St Clare Hospice Newsletter May 2014

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News from your local Hospice charity

No place like home

“Hospice at Home is already making such a positive difference� Read about our Hospice at Home launch on pages 4 and 5

Today. Tomorrow. Together

Spring 2014

New Patrons of St Clare

TV horticulturalist Christine Walkden and Harlow MP Robert Halfon have become the newest Patrons of St Clare. We were delighted both agreed to take on the prestigious role, helping promote our work supporting local people suffering from a terminal illness and raising the Hospice’s profile in the community and beyond.

The past few months have been an exciting time at St Clare, with the official launch of our newly-expanded community service, the arrival of new members of the team and the completion of the Hospice refurbishment. Since its launch in January, our new Hospice at Home service has really taken off and it is wonderful that so many families have been able to benefit from the extra care and support they need to enable their loved ones to remain at home. It really has been the realisation of a longheld dream, as attested by our founding chief executive Jo Brennan, and the whole community team is delighted with its success in its first few months. We are all excited to see how the service will develop and grow in the future. Meanwhile, it was with great delight that we unveiled the amazing results of our recent refurbishment. The renovation work carried out has transformed the Hospice building, creating light, bright and beautiful spaces, with our new assisted bathroom with its Jacuzzi bath particularly popular with our patients! It has also been a busy time for our fundraising team, who are counting down to the biggest event in the St Clare calendar, the Midnight Walk. The annual event has been given a re-boot and this year will have an 80s theme so expect plenty of power dressing and shoulder pads!

Robert described the Hospice as a “very special place”, caring and supporting individuals and families going through the toughest of times.

Photo courtesy of HTA

Welcome to the Spring edition of Hospice News.

The BBC One Show gardener Christine said she was “honoured and privileged” to become a Patron. “Having experienced first-hand the love, attention to detail and care of staff within the hospice movement, I am flattered to have been considered worthy of such an honour,” she said.

“I am honoured to be a Patron of an organisation that makes sure people affected by life-limiting illnesses, like cancer, and their families never feel alone at a time when they most need help,” he said. “And as MP for Harlow and the villages, I am proud to have such an outstanding institution in the constituency.” Between them, Robert and Christine have a wealth of expertise and experience and will be wonderful ambassadors for St Clare.

Volunteers’ inspiring story

Two St Clare volunteers who found friendship through tragedy have shared their inspiring story with readers of My Weekly. Sue Chambers and Jan Withey were brought together under the most emotional and difficult circumstances but have found strength in each other after losing their husbands Brian and Tony, who were cared for at the Hospice, to the same illness.

Jan told the magazine: “We talk every day, go on days out and share memories. I’m so grateful to have Sue in my life. I don’t think many people are lucky enough to have someone who knows just what they’ve been through. Though I’m proud to say we now share more smiles and laughter than ever before.” The wonderful care that Brian and Tony received during their time at St Clare has had a lasting impact on Sue and Jan, who regularly volunteer for street collections in aid of the Hospice. Sue said: “We spend most weekends rattling tins to raise funds. It’s not quite what I thought I’d be doing with my golden years, but it’s always a giggle with Jan by my side.”

The Midnight Walk kicks off an exciting summer of fundraising, from our open gardens to new events like the Stansted 10K, so whatever you are in to there are plenty of ways to support St Clare. We hope to see you at one of our events soon!

Tanya Curry Chief Executive

It was the decade of shoulder pads, power dressing and big hair... and on Saturday, June 28 we will be going back to the 80s for this year’s Midnight Walk! We will be digging out our neon leg warmers and ra-ra skirts for the biggest event in the Hospice calendar and we want you to come and join the 80s fun! We are hoping more men and women than ever before will join us for the Midnight Walk and support our work caring for local people with a lifelimiting illness and their families. With your help we hope to smash our £60,000 fundraising target, which would pay for all our clinical services for eight days. It was the skilled and compassionate care provided by the Hospice to their loved ones that is the reason Terry and Una Minihane have supported the Midnight Walk year after year.

goes back to the 80s

St Clare is a cause close to the Harlow couple’s hearts as Terry’s dad Sonnie was supported by the Hospice more than 10 years ago, Una’s aunt benefitted from hospice care, while more recently a close friend spent her final days there. Terry said: “That first-hand experience gave us the insight of how the Hospice helps people deal with end of life care and wow what a service that is.” Una said: “We can’t wait to support the Midnight Walk again this year – we think the new 80s theme is brilliant! The Eighties hold lots of lovely memories for us as we got married in 1981 and also had our children, James and Colette, that decade.”

• There will be 80s entertainment at the start and finish so you can continue the party afterwards

• Don’t forget to check our Facebook and Twitter for all the latest Midnight Walk updates

How do I join the Midnight Walk? • Sign up online at midnight.html • Call the St Clare fundraising team on 01279 773750 • Pick up a registration form from the Hospice reception or any of the St Clare shops

Terry added: “It’s a great night and the atmosphere is fantastic which is why we do it every year. It feels good to be part of such a big and exciting event raising money for the Hospice.” • You can walk 5k or 10k on the night starting from the Water Gardens at 9.30pm • If you love Freddie Mercury, Madonna, Bon Jovi or Adam Ant then why not dress up as your 80s idol?

Above left: Terry and Una at last year’s Midnight Walk and right, back in the 80s.

• We will be selling 80s merchandise, including tutus, head bands and leg warmers so there is no excuse for not dressing up!

Stolen van recovered

Our drivers Paul and Martin were extremely pleased to receive the keys to the St Clare van more than a month after it was stolen from the Hospice car park. We were all shocked to discover the vehicle had been driven away by thieves overnight on February 25 and even though it was recovered by the police within 12 hours, the damage caused to the vehicle meant it was off the road for almost five weeks. Its return meant Paul and Martin could resume our usual delivery and collection service picking up and dropping off donated goods and furniture that help generate vital income through our seven shops. However, the cost to the Hospice of the van being out of action totalled more than £1,600, mainly because our insurance did not cover the cost of hiring a replacement.

Our retail sales manager Fiona Eaton said: “As a charity, we were all devastated that thieves would target the Hospice. The people who stole it clearly had no idea of the consequences of their actions and the hefty bill we were faced with; all money that could be better spent on caring for our patients and their loved ones.”


Focus on Hospice at Home Home is where the heart is... Since officially launching our new Hospice at Home service in January, the team have supported more than 80 families, bringing our compassionate care directly to those who wish to be looked after and die at home.

Beth Burton, our acting Director of Patient Care, said: “Hospice at Home is already making such a positive difference to the lives of those we care for and we are really excited to see how the service develops.

The expanded seven-day-a-week community service is the first of its kind in West Essex and, with demand expected to increase in the coming months and years, the need for efficient and effective home care has never been greater.

“Our priority will always be to ensure patients facing the end of life can access the best possible care which meets their needs and supports individual choice.” The introduction of Hospice at Home marks the realisation of a long-held dream for St Clare’s founding chief executive Jo Brennan.

“Right from the very beginning, we identified the need for a Hospice at Home service,” she said. “A very clear majority of the people we spoke to in those early days wanted to be at home but back then there just wasn’t the resources or expertise to be able to provide the level of care they needed.

“It is absolutely wonderful that the Hospice is finally able to offer this much-needed service. For me, and the others who were involved from the beginning, it represents the final piece of the jigsaw.”

From left to right: Hospice at Home Administrator Sam Tyrrell, Nursing Assistants Coleen Johnson-Walker, Sandra Hammond, Denise Pendry, Lorraine Mosley, Mary Whitting and Hospice at Home Co-ordinator Sonia Haigh.



• Dancers from Helena Romanes School, Footlights Theatre Dance School, Jacqui Ison School of Dance, PureRhythm School of Performing Arts, Fusion Dance Company and Stagecoach Theatre Arts for performing at our St Clare Stars event at Saffron Walden Town Hall – £1,600




• Bishop’s Stortford Rugby Club for choosing St Clare as their charity partner until the Rugby World Cup 2015 and donating the proceeds of their annual fireworks display – £500


• Stansted Supporters Group organised a quiz night – £1,660 • West Essex Golf Club captain Billy Walker nominated St Clare as his charity of the year – £2,417

Meet the team…

Providing the highest possible level of end-of-life care is a passion for our Specialist Palliative Care Nurses Penny Hampson and Michelle Pipe – who have both returned to St Clare to join our newly-expanded community team. As part of the service development, we have been able to grow our team of Specialist Palliative Care Nurses from four to six. Their role is to assess and initiate treatment, provide specialist advice and support to patients and families and give guidance to our healthcare colleagues, such as GPs and District Nurses. Penny said: “Being able to provide an almost immediate response to patients who want to stay at home is wonderful and really enhances what we are able to do to care for them. It feels like a much more complete and holistic service and there is a real will to make it work.”

Our Specialist Palliative Care Nurses.

Michelle added that being able to extend the quality of care available to those who are admitted into our Inpatient Unit out to people in their own homes was so important. “It’s that continuity of the care that is so vital; giving families the extra reassurance and support they need to remain at home if that’s their wish,” she explained. Penny, Michelle and their fellow nurses work closely with our new Hospice at Home Nursing Assistants, who provide hands-on nursing and personal care to patients as well as supporting carers to ensure people remain comfortable and cared for at home. Nursing Assistants Denise Pendry and Lorraine Mosley recently recorded a short video for the Epping Forest Guardian about their role, sharing a lovely story about one lady they had looked after during her final days in which she described them as “like a bowl of gems – each one special and unique in their own way”.

The Hospice at Home Nursing Assistants Team.

Community Friends We know that when a loved one becomes ill, the day-today practicalities of family life can sometimes cause a huge amount of stress.

Whether it’s getting some shopping or remembering to return your library books, a helping hand can be a godsend when times get tough, which is why our new volunteer-led befriending service is an integral part of Hospice at Home. Our specially-trained volunteers provide support, friendship and practical help, from light household chores to food shopping, or just some companionship.

Our voluntary services manager Christine Crump said: “It is wonderful to be involved with this exciting new project, recruiting volunteers who will make a considerable difference to patients and their families in our community.”

IPU evening volunteers

In addition to the St Clare Community Friends, our new evening volunteers are offering an extra pair of hands on our Inpatient Unit. Our Nursing Assistant Essie Ducat said: “The staff on the IPU are so pleased to have been able to recruit volunteers to help us out in the evenings. This is often a busy time for us so having someone around to answer the telephone, meet and greet visitors and offer snacks to patients, makes a wonderful difference to the Unit.” Evening volunteer Jill Davies, pictured top left, said she can empathise with families who come into the Hospice having lost her own husband Joe to heart failure in 2011. “It’s a privilege to be able to bring comfort to someone or just a listening ear,” she said. “Since Joe passed away it’s nice to have someone to care for again, and if I can help in any small way then I feel like I’m doing something worthwhile.”


Make a Will fortnight When it comes to looking after our family, there isn’t much we wouldn’t do to take care of the ones we love.

So it might come as a surprise that when it comes to stating our wishes for after we’ve gone, almost 28 million of us – more than half of the 50 million adults living in the UK – do not have a Will. The majority of us are guilty of leaving it till later in life so to mark this year’s Make a Will Fortnight from June 16 to 27 we are reminding people that it is never too soon to start thinking about. It’s something that St Clare Staff Nurse Rachel Law and husband Ashley first discussed when they got engaged, then again when they bought their first home together and most recently when they got married but admit that “life got in the way”. However, in December the couple celebrated the most life-changing milestone of them all – becoming parents to baby daughter Annabelle – and now say it really is time to make a Will.

Rachel, 26, said: “Working at the Hospice, it’s something we talk to our patients about all the time, but when it comes to making a Will yourself you tend to forget to sort it out. Now we’ve had a baby it’s something we really need to do because it’s not just me and Ashley anymore; we’ve got Annabelle to think about.” She added: “You never think it’s going to happen to you or your family but unfortunately it does and if you’ve stated your wishes by making a Will then it makes it so much easier for your relatives because everything has been laid out and they don’t need to worry about whether they are doing the right thing or making the right choices. “Having Annabelle has made me more determined to make a Will sooner rather than later. Life is precious and you can’t be afraid to have these conversations.” During Make a Will Fortnight, 12 solicitors from across the Hospice catchment area will be waiving their fee to write or

PARTICIPATING SOLICITORS: Diamonds Solicitors Queens Road, Buckhurst Hill

020 8559 0778

DJK Solicitors Highbridge Street, Waltham Abbey

01992 718880

Foort Taylor Solicitors High Street, Great Dunmow

01371 875200

Foskett Marr Gadsby & Head LLP High Street, Epping

01992 578642

Foskett Marr Gadsby & Head LLP High Road, Loughton

020 8418 1300

Harris Cuffaro & Nichols Market Street, Harlow

01279 444456

Heckford Norton Solicitors Hill Street, Saffron Walden

01799 522636

Human Law Hallingbury Road, Bishop’s Stortford

0844 800 3249

Murdochs Law Station Road, Stansted

01279 810889

Pellys RJP High Street, Great Dunmow

01371 871600

Pellys RJP Sworders Court, Bishop’s Stortford

01279 758080

Tees Law High Street, Bishop’s Stortford

01279 755200

Thirsk Winton LLP High Road, Woodford Green

020 8505 4777

Whiskers LLP Kitson Way, Harlow

01279 439439



• Herts & Soul Community Choir for staging a concert at Harlow Playhouse – £1,400 • Harlow Playhouse held collections during their Dick Whittington pantomime – £3,359



Above: Rachel and Ashley Law with their daughter Annabelle.

update a standard Will in exchange for a donation to St Clare. The suggested contribution is £100 for a single Will or £150 for a double Will. Appointments are limited so please contact your chosen solicitor today. For more information, call St Clare corporate fundraiser Brooke Stacey on 01279 773750.

Of the 50 million adults living in the UK, almost 28 million (56%) do not have a Will. People who have been widowed are the most likely to have a Will (77%). Single people are the least likely (21%). Almost 70% of co-habiting couples who are neither married nor in a civil partnership have no Will. 35% of 25- to 34-ye ar olds feel they are too youn g to write a Will despite 44% of them having dependent ch ildren. More than 11% think the re is no need for a Will because their loved on es will automatically inher it.



• Harlow Friends hosted a Posh Afternoon Tea – £2,200

• Youngsters from the Muslim Shia Ithna Asheri Jamaat of Essex – £1,000

• London Marathon runner Benjamin Pummell came to the rescue by filling our last remaining place at the 11th hour – £1,275

• Kingsmoor Academy were the business during their Enterprise Week – £1,000 • Mr P Merrit for organising a golf day – £1,500

People’s Millions gives Space to Breathe

The changing of the seasons from spring to summer will herald the start of work on our People’s Millions garden project.

Services and sister company E Corr plant hire generously offered to dig out the site for free.

Since winning our £49,832 grant from the Big Lottery with your help back in November, we have been busy working with our landscape architects, Liz Lake Associates, on the final designs for the ‘Space to Breathe’ garden and are extremely pleased to update you that work is soon to get underway to transform the previously neglected area of our grounds into a secluded outdoor haven for our patients and their loved ones to relax and spend time together.

The Corr family are supporters of the Hospice, last year raising an incredible £14,000 at a fun day for staff, suppliers and their families in memory of matriarch Anne.

Our team of volunteer gardeners have put their green-fingered expertise to good use by helping with the project, and we were thrilled when Elsenham-based LPL Construction

The ‘Space to Breathe’ garden will incorporate many beautiful features, including a terraced area with raised pool and lush all-year planting. We cannot wait to see it starting to take shape over the summer. Everyone at the Hospice would like to say a special thank you to St Clare supporter Pascal Rowland for donating £168 to round up our People’s Millions grant to £50,000. What a blooming marvellous gesture!

Refurbishment reveal

Everyone at the Hospice was incredibly proud to show off the results of our recent refurbishment when we held a grand unveiling for staff, volunteers and special guests. Many of the patient and family areas have undergone a complete transformation and it has been wonderful to see our patients and their friends and relatives benefitting from the newly revitalised and refreshed spaces. The project was funded through a £472,000 capital grant from the Department of Health and has included the renovation of ‘the old House’, providing additional therapy rooms, an improved dining hall and new assisted bathroom. Our clinical team have also settled into their new open plan office, while down on the Inpatient Unit a new family room has been created and we have upgraded the visitors’ kitchen. Our chief executive Tanya Curry said: “We wanted to create inspiring spaces that enhance the sensory and therapeutic environment of the Hospice and we are delighted that is exactly what we have achieved. “The refurbishment has given the building a real uplift, with plenty of light and space and modern facilities that our patients will enjoy making use of.”

CQC Inspection

The Hospice was given a clean bill of health by the Care Quality Commission following an unannounced inspection by the independent regulator. We achieved full marks for meeting essential standards of quality and safety in all five key areas that were scrutinised – • Care & welfare of people who use the service • Meeting nutritional needs • Cleanliness and infection control • Management of medicines; and • Safety, availability and suitability of equipment The CQC team looked at the personal care records of patients, checked how people are cared for at each stage of their treatment, and spoke with patients and relatives about the Hospice’s services. One commented that standards of cleanliness were extremely high and that people were made to feel at home in comfortable surroundings. The full inspection report can be found under the ‘About Us’ section of our website



• Saffron Building Society donated their winnings after scooping first place in Sawbridgeworth Town Council’s annual Best Dressed Christmas Window competition – £500



• Brighton Marathon runner Martina Ryan for raising the most out of our 8 entrants – £1,261.11 • Weston Homes boss Bob Weston presented the proceeds of the company’s annual golf day to our chief executive Tanya Curry – £50,000

THANK YOU • Busy Business Mums Networking Group raised funds through entry fees and goodie bags at their January meeting – £284 7

Scarlet Bride

Shop News

Choosing your wedding dress is probably one of the most important decisions any woman will have to make, so staff at our Scarlet shop were thrilled to help bride-tobe Karen Clitheroe find ‘The One’ as part of their Scarlet Bride promotion.

Make a date with our Calendar

Beautiful images captured by members of our local camera clubs are to appear in the St Clare Hospice 25th Anniversary Calendar. Our retail sales manager Fiona Eaton said: “We were delighted with the response from the camera clubs to our appeal for help and the wonderful pictures that were put forward for our consideration. We had a pretty tough time picking our favourites as there were so many wonderful images to choose from, but we are really pleased with the final selection, which show just how beautiful this area is.” The calendar is currently in production and will be available to buy in the autumn.

St Clare eBay shop

Steiff teddy bears, Royal Doulton figurines and signed sporting memorabilia are just some of the interesting and unusual items you will find for sale on the St Clare eBay shop. Our eBay shop generates about £700 a month so is a vital source of income for the Hospice. You can see our current lots on here: St-Clare-Hospice/ You never know what you might find! *We are currently looking for extra volunteers to help run our eBay shop so if you are interested please contact voluntary services manager Chris Crump on 01279 773722.


Karen, who lives in Loughton, said she could not wait to walk down the aisle in her dress when she weds fiancé Anthony Jones at Langtons House registry office in Hornchurch in front of 50 family and friends on August 7. “Anthony would say I look good in a black bin bag so I know he is going to really love the dress,” she said. “It’s quite simple but really beautiful and I feel amazing wearing it. I think getting to wear it is what I’m looking forward to the most!” Karen was taking her engagement ring to be repaired at the jewellers across the road from our Scarlet shop when she decided to pop in for a browse. “I don’t often come to Buckhurst Hill so I think it was fate that I came in to have my engagement ring fixed and went into the shop. I didn’t expect to find my perfect dress in a charity shop but I’m so happy with it and I think it’s great that I’ve found a brilliant bargain and helped a good cause at the same time. The extra prizes are the icing on the cake!” We think Karen will make a beautiful Scarlet Bride and we wish her and Anthony a long and happy life together.

Donating with Stop & Drop

We have been making it even easier for people to donate their pre-loved goods by organising our first-ever ‘Stop & Drop’ events in Sawbridgeworth and Buckhurst Hill. The donation stations manned by our van drivers were set up in response to feedback from customers who have told us they would like to give more to the Hospice shops but it is not always easy to drop off their donations, especially if parking is restricted. Our most recent ‘Stop & Drop’ was held during Sawbridgeworth’s monthly farmers market on April 5. As well as receiving donations we also set up an information stand for shoppers to sign up to Gift Aid and find out more about the Hospice’s work and how they can support St Clare through our various fundraising initiatives. The ‘Stop & Drop’ events have proved so successful that we plan to hold more in future so watch this space.


• Staff at Harlow-based Morplan for selecting the Hospice as their charity of the year – £1,800 • Supporters in Loughton held a quiz night – £1,500


As the first person to buy a dress from our bridal range, Karen scooped a host of prizes, including dry cleaning at Truly Fine Dry Cleaners, bridal hair by Level One Bride to be Karen (left) with Scarlet Hair, tanning at The Bronzing Bay, bridal Shop Manager Jan Cutts. makeup and hair by Sapiano’s Hair and Skin Care, a bridal bouquet from One Six Queens florist and a discount on lingerie, accessories and shoes at The Wedding Designer.


• The St Clare Waltham Abbey Supporters Group organised a choral concert featuring local choir Men2Sing at Waltham Abbey Church – £867.70



• Staff at Loughton-based Higgins Construction fundraised over Christmas – £1,525 • Skydiver Maggie Keeling covered the cost of the 13,000ft jump herself rather than taking it from her sponsorship – £1,380

Stansted 10K Fun Run

Following the success of the St Clare 10k earlier this year, we will be putting our best foot forward again after taking over the Stansted 10k Fun Run. The organising committee of this very well established race has kindly given the run over to the Hospice as a fundraising event and we are hoping our supporters will pull on their running shoes and take part on Sunday, July 13. Our events fundraiser Rebecca Barnett said: “All of us at the Hospice are extremely grateful to Marion Dyer, who started the Stansted 10K in 1986, and the committee who work with Marion for selecting us to take the event over.” The Stansted 10k, which is being sponsored by ex-West Ham United physiotherapist George Cooper, who owns GC Physiotherapy and Sports Injury Clinic in the village, is suitable for all ages and is open to adults and children. You can even bring your dog! The race starts and finishes at Bentfield Green and the course is both off and on-road. Prizes will be given out in different age categories and refreshments will be available at the finish line.

Open Gardens Green-fingered supporters will be throwing open their gates for the 20th annual St Clare Open Gardens Weekend organised by the Harlow Friends. The two-day event on June 28 and 29 is an opportunity to have a wander round some of the best kept green spaces in Harlow, Church Langley and Hastingwood. St Clare volunteers Pat and Dave Green have been opening up their beautiful garden in Potter Street to the public for three years.

Registration is £12 for adults in advance (£15 on the day) and £5 for under-16s. For information, see

On Your bike for St Clare

Jump in the saddle and help turn pedal power into pounds for St Clare Hospice! With the Tour de France travelling through our patch this summer, we thought we would jump on the back of the peloton to launch our first-ever St Clare Cycle Ride. The event is taking place on Sunday, September 14 and will be starting and finishing at Mark Hall Academy in Harlow. Three routes will be on offer – 20 miles, 38 miles and 66 miles – and sections of the course will follow the exact roads that our very own Bradley Wiggins and Chris Froome will have passed through only a few weeks before! Please keep your eyes peeled on the Hospice website as from June for more information about how you can register for the St Clare Cycle.

When the couple moved in 16 years ago, the plot was a large bare field with no planting of any sort but under the couple’s loving care it has flourished into a picturesque cottage garden with abundant shrub beds and a large vegetable patch. Pat said: “The garden hadn’t been touched at all so it was a blank canvas to do what we wanted. We are both keen gardeners but Dave does all the hard work. There’s no real method to our planting – if we see something we like then we will always find a spot for it.”

Spring in their step

Clear blue skies and spring sunshine made for ideal racing conditions when more than 420 runners lined up for the Hospice’s 20th anniversary 10K race. It was a fantastic sight to see the entrants set off from the Rainbow and Dove and great to see so many spectators cheering them along the route and across the finish line. The first wheelchair racer back was Paralympic World Cup gold medallist Richard Chiassaro in 27min 40sec, while Andrew Mynott took first prize for the men with a time of 33min 46sec, swiftly followed by ladies winner Liz Davies with a personal best of 37min 1sec. We would like to say a special thank you to Colin Moody, Rowan Bouy and Harlow Running Club for supporting the event once again this year and everyone else who contributed to making the 20th anniversary race such a success. We hope to have raised £15,000 once all the sponsor money comes in.

Last summer, the Greens were inundated with visitors eager to have a look round. “We really enjoy it because most people who come through the gate love gardening just like us,” Pat added. “Usually we are the only ones who see the garden so it’s nice to open it up for others to enjoy.” Entrance to all the participating gardens is by programme only. They cost £3.50 and include a map to help visitors navigate the area. For more information, please call Audrey Marlow on 01279 423457.


Winter Walkies a howling success

Puppy love was in the air when dogs of all shapes and sizes joined our annual Winter Walkies. Four-legged fundraisers of all different breeds – from sheepdogs to spaniels and beagles to boxers – enjoyed a Sunday morning stroll with their owners to raise funds for the Hospice. Among those who took part were St Clare housekeeper Zoe Almond and her husband Michael and their seven adorable mutts. Zoe said: “As a nation of dog lovers, we are all animal crackers about our pets and it really is true that dogs are man’s best friend. Winter Walkies was a wonderful way for pet owners to enjoy a fun day with other dog lovers and take the lead when it comes to fundraising for their local Hospice.” Before setting off on the 5km countryside walk, there were competitions for the wackiest wellies and the best dog/owner lookalike, which was won by two very hairy Komondors and their Rastafarian-inspired owners! Every dog received a Winter Walkies tag for its collar and a goodie bag of doggy treats, while their owners enjoyed a free soup and a roll. In addition to the event at the Hospice, this year we organised a second Winter Walkies at a new venue, GreenAcres Woodland Burials Park on the edge of Epping Forest. Together the canine capers have raised £7,500.

Top: Zoe Almond with 2 of her 7 dogs and below; Who says a dog looks like its owner?

One-derful Onesie Week We received a one-derful response to our second annual Onesie Week in February.

Schoolchildren and work colleagues were among those who proved they love to lounge by wearing their snuggly sleepwear to raise funds for the Hospice.

Scarlet Ball update

Guests were inspired to stump up the cash at our annual Scarlet Ball compered by ex-England cricketer Chris Cowdrey – helping raise a magnificent £15,000 for the Hospice in one evening!

Even the St Clare fundraising team spent the day in their onesies, along with staff and volunteers at our Harlow, Epping and Debden shops. Our community fundraiser James Barber said: “It was great to see so many people of all ages wearing their onesies in support of the Hospice. They were so comfy it was a shame to take them off at the end of the day!” Onesie Week has raised more than £1,000 with more money still to come in.

The glamorous black tie event was held at Bishop’s Stortford Golf Club, where guests enjoyed a sumptuous three-course dinner and bid on some fantastic lots in our silent and live auctions. The top auction prize, a lunch date with rocker Rod Stewart and wife Penny Lancaster, sold for £2,200! Community fundraiser Sarah Calder said: “Thank you to all those who attended and made the evening go with a swing!”

St Clare hits the catwalk

Kate and Cara had competition when two of our staff strutted their stuff at our first-ever St Clare fashion show. Events Co-ordinator Rebekah Birch and Communications and Marketing Assistant Eleanor Scotchbrook were among the seven models who hit the catwalk to showcase some of the latest styles on sale at the fundraising event at Passmores Academy. A big thank you to all our fashionastas who came along to watch the show – we hope to have raised £1,000 for the Hospice!


St Clare Challenges Calendar 2014

From bungee jumps to half marathons, check out the latest challenges on offer for adventurers and adrenalin junkies to help raise money for the Hospice. For more information about any of our challenges, call the fundraising team on 01279 773750.

I would like to support the work of my local Hospice! Title


Surname Address


Runs: Run to the Beat, London 14th September Cardiff Half Marathon 5th October Great Birmingham Run 19th October New York Marathon 2nd November



Adrenaline Activities:


Moon-opoly 26th July

Trekfest 7th June (Brecon Beacons) 6th September (The Peaks)

Skydive 19th July


Ride 100 10th August Euro City Cycle 3rd-7th September

Ben Nevis Weekend Trek 3rd-5th October Sahara Desert Trek 4th-11th October

Zipwire Several dates UK Bungee Several dates

It’s gonna be a knockout TV presenter Jeff Brazier is limbering up ready for our first-ever It’s a Knockout competition.

Gift vouchers

If you are struggling to find that perfect present then why not give that special someone one of our new St Clare Gift Vouchers? Whatever the occasion, whether it is a birthday, retirement or even engagement then how about sending a truly original gift that can be redeemed to register for any of our events or challenges. So if you know someone who would like to take the plunge by signing up for one of our skydives, pull on their hiking boots to trek the Sahara desert or take part in next month’s Midnight Walk then we have got plenty going on to get involved in. Vouchers are available for £25, £50 or £100 and can be put towards the full or partial cost of the sign-up fee. For more information about the new St Clare Gift Voucher scheme, call events co-ordinator Rebekah Birch on 01279 773750.

(please supply your email address if you are happy to be contacted in this way) St Clare Hospice is a registered Data User under the Data Protection Act We do not disclose your details to any third party other than those disclosures required by statute. Please tick here if you do not wish to receive appeal mailings in the future or email


There will be a series of games and challenges to conquer, from colourful inflatables and costumes to props, water and bubbles! It is guaranteed to be a great evening for all those taking part as well as spectators who are encouraged to come along to watch and cheer on their favourite team. Our It’s a Knockout event is being held at Bishop’s Stortford Rugby Club. Registration opens at 5pm. A barbecue and refreshments will be available. Registration costs £25 per person and we ask each team to pledge to raise a minimum of £500 sponsorship. For more information, call the fundraising team on 01279 773750.




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The dad-of-two, who lives in Harlow, has signed up with pal and event sponsor George Cooper, who owns GC Physiotherapy and Sports Injury Clinic in Stansted. The fun team-building event on Thursday, July 10 is open to local businesses who are being invited to enter a team of up to 10 players to pitch themselves against each other for the coveted Knockout Champion title.

I would like to donate: £5

Your gift could be worth even more, without costing you a penny. Do you pay tax? all donations I have made to St Clare Hospice in the past Please Please treat treat this this donation donation and and all donations I have made to St Clare Hospice in the past If so, by completing this simple the tax and four years prior this four tax tax years prior to toform this declaration declaration and all all future future donations donations until until II notify notify you you otherwise otherwise Gift as25p Gift Aid Aid donations* Date….../….../…... Tick here here office will give usas fordonations* every £1Date….../….../…... you donate. Tick

*You *You must must pay pay an an amount amount of of Income Income Tax Tax or or Capital Capital Gains Gains Tax Tax at at least least equal equal to to the the tax tax that that the the charity charity reclaims reclaims on on your your donations donations (currently (currently 25p 25p for for eac eac you give) give) in you in the the appropriate appropriate tax tax year. year. If If in in the the future future your your circumstances circumstances change change and and you you are are no no longer longer a a UK UK tax tax payer payer or or ifif you you change change your your name name or or address, address, please please notify notify us. us. If If you you are are unsure unsure whether whether your your donations donations qualify qualify for for Gift Gift Aid Aid tax tax relief, relief, please please ask ask us us for for advice advice b byy calling calling 01279 01279 773 773 750 750

Gift Aid Declaration




Please treat all gifts of money that I have made in the past 4 years and all future donations as Gift Aid donations. You must pay an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax for each tax year that is at least equal to the amount of tax that all the charities or Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs) that you donate to will reclaim on your gifts for that tax year. You understand that other taxes such as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify. Please notify us if you want to cancel this declaration, you change your name or home address, or you no longer pay sufficient tax on your income and/or capital gains. St Clare Hospice will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 you give. Registered Charity No 1063631

Please return this slip in the freepost envelope enclosed or send to:

T hank you!

FREEPOST RRLY-EZLX-YJLK, St Clare Hospice, Stone Barton, Hastingwood Road, Hastingwood, HARLOW CM17 9JX

Nikki gets nifty with a fift y

Physiotherapist Nikki Robinson proved she had the Midas touch by raising a magnificent £2,650 in our £50 Challenge. Nikki, of Hatfield Broad Oak-based Holisticare, smashed her original £1,000 target after hitting upon the idea of offering 15-minute myofascial release treatments for £10. Office workers, restaurant owners, police officers as well as Hospice staff, volunteers and supporters were among those who received a stress-busting therapy from Nikki and her team over the course of the 10-week competition to turn an initial £50 investment into big bucks for St Clare. Nikki received lots of support – even roping in reporters at the Observer newspaper to film a short video – meaning she raised the most money out of the 19 local companies that took part in the £50 Challenge. Other awards were handed out for ‘Most Innovative Idea’, ‘Outstanding Team Work’, ‘Best Use of Social Media’ and ‘Individual Achievement, which went to Brian Gannon, who lost 48lb on his sponsored diet.

Brooke said: “I’d like to say thank you to everyone who took part in the £50 Challenge. From massages and martial arts sessions to cookery demonstrations and calendars, we were amazed by some of the wonderful and innovative ideas they came up with and their enthusiasm for raising as much money as possible for the Hospice.” The £50 Challenge has raised more than £7,000 with money still coming in.

What’s on near you? EPPING FOREST Try a Tri Event 22nd June 2014 A great chance for first timers to get fit in this triathlon event organised by Tri Sport Epping at Ongar Leisure Centre. Starts at 7.15am. To take part, see Thornwood Village Festival 29th June 2014 There will be tombolas, stalls, bouncy castles, crafts and more at the family extravaganza on the village playing field with proceeds to the Hospice. The fun starts with a carnival parade at 12.30pm. North Weald Airfield Family Fun Day 8th September 2014 The Epping Friends of St Clare will be having a stall at this annual fun day. There will be bouncy castles, stalls, sideshows and plenty of children’s activities.

HARLOW Harlow Friends Open Gardens Event 28th & 29th June 2014 Come and take a peek at some of the bestkept gardens in Harlow, Church Langley and Hastingwood. For details, call Audrey Marlow on 01279 423457. St Clare World Cup Football Tournament June TBC To put a team forward, call community fundraiser James Barber on 01279 773751.

UTTLESFORD Saffron Walden May Fayre 24th May 2014 Saffron Walden Town Hall. Opens at 10am. Manuden Ladies’ Day 19th June 2014 Dress up in true Ascot fashion for a lovely lunch and fun flutter at Manuden Village Hall from 12.30pm. Tickets are £15, which includes a welcome glass of fizz, light lunch and afternoon tea. Call community fundraiser Sarah Calder on 07528 520016 to book.

Martial Arts Masterclass 6th July 2014 5th and 6th Degree Master will be coaching students and putting on a display at Flitch Green Community Hall in Great Dunmow. Tickets are £10 for participants and £2 for spectators. There will be refreshments and a raffle too. Call Tracy on 07432 118511 for more details. Great Dunmow Carnival 20th September 2014 Come along and try your luck on our tombola stall as we join in all the fun of the carnival! From 12noon. Clavering Fishing Competition 4th October 2014 Our hugely popular competition at Clavering Lakes is taking peg bookings now so don’t miss out! Call Sarah Calder on 07528 520016 for more information.

For more information on these please contact the Fundraising team on 01279 773750 or email

Cool cash from the Ice Cream man Where ’s my local shop? Ice cream man Stephen Daniel has come up with a cool idea to raise money for the Hospice this summer. If you are organising a school or village fete, family fun day, music festival, country show or even a wedding then he will donate a percentage of his takings if you book one of his Steve’s Ices vans to attend your event. The 37-year-old is a keen supporter of St Clare and ran the London Marathon for us earlier this year along with close friend Brian Whitnall. Together the pair, who have had close friends and family members cared for at the Hospice, have raised more than £2,000. Stephen, who lives in Bishop’s Stortford, said the Hospice had helped many of his friends and family over the years and he wanted to do something to “give something back for the great work you do”. To book a van, call Steve’s Ices on 01279 600330 or 07866 461151 or see

24 Hour Advice Line 01279 773773

Bereavement Support 01279 773767

Day Therapy 01279 773768

Fundraising Telephone: 01279 773750 Email: Fax: 01279 773701

Inpatient Unit 01279 773770

Please visit our Facebook page at

Our Dunmow Shop Manager Sandra relaxes with the help of Sally

Saffron Walden Carnival 5th July 2014 Don’t miss our float in the carnival procession – our mascot Clare the Bear will be handing out balloons and other goodies.


Bishop’s Stortford

10 Devoils Lane CM23 3XH Tel: 01279 755990 Open: 9am to 5pm Mon to Sat, 10am to 4pm Sun

Buckhurst Hill

Scarlet, 46 Queens Road IG9 5BY Tel: 020 85055110 Open: 9.15am to 5.15pm Mon to Sat


72 The Broadway, Debden Loughton IG10 3SY Tel: 020 85022361 Open: 9am to 5pm Mon to Sat


182 High Street CM16 4AQ Tel: 01992 575092 Open: 9am to 4.30pm Mon to Sat

Gt Dunmow

41 High Street CM6 1AE Tel: 01371 875756 Open: 9am to 5pm Mon to Fri, 9am to 4.30pm Sat


Unit 2A, St James Centre, East Road CM20 2BJ Tel: 01279 639760 Open: 9.30am to 4.30pm Mon to Sat, 11am to 4pm Sun

Saffron Walden

1 Mercers Row CB10 1HD Tel: 01799 523573 Open: 9am to 5pm Mon to Sat


Tel: 01279 639760

Registered Charity No. 1063631. St Clare Hospice, Hastingwood Road, Hastingwood CM17 9JX. All rights reserved

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