St. Cecilia Academy Harpstrings Magazine - Spring 2022

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Sister Anna Laura, O.P. DIRECTOR OF A D VA N C E M E N T


Jennifer Crouch DIRECTOR OF D O N O R R E L AT I O N S

Sister Anne Catherine, O.P. DIRECTOR OF A L U M N A E R E L AT I O N S

Rebecca Hill Rosenblatt '89 Magazine Graphic Designer: Emily Adams Photography: Jennifer Crouch Photography Uchida Photography Mary Craven Photography

4210 Harding Pike Nashville, TN 37205 615-298-4525 W W W. STC E C I L I A . E D U (Cover) Students pray in the newly renovated St. Cecilia school chapel.

What’s Inside 3 Principal’s Letter 4 Strategic Growth Plan Year One 6 "Behold, I make all things new!" 8 Academics 9 Poised for Success 10 March for Life: 40 years later 12 Student Life 13 Athletics 14 Introducing SCA's New Athletic Director Robert Jemison 16 Looking back: The Class of 2021 18 Passing the Torch 20 Alumnae Spotlight: 100 Years Young 22 Alumnae News 26 Annual Report 2020-2021



Dear Friends, “Behold, I make all things new!” (Revelation 21:5). This Scripture passage has been our school theme this year, reminding us of the hope that is ours in Christ Jesus. Each moment, we can begin anew in His grace. No mistake, failure, or sin can keep us from returning to the Lord, beginning again, and entrusting ourselves to His mercy and love. Indeed, in the paradoxical ways of divine love, it is often the experience of our own poverty that opens us up to God’s powerful work in our lives. God does not expect us to walk the path of heroic virtue with our own strength alone nor to face challenges or suffering on our own. Rather, He longs to be with us, giving us the wisdom and courage we need to journey with confidence and joy. It is our priority at St. Cecilia Academy to carve out space for girls to hear the voice of Jesus and come to know the Lord as a Friend who is always at work to renew, restore, and transform. Pictured on the cover

of this Harpstrings, our renovated chapel is a reminder of what the Lord wants to do in each of our lives. The renovation of the school chapel took place in the fall, hidden behind the scenes and not interrupting the day-to-day school routine. Several people told me they forgot it was even going on. This made the beauty of the new chapel such a wonderful surprise when it was unveiled— just in time for St. Cecilia Day. God’s work in our hearts is often like this quiet chapel renovation. In the midst of our daily rounds, His grace is quietly at work. Suddenly, we find we are different – maybe an old resentment has been taken away or we have more interior freedom to try something new, or a relationship that seemed beyond repair has been miraculously restored. Our chapel renovation is the first completed initiative of our strategic plan, and as such, is an eloquent reminder of the reality of God’s grace daily at work - gradually, gently,

quietly making all things new and giving us a share in His own divine life. Our chapel is but a glimpse of the beauty that God wants to bring to our souls. We hope to have opportunities in the coming school year for friends of SCA to join us in prayer in the chapel. In the meantime, please know how grateful I am for your support, encouragement, and friendship. May the Lord bless you and your family with every grace and blessing! In Christ the Risen Lord,

Sister Anna Laura, O.P.

(Below) Spirit Week all-school pep rally


year one




o say St. Cecilia Academy has been abuzz with activity would be an understatement. On top of the day-to-day happenings of a thriving college preparatory school, the school has been steadfastly moving forward with its strategic growth plan. The planning process, which pulled together the voices of hundreds of stakeholders and only paused briefly in the spring of 2020, culminated in December 2020 when the Congregation Council of the Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia (the Academy’s (Above) Sister Ann Hyacinth and John Wall discuss junior high renovation plans with architect and contractor. (Right) Bishop Spalding blesses the new SCA chapel on St. Cecilia Day.


governing board) approved the final plan. The plan’s overarching goals center on four areas:

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Faith, Reason, and Virtue Organizational Structure and School Collaboration Facilities Advancement

The organizational structure and school collaboration planning team took a shared look at the needs of St. Cecilia Academy and Overbrook School and went to work immediately to address its first task, which involved involved studying the question of creating a thriving junior high program on the Dominican Campus, knowing that the results of that study would inform and guide much of the remaining strategic plan roll-out. At the same time, St. Cecilia embarked on what it termed “low-hanging fruit projects:” no-regrets enhancements to the school’s facility that would have positive and immediate impact ahead of any larger-scale capital projects. “I am astounded by what has taken place on the campus in the last 24 months, said Principal Sister Anna Laura, "The Lord is blessing St. Cecilia Academy in so many ways, especially through our generous benefactors, faculty and staff." The “low-hanging fruit projects” include a beautifully renovated St. Cecilia Academy chapel that was blessed by Bishop Spalding on St. Cecilia Day. The new chapel provides a most fitting space for class Masses, First Friday Adoration, and daily prayer for students and faculty. Additionally, construction will begin this spring on a shared SCA and Overbrook field house that features restrooms and concessions at the athletic field. Sister Anna Laura has also pulled together a team of women designers (including several alumnae) to help update and provide a cohesive look for school hallways through repainting, updated lighting fixtures, and new furnishings.The team is planning a display for the main hallway of the school that celebrates the life of St. Cecilia and connects visually with the 1860 Motherhouse where St. Cecilia Academy first began.

Rendering of SCA and OS field house with restrooms and concessions

With the junior high study complete, the Dominican Sisters made the historic decision to move to a new campus model in which St. Cecilia Academy will serve girls in grades 7-12, and Overbrook will focus on the co-ed education of children in grades preschool to 6th grade. Since the announcement of that decision this past August, the academic, student life, and faith formation committees have been in sprint mode to welcome students for the inaugural junior high classes in August 2022. To ready the building for distinct junior high spaces, renovations of existing square footage are set to begin the day school breaks for summer.As one facilities team member noted, it is as if the building was made for this plan because there is ample space to accommodate seventh and eighth graders in an area separate from the high school girls, a move that will increase the student body by about 25 percent in the first year. To learn more about St. Cecilia Academy’s strategic growth plan initiatives, visit ◊

This year SCA announced the establishment of two new endowed scholarships totaling $1.5 million that will provide tuition assistance to multiple girls in grades 7-12 starting in 2022- 2023. The new scholarships are: The Mother Frances Walsh Scholarship: Mother Frances Walsh was one of the four foundresses of the Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia Congregation. She was a pivotal figure in the establishment and early history of St. Cecilia Academy and firmly dedicated to excellent Catholic education for young women. The Saint Margaret of Hungary Endowed Scholarship: St. Margaret of Hungary was an early Dominican who showed her love for Christ in overflowing charity and quiet acts of service to her neighbor. On top of all the planning and renovations, St. Cecilia Academy has been blessed by strong financial support this school year. With a robust Annual Fund campaign, a successful Day of Giving, flourishing special events, and the creation of three new endowment funds, it is a record year in terms of development support.


Incoming students at the Junior High Summit

"Behold,I make all things new!" S C A P R E PA R E S F O R JUNIOR HIGH

There has been a great deal of excitement this year about SCA’s decision to add seventh and eighth grades for the 2022-2023 school year. Junior high girls from all across Nashville have enjoyed a taste of the Scarab spirit in various ways – from shadow days to Girls’ Night Out, Open House, and the Junior High Leadership Summit, all of which have been led by current students. 6

Team building games at the Junior High Summit

Sister Anna Laura addresses families at New Family Welcome

Sister Anna Laura shares the story of St. Cecilia with prospective students

To ready the building for a separate junior high space, renovation will begin this spring to create designated junior high classrooms. SCA is blessed to have ample existing square footage so that junior high girls will have their own distinct area in the current library wing – complete with lockers, commons, and an outdoor courtyard. In addition, they will have access to SCA’s current fine arts, dining, lab, and athletic spaces.

Incoming Students at New Family Welcome

Admissions interview day

The Art of Living will be a signature two-year feature of the St. Cecilia Academy Junior High curriculum. The Art of Living class is aimed at providing a human, emotional, and intellectual formation so that junior high girls can flourish on a path toward true happiness. Students will be taught social skills, an understanding of the emotions and how to work with them, life skills and strategies for balancing the demands of life, organizational and study skills, how to grow in virtue and in friendship with others, healthy habits, and true happiness – all tailored for a girl in junior high. Seventh and eighth grade girls will also have the benefit of service and retreat programs specifically for their needs, as well as new traditions that will include a father/daughter outdoor adventure and an Epiphany fine arts program. Fall, winter, and spring athletic teams will compete in both the Diocesan Athletic Conference and the Harpeth Valley Athletic Conference. Co-curricular opportunities will depend on student interest and will include forensics, robotics, MathCounts, Jr. Sodality of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Jr. Pep Club, and Jr. Student Council. ◊ 7


Academics DUC IN ALTUM CONFERENCE Last October St. Cecilia hosted a gathering of about 150 Catholic educators from across the country at the Duc in Altum Schools Summit. The Summit is an annual event in which Catholic school teachers, campus ministers, and administrators come together for top-notch professional development in a faith-filled environment. Sister John Catherine of the SCA History Department (left) joined Fr. Claude Williams, O.Praem., and Dr. Heather Thomas for a panel discussion about responses to questions of racism and DEI models informed by the dignity of the human person and an understanding of the Church’s social teachings. Dr. Ted Sri of the Augustine Institute (right) offered a keynote on "Who Am I to Judge? - Talking About Morality in a Relativistic World.”

(Top) College planning day for Seniors during Community & Culture Day break out session. (Bottom Left) Dr. Karin Oberg, an astrochemist and astronomy professor from Harvard University, visits with students about her research involving the search for chemical signatures that may support life elsewhere in the universe. 8

(Bottom Right) LadyBots robotics team with their robot and their first place Motivation Award at the TN State Competition.



(Top) The AP Art History class had a Day at the Parthenon to learn more about Ancient Greek culture while studying Ancient Greek Art.

(Bottom) Model UN Outstanding Delegates: Lilly Faye Kraemer ’24, Hailey Wondem ’24 and Mia Smitherman ’22

2021-22 National Merit Winners display an array of talents St. Cecilia student ambassadors often tell prospective students, “At SCA it is cool to be smart.” Not only is it cool to be smart, but the intelligence of the ladies of St. Cecilia expresses itself through a diverse array of talents and interests.This year’s three National Merit Finalists and one Commended Student beautifully illustrate this fact. National Merit Finalist ELLIE RODGERS has been interested in math since she set foot in an Algebra II Honors class as a freshman. She has also been drawn to robotics and has been a member of the Lady Bots championship robotics team all four years. Ellie especially likes the coding aspect of robotics, so much so that she completed a summer internship at Vanderbilt in computer science and coding. Her penchant for problemsolving made her a leader on the robotics team as well as president of Mu Alpha Theta Math Honor Society. Ellie will continue her education at Dartmouth College next year, where she plans to study neuroscience and math. Finalist ANNA HUBER likewise excels in math, and her interests have taken her in the direction of economics, history, and civic engagement. Her involvement and leadership in Model UN and Youth in Government directed Anna to an internship opportunity with the YMCA’s Center for Civic Engagement. She is also a founding board member of Nashville’s Junior Economic Club and serves as the organization’s chief marketing officer. Anna is grateful for all the opportunities she has had at SCA and plans to continue her interests in business, Analytics and History in the fall at the University of Notre Dame. ISABEL LEONARD, finalist, loves St. Cecilia and

especially appreciates the guidance and support of her teachers across the disciplines. Although she was initially hesitant about an all-girls school, now as a senior she is grateful for the leadership opportunities made available to her because of it. In addition to playing volleyball and tennis all four years, she is vice-president of Student Ambassadors and has been involved in Student Council and Dance Company. As she attends University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill next year, she plans to major in marine biology. National Merit Commended Scholar ELLA HILL CROUCH is also interested in many subjects, particularly science and its intersection with political science. Over the years she has gained an interest in and concern for the environment, especially through her research in a Scientific Research independent study course. At SCA Ella Hill has been able to combine her love of science with a love for public speaking discovered through her involvement in the SCA drama program. She also realized her leadership abilities through her work with Student Council and as President of the SCA Ambassador Board. As she says, “I am grateful for the opportunity to get to know myself better over the last four years. I don’t know who I would be without SCA.” Ella Hill will attend Xavier University in the fall. 9


40 years later B Y E L I Z A B E T H CA R D E N P H I L L I P S ’8 6


n January 22, 1973, the United States Supreme Court legalized abortion in America in the Roe v. Wade decision. The next year, on that same day, the March for Life began. Each year since, hundreds of thousands of Americans from every state have journeyed to the nation’s capital in January to march from the National Mall to the Supreme Court in peaceful witness to the injustice of abortion. St. Cecilia Academy began attending the March for Life in 1983, the 10th anniversary of Roe v. Wade. As a junior at SCA, I was incredibly blessed to be a part of that inaugural journey. Looking back, I see it as one of the most important events of my life. (Above) Elizabeth, Sister Mary Caroline, Sister Mary Angela, and Amy Carden Conlan ‘81 met up at this year’s March for Life. (Right) Elizabeth’s daughter Cecilia ’25 with friend Stella Perazzini ‘23.


On the day we were to leave, Nashville woke to a late January ice and snowstorm.We were too young to worry about the hazardous conditions and were blissfully unaware that parents and chaperones were on the phones weighing the safety of making the fifteen-hour bus ride. In the spirit of trust and courage, our principal, Sister Mary Angela, made the decision to go forward. I’m forever grateful that she did. We loaded the bus with our pillows and sleeping bags, full of excitement and not sure what awaited us in our nation’s capital. As the tour bus crept over the icy Shenandoah Mountains, there were a few slips and slides, a large number of rosaries said, along with lots of laughter and singing. We arrived in D.C. safe and sound, if a little groggy. I’ll never forget my first view of the Capitol as our bus pulled in to join the hundreds of other buses lining the National Mall. The Washington Monument, The Smithsonian Museums, the Capitol, the Library of Congress, the Supreme Court, all enormous and grand, took my breath away. We had just enough time to run through the Smithsonians to see some of our nation’s history before meeting up on the Mall for the March. Even more impressive than the monuments and museums was the crowd that gathered for the March. As a young high school girl from Nashville, I had never seen so many people in one place—thousands upon thousands of

young and old jostling together as President Reagan addressed the crowd from the White House. There were smiles and handshakes and hugs between strangers and new friends. It was cold and gray, and the winter storm that had followed us from Nashville started to shower down large snowflakes as we began the march down Constitution Avenue, but I don’t recall feeling cold at all.The crowd was so joyful and inviting that it was difficult to feel anything but warmth. Banners identifying groups from Michigan, Florida, California – and just about every state in between – flapped in the wind as we slowly walked the two miles to the Supreme Court, praying the rosary at some parts, singing at others and cheering pro-life messages. It felt like one big family. It was that day I decided I would live in D.C. someday. I would be part of the change our nation so desperately needed. I applied for and received a congressional internship during college, and then moved to Washington D.C. after graduation. I was blessed to work in media for a public policy foundation dedicated to pro-life issues. Each January, on my lunch breaks, I would walk from the office to join up with the marchers. Even on my own, I never felt alone. It was like a family reunion of sorts. When I moved back to Nashville, I continued to pursue public policy work for the Governor of Tennessee, where I met my husband.Whenever

possible, I traveled back to D.C. for the annual March for Life. I was honored to be a board member of Tennessee Right to Life for many years as we worked on a constitutional amendment to the state constitution to allow common-sense safeguards to abortion laws in Tennessee. Currently, I pray the rosary each week with other Dominican campus parents and friends at Nashville’s Planned Parenthood. This past January, I had the chance once again to attend the March for Life. This time, my daughters, both now St Cecilia girls who are nearly the same age I was when I first made the trip, were there with their classmates. In that crowd of thousands, I caught a glimpse of my former principal, Sr. Mary Angela, marching alongside other Dominicans Sisters. As we walked together, she shared with me how anxious she had been to let a bunch of high school girls board the bus that snowy day almost 40 years before. She said,“We saw you girls off, and then started saying the rosary over and over again until you were safely there.” It was one of the full circle moments we are sometimes allowed by God’s Providence. I can’t imagine how different my life would be if Sister Mary Angela had made a different choice. I’ll be forever grateful for SCA’s courageous commitment to the dignity of each human life and for igniting in me a passion for caring for the unborn and their mothers. ◊ (Above) Friends Anna Huber '22 and Lauren Regnier '22 with Elizabeth’s daughter Flanigen ’22 at this year’s March in D.C. (Left) Elizabeth and Flanigen were part of this year’s SCA delegation for Women’s Pro-Life Day on the Hill in Nashville. Pictured left to right: Shawn Curley, Elizabeth Phillips '86, Sister Anne Catherine, Flanigen Phillips '22, Lauren Regnier '22, Clare Dalske '23, Sarah Dalske, Louisa Bateman (SCA Teacher)



Student Life Freshmen class visits the St. Cecilia Motherhouse.

Hallie Cook, Amelia Pyburn, Lainey Sulak, Ana Beron, and Sofia Nimmo at Junior Ring Mass.

Black History Month Committee Members Adaeze Umeukeje '23, LaNecia Matthews '23, Teria Tibbs '22, Bethaney Mallory-Smothers '22 with guest speaker, Courtney Barnes Soto, of University Catholic.

Freshman class officers President Didi Umuekeje, Vice-President Dalton Vaughn, Secretary Rachel Vi, Treasurer Anna Kate Talbot, Parliamentarian Emma Wanucha, Student Council Rep Eve Finley


Nora Doyle ‘22 passes the ball to Amelia Johnston ‘22 during Spirit Night Powder Puff game.


Congratulations to Gussie Miller and Georgie Ritter, who signed letters of intent to continue their academic and athletic careers at the collegiate level! Miller will row at Columbia University and Ritter will play volleyball at Roanoke College while pursuing undergraduate degrees. Go, Scarabs!

Athletics MEET SCA'S NEW COACHES Frank Vickers, Track and Field

AT H L E T IC ACCO M P L IS H ME N TS O F 2 02 1- 2 02 2

Frank Vickers brings 10 years of experience to the program, developing studentathletes to succeed both on and off the track. “My coaching philosophy is to nurture and cultivate mental and physical discipline with a spirit of competition that breeds maximum effort while embodying good sportsmanship. My motto has always been, 'We Coach Hard, but We Care Harder.'” Coach Vickers has been the Head Coach/Founder of Front Runners Youth Track Club (2016-2021), Assistant Track Coach at Blackman High School (2017-2018), Assistant Coach at Williamson Youth Track Club (2010-2013), and the Associate Head Coach at Williamson Youth Track Club (2013 – 2015).

Rick Ellis, Softball

Cross Country •

Chloe Crosslin '24 finished 22nd in a field of 350 runners in the Southern Showcase in Huntsville, Alabama.

The cross country team finished in 6th place in the Metropolitan Championships, and 11th in the State Championships.

Volleyball •

Sarah Cragon '08 was named Regional Co - Coach of the Year.

The volleyball team finished 4th place in the region.

Soccer •

Kendall St Charles '22 was named to the All – Region team.

Jordan Epstein '23 and Amelia Johnston '22 were named Honorable Mention All – Region.

Basketball •

Gracen Mondelli '24 and Emma Galassini '22 were named Honorable Mention All – Region.

Swimming and Diving •

Ellis just completed his first season as the new head softball coach at SCA. Coach Ellis has been coaching for over 30 years, and he cherishes the relationships he has developed with youth, parents, administrators, fellow coaches, umpires, referees, and sports fans. He brings a wealth of experience and excellent knowledge of the game. Coach Ellis's coaching background includes being the 20122017 Head Coach at Bellingham High School and Head coach at Squalicum High School from 2004-2011, both high schools located in Washington.

Cassie Whitworth, Basketball Coach Whitworth is a former college basketball player from Cumberland University with a background in sport management. Coach Whitworth has coached and trained girls from 4th grade through college for the last few years and continues to coach in the Pro Skills Basketball program. Cassie has brought enthusiasm and leadership to our basketball program. She has great knowledge of the game and passion for coaching girls on and off the court. Welcome Coach Whitworth!

Cindy Nguyen '22, Margaret Gilles '22, Cecilia Green '23, Mary P. Woods '24 and Clare Dalske '23 qualified for the State Championship Meet. 13


New Athletic Director RO B E RT J E M I S O N


his past August St. Cecilia Academy welcomed Coach Robert Jemison on board as the school’s new athletic director. Although he is new to St. Cecilia, he is no stranger to the city or its Catholic community. A longtime parishioner of Christ the King, Jemison attended grade school there from fourth to sixth grade before transferring to St. Vincent School for seventh and eighth grades. His love of sports started in grade school and continued at Father Ryan High School, where he played football, wrestled, and ran track. His time at Father Ryan was marked by coaches like Pat Simpson, Joe Drennan, and Tommy Bateman. “All of those coaches made such a big impact on me,” says Jemison, and his connection to them continued long after graduation.



“These are some of the most resilient girls I have seen. They work hard and don't come up with excuses.”

—Robert Robert Jemison with his 1984 Father Ryan wrestling team

As he was looking around at colleges, he and his mother went to visit Texas A & M University. “She had me signed up before I knew what was going on,” Jemison jokes, but he came to love both Texas and Aggie football. Not only that, but being at A & M led Jemison “to the best move I’ve ever made,” for it was there that he met his wife, Jennifer, to whom he has been married for 29 years. They have three daughters ranging in age from 16 to 21. After studying sports management in college, Jemison returned to Nashville and began an internship program under Ronnie Carter at the TSSAA. It was also at that time that he started to coach football and discovered the other love of his life – coaching and working with young people in athletics. After his time at the TSSAA, Jemison went on to coach for 16 years at Father Ryan. He was also the Athletic Director and coach at both Harding Academy and Battle Ground Academy. Jemison feels like the Lord’s hand brought him here to St. Cecilia, and through this opportunity so many unexpected blessings have come alive for him over the course of his first year at SCA. Says Jemison, “When I first saw the last names of the girls here, I realized, ‘I know the dads of these girls. I coached them.’ It is very rewarding to reap the benefits of coaching the kids of the kids you coached. I feel like I have come full circle.” Although Jemison is a dad to girls, he has never been in an all-girls environment until this year and is impressed with what he experiences. “These are some of the most resilient girls

SCA Athletic Director

I have seen,” Jemison observes. “They work hard and don’t come up with excuses. They don’t get down or pout when things get tough, but look forward to the next challenge and want to do better. I attribute that to faith. It makes a difference.” Jemison loves being back in the integrated environment of a Catholic school. He sees how athletics can be a great training ground in virtue for students by helping them put into practice the lessons learned through their studies. “I truly believe God has a role in the lives of our athletes,” observes Jemison, “particularly when it comes to adversity. Prayer is important. Even if the score doesn’t look right or the opponent looks stronger, you don’t question your effort. You can only do what God gives you the strength to do.”


healthy and well-rounded. Jemison says athletics is a great tool to motivate girls in a sense of belonging. In his first year he has worked hard to recruit talented and qualified coaches, one of the key factors he identifies for building a strong and consistent athletic program.“Good coaching is a gift,” says Jemison.“We want coaches who understand each athlete and recognize how God has blessed each girl. I want to surround our girls with good mentors who set clear expectations and encourage them.” Coach Jemison is also looking forward to growing and improving current athletic facilities. He is eager for the new St. Cecilia and Overbrook field house that will be built this summer to house concessions and restrooms at the field, thus expanding opportunities for hosting meets and guests for various events on campus. “We have a beautiful campus with huge potential for development,” says Jemison. ◊

Coach Jemison has great plans for the St. Cecilia athletic program, particularly with the addition of seventh and eighth grades beginning in 2022-2023. He is working with administrators and coaches at both St. Cecilia and Overbrook to create a cohesive six-year vision for student athletes.The junior high girls will compete in both the Diocesan Athletic League and the Harpeth Valley Athletic Conference, and Jemison wants to have many athletic offerings for junior high girls.This will not only prepare them for high school competition, Coach Jemison with Jessica and Jordan Epstein '23 but also help them become

making the morning announcements. Goooooooo Scarabs!



The Class of 2021 Even though they have now moved on to college, we honor the blessing each graduate has been to SCA.

ANDREA REED ARGUELLO Texas Christian University

LAUREN D. HANCOCK The University of Tennessee – Knoxville

RUTHIE CONNALLON MCGRADY University of Tennessee Chattanooga

EMMA ANASTASIA REGENS University of Kentucky

KEATON ABNEY BRIGHT Eckerd College Appalachian State University Appalachian Excellence Award

LILLIAN HERTZOG Austin Peay State University

EMMA HART MCMILLEN Western Kentucky University

ROSEMARY ANNE RIBBLE Western Kentucky University

KAILEE MARGARET HILLER The University of Tennessee – Knoxville

MARY JEAN MOLES Western Kentucky University

EMMA KATHERINE ROBERTSON The University of Tennessee – Knoxville

MADELINA IRIS HUFFMAN Vanderbilt University

ELSPETH MARIE MUNDEN The University of Tennessee –Chattanooga

MIRIAM ELIZABETH ROCK University of Kentucky

SABRINA ROSE JACQUES Middle Tennessee State University

TAWONGA CECILIA MZUMARA Loyola University Chicago

CLAUDIA ALSTONE SCHORR University of Tennessee Knoxville



REINA-ALYSSA ESCIO SEGUI The University of Tennessee – Knoxville


ALLIE ELIZABETH O’BRIEN The University of Tennessee – Knoxville

MARGARET KELLY SHEEHAN The University of Tennessee – Chattanooga

ANNA ELIZABETH KOPF Clemson University

MARIA FERNANDA ORTIZ– ANDRADE Trevecca Nazarene University


MACY ELIZABETH KOSINSKI The University of Tennessee – Knoxville

AINA PHELPS Cornell College

ANN HOLLAND LEE Christian Brothers University

KATELYN ANN PINKSTON Western Kentucky University

NICOLE MARIE MANDA The University of Tennessee – Knoxville


STEPHANIE ROMO MARQUEZ United States Marine Corps


MAROLA HANI BUSHRA (SOBHI) Trevecca Nazarene University ASHLEY BARRETT CAIN The University of Tennessee – Knoxville DORA ELIZABETH CARNEY The University of Tennessee – Knoxville EMILY JULIANNA CARREÑO Nashville State Community College CECILIA ELLE CIOFFI High Point University MARIA LOUISE PROVIDENT DAVIS Arcadia University VICTORIA ELISE DONATO The University of Alabama DOROTHY CHRISTINE EASTWOOD University of Georgia SUSAN LILLIAN FORREST Sewanee – The University of the South ISABELLA BRYCE GIBSON Mississippi State University MADELYN CLAIRE GOODWIN Belmont University


ISABELLA LEE MCCORMICK University of Mississippi


LILLIAN CATHERINE SPARKMAN The University of Tennessee – Chattanooga ISABELLA MCNEEL THOMAS Texas Christian University PEYTON CATHERINE TIMMONS University of Denver OLIVIA CATHERINE ZIMBERG The University of Tennessee – Knoxville


Senior Honors Graduation Speech


2021 VALEDICTORIAN MADELINA IRIS HUFFMAN Vanderbilt University Harding Academy

“From the looks of it, I could really call my uniform skirt a mess. It’s dirty, a little ripped, the buttons have been sewn and re-sewn countless numbers of times, and I definitely couldn't sell it to any incoming freshman. I have the choice to look at this plaid skirt and think of all the times at school I wished and even paid for an out-of-uniform day; I have the choice to look at it and think about how careless I had been with this article of clothing; I have the choice see it as simply a piece of fabric and throw it away right as I get home from this graduation.Yet I don’t think any of us want to look at our kilts this way. In its deep green and navy plaid we are unified with past, present, and future St. Cecilia girls. The bright yellow and crimson stripes down the fabric make this plaid recognizable to all girls who have spent their years within St. Cecilia’s walls, whether that’s spotting the pattern on someone down the grocery store aisles, or encountering that same plaid on a pair of pants as you online shop. Just a simple thread arrangement of blues, greens, reds, and yellows immediately reminds us all of home for the past four years.” 2021 SALUTATORIAN MEGHAN ASHLEY RAFOTH I N D I A N A U N I V E R S I T Y- W E L L S SCHOLAR St. Matthew School

“In these past four years I’ve come out of my introverted shell and opened up to my classmates – and now I am going to leave them. And that scares me.We are all afraid to leave each other. Our four-year journey at St. Cecilia has become a moment that we would like to hold on to forever. My favorite author, J.R.R. Tolkien, wrote a poem about the journey of life entitled “Roads Go Ever On.” The roads we follow may take us far away from home, but I believe no matter how far we go, in some way we will return to each other, return to SCA again, even if only in our hearts, even if only in the next life. And as long as we keep carrying this moment with us, we need not be afraid of the future. SCA will always be our home.”

2021 ST. CECILIA GIRL R U T H I E C O N N A L LO N M C G R A DY University of Tennessee, Chattanooga St. Henry Schoool

“Here we are - four years after walking into these school doors as scared, oblivious freshmen who didn’t quite know our place in the St. Cecilia hallways. Standing here, we are all confident about the mark that we are leaving on the school. Looking at my classmates today, we are about to graduate; I see a complete, beautiful, unique, and perfect puzzle that has taken years to finish. We are not scared little freshmen anymore. When you think of High School, remember the kilt and saddle shoes that we wore as we roamed the halls, the plays we performed in, the sports we played, the VAP dances we practiced and all the formal dances we attended. These are the memories that you should hold close to your heart. Remember at the root of these memories is joy. I encourage all of you to continue leading your lives with joy, because if there is one thing that SCA has taught me, it’s that joy is the greatest gift one can attain.”


A D R E A N N A PA R L E T T E ’ 1 7

passing the


“St. Cecilia Academy is a constant reminder of who I am, what I deserve in this world, and where I started my great relationship with Christ,” declares Adreanna Parlette ’17. She credits SCA for giving her the building blocks to succeed – academically, spiritually, and personally – and gain the mindset of a champion.


Even before they enrolled as students, Adreanna and her twin sister, Bella ’17, knew about St. Cecilia from their aunt, Hadiya Housepian, who graduated from SCA in 2009.The girls were encouraged by their family to strive for excellence and to make

education a priority. When they both chose to attend SCA, Adreanna and Bella found high school to be a training ground where they could mature and excel in different ways – Bella in dance and Spanish and Adreanna in choir and athletics. “St. Cecilia pushed me to do everything,” recalls Adreanna. In addition to challenging herself academically, she got involved in theater guild and choir, which gave her the organizational and time management skills she would need in college and beyond. Her athletic ability also began to blossom during high school, where she distinguished herself as one of the top track athletes in the region and state in high jump, long jump, and 100 meter hurdles. It was at St. Cecilia that Adreanna also discovered the Catholic faith. She distinctly remembers the moment in religion class when one of the sisters was teaching about the Gospel call to forgive one’s enemies, a message she had never really heard before. She was captivated by this life-changing truth, and from that time she began to pray and ask serious questions about her own faith. As she deepened in her relationship with Christ, Adreanna decided to go through the RCIA program her junior year. At the Easter Vigil she was baptized and received into the Catholic Church. Adreanna continues to live her Catholic faith and says she could not have gotten through the challenges of recent years without God, adding, “My foundation remains strong and my faith ever present, something that developed at SCA!”

After graduation, Adreanna received a scholarship to run at Jacksonville University in Florida, but she did not have the experience she hoped for there. In 2019, her SCA mentor Coach Marchetti encouraged her to transfer back to Nashville. She did, and with a move to Belmont University came a new confidence and a new chapter in her athletic career. After only one indoor winter track season at Belmont, the pandemic hit.Yet Adreanna used the months during Covid to focus on building up her strength and mental focus.The work paid off as she entered a very successful 2021 spring season in which she was named the 2021 Ohio Valley Conference Female Field Athlete of the Year, winning the long jump, finishing second in the heptathlon, fourth in the 110-meter hurdles, and seventh in the high jump. Her performance at the conference championships qualified her for the NCAA Regionals where she set Belmont University records in the long jump, 100 meter hurdles, and heptathlon. Not only was Adreanna’s confidence back, but she was performing at an even higher level of excellence. Last summer word quickly spread in the SCA community that Adreanna would be competing in the long jump for one of three spots on the United States Olympic Team. In June the SCA community was abuzz as teachers, friends, and family tuned in to watch Adreanna compete at the U.S. Olympic team trials in Eugene, Oregon. Among a field of the twenty-four best women track and field athletes in the country, Adreanna finished

17th. It was thrilling to see this St. Cecilia girl gather her confidence and drive to compete at an Olympic-qualifying level, achieving even beyond her own expectations. After this experience she said, “I was competing against the best of the best. I didn’t feel any pressure. I felt like I belonged.” After finishing her undergraduate degree in the spring of 2021, Adreanna is now pursuing a master’s degree at The University of Oklahoma in Human Relations Management while she continues to train for competition.When she reflects about her experience at St. Cecilia, Adreanna says,“SCA gave me the platform and the tools to succeed, no doubt about it. The confidence, faith, and resilience I developed there have gotten me through the toughest obstacles. SCA really has a lot to offer beyond the rigorous scholastics. By embracing my experience to the fullest, I left with so much!”

“I was competing against the best of the best. I didn’t feel any pressure. I felt like I belonged.”


Parlette `17 19





Nell Sc Rosem

ary Pet

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wo SCA centenarians have seen many changes during their ten decades of life. Surrounded by the love of God and family, graduates Rosemary Petre Brunette ’40 and Nell Schindler Ayers ’40 are full of gratitude and hope. ROSEMARY PETRE BRUNETTE

Rosemary Brunette started a family tradition: after she herself attended St. Cecilia, she encouraged so many children, grandchildren, sisters, nieces and great-nieces to attend that it is hard to keep track of them all. Rosemary, or “Grammie Rose” as current SCA history teacher Sara Brunette Strobel ’01 calls her grandmother, was born on the family farm in the Germantown neighborhood of Nashville on June 6, 1921. As one of eight children, she assumed regular farm chores and was an active member at Church of the Assumption. When it was time for high school, Rosemary walked the mile or so to St. Cecilia Academy, where she became fast friends with the other students as well as the Dominican Sisters.“The sisters were so sweet and patient,” she says. She loved them all and still remembers acting as Sister Hildegarde’s flower girl at Sister’s first profession of vows.


Rosie was known as an active and lively student. She recalls learning all the latest dance steps from her dad – waltz, fox trot, and polka – and teaching those to her friends at SCA.As her daughter-in-law Anne Love Brunette ’72 relates,“Rosie had good friends and good times and a great education.”

Graduating from St. Cecilia in 1940, Rosemary continued her education and graduated from St.Thomas Hospital Nursing School. When World War II began, she entered the Navy as an ensign and served as a nurse in Portsmouth, Virginia, where she met her future husband and love of her life, Joseph Brunette. (Rosie is quick to remind you that she outranked him!) After Rosie and Joe were married, they went on to have seven children: Mike, Barbara (Trautman ’66), Scott, Marie (McKirnan ’70), Jim, Paul, and Dea (Taylor ’79). Rosie was very happy when the family was able to move back to Nashville in 1963, where they attended St. Henry Church and then St. Ann.

Rosie surrounded by her grandchildren and their spouses on her 100th birthday.


St. Cecilia Girl. Nell, also nicknamed “Girlie” by her friends and family, has many fond stor ies of her time at St. Cecilia. Attending school when it was still at the Motherhouse, she recalls how the students rode Rosie at Mary Queen of Angels horses down to the Cumberland River. Rosie’s beloved husband passed away She also remembers how, on an overnight in 1980, but it was not until eight years stay at the Motherhouse with one of her afterward that she decided to move to Mary, Queen of Angels. Here on June 4, boarding school classmates, they both tried 2021 was the scene of the grand 100th to sneak over to the sisters’ corridor in outdoor birthday party thrown by her the middle of the night…until they got family, an especially festive celebration caught by Sister Noreen! When it came after the restrictions on visiting during the time for graduation, Nell recalls how her pandemic.Yard signs, balloons, cake, and older brother bought her graduation flowers were all part of the day. Even during gown for her (the one pictured in the the difficult days of Covid restrictions, photo on opposite page). Rosie was able to remain positive and Nell eventually became a trusted active, encouraging games and exercises administrative assistant to professor Dr. for her fellow residents just as she did Nicholas Hobbs atVanderbilt University’s Kennedy Center, an educational research during her SCA student days. center affiliated with the Peabody School. Rosie is grateful for her life and says When Mrs. Rose Kennedy and Eunice that she is where she is today thanks to Shriver visited the campus as they a positive attitude, a large and loving sometimes did, Nell was invariably chosen family (7 children, 15 grandchildren, and 22 great-grandchildren), staying healthy, and keeping God and faith at the center of her life.

to act as their escort. On one occasion she recalls taking a call for her supervisor from President John F. Kennedy, who in the course of the conversation offered her a job in Washington. She declined, stayed in Nashville, and went on to meet her husband, Dee Ayers. Together they had many happy years of marriage and raised children, Jill and Michael. Today Nell continues to live in her own home thanks to the help of her children. She attends Sunday Mass at Christ the King and watches daily Mass on her iPad. She keeps her mind sharp through reading and playing solitaire. “I have a charmed life,” says Nell.“Thanks to SCA for such a great life with God at the helm!”

“Thanks to SCA for such a great life with God at the helm!”


Ayers`40 Ayers`40


At age 99, Nell Ayers had a brush with death after suffering a serious infection and spending eight weeks rehabilitating. “But now here I am, hale and hearty,” she announced before her 100th birthday on March 10, 2022. On March 12, she had a special birthday party at Christ the King, complete with refreshments, music, and the well wishes of many friends. A member of the Class of 1940, Nell received the singular honor at her graduation of being named both Valedictorian and

Nell visits with Becka Hill Rosenblatt ’89 and Sister Anne Catherine, O.P.


Alumnae News

Class of 1971 Cecilia Society 50th reunion Dinner

Class of 1986

D.C. alumnae reception: Sister Anne Catherine, Sarah Petroni ’14, Page Forrest ’13, Clare Sherlog ’13 Class of 2001

Sister Anna Laura with Jean Drennan Dortch ’51 and Nancy Sanders Peterson Hearn ’51

2021 Alumna of the Year Laura Sanders Christy ‘57


2021 Young Alumna of the Year Sarah Cragon ‘08

Alumnae Christmas luncheon: Mariam G. Hawaz '17 and Clare Harney '17 with Becka Rosenblatt '89, Director of Alumnae Relations

(Right) D.C. Alumnae Reception at Oyamel


Michelle is the new Director of Operations and leading DEI efforts for Music City Baseball. GENIE DUNN KASTRUP ’92

In March, 2022 Rita Gene (Genie) Dunn Kastrup ‘92 was sworn in as the first woman President of the SEIU (Service Employees International Union) Local 1, which represents 50,000 property service workers in six states and 11 cities across the Midwest. Genie has been serving as executive vicepresident of the SEIU, and for the last 15 years has played an instrumental role in framing the union’s political strategy. She has also served as one of the managers of relationships on behalf of the union with elected officials and government administrators. Genie is married to Scott Kastrup and lives in Evanston, Illinois with their 8 year-old daughter, Amelia. HEATHER YOPP HONEYCUTT ’02

On May 28, 2021 Heather Honeycutt was one of 12 inaugural inductees into the new Forensics Hall of Fame for the Nashville Catholic Middle School Forensics

League. Heather competed in Forensics at both Overbrook and St. Cecilia. Her husband and children were in attendance (photo below). ASHLEIGH GARMAN ’04

Ashleigh Garman has been teaching abroad for the past 12 years. She started in Korea in 2010 and then went on to teach in Vietnam and Russia. She has been in Kuwait for the past seven years, teaching first and second grade Kuwaiti children. She has loved living abroad, especially in the Middle East. LIZ MIZELL KOPPES ’05

Elizabeth (Liz) Mizell took a new position as Business D e ve l o p m e n t Manager with Wipfli, one of the top 20 accounting and business consulting firms in the nation. In her role, Liz will lead Wipfli's growth in Washington DC, specifically focusing on partnering with nonprofits, including

associations, foundations, and communitybased organizations to support them in creating a lasting, positive impact. Liz has lived and worked in Washington, DC for over 10 years and has expertise in the nonprofit sector providing management consulting, board training, resource development, and fundraising. She is a graduate of the University of Alabama and has been active in her community, including as a member of the Association for Fundraising Professionals in DC. ELLIE WALSH-MOOTS ’08

Last year, Ellie was named a Fulbright Scholar, and this year has been studying school leadership at the University of Glasgow in Scotland. Ellie is the daughter of Fran Coode Walsh '77 and granddaughter of the late Mildred Sharp Coode '42. MIRANDA MCDONALD ’09

Miranda recently started a new job with Calvert Street Group as their Senior Campaign Manager. Calvert Street Group is a nationallyrecognized consulting firm that specializes in local land-use campaign strategies. She will be managing Calvert Street Group's Nashville-based projects portfolio and interfacing with Metro Council Members. CHLOE WALL KENT ’14

Chloe passed her board certification exam in fall 2021 and is now a Board Certified Pharmacotherapy Specialist (BCPS). She works at Cookeville Regional Medical Center as a clinical specialist pharmacist with a focus in cardiology and critical care.



Weddings 1 / KATIE WELLS PRICE ’00 married Pat

Price on March 20, 2021 at St. Henry Church in Nashville, TN. They are living in Nashville.


and Sergeant Antoine Maghamez were married on September 5, 2021 at Front Porch Farms in Ashland City, Tennessee.


Robertson were married on September 25, 2021 at St. Henry Church in Nashville,Tennessee.Their wedding party consisted of Mary Ruth Peffen Geny, Anne Clair Hamilton Hoffman, Elizabeth Geny, Denise Volz, Sally Davis, Jessica Volz Leslie Volz Robertson, Norma Trauernich Volz, Julia Moore Hall, Karen T Sadler, Monice Hostettler, and Kay Gallagher. 3 / ELIZABETH SULLIVAN WILSON ’09

married Guy Wilson on June 27, 2020 at the Cathedral of the Incarnation in Nashville, TN. Elizabeth’s sister, Kate Sullivan ’19, was her maid of honor. 2.


married Patrick Rutherford from the Shetland Islands, Scotland at St. Mary of the Seven Sorrows in Nashville on October 9, 2020. Since Patrick's family could not travel from Scotland due to Covid restrictions, Cecilia's eight brothers provided music for Mass and even gave the best man toast at the reception.


6 / HELEN SIMPSON BAKER ’18 and Ian Baker were married on December 31, 2021 at Camp Marymount in Fairview, Tennessee.






Mother of Kolbe Dylan Balch, born on December 24, 2021. 2 / SCHUYLER LUCIO ’03 Mother of

Fox Elliot Lucio, born on February 11, 2022. 3 / MAGGIE REYLAND ’05

Mother of James Clark (Jamie), born on March 8, 2021. 4 / MARISSA LEIGHTON MENCIO ’06

Mother of Leighton Rose Lichliter, born June 8, 2021.


Mother of Lucy Elizabeth Beste, born on April 19, 2021. 6 / MEGHAN CLARKE NICHOLSON ’07

Mother of Mary Morgan Nicholson, born on February 14, 2021. 7 / MARY HANCOCK MITCHELL ’07

Mother of Margaret Briggs Mitchell, born on July 20, 2021. 8 / SUSAN BEAVIN GEORGE ’08 Mother

of Robert Brady George, born on March 7, 2022.





in memoriam


JANUARY 1, 2021 - MARCH 31, 2022

Mother of William Bennett Noote, born on October 7, 2021.

Novarese “Rese” Ballentine Klingenberg ’41 Virginia Ford Markle ’42 Joyce McCracken Eisenmann ’46 Sister Mary George Barrett, O.P. ’47 Joyce Plummer Russell ’48 Patricia “Patsy” Byrne Ulincy ’49 Mary Margaret O’Malley ’50 Joan Fey Colorigh ’51 Jean Kane Natcher ’51 Margaret “Peggy” Carroll Bargatze Sumner ’51 Anne “Shirley” Conway Markezich ’52 Mary Ann Winter Sandler ’52 Stella Sullivan Shiber ’54 Theresa Rogers Raisch ’55 Veronica Strobel-Seigenthaler ’57 Theresa Dury Botts ’59 Patricia “Pat” Weisiger Morel ’60 Nancy Luckett Richey ’60 Virginia “Ginger” Ferrell Hall ’62 Twila Harrison Lance ’63 Carol Blackford Farrell ’69 Julie Ann Fishburn Wood ’70 Mary Pat Becker Baltz ’71 Luann Daugherty Pratka ’71 Katherine “Kathy" Crawford Darnell ’73 Donna Marie Howe ’73 Liane Deere Ray ’80 Lucynda “Cindy” Woodroof Land-Cantrell ’86 Hope Erlenborn Meushaw ’06 Rosemary “Rosie” Therese Robinson ’20


Mother of Dorothy Ogg, born on September 4, 2021. 11 / NATALIE GOODRUM KELLY ’11

Mother of Declan John Kelly, born on September 23, 2021. 12 / CECILIA BELLET RUTHERFORD ’14

Mother of Elizabeth Ann, born on November 9, 2021.

5. 6.








A N N UA L R E P O RT 2020-2021

We accomplish all that is reflected in these pages thanks to you and your gifts of time, financial support and prayers.Your enthusiasm and support for the mission of St. Cecilia Academy allow us to do what we do best—help our students become the women God wants them to be for the world. The young women of St. Cecilia Academy benefit directly from your generosity. The Dominican Sisters, faculty, and staff are deeply grateful to the individuals and organizations included in the pages of the 2020-2021 Annual Report. This report reflects gifts received between July 1, 2020 and June 30, 2021. God bless you for your goodness to us, and please know you are always in our prayers! Please note that every effort has been made to ensure accuracy in the reporting of this data and the donor’s wishes with regard to recognition. If you think there may be an error, please contact Kim Hoover at 615383-3230 or

your giving




$49,513 T O TA L N U M B E R O F D O N O R S :








$20 0,0 0 0


Yearly outright gifts of all sizes sustain day-to-day needs, such as support for academic resources and student activity programming, tuition assistance, new technology, and facility maintenance and upgrades. In 2020-2021, the annual fund helped cover the $1200 gap between tuition and the actual cost of educating a student. RESTRICTED GIFTS

Gifts designated for the support of specific projects or initiatives at St. Cecilia Academy that are special to our donors. One important category of restricted gifts is specifically for direct tuition assistance within the academic year.

$ 40 0,000


Gifts of cash and pledges have made possible the renovation and construction of St. Cecilia Academy’s new Fine Arts Center, completed in Spring 2019. SCA ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIPS

In addition to restricted annual giving, St. Cecilia currently awards tuition assistance from 35endowed scholarships that have been established by families and friends to eligible students. An endowed scholarship is truly the gift that keeps on giving for generations to come. It exists in perpetuity and the school benefits by a percentage


$800,00 0

of earnings every year that directly supports the education of promising young women.



$1 ,000,000


Gifts made in honor of deceased members of the St. Cecilia Academy family.


Alumnae honor their alma mater when they give back, whether as individuals or as a class. Alumnae giving ensures the vibrancy and accessibility of a St. Cecilia education for future generations. GIFTS IN HONOR

St. Cecilia often receives gifts from friends and relatives who want to honor in a special way specific individuals connected to SCA.


Donated goods or services for fundraising events and other activities at St. Cecilia. These help to keep operating expenses at a minimum, thereby ensuring maximum support for the needs of the school.


2021 Gala to Go featured Hattie B's dinner baskets.

Annual 1860 CLUB ($10,000 AND ABOVE)




Two Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rodgers COAT OF ARMS CLUB ($5,000 - $9,999)

Mrs. John N. Andrews Mrs. Rachel Battan Augustine Dr. and Mrs. Eslick E. Daniel Mrs. Jean Drennan Dortch Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dortch Mr. and Mrs. Jason Epstein Mr. and Mrs. C. Henry Geny Dr. and Mrs. Kurt Merkelz Mr. and Mrs.William H. Nunnelly Starcare of Tennessee, Inc. Wee Buddy Memorial Foundation DOMINICAN CROSS CLUB ($2,500 - $4,999)

One Anonymous Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation Brandon and Lauren Barca 28

9% 6%

Tuition Other Fees + Income Annual Fund Endowment




Francesca and Spencer Betts Mr. and Mrs.Thomas J. Forrest, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Houff Kane Family Charitable Foundation Ms. Hyo Kim and Mr. Michael Feeney Mr. and Mrs. Jerry McKamey Dr. and Mrs. David McMillen Dr. Catherine McTamaney Mr. and Mrs. Brad Regens Mr. and Mrs.William Sulak Mr. and Mrs. Robert J.Terry THE SHIELD CLUB ($1,000 - $2,499)

Three Anonymous Mr. and Mrs.William F. Alexander, III Mr. and Mrs. Fernando Arguello Ms. Diana P. Boyd Mr. and Mrs. David H. Brown Mrs. Debbie Lassiter Byrne Mr. and Mrs. Colin A. Coleman Mrs. Debbie Wallace Craig Mr. and Mrs.William M. Goodyear, Jr. Mrs. Lisa Fridrich Grayson The Harney Family Charitable Fund Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Hassett Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Herndon Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Hiller Mrs. Amy Graham Hobbs Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Huber W. Gerard and Colleen A. Huiskamp Foundation Mrs. Mary Lee Whitehead Jackson

Nancy M. & Victor S. Johnson, Jr. Foundation, Inc. Dr. Joseph Kosinski and Dr. Mary Kosinski Mr. and Mrs. Alan L. Looney Mr. and Mrs. Michael V. Marchetti Mr. and Mrs. Michael Marzialo Mrs. Katherine Power McCrea Mr. and Mrs. James Moore Dr. Roberta L. Muldoon Mrs. Sally Lea Nance Mr. Cassius Parsons and Dr. Amy Parsons Mr. and Dr. Joshua Pendergrass Dr. and Mrs. Mark T. Peters Ms. Lynn Provident and Mr. Jeffery Davis Mr. and Mrs.William Pykosh Mr. and Mrs. John A. Roth, Jr. Ms. Caity Shepherd Mr. Jack L. Slinger, III Mr. and Mrs.W. Russell Taber, III Mrs. Monica Terry Mr. and Mrs. Lito Tiamson Mr. and Mrs. Jon Timmons Ms. Frances Anne Varallo Mr. and Mrs. Leonard W.Warren Mr. and Mrs. Marvin "Bud" Wood Mr. and Mrs. G. Michael Yopp THE HARP CLUB ($500 - $999)

Three Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Adler Mr. Kenneth Albritton Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Bath Mr. and Mrs.William Blackburn, Jr.


Expenses Salaries+ Benefits Facilities+ Campus Tuition Assistance Admissions Program Support



14% 6%


Dr. Jennifer Brault and Mr. Pierre-Alexandre Brault The Pharmacy Burger Parlor Mr. Russell Brue Ms. Reida McCutchen and Mr. Barry Burnette Mr. John E. Burns Mr. and Mrs. David Cliffel Mr. and Mrs. James E. Clyde Mr. and Mrs. John H. Crosslin, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Dunn Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Durelli Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence S. Eastwood, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Farr Mr. and Mrs. Michael Farriss Mrs. Missy Trushel Forrester Mr. and Mrs. Keith Frazier Mr. and Mrs. Grant Gardner Mr. and Mrs. David Gilles Mr. Joe Hall Dr. Ashley Herrmann Ham Dr. and Mrs. C. Michael Hanbury Mrs. Ann Guepe Harris Mrs. Suzanne Meifert Hester Mr. and Mrs. R. John Hoff Mr. Francis Horn JB&B Capital, LLC. Mrs. James L. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Derek S. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Eric T. Lee Ms. Natalie-Chantal LévySousan Mr. and Mrs. James Lowen Judge and Mrs.W. Neal McBrayer Mr. and Mrs. Robert McTamaney Mr. and Mrs. John Mohlenkamp Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Mzumara The Pat & Neil O'Brien Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Rick Prickett Ms. Kay Van Echop Quinn Mr. and Mrs. James P. Regnier Ms. Mary Reynolds Maher and Mr. Matthew Maher Mrs. Alison Ames Rheaume Mr. and Mrs.Warren B. Robeson Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Russell Mrs. Lisa McInturff Russell Ms. Katy Schuster-Luck Mr. and Mrs. Harry D. Shields Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Smith Mr. and Mrs. Philip Stankiewicz Mr. Jerry Strobel Mrs. Beverly Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Mark Thienel Dr. Carolyn Totaro Mr. and Mrs. Steve Volz

Mrs.Veronica Burns Wauford Ms. Arline Manning Wilson Gary and Catherine Wilson Wilson Family Advised Fund Mr. and Mrs. Jay C.Woods Mr. and Mrs. Chase Wright Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Wylly THE RED AND WHITE CLUB (UP TO $249)

Twenty Anonymous Ms. Maureen Abbey Mrs. Jordon Morrissey Adams Mr.Vernon Adcock Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Adelman Ms. Lorelei M. Aden Ms. Lauren Aid Mr. and Mrs. John Albamont Mrs. Sissy Huggins Allen Mrs. Mary Prue Polk Alley Mrs. Josie Sevier Alston Mr. and Mrs. Roger Alsup Ms. Claudia Altamirano Mrs. Beverly Deal Ammarell Mrs.Tiffany L. Amos Ms. Mary Marshall Anderson Ms. Peggy Andrews Mr. and Mrs.Thomas M. Anglin Mr. and Mrs.William Anglin Mr. Andrew T. Atwood Mrs. Nell Schnidler Ayers B and R Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Bader, III Mr. and Mrs. H. Grimes Baird, Jr. Baird Foundation Dr. Carolyn Baker and Mr. Clark Baker Mrs. Barbie Wheeler Baker Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Balthrop Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Bateman Ms. Cindy Bath Cioffi Mrs. Carole Barrett Batson Mr. and Mrs. Alan Beaty Ms. Patty Beazley Mrs. Carole G. Begley Mrs. Missy Alston Bemiller Ms. Jodie Beneke Mr. and Mrs. Edo Bernasconi Mrs. Christine Ricafort Bertani Mr. and Mrs. Philip Betbeze Mrs. Marie Daugherty Bishop Dr. Melanie W. Bishop and Dr. James Bishop Mrs. Rachel Aponte Bishop Mr. and Mrs. Kelly E. Blake Mrs. Bridget Varley Bock Mr. and Mrs. Robbie Bohren Mrs. Shannon Sonricker Bower Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Boyd Mr. and Mrs. Darell R. Bridges



Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bright Mrs. Catherine Brulin Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Brunette Mrs. Martha Nell Long Bryant Mrs. DeeDee Tate Bumpous Ms. Kristen Bung Mrs. Barbara H. Burke Ms. Anna L. Burnett Mr. and Mrs. David Burton Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Cain Ms. Caitlin E. Cain Ms. Elizabeth K. Cain Mrs. Nancy Holzmer Calderon Mr. and Mrs. John P. Campbell Mrs. Elizabeth Shea Campbell Dr. and Mrs. Richard M. Caprioli Ms. Kelley Carr Mrs. Patricia Wray Carver Kocan Mrs. Kathleen Cassman Ms. Gail Caudle Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cavanaugh


Ms. Caroline M. Chamberlain Mrs. Margaret Chance Ms. Lindsay Chance Mrs. Laura Sanders Christy Ms. Pamela G. Christy Mr. and Mrs. Philip S. Clark Ms. Ryan M. Clark Ms. Elizabeth Clarke Ms. Melody Clarke Mr. and Mrs. Guy Travis Clifton Mrs. Cynthia Goertz Clinton Mrs. Mary Louise Hymel Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Jason Cohn Mr. and Mrs.W. Kent Coleman The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee Ms. Cornelia Coode Mr. and Mrs. John Coode Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Cox Mr. and Mrs. Allen W. Cragon Ms. Sarah C. Cragon Mrs. Laura Black Crawford Mrs. Brittany Redmond Crockett Mr. and Mrs. Justin D. Crosslin, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Crouch Ms. Hannah Crowell Mr. and Mrs.William Curtiss Ms. Sarah Daddario and Mr. Jason Cook Mr. and Mrs. Luke Dalske Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Daniel Mrs. Mary Ann Daugherty Ms. Claire Davis Ms. Janet Davis Mrs. Emily Sanders Davis Mrs. Sheila F. Davis-Duke

(Above) 2021 SCA Golf Tournament

Ms. Kaitlyn L. Dedman Mr. and Mrs. Prudencio Dela Merced, Jr. Mrs. Deirdre Hudson Delisi Mr. and Mrs. Michael Demere Mrs. Jennifer Byrnes DePalma Ms. Lise Deschenes Mrs. Kara Devine Devening Ms. Brady Diaz-Barriga Mr. Donald J. Dickinson Mrs. Alexandra Brink Dickson Mr. and Mrs. Jim Donato Mr. and Dr. David P. Donlon Mr. and Mrs. Brett Donnals Mrs. Mindy Eads Donnellan Ms. Maemie Donnelly Mr. and Mrs. Harold Donnelly Mr. and Mrs. James M. Doran, Jr. Mr. and Mrs.William A. Dortch, Jr. Ms. Samantha M. Doust Dr. and Mrs.William L. Downey Mr. and Mrs. Flynn Doyle Mrs. Jacqueline A. Dreher Mr. and Mrs. John J. Dryden, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. Howard Miller Mr. and Mrs. Read DuPriest Ms. Holly E. Edwards Mrs. MaryDe H. Elliston Mr. and Mrs. Dan Endom Mrs. Sue Ann Simpson Enneis Mrs. Julia Lee Ernst Ms. Leigh Anne Ervin Ms. Emily Eyre Mr. and Mrs.William H. Farmer Ms. Kathleen M. Farr Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ferguson Ms. Ellen B. Fernandez Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fischer Mrs. Susana Flores and Mr. Miguel Carrera Ms. Mary L. Fox Mrs. Alexandra M. Freundlich Mrs.Trisha Bateman Fultz Mr. and Mrs. George Furlong Dr. G. Edward Gaffney Mr. and Mrs. John Galassini Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Gallivan Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gardner Mrs. Morgan Leigh Garner Ms. Michelle A. Gaughan Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Gehring Mr. and Mrs. C. Henry Geny Ms. Ashley E. George Mr. and Mrs. John H. Gilbert Mrs. Cissa Flanigen Glenn Dr. and Mrs. Edward Glynn Mrs. Laura Goetz Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan B. Golczynski

Mrs. Becky Kibby Goodman Mrs. Nell Heflin Goza Mrs. Michele Irion Grabher Ms. Susan O. Gracey Mr. and Mrs. John A. Grannis, III Mr. and Mrs. James T. Griscom, II Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Gronefeld Mr. and Mrs.Travis Groth Ms. Sarah H. Grubbs Mrs. Alicia Hill Guill Mrs. Anne Stevens Hagaman Mr. and Mrs. Phillip T. Hagey Ms. Julia M. Hall Dr. Katherine Haltom and Mr. Larry Joyce Mr. and Mrs.William Hance Mrs. Cathye Adelman Hancock Mr. and Mrs.William C. Hancock, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Hansen Ms. Holly Harris Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hart Mrs. Gretchen Keras Hart Mrs. Denise Hayes Ms. Elizabeth Heaston Mr. and Mrs. Martin H. Heflin Mrs. Mary Cain Helfrich Mrs. Katy Pittinger Helms Mrs. Lucy Tinsley Helms Ms. Elizabeth N. Henard Mr. and Mrs.Timothy M. Herman Mr. Arturo Hernandez Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hertzog Dr. and Mrs. Greg Hickman Mrs. Margaret A. Hiller Mrs. Mary Ammon McMurry Hoenigman Mrs. Audry McInturff Hoffman Mrs. Martha Ashley Fuson Holder Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Holland, Jr. Mrs. Heather Yopp Honeycutt Mr. and Mrs. Keith D. Hood Mr. and Mrs. Rick Hoover Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Horvath Mr. and Mrs. Paul Huffman Ms. Peggy Hunt International Industrial Products Corporation Ms. Simone Irion Mr. and Mrs. Clarence G. Johnson, Jr. Mrs. Suzanne Richardson Johnson Ms. Cathy Jordan Ms. Lisa K. Keelan Ms. Mickey Koch Keith Ms. Michele E. Keith

Art teacher Meredith Callis with Isabella Bigoness ’23 Ms. Megan D. Kelly Mrs. Erin E. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Brian A. Kendall Mr. and Mrs. J. Allen Kennedy, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kennedy Ms. Logan A. Key Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Khym Mr. Peter King and Mrs. Mary McCarthy-King Mrs. Jenny Knapp Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Kopf Mr. and Mrs. Robert Krumm Ms. Amy Kuder Mrs. Lindsay Wilson Landman Mrs. Carol Black Lawrence Mrs. Marilyn Wannamaker Leathers Ms. Deborah Lederman Ms. Dana E. Lee Ms. Anna Marie Lee Ms. Emmy Greer Leftwich Ms. Mary Katherine Leftwich Ms. Abbigail E. Link Mr. and Mrs.Vincent LoCicero Mrs. Carolyn Morris Long Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lowe Mrs. Schuyler Moore Lucio Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lyons III Ms. Lolita Mallory-Smothers Ms. Jessika E. Malone Mr. and Mrs.William G. Manda Mrs. Cecilia C. Marchesi Ms. Alicia C. Marchesi Mrs. Jeanne Burd Marchetti Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Marchetti Dr. Kathleen Marks and Dr. Derek Marks Ms. Dalizza Marques

Mr. Charles Martinez Mrs. Mary Martini Ms. Maggie Mason Mr. and Mrs. Dan Maxwell Ms. Leslie C. May Mrs. Aimee Shelide Mayer Ms. Cayce McAlister Mr. and Mrs. J. Harold McBrayer Mrs. Megan Hatch McBride Mr. and Mrs. Keith McGrady Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. McKinney Mr. Harold C. Meacham, IV Ms.Vanessa Meacham Mr. and Mrs. Cody Medina Mrs. Diane E. Meier Mrs. Jennifer Karrels Menzie Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Doughtery Ms. Molly M. Miller Mrs. Peggy DeFreece Miller Mrs. Dale Baird Mitchell Mrs. Mary C. Mitchell Mrs. Nancy Schuler Moeller Dale and Jean Marie Moles Mrs. JoJo Shipp Moman Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Mondelli Mr. and Mrs. Andres Montana Mrs. Julia Morgan Montesi Mrs.Trudy True Mook Ms. Sara Moore Ms.Vinita Ollapally Mujumdar Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Mulloy Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Murphy Ms. Colleen M. Murray Ms. Marilyn Murray Ms. Eliza M. Nagle Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Neely Mrs. Meghan Clarke Nicholson

Mr. and Mrs. Scott M. Niesen Mr. and Mrs. Luis G. Noble Ms. Stephanie Nolan Mr. and Mrs. Gene Nolan Mrs. Anna Jirikovec Norton Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Nunan Mr. and Mrs.Thomas O'Brien Mrs. Catharine Beasley O'Bryan Paschal and Tracie O'Dwyer Mrs. Carrie Sevier Outlaw Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Page, III Mrs. Ginny Page Parker Mrs. Shannon Jankowski Parker Dr. and Mrs. Robert Parkes Mrs. Caitlin C. Pearson Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Pease Mr. and Mrs. August Perazzini Ms.Tandy Perkins Mrs. Jenny Johnson Perkins Perkins Oil & Gas Inc. Ms. Emily J. Peters Mr. and Mrs.Wade B. Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Bryan A. Picklesimer Dr. and Mrs. Donald F. Pierce, Jr. Dr. Laura Dray Pierce Mr. and Mrs. D. Phillip Piercy, Jr. Mrs. Mary Mattingly Pietrzyk Mr. and Mrs.Thomas M. Pike Ms. Leanne Pinkston Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Pirkle Mrs. Ashley Bartrum Pitt Mrs. Angela Cooper Plasko Mrs. Molly Kopansky Poss Mr. and Mrs. Dan Powell Mr. and Mrs. Peter Preisler Mr. and Mrs. Emad Pulous Mr. and Mrs. Mark L. Pyburn Ms. Mary Catherine Pyburn

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Radley Ms. Christine Ragan Mrs. Rosie Sbuttoni Raher Mrs. Christina Papuchis Ramenofsky Mr. and Mrs.Vicente Ramirez Ms. Mary T. Randall Dr. Jeanne Rast and Mr. Michael Rast Mrs. Nicole Raymond Mr. and Mrs. Jay Reagan Ms. Emma A. Regens Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Remke Ms. Rosemary A. Ribble Mr. and Mrs. Hugh M. Richardson, III Mr. and Mrs. Buist F. Richardson Mr. and Mrs. Jeff G. Ricker Mrs. Jillian K. Riss Mrs. Jenny Mondelli Robertson Ms. Leslie Robertson Ms. Grace I. Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Rochford Mr. and Mrs. Randall Rock Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Rolin Mrs. Becka Hill Rosenblatt Dr. and Mrs. John Roth, Sr. Mrs. Helen Adelman Roudi Ms. Christine A. Royer Mr. J. Scott "Skip" Rudsenske Mrs. Molly E. Ryan Mrs. Karen Sadler Mrs. Melanie Liebhart Sadler Mrs. Emily Spalding Sandwith Ms. Mari Beth Sartain Ms. Georgina Saxon Ms. Jeanne Schaedle Mr. and Mrs. James F. Scherer





Mrs. Monica Werrbach Aebersold Mrs. Nelle Schindler Ayers Ms. Robyn Biga Mrs. Martha Sanders Davenport Ms. Jane Grannis Mrs. Anne Williams Hall Mrs. Pily Buenahora Jenkins Ms. Christine Ragan Mrs. Peggy Lampley Robeson Mrs.Veronica StrobelSeigenthaler Mrs. Catherine Stuart Vrettos ANNE EIDELL WALL ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP FUND

Mrs. Anne Wall Christeson Mr. and Mrs. John Wall


Nashville Catholic Business Women's League CLASS OF 1971 SCHOLARSHIP

Mrs. Cary DeWitt Allyn Mrs. Penny Templeton Richardson Ms. Mary Jane Staed Smith CLASS OF 1974 SCHOLARSHIP

Dr. Elba Batista Alexander Mrs. Josie Crespo Cox Mrs. Patty Phipps Morel Mrs. Pam Wallace Rowan Mrs. Mary Del Frank Scobey Ms. Patricia Smith Mrs. Judy Malone Stroud Mrs. Ginger Paris Van Sant Mrs. Sheryl Abbey Wehby SCA CLASS OF 1976 SCHOLARSHIP

Mrs. Maura Zalud Johnson Mrs. Dale Baird Mitchell Mrs. Ellen Miller Tanner Ms. Jamie Felts Zalud



Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Lee Grubbs, Jr. DR. HENRY SCHMITT SCHOLARSHIP

Lt. Col. Henry J. Goodrum and Ms. Aidan Lee Mrs. Margaret Goodrum Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Semenick JANELLE WARWICK SCHOLARSHIP

Diocese of Nashville




Dr. Carolyn Baker, Ed.D. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin R. Cich Mr. and Mrs. Jeff D. Davis Mrs. Jean Drennan Dortch Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Gorrell, III Mrs. Joyce Norman Hines Mrs. Maggie Lee Holtman Mr. Francis M. Horn Mrs. Mary Leyden Bevington Johnson Mrs. Claudia Volz Kornmeyer Mrs. Kathy Abbott McGugin Mrs. Mary Margaret O'Connor Mrs. and Mr. Sandra M. Polk Mrs. Peggy Lampley Robeson Mr. Steven Small and Ms. Laura Tyus Mrs. Ann Marie Strickmaker Mr. and Mrs. Edgar W. Stuart Mrs. Bolin Kane Stumb Ms. Jill Willis WILLIAM T. COAKLEY MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND

WTC Foundation


Ms.Teresa Morgan and Dr. Claus Schneider Mrs. Kelly Brand Schoenholz Mr. and Mrs. Myron B. Schrage Mr. and Mrs. Stan Scobey Mrs. Dawn Seidenschwarz Mr. and Mrs. Alfredo Sergio Mr. Juan Serrano and Ms. Rosa Garcia Ms. Ellen K. Sevier Mrs. Johanna Choate Shadoin Mr. and Mrs. Knowles H. Shaw, IV Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Shea Dr. Jonathan Sheehan and Dr. Peggy Kendall Mr. and Mrs.Thomas J. Sheehan Mr. and Mrs. Raymond L. Shelide Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sheridan Mr. and Mrs. David F. Sherlock Ms. Clare Elizabeth Sherlog Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Shores Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sinks Mrs. Leigh Pinson Sinks Ms. Claire Jorns Skalicky Mr. and Mrs. Carl Smith Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Smith Ms. Patricia Smith and Mr. John Zipperer Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Smith Mr. Michael Smitherman and Ms. Mollie Malone Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Songy Mr. and Mrs. Seth Sparkman Mr. and Mrs. J.Wayne Spencer Mr. and Mrs. David Sprouse Mrs. Mary Lou Spurlock Mr. and Mrs. Steve Stamps Mr. and Mrs.William M. Steffenhagen Mr. and Mrs. Greg Steisslinger Mrs. Ramona Schnupp Steltemeier Mr. and Mrs. Brent F. Stewart Mrs. Phyllis Graham Stillman Dr. Shannon Carver Story Mrs. Sara Brunette Strobel Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence B. Stumb Mrs. Imelda Brown Sugg Ms.Terri Suico Mr. and Mrs.W. Laurence Sullivan, Jr. Mrs. Stephanie Crews Sundock Ms. Nicole X. Suozzi Mr. and Mrs. Hugh C.Tanner Mr. and Mrs.Albert Tarolli Mr. and Mrs. James Tarwater Ms. Eliza Tarwater Mr. and Mrs. Glynn Taylor Mrs. Dea Brunette Taylor Mrs. Beverly C.Taylor Mrs. Melanie McInturff Thoenes Mrs. Ann Thomas

Mrs. Jennifer Thomas Mr. and Mrs. J.T.Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Dave Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Michael A.Thornton Mr. and Mrs. Nelson S.Tiburcio Mrs. Lauren Smallwood Toleno Ms. Jane Caldwell TreadwayWilliams Mrs. Lynn Black Turner Ms. Dawn Ann Murphy Tynes Mr. and Mrs. Scott Tyrone Mr. Agodi Umeukeje and Dr. Ebele Umeukeje Mr. Donald Ungurait and Dr. Gabrielle Chapman Mr. and Mrs.Walter Vargas Ms. Jessica M.Volz Mrs. Catherine Stuart Vrettos Mrs. Lauren Sloan Wakefield Mr. and Mrs. John Walker Mr. and Mrs. John G.Wall Dr. and Mrs. Ryan Walsh Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Walters Mrs. Ashleigh Foster Ware Mr. and Mrs.William M.Warfield Ms. Mary Margaret Warren Mr. and Mrs. Mitchum E.Warren, III Mr. and Mrs. Chris Wehby Ms. Christine E.Wehby Ms. Lisa R.Weiland Ms. Diana Weisman Mrs. Roberta Green Wheeler Mrs. Christina Madden White Mr. and Mrs. Russell G.Whitney Mrs.Tracey A.Wilds Ms. Holly Anderson Wilds Mrs. Jessica Bowman Williams Windmill Title Mrs. Janine Lawson Winnard Mr. and Mrs. Dan Wittig Mr. and Mrs. Matthew K.Wolfe Mrs. Catherine Soper Womack Mr. Henok Wondem Mr. Robert Wooden and Ms. Consuelo Chavez Dr. Patricia D.Woods Mr. and Mrs.Vaughn Woods Mr. and Mrs. Jim Worley Mr. and Mrs.T. Cook Wylly, III Mr. and Mrs. Jay Young Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Young Mrs. Becca Nealy Yusko Mr. and Mrs. Andy Zimberg Ms. Anna Zimmerman


Bethany Retreat House For almost ten years, St. Cecilia and Overbrook School have offered weekend retreats for moms and dads at the Dominican Sisters’ Bethany Retreat House. Many men and women have been blessed by the graces they have discovered here in taking time out of their busy lives for quiet and prayer. A growing number of moms and dads make it a tradition to attend every year. Here is a reflection from one alumnae mom: Where do you go on retreat to pray and renew your soul? For almost 10 years, I have made a tradition of going to the annual Moms’ Retreats offered by the Dominican Sisters in rural Dickson,Tennessee. The first time I drove onto the property, the sun was setting and a golden glow shone on the beautiful building on the hill. I was struck by the beauty and wept for joy. Some of the best things in life are hidden. For city folks, there is a hidden treasure to be discovered: Bethany Retreat House. A place where Jesus calls my heart to rest and to hear His voice.

A place to wander and experience nature and the woods.A place to discover a new saint or spiritual writer in the treasury of a well- curated library. I have also found at Bethany a place to be fed by the sacraments, the greatest gift of our Catholic faith, and to be nourished by the love and radical hospitality of the Dominican Sisters, even if only for a short while. God loves us so much! Blessed beyond words, I am grateful for Bethany Retreat House. —

reflection by jacqueline grant ,

mother of sophie claire grant , os ’16 and sca ’20

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33 St. Cecilia and Overbrook 2021 Dads' retreat



Six Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. William F. Alexander, III Ms. Mary Marshall Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Bader, III Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bateman Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Betts Mr. and Mrs. William Blackburn, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Brink Caterpillar Inc Charity Custodial Account Mr. and Mrs. David Cliffel Mr. and Mrs. Colin A. Coleman The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee Mr. and Mrs. John H. Crosslin, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Prudencio Dela Merced, Jr. Ms. Michele Delisfort

Mr. and Mrs. Flynn Doyle Mr. and Mrs. Dan Endom Mr. and Mrs. Jason Epstein Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Gronefeld Dr. Sara Habibian and Mr. John Wiedman Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Herndon Mr. and Mrs. Derek S. Jones Dr. Joseph Kosinski and Dr. Mary Kosinski Mr. and Mrs. Erik Kraemer Mr. John Leonard and Mrs. Cynthia Cicon-Leonard Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lowe Dr. Kathleen Marks and Dr. Derek Marks Mr. and Mrs. Lewis C. May Dr. and Mrs. David H. McMillen Mr. and Mrs. Dan Powell

(Above) "Cinderella" Character Meet and Greet event 34

Ms. Lynn Provident and Mr. Jeffery Davis Mr. and Mrs. William Pykosh Mr. and Mrs. Brad Regens Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Rodgers Schneider Electric Mr. and Mrs. Myron B. Schrage Mr. and Mrs. Alfredo Sergio Ms. Lisa Slinger Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Terry Mr. and Mrs. Glen S. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vargas Dr. Michele Whittaker and Mr. Larry Whittaker Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wylly Yarbrough Family Foundation

(Above) Alumna Josie Crespo Cox '74 with grand daughter Savannah Cox and Sophia Ochoa '22 (Cinderella)


Ms. Karen Abbey Giunta Mr. and Mrs. Russell G. Whitney JOSE ALONSO

Dr. Catherine McTamaney SANDY AMBROGI


Mr. Donald J. Dickinson

The Harney Family Charitable Fund



Mr. and Mrs. Louis C. Hines JAMES PAUL DONNELLY

Mr. and Mrs. Jeff D. Davis MIKE FIGLIO



Mrs. Shannon Sonricker Bower

Mr. and Mrs. James V. Hunt Mr. John T. Johnson, Jr. Lewis Advertising, Inc MP&F Strategic Communications Mr. and Mrs. Warren B. Robeson Ms. Shannon Rodock

WTC Foundation




Mr. and Mrs.Victor S. Johnson, III Mrs. Kathy Abbott McGugin Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence B. Stumb Ms. Jill Willis


Mr. and Mrs. Warren B. Robeson

Mr. and Mrs. Graham F. Honeycutt Mr. and Mrs. G. Michael Yopp




Mr. and Mrs. Colin A. Coleman ALICE BYRNE BURNS '53

Mr. John E. Burns


Ms. Maggie Mason


Mrs. Nancy Herndon


Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Gorrell, III Mr. and Mrs. Matthew K. Wolfe Ms. Paige E. Anderson Mr. Francis M. Horn Mr. and Mrs. Edgar W. Stuart



Mr. and Mrs. Eric Hansen

Judge and Mrs. W. Neal McBrayer


Dr. Carolyn Baker and Mr. Clark Baker Mrs. Jean Drennan Dortch Mrs. Mary Margaret O'Connor LENITA "SUE" JONES

Mrs. Ann Marie Strickmaker TWILA HARRISON LANCE '63

Mr. and Mrs. Warren B. Robeson MOTHER MARY GABRIEL S.S.E.W. '45

Mrs. Martha Nell Long Bryant CARLOS EDUARDO MARQUES

Ms. Dalizza Marques

Mr. and Mrs. John J. Hoenigman ELLEN MCREDMOND '25

Mrs. Monica Terry


Dr. and Mrs. Kurt Merkelz ANNA GRACE MILLER '18

Mr. and Mrs. John Albamont Mr. and Mrs. Randolph S. Alsup Ms. Sydney M. Arms Ms. Tina Arrington Mrs. JoAnne Bradley Atwood Mr. and Mrs. Alan D. Beaty Ms. Patricia J. Beazley Mr. and Mrs. James L. Beckner Mrs. Bridget Varley Bock Ms. Catherine M. Bohren Mr. and Mrs. Robbie Bohren Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Bolden Mr. and Mrs. Matt Bulow Mrs. DeeDee Tate Bumpous Ms. Caitlin E. Cain Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Cain Mrs. Elizabeth Shea Campbell Mrs. Lisa Maines Carter Mrs. Nancy Bass Cox Mrs. Laura Black Crawford Mr. and Mrs. Jeff D. Davis Ms. Emily E. Deason Mr. and Mrs. William T. DeLay, III Mr. Dale Dimock Ms. Rita Ann Donnelly Ms. Molyneux A. Dortch Ms. Avery C. Dunn Ms. Emily K. Eyre Mr. and Mrs. Keith Frazier Mrs. Kathleen Hixon Geary Ms. Leigh Glaser-Wolfson Ms. Evelyn A. Goodwin Green Hills Pediatric Associates Mrs. Michelle Barr Haase Dr. Katherine N. Hall Ms. Miranda L. Hall

Dr. and Mrs. Greg Hickman Mr. and Mrs. Keith D. Hood Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hopfinger Mr. Francis M. Horn Ms. Mollie Hughes Ms. Sydney E. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Rainey Kirk Ms. Miller G. Kohl Mr. and Mrs. Brian Lennon Mr. and Mrs. Lewis C. May Mrs. Alice Stuart Meulemans Mr. and Mrs. Bradford T. Miller Mrs. Peggy DeFreece Miller Mrs. Sylvia Kanwischer Miller Ms. Lisa Morrissey Ms. Eliza M. Nagle Ms. Erika Odigie Panhellenic Council University of Mississippi Ms. Grace K. Patrick Ms. Lee Anne Patterson Mrs. Susan Brandenburg Pearson Ms. Clare E. Peters Dr. and Mrs. Mark T. Peters Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Pirkle Ms. Mary T. Randall Mr. and Mrs. Ed Reisinger Mr. and Mrs. N. Jerre Richards, Jr. Ms. Taylor D. Roach Dr. and Mrs. Ken Robertson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Andrew B. Sawyer Mrs. Annette Holland Schaller Ms. Rachael-Ann Segui Ms. Shannon Shears Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Sheehan Mr. and Mrs. R. Patrick Shepherd Mr. and Mrs. Frank Simpson Mrs. Amy Witt Smith Mrs. Amy Kysar Steckel Mrs. Dea Brunette Taylor Ms. Myra Taylor Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Timoney Mr. and Mrs. Drew Trotman Mrs. Barbara Bradley Tucker Mrs. Dawn Ann Murphy Tynes Mr. and Mrs. Chris Wehby Ms. Lisa R. Weiland

ghter 35


in Honor


Mr. and Mrs. Albert Tarolli


Mrs. Arianne Pearman Welch Ms. Meghan G. Whitney Mr. Robert Winston and Ms. Wendy Pontier Mrs. Barbara Zipperian







Mr. and Mrs. Raymond R. Rolin SAMANTHA ANGLIN

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond R. Rolin SISTER ANNE CATHERINE, O.P.

Mr. and Mrs. Rick Prickett Ms. Mary Reynolds Maher and Mr. Matthew Maher Mrs. Beverly Taylor ZOE MULLOY

Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Mulloy

Mrs. Sheila F. Davis-Duke Mrs. Catherine Stuart Vrettos




Mr. and Mrs. George Brulin

Ms. Sarah Daddario and Mr. Jason Cook

Mr.Vernon Adcock


Mr. and Mrs. Clay Phillips

Mr. Jose Cevallos-Candau and Dr. Kathleen Mimnagh CECILIA CIOFFI

Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Bath MADELINE CLARK


Mrs. Nancy Sanders Peterson Hearn EMILY SANDERS DAVIS

Mrs. Nancy Sanders Peterson Hearn NATALIE DEROCHE

Dr. Paula Guerette and Dr. Michael DeRoche NICOLE DEROCHE

Dr. Paula Guerette and Dr. Michael DeRoche CECILIA GREEN

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Green FRANCIS HORN



Mr. and Mrs. Robert McTamaney ANNA ROTH

Dr. and Mrs. John Roth, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Roth, Jr. SYLVIA ROTH

Dr. and Mrs. John Roth, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Roth, Jr. SCA CLASS OF 1979



Mrs. Monica Werrbach Aebersold EMILY PEFFEN

Mr. and Mrs. Alan D. Beaty NORMAN J. PICTOR

Mr. and Mrs. Kelly E. Blake Mr. and Mrs. Marvin R. Cich Mr. Francis M. Horn Ms. Amy Kuder ANTHONY ROUSHDI

Mr. and Mrs. Steven Gild Mr. David Graham Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Gronefeld Mr. and Mrs. Keith Harned Mr. and Mrs. Tom Honadle Mr. Francis M. Horn Mr. and Mrs. Dan Lombard Mr. and Mrs. Richard Roland Mr. and Mrs. R. Michael Ussery Mr. Mike Walters JOSEPH P. SBUTTONI

Mrs. Rosie Sbuttoni Raher


Mrs. Cathye Adelman Hancock

Mr. and Mrs. W. Laurence Sullivan, Jr. PAIGE TREYBIG


Mr. and Mrs. J. Wayne Spencer VICTORIA DADDARIO WOLFE


Mr. Robert Wooden and Ms. Consuelo Chavez


Mrs. Maggie Lee Holtman

Reida McCutchen and Barry Burnette

Dr. Nicholas Aieta Miss Claire Davis Dr. G. Edward Gaffney Ms. Caity Shepherd

Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation

Mrs. Monica Werrbach Aebersold

Mrs. Catherine Stuart Vrettos ISABELLA WOODEN



Mr. and Mrs. Henok Wondem JEAN STACEY

Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Adelman Mrs. Rachel Battan Augustine Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Bader, III Dr. Carolyn Baker and Mr. Clark Baker Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Battan Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Brunette Mr. and Mrs. William Englert Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Gorrell, III

(Right) Andrina Bridges '23 and Gabrielle Brault '23 sorting baby products during a community service day.

Mr. Francis M. Horn Mr. and Mrs. Michael V. Marchetti Dr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Mencio Ms. Delia Reese Mr. and Mrs. Hugh M. Richardson, III Mr. and Mrs. R. Patrick Shepherd Ms. Angela Siefker Mr. and Mrs. David L. Snow Mrs. Betty H. Stephens Mr. and Mrs. Edgar W. Stuart Ms. Deborah M. Taber Mr. William R. Taber, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchum E.Warren, III ELIZABETH STEISSLINGER

Mr. and Mrs. Jason Epstein PAT STROBEL

Mr. Francis M. Horn Mr. and Mrs. Warren B. Robeson HELEN WERRBACH

Mrs. Monica Werrbach Aebersold MARIE BROWN WERRBACH '45

Mrs. Monica Werrbach Aebersold MEGAN WHALEY

Mr. and Dr. David P. Donlon Mrs. MaryDe H. Elliston HELEN HUNLEY GLASER YATES '56

Mrs. and Mr. Sandra M. Polk MARILYN ZALUD

Ms. Jamie Felts Zalud

TA KI N G TH E DOMINICAN DIF F E R E N C E into the world with

Grace Regnier `18 2018 Salutatorian Grace Regnier was a stand-out during her years at SCA who distinguished herself in many ways. She won a full scholarship to the Honors College at the University of South Carolina. Four years later, we caught up with her as she completes her undergraduate work and prepares to head to Oxford University in England for graduate studies this fall. TELL US ABOUT YOUR FAVORITE CLASSES AT SCA AND WHAT YOU APPRECIATE MOST ABOUT YOUR ST. CECILIA EDUCATION.

I had several favorite classes: AP European history, AP Chemistry, and AP Calculus BC, and my junior and senior year AP English classes. I loved my English and literature classes because the books we read were delightful and thought-provoking. I remember many lively discussions. What I appreciate most is a difficult question— there is so much that I am grateful for and often think about. I think my teachers were exceptional. They encouraged the curious, driven parts of me and ordered them properly. We were, of course, held to a high standard and I had to work hard. But classwork was

not done merely for the sake of success—we were after the truth. I think that my time at SCA awakened my desire for truth for the sake of itself, and showed me how that pursuit plays a role in Christian life. HOW DID YOU END UP AT THE UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA AND WHAT IS YOUR MAJOR?

I didn’t really expect I would end up at UofSC. I applied for admission to their Honors College because my good friend, Nicole Chandonnet (’17), had just enrolled there, and I trusted her judgment. I didn’t actually know about the Top Scholars program when I applied. Basically, UofSC selects 45 out-of-state students and invites them to an interview weekend. On the list of potential students, I was 46th out of 45—someone dropped the Monday before the interview weekend. The weekend went well, and I ended up receiving the Stamps Scholarship, a full-tuition scholarship with an added $10,000 enrichment fund that could be put toward all kinds of experiences. So UofSC seemed like the most reasonable option. I am technically getting a dual-degree—a B.A. in Philosophy, and then also a B.S. in Biology with a minor in Neuroscience.When I entered college, I thought I would be a physician. I knew that I wanted to study philosophy in addition to science after being exposed to philosophy in AP Euro and the senior year Moral Theology course.


I received the John & Daria Barry Scholarship (“the Barry”).The scholarship is awarded to students who show a dedication to the academic vocation and the pursuit of truth, and it funds 2-3 years of graduate study at the University of Oxford for American citizens. There is a pool of professors who are nominators, and once nominated you go through an application process. Professor Jennifer Frey, an ethicist (and Thomist!) in our department, nominated me. I received notification that I had been



offered the Barry in December.Then I also had to apply for admission to Oxford, and I am happy to report I will enroll at Oriel College this fall. I’ll take the B.Phil., which is essentially an M.A. in Philosophy, taking some coursework and writing a thesis, hopefully on the intersection of natural philosophy and ethics. YOU WERE VERY INVOLVED IN THE THOMISTIC INSTITUTE WHILE IN COLLEGE, A RAPIDLY GROWING INITIATIVE OF THE DOMINICAN FRIARS IN WASHINGTON, D.C. HOW HAS INVOLVEMENT WITH THE THOMISTIC INSTITUTE SHAPED AS A PERSON?

The goal of the Thomistic Institute is to bring Catholic truth into the contemporary world, particularly the university. The Catholic intellectual tradition has much to offer to discourse about questions both perennial and new, and we try to get students of all backgrounds and beliefs to engage seriously with that tradition.The TI works by establishing campus chapters at different universities—there are over 60 now! Each chapter hosts public lectures on campus with renowned professors from across the country on topics like theology, philosophy, science, art, and history. We also organize reading and discussion groups for students. This semester my campus had lectures on happiness, biology and the soul, whether Christians and Muslims worship the same God, and on God and suffering.We hosted reading groups on Catholic Social Doctrine and Augustine’s Confessions. Our TI chapter was handed to me as a freshman by Professor Frey—undergraduates were not involved, and it needed to be brought to the university and made into an official student organization. The TI has been a huge part of my college career, and it has shaped me profoundly. It is hard to put the extent of its effect on my life into words. I think the most profound affect on my life has been the community of Catholic intellectuals into which I have been received. I have had countless dinners with many brilliant


professors and many wise Dominicans, but I also have friends in all stages of life and all different vocational walks from different universities across the country. At UofSC, some of my strongest friendships grew around building up the TI. DURING COLLEGE, WHAT OPPORTUNITIES HAVE YOU RECEIVED TO GROW IN AND TO SHARE YOUR FAITH?

“I left SCA knowing that I was loved, and that love truly gave me the freedom to be transformed into a better version of myself.” —Grace Regnier `18 This is a hard question: sometimes it seems like faith alternates between growing and shrinking. I do think my faith has grown, but not without difficulty. I certainly think that my understanding of faith—what it entails, what it requires, what it gives—certainly has grown. On a broader level, I think I saw how different my faith made me from the rest of the world. I knew that Catholicism was counter-cultural, but I don’t think I understood what that looked like before college. The differences are stark and run deep. Being a serious Catholic is hard. I was able to lean on the support of the TI, but I also was able to grow in my faith through involvement with my campus ministry and FOCUS, participating in Bible studies and

frequently receiving the sacraments. The Catholic community at UofSC has seen tremendous growth during my four years, and it offers a lot to students looking to deepen their faith. I think I shared my faith most in the friendships I have made, both with other Catholics and with non-Catholics. Faith roots you, and many people are unmoored at some point in college. I found my non-Catholic friends turning to me simply because I was grounded and centered in something beyond myself. I hope that kind of stability was a kind of witness. I also found that having a close community of serious Catholic friends seriously enriched my faith. I have a strong sense of having grown with these people, and that was only possible through us all trying to pursue the Christian life together. SCA HAS TALKED ABOUT "THE DOMINICAN DIFFERENCE" A LOT DURING THEIR STRATEGIC PLANNING PROCESS. AS A GRADUATE, WHAT DOES THIS PHRASE MEAN TO YOU? HOW ARE YOU DIFFERENT BECAUSE OF YOUR DOMINICAN SCA EXPERIENCE?

I could talk about academic rigor, the classes, the community, or the experience, but, frankly, I think it comes back to love: the “Dominican Difference” is love. During my time at Overbrook and SCA, I simply felt loved for who I was and because I was. I felt that love from all my teachers at SCA, but I felt it especially from the Dominican Sisters. I realize now that this love does not come from the Sisters themselves, but it comes from God and is His love, abiding in the Sisters, which is expressed through their vocation as educators and is channeled into their teaching. I left SCA knowing that I was loved, and that love truly gave me the freedom to be transformed into a better version of myself.




C L ASS O F 1 9 4 0

C L ASS O F 1959

C L ASS O F 1 9 49

C L ASS O F 1960

Nelle Schindler Ayers Martha Nell Long Bryant C L ASS O F 1 95 1

Jean Drennan Dortch Nancy Sanders Peterson Hearn C L ASS O F 1 952

Ramona Schnupp Steltemeier C L ASS O F 1 95 4

Emily Sanders Davis

C L ASS O F 1 95 5

Joyce Norman Hines C L ASS O F 1 95 6

Mary Louise Lea Murphy C L ASS O F 1 957

Carole Barrett Batson Laura Sanders Christy Martha Sanders Davenport +Veronica Strobel StrobelSeigenthaler C L ASS O F 1 95 8

Patricia Wray Carver Kocan Mary Ammon McMurry Hoenigman Veronica Burns Wauford

Sally Lea Nance

Gail Caudle Anne Herbert Daniel Clair Petre Ivanov Peggy Lampley Robeson Mary Ellen Brown Schenk Bolin Kane Stumb C L ASS O F 1961

Elizabeth Lea Crockett Faye Segroves Edwards Peggy Kelly Hiller Patricia Clinard Sutherland C L ASS O F 1962

Carroll Brunner Crosslin C L ASS O F 1963

Diana Boyd Boyd Barbara Holzemer Burke Ann Guepe Harris Frances Anne Varallo C L ASS O F 1964

Carolyn Morris Long Evelyn Petrucelli Spencer C L ASS O F 1965

Debbie Wallace Craig Gretchen Keras Hart Maggie Lee Holtman Rosie Sbuttoni Raher Alison Ames Rheaume

Class of 1971 50th reunion at the 2021 Alumnae Luncheon

CLASS O F 1966

Lorelei Aden Aden Mary Prue Polk Alley Janet McCord Davis Julia Lee Ernst Patty Carroll Farmer Marilyn Wannamaker Leathers Marilyn Murray Beckye Brackman Sprouse Jean McCaffrey Stout Holly Anderson Wilds Patricia Woods Donna Brown Woods CLASS O F 1967

Anne Wall Christeson Ellen Butler Fernandez Karen Schultz Goodyear Jane Grannis Grannis Sheryl Burns Radley Melanie Liebhart Sadler Mary Lou Kaiser Spurlock CLASS O F 1968

Mary Lee Whitehead Jackson Mary Leyden Bevington Johnson Kathy Abbott McGugin Sharon Wilson Murphy Laurie Stewart Nolan CLASS O F 1969

Bev Deal Ammarell Peggy Andrews Frances Bateman Baird Allison White Balthrop Cecil Billington Coleman Ramsey Burton Doran Sue Ann Simpson Enneis Michele Irion Grabher Simone Irion Pam Morrissey Kennedy Jeanne Burd Marchetti Michelene Piot McKinney Becky McCaffrey Page Karen Trauernicht Sadler Johanna Choate Shadoin Denise Volz

(Left) Students have the opportunity to participate in private music lessons offered through the SCA Music Conservatory.


Monica Werrbach Aebersold JoAnne Bradley Atwood Mary Hill Burton Karen Cain Cain Sharon Coode Connor Cornelia Coode Trisha Bateman Fultz Cissa Flanigen Glenn Katie Haltom Haltom Cathye Adelman Hancock Cathy Jordan Lynn Hines Moss Colleen Murray Rosann Bond Nunnelly CLASS OF 197 1

Sissy Huggins Allen Cary DeWitt Allyn Barbie Wheeler Baker Olga Musgrove Beddingfield Jodie Beneke Beneke Candy Cain Sheila Davis Davis-Duke Mary Jo Luster Dortch Donna Beazley Drinkwine Therese Fajardo Rhea Elcan Forte Susan Gracey Mickey Koch Keith Claudia Volz Kornmeyer Molly Miller Mary Duncan Neely Margie Nelson Niles Mary Himmelberg Price Kay Van Echop Quinn Penny Templeton Richardson Mary Jane Staed Smith Kitty Beavin Steffenhagen Imelda Brown Sugg Roberta Green Wheeler Tina Hostettler Whitley Barbra Haltom Young

For more information about the Conservatory program, place your camera over the QR code.



C L ASS O F 1 972

C L ASS O F 1978

C L ASS O F 1 973

C L ASS O F 1979

Anne Love Brunette Nancy Holzmer Calderon Ellen Cain Herman Mary Beth Maddux Shields Melanie McInturff Thoenes Missy Alston Bemiller Marie Daugherty Bishop Sara Maddux Cheshire Gigi Beneke Crichton Peggy Peffen Daniel Rebecca Horton Catharine Beasley O'Bryan Karen Clarke Pirkle Jeanne Conners Schaedle Donna Tidwell C L ASS O F 1 974

Elba Batista Alexander Josie Crespo Cox Katy Pittinger Helms Carol Black Lawrence Katherine Power McCrea Mikie Gupton McKelway Patty Phipps Morel Jeanne Dortch Rast Pam Wallace Rowan Mary Del Frank Scobey Patricia Smith Judy Malone Stroud Edwina Temple Susan Andrews Thompson Ginger Paris Van Sant Janet Bellamy Warfield Sheryl Abbey Wehby C L ASS O F 1 975

Kelly Davis Adelman Mary Davis Marchetti Cayce McAlister McAlister Jenny Holditch Wesson

Betsy Clarke Julie Dortch Cragon Lisa Fridrich Grayson Missy Yokom Koehn Becky Alderson Zimmerman Lisa Hardebeck Alsup Patty Beazley DeeDee Tate Bumpous Elizabeth Shea Campbell Lisa Maines Carter Nancy Bass Cox Laura Black Crawford Rita Ann Donnelly Emily Eyre Tracy Richardson Frazier Kathleen Hixon Geary Leigh Glaser-Wolfson Michelle Barr Haase Becky Snyder Hickman Laura Cullum Hood Mischelle Madden Hopfinger Harriet Wemyss Kirk Isabel Landeo Maxwell Mary Elcan May Alice Stuart Meulemans Gina Morrissey Miller Sylvia Kanwischer Miller Peggy DeFreece Miller Lee Anne Patterson Susan Brandenburg Pearson Mary Randall Denise Dobbs Richards Lynne Farrar Robertson Lynn Williams Sawyer Annette Holland Schaller Allison Burns Sheehan Margaret Derrick Simpson

(Above) SCA Ambassadors support the Easter Egg Hunt at St. Henry Church.

Amy Witt Smith Amy Kysar Steckel Myra Taylor Dea Brunette Taylor Susan Salmon Trotman Barbara Bradley Tucker Dawn Ann Murphy Tynes Ann True Wehby Lisa Weiland Arianne Pearman Welch CLASS O F 1980

Muff Warfield Alsup Denise Donnelly Beaty Kathryn Carell Brown Katherine Higgins DeLay Traci Eells Patricia Thomas Gilbert Becky Kibby Goodman Jessie Kelley Anna Marie Lee Lynne Nourse Maynor Laura Richardson Miller Trudy True Liz Miller Piercy Mary Manuszak Richardson Caroline Brakefield Rochford Georgina Noble Saxon

C L ASS O F 1 976

Lisa Greene Caldwell Cindy Goertz Clinton Mary Louise Hymel Cohen Suzanne Meifert Hester Maura Zalud Johnson Dale Baird Mitchell Nancy Schuler Moeller Lisa Donnelly O'Connor Karen Rowan Pilkerton Lisa McInturff Russell Ellen Miller Tanner Lynn Black Turner Arline Manning Wilson Jamie Felts Zalud C L ASS O F 1 97 7

Maureen Abbey Ellen Shea Donlon Mary Ruth Peffen Geny Peggy Hunt Norma Trauernicht Volz Nancy Johnson Worley


Recap of SCA's first-ever SCA Giving Day in November 2020.

Katie Seigenthaler Phyllis Graham Stillman Janine Lawson Winnard CLASS OF 198 1

Jane Giuli Baird Traci Garner Gallivan Joan Griggs Gehring Christy Glaser Dana Rowan Griscom Lucy Tinsley Helms Suzanne Richardson Johnson Marye Walker Lewis Kim Smith Sewell Shannon Carver Story CLASS OF 198 2

Mary Taylor Bernasconi Karen Abbey Giunta Alicia Marchesi Marchesi Kate Kirkpatrick Mosley Mary Holzmer Peters Elizabeth Horn Thielke Kathy Fox Whitney CLASS OF 198 3

Lee Anne Chance Demere Anne Williams Hall Jan Botts Hicks

Cathy Cook Krumm Sara Graf Remke Stephanie Crews Sundock Monica Burns Warren Amy Wieck Leal

Valerie Wilcox Johnston Jenny Johnson Perkins Angela Cooper Plasko Emily French Reilly Christi Royer Debbie Hay Uchida Catherine Soper Womack

C L ASS O F 1 9 8 5

C L ASS O F 1991

C L ASS O F 1 9 8 4

Rae Lee Rolin Anglin Pam Christy Christy Jenny Byrnes DePalma RoseMary Goodrum Fisher Mary Fox Julie Holzapfel Loomis Melissa Lee Lyons Kelly Heinrich McBrayer Ann Langdon McGee Kelly Brand Schoenholz Ashley Gorham Thompson C L ASS O F 1 9 8 6

Lise Deschenes Mary Cain Helfrich Pily Buenahora Jenkins Margaret Goodrum Kennedy Elizabeth Carden Phillips Christine Ragan Ragan Kelley Garrett Suskie Stephanie Vlahos Ann Marie Walker Tracey Wilds C L ASS O F 1 9 87

Christine Ricafort Bertani Shannon Sonricker Bower Lindsay Chance Chance Molly Reynolds Maher C L ASS O F 1 9 8 8

Ana Escobar Escobar Jennifer Marchesi Marchesi Jenny Mondelli Robertson Leigh Pinson Sinks Niki Suozzi Laura Gregory Warren Christina Madden White Sarah Wieck Michael Ann Zinser

Ellen Bush Durelli Sara Habibian Diane Lennon Meier C L ASS O F 1992

Corinne Griffin Chapman Katherine Fitzgerald Murphy Carrie Sevier Outlaw Caroline Ragsdale Young C L ASS O F 1993

Rachel Formosa Coleman Valerie Spurlock Cox Angela Read Greek Jennifer Lusty Molly Kopansky Poss Margaret Strobel Pyburn Adrienne Poe Wold C L ASS O F 1995

Jane Caldwell TreadwayWilliams C L ASS O F 1996

Kina Cleveland Elizabeth Eckstein Clifton Amanda Robertson Gaston C L ASS O F 1997

Danielle White Herndon Kathleen Wall Marks Jenna Mikus Mikus Suzan Collier Miller Vinita Ollapally Mujumdar Jean Augustine Taber C L ASS O F 1998

Kara Devine Devening Amy Graham Hobbs Jennifer Karrels Menzie Becka Hill Rosenblatt Ellen Sevier

Marida Millican Balch Kristen Price Bung Annie Stevens Hagaman Lindsey Ursery Lynch Laura Dray Pierce Terri Suico Suico Mary Kelly Ivanov Vicars Catherine Stuart Vrettos Victoria Daddario Wolfe

C L ASS O F 1 9 9 0

C L ASS O F 1999

C L ASS O F 1 9 89

Josie Sevier Alston Rachel Aponte Bishop Sarah Daddario Deirdre Hudson Delisi Kristi Hill Dunlap Missy Trushel Forrester Jill Sappenfield Golczynski Holly Harris Martha Ashley Fuson Holder

Tiffany Butler Amos Julia Meador Moss

C L ASS O F 2 0 0 0

Rachel Battan Augustine Robyn Biga Betsy Dortch Dalton Danielle Garrett

Annual Easter Egg Hunt, Abilene Louise Biggs CLASS O F 2 0 01

Lauren Brooks Gregory Sarah Tuke Groth Merrill Moore Lennon Mary Ladd Kane Reagan Helen Adelman Roudi Sara Brunette Strobel Jill Bader Thompson Lindsey Conlin Walsh Tara Neuhoff Walsh Ashleigh Foster Ware CLASS O F 2 0 02

Brittany Redmond Crockett Heather Yopp Honeycutt Katie Donlon Horvath Megan Kelly Jessika Malone Aimee Shelide Mayer Megan Hatch McBride Mary Mattingly Pietrzyk Sarah Vorholt Slater Lauren Sloan Wakefield CLASS O F 2 0 03

Melody Clarke McColl Adelman Curtiss Mindy Eads Donnellan Michele Keith Schuyler Moore Lucio Lindsay Kerrigan Medina Anna Jirikovec Norton Alyson Mencio Stevens Lauren Smallwood Toleno CLASS O F 2 0 0 4

Ariel Hall Biggs Michelle Neuhoff Boyd Emily Richardson Helen Johnson Shores Kathleen May Sweetland Maria Ambrogi Weldon


Jordon Morrissey Adams Lauren Aid Anna Burnett Caroline Chamberlain Morgan Leigh Garner Nell Heflin Goza Alicia Hill Guill Lindsay Wilson Landman Mary Katherine Leftwich Sara Moore Shannon Jankowski Parker Ash Bartrum Pitt Christina Papuchis Ramenofsky Maggie Reyland Jill Riss Molly McGrew Ryan Emily Spalding Sandwith Catherine Norvell Sinks Claire Jorns Skalicky Jessica Bowman Williams Annie White Williams Mary Brette Clippard Wylly Becca Nealy Yusko CLASS OF 2006

Ryan Clark Jane-Coleman Harbison Cottone Christina Smotherman Crush Samantha Doust Shelly Gaughan Logan Key Leslie May Hannah McLemore Ginny Page Parker Caity Shepherd CLASS OF 2007

Beth Cragon Beste Bridget Varley Bock Holly Edwards Ali Koetters Freundlich



Ashley Herrmann Ham Mary Hancock Mitchell Meghan Clarke Nicholson Caitlin Ferguson Pearson Rebekah Pykosh

Sarah Grubbs Elizabeth Hernard Audry McInturff Hoffman Gracie Robinson

C L ASS O F 2 0 0 8

Mary Anderson Kaitlyn Dedman Brady Diaz-Barriga Emily Warren Feldman Molly Humphreys Dana Lee Abby Link Savannah Lyle Chloe Page Clare Sherlog

Sarah Cragon Megan Kerrigan Gardner Susan Beavin George Savannah Keef Erin Beaty Kelly JoJo Shipp Moman Ellie Walsh-Moots C L ASS O F 2 0 0 9

Julia Hall Julia Morgan Montesi Hannah Swanson Jessica Volz C L ASS O F 2 01 0

Maemie Donnelly Mollie Hughes Sydney Johnson Eliza Nagle Erika Abieyuwa Odigie C L ASS O F 2 01 1

Alexandra Brink Dickson Kathleen Farr


C L ASS O F 2 013

C L ASS O F 2 014

Emily Peters Eliza Tarwater Christine Wehby

C L ASS O F 2 017

Molly Dortch Miranda Hall Taylor Roach Rachael Segui

CLASS O F 2 018

Sydney Arms Catherine Bohren Caitlin Cain Evelyn Goodwin Millie Kohl Grace Patrick Clare Peters Meghan Whitney

CLASS O F 2 019

Emily Deason Avery Dunn Mary Catherine Pyburn Mary Margaret Warren CLASS O F 2 02 0

Kyla Bursey Yom Gonzalez

CLASS O F 2 02 1

Emma Regens Rosie Ribble

CLASS O F 2 02 2

Claire Davis

Annual Tuition Assistance Five Anonymous Dr. Nicholas Aieta Ms.Tina Arrington Mrs. JoAnne Bradley Atwood Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Bader, III Dr. Frances Baird and Mr.Tom Frye Dr. Carolyn Baker and Mr. Clark Baker Mrs. Marida Millican Balch Mr. and Mrs.Thomas A. Battan Mr. and Mrs. Alan D. Beaty Mr. and Mrs. James L. Beckner Mrs. Beth Cragon Beste Mr. and Mrs. Philip Betbeze Mr. and Mrs. Robbie Bohren Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Bolden Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Brunette Mr. and Mrs. Allen R. Calhoun Mr. Jose Cevallos-Candau and Dr. Kathleen Mimnagh Mrs. Corinne Griffin Chapman Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Cheshire Ms. Kina Cleveland Mr. and Mrs. Colin A. Coleman Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Cornwall Mrs. Christina M. Crush Mr. and Mrs. Jeff D. Davis Mr. Dale Dimock Mr. and Mrs. John P. Donnelly Mrs. Donna Beazley Drinkwine Ms. Kristi Hill Dunlap Ms.Traci A. Eells Mr. and Mrs.William Englert Mrs. Emily Warren Feldman Mr. and Mrs.William D. Forte Fuoco LLC Mr. and Mrs. Jon P. Gaston



Mr. and Mrs. Marbut G. Gaston, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. C. Henry Geny Mr. and Mrs. Steven Gild Ms.Yamelie A. Gonzalez Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Gorrell, III W. R. Grace Foundation Inc. Mr. David Graham Ms. Jane Grannis Mr. and Mrs. John J. Greek Green Hills Pediatric Associates Mrs. Lauren Brooks Gregory Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Gronefeld Dr. Paula Guerette and Dr. Michael DeRoche Mr. and Mrs. Keith Harned Mrs. Nancy Herndon Mr. and Mrs.Tom Honadle Mr. Francis M. Horn Ms. Rebecca Horton Ms. Molly E. Humphreys Mr. and Mrs. James V. Hunt Mr. John T. Johnson, Jr. Mrs.Valerie Wilcox Johnston Ms. Savannah J. Keef Ms. Jessie Kelley Mrs. Paula Halbmaier Kendig Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Kohl Ms. Lisa M. Lavange Mr. and Mrs. Brian Lennon Lewis Advertising, Inc Mr. and Mrs. Dan Lombard Ms. Monica P. Lueder Ensign Savannah Lyle Ms. Jennifer K. Marchesi Mr. and Mrs. Michael V. Marchetti

Mr. and Mrs. L. Gino Marchetti, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis C. May Mrs. Aimee Shelide Mayer Mr. and Mrs. Jerre T. Maynor Mr. and Mrs. Kevin McGee Dr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Mencio Mrs. Sylvia Kanwischer Miller Ms. Suzan Miller Mr. and Mrs. Bradford T. Miller Mrs. Laura Richardson Miller Ms. Sara Moore Ms. Lisa Morrissey Mrs. Kate Kirkpatrick Mosley MP&F Strategic Communications Mr. and Mrs. E. Michael Murphy Mrs. Sharon Wilson Murphy Mr. and Mrs. James Olenick Panhellenic Council University of Mississippi Ms. Lee A. Patterson Dr. and Mrs. Mark T. Peters Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Pirkle Ms. Delia Reese Mrs. Emily French Reilly Mr. and Mrs. Ed Reisinger Mrs. Margaret R. Reyland Mr. and Mrs.Warren B. Robeson Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Robinson Ms. Shannon Rodock Mr. and Mrs. Richard Roland Mrs. Becka Hill Rosenblatt Mr. and Mrs. Andrew B. Sawyer Mrs. Susan J. Schultheiss Ms. Katherine Seigenthaler and Mr. Matthew Hayes Ms. Shannon Shears

Mr. and Mrs. R. Patrick Shepherd Ms. Caity Shepherd Ms. Angela Siefker Mrs. Sarah Vorholt Slater Mr. and Mrs. David L. Snow Mr. and Mrs. Philip Stankiewicz Mrs. Betty H. Stephens Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie J. Stout, II Mr. and Mrs. Edgar W. Stuart Mr. and Mrs.W. Laurence Sullivan, Jr. Mrs. Kelley Garrett Suskie Mr. and Mrs. Ernest S. Sutherland Mrs. Kathleen May Sweetland Mr.William R.Taber, Jr. Ms. Deborah M.Taber Mr. and Mrs.W. Russell Taber, III Mr. and Mrs. Donald W.Thielke Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Thornton Ms. Donna K.Tidwell Mr. and Mrs. Robert J.Timoney Mrs. Dawn Ann Murphy Tynes Mr. and Mrs. E.Wayne Ursery Mr. and Mrs. R. Michael Ussery Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Vaughn, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Shawn C.Walsh Ms. Ellen E.Walsh-Moots Mr. Mike Walters Mr. and Mrs. Prescott Weldon Mr. and Mrs. Don A.Whitley Mrs. Annie White Williams Mr. Robert Winston and Ms.Wendy Pontier Mr. and Mrs. Fulton Wold Mr. and Mrs. Brad Young Mrs. Barbara Zipperian

Beauty Within


One Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Mark G. Barry Mr. and Mrs. David H. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Tom Daigle Mr. and Mrs. Flynn Doyle Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence S. Eastwood, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. David Gilles Ms. LaCarol Glover Mrs. Nancy Sanders Peterson Hearn Louise B. Cochrane Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William G. Manda Dr. Roberta L. Muldoon

Ms. Lynn Provident and Mr. Jeffery Davis Mr. and Mrs. James P. Regnier Dr. Jonathan Sheehan and Dr. Peggy Kendal Mr. and Mrs. Jason Truss Mrs. Becky Alderson Zimmerman

The St. Cecilia Dance Academy (SCDA) offers after-school and Saturday dance instruction to young girls across Nashville. Click on the QR code for more information. 43

4210 Harding Pike Nashville, TN 37205 615-298-4525 W W W. S T C E C I L I A . E D U

New Family Welcome Day 2022: Sister Anna Laura greets incoming 7th, 8th, and 9th graders and their parents.


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