a member you can then share with other Old Girls in your LinkedIn network. You can like the School’s Facebook page to keep up-to-date with the latest community news: stcatherinesschooltoorak Follow the School on Instagram for the latest community news and events: @stcatherineschool
St Cat her i ne’s Old G i rl s’ A s s o c i at ion 46
St Catherine’s News Spring 2015
Dates for
2016 Reunions
Pre-1956 Reunion Luncheon
Wednesday 10 February 2016 – New York, USA
1995 Year Group The 20 year reunion of the Class of 1995 was attended by 36 girls and a number of staff who had taught us in Senior School. There was a tour of the Senior School, which allowed us to view the newly opened buildings, together with a number of facilities that were certainly not present in our day! It was a fantastic night catching up with old friends and celebrating marriages, children, jobs and news since the previous reunion ten years ago! The evening continued on late into the night at The Malvern Hotel and we all look forward to catching up as a group again in five years time!
Friday 19 February 2016 – 10 Year – 2006 Tour 5.30pm, Drinks in Drawing Room at 6.00pm Zelia Ranger – 0408 992 182 Monday 29 February 2016 – 120th Anniversary Past School Captains’ & Vice Captains’ Assembly & Lunch Assembly 10.30am & Lunch 12.30pm Friday 18 March 2016 – 15 Year – 2001 Tour 5.30pm, Drinks in Drawing Room at 6.00pm Kate Mann – 0412 885 488 Xenia Hammon – 0439 433 385 Friday 15 April 2016 – 20 Year – 1996 Tour 5.30pm, Drinks in Drawing Room at 6.00pm Kate Barber – 0409 804 948
Phoebe Norman (Olsen ’95)
Tuesday 3 May 2016 – Year Reps Cocktail Party Drawing Room at 6.30pm Sally Ahern (Watson ’74) 0419 001 012
2000 Year Group
Friday 13 May 2016 – 30 Year – 1986 Tour 5.30pm, Drinks in Drawing Room at 6.00pm Melissa Sweetland – 0417 036 529
Over 30 girls attended the 2000 reunion. It was wonderful to learn of the girls’ various careers as well as marriages, babies, world travel and more. Touring the recently refurbished grounds of the Senior School, a few girls were very taken with the personalised pavers and opted to purchase one on behalf of their family, creating a lasting memento. In the Drawing Room SCOGA President Phoebe Norman (Olsen ’95) introduced Principal Mrs Michelle Carroll who recognised the importance of reunions in fostering lasting relationships. Mrs Carroll was complimentary of the work of SCOGA, particularly the recent networking events. A few current members of staff popped in to say hello, which was fantastic! The Reunion felt just like old School days. Dinner afterwards was at The Prince Alfred Hotel in Richmond and much fun was had by all. Megan Macdonald (Benson ’00)
Saturday 14 May 2016 – 40 Year – 1975 Tour 10.00am, Morning Coffee and Tea at 10.30am in the Drawing Room Gina Israel (Shackell) – 0414 950 096 Tuesday 21 June 2016 – London, UK Friday 2 September 2016 – 25 Year – 1991 Tour 5.30pm, Drinks in Drawing Room at 6.00pm Emma Stanford (Handyside) – 0400 147 134 Friday 7 October 2016 – 5 Year – 2011 Tour 5.30pm, Drinks in Drawing Room at 6pm Helena Lyristakis – 0409 606 878 Lucy Court – 0431 834 961 Friday 21 October 2016 Pre 1957 Luncheon 12.00pm – 2.00pm Sally Ahern (Watson ’74) 0419 001 012 Virginia Edwards (Smith ’56) 9503 1222 Saturday 22 October 2016 – 50 Year – 1966 Tour 10.00am, Morning Coffee and Tea at 10.30am in the Drawing Room Sally Bell (Tait) – 0413 629 719 / 9510 5054
Left to Right Shirley Strauss (Ellinson ’42), Pamela Warrender OAM (Myer ’42), Kath Lynch (Christie ’39) and Jennifer Murchie (Paton ’53); Penelope Stott (Mackey ’48) and Sue Stott (Mitchell ’53); Tess Stephen (Bodman ’54), Virginia Edwards (Smith ’56), Iona Christianson (MacLennan ’43) and Carol Brodley (Sutherland-Smith ’55); Diana Brèlaz (Deutgen ’44), Susan Hastie (Holden ’50), Jocelyn Cooper (Bottomley ’44) and Naomi Nicholson (Kaufman ’48)
SCOGA hosted the Pre-1956 Reunion Luncheon on Friday 15 May in the Sherren House Ballroom. It was a truly delightful afternoon; the regular luncheon attendees were not deterred by the miserable weather. Our first-time attendees from the 1955 Year Group included Noel Calvert (Davidson) and Carol Brodley (Sutherland Smith). Sue Stott (Mitchell ’53) was thrilled to be the winner of a gourmet hamper in the raffle. Prior to lunch the guests were given a tour of the newly renovated Senior School buildings and viewed the Haxton Mural. The restoration of the Mural was a gift to the School from SCOGA. SCOGA President Phoebe Norman (Olsen ’95) warmly welcomed our Old Girls and Principal, Mrs Michelle Carroll spoke of the Senior School Renewal, and was inspirational in reporting on the School’s current priorities and future direction. Guests enjoyed a captivating performance by Years 5 and 6 students. Singing songs from Alice The Musical, the girls’ exceptional voices, together with much colour and movement, ensured the audience was most enthusiastic. Thanks must also go to School Archivist Ms Melissa Campbell who prepared a nostalgic slide show especially for this group. All in all, it was a wonderful day enjoyed by all. Virginia Edwards (Smith ’56) and Abigail Hand (Hossack ’83)
St Cat her i ne’s Old G i rl s’ A s s o c i at ion 48
St Catherine’s News Spring 2015
Obituaries Sally Bennett (Skene ’66) Lorraine Broadley (Crawford ’61) Mary Dooley (Cooke ’40) Neilma Gantner (Myer ’38) Jania Hobbs (Watson ’76) Marianne Hunt (Maxwell ’39) Lynette Lowry (Walkley ’34) Lesley (Bunty) Moreton (McConnan ’42) Genevieve (Nuki) Oswald-Jacobs (Lansell ’78) Tanya Prochazka (Hunt ’69) Sue Whiting (Melville ’45) Judith Williams (Best ’39)
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Psyche Payne (’97) married Joel Hunt in Carlton Gardens on 21 February 2015; Camilla Speer (Deague ’02) married Nicholas Speer at Melbourne Grammar Chapel on 23 May 2015. L to R: Sarah Rodd (’02) holding baby Jack Deague, Tamsin Johnson, Louise Kavals (’02), Camilla Speer (Deague ’02), Nicholas Speer, Chris Halliwell, David Tarascio and Neale Williams. Children in front: Hugo Deague, Eadie Miles and Sibella Deague.
Avesia Troon (Calman ’03) married Sam Troon at Sorrento Sailing Couta Boat Club on 21 March 2015. L to R: Lachlan Castran, Edwina Barrington (‘03), Michael Crittenden, Julia Jarvis, Hamish Troon, Laura Waters (Phillips ‘03), Fiona Allen (Richardson ‘03), Alastair Grant, Avesia Troon (Calman ’03) and Sam Troon; Amanda Harrold (Bennett ’92) married Patrick Harrold in Mount Gambier, South Australia on 7 March 2015
Our new babies
She enrolled in a Creative Writing course at Stanford University, and writing became from then on, very central to her life. With her two young boys, Neilma returned to Australia in 1954. Five years later she published her first book of short stories, writing as Neilma Sidney. She wrote many articles for The Age, and eventually published eight books on subjects ranging from fiction to memories of her world travels.
(Myer ’38)
She was passionate about the sea and sailing and in later life lived close to the ocean at Barragga Bay, ten kilometers south of Bermagui on the NSW south coast.
Neilma Gantner was a student at St Catherine’s from 1930 to 1938. She was a good student, particularly in English where she was taught by Sophie Borland.
She was a quiet philanthropist and helped a myriad of organisations and individuals. She had particular interest in disability as well as establishing scholarships for writers.
In 1939, with her family, Neilma sailed overseas to attend a finishing school in Switzerland. They only got as far as New York when stopped by the declaration of the Second World War.
The establishment of the Four Winds (Music) Festival, held every second year at Barragga Bay, is one of Neilma’s most lasting legacies. She died peacefully in June aged 91.
The family returned to Australia and Neilma attended Melbourne University.
Marigold Southey (Myer ’45)
Neilma Gantner
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In August 1941 Neilma married Californian Vallejo Gantner and lived in San Francisco. She had two sons Vallejo and Carrillo. The marriage ended in divorce in 1948.
Lorraine Broadley (Crawford ’61) Lorraine loved her time at St Catherine’s. She was a Probationer and Vice Captain of the Swimming Team. Her working life was in office administration. Lorraine was married to her beloved husband Doug for nearly 48 years. They started their life together in Melbourne then moved to Portland followed by Tatura with Doug’s work transfers, coming back to settle in Melbourne in 1977. They had three children, Grant, Stuart and Joanne and six grandchildren. She was a wonderful family person. Lorraine always put her hand up as a committee member, secretary or president of school committees, children’s activities, tennis, golf and Probus. Lorraine died suddenly and unexpectedly of heart failure in June 2015. She was farewelled by family and the very many friends she had made during her life through tennis, golf, cards and Probus. Without exception she was remembered for her kindness and sincere care of others. Robyn Francis (Crawford ’62) and Beverley Speer (Crawford ’65)
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Lucienne Winter Lovett, a daughter for Amity Jarvis (’97) and Peter Lovett; Neske Finley Sibbel, a daughter to Titania Tess Sibbel (Henderson ’02) and Tarco Sibbel; Freya Zoe Melanie Hunt, a daughter for Penelope Showers (’92) and Rob Hunt. A sister for Alice; Sienna Sanderson, a daughter for Catherine Forrest (’97) and David Sanderson, in Dubai. A sister for Mila; Ingrid Ryan, a daughter for Carlie Ryan (Clingan ’98) and Nick Ryan. A sister for Patrick; Humphrey Olsen Cooper, a son for Kate Cooper (Olsen ’98) and Rob Cooper. A brother for Ned and George
Marlowe Wilde Burke, a son for Skye Burke (McRae ’96) and Kieran Burke, in Sydney; Oliver James van Haandel, a son for Annabelle van Haandel (McRae ’98) and Pete van Haandel; Veda Lily Violet Messner, a daughter for Bridget Messner (McCall ’98) and Nicholas Van Messner; Harry Charles Legoe, a son for Jessica Legoe (Tallent ’99) and Henry Legoe. A brother for George; Sophie Chung, a daughter for Alexandra Chung (Skinner ’01) and Wai-Keung Chung; Clementine Jane West, a daughter for Penrose West (Burge ’03) and Edward West
49 17 Heyington Place, Toorak Victoria, Australia 3142 T +61 3 9822 1285 E CRICOS 00574F ABN 90 004 251 816